11.24=5 IC#1; T22 K7< 228 Incident Terror; WR14 BB13. #0. FIC; #0-1. Starland. #1. "God Theory": Astrophysics Light. #2. KMT Taiwan...Terrorism (2).
FIC#1: http://fic.ic.org/ >#0:
Communities map: http://directory.ic.org/maps/
US 1128, CA 165, WA 68, Ca 65, Me 8, UK 90, Ja 1, etc.
California 165: http://tinyurl.com/useez
Starland, Yucca Valley: >#0-1: http://tinyurl.com/yknvtw
Community Resources: http://www.ic.org/resources/
Related Links: http://www.ic.org/resources/links.php
#328=US#474=06.11.24=5; 10.4:#54
0. Mininations > WR : Microfinance > #0.
Ward Republics: http://tinyurl.com/onx4j (14)
> BBCWeb media: http://tinyurl.com/ymcrzx
Eons media: http://tinyurl.com/gvfp6 (13)
> Atist's BBCWeb: http://www.bbcweb.net
TAIWAN 11.24 NEWS: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/
TAIWAN 11.24 NEWS: http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/
TAIWAN 11.23 NEWS: http://www.taiwandaily.net/
Rally#77: Crisis#22; Capital campaign #39
Chiang KMT Ma Crisis#7: http://tinyurl.com/sbsmf
: Ma vows to...: http://tinyurl.com/yazhqx >
'228 Incident', Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/228_Incident
#2. KMT Taiwan decades of Terrorism
(2): 中國黨的邪靈正侵蝕台灣國所維護的正義與公理
#0. 'Fellowship for Intentional Community': http://fic.ic.org/
Communities Directory Map: http://directory.ic.org/maps/
"" Promoting Community Living and Cooperative Lifestyles Across North America
The Fellowship for Intentional Community nurtures connections and cooperation among communitarians and their friends. We provide publications, referrals, support services, and sharing opportunities for a wide range of intentional communities, cohousing groups, ecovillages, community networks, support organizations, and people seeking a home in community.
Intentional Communities have for many centuries been places where idealists have come together to create a better world. Although there are thousands of intentional communities in existence today, and many others in the formative stages, most people are unaware of them or the roots from which they spring. The Fellowship is increasing public awareness of existing and newly forming communities. We offer information and referrals for those who are actively seeking, or simply curious about, alternate lifestyles for themselves and their families.
Communities come in all shapes and sizes, and share many similar challenges -- such as defining membership, succeeding financially, distributing resources, making decisions, raising children, dividing work equitably, and choosing a standard of living. Many wrestle with questions about right livelihood, spiritual expression, land use, and the role of service in our lives. At the same time, there is limited awareness of what others are doing to meet these challenges -- and much to gain through sharing information and experiences with others exploring similar paths. The Fellowship documents the visions and experiences of life in community, and actively promotes dialogue and cooperation among communities.
Intentional communities are often aware of themselves as different from mainstream culture, and many choose to highlight these differences. Yet, virtually all communities share a common root value of cooperation. The Fellowship facilitates the extension of cooperation beyond membership boundaries and common values, understanding that differences can be a cause for celebration, and an occasion for enrichment and growth. The Fellowship is helping draw the circles of cooperation ever larger, and assisting with the personal stretching that this requires In that spirit, FIC membership is open to everyone.
If you have any questions or comments please Contact Us.
The FIC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization; all donations are tax deductible ""
#0-1. Starland, Yucca Valley, California: http://tinyurl.com/yknvtw
"" Starland, Yucca Valley, California, United States
Starland is a retreat facility open to spiritual, cultural, recreational, sexual, social, or other groups as a location for gatherings, retreats, or workshops. We are open to alternative lifestyles, sexualities and spiritualities and can be clothing optional. Starland is also home to the Desert Star Faerie Circle of Radical Faeries.
We seek individuals who share our vision and want to be part of our community as a full- or part-time resident or non-resident member. The complex includes communal meeting and dining spaces; group and individual sleeping accommodations; a variety of spaces for relaxation and recreation, including a spa and several gardens. There is potential for ample expansion of amenities.
Starland is located on a beautiful 10-acre parcel with panoramic views and adjacent to hundreds of acres of undeveloped desert, mountain, canyon, and forest areas. Our high desert location enjoys clean air and a mild four-seasons climate. We also have independent houses in the nearby towns.
Our umbrella organization, Community Visions, Inc., runs retreats and operates special-interest clubs with members who visit Starland. We would love to hear from anyone who is interested in joining us as well as from members of similar groups.
Website: http://www.starlandretreat.com/
Steve Fuji
56925 Yucca Trail #355
Yucca Valley, California 92284-3752 United States
Phone: 760-364-2069, 760-366-0519
Send an Email
Links: Desert Star Faerie Circle: desert area Radical Faeries
Last Updated:11/4/2005
Visitors Accepted
Visitor Process: Contact us by email or phone.
Adult Members: 6 (We also have part-time resident members)
Child Members: 0
Non-member Residents: 0
Open to new adults: Yes
Open to new children: Yes
Gender Balance: 100% M 0% F Government
Decision Making: By consensus
Identified Leader: No
Leadership Core Group: Yes(steering committee) Labor and Money
Financial Style: Members have independent finances
Labor Contribution: Expected(Volunteer basis)
Join Fee: Yes(Various membership levels starting at $10/yr)
Regular Fees: Yes(Annual dues and resident members contribute to expenses)
Land and Buildings
Area: 10 acres (4.0 hectares)
Land Owned By: A subgroup of community members
Number of Residences: 3(also small cabins and trailers)
Cohousing: Yes(includes off-site houses) Food, etc.
Percentage of Food Grown: none
Share Community Meals: 2-5 times/week
Dietary Choice or Restrictions: Diet is up to each individual
Dietary Practice: Omnivorous
Alcohol Use: Seldom used
Tobacco Use: Seldom used Social Factors
Open to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and/or Transgender members: Yes
Shared Spiritual Path: Yes(eclectic but predominantly Pagan)
Which Spiritual Path(s): Eclectic (integrates pieces from many religions)
Educational Style(s): Public schooled ""
#1. 'The God Theory: An Astrophysicist Proposes a Purposeful Universe In A Book That Can Change Your Life!': http://www.thegodtheory.com/
"" A remarkable discovery has emerged in astrophysics over the past two decades and is now essentially undisputed: that certain key physical constants have just the right values to make life possible. Most scientists prefer to explain away this uniqueness, by claiming that an infinite number of universes must therefore exist, each with unique properties, each randomly different from the other, with ours only seemingly special because in a universe with different properties we would never have originated. I propose the alternative that the special properties of our universe reflect an underlying intelligence, one that is fully consistent with the Big Bang and Darwinian evolution. At this time both views are equally logical and equally beyond proof. However exceptional human experiences and accounts of mystics throughout the ages do suggest that we live in a purposeful universe. In The God Theory; I speculate on what this purpose might be and what that purpose means for our lives. ""
"The God Theory: Universes, Zero-point Fields, And What's Behind It All" >Light, by Bernard Haisch: http://tinyurl.com/tzj6w :Amazon.com:
"" From Booklist
Physicist Haisch thinks "Let there be light" isn't just a randomly chosen phrase for the Creation. Indeed, he believes that in the mysteries of light rest clues to the deepest mysteries of the universe, something he calls God, though he doesn't mean by that word the personification that some believers prefer. A scientist who has worked in astrophysics and theoretical physics, Haisch has retained his wonder at the universe from childhood, as he describes in the affecting memoir with which the book begins. Many scientists find no tension between their profession and the profession of belief in divinity, but Haisch goes one step further by attempting to find a scientific explanation for the phenomenon generally called God. Light, that familiar but utterly mysterious force, is the key to such an understanding. Readable and engaging, Haisch will be embraced by those concerned with finding ways of reconciling science and religion. Patricia Monaghan
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved ""
"" About the Author
Bernard Haisch, Ph.D. is an astrophysicist, author of over 130 scientific publications, and was a scientific editor of the Astrophysical Journal for ten years. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Haisch did postdoctoral research at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. His professional positions include Staff Scientist at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory; Deputy Director of the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics at the University of California, Berkeley; and Visiting Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching, Germany. He was also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Prior to his career in astrophysics, Haisch attended the Latin School of Indianapolis and the St. Meinrad Seminary as a student for the Catholic priesthood. The God Theory is his first solo book. He is married, with three children, and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Marsha Sims. ""
#2. KMT Taiwan decades of Terrorism (2): 中國黨的邪靈正侵蝕台灣國所維護的正義與公理
[Note: '228 Incident', Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/228_Incident ]
From 陳辰光
"" 保護台灣大聯盟\(TDA\)
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