12.2=6 IC#9; Lim Jishen: T30 K15. 5WC5, MPR5. #0. Taiwan status summary #0-1. SBTA2; #0-2. ASIAN SUNews, AR. #1. "War of World".
FIC#9: http://fic.ic.org/ Community Resources: http://www.ic.org/resources/ Related Links: http://www.ic.org/resources/links.php #336=US#482=06.12.2=6; 10.12 #2=6th's Rally#85 Crisis#30; Capital campaign #47 :Candidate Lim Jishen: http://tinyurl.com/y92b2v Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #15: http://tinyurl.com/sbsmf Fifth World Council (5WC) (5): http://register.5world.net/ 5WC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FifthWorld/ Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (5): http://mpr.cyberterra.com #0. 'Summary of Taiwan's International Legal Position', by Richard W. Hartzell and Roger C. S. Lin: http://tinyurl.com/yxtutv 0-1. [BATA] RE: [sbta2] Taiwan Focus The 2nd Show on Sunday 12/3/2006 in Local Channel "" Your statement, at least up to 2 years ago seems to be false. sbta2 is a free facility but sbta seems to be not free. My understanding is, sbta@yahoogroups. com seems to be controlled by a small group of folks, they only let articles that they like be published and even kicked out members that they do not like, and I hope my accusation is not true. 5-6 years ago they kicked myself and many other frequently speaking members out of the mailing list, silently, without any notification. The reason being? My impression is because the controller at that time did not like those articles, and they would not respond my requests to resume my right of publication. I have had a conclusion at that time that, those folks were playing the same game as KMT does. I do admit that if someone over used the facility needs to be regulated, or if the facility must have some other non political regulations, but then they should inform the member formally, otherwise one will believe the controls were based on the political reasons for the action. Please note I do not know who is serving this mailing facility behind at this moment and I am not sure this situation is still true or not. In addition, SBTA is not the only group that has this problem, EBTA is worse in turns of publication control, and that is the reasons why I founded the Bay Area Taiwanese American mailing network. For those who are seeking for a real freedom of publication, please attend: bay-area-taiwanese@yahoogroups.com. Simply send your mailing address to me and I will help you. "" #0-2. ASAIN SUNews, Arizona: http://tinyurl.com/y9tz2t #1. "The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West", by Niall Ferguson: http://tinyurl.com/ydxvfs "" From Publishers Weekly Why, if life was improving so rapidly for so many people at the dawn of the 20th century, were the next hundred years full of brutal conflict? Ferguson (Colossus) has a relatively simple answer: ethnic unrest is prone to break out during periods of economic volatility—booms as well as busts. When they take place in or near areas of imperial decline or transition, the unrest is more likely to escalate into full-scale conflict. ""
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