11.28=2 IC#5; T26 K11. 5WC (1), MPR (1). #0-1. 'Taiwan recognised by MPR and 5WC'; #0-2. 'Updating Taiwanese lawsuite for clarification '. #1. Brain
FIC#5: http://fic.ic.org/ Community Resources: http://www.ic.org/resources/ Related Links: http://www.ic.org/resources/links.php #332=US#478=06.11.28=2; 10.8:#58 Rally#81: Crisis#26; Capital campaign #43 Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #11: http://tinyurl.com/sbsmf Fifth World Council (5WC) (1): http://register.5world.net/ >#0. 5WC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FifthWorld/ Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (1): http://mpr.cyberterra.com/ #0-1. 5WC Message#918 'Taiwan recognised by MPR and 5WC': http://tinyurl.com/yhejvm "" You've heard the story before, about the man who went to the Moon, the man who went where no man had gone before. There are also other stories, and most people to don't read about them in the newspapers, but that doesn't mean that they too didn't happen. On 27 November 2006 (19 Montessori 2006 in the Cesidian calendar) a citizen of Taiwan and US resident named Sheh-gni Tsai joined the Fifth World Council (5WC). The nation he endorsed was Taiwan, however, not the usual Micronation one would expect. Of course, nobody that considers himself a Fifth Worlder at heart can be refused membership in the world's most authentic Fifth World organisation, but taking on diplomatic relations with Taiwan is no joking matter, and besides that, the person applying must be a proper diplomatic channel, at least a Minister of Taiwan, and with prior authorisation by the government. So diplomatic recognition of Taiwan was probably out of the question unless, of course, Mr Sheh-gni Tsai also happened to be a Taiwanese Minister. Later Mr Sheh-gni Tsai also registered at the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR), and in effect, went where no Taiwanese had ever gone before! Now the Fifth World Council (5WC) must recognise Taiwan, it has no choice in the matter, since it is obliged to recognise any country, nation, organisation, family, or individual that is endorsed by a Member of the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR), and the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) must recognise the highly professional Mr Sheh-gni, and the Nation/Micronation he endorses! Of course, the fact that the Fifth World Council (5WC) and the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) now recognise Taiwan, doesn't imply that Taiwan itself has diplomatic relations, which are possible with at least the Fifth World Council (5WC) and its member nations. The recognition is thus real, but informal and de facto, not formal or de jure, the kind of recognition that would imply higher diplomatic status. The Fifth World Council (5WC) also recognises the United States, and even New York State specifically, but that clearly doesn't mean we have diplomatic relations with New York State -- although I do get along quite well with a New York State Senator on many issues, to be completely frank. Today, the following countries are recognised by the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR), and thus by the Fifth World Council (5WC): USA Canada Chile Italy Switzerland Germany UK Spain Portugal Ethiopia India Australia Taiwan The Micronational Professional Registry (MPR), and thus the Fifth World Council (5WC), also recognises the European Union (EU) as an international organisation, and some individual US states. Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini "" #0-2. 'Updating Taiwanese lawsuite for clarification of relationship with the US': http://www.taiwanbasic.com/tw/new12.htm or http://tinyurl.com/ym33du '' 民主選舉與政黨輪替可以移轉主權嗎?'', 作者:蕭惟仁 - - - - - - - [#1] 綜合 | 2006.11.24 - - - - - - - "" 最近十幾年來,有很多人不斷地提倡一個論點,說:臺灣的領土主權,雖然找不到國際法明確的依據,但是想當然爾,認為臺灣領土屬於臺灣當局(或臺灣人民),而且已經經過多次民主選舉與政黨輪替,所以現在已經可以完全確定:臺灣是一個主權獨立的國家。 記得一年前我看過一篇介紹國際法裡面所謂慣例法,就是說國際間已經形成這樣的慣例,雖然未必在國際公法裡能找到明確的條文,但是既然已經成為慣例,習慣上就成為國際法的一部份。因此我們在探討一個牽涉國際法的事件的時候,不管任何學派的任何學者對這個事件如何合理化,我們都必須得注意到「國際間有沒有這個慣例?」 '' '' 因此大家必須用心想想:在這種國際情勢之下,台灣人民應該如何自力救濟呢?我想釐清台灣國際地位應該是我們當務之急。對於台灣國際地位之釐清,何瑞元與林志昇已經發表過完整的論述文章,只等大家去落實! 2006年十月初,我們委託的美國華盛頓之律師已經確定我們台灣人可經過聯邦法院主張我們在美國憲法下的權利,並於10月24日已經遞狀,整個臺灣主權爭議已經進入司法程序。 一旦聯邦法院判決「台灣是美國管轄下之為合併、未組織領土」,臺灣主權爭議就告一段落了,因為這樣的判決對於所有美國之行政機關都有約束力。 接下來,台灣人民就可以正名、制憲以及設計新旗幟。最起碼,我們可安全無虞五十年,國防預算、中國人偷渡、中國飛彈、漁船捕魚糾紛、台灣島內治安節節敗壞、警察受賄賂不認真辦事等等諸多問題,統統交給美軍處理。 至於,我們的子孫要不要獨立,就讓他們自己做決定,身為在海外的美國屬地,我們絕對可以保留此選項!到時候再向美國國會正式提出申請就是了!! "" (取材自何瑞元筆記) Also see 高雄市最新消息:林志昇競選網站 #1. Human Brains: Allen Institute for Brain Science: http://tinyurl.com/yg67gq Project 'The Allen Brain Atlas': http://tinyurl.com/yjsgfp "" The goal of our inaugural project, the Allen Brain Atlas, is to create a detailed cellular-resolution, genome-wide map of gene expression in the mouse brain. "" People: http://tinyurl.com/yj2gu4 Paul G. Allen, Founder Jody Patton , Co-Founder Steven Pinker, Ph.D., Institute Advisor James D. Watson, Ph.D., Institute Advisor
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