
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Friday, November 24, 2006

11.24=5 IC#1; T22 K7< 228 Incident Terror; WR14 BB13. #0. FIC; #0-1. Starland. #1. "God Theory": Astrophysics Light. #2. KMT Taiwan...Terrorism (2).

FIC#1: >#0: Communities map: US 1128, CA 165, WA 68, Ca 65, Me 8, UK 90, Ja 1, etc. California 165: Starland, Yucca Valley: >#0-1: Community Resources: Related Links: #328=US#474=06.11.24=5; 10.4:#54 0. Mininations > WR : Microfinance > #0. Ward Republics: (14) > BBCWeb media: Eons media: (13) > Atist's BBCWeb: TAIWAN 11.24 NEWS: TAIWAN 11.24 NEWS: TAIWAN 11.23 NEWS: Rally#77: Crisis#22; Capital campaign #39 Chiang KMT Ma Crisis#7: : Ma vows to...: > '228 Incident', Wikipedia: #2. KMT Taiwan decades of Terrorism (2): 中國黨的邪靈正侵蝕台灣國所維護的正義與公理 #0. 'Fellowship for Intentional Community': Communities Directory Map: "" Promoting Community Living and Cooperative Lifestyles Across North America The Fellowship for Intentional Community nurtures connections and cooperation among communitarians and their friends. We provide publications, referrals, support services, and sharing opportunities for a wide range of intentional communities, cohousing groups, ecovillages, community networks, support organizations, and people seeking a home in community. Intentional Communities have for many centuries been places where idealists have come together to create a better world. Although there are thousands of intentional communities in existence today, and many others in the formative stages, most people are unaware of them or the roots from which they spring. The Fellowship is increasing public awareness of existing and newly forming communities. We offer information and referrals for those who are actively seeking, or simply curious about, alternate lifestyles for themselves and their families. Communities come in all shapes and sizes, and share many similar challenges -- such as defining membership, succeeding financially, distributing resources, making decisions, raising children, dividing work equitably, and choosing a standard of living. Many wrestle with questions about right livelihood, spiritual expression, land use, and the role of service in our lives. At the same time, there is limited awareness of what others are doing to meet these challenges -- and much to gain through sharing information and experiences with others exploring similar paths. The Fellowship documents the visions and experiences of life in community, and actively promotes dialogue and cooperation among communities. Intentional communities are often aware of themselves as different from mainstream culture, and many choose to highlight these differences. Yet, virtually all communities share a common root value of cooperation. The Fellowship facilitates the extension of cooperation beyond membership boundaries and common values, understanding that differences can be a cause for celebration, and an occasion for enrichment and growth. The Fellowship is helping draw the circles of cooperation ever larger, and assisting with the personal stretching that this requires In that spirit, FIC membership is open to everyone. If you have any questions or comments please Contact Us. The FIC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization; all donations are tax deductible "" #0-1. Starland, Yucca Valley, California: "" Starland, Yucca Valley, California, United States Starland is a retreat facility open to spiritual, cultural, recreational, sexual, social, or other groups as a location for gatherings, retreats, or workshops. We are open to alternative lifestyles, sexualities and spiritualities and can be clothing optional. Starland is also home to the Desert Star Faerie Circle of Radical Faeries. We seek individuals who share our vision and want to be part of our community as a full- or part-time resident or non-resident member. The complex includes communal meeting and dining spaces; group and individual sleeping accommodations; a variety of spaces for relaxation and recreation, including a spa and several gardens. There is potential for ample expansion of amenities. Starland is located on a beautiful 10-acre parcel with panoramic views and adjacent to hundreds of acres of undeveloped desert, mountain, canyon, and forest areas. Our high desert location enjoys clean air and a mild four-seasons climate. We also have independent houses in the nearby towns. Our umbrella organization, Community Visions, Inc., runs retreats and operates special-interest clubs with members who visit Starland. We would love to hear from anyone who is interested in joining us as well as from members of similar groups. Website: Contact: Steve Fuji 56925 Yucca Trail #355 Yucca Valley, California 92284-3752 United States Phone: 760-364-2069, 760-366-0519 Send an Email Links: Desert Star Faerie Circle: desert area Radical Faeries Last Updated:11/4/2005 Visitors Accepted Visitor Process: Contact us by email or phone. Population Adult Members: 6 (We also have part-time resident members) Child Members: 0 Non-member Residents: 0 Open to new adults: Yes Open to new children: Yes Gender Balance: 100% M 0% F Government Decision Making: By consensus Identified Leader: No Leadership Core Group: Yes(steering committee) Labor and Money Financial Style: Members have independent finances Labor Contribution: Expected(Volunteer basis) Join Fee: Yes(Various membership levels starting at $10/yr) Regular Fees: Yes(Annual dues and resident members contribute to expenses) Land and Buildings Rural Area: 10 acres (4.0 hectares) Land Owned By: A subgroup of community members Number of Residences: 3(also small cabins and trailers) Cohousing: Yes(includes off-site houses) Food, etc. Percentage of Food Grown: none Share Community Meals: 2-5 times/week Dietary Choice or Restrictions: Diet is up to each individual Dietary Practice: Omnivorous Alcohol Use: Seldom used Tobacco Use: Seldom used Social Factors Open to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and/or Transgender members: Yes Shared Spiritual Path: Yes(eclectic but predominantly Pagan) Which Spiritual Path(s): Eclectic (integrates pieces from many religions) Educational Style(s): Public schooled "" #1. 'The God Theory: An Astrophysicist Proposes a Purposeful Universe In A Book That Can Change Your Life!': "" A remarkable discovery has emerged in astrophysics over the past two decades and is now essentially undisputed: that certain key physical constants have just the right values to make life possible. Most scientists prefer to explain away this uniqueness, by claiming that an infinite number of universes must therefore exist, each with unique properties, each randomly different from the other, with ours only seemingly special because in a universe with different properties we would never have originated. I propose the alternative that the special properties of our universe reflect an underlying intelligence, one that is fully consistent with the Big Bang and Darwinian evolution. At this time both views are equally logical and equally beyond proof. However exceptional human experiences and accounts of mystics throughout the ages do suggest that we live in a purposeful universe. In The God Theory; I speculate on what this purpose might be and what that purpose means for our lives. "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The God Theory: Universes, Zero-point Fields, And What's Behind It All" >Light, by Bernard Haisch: "" From Booklist Physicist Haisch thinks "Let there be light" isn't just a randomly chosen phrase for the Creation. Indeed, he believes that in the mysteries of light rest clues to the deepest mysteries of the universe, something he calls God, though he doesn't mean by that word the personification that some believers prefer. A scientist who has worked in astrophysics and theoretical physics, Haisch has retained his wonder at the universe from childhood, as he describes in the affecting memoir with which the book begins. Many scientists find no tension between their profession and the profession of belief in divinity, but Haisch goes one step further by attempting to find a scientific explanation for the phenomenon generally called God. Light, that familiar but utterly mysterious force, is the key to such an understanding. Readable and engaging, Haisch will be embraced by those concerned with finding ways of reconciling science and religion. Patricia Monaghan Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved "" "" About the Author Bernard Haisch, Ph.D. is an astrophysicist, author of over 130 scientific publications, and was a scientific editor of the Astrophysical Journal for ten years. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Haisch did postdoctoral research at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. His professional positions include Staff Scientist at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory; Deputy Director of the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics at the University of California, Berkeley; and Visiting Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching, Germany. He was also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Prior to his career in astrophysics, Haisch attended the Latin School of Indianapolis and the St. Meinrad Seminary as a student for the Catholic priesthood. The God Theory is his first solo book. He is married, with three children, and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Marsha Sims. "" #2. KMT Taiwan decades of Terrorism (2): 中國黨的邪靈正侵蝕台灣國所維護的正義與公理 [Note: '228 Incident', Wikipedia: ] From 陳辰光 "" 保護台灣大聯盟\(TDA\) wrote: From: 保護台灣大聯盟\(TDA\) To: Subject: 中國黨的邪靈正侵蝕台灣國所維護的正義與公理 Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 16:27:42 +0800 中國黨的邪靈 正侵蝕台灣國所維護的正義與公理 保護台灣大聯盟 主席楊緒東 要探討今日中國黨還能大肆作亂,對於台灣國人民的惡意打擊必須加以探討,何況屬本土的民進黨雖然執政,還是巴結中國黨餘,派系爭執打擊自己的團隊,雖曰所謂之以“德”報怨,真是偉大之至,卻使得公理與正義無法伸張,弱化台灣建國的力量。未來我們這批台灣國的志工,還會是含淚投票,依然支持沒有LP的本土候選人,想起來真是悲哀。沒有228平反的公審,無法落實真正的革新行動,沒有白色恐怖的平反,不會有公義的社會,何時等到中國黨能夠自我反省?答案就在中國黨的政治殺手未曾受到人民的審判,公審產生的公義,才是台灣真正民主化中的重要過程。 由“二二八責任歸屬研究報告”這本書中,我們發現真的元凶蔣介石,其子子孫孫仍然吞食台灣民主轉型的成果,把此書中的重點摘錄以嚮大眾。(以下為書中所言) 消滅台灣菁英 有利中國人統治台灣 在二二八事件發生期間,陳儀及其軍警人員即開始有計畫地逮捕台灣社會精英,許多地方士紳或知識分子紛紛遭到暗殺或冤死獄中。例如省參議員王添燈,因時常針砭時政和參與「二二八事件處理委員會」,為當局所忌而被憲兵第四團團長張慕陶命衛兵在其身上淋汽油,點火燒死;美國哥倫比亞大學留學歸來的台灣第一位哲學博士,時任台灣大學教授的林茂生,因創辦《民報》得罪陳儀而被情治人員帶走,從此一去不回;台灣本土金融鉅子、大公企業公司創辦人陳炘,亦因得罪當局而在病榻中被刑警帶走,不知下落為何;著名畫家、嘉義市參議員陳澄波,三民主義青年團嘉義分團主任陳復志,嘉義市參議員潘木枝、盧炳欽、柯麟等人,因赴嘉義水上機場交涉和平事宜,卻遭逮捕於嘉義火車站前公開槍決;岡山教會牧師蕭朝金,於事件中勸阻青年人抗爭行動,竟遭士兵逮捕,受到酷刑屠殺;制憲國大代表、花蓮縣參議長張七郎,以及兩個兒子張宗仁、張果仁,無故被捕,亦慘遭槍殺;其他像省教育處副處長、擔任《人民導報》社長的宋斐如,基隆市參議會副議長楊元丁,省立宜蘭醫院院長郭章垣,高等法院推事吳鴻麒,台北市律師公會會長李瑞漢及其律師弟弟李瑞峰,醫學博士施江南,《台灣新生報》總經z阮朝日,《台灣新生報》日文版編輯吳金鍊,台北市參議員黃朝生、徐春卿、李仁貴、陳屋,以及前新竹地檢處檢察官王育霖,制憲國大代表兼省參議員林連宗等其他無數的全省各地精英們,都遭受無情的捕殺,至今下落未明。在這些人之中,有許多是未曾參與事件經過或自認是善意協助政府者,然而皆遭遇不幸。上述台灣精英受難日期,詳參「二二八事件台灣菁英受難一覽表」。 序號 姓 名 職  銜 受難日期 1 王石定 高雄市參議員 1947.03.06 2 黃 賜 高雄市參議員 1947.03.06 3 葉秋木 屏東市參議會副議長、三青團屏東分團主任 1947.03.08 4 宋斐如 台灣省教育處副處長 1947.03.09 5 李仁貴 台北市參議員 1947.03.09 6 施江南 四方醫院院長 1947.03.09 7 徐春卿 台北市參議員 1947.03.09 8 陳 屋 台北市參議員 1947.03.09 9 黃朝生 醫生、台北市參議員 1947.03.09 10 李瑞漢 台北市律師公會會長 1947.03.10 11 李瑞峰 律師 1947.03.10 12 林茂生 台灣大學教授 1947.03.10 13 林連宗 制憲國大代表、省參議員 1947.03.10 14 蕭朝金 岡山教會牧師 1947.03.10 15 王添燈 台灣省參議員 1947.03.11 16 陳 炘 大公企業公司董事長 1947.03.11 17 阮朝日 台灣新生報總經理 1947.03.12 18 吳鴻麒 高等法院推事 1947.03.12 19 吳金鍊 台灣新生報日文版總編輯 1947.03.12 20 陳復志 三青團嘉義分團主任 1947.03.12 21 陳澄波 畫家、嘉義市參議員 1947.03.12 22 湯德章 律師 1947.03.12 23 張榮宗 朴子副鎮長、三青團朴子區隊長 1947.03.12 24 潘木枝 醫師、嘉義市參議員 1947.03.12 25 盧炳欽 醫師、嘉義市參議員、三青團嘉義分團書記 1947.03.12 26 王育霖 前新竹地檢處檢察官、建中教員 1947.03.14 27 林旭屏 省專賣局菸草課課長 1947.03.15 28 郭章垣 省立宜蘭醫院院長 1947.03.17 29 許錫謙 三青團花蓮分團股長 1947.03.20 30 張七郎 制憲國大代表、花蓮縣參議會議長 1947.04.04 31 楊元丁 基隆市參議會副議長 1947.04.08 32 黃媽典 台南縣商會理事長、縣參議員 1947.04.22 「二二八事件台灣菁英受難一覽表」-受難平均年齡30歲 此一不幸事件,對台灣社會精英打擊甚大,也間接影響地方政治生態。例如台北市參議會的26位參議員中,有19位被當局列為事件的「主動及附從者」,而其中有4位被謀殺、7位遭監禁;當時代表台灣最高民意機關的省參議會,總計30個參議員中,有6位參議員慘遭殺害、5位則分別被通緝與監禁。另外,由於許多地方人士在歷經事件中的恐怖屠殺與逮捕之後,對於政治開始採取疏離與冷漠態度,根據吳乃德、陳明通的研究顯示,基層的政治精英在二二八事件後不再參與體制內的選舉,成為全台的普遍現象。在縣市參議員層級上,全台將近七成的參議員在二二八事件之後,退出政壇,只有三成的參議員願意繼續從事政治活動。而願意繼續參與體制內政治活動的本土精英,成功連任的參議員只有總數的二成。其結果是,在事件之後,全台各縣市參議員這個層級的本土精英歷經劇烈變動,八成的地方精英從政治領域中消失,形成精英斷層。 然而,填補這些空缺的,卻是一批依附當局的政治新貴。這些人是一群全新的、過去毫無政治經驗和政治地位,卻在當局的庇佑下,經由地方選舉或行政管道而慢慢崛起。作家吳濁流的小說《狡猿》中,對這些政治新貴曾有生動的描述:「現在的人,白丁可以做代表,不識字可以當議員,公學士可以做大臣,也可以做局長。」但這些人的出現,不僅取代了傳統地方精英的社會地位,也壟斷地方政治權力和經濟資源,改變地方原有的政治生態。 蔣介石假公濟私 派系鬥爭 1949年8月,國民黨政府撤退來台,國民黨總裁蔣介石檢討中國大陸淪陷原因與派系有相當關係,因此進行黨內重大改造,透過種方法拔除中央及台灣舊有的派系勢力,重新確立個人的集權地位;並以兩岸對立衝突局面,中國隨時進犯台灣的威脅,實行戒嚴統治,箝制新聞、言論、集會等自由,並運用軍警情治優勢,監控逮捕異議人士,使得台灣社會長期處於白色恐怖的威權統治。 由於國民黨有其外來政權及省籍分歧的因素限制,戰後初期雖曾壓制本土勢力,但為統治正當性,仍需要地方人士的支持,乃給予地方派系特殊的經濟利益作為交換與籠絡手段。具體而言,有如下四種方式:第一是政府特許下的區域性獨占經濟活動,這包括銀行、信用合作社、非信用合作社、農漁會及汽車客運公司;第二是省營行庫的特權貨款;第三是省政府及各級地方政府的公部門採購,主要是公共工程的包攬;第四是以地方政府公權力所換取的經濟利益,例如表面上合法的利用都市計畫或公共建設規劃來進行土地投機炒作,或是以公權力來掩護非法性的經濟活動如經營地下舞廳及賭場。透過這些經濟特權,地方派系即可在選舉中為國民黨動員群眾、匯集選票(包括買票賄選和利用血緣、地緣關係),穩定國民黨一黨專政局面。 二二八事件的爆發,除陳儀政府的貪污腐敗所引起的民怨有關外,族群之間的衝突也有關聯。然而往前來看,在日本戰敗投降後,台灣人重回到「祖國」的懷抱,半世紀以來的辛酸心情驅使他們歡欣鼓舞,從張燈結綵、列隊歡迎祖國軍隊的熱鬧場面,到人人爭相學習北京話、參加各種政治團體等學習活動,無不說明當時台灣人滿心歡喜迎接祖國人士的到來。不過,因彼此生活習慣、文化思想的不同,以及部份來台軍警的惡劣行為,讓台灣人對「祖國」人士的幻想與好感破滅。誠如事件受難者、台灣大學教授林茂生所創辦之《民報》在社論〈記取去年今日〉一文所指出:「鳥兔匆匆,倏忽已過一週年,回憶一年前此日的情景,猶歷歷存在我們的心裡。可是我們拿一年前此日的社會狀態和台胞的心理作用,與今日的實況互相作〔比〕較,大有今昔之感。現在百物騰貴,民生困苦,盜賊增加,治安未上軌道。貪污日盛,政治尚缺修明,人民不滿發而為之怨言,期待失望,興奮與熱情俱歸冰冷,與去年今日恰成反比例。」 蔣氏皇朝的中華民國體制 只有分離與仇恨 然而彼此之間的誤解與對立所引發的二二八事件,卻不因事件的結束而平復,反而讓族群之間的隔閡更加深化與持續,影響台灣社會文化的正常發展。尤其是事件後,台灣社會精英遭到當局迫害與打擊而日漸凋零,不但削弱政治影響的力量,也造成台灣文化傳承的斷層。再加上中央政府撤退來台,為營造政權的正統性,乃強力灌輸中國文化,使得整個社會充斥著大中國的影子,台彎本土文化遭到漠視而被邊陲化。例如當局強制性地推行國語,藉此壓抑本土語言並貶抑其價值,使得「台灣的小孩在學校不准使用台語交談,如果稍有疏忽,無意講了兩句,便要受到處罰」,影響日後有些台北市台籍的學生,尤其是中學女生,不願意講台語,特別是在公共場合,她們認為講台語「沒有氣質」、「低水準一點」。很多日治時期台灣本土作家或創作者在國民黨來台後即封筆或消聲匿跡了,例如作家張文環於1933年自日本東洋大學文學部畢業,同年發表處女作《落雷》。此後每年都有中短篇小說、散文或劇本發表於島內各種文藝雜誌或報章。自二二八事件後至1957年,台灣正處於所謂「白色恐怖時代」,他不但未發表任何作品,也誓死不學習中文與北京語。取而代之的是,一批從中國而來的人物與作品,例! 如徐速的《星星月亮太陽》、王藍的《藍與黑》等描述中國抗戰時期的小說。此外,學校教育盡是中國悠久歷史與廣大地理的教學,卻少有台灣歷史與地理的認識,因而學生只知中國對日八年抗戰,卻不曉得什麼是「二二八事件」;只知道中國東北長白山,卻無法說出台灣玉山的地理位置。凡此種種,皆肇因於國民黨統治心態的偏差與狹隘,以致當局無法廓然大公地認同台灣文化,反而刻意拉抬中國正統意識,壓抑台灣文化。 由1947年的228事變延伸到今天的台灣亂局,雖曰政黨輪替,實施民主制度,其實際內容,還處於中國黨與台灣國的戰鬥,只是戰爭還不到真正武裝打仗的程度,蘊積在台灣內部的內戰火苗,正因為中國黨缺乏反省能力,而繼續炙熱燃燒,如果台灣人民與執政黨還如此縱容中國黨亂台,不舉行政治平反的公審公義活動,中國黨在台灣不會有反省的能力,而台灣國人民不斷受到中國黨挑釁之下,雙方的血戰很容易被有心人挑動,而一發不可收拾,尤其2008年的大選活動,雙方會有明顯的偏中、護台兩大陣營的強烈對抗,台灣人要能審慎評估未來的挑戰。 ""


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