11.21=2 TC#19 KC#4; WR(11) BB(10). #1-1. RFK Murder & 'Bush Almighty' & LaAme murders & 4)Iraq Wr. #1-2. 228: KMT Taiwan Terror(1); #1-3. Nrwy free.
#325=US#471=06.11.21=2; 10.1:#51 Ward Republics: http://tinyurl.com/onx4j (11) > BBCWeb media: http://tinyurl.com/ymcrzx Eons media: http://tinyurl.com/gvfp6 (10) > Atist's BBCWeb: http://www.bbcweb.net TAIWAN 11.22 NEWS: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/ Rally#74: Crisis#19; Capital campaign #36 KMT Ma Crisis#4: http://tinyurl.com/sbsmf #1-1. US "Banana Republic"? (1) & 4) Iraq War: 1) CIA RFK Assassination? http://tinyurl.com/wuswe 'Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?' In 1968, Robert Kennedy seemed likely to follow his brother, John, into the White House. Then, on June 6, he was assassinated - apparently by a lone gunman. But Shane O'Sullivan says he has evidence implicating three CIA agents in the murder Monday November 20, 2006; The Guardian "" At first, it seems an open-and-shut case. On June 5 1968, Robert Kennedy wins the California Democratic primary and is set to challenge Richard Nixon for the White House " " Today would have been Robert Kennedy's 81st birthday. The world is crying out for a compassionate leader like him. If dark forces were behind his elimination, it needs to be investigated · Shane O'Sullivan's investigation will be shown tonight on Newsnight, BBC2, 10.30pm. "" 2) 'Bush Almighty! http://tinyurl.com/yewtk8 'Bush Almighty!' by Jack Kenny "" John Bolton, resident bull in a china shop at the United Nuthouse, reportedly delivered an "outburst" over a UN resolution expressing regret over the loss of innocent lives in Gaza. It seems that "Israel can do no wrong" is the all but official policy of the United States. And frankly, considering what we are doing in the Middle East, it might appear hypocritical for the United States to join in expressing regret over the loss of innocent lives there. ' ' Admit it: neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have any more interest in defending freedom in America than a hyena has in higher education. The Cold War is over. The Communists no longer rule Eastern Europe. The Nazis are in charge in Washington, D.C. And their lackeys, dupes and sympathizers are in every city and town village and hamlet in America. November 21, 2006 Manchester, NH, resident Jack Kenny [send him mail] is a freelance writer. Copyright © 2006 LewRockwell.com "" 3) Latin American 60 years murders/tortures: http://tinyurl.com/ymml33 'Record Show of Opposition to U.S. Army Training School' CONTACT: School of the Americas Watch Joao Da Silva, 202-302-4706, media@soaw.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NOVEMBER 20, 2006; 8:00 AM 22,000 rallied in Georgia; thousands more in ten other countries At least thirteen arrested while taking protest onto military base "" COLUMBUS, Ohio - November 20 - 22,000 people from across the Americas gathered this weekend outside the gates of Ft. Benning, Georgia to demand a dramatic shift in U.S. foreign policy and the closure of a military training school that is synonymous with torture and repression for millions around the world. Protest attendees cited the resumption of U.S.-backed military training in Latin America, '' '' The SOA/WHINSEC, a military training facility for Latin American security personnel, made headlines in 1996 when the Pentagon released training manuals used at the school that advocated torture, extortion and execution. Despite this shocking admission and hundreds of documented human rights abuses connected to soldiers trained at the school over its 60-year history, no independent investigation into the training facility has ever taken place. "" Common Dreams NewsCenter © Copyrighted 1997-2006 www.commondreams.org 4) 'Iraq War Memorial Sets Tempers Ablaze', by Jason B. Johnson: http://tinyurl.com/yje8wu Creators say display is a gesture of respect: Published on Monday, November 20, 2006 by the San Francisco Chronicle Chronicle staff writer Delfin Vigil contributed to this report. ©2006 San Francisco Chronicle. "" San Francisco and Berkeley voters may oppose the Iraq war, but the oak-studded hillside suburb of Lafayette has taken center stage among Bay Area war protests thanks to an emotional debate over a highly visible memorial to U.S. soldiers killed in the conflict. The sign on Louise Clark's Lafayette property calling attention to the U.S. troops killed in Iraq has provoked heated reactions. Chronicle photo by David Paul Morris Lafayette is known more for pricey homes and good schools than left-leaning politics, but its civic temperature suddenly rose several degrees after 300 crosses were erected a week ago on a privately owned hillside near the Lafayette BART Station. The crosses are accompanied by a large sign reading, "In Memory of 2,839 U.S. Troops Killed In Iraq." "" #1-2. Taiwan "Banana Republic"? (1) > 11.27 (2). 228 Uprising/White terror Crimes Against Humanity never legally judged. #1-3. Norwegian "Still Republic"! http://tinyurl.com/ybas5h 'Pledging Allegiance', by Johan R. Sjöberg "" Recently, an allegiance ceremony was reinstituted for naturalized Norwegian citizens. It is, however, voluntary. The previous, mandatory allegiance ceremony for naturalized citizens was abolished in 1976. There is no allegiance ceremony for people born as Norwegian citizens. If you become a Norwegian citizen, you will be invited to an allegiance ceremony, where you pledge allegiance to Norway, promise to follow the laws of Norway, and where you express your support for democracy and human rights. I am, although I live in Norway, not a Norwegian citizen. I am a Swedish citizen. ' ' The yet voluntary Norwegian allegiance ceremony will put anyone who participates in it in moral situations that cannot be solved. If I apply for Norwegian citizenship, which I might do for practical reasons, I will not participate in the ceremony. If the ceremony, as some politicians here want, becomes mandatory, I will not apply for citizenship. November 21, 2006 Johan R. Sjöberg [send him mail] is a twenty-nine year old Swede, living and working in Oslo. Visit his blog. Copyright © 2006 LewRockwell.com ""
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