11.19=7 TC#17 KC#2; WR(9) BB(8) #0-1 NONVIOLENCE(1): 1) "Nonviolence." 2) Int'l Law. #0-2. WRD RPBLCS (2). #1."A Black Way of Seeing" #2. "Static"
#323=US#469=06.11.19=7; 9.29:#49 Ward Republics: http://tinyurl.com/onx4j :BBCWeb media: http://tinyurl.com/ymcrzx Eons media: http://tinyurl.com/gvfp6 >Tsai #8: Atist's BBCWeb, http://www.bbcweb.net record. Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #2: http://tinyurl.com/sbsmf Rally#72: Crisis#17; Capital campaign #34 #0-1. NONVIOLENCE (1) 1) "Nonviolence", by Mark Kurlansky: http://tinyurl.com/y32ygh Amazon.com 'Book Despcription': "" Nonviolence is a sweeping yet concise history that moves from ancient Hindu times to present-day conflicts raging in the Middle East and elsewhere. Kurlansky also brings into focus just why nonviolence is a “dangerous” idea, and asks such provocative questions as: Is there such a thing as a “just war”? Could nonviolence have worked against even the most evil regimes in history? Kurlansky draws from history twenty-five provocative lessons on the subject that we can use to effect change today. He shows how, time and again, violence is used to suppress nonviolence and its practitioners–Gandhi and Martin Luther King, for example; that the stated deterrence value of standing national armies and huge weapons arsenals is, at best, negligible; and, encouragingly, that much of the hard work necessary to begin a movement to end war is already complete. It simply needs to be embraced and accelerated. "" 2) International Law: http://tinyurl.com/y8efr7 "Creation of States in Int'l Law": http://tinyurl.com/y3xp65 3) "The Lost Gospel of the Earth", Tom Hayden: http://tinyurl.com/y7sn58 "" From Library Journal a reinterpretation of the wisdom literature of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Native American faiths in a plea for a reawakening of the human spiritual bond with the earth.... Hayden argues that by finding the "lost gospel," which advocates the sacredness of all nature, we can halt the destruction. This area of study, informally coined "ecotheology," ....a provocative, well-researched, and well-argued book. His style is informal, and he mixes personal experience in the ecological movement with historical and theological expositions. A thoughtful, substantive work for public libraries.?Glenn Masuchika, Chaminade Univ. Lib., Honolulu Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. "" #0-2. WARD REPUBLICS (2) 'Re: Jefferson's Ward Republics.. ] #1002: & Vt & NH Posted by: "BGreen" erm4you@yahoo.com erm4you Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:09 am (PST)' "" I joined the FSP and opted out of all the other possible states before they changed the policy as I was already living in NH. I then got kicked out of the FSP because of my interpretation of the statement of intent "I hereby state my solemn intent to move to the selected state of the FSP. Once there, I will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the sole role of civil government is the protection of life, liberty, and property." it was my claim that the basis of property rights was labor as the natural extension of the right of self-ownership and because land was not the product of human labor it could only be considered conditional property as it is confered via privilege and as such the term "property" had to be broken down into: 1. labor-based property which is absolute and any taxation there of was theft. 2. law-based property which is conditional upon the equal and direct sharing of the return on land called economic rent inorder to uphold the labor-based property rights of those being excluded. this went in front of the board and they agreed to re-instate me because the great modern libertarians Albert J. Nock and Frank Chodorov held the same geo-libertarian views as I did. subsequently they went ahead and changed the SOI once again to "the maximal role of civil government" from "the sole role of civil government" inorder to accomodate the anarchists (the president of the organization was a self-proclaimed anarchist).. .I have asked them to explicitly accomodate "left-libertarianis m" but they have refused saying it would narrow the focus of the movement. so most people believe that left and right libertarianism is defined by whether or not you emphasize civil liberties or economic liberties... I believe this is a false trade-off. what defines left vs. right libertarianism is the extent to which one adheres to a radical Lockean approach to property rights and ownership... Locke, the "father of western, enlightenment property rights", believed that everything that pre-exists human labor (the entire material universe) starts out owned in common as an individual equal access opportunity right so long as one does not infringe on the equal rights of any other individual to the same it is justly "enclosed" (used/accessed) for exclusive private use 'SO LONG AS ONE HAS LEFT ENOUGH AND AS GOOD IN COMMON FOR OTHERS" - this is called Locke's proviso. to the extent that economic rent attaches to locations under scarce conditiona defines the extent that Locke's proviso is being violated. this is the dirty little secret that most all right libertarians can not agree with because they will then have to give up their mantra that all taxation is theft because the prescription from a radical Lockean perspective is that the excluders collecting economic rent from those they exclude is theft and that a land value tax rather than being a tax actually upholds the absolute right that the excluded have to their labor. using this Lockean property rights analysis I can solve the global warming in the exact same way...global warming is nothing more than some enclosing the use of sky as a carbon sink beyond the sustainable yield (Locke's proviso - enough and as good) and the resulting negative externalities is nothing more than a tax on the wages of those being excluded. yes many towns are still run via town meeting in NH and what makes it even more viable then VT direct democracy is that we only have local property tax while VT has a state sales and income tax...so we have much more local control and hence as a result we are the lowest taxed state per capita income in the country. hope this helps.. bg "" #1. "A Black Way of Seeing": http://tinyurl.com/y2pqrn "" From Booklist [Paul] Robeson critiques America as sharply as his famous father did. His commentary rooted in the concepts expounded by our nation's Founding Fathers, Robeson expands on the idea of "liberty" for the elite few to an active concept of freedom yet to be obtained by the many. "" #2. "Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, and.. ": http://tinyurl.com/yxgjdn "" From Publishers Weekly Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and her author brother, David Goodman, follow up their bestseller The Exception to the Rulers by again synthesizing radio interviews and commentary with secondary sources on charged issues that the corporate media too often overlook. "The Bush administration is obsessed with controlling the flow of information," the authors declare ""
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