
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Sunday, December 03, 2006

12.3=7 IC#10 > #0; T31> ROC Citizen? K16. 5WC6, MPR6. #0-1.Virtual Nation,-2. [IIC] Policy. #1-1. "Lvng Fth"; -2. "Our Endngrd Vlu"; -3. "Palestines".

FIC#10: Community Resources: Related Links: United Rep. of Texas: =His'l Rep. of Texas: + New Rep. of Texas: Cnsttnl Rep of Am: Common Cnsttnl Provisions: Assn of Free Cntrs: >#0-1 #337=US#483=06.12.3=7; 10.13 #3=6th's Rally#86 Crisis#31; Capital campaign #48 :Candidate Lim Jishen: :Taiwanese ROC citizens? ::Illegality background? Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #16: Fifth World Council (5WC) (6): 5WC: Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) (6): #0-1. ' "virtual country" technique ' [[ [secession] Digest Number 460 " ]] '' Re: functional definition of 'nation' '' "" Posted by: "G. the G." g.theg. Sat Dec 2, 2006 10:48 am (PST) One possible technique which is often overlooked is what I call the "virtual country" technique, where those who wish to secede work toward a treaty or other arrangement (e.g. tribal or similar status) by which they gain most if not all of the freedom and autonomy they want, without imposing on their neighbors in the same region who prefer the statist quo. This allows much freedom to be achieved long before the movement reaches enough popularity to force a complete geographical secession of the entire area. The upside for the oppressor is (for a while and perhaps indefinitely) avoiding the loss of resources accompanying a full geographical secession, and avoiding much potential confrontation. See our web site for more info. G. the G. - philosopher etc. President, United Republic of Texas http://texas. freecountries. org ----- Original Message ----- From: "Secession.Net/ C. M." Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 4:05 PM Subject: [secession] Re: functional definition of 'nation' ... That's why it is important to come up with various principles for separating those who want to be separated without causing or allowing some groups to cause un-necessary hostility and violence and even ethnic cleansing of some groups vs. others. "" #0-2. [[ 'Common Constitutional Provisions' of ]] 'Association of Free Countries': "" Our Plans The first AFC member Free Countries we want to (re)establish are the Republic of Texas (our founding member, already started) and what we have decided to call the Constitutional Republic of America (our plan to restore the American dream; no connection intended with the so-called "Constitution Party"). These were relatively free countries that apparently got taken over (illegally or improperly) either by another country or from within (see the links above for more details). In most cases, our strategy will be a two-pronged approach. Before we can restore these free countries, we need to first finish setting up the AFC, probably including writing a Charter, and we need to write the AFC Bill of Rights and other Common Constitutional Provisions which its members must use. For this, we need to finish documenting the exact libertarian principles driving this whole effort. This is what we are doing now and we could use some help with all of these steps. Contact information may be added here as this web site is finished. "" #0-2. '[InitiatingIntentionalCommunities] Repost of Joint Moderator0' [bbcweb 06.12.3=7 #1] Nice works. But, I hope there would be a comprehensive window to the public soon. Thanks. "" Our goal is to run this group like it is an IC. Land Trust Yahoo group at: http://groups. group/landtrust/ has four moderators set up on a rotating seasonal bases. We could try to get a hold of someone there and ask how they set this up, and how it has worked for them. We could have 12 moderators, one for every month. Or 52 moderators, a new one every week. Basically a moderator will have the responsibility of screening incoming messages, and be in charge of managing the group. It's not the same as group ownership, as Yahoo only allows one owner per group. But a group can have many moderators. There are other ideas we could also explore working with consensus decision making on various questions and issues that may come up, or on new members joining or not, whatever. But the idea is to give people a sense of ownership of the group, and demonstrate to other IC groups what they could do as well. However, first things first. We've got to get rid of our lurkers, as they never really contribute anything to the group, they only hang out and take energy form it. Lurkers have until the 7th of December to make up their minds what it is they want, and then contribute their introductions and start posting. No word form these people and out they go. Over 20 people have already left from the group of 98 we permitted into the group recently. Guess they read our emails about our lurking policy and thought that outrageous and left in a huff. Who cares. We estimate that we'll get down to maybe 30 or 40 people before we finally arrive at that sense of community we seek in this group. At that point we can change our group announcement to reflect our community status. And when new people join it will be a couple dozen people that are all saying no lurkers and promoting the goals and ideals of a communitarian group, not just our sole lonely voices. However, its going to be a process that we share with all those who want to nurture that sense of community here in this group. We will not be giving away moderatorships easily. People will need to demonstrate to us that this is a responsibility that they want to take on, are capable of taking on, and that they have a vision they would like to see actualized in the group. Each moderator can have a different vision for the group, we don't need people to agree with our own vision for the group. When each moderator comes on his or her shift as a moderator that person can promote his or her vision exclusively, while the rest of the members offer input and support. Just as long as there is commitment being expressed and manifested here we will be happy to sit in the background and enjoy the dynamics. Anyway people, think this over and share with us your ideas of how this group could be manage as if it were a community. Best Wishes, D.. & P.. "" #1-1. authentic "Living Faith", Jimmy Carter: "" From Publishers Weekly In this rich and very intimate spiritual autobiography, the former president shares his living Christian faith. Carter's deep faith is rooted in his family and community, and he traces the growth and development of his faith through his career in the Navy and various political offices, and through his work with Habitat for Humanity (which builds housing for poor Americans) and the Carter Center (an international peacemaking organization). Carter also discusses the impact that Soren Kierkegaard and Reinhold Niebuhr have had on his life. With engaging humor and self-effacement, Carter shares his personal stories of the lessons of faith he has learned as a son, husband and father. In addition, he shares his sense of justice and the ways his faith has affected his actions and personal lifestyle. Carter's book is an enjoyable look into the life of a man engaged in living out his faith in the public eye. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. "" #1-2. "Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis", Jimmy Carter: 'From The Washington Post's Book World/': "" To understand Carter's beliefs, it is important to know something about America's largest Protestant denomination, the Baptists. Baptists have long insisted on the separation of church and state, distrusted religious hierarchies and respected the autonomy of local congregations. The 2000 "Baptist Faith and Message" statement, according to Carter, changed all that; with it, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) created a church that would directly involve itself in politics, made half its members (the female half) subservient and, in Carter's devastating words, brought about the "substitution of Southern Baptist leaders for Jesus as the interpreters of biblical Scripture." Carter may have left the SBC in protest, but he, far more than the ostensible leaders of the denomination, represents the true spirit of Baptist religious liberty. "" #1-3. "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid", by Jimmy Carter: "" From Publishers Weekly The term "good-faith" is almost inappropriate when applied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a bloody struggle interrupted every so often by negotiations that turn out to be anything but honest. Nonetheless, thirty years after his first trip to the Mideast, former President Jimmy Carter still has hope for a peaceful, comprehensive solution to the region's troubles, delivering this informed and readable chronicle as an offering to the cause. An engineer of the 1978 Camp David Accords and 2002 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter would seem to be a perfect emissary in the Middle East, an impartial and uniting diplomatic force in a fractured land. Not entirely so. Throughout his work, Carter assigns ultimate blame to Israel, arguing that the country's leadership has routinely undermined the peace process through its obstinate, aggressive and illegal occupation of territories seized in 1967. He's decidedly less critical of Arab leaders, accepting their concern for the Palestinian cause at face value, and including their anti-Israel rhetoric as a matter of course, without much in the way of counter-argument. Carter's book provides a fine overview for those unfamiliar with the history of the conflict and lays out an internationally accepted blueprint for peace. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ""


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