
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Sunday, December 31, 2006

12.31=7: IC#37; T59 K44: 5/M:34. :陳水扁:台灣國際地位未定. ##元旦文告. #to China? Chiang/Pino // #0-1 A J Nock on State!!! #1 "Mind set".

總統元旦文告(一)/人民台灣意識上升: 總統元旦文告(二)/台灣非中國一部份: 總統元旦文告(三)/股市萬點不是夢!: 總統元旦文告(四)/落實社會公平正義: 總統元旦文告(五)/積極導正舊時代錯誤: : 積極導正舊時代錯誤 實現公義和平> ## < 07.1.1=1 #365!=US#511=06.12.31=7; 11.12 #31 of 6th's [60x5+31] 1st 60: 2.4=6: 1.7==1 [ Since 1.29=7: 1.1=1 +6 ] Lunar New Year Day: Jan. 29, Sunday, 2006. Rally#120 Crisis#59:----- <澄社評論>當傳播媒體背離大眾: 南方快報=Web news for Taiwan: Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #44: FIC#37 openDomocracy on 2007: ---------------------------------------------------- #: 'As Taiwan turns toward China it turns away from the U.S.', By David DeVoss COMMENTARY, "" Pro-independence sentiments don't seem to hurt Taiwan's economy, which is growing at a rate nearly twice that of Japan's. The country makes 82 percent of the world's laptop computers, 40 percent of its digital cameras and 70 percent of the LCD screens. It has more than $70 billion in annual trade with China, with which it runs a huge surplus. The Kuomintang wants an even bigger slice of Chinese business. To that end, it seeks a rapprochement with Beijing that would result in greater integration of the Chinese and Taiwanese economies. How that would affect U.S.-Taiwan trade, which amounts to $46 billion annually, is unclear. Taiwan is the United States' eighth-largest trading partner and fifth-largest importer of American agricultural products. Most analysts believe that Taiwan can't look toward China without turning away from the United States. "" "" Taiwan is a loyal ally that serves as a listening post and tripwire against Chinese expansion. Its intelligence service is a full partner in the war on terrorism that, unlike Beijing, monitors North Korean maritime shipments. Taiwan's presence also is critical to the defense of Japan, in that it serves as an unsinkable aircraft carrier from which U.S. forces could be launched. Befriending a country that has close to 900 ballistic missiles pointed at your capital doesn't make a lot of sense to President Chen. His concern is shared by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, which noted in its report to Congress in November that Beijing's growing arsenal "puts Taiwan's ability to defend itself from attack and intimidation in doubt, and that China could impede the United States' ability to intervene successfully in a crisis or conflict." "" #0. Albert J. Nock: "" Albert Jay Nock (1870–1945) was an influential American libertarian author, educational theorist, and social critic. Murray Rothbard was deeply influenced by him, and so was that whole generation of free-market thinkers. See Nock's The State of the Union. "" One of Customer Revews of "The State of the Union: Essays in Social Criticism", by Albert J. Nock: "" No Better Introduction To A Supreme Bellettrist, January 22, 2001 Reviewer: BluesDuke "A sacred cow is worth but one thing...STEAK" (Huntington Beach, California) - See all my reviews Albert Jay Nock was perhaps one of the only three truly enduring bellettrists 20th century American letters yielded up. He deployed a truly lyric and insinuating prose style of uncommon grace and oddly puckish wit, and it served to unfurl one of the rarest of American minds - a shamelessly recalcitrant individualist whose intellectual evolution never obstructed or abrogated the core of the man: that the individual deserved his long-stolen propers; that the lowest common denominator should be tolerated but not consecrated or canonised; and, above all, that the State was an organism worthy of that which its crimes ever deserves: the fear and loathing of any and every man and woman who cares a whack about his or her fellows. To read him is a singular joy. And you will find no more sensible or beautifully-balanced introduction to the man and his singularity of writing than in this volume which Mr. Hamilton has composed with uncommon brilliance "" #0-1. 'The Criminality of the State', by Albert Jay Nock: ""This essay first appeared in The American Mercury in March 1939."" "" In this way, perhaps, our people might get into their heads some glimmering of the fact that the State's criminality is nothing new and nothing to be wondered at. It began when the first predatory group of men clustered together and formed the State, and it will continue as long as the State exists in the world, because the State is fundamentally an anti-social institution, fundamentally criminal. The idea that the State originated to serve any kind of social purpose is completely unhistorical. It originated in conquest and confiscation – that is to say, in crime. It originated for the purpose of maintaining the division of society into an owning-and-exploiting class and a propertyless dependent class – that is, for a criminal purpose. No State known to history originated in any other manner, or for any other purpose. Like all predatory or parasitic institutions, its first instinct is that of self-preservation. All its enterprises are directed first towards preserving its own life, and, second, towards increasing its own power and enlarging the scope of its own activity. For the sake of this it will, and regularly does, commit any crime which circumstances make expedient. In the last analysis, what is the German, Italian, French, or British State now actually doing? It is ruining its own people in order to preserve itself, to enhance its own power and prestige, and extend its own authority; and the American State is doing the same thing to the utmost of its opportunities. '' '' No, "democratic" State practice is nothing more or less than State practice. It does not differ from Marxist State practice, Fascist State practice, or any other. Here is the Golden Rule of sound citizenship, the first and greatest lesson in the study of politics: you get the same order of criminality from any State to which you give power to exercise it; and whatever power you give the State to do things for you carries with it the equivalent power to do things to you. A citizenry which has learned that one short lesson has but little more left to learn. Stripping the American State of the enormous power it has acquired is a full-time job for our citizens and a stirring one; and if they attend to it properly they will have no energy to spare for fighting communism, or for hating Hitler, or for worrying about South America or Spain, or for anything whatever, except what goes on right here in the United States. "" #0-2. "The Theory of Education in the United States", (The Page-Barbour lectures for 1931 at the University of Virginia), by Albert Jay Nock: #0-3. "Thomas Jefferson", by Albert J. Nock: #1: John Naisbitt: "Mind Set!: Reset Your Thinking and See the Future", by John Naisbitt: "" From Booklist Naisbitt, prescient "futurist" and best-selling author of Megatrends (1982) and Megatrends 2000 (1990), reveals the process behind his ability to anticipate global trends. Naisbitt broke away from his small-town Mormon roots to become a top executive at IBM and Eastman Kodak and was an assistant to both presidents Kennedy and Johnson before becoming a global philosopher, studying trends by monitoring hundreds of daily local newspapers. In part 1, his 11 mind-sets reveal ways to approach the processing of information without the constraints imposed on us by preconceived ideas and popular culture. Mindset Four, "Understanding how powerful it is not to have to be right," is a prime example of how stubborn thinking, particularly in the fields of politics and medicine, puts huge constraints on the abilities of leaders to solve problems. In part 2, Naisbitt smashes many of the preconceptions we have about globalization and our perception of change. David Siegfried Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved ""

Saturday, December 30, 2006

12.30=6: IC#36; T58 K43: 5/M:33. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁:台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pino // TClinks? #:曹長青:黃文雄China!

#364=US#510=06.12.30=6; 11.11 #30 of 6th's Rally#113 Crisis#58:----- <澄社評論>當傳播媒體背離大眾: 南方快報=Web news for Taiwan: Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #43: FIC#36 openDomocracy on 2007: ---------------------------------------------------- Taiwan-China direct links issues: #: '用筆向中華帝國「開槍」'/曹長青:  ──《中國人本性》序 : "中國人的本性", 黃文雄: 黃文雄 ──思想家、文化史家、評論家: 主要著述有(均為前衛、草根出版):《中國入門》(2006)、《KaKa:華禍》(2006新版)、《中國食人史》(2005新版)、《中國瘟疫史》(2005)、《日本如何締造中華民國?》(2003)、《台灣人的價值觀》(2002)、《國父與阿Q》(2001)、《中國的沒落》(1991)。

Friday, December 29, 2006

12.29=5: IC#35; T57 K42: 5/M:32. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pino // US CN. #FF; oD. 外勞. #0 OlAr

#363=US#509=06.12.29=5; 11.10 #29 of 6th's Rally#112 Crisis#57:----- <澄社評論>當傳播媒體背離大眾: 南方快報=Web news for Taiwan: Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #42: FIC#35 openDomocracy on 2007: ---------------------------------------------------- #: Formosa Foundation Ambassador Program: #: Formosa Foundation newsletters: #: openDemocracy 2007..predictions: #: oD: Ancient Greek public friendship: :: oD: Democratic Humaneness < to judge a democracy:------- :: the extent to which democracy is conducive to friendship. :: "The Philosophy of Friendship": US Military paranormal Remote Viewing: Chinese military threats: : China vows to strengthen military to block Taiwan independence 台灣的國民所得只有新加坡的一半,可是雇用一名外勞每月要花二萬多元,是新加坡的一倍: Taiwan/Singapore: Foreign Laborers: #0. A Taiwan architect for 2012 London Olympic: Taiwan DPP Head's son: 游邑, 民進黨主席游錫堃的姪子。 '(獨家〉2012倫敦奧運館場 台灣建築師設計', TVBS 更新日期:2006/12/29 19:47 記者:林秉儀 "" 2008北京奧運蓄勢待發,2012年的倫敦奧運,也積極籌畫當中,負責整個8倍台北小巨蛋大的奧運場地,竟然是來自台灣的年輕建築師,他叫游邑,出生宜蘭,今年才37歲,他還有一個特別的身份,就是民進黨主席游錫堃的姪子。 台灣建築師游邑:「我是台灣人,我是農家子弟。」 長髮紮著馬尾,他叫游邑,講台語為了驗明正身,因為游邑可是台灣第一位,主導設計奧林匹克運動會的建築師,2012年倫敦奧運主館場,就是他負責。 游邑:「聖火是在這邊,這個代表是花瓣,它主要是用輕結構來作設計,是一個可以活動式的屋頂,變成像我剛講的,可以呼吸的一朵(花)體育館,它是可以改變它的造型。」 整個設計團隊,只有游邑來自亞洲台灣,倫敦舉辦奧林匹克地點在偏僻郊區,範圍有8個台北小巨蛋這麼大,中間穿越將近100條橋和河川,突破現實困難,包括可以住進3200人的選手村,奧運一結束馬上變成新興市鎮,這些,都已經事先規劃好。 游邑:「位在北歐,然後它事實上需要大量陽光,所以如果你採用全玻璃設計,你住在這個環境,好像住在這個大公園裡,算是一個會呼吸的地方。」 文化大學建築系還沒畢業,游邑就拿到建築師執照,現在游邑在一家全球最大的建築師事務所工作,而游邑另一個身分,還是民進黨黨主席游錫堃的姪子,出生台灣耀眼國際,游邑又將成為下一個台灣之光。 ""

Thursday, December 28, 2006

12.28=4: IC#34; T56 K41: 5/M:31. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pino // #二二八消失的台灣菁英

#362=US#508=06.12.28=4; 11.9 #28 of 6th's Rally#111 Crisis#56:----- 南方快報=Web news for Taiwan: Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #41: FIC#34 ---------------------------------------------------- #0: Edge < Reality Club: : 'The Third Culture': Edge: #1: 二二八消失的台灣菁英: "" 本會簡介 歷史沿革 相關法規 基金會大事紀 董監事會議紀錄 財務報表 二二八事件處理及補償條例 事件概述 事件紀要 各區重大事件 二二八消失的台灣菁英 資料查詢 申請手續 作業流程 案件統計 審結案件查詢 紀念活動 活動集錦 教育宣導 228紀念碑 家屬園地 撫助辦法 '' '' 關鍵字查詢: (ex:陳澄波) 《人物列表》:--------- 林茂生 台灣大學文學院院長,台灣第一位哲學博士林茂生,穿著睡衣被捉走,一去不回…… 進入閱讀 王添灯 省參議員、「二二八事件處理委員會」宣傳組長王添灯,被淋上汽油、焚燒而死...... 陳炘 台灣本土金融先驅、大東信託創辦人陳炘,於病榻中被捉走...... 宋斐如 台灣省教育處副處長、《人民導報》的社長宋斐如,是國府軍抵台後第一批被捕殺的人士之一。 吳鴻麒 高等法院推事吳鴻麒在法院被帶走,四、五天後,陳屍於南港坑道口。 [[ >#4 ]] 李瑞漢 台北市律師公會會長李瑞漢和他的律師弟弟李瑞峯,及來訪的制憲國代林連宗在家中一同被捕。 施江南 醫學博士施江南,沒有任何激烈的言行,卻也被「江南」了...... 阮朝日 《新生報》總經理阮朝日,才剛說完:「我又沒有犯什麼罪,為什麼要逃?」幾分鐘之後,就被捉走...... 吳金鍊 《新生報》總編輯吳金鍊被捕後,家中家具、書籍被闖入的軍憲人員,丟出屋外,正懷有身孕的妻子,也被趕出屋外淋雨...... 林旭屏 任職公賣局的林旭屏,在大逮捕中失踪...... 黃朝生 台北市參議員黃朝生,在大軍壓境後失踪...... 徐春卿 台北市參議員徐春卿、李仁貴,與他的市議會同仁黃朝仁、陳屋一同遇害...... 陳屋 台北市參議員陳屋,在遇害後,法院才發出通緝令...... 李仁貴 台北市參議員李仁貴參與「二二八事件處理委員會」,在大逮捕中被捕失踪...... 楊元丁 基隆市參議會副議長、日據時代民眾黨幹部楊元丁,被打了六槍才死,屍體被棄入基隆海邊...... 郭章垣 宜蘭省立醫院院長郭章垣遺言:「生離祖國,死歸祖國,死生天命,無想無念!」 [[ >#5 ]] 張七郎 制憲國大代表、花蓮縣參議會議長張七郎,以及他的兩個兒子,無故被捕,當夜父子三人被押解到郊外的公墓旁槍斃...... 許錫謙 三民主義青年團花蓮分團股長許鍚謙;從台北被騙回來,在半途被截殺...... 王育霖 新竹地檢處檢察官王育霖、與妻相偕走避,途中折回家中為妻取物,卻被及時趕來的憲警拘捕...... 林連宗 制憲國大代表、台灣省參議員林連宗,北上拜訪他的律師朋友李瑞漢,適巧碰到捕吏前來拘捕李瑞漢,他也連帶被捕遇害...... 黃媽典 台南縣商會理事長、台南縣參議員黃媽典,被認為是台南縣暴亂首要,在新營被槍斃示眾! 張榮宗 朴子鎮副鎮長張榮宗、率領民軍經過崎頂時,遇伏擊...... 陳復志 三民主義青年團嘉義分團主任陳復志,以身為「中國革命軍人」而自負,但最後卻死在「中國革命軍人」手下...... 陳澄波 畫家、嘉義市參議員陳澄波,因擔任「和平使」,被綁赴嘉義市火車站前槍決。死後暴屍數日,蚊蠅飛繞...... 潘木枝 嘉義市名醫、市參議員潘木枝,還天真的以為可以在公審時,討回公 道,沒想到連公開審判的機會都沒有就槍斃了! 盧炳欽 嘉義市參議員盧炳欽,亦為「和平使」之一,被綁赴嘉義市火車站前槍斃示眾...... 湯德章 台南市的名律師,被槍決後,高等法院的判決書才下來:「湯德章是無罪的!」 蕭朝金 岡山教會牧師蕭朝金,死前受盡酷刑,鼻子、耳朵都被割掉。 黃賜 高雄市參議員、日據時代的工運領袖黃賜,在市政府禮堂開會時,突然遭彭孟緝的部隊以機槍向開會人士掃射,喪命在亂槍之下...... 王石定 高雄市參議員王石定於市政府開會時,遭部隊的機槍掃射而死! 下一頁>> | 跳第 1 2 頁 ↑TOP 網站地圖 '' '' 葉秋木 屏東市參議會副議長葉秋木,被視為屏東地區的「暴動首魁」,在屏東市郵局的三角公園被槍決...... [[ >#3 ]] <<上一頁 | 跳第 1 2 頁 TOP 網站地圖 "" #2. "二二八會訊", 2006年/11月/ 冬季號/第八期: "" 瀏覽刊期: 請選擇 2005年/2月/創刊號 2005年/5月/夏季號 2005年/8月/秋季號 2005年/11月/冬季號 2006年/2月/春季號 2006年/5月/夏季號 2006年/9月/秋季號/第七期 2006年/11月/冬季號/第八期 本會簡介 本會簡介 歷史沿革 歷史沿革 相關法規 相關法規 基金會大事紀 基金會大事紀 董監事會議紀錄 董監事會議紀錄 財務報表 財務報表 二二八事件處理及補償條例 二二八事件處理及補償條例 事件概述 事件概述 事件紀要 事件紀要 各區重大事件 各區重大事件 二二八消失的台灣菁英 二二八消失的台灣菁英 資料查詢 資料查詢 申請手續 申請手續 作業流程 作業流程 案件統計 案件統計 審結案件查詢 審結案件查詢 紀念活動 紀念活動 活動集錦 活動集錦 教育宣導 教育宣導 228紀念碑 228紀念碑 家屬園地 家屬園地 撫助辦法 撫助辦法   2006年/11月/冬季號/第八期 本期目錄 二二八會訊2006年/11月/冬季號/第八期 完整PDF檔下載 專題報導 228歷史傳承,極需你我來打拼!--「228歷史紀錄營」報導 封面故事 當「台灣光復」遇上228--「228之光‧護台灣」音樂會記實 會務報導 回顧歷史展現228經驗守護台灣的未來--「228事件」60週年紀念特展 「228事件:學生角色」口述歷史訪談計畫第一階段已完成 「228事件」60週年學術研討會籌備中 228家屬「鄉土文化之旅」聯誼活動形式將轉型 還原歷史真相,需要您的參與--「戒嚴時期軍法審判紀念園區」老照片徵集案進度說明 活動快訊 強力徵集!!!228事件發生前後的歷史文物、影像照片!! 228溫馨小站 日本東京高材生--林玉英辛酸卻也樂觀的回憶 時事論壇 誰被圍了?什麼被攻破了?--「天下圍攻」戕害台灣民主--賴亮竹 清算過去與轉型正義--朱立熙 情義台灣 楓港人王金星保鄉護土的事蹟 交流園地 向望--卓姬伶 本會工作紀要 大事記 ↑TOP 網站地圖 "" #3. 葉秋木(1908-1946: 屏東市人,日本中央大學肄業,是台灣旅居東京的留學生左翼運動的健將之一,終戰後,葉秋木參加了「三民主義青年團屏東分團」,負責組織工作。1946年3月,當選屏東市參議員,並被推選為副議長。 1947年3月2日,當台北二二八事件的消息傅至屏東時,屏東市參議會副議長的葉秋木即召集市議員、民眾、青年學生代表,舉行市民大會,決定響應台北及其他地區的起義。市政府為了防範人民起義,乃召集各機關首長進行緊急會議,商量對策。 4日早晨,激憤的群倩終於爆發了。由莊迎民帶領市民代表與青年學生代表到市政府,向市良龔履端提出三點要求:一、交出市政府印信。二、繳出憲兵駐軍及警察的武器彈藥。三、集中管理外省人。此外,計劃從事武力抗爭的人們並開始編製隊伍,舉行示威遊行。首先一支民軍隊圍攻屏東警察局,卻因警方見民軍手無寸鐵置之不理;憤怒的群眾乃赤手空拳打進局內,奪取槍械子彈,市長得知此事,亦倉皇逃離,因此,民眾便輕易地占領了警察局和屏東市政府。一時之間,「打阿山」的聲音此起彼落。至下午時分,屏東地區正式宣布成立「二二八處理委員會屏東分會」,共推葉秋木為分會主席,並同時設置冶安本部,負責屏東地區的冶安。 5日下午,民眾數次圍攻憲兵隊,但因缺乏彈藥,便在中央旅社和屏東女中,分別設置「民軍司令部」,負責作戰、補給等事宜;此時、原住民系台灣人下山來援、起義部隊士氣由此更加振作,並再次攻憲兵隊。憲兵隊因此莫不惶恐,立刻冒險衝出重圍,竄逃至屏東機場。葉秋木率領群眾前往機場要求該處國軍交出槍械未果,隨即展開機場爭奪戰。亦在該日下午,處理委員會推選葉秋木為臨時市長,因為龔市長逃走,無人負責市政,這是台灣人首次選舉自己的市長。 機場的攻防戰一直持續到8日。8日中午,鳳山的國府軍開到屏東市內上貫施戒嚴,進行大捕殺,一時情勢逆轉,民軍粉紛撤散,人民寡不敵眾,死傷枕藉。葉秋木身為屏東市「暴亂」之意見領袖,自然難逃被整肅的命運。被逮捕的葉秋木下場十分悲慘,據悉,國府軍以「暴亂首謀」的罪名,割掉鼻耳及生殖器,拖出去遊街示眾,最後再予以槍殺。 國民政府派來台灣調查二二八事件的閩台監察使楊亮功在<二二八事變奉命查辦之經過>報告中,指出:「屏東有亂民莊迎、葉秋水(按:原文將木誤植為水)等設治安、參謀、作戰機關,猛襲憲兵隊,脅迫空軍及駐軍繳械未逞。」再根據事件後台灣行政長官公署所編之《台灣省二‧二八暴動事件紀要》,在「各縣市暴亂情形簡表」中,葉秋木被列為屏東市的暴亂主動者的首位。 到底葉秋木是「暴動的首謀」?還是「制止暴動的首謀」?在是非錯亂的世代裡,大家都感到茫然。 (摘錄自《客家雜誌》第十四期,及李筱峰,《二二八消失的台灣菁英》,1990) "" #4. 吳鴻麒(1901-1946): "" 前政務委員吳伯雄先生有兩位伯父,兩人特性互異,命運不同,大伯父吳鴻森是資深老表,安養天年;二伯父的伯吳鴻麒,個性耿介,不得享天年,於二二八事件中蒙冤受害。 吳鴻麒中壢客家人,乃一介文人,日據時代自「台灣總督府國語學校」師範部畢業之後,曾任教於龍潭公學校及中壢公學校。後來曾赴上海協和大學進修,爾後又轉入日本大學法科,畢業後通過司法科的高等考試,取得律師資格,便於台北建成町開業。 終戰之後,吳出任台灣高等法院推事,由於出身治學嚴謹的日本法學系統,吳鴻麒對於光復後陳儀政府官吏貪污馬虎的作風十分不以為然,因此封於貪污暴亂案件的處理均十分嚴格,從不加以寬待,因此得罪了一些人。小說家吳濁流在其描寫二二八事件的作品《無花果》中,便曾提到:「......法官吳鴻麒,據云:有個軍人之妻進了日人經營的醫院,因生產時的開 刀手術而死,打起了官司,吳推事刊決醫師無罪,因而遭怨被報復。」 二二八事件爆發後,吳鴻麒沒有參加任何行動或聚會,他甚至還到監獄視察監獄中被捕嫌疑犯有無安置妥當;但3月12日在高等法院故遭國府軍逮捕,被捕的當時,正在法院開庭,同月16日在台北縣七星區南港大橋腳遭槍殺。 17日吳妻接到消息,得知南港坑道口有幾具屍體,其中可能有吳鴻麒,乃趕去認屍,果然發現有吳鴻麒,吳妻認屍後,欲租汽車載運屍體回家,卻因為當時政治氣氛恐怖,無人敢出租汽車,最後在百般困難下,僱用了一輛手推車,才將屍體推回家。據說,吳鴻麒的屍體,經吳妻一番清洗後,受槍傷的傷口,竟然滲出鮮紅的血。(摘錄自李筱峰,1990,《二二八消失的台灣菁英》) "" #5. 郭章垣(1914-1947): "" 嘉義人,日本慶應大學醫科畢業。畢業後在慶應大學附屬醫院擔任外科醫師,戰後回台,接掌省立宜蘭病院院長。郭章垣對於台灣的「回歸祖國」十分興奮,對於被派任醫院院長乙職,也充滿著憧憬。他曾請來教師,教全體職員及眷屬學習「國語」(北京話),於此可見他對新時代來臨的期待。然而,郭章垣從1946年到翌年5月赴宜蘭省立醫院任職起,到翌年3月18日遇害為止的短短十個月內面臨慘澹經營的困境,時常遇到上面沒有發下薪水,院內員工也普遍缺乏宿舍。郭章垣曾把院長宿舍讓出來給護士員工住,自己搬去市府宿舍暫住;郭夫人拿出娘家給她的私房錢買菜,並親手準備伙食給醫院員工度日;郭章垣也曾以糖等稀有品到鄉下和農民換些雞鴨蔬菜來補充員工的伙食。 二二八事件發生,被選為宜蘭二二八事件處理委員會主席。國府軍隊上岸後,各地都傳出補人虐殺的消息。有人警告郭章垣,各地凡是被推為「二二八事件處理委員會」的代表人都被列入黑名單,所以最好躲一躲。但他私下告訴家人:「我不願躲,我又沒犯什麼罪,何必怕政府?」後來,他委實也去避風頭二、三日,但是為了不想連累別人,於是自認為沒有犯罪的郭章垣,又坦蕩蕩返回醫院的宿舍。3月18日凌晨,兵仔來家裡打破窗戶,撬開門捉走郭章垣,當時宜蘭地區被抓走的台灣人有一百多人,大部分都被丟到海中。與郭章垣同車被帶走的共有8人,本來也是打算丟海裡,但載到頭圍鄉一村廟附近的小橋,車子開不過去,因此決定就地活埋,20日晨被發現陳屍頭城媽祖宮前。 郭章垣遇難後,郭妻發現一張他親筆用毛筆寫在宣紙的遺書,上書:「生離祖國,死歸祖國,死生天命,無想無念。」(摘錄自李筱峰,1990,《二二八消失的台灣菁英》) ""

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

12.27=3: IC#33; T55 K40: 5/M:30. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pino "Nation" // Ford> Timor; nUS+Cana?

#361=US#507=06.12.27=3; 11.8 #27 of 6th's Rally#110 Crisis#55:----- <澄社評論>當傳播媒體背離大眾: 南方快報=Web news for Taiwan: 星雲法師在戒嚴時代幫蔣家政權講話講的最多: Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #40: FIC#33 ---------------------------------------------------- US Pres.Ford legacy to Bush: E Timor invasion < US Pres.Ford: N. US unites w Canada?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

12.26=2: IC#32; T54 K39: 5/M:29. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pinochet // MiT; Status. #ChKMT Crimes.

#360=US#506=06.12.26=2; 11.7 #26 of 6th's Rally#109 Crisis#54:----- Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #39: FIC#32 ---------------------------------------------------- "Made in Taiwan" Pride: "Innovation, design freshen 'Made in Taiwan' tech label" Taiwan Status: Lin et al v. USA: Complaint for Declaratory Relief #: Chiang KMT Crimes: """ Hi: I would like to sahre my response to Mr Tsai's email (see below) with you. 德國人早已徹底承認並且遣責希特勒對人類造成了巨大的苦難, 日本人也已深切的反省了二次大戰軍閥的錯誤, 全世界似乎只有臺灣還存在著崇拜獨裁者的行為及廟宇. 一座白色的中正廟佔去臺北市的正中央, 裏面供奉著一個死去多年的屠夫. 陳水扁執政之後並沒有在這方面做出任何改善. 反而是在從優遷葬, 從優憮卹方面做的有聲有色. 另外228大屠殺事件的解密, 各種臺灣人被白色恐怖殺害的調查, 軍購弊案的調查, 本土教育的落實, 臺灣正名等等, 陳水扁有沒有在推動其中任何的一項, 你們說? 他似乎對打響中華民國的國號, 對扁宋會, 對連戰到中國出賣臺灣樂觀其成, 或對"臺獨是自欺欺人"等等方面的遊戲感到比較大的興趣. 這已經不是用陳水扁無法統御情報局外交部, 或是立法院反扁幾個字就可以交代的. 在San Francisco Bay Area 我們看到的是陳水扁縱容統派, 以及假本土的僑務委員在鄉會裏作威作福, 用苦難的農民所繳的稅金去補助中國人運動會(CAAT)並且辨的有聲有色. 現在連北加州臺鄉聯合會也在大力的支持這個運動會, 大刺刺的在開幕大會中去追隨車輪旗繞場一週, 去全體立正聆聽中國人的訓話, 你說奇怪不? 前些日子裏我對此事做了些批判, 有幾個"綠色"的僑務委員公開寫信辱罵我, 連當時的北加州聯合會會長也臉紅脖子粗的指著我的鼻子大吼大叫. 陳水扁很成功的運用了灣人"鞏固領導中心, 服從領袖", "體察上意, 看臉色行事" 之Stockholm Syndrome (奴才習性)來鞏固他的選票, 並且延續中華民國這個工具. 中華民國又怎樣? 臺灣人, 你不選我選誰? 臺灣完全沒有轉型正義, 道理就在我們縱容這些"體察上意, 看臉色行事"的公務員以及中華民國的買辨太久了. 現在似乎太遲了, 2008 年大選只剩下一年. 專家分析, 中國一定會適時採取行動了結臺灣. 你說臺灣人要不要支持吳再成的文章, 現在立刻反省? 我們這些臺美人, 要負起更大的責任率先自我反省防止根部腐爛, 還是要指責反省者破壞臺灣人的團結? Taiwanese, having been forced to serve as slaves for hundreds of years, do not know how to act as a master. A. K. -----Original Message----- From: bbcweb [] Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 9:45 PM To: A. K. Subject: Re: [BATA] 鄜跴邮錱唂?焵劐𤪖𧜏! [Tsai 06.12.22=5 #2] Allen, I have just responded to Eufen also just a short time ago. About "鞏固領導中心, 服從領袖", could it be possible at all that it has been the major reason why ROC President Chen has kept the Chiang KMT ROC mythology and ceremonies? I have thought it was perhaps necessary for the former President Lee's main reasons, as he was rather isolated in the KMT power structure with its military and intelligence agencies. After so many years, could it be still so? My last response was: [BATA] RE: [fapa-ncal] 臺灣人永遠不需要自我反省 as President Chen worship Murderous Mafia Head #100000 "" [Tsai.. 06.12.22=5 #1] Hi all friends, I have always wonndered and saddened by our Taiwan reality. I think, after the fall of most communist and extreme right-wing governments, persons involved in those wicked political gangs or parties, have managed not only change their ways or even their party names, as well as the new persons and leaders, at least got rid of all the old enslaving and demeaning symbols and especially temples and even "gods" immediately almost, as the first step. I just cannot understand and swallow that OUR ROC President Chen (Lee I can see why) worship the chieftain of against-humanity crimiminal gangs every year, and let the gigantic evil temple continues to occupy and shaming all of us, right at the center of our Capital. Where is any sense of justice and self-respect? "" ============ ========= ========= = """

Monday, December 25, 2006

12.25=1: IC#31; T53 K38: 5/M:28. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pinochet // #Bay Area Taiwanese.

#359=US#505=06.12.25=1; 11.6 #25 of 6th's Rally#108 Crisis#53:----- Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #38: FIC#31 ---------------------------------------------------- #: Bay Area Taiwanese to meet.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

12.24=7: IC#30; T52 K37: 5/M:27. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pinochet // #Taiwan Status:228.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. 中華民國總統陳水扁, 11月3日向Financial Times聲明:台灣國際地位未定。台灣主權不屬中國。 '台灣人拜台灣神...': 讓臺灣回到歷史原點論壇 讓我們共同探討臺灣國際地位: [[ BBCWeb: :------------ ]] [[ Free Online Store: ]] [[ A Taiwan artist Eon ]] #358=US#504=06.12.24=7; 11.5 #24 of 6th's Rally#107 Crisis#52:----- TVBS中資案,據報導已有確實的證據其百分百為外國的資本 <澄社評論>當傳播媒體背離大眾: ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #37: FIC#30 ---------------------------------------------------- SF Peace Treaty on Taiwan: 228 Issues videoes: Young ABTaiwanese Cubic Olympia:

Saturday, December 23, 2006

12.23=6: IC#29; T51 K36: 5/M:26. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pinochet // #台灣意識

#357=US#503=06.12.23=6; 11.4 #23 of 6th's Rally#106 Crisis#51:----- ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #36: FIC#29 ---------------------------------------------------- #: Libertytimes article today 06.12.22=5 美學者︰台灣意識在台漸增長 〔駐美特派員曹郁芬/華府二十二日報導〕美國學者卜道維(David Brown)最近撰文指出,台灣意識在台灣有逐漸增長的趨勢,雖然是否會發展為台灣民族主義還言之過早,但可能影響北京長遠的統一目標,也制約了台灣任何領導人可能接受的兩岸協議。 約翰霍普金斯大學SAIS國際關係學院今天出版一本以中國崛起為主題的雜誌,邀集專家探討中國崛起的可能衝擊。卜道維指出,多項民調顯示,在台灣純粹認同自己是中國人的民眾,已從四十八%降到今年的六%,接近九十%的台灣民眾有某種「台灣意識」。 但觀察家把文化認同與國家認同分開,一部分台灣人在文化上認同中國,並支持未來與中國有某種連結;但也有部分人認為在文化上是純台灣人。中國人、荷蘭人、日本人,甚至國民黨政權都是外來統治者,所以追求台灣法理獨立,反對和中國有任何連結。 多數台灣人支持維持現狀 但在國家認同上,卜道維指出,多數台灣人支持維持現狀,反對急統和急獨,顯示出台灣人務實的一面。他說,台灣認同的成長是從下向上的草根運動,因為台灣已脫離中國統治,獨自治理多年,也達成傲人成就,希望被國際認同。 另一方面,台灣政客從上而下的操作也有影響。卜道維說,陳水扁總統和民進黨提倡的「台灣主體認同」,反映出台灣意識還沒有發展成大多數人的台灣民族運動;但若繼續發展,確可發展成真正的台灣民族主義運動。卜道維表示,台灣意識可能受到兩岸發展和國際關係的限制ᦁ 2;但也可能繼續增長,北京因此增加對台灣的葫蘿蔔,並低調處理對台軍事威脅,但後續發展值得觀察。 ""

Friday, December 22, 2006

12.22=5: IC#28; T50 K35: 5/M:25. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pino. #TW media //Tsao Chang-ching; HaPo.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. 中華民國總統陳水扁, 11月3日向Financial Times聲明:台灣國際地位未定。台灣主權不屬中國。 '台灣人拜台灣神...': 讓臺灣回到歷史原點論壇 讓我們共同探討臺灣國際地位: [[ BBCWeb: :------------ ]] [[ Free Online Store: ]] [[ A Taiwan artist Eon ]] #356=US#502=06.12.22=5; 11.3 #22 of 6th's Rally#105 Crisis#50:----- TVBS中資案,據報導已有確實的證據其百分百為外國的資本 <澄社評論>當傳播媒體背離大眾: ># ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #35: FIC#28 ---------------------------------------------------- Taiwan's Chinese for China: : Tsao Chang-ching speeches. "Harry Potter" final: #: '當傳播媒體背離大眾', 盧世祥; 自由廣場 <澄社評論> "" 事實上,媒體在這次選戰中堪稱洋相百出。以媒體所為民調為例,一面倒地預測高雄將由黃俊英勝選,在台北亦低估謝長廷所獲支持度二十個百分點。民調不僅偏藍且背離民意,日常新聞處理亦多凸槌,烏龍錯假報導不斷。至於評論,既屬主觀範疇,不依事實衡平論事者遂隨處可見,而以名嘴之偏頗胡說,最為社會所詬病。台灣傳媒表現如此,冀其善盡教科書所稱「監測社會環境」、「協調社會關係」基本職能,不啻緣木求魚。 "" "" 民進黨內的媒體奴隸,在偏藍媒體操控之下,並非始自今日,許信良、施明德甚至沈富雄,均此之屬。他們常於許多媒體享有極高曝光及美名,政治之路卻愈走愈窄,甚至終為選民所唾棄,其癥結套用美國式語法:笨蛋,問題出在在媒體。換言之,誤以特定媒體形塑的假象為真相,虛名為實;只是這些媒體既已背離群眾,為媒體所操控或相互利用者怎麼可能掌握民之所欲。就此而言,全國播放的「台灣人俱樂部」節目主持人阿生及章天軍近日發起抵制若干政治人物的連署,實為基層民眾不再姑息媒體奴隸的具體行動,也凸顯背離公眾的政媒勢力,難以繼續恣意妄為。(作者為資深新聞工作者) "" "" Copyright(C)本網站全部圖文係版權所有 非經本報正式書面同意不得將全部或部分內容,轉載於任何形式媒體 建議使用IE 4.0以上版本以800*600模式觀看以達最佳瀏覽效果 "" Going to get "本報正式書面同意"

Thursday, December 21, 2006

12.21=4: IC#27; T49 K34: 5/M:24. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pinochet // Books on Taiwan; Carter.

#355=US#501=06.12.21=4; 11.2 #21 of 6th's Rally#104 Crisis#49:----- TVBS中資案,據報導已有確實的證據其百分百為外國的資本 ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #34: FIC#27 ---------------------------------------------------- "A Short History of Taiwan: The Case for Independence": "Taiwan: A Political History": 'Rethinking One China' Speeches: 'Outlook and Perspectives for Taiwan': 'Get Carter', by Chris Hedges:

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

12.20=3: IC#26; T48 K33: 5/M:23. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pino 张熙怀 // Carter; #Lennon files.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. 中華民國總統陳水扁, 11月3日向Financial Times聲明:台灣國際地位未定。台灣主權不屬中國。 '台灣人拜台灣神...': 讓臺灣回到歷史原點論壇 讓我們共同探討臺灣國際地位: [[ BBCWeb: :------------ ]] [[ Free Online Store: ]] [[ A Taiwan artist Eon ]] #354=US#500=06.12.20=3; 11.1 #20 of 6th's Rally#103 Crisis#48:----- 台北地区检察署张熙怀主任检察官: 偵辦國務機要費案件的主任檢察官: ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #33: FIC#26 ---------------------------------------------------- Jimmy Carter's Apartheid Charge: FBI's John Lennon Files: & Documentary & Book: Documentary: The Beatles links: "Gimme Some Truth": >#: #: "Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files", by Jon Wiener Editorial Reviews From Library Journal "" In 1971, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover started a surveillance of former Beatle John Lennon, who was believed to be a threat to national security. Lennon was active in leading a campaign to get younger people registered to vote against the Vietnam War, which was equated with voting against the reelection of Nixon. Wiener (history, Univ. of California, Irvine; Come Together: John Lennon and His Time) was engaged in a 14-year court battle to secure the Lennon files under The Freedom of Information Act. This book is filled with excerpts of these formerly classified documents, which reveal the idiocy of the type of information that was kept on Lennon. In many cases, these "secrets" were a matter of public knowledge and were very mundane. Wiener is to be commended for fighting the government's undemocratic use of power "" Washington Post Book World "As pure courtroom drama, Wiener's account of the fight to get the files is often fascinating. Given the history of government evasiveness and delaying tactics that Wiener has ably described here, the world may barely remember who either John Lennon or Richard Nixon was by the time they're made public in full." Floyd Abrams "A classic case study. There is humor here and mystery, too. But most of all, there is hard evidence--in the FBI's own words--of what happens when government substitutes paranoia for law." Christian Science Monitor "One of the most important books ever published about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It wins bonus points for being delightful to read while being educational. Even for readers who never intend to use the FOIA, this book is a great supplement to Wiener's 1984 biography, 'Come Together: John Lennon and His Time.'"

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

12.19=2: IC#25; T47 K32: 5/M:22. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pinochet //

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. '台灣人拜台灣神...': #353=US#499=06.12.19=2; 10.29 #19 of 6th's [[ BBCWeb: :------------ ]] [[ Free Online Store: ]] [[or ]] --------------------------------------------------- 中華民國總統陳水扁,在風聲鶴唳的倒扁聲中 11月3日向國際媒體的[財務時報 Financial Times]作下列聲明: 台灣國際地位未定。 台灣主權不屬中國。 台灣不是中華民國領土。 -------------------------------------------------- 讓臺灣回到歷史原點論壇 讓我們共同探討臺灣國際地位: -------------------------------------------------- Rally#102 Crisis#47:----- ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #32: --- / Chiang KMT should be on Trial: Kissinger 'Washington Bullets': Chiang Kai-shek 'Chinese Bullets' of ROC for Taiwan. / Pinochet's death: :Fractured. 'Remembering Pinochet': Pincohet's Demise CELEBRATION: AI 20 Chile officers to justice: > Fractured identity in Chile & Taiwan! --------------------------------------------------- FIC#25 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: Fifth World Council (5WC) (22): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (22): ----------------------------------------------------

Monday, December 18, 2006

12.18=1: IC#24; T46 K31: 5/M:21. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pino // "Apclypto" Iraq/Terror/Mine.

#352=US#498=06.12.18=1; 10.28 #18 of 6th's Rally#101 Crisis#46:----- ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #31: FIC#24 ---------------------------------------------------- Highly advanced torture for terrorists: & Cluster Bombs & Landmines UP: "Apocalypto" film: Iraq as a Living Hell: Iraq Study Group Pyrrhic Victory? Iraq War as Vietnam War: War on Drugs/Prisons:

Sunday, December 17, 2006

12.17=7: IC#23; T45 K30: 5/M:20. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pinochet // 八田與一; Taiwan status.

#351=US#497=06.12.17=7; 10.27 #17 of 6th's Rally#100 Crisis#45:----- ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #30: FIC#23 The Nonviolent Eucharist: Anti-Imperialist League: Post-Modernism: destroys W Culture: Hittite 3,246-year-old dam revived: 下一個十億商機 超低價電腦 打造新台灣奇蹟 中時電子報╱彭漣漪/專題報導 2006-12-17 02:10 ---------------------------------------------------- Hatta Yoichi: :----- [ Also: ] "" 八田與一は1886年、金沢市に生まれ、東大・土木工学を卒業後、24歳の時(1910年)に台湾総督府内務局土木課の技手としてつとめた。 当初は衛生工事を担当していたが、28歳からは水利事業を担当、設計工事の責任者として桃園の水利事業以降は第一人者として技師として認められることになった。 56歳で亡くなるまでほぼ全生涯を台湾に住み、台湾のために尽くした。 彼は、当時アジア一といわれた烏山頭ダムと1万6000キロにおよぶ灌漑用水路の建設(1920年着工10年を要した大規模土木事業)にあたり、人情味のある現場責任者として農民に慕われた。 '' '' 台湾でTVドラマ化 八田與一氏がテレビドラマに/台湾意識の高揚めざし 八田與一、外代樹夫妻を主人公にしたテレビドラマが台湾のテレビ局「中華電視公司」でつくられることになった。ドラマのタイトルは「水色嘉南」、八田氏の命日5月8日に八田夫妻の墓石の立つ烏山頭水庫で撮影が開始され、来年5月8日に放送が始まる。なんと二十時間のドラマになる予定。配役の詳細は未定だが八田外代樹夫人には松田聖子が内定のようだ。日本での放映も検討されているとのこと大いに期待したい。 '' '' 2004年5月29日台湾の実業家である許文龍氏から金沢市に寄贈された 八田與一技師の胸像・除幕式がありました (新聞記事) 63回目の命日にあたる2005年5月8日、八田與一技師墓前祭に参加しました。 ブログ:何でも書き書きエッセイ   ブログ:ILoveASIA BLOG版 生誕120年墓前祭(2006年5月8日) ブログ:ILoveASIA BLOG版 '' '' (C)Copyright 2002-2006 Atsushi EDA All rights reserved "" ==================================================== Off "ROC": "" 台灣公論報: [[ 台灣人民供養連戰一家子人幾十年 ]] 如果不要亡國,台灣只剩一條路可走了:革命! 執政的民進黨 必須稟著 破釜沈舟的膽識,馬上與「中國流亡政府」切割關係, 把整個「中華民國體制」丟進垃圾桶,向國際宣示: 台灣主權屬於二千三百萬台灣人民,將在 聯合國憲章 的保障下 依照 台灣關係法 實踐主權在民,舉辦全民公投,國家定位,並決定新國名、制訂新憲法。 '' '' 〔記者蘇永耀/綜合報導〕針對國民黨榮譽主席連戰之子連勝文調侃總統夫人吳淑珍應訊時會昏倒,「但逛街累卻不會昏倒」等語。民進黨文宣部主任孟義超昨日痛批連勝文這種狂傲態度,已是「禽獸不如」。國民黨中常委連勝文正在中國參加「兩岸青年論壇」。據當地傳媒報導,他前天在北京聽到扁嫂昏倒消息後向記者說:「我想逛街應該滿累的,逛街不會暈倒,出庭會暈倒,可能壓力比較大吧」。 北京的當地記者再提到吳淑珍入院時血壓很低,連勝文說,「我最近血壓也有點低,因為輔選很累,所以辛苦,不過我還是硬撐著,還沒有昏倒!」他還意有所指說:「即使當小偷被提告,也是有出庭的義務」。 民進黨痛批:狂傲、沒血沒淚. 對連勝文在中國北京的談話,民進黨原打算召開記者會重砲回應,後來認為沒有必要與這種「心不在台灣」的人一般見識。不過,孟義超難掩怒氣說,難道台灣人民供養連戰一家子人幾十年,只能換得這種「沒血沒淚」回報。 孟義超說,連勝文與其父親連戰一樣,不願也不屑與台灣人為伍,更鄙視與台灣的執政黨合作,卻寧降服中國人,極盡諂媚去巴結北京政府;連勝文這番話,就是最好的見證。 "" ==================================================== #0. Taiwan Legal Status:--------- 'Relationship between Taiwan, ROC, and the USA' RWH (Taipei) Sunday, December 17, 2006 7:13:09 AM To:; "" RE: Relationship between Taiwan, ROC, and the USA For a correct statement of the relationship, please see the summary of our "Complaint for Declaratory Relief," which was filed Oct. 24, 2006 in Washington D.C. federal court -- [ >#0-2 ] English language information -- [ >#0-1 ] Sincerely, Dec. 17, 2006 "" #0-1. 'Resolving the Political Status of Taiwan, through the US Court system': "" Technically speaking, it is not possible to deal with "political issues" through the judiciary. However, the courts can look at civil rights issues, and once these are carefully delineated, it may be much easier to understand the parameters of all related political questions. In order to obtain better civil rights protections for the Taiwanese people, we need to determine the true status of Taiwan under international law. The United States, and indeed many world nations, have traditionally maintained a policy of strategic ambiguity on this issue, however we can discover the true facts of the matter by looking at the historical and legal record. Taiwan, including the Pescadores, was ceded by China (then under the Qing Dynasty) to Japan in 1895. With regard to the beginning of the Pacific war in December 1941, the following facts are important: Contrary to the claims of some historians, Taiwan was not part of the China Theatre during the war. All military attacks against Taiwan during the war were conducted by United States military forces. Taiwan was de jure part of Japanese territory up until late April 1952. After the events of August 1945, the Japanese Emperor announced his acceptance of the terms of an unconditional surrender. Japanese troops in Taiwan surrendered on Oct. 25, 1945, thus marking the beginning of the belligerent occupation of "Formosa and the Pescadores." Although the surrender ceremonies in Taiwan were held on behalf of the Allies, the ensuing military occupation on Taiwan was conducted on behalf of the "conqueror" and "principal occupying power" -- the United States of America. After losing the Chinese civil war in 1949, the ROC government fled in exile to Taiwan, an area it was holding under military occupation on behalf of the principal occupying power. The People's Republic of China (PRC) was established on the mainland on October 1, 1949, and hence became the legal successor government to the ROC in the mainland areas. In the April 28, 1952, San Francisco Peace Treaty, Japan renounced all right, title, and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores. However, no receiving country was named for this territorial cession. Hence, Taiwan has remained under the jurisdiction of the principal occupying power as an interim status condition. Based on this simple legal and historical analysis, and with reference to the decisions in the Insular Cases of the US Supreme Court, the Taiwanese people, by virtue of living in a territory subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, should be entitled to enjoy fundamental rights under US laws, including the US Constitution. It should therefore be possible to file a Complaint for Declaratory Relief in the appropriate US Court to obtain these rights. In this way, the controversy regarding the political status of Taiwan can be resolved as well. A Complaint was filed in late October 2006. The United States government has until late December 2006 to reply. Full details on the content of this Complaint, along with relevant historical and legal background information, are given below. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF filed Oct. 24, 2006, in Washington, D.C. Summary: Complaint for Declaratory Relief (.htm) COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF (.pdf) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. The One China Policy and Taiwan's Identity Crisis 2. ABCD Chart of territorial cession 3. The Territorial Cessions of Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam, Cuba, & Taiwan 4. Are Taiwanese Persons ROC Citizens? -- In Search of a Legal Basis for ROC Citizenship 5. Background Information and Statement of Purpose 6. Letters and Commentary 7. Taiwanese should seek US Constitutional rights Statement of Historical and Legal Evidence for US Nationality Status provided in accompaniment with Application for US nationality non-citizen PASSPORT by native Taiwanese person born in Taiwan 9. US Insular Law Considerations on the Origin and Classification of "Aliens" 10. Understanding the San Francisco Peace Treaty's Disposition of Formosa and the Pescadores (pdf) Harvard Asia Quarterly, Fall 2004 11. Three Insular Cases and the Taiwan status 12. Important Quotations from Downes v. Bidwell 13. On the Subjects of "Conquest" and "Dominion" 14. Unincorporated Territory under the United States Military Government 15. The Law of Occupation Background Information 16. FM 27-10 The Law of Land Warfare Chapter 6: OCCUPATION para. 366 17. Territorial Cession after War and the End of Military Government 18. Our inquiry to the US government -- What are you doing? 19. Does Taiwan Meet the Criteria to Qualify as an "Overseas Territory of the United States"? 20. Why Isn't the US Flag Flying Over Taiwan? 21. A new recognition of the United States of America Taiwan Nation Party Taipei, Taiwan and Taiwan Defense Alliance Taichung, Taiwan For more information, contact: Chinese & Japanese language spokesperson: Dr. Roger C. S. Lin Gaoxiong, Taiwan Roger C. S. Lin's Chinese website English language spokesperson: Richard W. Hartzell Taipei, Taiwan "" #0-2. 'Complaint for Declaratory Relief: 告美國政府之訴訟案': "" Taiwan Nation Party v. United States of America: 建國黨告美國政府 United States District Court, Washington D.C. 美國首都華府,聯邦法院 filed: Oct. 24, 2006: 2006年10月24日遞狀 Summary of the Complaint for Declaratory Relief 本訴訟案之摘要如下: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) The Republic of China was entrusted with authority over Formosa and the Pescadores as agent for the Allied Powers. This arrangement was specified in General Order No. 1 of Sept. 2, 1945. Such trust on behalf of the Allied Powers remains in effect today. Nothing in the post-war San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) nor in any other treaty ever executed by or between the Republic of China (ROC) and the other Allied Powers has altered this trusteeship arrangement. (See pages 2 to 3) 中華民國對管理台灣之身分僅係代表同盟國。這樣的安排記錄在 1945年9月2日 的一般命令第一號。這個代表同盟國來管理台灣的關係到今天仍然存在。無論是戰後的舊金山和平條約或其餘中華民國與其他同盟國任何條約,對於這樣的關係絲毫沒有改變。 (2) Defendant United States of America is and remains the "principal occupying Power" of Taiwan under SFPT Article 23(a). (See page 4) 依據舊金山和平條約第 23 條 a 項,被告美國政府一直是台灣的「主要佔領權國」。 (3) By way of historical background, following the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki, Japan exercised sovereignty over Taiwan and held title to its territory. (See page 6) 台灣之相關歷史背景是:依據馬關條約,日本自 1895 年起,對台灣行使主權並擁有台灣的領土所有權。 (4) The United States entered the Pacific War against Japan on Dec. 8, 1941. The Allied Powers defeated Japan, and it surrendered on Sept. 2, 1945. (See page 6) 美國於 1941年12月8日 向日本帝國宣戰。日本被同盟國打敗,並於 1945年9月2日 正式投降。 (5) Following the acceptance of the surrender of Japanese forces in Taiwan by the representatives of the ROC's Chiang Kai-shek (CKS), Taiwan (Formosa) remained de jure Japanese territory. The ROC government occupied Taiwan (Formosa) on behalf of the Allied Powers (led by the United States) pending a peace treaty with Japan, which would change the legal status of Taiwan (Formosa). (See page 7) 蔣介石的中華民國集團在台灣接受日本軍隊之投降以後,台灣在法律上仍屬於日本領土。中華民國政府佔領台灣是受美國領導之同盟國之委託。台灣的法律地位必須待戰後與日本的和平條約簽訂生效後才能作進一步的規範。 (6) Pursuant to the SFPT, Japan renounced its sovereignty over Taiwan (Formosa) and title to its territory. Article 2(b) of the SFPT provided, "Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores." (See page 8) 依據舊金山和平條約,日本放棄對台灣的主權與台灣的所有權。舊金山和平條約第 2 條 b 項規定:「日本放棄對台灣、澎湖之一切權利、所有權與請求權。」 (7) China never became a party to the SFPT. Neither the ROC government, which occupied the island of Taiwan (Formosa) as agent for the "principal occupying Power," nor the government of the People's Republic of China ("PRC"), which controlled mainland China, signed, ratified, or adhered to the SFPT. (See page 9) 中國並沒有簽署或參與舊金山和平條約。無論是代表「主要佔領權國」佔領台灣的中華民國政府,或控制中國大陸的中華人民共和國,均沒有簽署、批准或正式聲明遵守舊金山和平條約。 (8) Article 25 of the SFPT specifically provided that the Treaty did "not confer any rights, titles or benefits on any State which [was] not an Allied Power [as defined in Article 23(a),]" subject to certain narrow exceptions set forth in Article 21. Accordingly, China, a non-party, did not receive "any right, titles or benefits" under the SFPT except as specifically provided in Article 21. (See page 9) 舊金山和平條約第 25 條特別規定:「本條約所謂之同盟國,謂與日本進行戰爭之國家,或依據第 23 條所列舉先前為該國一部分領土的國家,而此國家已經簽署並批准本條約者。除了第 21 條的相關規範以外,本條約不授與任何權利、所有權或利益予非前述聯盟國之任何國家。」 是故,中國非作為舊金山和平條約所指之同盟國,除了第 21 條的相關規範以外,並不受該條約的任何權利、所有權或利益。 (9) Specifically, China, a non-party, was not entitled to any benefits under Article 2(b) dealing with the territory of Taiwan (Formosa). The parties to the SFPT chose not to give any "right, title [or] claim to Formosa and the Pescadores" to China. (See page 10) 特別重要的是,中國以非該條約所指之同盟國,無法獲得有關舊金山和平條約第 2 條 b 項對台灣和澎湖之任何權利、所有權或請求權。依據舊金山和平條約的同盟國所寫之條款內容,中國並未獲得台灣和澎湖之任何權利、所有權或請求權。 (10) While Article 2(b) of the SFPT did not designate a recipient of "all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores," Article 23 of the SFPT designated the United States as "the principal occupying Power" with respect to the territories covered by the SFPT, including "Formosa and the Pescadores." (See page 11) 舊金山和平條約第 2 條 b 項雖然未指定「台灣與澎湖之權利、所有權和請求權」之收受國,但該條約第 23 條為其所規範的地理範圍指定美國為「主要佔領權國」,此地理範圍也包括台灣與澎湖。 (11) Following the entry into force of the SFPT, the government of the ROC continued to occupy Taiwan (Formosa) as agent for the United States, "the principal occupying Power." (See page 11) 舊金山和平條約生效以後,中華民國政府繼續代表「主要佔領權國」的美國佔領台灣。 (12) The Treaty of Peace between the ROC and Japan, which was signed on April 28, 1952, and entered into force on August 5, 1952 (the "Treaty of Taipei"), did not transfer sovereignty over Taiwan (Formosa) from Japan to China either. (See page 11) 1952年4月28日 簽署並於 同年8月5日 生效之中日和平條約,其內容亦沒有把台灣的所有權過戶給中國。 (13) The SFPT did not terminate the agency relationship between the United States, the principal, and the ROC, the agent, with regard to the occupation and administration of Taiwan (Formosa). (See page 12) 對於美國與中華民國之間有關佔領與管理台灣之主從關係,並不是因為舊金山和平條約生效而結束。 (14) Following the entry into force of the SFPT on April 28, 1952, the ROC did not exercise sovereignty over Taiwan and did not have title to its territory. (See page 13) 自 1952年4月28日 舊金山和平條約生效以來,中華民國對台灣沒有行使主權也不擁有台灣的領土所有權。 (15) From 1945 to the present, Taiwan has been an occupied territory of the United States, "the principal occupying Power." Currently, Taiwan is an occupied territory of the United States, and Taiwan's statehood status is disputed and uncertain. Neither the SFPT nor the Treaty of Taipei nor any other subsequent legal instruments after 1952 changed the status of Taiwan. (See page 13) 1945年 至今,台灣一直是美國的佔領地,美國是「主要佔領權國」。目前,台灣是美國的佔領地,而台灣是否符合主權國家之認定標準是相當有爭議的,並未確定。無論是舊金山和平條約或中日和平條約,或其他 1952年 以後的法律文件,對台灣之法律地位並未有所改變。 (16) The United States as the principal occupying Power is still holding the sovereignty over Taiwan and title to its territory in trust for the benefit of the Taiwanese people. The occupying Power never transferred the sovereignty over Taiwan or title to its territory to any other government. (See page 14) 在目前,作為主要佔領權國的美國仍握有台灣的主權以及台灣領土的所有權。這是一個信託關係,而受益者則是台灣人民。佔領權國(美國)尚未把台灣的主權或台灣領土的所有權過戶給其他國家政府。 (17) The international community does not recognize Taiwan as a state. (See page 14) 國際社會並不認為台灣是一個主權獨立的國家。 (18) On October 25, 2004, United States Secretary of State Colin Powell confirmed the United States' continuing policy towards Taiwan. He stated, "Taiwan is not independent. It does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation, and that remains our policy, our firm policy." (See page 15) 2004年10月25日 ﹝前﹞國務卿鮑爾重申美國對台灣一貫的立場。他說:「台灣不是獨立的,也不享有一個國家的主權」。 (19) RELIEF REQUESTED: Considering that the judicial branch has the authority and obligation to preserve the Constitutional rights of persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, whether or not such persons are United States citizens, non-citizen nationals, or aliens, Plaintiffs respectfully pray that the Court enter an Order declaring that: 請求法院判決之項目: 由於司法部門有權利與責任維護在美國管轄內下人民在憲法下之權利,無論這些人民是美國公民、美國國民(非公民)或外國人,原告祈求 貴院判決如下: Plaintiffs, by virtue of living in a territory subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, 原告基於居住在美國管轄下之領土, * have fundamental rights under United States laws, including the United States Constitution. (See page 15) 應享受美國憲法與美國法律體系之下的基本權利保障。 * have the Fifth Amendment right and Fourteenth Amendment right against deprivation of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. (See page 16) 應享受美國憲法第五修正案與第十四修正案之生命、自由、財產與正當法律程序之保障。 * have the Eighth Amendment right against cruel and unusual punishment, including deprivation of citizenship and being "stateless." (See page 16) 應享受美國憲法第八修正案之保障,不得處於殘酷或奇特之懲罰,包含剝奪國籍權和淪落為「無國籍者」。 * have the Fourteenth Amendment right of equal protection of the laws. (See page 16) etc. 應享受美國憲法第十四修正案有關法律之平等保護的權利,等等。 * may not be deprived of the Fifth Amendment right to travel (including the right to apply for a passport) without due process of law, which requires a notice and a hearing. (See page 16) 應享受美國憲法第五修正案之保障,不得剝奪其旅行權(包含申請護照之權)的權利,除非經正當法律程序,包含相關單位之通知以及給予申訴之機會。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The complete English language version of this Complaint, along with much additional background information, is available at the following internet address: 訴訟狀的英文原文以及其他相關之英文背景資料,請參考以下網址: ""

Saturday, December 16, 2006

12.16=6 IC#22; T44 K29: 5WC/ MPR:19. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立. Off "ROC": Chiang/Kissinger(911?) Pino//Saddan // ROC Treasons; Iraq lies.

Kissinger on 911? Iraq lies UK document exposed: #0. '陳總統已經叛國不倒扁待何時', by Henry Shaw: "" [Tsai 06.12.16=6 #1] I agree. But, when ROC President commits treason because of and according to, actual legal status of ROC and of Taiwan, against ROC, isn't ROC Central Legal Branch required legally and constitutionally to impeach him, and also to investigate and pass judgement on 228 massacre and ROC Central Eecutive Branch's and KMT's decades of white terrorism, as crimes against humanity? If they don't fulfill their basic duties, in violation of ROC Laws and Constitution, yes, they should be overthrown by the people ruled by ROC. The Red-cloth groups against corruption, could do that, I suppose. =================== ----- Original Message ---- '陳總統已經叛國不倒扁待何時', by Henry Shaw: 中華民國總統陳水扁,在風聲鶴唳的倒扁聲中 11月3日向國際媒體的[財務時報 Financial Times]作下列聲明: 台灣國際地位未定。 台灣主權不屬中國。 台灣不是中華民國領土。(台灣人依法是無國籍-辰光加註) 中華民國流亡政府說開羅宣言與波次坦宣言以及中日和約是他擁有台灣主權的根據。既然如此,陳水扁身為中華民國政府的總統,一國之尊竟敢發表這等言論,嚴重損害國家尊嚴,顯然已經構成叛國罪,中國黨勢力向來極力捍衛中華民國法統,而且六年來對陳水扁當總統非常的不爽,罷免兩次無法 104;功,倒扁活動一直不斷,正當陳水扁犯下如此重大的罪行,正是倒扁的最好理由,為何黨國勢力還不採取行動?真令人納悶! 難道過去國民黨說的全是假的,全是騙人的,六十年來國民黨以這樣的講法教育全國國民,國民黨黨主席馬英九照理應該領導黨內幹部針對這個事情向台灣人民叩頭謝罪,祈求台灣人民的原諒。 否則無論是國民黨、親民黨、新黨等所有中國黨應該團結起來,共同向法院以叛國罪控告陳水扁,這是唯一可以治他的罪的大好機會,因為叛國罪不在國家元首刑事豁免權的範圍內。 六年來千方百計要治陳總統的罪,想趕他下台,偏偏貪腐舞弊等罪總統都有豁免權,唯獨叛國例外,是倒扁的絕佳理由,中國黨卻要錯放這個大好時機,不知是這些人頭殼壞掉,還是這些人根本就是騙子,欺騙臺灣人民六十年,西洋鏡被陳水扁拆穿,所以針對陳水扁提出的歷史真相無言以對? …………………………………………………………………………………… 市坊上早有不少人大嗆聲,籃營噤若寒蟬,是默認阿扁唱出真相,群盜準備伏法? 善哉! 陳辰光 嚴正轉送, 並懇請大家猛力轉送到土匪群盜的藍大本營及僂僂偽立委群.陳辰光負文責,請放心轉送為荷! 2006/12/16 ""

Friday, December 15, 2006

12.15=5 IC#21; T43 K28: 5WC/ MPR:18. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立. Off "ROC": Chiang/Kissinger Pino//Saddan // Microcredit Grameen.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. '台灣人拜台灣神...': #349=US#495=06.12.15=5; 10.25 #15 of 6th's --------------------------------------------------- Microeconomy #1:------ Microcredit Grameen: Muhammad Yunus' Gremeen Bank: :His Nobel Peace Prize speech excerpt, Dec. 10:-- : 'Poverty Is A Threat To Peace':

Thursday, December 14, 2006

12.14=4 IC#20; T42 K27: 5/M17. 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立. Off "ROC": Chiang/US Kssngr Pino//Sddm // Viet/Iraq bloodbath; Mercosur; Rus/Eur; Fr/Rw

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. '台灣人拜台灣神...': --- / Chiang KMT should on Trial: Kissinger 'Washington Bullets': : Chiang Kai-shek 'Chinese Bullets' of ROC for Taiwan. / Pinochet's death: > Fractured identity in Chile & Taiwan! / Saddam on Trial: --------------------------------------------------- Karabakh voters back sovereignty: Fifth World Council (5WC) (17): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (17): --------------------------------------------------- Viet/Iraq bloodbath: US over Latin America: >#0. Mercosur S Am integration: European energy & Germany < Russia: Belgian Rwanda in La Francafrique: #0. US over Latin America: 'The Death of the Defense of Dictators', by Laura Carlsen; "Americas UPDATER" Vol. 4, No. 20; December 14, 2006: Or “A New World of Citizen Action, Analysis, and Policy Options” New Content from the IRC Americas Program:--- 'The Death of the Defense of Dictators: This Week in the Americas' by Laura Carlsen 'Reflections on Pinochet’s Death: FPIF Commentary' by Juan Antonio Montecino 'Pinochet, Never Convicted in Court, Dead at 91: Report' by Gustavo González 'IDB Debt Cancellation for Haiti: FPIF Commentary by Debayani Kar and Tom Ricker 'Residents, Officials Reach Across International Boundary to Block Secret Toxic Landfill: Investigative Article' by Talli Nauman 'Calling Bad Business Good: Commentary' by Mark Engler "" Three icons of U.S.-Latin American foreign policy died this month. Milton Friedman, Jeane Kirkpatrick, and Augusto Pinochet may not have met in the same room, but together they helped construct the architecture of hemispheric relations that has endured well into the current Bush government. A U.S. conservative economist, a political scientist-turned-diplomat, and a South American dictator may on the surface appear to have little in common. But they left a common legacy in Latin America. Their theories, their actions, and their protégés profoundly undermined democracy in the region, and left a trail of blood that runs from Patagonia to Mexico. Free Markets, Double Standards, and Dictators In the seventies, Milton Friedman—a professor at the University of Chicago—posited that free markets would lead to free people and economic well-being. Friedman's economic theories found a perfect laboratory in post-Allende Chile. Rarely does an academic economist have the chance to try out theories on an entire nation of people controlled under military rule. Friedman traveled to Chile and met with dictator Augusto Pinochet after the U.S.-assisted coup that brought him to power. Pinochet adopted Friedman's free market theory and applied it on a literally captive audience. Friedman's department at the University of Chicago became the training ground for a generation of Chilean economists known as the “Chicago Boys.” As Walden Bello put in a recent article: “The irony that the bayonets of one of Latin America's most bloodstained dictatorships imposed a free market paradise in Chile could not have escaped the guru.” Over 3,000 people were killed or permanently “disappeared” under the Pinochet dictatorship; 30,000 tortured or wounded; and thousands fled the country. Friedman is also credited with creating the theoretical underpinnings—some would say justification—for the Structural Adjustment Programs enforced by the multilateral lending institutions on third world countries to access development loans. Jeane Kirkpatrick's essay that catapulted her into the Reagan administration, “Dictatorships and Double Standards,” argues that right-wing dictators should be our allies in cases where the alternative is popular insurrection. “Only intellectual fashion and the tyranny of Right/Left thinking prevent intelligent men [sic] of good will from perceiving the facts that traditional authoritarian governments are less repressive than revolutionary autocracies, that they are more susceptible of liberalization, and that they are more compatible with U.S. interests.” Her later work on the National Security Council of designing and implementing the dirty wars in Central America demonstrated that her commitment to this idea was more than academic. She supported the contra wars wholeheartedly and later was drafted as an envoy to prepare the ground for the invasion of Iraq. '' '' U.S. intervention through free trade policies or covert military action, and supported by “friendly dictators,” set the region on a course that continues take a heavy toll on human and economic development. What could Chile have become if over three thousand of its most idealist and socially committed citizens had not been assassinated or disappeared? Would Central America look different if thousands had lived long lives instead of being tortured, killed, or forced into exile? Would the inequality that mars the region's economic development be less today if Allende's experiment had been forged in an open sovereign society, instead of quelled by a bloody coup? We will never know. And the three obituaries written this past month reveal important reasons why we will never know. "" Laura Carlsen is director of the IRC Americas Program in Mexico City, where she has worked as a writer and political analyst for the past two decades. The Americas Program is online at

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

12.13=3 IC#19; T41 K26: 5WC/ MPR:16. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立. Off "ROC": Chiang/Kissinger Pino/Saddam. // China< US-India. Iraq. "W P"

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Former ROC/KMT head: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: '台灣人拜台灣神...': #347=US#493=06.12.13=3; 10.23 #13 of 6th's Rally#96 Crisis#41; Capital campaign #59=past:----- ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #26: : TV: --- / Chiang KMT should on Trial: Kissinger 'Washington Bullets': : Chiang Kai-shek 'Chinese Bullets' of ROC for Taiwan. / Pinochet's death: > Fractured identity in Chile & Taiwan! : In Chile and In Taiwan. / Saddam on Trial: --------------------------------------------------- FIC#19 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: Karabakh voters back sovereignty: Fifth World Council (5WC) (16): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (16): --------------------------------------------------- US-INDIA DEFENSE RELATIONS '05: US>India Nuke fuel: China and the Uses of Uncertainty: : Reasonable but with "Off Taiwan?" -: BBCWeb. Iraq War: ""Warped passages":

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

12.12=2 IC#18; T40 K25: 5/M15. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Off "ROC": Chiang/KissingerPino/Saddam. Krbkh. // China over US

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Former ROC/KMT head: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: '台灣人拜台灣神...': #346=US#492=06.12.12=2; 10.22 #12 of 6th's Rally#95 Crisis#40; Capital campaign #58=past:----- ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #25: : TV: --- / Chiang KMT should on Trial: Kissinger 'Washington Bullets': >#2-1 : Chiang Kai-shek 'Chinese Bullets' of ROC for Taiwan. / Pinochet's death: Fractured identity: >#2-2. : In Chile and In Taiwan. / Saddam on Trial: --------------------------------------------------- FIC#18 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: Karabakh voters back sovereignty: Fifth World Council (5WC) (15): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (15): -------------------------------------------------- // China Has U.S. By The Purse : >#1 // // #1. 'China Has U.S. By The Purse', Danny Schechter; December 12, 2006: Danny Schechter edits He is the director of "In Debt We Trust," a new film on the credit crunch, and author of Falun Gong’s Challenge to China. Comments can be sent to "" Who has real power over U.S. decision-making? If you think it is the White House, or even the Congress, think again. There has been a power shift underway for years and, believe it our not, our future and fortune rests in the hands of bureaucrats on the other side of the world. Sorry folks, but our red, white and blue economy is afloat because of members of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party. Yes, the Red Menace that we spent so many years fearing as a military threat now represents a far more serious economic threat. Mao must be turning in his grave with the news that no less than six U.S. Cabinet members are on their way to the Middle Kingdom on Wednesday to beseech, beg, lobby and try to persuade the new mandarins not to sell off their vast reservoir of dollars. '' '' So that’s why it's time to pay attention to the dropping dollar, the China game and the housing “train wreck,” as experts call it. It feeds into the global credit crunch and affects all of us, and we need our media to explain it all more clearly—with less of a big business bias and more of a “who wins and who loses” framework. While we watch one war go up in flames, the matches are being lit for another one. "" © 2006 ( A Project of The Institute for America's Future ) #2-1. 'Washington Bullets: Pinochet And Kissinger', : BBCWeb: Chinese Bullets: ROC And Chiang Kai-shek. "" The story of the death of General Augusto Pinochet, according to the American media, is the story of justice denied, the story of a man, a murderer, a monster who died without having ever faced justice for his crimes—and worse, without having ever even admitted that his brutal legacy left him anything other than loved and respected by his countrymen. But there is another story: the chance that still remains to bring some of those most directly responsible for the crimes of the Chilean regime to justice. Such as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Readers of already know that only in the past decade, extraordinary progress has been made in bringing closure to the crimes of Pinochet's rule, which started with a military coup against a democratically elected Socialist president, Salvador Allende and ended with, hopefully, the establishment of the Pinochet Precedent: The big turning point came on October 16, 1998, the day Pinochet was arrested in London on a Spanish court order. ...The British courts stripped Pinochet of his “sovereign immunity” and ruled that Spain could extradite him for torture. Although British Home Secretary Jack Straw intervened and released the aging general after 16 months on “humanitarian grounds,” the case sent a chilling message to other rulers: you no longer sit on privileged thrones above international law. This “Pinochet Precedent” is the crowning global achievement of a 30-year struggle. But American media in general ignored completely the role that the American government had in the crimes of not just the coup, not just the reign of terror which Pinochet's secret police extended around the South American continent and across the globe—including the worst terrorist act on U.S. soil prior to 9/11, the assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Karpen Moffitt in 1976 in Washington, D.C.—but also multiple attempts to overthrow the democratic government of Chile in the years prior to the coup. These efforts were coordinated from the very top of the American government, by President Richard Nixon and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Neither The Washington Post nor The New York Times, either in their obits, or in each of their respective editorials reflecting on Pinochet's death, mentions the name Kissinger. In fact, the Post is odious enough to claim that in the end, Pinochet (and patron Jeanne Kirkpatrick, who also died last week) were "right" and can be given the credit for Chile's economy and stable liberal democracy now (never mind the fact that before Pinochet, Chile had a history of liberal democracy unbroken since the 1930s and unparalleled by any South American, or even many European countries). '' '' The guns of the coup were filled with bullets sold to the army by Washington. Those bullets gunned down thousands of Chileans, including folksinger Victor Jara, students and teachers thought to have leftist sympathies, and many others who became desaparecidos--disappeared, when their bodies were dumped from airplanes and helicopters into the ocean. Tens of thousands were tortured. Those Washington bullets represented crimes whose primary perpetrator just passed away, but others who were responsible not just walk free, but are honored and feted by all. As Donald Rumsfeld moves from the Pentagon to the courtroom to face his crimes, let us not forget those of Henry Kissinger. "" --Ethan Heitner | Tuesday, December 12, 2006 12:23 PM © 2006 ( A Project of The Institute for America's Future ) #2-2. Fractured Identity in Chile & Taiwan: 'Pinochet’s death', Jorge Larraín, 12 - 12 - 2006 Augusto Pinochet introduced a fracture in Chilean identity which remains unhealed, writes Jorge Larraín of Alberto Hurtado University. "" Pinochet has died. He was a traitor, a systematic abuser of other human beings who got immensely rich in office, just like any other prototypical "banana republic" dictator. Therefore I ought to be happy; he is gone for ever. Yet I am not. It is painful to have to accept that he was never convicted by a Chilean court. This, I am sure, will be argued over forever by his supporters in Chile. Not that they are too numerous or politically articulate, but all the same, some of them are powerful and vocal. This is why the death of Pinochet makes me reflect on the weaknesses of our democracy, in particular, the miserable failure of our judiciary. If Pinochet had not been detained in Britain, he would not even have been taken to court or if he had, probably most judges would have dismissed the cases against him. Such was the fear he was able to instil in everybody. Jorge Larraín is a professor in the faculty of social sciences and pro-vice-chancellor at Alberto Hurtado University, Santiago. His books include Identity and Modernity in Latin America (Polity, 2000) Pinochet's rule was marked by fear from the very beginning. He was absolutely ruthless and systematic in his attempts to eliminate all opposition. He took a personal interest in that horrible task, and was implacable even with members of his own army. Many of them, from rank-and-file soldiers to generals, paid with their own lives for criticising or opposing his procedures. He divided Chile between the "patriots" (supporters of his regime) and the "internal enemies" (those no longer considered members of the Chilean community). The latter were savagely tortured and killed; or, if allowed to survive, were exiled and not allowed to return, or denied a passport, or deprived of their nationality. All those who merely supported (or were supposed to have supported) the Unidad Popular (Popular Unity) movement and remained in the country were informed against, watched over, expelled from their jobs, subjected to massive home searches, called "humanoids" (an expression regularly used by Admiral José Toribio Merino, a member of the military junta, to refer to members of the left), and advised to go and live in Cuba. In short, Pinochet introduced a fracture in the Chilean identity which remains unhealed until today. A new element was added to his notorious brutality. With many of the victims of the military regime, a transgression was carried out which went beyond pure exclusion: what was attempted was to make the most material basis of their identity disappear - their bodies. Not only were they killed, but the regime sought to obliterate their very existence from the national historical memory. [[ Also on Chilean politics and the Pinochet legacy in openDemocracy: Geoffrey Bindman, Juan Garces, Isabel Hilton, "Justice in the world's light" (15 June 2001) Roberto Espíndola, "Chile's new era" (16 January 2006) Justin Vogler, "Pinochet: chronicle of a death foretold" (11 December 2006) Alan Angell, "The Pinochet Regime in Chile" (12 December 2006) ]] There can hardly exist anything more dissolving and threatening for a collective identity than this. More terrifying than mere torture and death, said George Orwell in Nineteen Eighty-Four, is the possibility of manipulating the past by saying that this or that event never happened. If physical elimination and other forms of exclusion inevitably fracture that imagined community which is the nation, the disappearance of people's bodies achieves more: it prevents that fracture from healing, it makes it last in time until today, it becomes an obstacle to the reconstitution of identity. After sixteen years of democracy and more than thirty-three years from the military coup, one could have imagined some quieting of passions, some sort of forgetfulness, some resumption of normal life. Up to a point, it can be said that this has happened. Some timid steps were taken on both sides to recognise mistakes. People on both sides of the divide have been talking to each other and sometimes cooperating in common enterprises. Even the last commander-in-chief of the army was able to say "never again", and many rightwing politicians have recognised some excesses. But it suffices for one event like Pinochet's death to occur for the semblance of normality to disappear, and for the emerging structures of reconciliation to be shattered. The popular response to Pinochet´s passing has been astonishing: many thousands of people on the streets burning fires, fighting the police, chanting, singing and rioting, nobody knows for sure to what end. Feelings run very high, the old divisions and frustrations resurface. It is an awesome spectacle to see how the dictator, even in his death, continues to divide and traumatise the Chileans. My only hope is that this sudden explosion is just temporary and that the reconstruction of a sense of common identity will be able to carry on. But in order for this to happen, most people need to see that truth has come out and justice has been done. The judiciary still has to deliver in this respect. Sadly, the main culprit will never pay. But at least all the others who hid behind him should be held to account in the near future. Whatever the course of development that Chile democratically decides to follow in the future, its chances of success will partly depend on whether Chileans can overcome that fractured identity which is still present thirty-three years after the military coup, and which has resurfaced with a vengeance on the occasion of Pinochet's death. "" [End of Whole article] Copyright © Jorge Larraín, Published by openDemocracy Ltd. You may download and print extracts from this article for your own personal and non-commercial use only.

Monday, December 11, 2006

12.11=1 IC#17; T39 K24tv: 5WC/ MPR:14. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Off "ROC", Save Taiwan. Chiang/Pinochet/Saddam.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Former ROC/KMT head: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: '台灣人拜台灣神...': #345=US#491=06.12.11=1; 10.21 #11 of 6th's Rally#94 Crisis#39; Capital campaign #57=past:----- ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #24: : TV: Chiang KMT should on Trial: < "Saddam on Trial: Understanding and Debating the Iraqi High Tribunal" :by Michael P. Scharf, Gregory S. Mcneal. < Pinochet's death: --------------------------------------------------- FIC#17 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: Fifth World Council (5WC) (14): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (14): -------------------------------------------------- US > India Nuke fuel: > #347: 06.12.13=3.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

12.10=7 IC#16; T38 K23trial: 5/M13. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立.. Hospital.... #0~5: 9/11; Pirates..Caribbean; War..New; AK-47; Next; Veterans..

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Former ROC/KMT head: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: '台灣人拜台灣神...': >#0 #343=US#489=06.12.9=6; 10.19 #9=6th's Rally#92 Crisis#37; Capital campaign #55=over:----- ''平手的福氣!': >#0-2:=== S:Candidate Lim Jishen: N:ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #22: Chiang KMT should on Trial: < "Saddam on Trial: Understanding and Debating the Iraqi High Tribunal" :by Michael P. Scharf, Gregory S. Mcneal. --------------------------------------------------- FIC#15 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: Fifth World Council (5WC) (12): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (12): -------------------------------------------------- US Hospital? US > Lebanon: > Iraq staticide: Rumsfeld widespread abuse? Agent Orange & Brit: India's Employment: Rich-Poor India: :& World Poverty: Swiss guns & knives: Greenpeace peace: #0. USA "9/11 Truth Movement": ============================================= BBCWeb note: The author states on BookTV how the media attacks the outspoken President, as unique in the world. He should have known about Taiwan'w media: from China rather than from US. AND, as the statement of "the real danger posed by the [9/11] Truth Movement isn't paranoia. Rather, the danger is that it will discredit and deform the salutary skepticism Americans increasingly show toward their leaders", there could be the danger that the Taiwan's China-enslaving media could have a similar consequences! The statement is from '9/11: The Roots of Paranoia', by Christopher Hayes, published on Friday, December 8, 2006 by The Nation: This article describes the Movement as the following: [What about 5/19?] ============================================= "" The Truth Movement's recent growth can be largely attributed to the Internet-distributed documentary Loose Change. A low-budget film produced by two 20-somethings that purports to debunk the official story of 9/11, it's been viewed over the Internet millions of times. Complementing Loose Change are the more highbrow offerings of a handful of writers and scholars, many of whom are associated with Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Two of these academics, retired theologian David Ray Griffin and retired Brigham Young University physics professor Steven Jones, have written books and articles that serve as the movement's canon. Videos of their lectures circulate among the burgeoning portions of the Internet devoted to the cause of the "truthers." A variety of groups have chapters across the country and organize conferences that draw hundreds. In the last election cycle, the website even produced a questionnaire with pointed inquiries for candidates, just like the US Chamber of Commerce or the Sierra Club. The Truth Movement's relationship to the truth may be tenuous, but that it is a movement is no longer in doubt. Truth activists often maintain they are simply "raising questions," and as such tend to focus with dogged persistence on physical minutiae: the lampposts near the Pentagon that should have been knocked down by Flight 77, the altitude in Pennsylvania at which cellphones on Flight 93 should have stopped working, the temperature at which jet fuel burns and at which steel melts. They then use these perceived inconsistencies to argue that the central events of 9/11--the plane hitting the Pentagon, the towers collapsing--were not what they appeared to be. So: The eyewitness accounts of those who heard explosions in the World Trade Center, combined with the facts that jet fuel burns at 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit and steel melts at 2,500, shows that the towers were brought down by controlled explosions from inside the buildings, not by the planes crashing into them. "" ============================================== #1. " Pirates of the Caribbean; Axis of Hope", by Tariq Ali: #1-1. Tariq Ali: "" A revolution is moving across Latin America. Since 1998, the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela has brought Hugo Chávez to world attention as the foremost challenger of the neoliberal consensus and American foreign policy. Tariq Ali shows how Chávez's views have polarized Latin America and examines the aggression directed against his administration. Pirates of the Caribbean guides us through a world divided between privilege and poverty, a continent that is once again on the march. "" #1-2. "Pirates of the Caribbean": "" Editorial Reviews: Book Description A revolution is moving across Latin America… Since 1998, the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela has brought Hugo Chávez to world attention as the foremost challenger of the neoliberal consensus and American foreign policy. While Chávez's radical social-democratic reforms have brought him worldwide acclaim among the poor, he has attracted intense hostility from Venezuelan elites and Western governments. Drawing on first-hand experience of Venezuela and meetings with Chávez, Tariq Ali shows how Chávez's views have polarized Latin America and examines the hostility directed against his administration. Ali discusses the enormous influence of Fidel Castro on both Chávez and Evo Morales, the newly-elected President of Bolivia, and contrasts the Cuban and Venezuelan revolutionary processes. Infused with references to the culture and poetry of South America, Pirates of the Caribbean guides us through a world divided between privilege and poverty, a continent that is once again on the march. About the Author Tariq Ali is a writer and filmmaker. He has written more than a dozen books on world history and politics, as well as scripts for the stage and screen. He is an editor of the New Left Review and lives in London. "" #2. "War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History: 1500 to Today", by Max Boot: "" Editorial Reviews: From Publishers Weekly: From bronze cannons to smart bombs, this engaging study examines the impact of new weaponry on war by spotlighting exemplary battles, including famous epics like the defeat of the Spanish Armada and the attack on Pearl Harbor along with obscure clashes like the 1898 Battle of Omdurman, in which a British colonial force mowed down Sudanese tribesmen with machine guns. Boot (The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power) gives due weight to social context: advanced weapons don't spell victory unless accompanied by good training and leadership; innovative doctrine; an efficient, well-funded bureaucracy; and a "battle culture of forbearance" that eschews warrior ferocity in favor of a soldierly ethos of disciplined stoicism under fire. These factors flourish, he contends, under a rationalist, progressive Western mindset. The author, a journalist and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, enlivens his war stories with profiles of generals from Gustavus Adolphus to Norman Schwarzkopf and splashes of blood and guts. Boot distills 500 years of military history into a well-paced, insightful narrative. (Oct.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. "" "" About the Author Max Boot is the author of the award-winning The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power, which was selected as a 2002 Best Book of the Year by The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and The Christian Science Monitor. A senior fellow in national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and a weekly foreign-affairs columnist for the Los Angeles Times, he lectures regularly at numerous military schools and advises the Department of Defense on transformation issues. "" #3. "AK-47: The Weapon that Changed the Face of War", by Larry Kahaner: "" Editorial Reviews: Review: Journalist Kahaner (The Quotations of Chairman Greenspan: Words from the Man Who Can Shake the World) presents a detailed study of the AK-47, the single most deadly weapon ever produced, and its designer. Mikhail Kalashnikov, a mechanically inclined Russian soldier, came up with this simple submachine gun to counter superior German weaponry during World War II. Brought into mass production in 1947 (this date formed the final part of the weapon's name, Avtomat Kalashnikov 1947), the AK-47 was shipped by the Soviet Union to Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, and the Middle East during the Cold War. In part because they are so easy to make, 80 to 100 million AKs have been manufactured and distributed during the last 59 years. Moreover, the AK has proven a superior weapon to the American M-16. Kahaner provides an interesting discussion of how internal politics in the U.S. Army led it to adopt, instead, an inferior, lightweight machine gun. Kalashnikov, who lives in Russia today, never became rich from his design, but he did receive recognition outside his homeland for the impact of his weapon. A fascinating examination; recommended for all libraries. —Stephen L. Hupp, West Virginia Univ. Lib., Parkersburg (Library Journal, October 15, 2006) Review: "Anyone who has fought or watched a war over the last half-century recognizes the AK-47, but few know much about it. Kahaner traces the rifle's role in wars from Vietnam to Iraq and from Central America to Central Africa. A fascinating biography of a weapon that has truly changed world history." —Stephen Kinzer, author of Overthrow "During the past half century, the AK-47 assault rifle has established itself as the most ubiquitous implement of destruction on the planet. No other gun comes close for its durability, low price, ease of operation, and sheer killing power. It has become a mainstay of armies and terrorists alike, and a universal icon of revolutionary upheaval. Larry Kahaner's book is the best history of this weapon that I have seen. AK-47: The Weapon That Changed the World will appeal to anyone who has ever watched the History Channel—or the evening news." —Max Boot, senior fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, and author of The Savage Wars of Peace "" #4. "Next", by Michael Crichton: "" Editorial Reviews: Book Description: Is a loved one missing some body parts? Are blondes becoming extinct? Is everyone at your dinner table of the same species? Humans and chimpanzees differ in only 400 genes; is that why a chimp fetus resembles a human being? And should that worry us? There's a new genetic cure for drug addiction--is it worse than the disease? What's coming Next? Get a hint of what Michael Crichton sees on the horizon in this short video clip: high bandwidth or low bandwidth We live in a time of momentous scientific leaps, a time when it's possible to sell our eggs and sperm online for thousands of dollars and to test our spouses for genetic maladies. We live in a time when one fifth of all our genes are owned by someone else, and an unsuspecting person and his family can be pursued cross-country because they happen to have certain valuable genes within their chromosomes... Devilishly clever, Next blends fact and fiction into a breathless tale of a new world where nothing is what it seems and a set of new possibilities can open at every turn. Next challenges our sense of reality and notions of morality. Balancing the comic and the bizarre with the genuinely frightening and disturbing, Next shatters our assumptions and reveals shocking new choices where we least expect. The future is closer than you think. Book Description Welcome to our genetic world. Fast, furious, and out of control. This is not the world of the future--it's the world right now. Is a loved one missing some body parts? Are blondes becoming extinct? Is everyone at your dinner table of the same species? Humans and chimpanzees differ in only 400 genes; is that why an adult human being resembles a chimp fetus? And should that worry us? There's a new genetic cure for drug addiction--is it worse than the disease? We live in a time of momentous scientific leaps; a time when it's possible to sell our eggs and sperm online for thousands of dollars; test our spouses for genetic maladies and even frame someone for a genetic crime. We live in a time when one fifth of all our genes are owned by someone else, and an unsuspecting person and his family can be pursued cross-country because they happen to have certain valuable genes within their chromosomes. . . . Devilishly clever, Next blends fact and fiction into a breathless tale of a new world where nothing is what it seems, and a set of new possibilities can open at every turn. Next challenges our sense of reality and notions of morality. Balancing the comic and bizarre with the genuinely frightening and disturbing, Next shatters our assumptions, and reveals shocking new choices where we least expect. The future is closer than you think. Get used to it. About the Author Michael Crichton is best known for the novels Jurassic Park and State of Fear. He is also the creator of the television series ER. The first of his controversial novels was published while he was still in medical school. "" #5. "Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace", ed. by Maxine Hong Kingston: "" Editorial Reviews: Book Description: This poignant collection, compiled from Kingston’s healing workshops, contains the distilled wisdom of survivors of five wars, including combatants, war widows, spouses, children, conscientious objectors, and veterans of domestic abuse. Vetrans of War, Vetrans of Peace includes accounts from people that grew up in military families, served as medics in the thick of war, or came home to homelessness. All struggle with trauma — post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, and other consequences of war and violence. Through their extraordinary writings, readers witness worlds coming apart and being put back together again through liberating insight, community, and the deep transformation that is possible only by coming to grips with the past. ""

Saturday, December 09, 2006

12.9=6 IC#15; T37 K22: 5WC/ MPR:12. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Off "ROC", Save Taiwan'. #0. Taiwan "228" Religion.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Former ROC/KMT head: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: '台灣人拜台灣神...': >#0 #343=US#489=06.12.9=6; 10.19 #9=6th's Rally#92 Crisis#37; Capital campaign #55=over:----- ''平手的福氣!': >#0-2:=== S:Candidate Lim Jishen: N:ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #22: --------------------------------------------------- FIC#15 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: Fifth World Council (5WC) (12): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (12): -------------------------------------------------- #0. '台灣人拜台灣神,不作無根之民': ©2006 台灣大地 228 網站: "" 本土信仰為根 公義修持為本 發揚台灣魂,落實台灣精神的追求,必須由台灣神的追思禮拜出發,過去中國黨矮化台灣本土信仰,污辱台灣歷史,由228到白色恐怖之間,增加許多害台、敗台、賣台的邪惡之徒,卻能配享入祀,成為中國忠烈祠的英靈,而受害、被殺、被屈辱的台灣先烈,則被貶為台灣好兄弟,只能於普渡時節與鬼類同在。中國神之為神皆是為鄉為國犧牲的勇者,如:關公、岳飛者,台灣神為鄉為建國犧牲,於中國黨的戲弄貶抑之下,只能成為鬼眾,是人為刻意操作的二次犧牲者,其等功德不但大於眾多中國神祇的犧牲與奉獻,更是護祐台灣子孫,得享民主制度的大菩薩。 效法228精神 立定台灣信仰根源 台灣人敬仰台灣人,228的犧牲在近代更有蹟可察,是台灣邁向民主福祉的動力來源,現在要恢復我台灣人格特質與信仰落實,非得確定台灣信仰的根本不可,台灣人的修行與拜拜活動,無法著落在本土神明的敬奉,就很難有為鄉為土犧牲奮鬥的決心,無知的追求空虛無著的靈魂界,台灣人只會是一群流蕩在世界上無根之民。(楊緒東/保護台灣大聯盟主席) ""

Friday, December 08, 2006

12.8=5 IC#15; T36 K21: 5WC/MPR:11. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. 'Off "ROC", Save Taiwan'. #1. Sino-US Relationships.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Former ROC/KMT head: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: #342=US#488=06.12.8=5; 10.18 #8=6th's Rally#91 Crisis#36; Capital campaign #53=last S:Candidate Lim Jishen: N:ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #21: --------------------------------------------------- FIC#15 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: Fifth World Council (5WC) (11): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (11): -------------------------------------------------- #1. Tom Barry, "The China Syndrome—A Bipartisan Ailment," Right Web Analysis (Silver City, NM: International Relations Center, December 6, 2006). Web location: Production Information: Editor(s): Right Web Production: Chellee Chase-Saiz, IRC "" Another striking addition to the commission's 2006 report is the warning that China is becoming a threat to U.S. space dominance. (The commission's report follows the August 2006 release of the Bush administration's National Space Policy, which stresses the importance of “unhindered U.S. operations in and through space to defend our interests there.”) The provenance of the commission's analysis is Chairman Larry Wortzel, who in addition to his position as vice president for policy at the Heritage Foundation was the former director of the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College. In 2003, Wortzel wrote a Heritage Foundation paper in which he predicted that “the newest battlefield for China will be in space” and declared that “from a defensive standpoint China is seeking to block the United States from developing its own anti-satellite weapons and space-based missile defense systems” (Heritage Foundation, Web Memo No. 346, October 15, 2003). Wortzel also charged that China and Russia are backing a UN treaty that would ban conventional and non-nuclear weapons in space, while at the same time “China is developing its own weapons”—a claim he failed to substantiate. "" "" Latest Comments & Conversation Area Editor's Note: IRC editors read and approve each comment. Comments are checked for content and to a lesser degree for spelling and grammatical errors. Comments that include vulgar language and libelous content are rejected, as are comments that do not directly respond to the published IRC article. You may add a new comment here. It will not appear on this page until it has been approved by an IRC editor "" My comment not edited yet: "" As a Taiwan citizen and a US resident, [[ and the author of ]], this issue of Sino-US relationships is a grave concern. Because I think, for American national interest, time is already rather late for the US to wake up finally, from the Israeli-Mideastern obsetion(?), and take full responsible leadership for global human emergent and critically dangerous problems, in coordination with the EU, and Russia as well as China as far as possible. My personal hope, is for other national powers who critically matters, to assist and indeed to push the US towards a peaceful future in a legal and just and sensible context, in full cooperation with the EU, in a rather EU way. Perhaps many are against space militarization, and disproportinate military nuclear monopoly, by a few powers. Perhaps more and more would be against capital punishment and ANY wars, for example over the issue between China and Taiwan, which could be solved peacefully by legal clarification and procedures, including the legal status of Taiwan. [[ To my blog, ]] ""

Thursday, December 07, 2006

12.7=4 IC#14; T35 K20: 5WC(10) MPR(10). 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. #0. 'Off "ROC", Save Taiwan'.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. #0-1. 'Off "ROC", Save Taiwan' #0-2. 透視中國黨 建立台灣國 FIC#14 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: #341=US#487=06.12.7=4; 10.17 #7=6th's Rally#90 Crisis#35; Capital campaign #52 :Candidate Lim Jishen: Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #19: Former ROC/KMT head: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: >#0 Fifth World Council (5WC) (10): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (10): #0-1. "Off "ROC", Save Taiwan': '去除「中華民國」體制 拯救台灣': "" 獨立做伙來 建國咱這代 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '去除「中華民國」體制 拯救台灣', November 24th, 2006 2000年政黨輪替,以「改革」為號召的民進黨由中國黨手中接過「中華民國」的神主牌,幾年之後,民進黨的理想逐漸消失,沾染了不少中國黨集團的不良習 氣,在親中政客及紅、藍媒體的日夜炒作之下,民進黨成了比中國黨更為貪腐、墮落的集團,連陳總統都成了比兩蔣更為貪腐的總統。儘管大多數支持者並未完全失 去信心,可是民進黨在「中華民國」體制內經過這麼一番洗禮,一身腥臭恐難完全去除了。 蔣介石出身黑幫,其領導的中國黨自然也是個黑幫,其組織獨裁、人治、威權,其作風殺人放火、巧取豪奪、無惡不做,所異於黑幫者,不過是披了一個「中華民 國」的外殼,讓其惡行合法化罷了。「中華民國」係為中國黨量身定做,讓其種種惡行可以「依法」為之,民進黨全盤接收,可是偏偏忘了同時接收那個足以護身的 屋頂─ 司法。民進黨人凡事比照前人,照畫葫蘆,必然干犯中華民國法律無疑。陳總統家人以及其左右所涉及的國務機要費風波就是典型的例子。 陳水扁當上了「中華民國總統」,不思改頭換面,還全心全力去捍衛「中華民國」這個招牌,「中華民國在台灣」意猶未盡,更進一步宣示「中華民國是台灣」,用 這種不合邏輯並違反國際認知的說法,繼續魚目混珠,以求在國際社會苟且偷生。而大國既然無人承認,只好以金錢及種種利益來收買貪婪的小朋友國家及獨裁者。 長久以來,國務機要費就是用來搞這類勾當的。陳總統不思改革,承襲中國黨陋習,以致陷自身於不義,並將整個黨捲入風暴當中。 中國黨雖已下台,其黨國不分時期的種種特權及貪腐行為仍舊不斷,其中最喪盡天良、違反社會公義的就是從台灣人手中奪取的數千億「黨產」。而今天的中國黨領 導人不但不為當年巧取豪奪的惡行懺悔,還加緊脫手變賣,以便贓款可以堂而皇之進入黨庫,進一步納入私囊。而台灣百姓在幾十年飽受蔣家政權荼毒之餘,至今仍 需支付兩蔣「顧屍兵」一年七千萬的費用,也還在支付李煥、郝柏村、蕭萬長這些前行政院長的私人家用。近來馬英九還把台北市市政特支費用來養狗,不知這隻 「馬小九」有沒有公務人員身分?馬英九還偽造文書,假報收據,把部份特支費明目張膽地納入私囊,罪証確鑿。 中國黨餘孳如此罪行昭彰,台灣人民百思不解的是司法機關為何不積極查辦,以打擊陳總統的「打老虎」精神去查辦馬英九?原來當年中國黨搬出「中華民國」時順 便連頭頂上賴以遮風避雨的法院一起搬走了,陳總統及民進黨官員口口聲聲地要大家「相信司法」,讓司法獨立調查,不知有沒有先去看看法院的顏色? 事實證明,民進黨所引以為傲的「寧靜革命」背後隱藏的是扭曲的和諧,虛假的安定,所謂「政權和平轉移」也只是不完整的轉移。阿扁之所以陷入今日的困境乃源 自於其為了和諧、社會安定而畏於對中國黨執政時代遺留的種種不合理的制度進行大刀闊斧的改革,更為了族群和諧,對中國黨的殘暴行為未加以清算,以致社會公 義無法還原。這樣姑息養奸的做法終至養虎為患,引來敵人對自己進行無止境的鬥爭,還導致昔日的支持者因期待落空,逐漸疏遠而去。阿扁多年來一廂情願地屈 就、妥協、息事寧人,如今換來的是嘲諷、屈辱、迫害,早知今日,何必當初? 一個空有民主、法治之名,而無能力徹底落實民主、法治的國家必然無法成就公平、正義、和諧的社會。民進黨「無痛」接收「中華民國」,換來至今六年不止的 「長痛」,根源於民主與法治都只是半調子。台灣人必須體認,要讓台灣免於今日的紛擾,要讓全民(包括總統)有免於恐懼的自由,唯有徹底鏟除這個以外來政權 的利益為依歸,假民主之名,圖個人、政黨利益之實的「中華民國」體制,讓這個處處坑人、陷人不義的制度徹底走入歷史,同實讓它的信徒無以維生,為社會除去 亂源。只要「中華民國」存在一日,台灣的內憂外患將永無休止。中國黨政權統治台灣數十年,遺留給台灣的就是「中華民國」這個無可救藥的癌症,為了防止癌症 蔓延,為了拯救台灣,除了流血割除以外並無他法。 Entry Filed under: 01-社論 "" © Copyright 2006 台灣公論報. All rights reserved. 客戶服務 e-mail : 傳真:609-750-0731 紐澤西辦事處 e-mail  (609)897-0210 傳真:(609) 716-0838 歡迎捐款 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #0-2. ' [BATA] FW: F透視中國黨 建立台灣國 (全)' .. A.K. ..Thursday, December 7, 2006 5:13:58 AM "" -----Original Message----- From: 保護台灣大聯盟\(TDA\) [mailto:taiwantt@ ms35.hinet. net] Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 5:54 PM To: Undisclosed- Recipient: ; Subject: F透視中國黨 建立台灣國 (全) http://taiwantt. http//www.taiwantda http://www.228. http://www.ocean. 透視中國黨 建立台灣國 (全) 保護台灣大聯盟, 主席楊緒東編寫 60年前的中國黨餘如此邪行,而再觀乎今日又是如何?就以張繼昭先生論著「台灣號會沉沒」所敘述,大家鑑古知今,更能了解中華民國的中國黨,如何操弄台灣人民,過去台灣國的人民,對於政治的冷感,給中國黨極大空間,鯨吞台灣的建國基石,一步步消耗台灣人民生存的權利。 引用書中所敘述的部份章節,就以軍購弊案來說吧! 7年前的93年12月,在台灣北部的蘇澳港,發現了一具在海浪中飄浮的屍體,蘇澳也是海軍的軍港。屍體穿著軍服,由於褲子上寫有名字,所以馬上得知死者的身份。 可是死者尹清楓上校是海軍兵器採購室主任,前一日上班的時候是穿著西裝的,所以便立即查出其朋友自其宿舍拿出軍服給換上的,然後就逮捕到他的同事郭力恆上校。 加害者殺了尹清楓上校之後,把屍體運到軍港,然後以海軍的小艇再運到外海去遺棄。但因為海流的關係又把屍體沖回來,或許這是死者要回來報仇。 因為被逮到的郭上校不肯吐實,調查的進行相當困難。但調查之後就浮出由尹清楓上校經手的3000噸級法國製拉法葉艦之採購貪污案。這是法國湯姆笙造船廠的產品。 據報導,尹清楓上校被殺害的當天,德國L廠的業務代理人叫鄭春菊的女人,慌慌張張逃回法國,還有湯姆笙廠的代理人汪傳浦(Andrew Wang)和另外一個神秘的仲介人單亦誠也一起逃出國外。案件似乎涉及到法國、德國等外國公司。 在無法追及到案件核心的情況下,海軍軍部就以從汪傳浦接受賄款為由,對郭力恆判「無期徒刑」匆匆結案。但是當時有關拉法葉艦的貪污事件,早就有許多傳聞說:這個事件由決定購買拉法葉型的參謀總長郝柏村以下,海軍之上級將官全員都有關係。 據報導說總共有二億美金的回扣金額,其中的一億美金由郝柏村所取得,而剩餘的一億美金則由海軍上級人員分贓。由於尹清楓拒絕參與分贓,而且企圖將此事暴露,才遭到殺害。 但事件涉及到軍部最高層部門,所以調查拖了好幾年都沒有突破性的發展。自從新政府組特別調查部後,種種事實才被揭穿,可是到現在離全體的實像還很遠。 評曰: 顯然中國黨操弄軍購的事實,由過去的蔣氏系統到現在軍中利益重新分割,有極為嚴重的內鬥,台灣軍隊的腐化程度非常嚴重,有急需重整的必要。 「光華二號計劃」從88年開始從韓國的現代造船廠購入蔚山型2000噸級驅逐艦16艘,準備配上正在台灣開發的「武進三號」配備。計劃的進行算順利,只剩下相互蓋印交換合約,手續就完備的地步。 可是到了88年法國的前任參謀總長,曾經訪問台灣。繼而郝柏村參謀總長、夏甸副參謀總長去訪問法國,到同年5月8日 郝參謀總長從法國發回一通電報,指示「暫緩光華二號計劃,蔚山艦之購入」,這是一通打給海軍總司令的電報。就這樣,從韓國購買掃雷艦的計劃就被擱置下來。 到了90年春天,ROC就決定自法國購入「拉法葉艦」,但馬上被PRC阻擾,因此法國政府就拒絕簽約而此案即告中斷。台灣購買軍艦還得要敵國的諒解是很不合理的,但是法國拒賣就一點辦法都沒有。連美國也一樣受到PRC之壓力,柯林頓就不願將武器賣給台灣。 然而在表面上雖然已經中斷,卻在暗地裡仍然進行著。到了90年末法國方面表明計劃之重開,並刻意避開PRC的壓制,不再把它叫做「掃雷艦」,而改稱為──「海底探測船」。如此就由湯姆笙廠代表法國方面,而中國造船廠代表台灣方面,互在契約書上簽名。 那時該計劃的金額由當初的每艘40億新台幣,灌水至151億新台幣。也自原來的16艘計劃減至6艘,更驚人的是軍艦裡沒有武器裝備的空船。有關這些經過延後詳述。 這些灌水的金額內含有台灣方面的回扣金與贈給法國高官們的賄賂金。而且更荒誕者,竟還包括著要給敵國PRC的軍政高層人員之賄賂金。這些都是由法國的前外相杜馬的情婦所寫的記事裡面所暴露出來的。這一本書將賄賂的受與情況或送給PRC官員的賄賂情況都寫得很清楚。 對於這些事件在法國已發展到法律起訴案件,據法國的報導,有關6艘拉法葉艦的買賣所發生的總貪污金額高達25億法郎。其中的百分之六十四回扣給台灣,百分之二十透過湯姆笙廠的劉麗麗賄贈給PRC的高官們,剩餘之百分之十六才分給法國及美國之有關人員。 但是法國報導的這個金額和在台灣所查出的金額有所出入,所以真相還是不明。當初之估價是每艘40億元(新台幣),但到了最後變成151億元,如果連匯率的差額考慮在內,實際被歪掉的金額應該是每艘100億元,所以總共應該有600億元(約20億美金)被貪污掉。 評曰: 如此龐大的軍購回扣,顯示普遍性既深又廣的犯罪共生結構,非台灣人民所能想像,就如首長特支費的習慣成俗,能無視於中華民國的法律與制度,當遇到大多數人的共生犯案之時,此等案子不論多少不公不義,亦不了了之,台灣人民要能認清這一點眉角。故凡能污錢之人,必大污特污,而大方分發給左右相關知情人員,做為鞏固黑金實力的保障,亦能適時整合政治實力,以對付法律的制裁。軍中的採購貪污以億為單位,相對一般行政官員之黑金共構,的確是小巫見大巫,然何以無法破除此軍中採購大案,而汲汲下手於地方小案,乃在於軍法系統所連結的軍購黑金共構,有太多的黑箱作業,外人難以察覺之故。 就是為了這個採購案,剛昇上為武器採購部長的尹清楓上校被殺害而到12月10日他的屍體才被發現。另外有關速射砲系統的購入,竟沒有包含彈藥,而另外再購買彈藥再加編預算。 原來「拉法葉」就是掃雷艦。在購買計劃的執行時這掃雷艦竟膨脹到比預算高4倍的金錢。這些錢大部份流入台灣軍政高官的口袋裡。另外還因必須安撫PRC方面的抗議,而暗地裡給PRC的高官也送賄賂錢,法國的高官也因溝通這個ROC和PRC之管道,也領到了許多佣金。但是花了這麼多的錢還是得不到PRC方面的「默認」,於是將「拉法葉」艦上面的裝備卸下來送給PRC,而變成購買空船後再另做裝備。這樣一再重複編裝備預算,反覆賺到回扣。如此才最後決定由德國的S廠購入Sonar裝備,同時也決定加裝速射砲。 但是因為德國的S廠,無法申請到輸出許可證給台灣,所以拒絕這批買賣。海軍就委託L廠做仲介人,那就是台灣和L廠訂定契約,然後由L廠購入S廠的裝備,加裝後再轉賣給台灣,但對於這種做法,S廠表示不滿。 所以海軍於92年6月,和德國的L廠訂了3900萬馬克的契約,而於三個月後支付2200萬馬克,但以後就沒有後續的訂單,因此L廠就派代理商的鄭春菊到台灣,要求海軍履行契約。 到了93年5月,尹清楓上校被任命為武器購買室執行長,之後到6月時到法國考察的尹清楓上校就發現有關「拉法葉」購買案的大規模貪污事實。覺得不太妙的湯姆笙廠急忙派代理人汪傳浦,強烈要求在「拉法葉」艦裝上德國S廠的裝備。但另外一方的德國L廠代理人鄭春菊正逼著海軍履行契約。如此,對於S廠的同一產品,湯姆笙廠和L廠就對上了。 對於尹清楓上校不同意,湯姆笙的代理人汪傳浦就抹黑尹清楓有貪污嫌疑。當尹清楓得知此事之後,為了要證明自己的清白而做了兩卷祕密錄音帶。但是他這樣的動作,被同事的郭力恆上校知道,於是郭上校和汪傳浦就將尹清楓監禁並施與拷打而奪回錄音帶之後就殺害了尹清楓。 尹清楓的殺害事件,湯姆笙廠也有關連,但因為汪傳浦尚在逃亡中,所以詳情也不太明瞭。 評曰: 軍購相關人員的易於掌握情資與輕鬆逃亡,坐享黑金,看好台灣軍頭在國外的存款,顯然受到台灣國內眾多共犯的協助,若非在國外出事,同時鬧出人命,可能亦是平安無事,台灣司法能否辦此積習已久的大案,一舉肅清軍中不法,有待觀察。 由上述可知,事件的演變太複雜。我們再把大綱簡單寫出在下面: 為要對應敵方的潛水艦,海軍便計劃購買一些反潛艦。 結果在其過程裡花了高出預算4倍的金錢買了空殼船,而很可能也把原有的裝備送給中國PRC。然後另編預算計劃購買Sonar裝備和速射砲系統,但是發現貪污實情的尹上校反對而被殺害。另外購買速射砲系統計劃到最後完成沒有包含彈藥(也就是吃掉彈藥),對這個購買方案也發生重大的回扣。據法國方面報導,賄賂錢的六成經由美國流回台灣,另外敵國的PRC高官或法國之高官也享受到回扣金。 據法國方面的報導,贓款是由法國先匯入美國而在美國經過「洗淨」之後匯到台灣。其中的一部份先匯進某將軍的帳戶,再分配給多數有關人員。又另外有一報導說,也有一部分錢由美國匯到國民黨的秘密帳戶裡。 台灣已有十幾位海軍將官或校官受到搜查,其中3人已經被逮捕起訴。但被認為是此一連串事件的核心人物郝柏村至今尚平安無事。郝柏村被稱為最後的軍閥,退休後也有相當大的影響力。新政府是否能追查到一定的程度,就要看其後續之發展了。 黑錢不單留在軍人中而已,這些贓款也有流到國民黨的政府高官手裡。對於這一方面,調查部沒有發表任何的事項,所以被釘住人員的名單尚未曝光。甚至有的報導說,「李登輝前總統也有涉及到此事件」,但這個消息應該是在故意引開焦點的假情報報導,因李登輝在任中幾乎不會也不能管理軍部內部情事,而全部讓郝柏村全權處理。如果國民黨有關連的話,即最可疑的該是當時的正副黨祕書長宋楚瑜和李煥,但這也要等調查部的解明才能知道真相。 雖然出售給台灣的「拉法葉艦」價格已經超越正常價格許多,但是其中還沒有包含武器系統的裝備價格。更驚人的是據報導在其相同時期中共也由法國購買的「哈爾賓」級巡海艦上,卻載有「拉法葉」艦的全部武器系統裝備。所以台灣就是購買空殼船後,再購入湯姆笙廠的「聲納系統」(Sonar)和電子裝備,還另外規劃出「速射砲系統」的購買計劃,以及彈藥的購買計劃等的個案預算。 簡言之,台灣方面購買了「拉法葉」艦的武器裝備之後,又把整套附帶裝備「奉贈」給中共,而再在國內另外重新編出預算計劃,購買同一套裝備,而且在採購物品時又造成貪污機會,有關這個案子,已有數十位軍人進入被起訴的階段。 因此台灣海軍竟然將單一的「拉法葉」艦的購買計劃,分割成船身、聲納,電子系統、速射砲系統以及彈藥裝備四項個案,也由此製造出四次的貪污機會,這種作法在民間把它叫做「一鴨四吃」。(把一隻鴨,分別做出四道料理) 另說,完成「拉法葉」的契約之後,法國的達梭航公司,也將幻象2000型戰鬥機賣給台灣,有關這項買賣也有貪污案之發生,但其真相還待查明。 評曰: 台灣軍事系統建立軍隊的目的,其任務就是保護二仟三百萬台灣人民生命、財產、土地的安全,當前的台灣就是不一樣,還有什麼的國家認同、族群認同問題,中華民國在台灣的陰影害慘台灣人,徒然坐令中國黨方便,由反共變成哈共,愛那一國的人民,或是為那一國而戰,成為尾大不掉的夢魘,故要如何出賣台灣,以謀求金錢與政治利益,在台灣中國黨的大中國情結之下,成為背叛台灣人建國的最大阻力,其等為了維持既得福利與政治優勢,正無所不用其極,要顛覆台灣人政權。 如此,台灣人民的血汗錢,竟被法國、中國、台灣三個國家的軍政高官們分贓。果然,這項新聞在台灣報導出來之後,國民黨的發言人就慌忙地發表聲明說「我們正在調查國民黨內部有沒有受賄的人」。 雖然在台灣已經有十數名海軍將官被起訴,但當時的國防部長郝柏村還沒有被起訴。而且當時執權的國民黨高官,也沒有任何一個人被檢舉出來。 另外,如果「拉法葉」的契約金額是總共高達160億法郎,但是湯姆笙廠所開的價錢是80億法郎,加上佣金的25億,也還有55億的錢不知去向,所以由此就可知尚未查明的事還很多才對。據台灣方面的報導,賄賂錢並不是直接回流到台灣,而是經過匯到美國「洗錢」之後才又匯回台灣的。那麼這55億法郎是經過甚麼樣的「洗錢」過程的呢?我們也不得而知。 評曰: 中國黨之以顛覆台灣為目的,其手段越來越毫無顧忌,台灣人受中國黨媒體起鬨,更令人傷心,若以台中市長 胡志強 夫人與中華民 國總統 夫人的遭遇而言,吳淑珍自車禍以來,長期受中國黨身心折磨,逐漸衰弱而奄奄一息,而邵曉玲車禍之後成為坤國大英雌,得全民祝福與優厚的醫療支援,相較之下,吳淑珍已經是氣若游絲,中國黨還能發狠鞭伐,真是令人冷顫,台灣中國真是一邊一國,大不相同,胡志強優於陳水扁乎?吳淑珍的處境與邵曉玲又如何?大家想一想吧!有多少人為吳淑珍祈福?又有多少人為邵曉玲折紙鶴、誦經、禮拜?公平嗎?何以是?此乃大中國殖民主義發酵的結果,台灣人就是矮人一截,當了總統也是一樣。 台北市的捷運系統是由嚴家淦的兒子為總經理時開始建設的。當時計劃的路線是由木柵到松山機場附近。當時也為此編列了40億元的預算,但因為貪污太厲害,工程費用一再增加到400億而仍然無法完成。這一件捷運工程是後來陳水扁當選台北市長後才完成的。當時陳市長即以法國的馬德拉集團超過契約期間尚且無法完成為由,和馬德拉公司解除契約。馬德拉公司即將安全控制系統的軟體扣押,不繳給市政府工事機構。 同時馬德拉公司也向政府提出支付40億元解約金的要求。當然,政府是依法拒絕這一項無理的要求。但據當時盛傳的民間消息是事實上這批40億的金錢是馬德拉公司已付給官員的回扣錢。而馬德拉公司因生意無法繼續,就向黑官討回這批回扣。可怕的是政府的高官竟然以「解約金」的名義企圖從人民的納稅錢再度支付這一筆歪哥錢。 完成後的木柵線的捷運車輛,是像迪斯尼樂園那一種小火車的規劃,只有三人一排的狹窄車輛。因此,這一條路線和以後完成的四人一排的新型車輛無法連線起來。所以這條線路之建設,就好像一個「活動貪瀆博物館」一般的東西。 當連戰做副總統的時候,他的親信伍澤元在台北縣設置污水處理場,伍澤元因為這個工程貪吞四十億元證據明確,被判十五年有期徒刑。這個貪污事件裡,連戰將分贓的四仟萬元匯入伍澤元的帳號裡。而這個內幕經調查曝光時,連戰卻說那筆匯款是「 連戰的 太太借給伍澤元的錢」,但仍然提不出借款證明。 伍澤元由於這個案件被判入獄,但隨即以「糖尿病重」為由獲准保護送醫。被保釋後半年,伍澤元不但沒有死,而且當選為立法委員。至今身體還很硬朗,如果身體的健康沒有問題,按照道理應該回到監獄服刑才對,但司法當局竟沒有執行。這是「濫用權力」最好的例子。 官僚的貪污以建設工程最為簡單。例如宋楚瑜任台灣省長二年當中,省政府的經費超支額達八千億之多。但經過審計部的調查又發現其中的四千億元超支根本無法說明。這是大選前的報紙刊登的,多數讀者尚有明確記憶才對。 台灣的苗栗縣地方有座橋被當地人民笑稱為「宋楚瑜橋」。原因是渡過了這一座橋就碰到山壁,而前面就沒有路了。因此「宋楚瑜橋」就是「沒有前途」的意思。建設事業容易灌水回扣,又能和地方的業者勾結,所以這對選舉很有利。民間都傳說宋楚瑜所花費不知去向的四仟億元,是「暗槓」在地方建築業者之手。 評曰: 台灣的司法碰到中國黨的高官,就會官官相護以解套,馬英九的特支費案,大有人替他護航,就是民進黨的行政院長與法務部長,硬是力捧馬屁,陳水扁就是欠扁,沒人替他講話,認為中國馬當然無罪,而台灣扁必須受審,一樣法條兩樣審,台灣與中國真是不同。 台灣的軍購有很多仲介人的存在,這裡舉一個鮮人所知的,黎昌意這個人來吧!他是黎玉璽海軍上將的兒子。70年代末期他是美國德立台公司的台灣總經理。在80年代時,台灣的陸軍擬從美國購買M-60戰車。黎昌意得到其父的幫忙,當了軍購代理商,並且向美國總公司提報時,提出「以10%之回扣給陸軍官人員」為條件。當時的美國因為日本政府的戰機購買發生有名的「洛希德回扣」事件,弄得非常尷尬,美國國會召開公聽會調查,由洛希德公司總裁 柯強 先生在國會訊問時透露了日本首相田中角榮確實拿到五億元回扣金而鬧得全美國戰戰兢兢。所以企業界對於佣金的處理特別小心。這個時候黎昌意竟然正式向它的總公司提出暗含回扣的軍購生意。於是當時的德立台公司總裁 辛格頓 博士看到台灣分公司總經理黎昌意的提案就非常震怒,馬上把他炒魷魚。黎昌意竟然反口向辛格頓總裁說:拿回扣在台灣的武器採購是不可欠缺的慣例,不要以為正當清廉就能做到台灣的軍購生意。 當英國即將把香港歸還給中國的半年之前,黎昌意把香港的國民黨黨產建築物,以3億5千萬美金賣給某公司。後來知道這一家某公司即是北京系的公司。再後來經過三個月傳出,該建築物在三個月之間被轉賣三次,最後一次的賣價竟然是6億5仟萬美金。台灣的國會懷疑國民黨將資產「變相貢獻」給北京政府而提出質詢,但結果還是沒有下文,有人說,這是北京的代表和黎昌意將該建築物輾轉買賣,賺到利益由雙方各自分贓。 評曰: 犯法習慣了,就是“習慣法”,共犯多了,就可以推翻法律,為中國黨辦事的人太多,於中華民國體系之下的司法,會入獄的常是台灣國人民,這種中華民國,被國際所除名,還讓它在台灣存在嗎? 台灣將門之子果然好有種,如是一般,復觀乎立法委員邱毅帶人衝撞法院,警察受傷不說,明顯犯法有目共睹,法官一審再審,訴訟拖延多時,他真是一條自由自在的中國龍,而426機場事件受傷的台灣人,誰來申冤。 筆者有一位從事砂石業的友人。據它說,全台灣的河川已經完全被各地方的立法委員分占地盤,例如下淡水溪是王金平,濁水溪是廖福本,大甲溪和大安溪是劉松藩等,都由黑道議員占為他們的勢力範圍。 砂石業者大都是流氓黑道。據說每一台砂石車均須支付立委兩百元,另外也要給警察或派系議員保護費。國有河川地的砂石是幾乎不必花錢可以取得的。但是因砂石之品質不同,每一噸的價格從350元到700元價錢相差在兩倍以上。 評曰: 立委利委,中國黨立委就是不同。 台灣採購了許多自衛用的武器。但是其中,超過購買武器實際金額四倍以上的資金遭到貪污,甚至還出現武器流入敵人手中的情形。這就是受到腐敗特權集團統治的台灣。這個腐敗政權手中的惡例首推宋楚瑜、郝柏村。連戰若是與宋楚瑜合作,不僅國民黨會滅亡,甚至整個台灣可能都將淪陷。這就是為什麼《李登輝執政告白實錄》中透露出那麼強烈的警告訊息的原因。 目前的國民黨大致可分為四派系。李登輝派、連戰派、宋楚瑜派與反宋楚瑜派。為什麼國民黨內會有這麼多派系存在?因為黨員們為了爭奪國民黨產。所以在國民黨內,同時存在著擔心宋楚瑜搶奪黨產的反宋楚瑜派,以及與宋楚瑜同流合污的貪污派。 李登輝派走的是民主化路線,致力於黨產透明化,以防止貪污發生。連戰派光是路線的分裂,就已經被王志剛、胡志強等外省人派胡攪得勢力逐漸衰微。 李登輝在後來接受記者訪問時,對於宋楚瑜的事情都表示宋楚瑜在擔任台灣省長的二年期間,將五千億元的資金中飽私囊,以儲備選舉資金。這五千億資金最後都被列入國家的赤字預算。這五千億元資金到現在都尚未被提出追究,可見李登輝對揭發宋楚瑜惡行仍有著很大的決心。 李登輝還知道許多國民黨的內情,期待今後李登輝持續公開有關過去內幕的回憶錄。 本土化原本也不應該是台灣人與外省人之間的爭議。一談到「本土化」,就馬上引起「族群對立」的說法,其實是因為外省人存有「統治階級意識」的關係,造成一談到「本土化」,就令人聯想到「獨立」,也是因為媒體惡性宣傳、操縱的結果。居住在台灣長達半個世紀以上的人,心中仍然只有中國,這種不實際、不協調的態度正是當今國難的根源。 外省人與本省人產生對立,顯然對外省人最為不利。外省人心裡所擔心的,是本土化將促使他們失去優勢,過去巧取豪奪的成果恐怕遭到清算。 七月中旬,監察委員王作榮在接受電視採訪時,激烈批評李登輝,他說「李登輝支持民進黨,推動獨立運動」,他熱淚盈眶,看起來慷慨激昂。但是李登輝並未脫離國民黨,事實上也未曾援助民進黨。因為宋楚瑜是外省人,所以連戰和宋楚瑜握手就未受到半點指責,但是李登輝和陳水扁兩位本省人,卻只是單純的握手,就引起騷動,被批評是「李登輝背叛國民黨,支持民進黨」,這真是不合理。 王作榮甚至還威脅說,「你們去本土化啊,將來中國攻打過來的時候,看看住在台灣的三百萬外省人,槍口要對哪裡」。 這個發言正是台灣諸惡的根源。台灣的敵人就在台灣島上啊。 這種言論等於證明了外省人住在台灣長達半世紀以上,但卻不認為自己和台灣人是同一種人。被共產黨追打逃到台灣來的外省人,一直盤算著要找機會以統一的名義,將台灣交給中國共產黨,對所居住的台灣一點也不感恩。對這些外省人而言,台灣人不過是「二等國民」、「奴隸」罷了。因此,當台灣人呼籲「本土化」時,就會引起族群對立,隨時會被國民黨高喊「逐出黨門」。 王作榮想說的是,「中國人不是台灣人。當中國攻打過來時,外省人的槍口會朝向台灣人。我們有十億的中國人作為後盾,你們台灣人敢說要本土化嗎?好好想想吧!」 外省人一直喊著「台灣是中國的一部份,台灣人是中國人」。這是全都是謊言! 台灣人卻沒有認清這個事實。外省人公然地表明種族敵對的態度,自己身後有十億的中國人作後盾,過去這樣傲慢的態度一直都沒有改變。這樣的外省人,絕對不會接受李登輝所主張的「新台灣人」、「本土化」。 王作榮的發言代表著外省人的真心話,台灣人應該提高警覺才是。外省人們應該也覺悟到,一旦中國武力攻打過來,台灣人的槍口首先就會朝向外省人。 台灣已經是個自由、民主的國家,如果外省人不喜歡台灣,大可回去那個「沒有自由的中國」。不過,只要渴望自由的人,就應該為台灣努力才是! 評曰: 中國黨為了能在台灣長期佔有的特權黑金共構,於輸掉政權之後,又急又氣,不會因為台灣人執政的民進黨團隊如何退讓、如何和好、如何巴結?皆被毫不留情的打擊,陳水扁總統夠軟了吧?現在阿扁最慘,台灣人鬥不過中國黨,因為中國黨講話不算話,就會製造謊言。 台灣的司法缺乏正義,因為台灣有特權存在。這裡所謂的特權,包括「特權人物不須接受司法制裁」以及「司法特權的審判不公」兩個層面,通常可見到的是,屈服於權力下的案例,或是濫用權力的案例。這裡要來探討最高法院對「第四原子能發電」、台北地方法院的「宋楚瑜興票案」以及台灣地方法院的「違法拘留台南市長」的三個不同案例,來探討台灣法院的判例。 有關第四原子能發電廠(以下簡稱核四廠)的興建,其所引發的政治動亂,在本「台灣號會沉沒?」系列記事的第三章中曾經提過。核四廠的興建,曾經是20年的懸案。在興建工程的每個階段,都可以看到官商勾結,核四廠計劃簡直是特權政治人物的聚寶盆。人民雖然持續20年間,不斷地反對核四廠的興建,但是終於還是無法將之廢止。 新政權雖然在施政目標中,揭櫫要廢止核四廠的興建,但是要廢止這個立法委員的聚寶盆建設案,新政權的體質仍嫌嬴弱。為此,行政院成立了「研究廢止核電廠審查委員會」,並表示會尊重委員會的決定。但是在立法院,立法委員們高唱核四廠的興建預算已經通過,反對中止興建。換句話說,立法院為了面子與利權堅持反對,但是卻從未顧及人民的意向。 審查委員會最後作成「廢除核四」的決議,行政院也根據委員會的決定,決定中止核四的興建工程。卻立即招來立法院激烈的反對,特權立委們紛紛揚言要罷免行政院長、罷免總統、罷免副總統。行政院長為了協調這個情形,前往立法院說明,但是立法院卻拒絕行政院長的說明,並且將行政院長列為拒絕到立法院做說明,同時威脅要提出內閣不信任案,擊垮新政府。 行政院長提出「雖然審查預算是立法院的職務,但是執行政策是行政院的功能。所以行政院也有變更議案的權利」,並向最高法院提出釋憲的要求。行政院若擁有執行權與變更權,立法院就沒有理由可以罷免行政院長。 不過最高法院的判決結果是贊成十二票,反對三票,做出含糊不清的判決:「遇到重大事業的情形時,行政院要將之廢止時需要立法院進行協調。因此廢止興建的決定過程有瑕疵」。 由於判決實在含糊不清,因此行政院長主張要求再度釋憲,但立法委員方面則認定在政策決定過程有瑕疵,行政院方面違憲。換言之,最高法院對這個事件並未做出應有的裁判。 這裡我也要舉出判決文中幾點矛盾之處。 1. 判決書中寫到「遇到重大事業時,行政院必須與立法院協調」。這是否代表「只要是一般政策,行政院就具有決定權」。由於省略了這一段話,讓整篇判決文充滿曖昧不清的意思,任何一方的解釋都可以成立。所謂的「程序中有瑕疵」意味著「行政院的決定雖然合乎憲法規定,但是決策程序不圓滑,因此遭到立法院反對」。這份判決書的內容雖然同情行政院,但卻未做出是或不是的判決,因為最高法院無法明確做出「行政院沒有違憲」的判決。 2. 最高法院並沒有權利判定國家的事業是否屬於「重大」或「一般」事業。因此,最高法院做出「這項重大事業的決定過程有瑕疵」的判決完全沒有根據。換句話說,不管是重大或一般事業,不違憲就是不違憲。 3. 行政院長為了進行協調前往立法院,但是反而被立法院趕了出來。因此這裡所謂的「瑕疵」,責任應該在立法院。立法院是否有拒絕行政院長說明的權利呢?立法院是否有拒絕行政院長的權利?這一點,最高法院也應該將之列入判決書內容才是。 4. 行政院是根據審查委員會的決議做出決定,審查委員會的決定在事前已經提交給立法院,因此「未經協調」之說並不成立。 5. 當行政院與立法院之間的意見相左(情形顯然是如此),不可否認地,最後的決定權是在行政院。 6. 在贊成十二票,反對三票的判決書提出後,三位投反對票的大法官(三位都是外省人)將所持的反對理由大大地在報紙、電視上宣傳。但是判定合憲的十二位大法官卻保持沉默。這次的釋憲,是根據12比3,少數服從多數的法則下進行判決,投反對票的三位大法官 向媒體表示不服之意,是違反「法律原則」的行為。而且媒體的報導方式,就宛如這三位大法官的反對意見才是最高法院的判決結果般,對其他十二位法官的意見絲毫沒有報導,十分不合理。 針對廢核四案,立法院、行政院的對立構成很大的問題。但是是否違法,只要遵照憲法就一清二楚,應該交由司法裁定才是。最高法院做出不明不白的判決,讓整個問題更加嚴重。 關於這件廢核四案,總統在背負壓力下,突然指示行政院「繼續興建」。陳總統的一百八十度改變引起群眾一陣嘩然,對政府的失望也引起一連串的抗議。但是有部份人士認為,陳總統決定繼續興建核四是一種拖延時間的戰術。由於已經停工的工地要重新繼續興建,需花費相當時日,陳總統將在今年立法委員選舉後,將核四案提交全民公投。不過這也是過度樂觀的觀察。筆者認為,陳總統之所以會做出一百八十度的轉變,是承受來自美國的壓力。由於核四廠的發電設備是向美國採購,因此美國希望台灣方面繼續興建原子能發電廠。 評曰: 台灣司法何在?一國兩制而已,阿扁執政,好心留下許多前朝舊臣,因循舊習,不敢依民意來整頓惡習,其結果是中華民國的惡法只會保護中國黨,而反噬台灣國的總統。 國民黨在總統大選之前,就已經知道宋楚瑜在1992年黨秘書長時期、省長時期、省長選舉時期等,盜領了黨的資產。當報紙報導這件事情時,宋楚瑜也承認自己曾經匯款一億四千萬新台幣到美國去。但是經過調查,宋楚瑜的不明資金又增加了二億四千萬元。宋楚瑜表示,這筆資金是李登輝交給他的,因此要將錢還給李登輝。經過再三的調查,宋楚瑜盜領的公款最後累積高達十一億七千六百萬元(約三千萬美金),這麼龐大的款項宋楚瑜再也無法提出說明,盜用公款的事實罪證確鑿。 宋楚瑜的妻子與小姨子擅自借用32個人的名義,匯款給宋楚瑜在美國的兒子時,匯款單上清楚記載了要用來「購買不動產」。調查結果,也讓大家明白了宋楚瑜的兒子在美國擁有五棟不動產。宋楚瑜犯了盜領公款、違反匯兌法、違反財產申報法等罪。而且宋楚瑜偽造國民黨印章的事情也被揭發。這些罪,都屬於重大刑事犯罪,但是國民黨卻只將宋楚瑜的盜領公款,提請「民事法庭」而已。被宋楚瑜小姨子利用來匯款的銀行名稱為中興票券公司,因此這件案子就被稱作「興票案」。 總統選舉結果出爐,宋楚瑜的得票率繼陳水扁之後第二高,國民黨的連戰慘敗。宋楚瑜於是成立親民黨,擔任黨主席。不過民間百姓,仍然十分關心宋楚瑜身為刑事犯主角的案情發展。 不過受理這件案子的台北地檢署主任檢察官洪泰文在今年1月20日,突然聲稱「找不到宋楚瑜盜領公款的事實」,判決興票案予以不起訴處分。這項宣佈也引起社會上轟隆的批判。到了2月7日 ,國民黨宣佈「為了政黨間的合作」,放棄興票案的上訴。國民黨的這項決定,又引起一連串的批判。世界上哪有這種與偷了自己財產的人握手合作的笨蛋? 負責調查的洪泰文檢察官只傳喚過一次宋楚瑜。洪泰文說明,在傳喚的過程中,宋楚瑜幾度無法說明事實,辯稱自己忘記了。而且檢察官從未傳喚原告方面的國民黨員。如果宋楚瑜辯稱那些錢是李登輝給的錢,傳喚李登輝自然是理所當然的事情。在這個情況下,偏袒、濫用權利的檢察官,顯然也做出了違法的判決。 除了洪泰文外,監察院也對宋楚瑜進行了調查。監察院發表的結果,與洪泰文證據不足的判決完全不同。洪泰文於是向媒體辯解「興票案的調查作業極度困難」資金動向非常複雜。銀行帳簿公私不分,同一本帳簿上有公家的款項也有個人的款項。」但是洪泰文並未將這些事實提列為盜領公款的證據。從客觀的角度來看宋楚瑜偽造印鑑將國民黨的公款納入私人戶頭,並且違法匯款到國外去,這些都已經是罪證確鑿的事實。 由於監察院的調查報告與洪泰文的不起訴判決結果差異太大,因此要求重新調查的呼聲也很高。對此,檢察官表示「原告國民黨已經放棄上訴,因此不能重新進行調查」。對於這一點,司法改革委員會幾度上告,終於在4月3日 ,法院宣判「雖然這個案子證據不足,但是只要能提出新證據,就能重新調查」。目前這個案子正根據刑事訴訟法重新展開調查。不過重新調查至今已經經過3個月時間,仍然不見傳喚其他證人。 宋楚瑜是政壇上的一號大人物,如果他被宣判有罪,親民黨將會潰散。但是在罪證這麼齊全的情況下,宋楚瑜卻依然獲得「證據不足不起訴」的判決,台灣的司法可以說等同是一個死法。 「台南地方法院拘留市長」案,是有關檢察官與法官勾結,將主張台獨的台南市長予以違法拘留的事件。 台南市長張燦鍙是一位優秀的大學教授,過去在美國擔任世界台灣獨立聯盟(WUFI)近20年的主席,之後回到台灣進入政壇。但是在台南的地方法院,有許多敵視獨立的外省人檢察官、法官。而且更不合理的是,竟然有兩對以上的夫婦,分別擔任檢察官與法官的職務。這樣的檢察官與法官的組合,怎麼可能做出公正的裁判呢? 2000年8月,台南地檢署發表有關台南市運河沿岸的建設資料,以收賄罪逮捕、起訴了建築課長。這就是台南市長遭地方法院拘留事件的開端。張燦鍙市長遭台南地方法院以「包庇部下,勾結商人得利」的罪名,由檢察官陳誌銘求刑12年。張市長在開始提起上訴時,抗議檢察官將消息走漏給媒體,也要求法務部對該檢察官進行司法調查。 但是受理這項抗議的法務部在同年10月,將張市長的要求內容與資料交給台南地檢署,命令檢察長進行調查,當然這些事情陳誌銘檢察官很快就得知了。這麼一來,陳檢察官又以另外一件工業區開發工程的案子,張市長有收賄嫌疑的罪名提起公訴,對張市長求取七年徒刑。這是檢察官的報復行為。 2001年4月,正當法庭在進行審理時,陳檢察官向法官表示「市長有企圖湮滅罪證之虞」,要求立即逮捕市長發監拘禁,法官也立即同意了檢察官的要求,將市長逮捕。更可議的是,當場已經有媒體的攝影機在待命,張市長遭逮捕的畫面也在電視畫面上實況轉播。 當天下午的記者會上,檢察官趙中岳描述「從一週前他們就開始演習如何逮捕市長」。換句話說,法院與地檢署在未判之前就已經事前計畫好要逮捕市長,並且經過演習。而且法院為了讓市長遭逮捕的畫面能在電視上播放,開庭以前也連絡好媒體記者。 不僅如此,在審判的幾日前,有一位自稱是國家安全局的人員打電到台南市長辦公室,聲稱只要付「運作費用」給檢察處長林朝陽,就能夠解決這次的事件。市長辦公室立即錄下這通電話的對話內容作為證據,並且打電話到該男子所說的電話號碼,果然是林檢察官接聽電話,而且林檢察官也確認該男子所說「運作」內容,並且親自指定秘密的見面地點。也就是說,林檢察官要求台南市長賄賂他。 張燦鍙市長被監禁了一個月左右,禁止見客並且單獨收監。5月16日 ,台南高等法院審查這個案子,判定「檢察官無法提出證據,沒有任何根據必須將市長監禁」,讓張市長交付保釋。但是法院的法官卻表示「張市長有逃跑之虞」,要求市長交付200萬新台幣的保釋金。張市長拒絕,表明「拒絕繳付保釋金」。張市長說,只要繳付保釋金就等同認罪,法院應該給予無罪開釋,因此張市長拒絕離開被監禁的房間。當天晚上,兩百多名市民前往法院抗議,在這股壓力下,張市長才被釋放出來。但是法庭以烏有的罪名監禁市長,這項責任仍然未被追究。 張燦鍙市長雖然已經獲釋,但是報紙的報導早已使張市長名譽蒙羞,一般都認為張市長在年底的選舉鐵定落選。報紙媒體至今仍做許多「張市長收受賄款藏匿在友人的名義下」,「部下背負罪名,為市長犧牲」等等不實報導。 主張台灣獨立的 張燦鍙 先生,他的政治生命在地方法院與檢察處的勾結陷阱下就此被葬送掉了。 依法辦理社會案件的法官肩負著重大的責任。不論事件的大小、金額的多寡,從小人物到政壇上的大人物,只要缺乏正義、公平,這個社會就會產生不平,只要社會有不平,就會引發社會運動,嚴重時甚至造成革命運動發生。台灣的特權階級在犯罪時不受裁判,特權法官也使許多無辜的人民受害。 國民黨之所以在選舉中會敗北,是因為「黑金政治」,也就是黑道介入政治,不當資金竄流所致。即使新政府上任,舊政權的黑金體質仍未見改善。軍艦採購案的海軍貪污事件中,元兇直指前行政院長郝伯村,但是至今還是無法將他繩之以法。 期待新政府能更加努力。 結語: 敢辦中國黨馬英九嗎?敢辦中國黨郝伯村嗎?過去中華民國法律,只會針對台灣國官員法辦,輕輕放過宋楚瑜,而連小尾泥鰍的邱毅,亦能被縱容而逍遙法外,走體制內的台灣人,就用選舉來調適,行體制外的台灣國人民,須有制憲、正名的有效行動。制憲正名也可以在體制內進行,若還是有太多中國黨的阻力,剩下來的路,就會是所謂全民抗暴運動。我個人主張,體制內選舉與體制外革命並行,而台灣建國的最終目標,須結合各台灣國大老,共同研商建國的步驟,千萬不可以自以為台灣已經是實質獨立的國家,就放心不幹。依現實台灣政治狀況而言,台灣的立法院還是中國黨優勢,行政官員是舊制養成,統派佔多數,台灣的教育大中國主義還是主流,阿扁現在是虛級化總統,行政院長則是軟腳蝦,外交、情報偏藍,而軍力受阻於中國黨,司法檢調如是一般,故台灣國的總統執政,還是無計可施,故曰:台灣國還是中國黨所掌管,台灣國人民必須自立自強了。 ""