
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Friday, December 08, 2006

12.8=5 IC#15; T36 K21: 5WC/MPR:11. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. 'Off "ROC", Save Taiwan'. #1. Sino-US Relationships.

李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立 應跟美談法定地位. Former ROC/KMT head: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: #342=US#488=06.12.8=5; 10.18 #8=6th's Rally#91 Crisis#36; Capital campaign #53=last S:Candidate Lim Jishen: N:ChiangKMT Ma Crisis #21: --------------------------------------------------- FIC#15 Community Resources: Related Links: Assn of Free Countries: Fifth World Council (5WC) (11): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (11): -------------------------------------------------- #1. Tom Barry, "The China Syndrome—A Bipartisan Ailment," Right Web Analysis (Silver City, NM: International Relations Center, December 6, 2006). Web location: Production Information: Editor(s): Right Web Production: Chellee Chase-Saiz, IRC "" Another striking addition to the commission's 2006 report is the warning that China is becoming a threat to U.S. space dominance. (The commission's report follows the August 2006 release of the Bush administration's National Space Policy, which stresses the importance of “unhindered U.S. operations in and through space to defend our interests there.”) The provenance of the commission's analysis is Chairman Larry Wortzel, who in addition to his position as vice president for policy at the Heritage Foundation was the former director of the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College. In 2003, Wortzel wrote a Heritage Foundation paper in which he predicted that “the newest battlefield for China will be in space” and declared that “from a defensive standpoint China is seeking to block the United States from developing its own anti-satellite weapons and space-based missile defense systems” (Heritage Foundation, Web Memo No. 346, October 15, 2003). Wortzel also charged that China and Russia are backing a UN treaty that would ban conventional and non-nuclear weapons in space, while at the same time “China is developing its own weapons”—a claim he failed to substantiate. "" "" Latest Comments & Conversation Area Editor's Note: IRC editors read and approve each comment. Comments are checked for content and to a lesser degree for spelling and grammatical errors. Comments that include vulgar language and libelous content are rejected, as are comments that do not directly respond to the published IRC article. You may add a new comment here. It will not appear on this page until it has been approved by an IRC editor "" My comment not edited yet: "" As a Taiwan citizen and a US resident, [[ and the author of ]], this issue of Sino-US relationships is a grave concern. Because I think, for American national interest, time is already rather late for the US to wake up finally, from the Israeli-Mideastern obsetion(?), and take full responsible leadership for global human emergent and critically dangerous problems, in coordination with the EU, and Russia as well as China as far as possible. My personal hope, is for other national powers who critically matters, to assist and indeed to push the US towards a peaceful future in a legal and just and sensible context, in full cooperation with the EU, in a rather EU way. Perhaps many are against space militarization, and disproportinate military nuclear monopoly, by a few powers. Perhaps more and more would be against capital punishment and ANY wars, for example over the issue between China and Taiwan, which could be solved peacefully by legal clarification and procedures, including the legal status of Taiwan. [[ To my blog, ]] ""


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