
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Sunday, January 30, 2005

[05#30 1.30=7=12.21=#51:School before Brazil 1.China, EU - US. 2.Russia - US.

Nice weather. Up very early 5:55, Iraq election has been a success? CBS "Sunday Morning" is usually pretty good, 6-7:30am. NHK rebroadcasting "Winter's Sonata(3)". Still a little late for our Hakka School before many members including Hsiang-Jung leaving for Brazil on 2.2=3, leading the school to be closed until perhaps April. Simple side & back cha-cha, 4-5 Hakka songs to be presented at Brazil, then this time bentoes from Chow Mom's good, I talked about green cards and Canadian citizenship. Picked up lease-application comb forms from Mr. Louie then xeroxed 20 copies to house (truck this time facing very close to tiny storage room) and to home. Emails, answering [W] DF and Al finally about the "unnecessary" Iraqi War creation of American enemies. 6:26 now. Hoping to reach o.l. by 7pm CBS "60 Minutes". 1) China - USA: (1) China=Iran <> USA: "China Sold Missiles To Iran, U.S. Imposes Sanctions On Eight Chinese Companies", Posted by Admin on Friday, January 28, 2005 - 05:14 PM CST: (2) China=Asia, EU <> USA: "A CIA report predicts that American global dominance could end in 15 years: 2020 Vision", By Fred Kaplan, Posted Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005, at 2:48 PM PT "" Fred Kaplan writes the "War Stories" column for Slate. He can be reached at "": "" from the National Intelligence Council—the "center of strategic thinking" inside the U.S. intelligence community. The NIC's conclusions are starkly presented in a new 119-page document, "Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project." It is unclassified and available on the CIA's Web site. The report has received modest press attention the past couple weeks, mainly for its prediction that, in the year 2020, "political Islam" will still be "a potent force." Only a few stories or columns have taken note of its central conclusion: The likely emergence of China and India ... as new major global players—similar to the advent of a united Germany in the 19th century and a powerful United States in the early 20th century—will transform the geopolitical landscape with impacts potentially as dramatic as those in the previous two centuries. In this new world, a mere 15 years away, the United States will remain "an important shaper of the international order"—probably the single most powerful country—but its "relative power position" will have "eroded." The new "arriviste powers"—not only China and India, but also Brazil, Indonesia, and perhaps others—will accelerate this erosion by pursuing "strategies designed to exclude or isolate the United States" in order to "force or cajole" us into playing by their rules. America's current foreign policy is encouraging this trend, the NIC concluded. "U.S. preoccupation with the war on terrorism is largely irrelevant to the security concerns of most Asians," the report states. The authors don't dismiss the importance of the terror war—far from it. But they do write that a "key question" for the future of America's power and influence is whether U.S. policy-makers "can offer Asian states an appealing vision of regional security and order that will rival and perhaps exceed that offered by China." If not, "U.S. disengagement from what matters to U.S. Asian allies would increase the likelihood that they will climb on Beijing's bandwagon and allow China to create its own regional security that excludes the United States." To the extent that these new powers seek others to emulate, they may look to the European Union, not the United States, as "a model of global and regional governance." "" "" The NIC issued the report a few weeks before Bush’s inaugural address, but it serves to dump still more cold water on the lofty fantasy of America delivering freedom to oppressed people everywhere. In Asia, the report states, "present and future leaders are agnostic on the issue of democracy and are more interested in developing what they perceive to be the most effective model of governance." If the president really wanted to spread freedom and democracy around the planet, he would (among other things) need to present America as that "model of governance"—to show the world, by its example, that free democracies are successful and worth emulating. Yet the NIC report paints a world where fewer and fewer people look to America as a model of anything. We can't sell freedom if we can't sell ourselves. "" 2) Russia=Syria <> USA (1) "Russia and Syria sign major weapons deal: U.S., Israel upset at Moscow's new alliance", © 2005 (2) "Putin Calls Syrian Missile Sale Defensive", International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, January 28, 2005, © 2005 TruthNews:

Friday, January 28, 2005

[05#28 1.28=5=12.19=#49:Carport car overnight! 0.Animal-Human Hybrids..1.For Peace. 2.Jews for Peace. 2.Oil&World. 3.Over Iran.

Sunshine & Rain: up 8am, drove Jun to station then house: diray, 9:30 breakfast, old newspapers, & managed to lead water away from the house, 2:30? home: emails to topics then this diary, now 6:40 giving up bath, soon to o.h. Just replied 3 times on ""American Tragedy & Human Future #1000 [Freedom: the Ultimate Value]". So now 7:57pm. Going soon hopefully! 0) Animal-Human Hybrids: "Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy", Maryann Mott, National Geographic News, January 25, 2005 1) For Peace: UFPJ:United for Peace and Justice: "Conference Proposals: HANDLING PROPOSALS FOR THE UFPJ NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, Deadline: February 10, 2005": "" United for Peace and Justice is a coalition of more than 800 local and national groups throughout the United States who have joined together to oppose our government's policy of permanent warfare and empire-building. "" 2) Jews for Peace: (1), Updated 17 January 2005: "" was begun in 2003 as a way to commemorate the memory of those Palestinians who have been, and continue to be depopulated, dispossessed, humiliated, tortured, and murdered in the name of political Zionism and its quest to create a Jewish state in the lands between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River. From its founding in 1897 the Zionist endeavors to "pump in" Jews and "pump out" Palestinians from this land have been the root cause of bloodshed and conflict. These racist endeavors have also been deeply problematic for those who believe in the basic tenets of Judaism of the prophets, namely justice and a duty to heal the world. was created to honor those who consider themselves to be Jewish and who have worked for the human rights of non-Jewish was inspired by the website of the most famous Holocaust museum at Yad Vashem, located on Mt. Herzl on the lands of the Palestinian village of Ein Karem 1,400 meters south of the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. Yad Vashem lists the names of over 19,000 non-Jews who risked their "lives, freedom, and safety in order to rescue one or several Jews from the threat of death or deportation to death camps without exacting in advance monetary compensation." For many years this list was referred to as the list of "Righteous Gentiles." Today it is more politically correct to refer to those who have made the list as the Righteous Among the Nations." "" (2) Related Organizations: Holocaust Heroes Israel Policy Forum Americans for Peace Now Jews for Peace in Palestine Jewish Voice for Peace Movement for One Democratic Secular State Not in My Name (3) "Jewish Power", By Paul Eisen, UK Director of Deir Yassin Remembered - (August 19, 2004) Paul Eisen is a director of Deir Yassin Remembered, "" The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons displaying Jewish religious symbols, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do. The future is always open and nothing can ever be ruled out; but, for now, it's hard to see how Israel can be stopped. After over fifty years, it is clear that Israel will only relinquish its eliminationist attitude to Palestinians and Palestinian life when it has to. This need not be through military action but it is hard to see how anything else will do. The conventional wisdom - that if America turned off the tap, Israel would be brought to its knees - is far from proven. First, it's not going to happen. Second, those who believe it may well be underestimating both the cohesiveness of Israeli society and the force of Jewish history which permeates it. Even more unlikely is the military option. The only force on earth which could possibly confront Israel is the American military, and, again, that is not going to happen. Palestinian resistance has been astonishing. After over fifty years of brutal assault by what may well one day be seen as one of the most ruthless and irrational powers of modern times, and with just about every power on earth ranged against them, Palestinians are still with us, still steadfast, still knowing who they are and where they come from. Nonetheless, for the time being effective resistance may be over (though the possibility of organised non-violent resistance can never be ruled out), and, for now, the only strategy open may be no more than one for survival. For us it is so much easier to deny this reality than to accept it, and doubtless the struggle will continue. How fruitful this will be no-one can say. Although the present seems hopeless, survival is still vital and no-one knows when new opportunities may arise. Anyway, to struggle against injustice is always worth doing. But what if the struggle becomes so delusional that it inhibits rather than advances resistance? What if the struggle becomes a way of avoiding rather than confronting reality? Those slogans "End the Occupation!" and "Two States for Two Peoples!" are now joined by a new slogan, "The One-State Solution!" This is every bit as fantastic as its predecessors because, just as there never was going to be an end to the occupation, nor a real Palestinian state, so, for now, there is no possibility of any "one state" other than the state of Israel which now stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and the only "solution" is a final solution and even that cannot be ruled out. "Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is not Zionism?" The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons with Jewish religious symbols all over them, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do. The past is just too terrible. All of us know of the hatred and violence to which accusations against Jews have led in the past. Also, if we were to examine critically the role of Jews in this conflict, what would become of us and of our struggle? Would we be labelled anti-Semites and lose much of the support that we have worked so hard to gain? "" 3) Over Iran: "USAF playing cat and mouse game over Iran", By Richard Sale, UPI Intelligence Correspondent, Published January 26, 2005:

Thursday, January 27, 2005

[05#27 1.27=4=12.18=#48:Driveway car. 0.Proj.for the New Ame.Cent.1.IraqiElection/Iran. 2.Oil&World. 3.Iraqi Blood.

Cloudy cool. 8:15 up. Sun came out afternoon, so swept & opened doors trying to dry out roof! Only a truck occupying driveway. A couple dropped for inspection. Near evening J. tel asking about roof, and answer was for temporary repair which would cost material $150, tool rental $100, and labor $400 for 2 persons and 1 day. Emails for topics below already started to be done earlier. Now 11:15pm. Soon to bed. But just responded to a [W] post under "American Tragedy & Human Future #1000 [Freedom: the Ultimate Value]": "" [Tsai 05.1.27=4 #1] Very well spoken here, and your sentiment could be well understood. However, democracy, freedom, liberty, and personal well-beings depends on one's community AND the rule of laws. With past century's disasterous human stupidity gone, I hope we are really beyond it, as the international legal structures evolving, also the EU evolution, it has become the ultimate American tragedy of the Vietnam and Iraq wars. Even the whole world has suffered immensely from them. Could you see this also?=============================== "J. M. Verville" wrote: (cross posted for the purpose of varied discussion)To me, freedom has always been defined by the idea of being able to live life without ever having to owrry about a crackdown as long as you do not threaten anybody's life, liberty, or property; freedom is the greatest thing that a human being could ever hope for... Any man who opposes my right and the right of any human being to live the way that they want is my enemy, and whatever defeats they suffer in the name of human freedom is my victory. And thus I could never be sad about what has happened in Iraq. - J. M. Verville - "" Now 11:39pm. 0) The Project for the New American Century: "" Books by Project Directors The War Over Iraq: Saddam's Tyranny and America's Mission Lawrence F. Kaplan and William Kristol Encounter Books, 2003 Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order Robert Kagan Knopf, 2003 Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policyedited by Robert Kagan and William Kristol Encounter Books, 2000 Project Papers A U.S. Taiwan Free Trade Agreement Greg MastelOctober 9, 2003: Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century A Report of the Project for the New American CenturySeptember 2000 "" --------------------------------------------------- "" The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle; and that too few political leaders today are making the case for global leadership. The Project for the New American Century intends, through issue briefs, research papers, advocacy journalism, conferences, and seminars, to explain what American world leadership entails. It will also strive to rally support for a vigorous and principled policy of American international involvement and to stimulate useful public debate on foreign and defense policy and America's role in the world. William Kristol, Chairman "" ---------------------------------------------------------- 1) PINR: Iraqi Election & Iran: (1) ''Iraq's Perilous Election and the Need for Exit Strategies'', Jan. 17, 2005: (2) Iran: 06 September 2004''Iran's Bid for Regional Power: Assets and Liabilities'', Sept. 6, 2004: Learning: "Welcome to GCF Global Learning®" 2) Oil & the World: (1) Published: Wednesday, January 26, 2005Bylined to: Bob Chapman Venezuela finding its place in the sun ... in the big league playing ball with China Peru, China to establish partnership of cooperation 2005-01-27 14:05:38 (2) "Syria, Russia to restore Soviet-era ties and intends to deliver air defense systemsBy: AFP on: 26.01.2005 [06:51 ] (1088 reads) (3) The World "The Dispensible Nation", Steve Clemons, January 26, 2005 3) Iraqi Blood: "Iraq: This election is a sham", Salim Lone, © 2005 the International Herald Tribune:

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

[05#23] 1.23=7=12.14=#44:All to Hakka Spring Festival.

Up 7am, 10:45 drove mom & Hiro/Dzu to S. Cul/Edu Ctr festival, met Hao & Gam couples, I finished 2 full pages ad1324-1683, 1684-2005, with China 1795-, Japan 1868- Back to Korea Tofu $41 for 4 dinner, Yung-ho, old home: Hiro drove away, NHK Yosh Tsune, 11-12 KTSF Manchu Japanese princess (2)?, bed 12:15.

[05#25] 1.25=2=12.16=#46:Water pipe day. 1.US Opposition to Info. 2.Cheney. 3.Rumsfeld. 4."Terrorism War"

Cool cloudy-fair then rain. 8:30 up, Mei stayed for water pipe, 2 of us 11:45 to house, J. bought pipe, finished replacing 5:20. No time for this diary, so topics below first. 1:10 bed. 1) "Veto Battle 30 Years Ago Set Freedom of Information Norms: Scalia, Rumsfeld, Cheney Opposed Open Government Bill: Congress Overrode President Ford's Veto of Court Review: Documents Obtained by The National Security Archive", National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 142, Edited by Dan Lopez, Thomas Blanton, Meredith Fuchs and Barbara Elias, Posted November 23, 2004: 2) "Reining In Cheney", Ray McGovern, January 25, 2005: 3) "Call on the German Federal Prosecutor to Investigate Rumsfeld": 4) "The Shadow War A glimpse at the real war on terrorism", by Justin Raimondo:

Monday, January 24, 2005

[05#24] 1.24=1=12.15=#45:Another extra day. 0.Leo/Aquarian. 1.US Adm. 2.bin Laden tape.

Cloud cool fair. Quick breakfast at o.h., on way to home to Bk of Am, the girl start refin. for rental house then stopped by manager! Got appointment for cold, no one at the house, home Lung open, quick lunch to hospital getting only strep throat exam, librarian suggest I should get today's report: 2p. House: only a young man modifying driveway, then 2 digged holes for fences, J. suggested replacing gravel roof for $6000. 5:10 P. finally check water pipe and water bursted borrowing tools & light from home! Mei home and taking over, oked $600 for J. 1:45 bed. 0) LEO FULL MOON JANUARY 25th and AQUARIAN NEW MOON FEBRUARY 8TH: "AQUARIUS – SET MYSELF FREE", By Guruattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D., NEW MILLENNIUM BEING, Number 101 - January 23rd, 2005, The New Millennium Being is copyright 1999 - 2005 Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.: "" The Leo Full Moon is January 25th at 2:33 AM PST (10:33 AM GMT). The opposing forces of the Sun and the Moon at 5 degrees Aquarius and Leo make us very aware that something must change. To achieve our collective humanitarian goals and to be able to align with others sharing the same vision, we have to reclaim our soul power and be able to take action from a place of higher truth. The Aquarian New Moon (20 degrees) is February 8th at 2:28 PM PST (10:28 PM GMT). Both the Full Moon and the New Moon remind us that if we wish to play a meaningful role during this critical period of history, we have to leave outdated beliefs and social mores behind. Aquarius is the last air sign. To complete the development of our mind, Aquarius opens the space to allow our mind to be the channel for universal truth and wisdom. Aquarius teaches us that our revolutionary spirit can take a leadership role in humanity’s evolutionary process, only if we can leave our egotistical power games behind and open our minds to identify with the greater whole. Aquarius, like Capricorn, has both an internal/personal and an external/collective dynamic. The Mountain Goat has to become the leader of his own life before he can effectively take a leadership role in the world. The Water Bearer has to set himself free before he can expect to participate in endeavors that can be effective in creating equity and freedom for humanity. "" 1) US 'Neocons' Government: (1) "Bush Pulls 'Neocons' Out of the Shadows", By Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer:,1,2483814.story?coll=la-news-politics-national (2) US Military Spies: "Pentagon Spies", by The Dreyfuss Report, January 24, 2005: 2) "Purported bin Laden tape endorses al-Zarqawi: Speaker also calls for boycott of Iraq's elections", Monday, December 27, 2004 Posted: 5:47 PM EST (2247 GMT)

Saturday, January 22, 2005

[05#22] 1.22=6=12.13=#43:Yard soil over again only Chinese sqare - Western rectangle. 1.US Death Squads. 2."Freedom's Jihad"

Fair cool. Getting to today's shortened topics first, now 6:43pm. Then 7:16pm. Up 7:30am, so far another lady hasn't show up, reaching house 10:30-:45 none there, guy's workers working nearby. Jun sleeping this one time at home. Emails. 12:10 guy started to tel coming 2pm then 2:30? here then in Oakland, desiring rental contract, answered after roof & water pipe fixed (machine problem?) Answered [C] Ron's 2 posts onUK & US right before modern time on cults, etc. Mei home for lunch then driving old lady supmkt shopping. 3:25 driving to the house, guy driving a young worker machine turning over backyard again all over then gone. I wrote in car diary, and check 2 calender books again in detail. "Magic Square" related to Chinese culture has me thinking about I Ching and 60-years cycle notation (yin-yang is binary!), etc. and Ron noting West's rectangle and "Fibonacci series". East's square and circle, with Korean "Da Changjin" ladies parting hair in center. Nap also. He was back 4:25, then 5:05, going to fix water pipe tonight, then changed to next Monday by my advice. Letting him to order his machine and materials into the small storage room. He said coming tonight to fix its key. 2 left at 5:20, I started sweep back, car port, driveway, to front walkway, when Mei back. Home, resumed emails at 6pm, then this blog, now 7:50! Going bakc to o.h. soon. 1) US > Iraq: "Salvador Option": "The "Democracy Option" disappears in Iraq", by David Batstone, Sojourners,,... a Christian ministry ["" Sojourners ministries grew out of the Sojourners Community, located in Southern Columbia Heights, an inner-city neighborhood in Washington, D.C. The community began at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, in the early 1970s when a handful of students began meeting to discuss the relationship between their faith and political issues, particularly the Vietnam War. In 1971, the group decided to create a publication that would express their convictions and test whether other people of faith had similar beliefs. ""], 01.19.2005: "" Newsweek magazine reported last week that Pentagon insiders are touting a plan code-named the "Salvador Option." The plan refers to the secret support of the Reagan administration in the 1980s for hit squads in El Salvador that targeted rebel militia and their civilian sympathizers. Many Pentagon conservatives credit these so-called "death squads" with turning the tide against a strong revolutionary movement in El Salvador. I worked in human rights in Central America for nearly 12 years. My tenure began in the early 1980s when I launched and then ran a non-governmental group concerned with economic and community development. Death squads roamed freely in El Salvador and Guatemala at the time. In these two countries alone, they assassinated or "disappeared" more than 150,000 civilians. They targeted anyone - church pastors, literacy teachers, community development workers - who appeared to support social reform. "" 2) "Freedom's Jihad", Written by veteran investigative reporter Bob Dreyfuss , Dreyfuss Report at January 20, 2005, © 2005 ( Project of The Institute for America's Future ) "" So it’s clear from the speech: The next four years will be four more years of Christian jihad. What’s most ironic about Bush’s speech is this: It’s as if suddenly all of the hundreds of tyrants and despots and dictators that the United States created, supported and sustained during the Cold War didn’t exist. ""

Friday, January 21, 2005

[05#21] 1.21=5=12.12=#42:Yard soil over:

Fair cold then warm! Lung cold, so Mei tel me to drive Jun to station at 8am, slept past 1 quarer then up, Mei back 8:30 Jun to st. Guy tel for 11 then 11:30, since hearing my complain yesterday they done without phone. 11:15 reaching the house: 2 of his workers going over driveway again very flat up to the front door, staying in the car for diary-2calendars, guy appearing almost 11:30 leaving for 3 bentoes then starting lunch, leaving around noon. So to Bk of Am: over $180 refunding to new chck acct, then foodMaxx for 6 fruits & bread $10.03, newspaper, rental house 1:00 still no one, waiting diary & yesterday mails in car. Guy 1:15-1:50 cutting backyard grass while I lunch inside, 1:55 guy leaving, I home lunch again & emails, to the house 3:00 no one, in car across street, 3:20 2 girls going to backyard wanting to move my soil transporting wheel! Also 3:20 the guys with his 2 workers leaving one worker pushing small machine turning over backyard soils, 3:55 a girl copying tel#, then the other worker appearing to finish and leaving together 4:30. Home full bath, finishing emails and finally this blog, now 7:22pm. Disregarding topic urls below. 7:26pm, leaving for o.h. very soon. O.h. 8pm, bed 11:50.

[05#20] 1.20=3=12.11=#41:Tongan starts house.Inauguration. 1.US "1984" >"B.N.World". 2.M Hassan < Counterinsurgency? 3.US Targetting Iran? 4.Eugenics.

Nicely fair. TV showing US Presidential inauguration from bed, up 9am. The house-seeking contractor tel, so a short breakfast then walking to the house for 11am, his talking to a driver starting me to smooth-out backyard a bit soil left by Mei, he showing his thick book of documents (including his Tongan passport and music organ before) of works done, receipts, etc., his worker cutting trees nearby and wife passing, and expressing strong desire to fix house to live in, up to us to deduct rent as our payment. Driving further to gas and newspaper when a Korean(?) lady calling my cell phone to see the house with her little daughter then getting an appln. form, when the Tongan there and Mei coming from work, then he convincing her to let him fixing roof first. Home, Mei starting to cook right away half-way receiving next door Korean, driving her back to work. Finishing cooking then lunch and tv inauguration and emails all day waiting for Tongan to call to fix roof first without receiving, instead Mei tel again and again asking whether he tel. She discovered the front yard was done, after Mei and Jun home and dinner, also cold Lung home, two of us walking quickly there founding the front yard has been worked again with long lines of soil piles and also front driveway with new cement, back home within 25 minutes, 11:00 to 11:25. Continue from the middle of last paragraph, now 12:12am. Topics below done earlier again and starting to use "Save as Draft" than "Publish Post" as before. Now the latter. Lung cold, Jun out with my major computer, Mei sleeping, 1:25 bed. 1) American "1984" to Australian "Brave New World": (1) "WHERE'S OSAMA? Bush's Strategy of Distraction", By Ted Rall, Tue Sep 3, 7:02 PM ET, Op/Ed Comments, Last changed: June 20, 2004: ""(Ted Rall's new book, a graphic travelogue about his recent coverage of the Afghan war titled "To Afghanistan and Back," is now in its second edition. Ordering and review-copy information are available at "": "" NEW YORK--Bush's "war on terrorism" (one uses quotes for things which exist in name only) has already manifested most of the characteristics of the dystopian society described in George Orwell's "1984." Like Big Brother, Bush is an unelected figurehead for a secretive clan of wealthy hypocrites who live above the law. Like Orwell's fictional Oceania, the United States is engaged in a perpetual war in which victory isn't expected within our lifetime. Oceania bombs its own people, using the fear of faux terrorism to maintain control over the population. The United States trains and finances radical Islamist terrorists who predictably turn against Americans, then uses the specter of terrorism to justify everything from fast-track signing authority on free trade (opposition to NAFTA and the WTO, Bush's U.S. Trade Representative argues, is "an attack on freedom") to tax cuts for the Administration's wealthy chums to smearing Tom Daschle as a communist terrorist enemy-of-the-state. Bush's Operation TIPS ("Terrorism Information and Prevention System") asks mail deliverers, meter readers, truckers (!) and other citizens to spy on their neighbors and customers (or, in FEMA jargon, "to report suspicious, publicly observable activity that could be related to terrorism"). Thanks to your federal government, 128 channels may not be the only electronic marvel your cable guy is installing in your home. And what could be more characteristic of Stalinist totalitarianism than "disappearing" hundreds of detainees into a covert prison system--no lawyer, no trial, no charges--never to be seen again? "" (2) "1984 or Brave New World?", by Joe Blow, June 25, 2003: "" Joe Blow is the pen name of a freelance writer currently living on the left coast."": "" George Orwell, born Eric Blair on June 25, 1903 , would turn 100 this week had he not died in 1950 at the age of 47. On the anniversary of his birth, it seems fitting to briefly compare his 1948 dystopian warning of the future, 1984, to that of his one-time teacher, Aldous Huxley, who had written his own prophecy, Brave New World, in 1931. Both novels remain popular among readers, but if you ask them which came closer to the future as it exists today, you get mixed results. Both novels envisioned States with similar traits: socialist and totalitarian. Orwell’s dictatorship was based on punishment, but Huxley’s oligarchy was based on pleasure. Which would you choose as the more accurate prophecy? My answer may surprise you: both. I contend that it depends heavily on your location, which greatly influences your viewpoint and the answer. I offer two nations as an example of each prophecy: Australia and the United States. Since 9/11, the Bush regime has pushed the 1984 Big Brother approach to the limit. Australia, on the other hand, currently exhibits many, if not most, of the earmarks of Brave New World. This is no accident; it is mostly a question of timing. Both nations are bastions of socialism, but Australia is years ahead of the U.S., as I said in “Taxpayer Breeder Program.” I contend that the U.S. will follow in Australia’s footsteps, eventually abandoning the 1984 approach and replacing it with the Brave New World approach. It is only a matter of time. Once the inevitable finally occurs (crash of the U.S. dollar, more inflation by the Fed, major income tax increases, and depletion of the U.S. Treasury to afford the costs of Medicare, Social Security for Boomers, and Perpetual War for Peace) the relatively few remaining American taxpayers will gladly welcome their daily ration of soma, the ultimate happiness drug in Brave New World. Designer drugs like Ecstasy point the way. One need only read the recent headlines from Australia to peer into the future. "" "" Orwell’s 1984 was a good model for the 20th Century, with its prevalence of totalitarian dictators, but the page has turned. In the 21st Century, the vast majority of nations exhibit some form of democracy. This fact alone suggests that Huxley’s prophecy will prevail. Voters (and taxpayers) will demand happiness, and their socialist States will deliver. Even John the Savage in Brave New World, one of the few remaining educated individuals from the outside world, finally succumbed to the call of happiness in a tablet. Soma is much less expensive than Big Brother, and in a Wal-Mart world, Macy’s is doomed. "" 2) Margaret Hassan Counterinsurgency Victim? (1) "Hersh Adds Credibility to Speculation Margaret Hassan was the Victim of a Counterinsurgency Operation", ANOTHER DAY IN THE EMPIRE, January 18, 2005: "" Although I have no direct evidence of this, there are several factors currently in play that make the US/Israeli counterinsurgency operation plausible: More than 200 college professors since April 30, 2003, according to the Iraqi Union of University Lecturers, have been the targets of assassination. In addition, many intellectuals have disappeared. (See Andrew Rubin’s Bloodbath.) In December, 2003, Julian Borger of the Guardian reported, “Israeli advisers are helping train US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations in Iraq, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders. … US forces in Iraq’s Sunni triangle have already begun to use tactics that echo Israeli operations in the occupied territories.” “A new Special Forces group, designated Task Force 121, has been assembled from Army Delta Force members, Navy seals, and C.I.A. paramilitary operatives, with many additional personnel,” according to Seymour Hersh. Israel funded Hamas, as the UPI’s Richard Sale reported in 2002. The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories, in December, 2002. A PA official said the collaborators sought to “discredit the Palestinian people, justify every Israeli crime and provide reasons to carry out a new (military) aggression in the Gaza Strip.” Israel currently runs covert ops in the Kurdish area of Iraq (see Seymour Hersh’s Plan B) A CIA instruction manual entitled Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare, written in the 1980s, states the following: “Bring about uprisings or shootings, which will cause the death of one or more persons … in order to create greater conflicts.” US military (and CIA operative) officer Major Edward Geary Lansdale’s “psy-war tactics” used in the Philippines against the Huk. Lansdale’s methods “centered on measures of deception similar to those employed in the British and French colonial campaigns in Kenya and Indochina,” including the creation of bogus guerilla units used to discredit the enemy. (See Michael McClintock’s Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism, 1940-1990.) "" (2) "Margaret Hassan execution: Anatomy of a CIA-DIA-Mossad Counterinsurgency operation?", November 17, 2004, ANOTHER DAY IN THE EMPIRE: "" Seymour Hersh’s latest installment on the Strausscons (The Coming Wars: What the Pentagon can now do in secret) published by the New Yorker and posted on their website. "" "" Considering the long and violent history of the CIA—and the fact the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed creating fake terrorist groups to discredit Cuba (Operation Northwoods) as a pretext to invade Cuba and depose Castro—I find it entirely plausible that Hassan, who was against Bush’s invasion and occupation (and influential as the director of a high-profile NGO), was kidnapped and possibly murdered, although her body has yet to be found. It makes infinitely more sense for a “pseudo gang” of Iraqi terrorists—possibly criminals, paramilitaries from the Allawi government, or freelance mercenaries under the direction of U.S., Israeli, or British intelligence—to engage in such vile behavior, "" 3) US Targetting Iran? truthout: 4) "Engineering Evolution: The Alchemy of Eugenics", by Phillip D. Collins, ©, Jan. 10th, 2005 "" He co-authored the book, The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, From the 19th to the 21st Century, is available online here. "" "" According to the Darwinian doctrine of the Transhumanist movement, mankind is the next species slated for extinction. How does the GenRich class intend to regulate the rest of the "dysgenics" until their ultimate extinction? Transhumanist ideologue and Deputy Director of the National Science Foundation's Division of Information and Intelligent Systems William Sims Bainbridge provides the answer: “Techniques such as genetic engineering, psychoactive drugs and electronic control of the brain make possible a transformation of the species into docile, fully-obedient, 'safe' organisms.” (Bainbridge, 1982) In other words, the pharmacological totalitarianism of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Chemically numbed and anesthetized, the "dysgenics" will resign themselves to extinction in the posthuman era. Meanwhile, the eugenical alchemists of the elite continue to write the final chapter of the evolutionary script and they have left no room for humanity in the last pages. ""

Thursday, January 20, 2005

[05#19] 1.19=3=12.10=#40. 1.California Secession. 2.Chinese Defense. 3.Russia=China:C.Asia:USA 4.Magic Squares.5.Prisoner Torture.

Nicely clear Switched to blog subjects below in the middle of emails, from this diary then finish this diary first, now 11:50pm. Up 7:05, 99 woman not showing up to rent a room for $350, gardener's dad only cleaning outside without cutting grass yet for money and getting $100. Discovering no payment of property taxes! Writing 3 checks while mom tel Mrs. Wang Dzufa for 1 1/3 hour feeling lonely! 12:08am going to yesterday's diary. 12:49am from answer to [C] about IQ [to Magic Squares], then more answers: [G] on prison tortures and [C] on UK media, until now 1:37am! All bed, but left Mei in full light as usual. 2:20 bed! 1) California Secession by Move On California: "Californians Dreaming of Secession?" By Susan Jones, Morning Editor, January 11, 2005 "" ( - California could cut taxes, fully fund education and balance its budget by seceding from the United States, a newly organized group says. The Committee to Explore California Secession, also known as Move On California, says it hopes to bring people together to consider the merits of an autonomous and independent California. "" 2) Chinese Defense: "China builds up strategic sea lanes", By Bill Gertz, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, January 18, 2005: "" China is building up military forces and setting up bases along sea lanes from the Middle East to project its power overseas and protect its oil shipments, according to a previously undisclosed internal report prepared for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. "China is building strategic relationships along the sea lanes from the Middle East to the South China Sea in ways that suggest defensive and offensive positioning to protect China's energy interests, but also to serve broad security objectives," said the report sponsored by the director, Net Assessment, who heads Mr. Rumsfeld's office on future-oriented strategies. The Washington Times obtained a copy of the report, titled "Energy Futures in Asia," which was produced by defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. "" 3) Russia=China:Central Asia:USA "Kyrgyzstan at the Crossroads", Report Drafted By:Dr. Michael A. Weinstein, The Power and Interest News Report (PINR), 19 January 2005: "" As Russian and Chinese economic and military power increases, Moscow and Beijing will exert a pull on Central Asian states that will be difficult for Washington to overcome because its primary interests are elsewhere. As long as Beijing and Moscow continue to act in concert, they will be likely to realize their aim of a joint sphere of influence in Central Asia. "" 4) Magic Squares of China: (1) "Ancient Mathematical Mystery Highly Cherished ", (China Daily January 18, 2005): "" Interpreted as a supernatural sign of the power of the universe, it dominated Chinese cosmological thinking by the 19th century when it was reduced in status to a mathematical curiosity, said Frank Swetz, professor of mathematics with the Pennsylvania State University in his book Legacy of the Luoshu. "" (2) "Welcome To Gongyi" "" Gongyi is a famous historical and cultural city in Henan Province. The confluence of HuangheRiver and Luohe River is the birthplace of "The book sent by a totoise from Luohe River" , "Thepainting sent by the dragon from Huanghe River "and "Eight-part essay" ;Gongyi is a place wheresome great historical events took place, such as the sacrificial alar to worship the heaven byancient monarch Yellow Emperor, the grand ceremony for emperial crown-passnig by Yao, Shun andYu. capital moving in Xia Dynasty, the pray for rain in Shangtang etc. " 5) Prisoner Torture: " Feeling like in a world full of "Nazis" #1000 [Iraq pictures 'shocking', PM says]" "" [Tsai 05.1.19=3+ #1] It's almost 1am now. But, you finally got it, imo. They are coming slowly and gradually everywhere. But, I feel like I'm living in a world full of "Nazis". ==========================Janet wrote: I could overlook this report, but I'm not going to. The pictures I saw today are repulsive and I dont suppose the public has been allowed to see the worst. I've heard a lot of rhetoric today, politicians and journalists finding reasons, not least of all that Saddam Hussein committed worse atrocities and those pictures were taken in pursuit of his capture.. So what! Are we not trying to return democracy and civilisation into Iraq. I commented before that I think the heads that should roll and be held responsible are the ranks. And who on earth allowed someone with a camera into that environment.Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 January, 2005, 17:22 GMTIraq pictures 'shocking', PM says [pictures at the site] ""

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

[05#18] 1.18=2=12.9=#39: Old Home to Home to O.H. again #2< All sick, 2 sign for refin.. 1.EU Problems. 2.India & China.

Cloudy cool. Making up this diary, now 1.20=4, 12 minutes past midnight. Up 8am, Mrs. Wang Dzufa of LA tel mom lying on sofa, for one hour: taking care of her hus. just passing about 10 days ago getting her 14 pounds. Near noon? driving mom to Ethan and nearby furniture stores looking for shoe coach, to Costco for nothing particular, Fulinmen small lunch. Leaving o.h. late to US Bk depositing $700, walking to Bk of Am wainting long then signed lots with Mei rushing from home, getting pile of documents just printed, she telling me mom tel to back to o.h. To home finishing emails then to o.h. 12:20 bed. CIA gives grim warning on European prospects NICHOLAS CHRISTIAN India and China: a comparisonJanuary 18, 2005

Monday, January 17, 2005

[05#17] 1.17=1=12.8=#38: Old Home to Home to O.H. again < All sick, MLKing Day; 1.Russia=Turkey - China. 2."World War IV".

Clear warm! 6:55 up, picked up "Fail-Safe"(1964), mom tel Hiro to ad room for rent as before so we don't have to sleep there in turn. MLKin Day vacation for rent? tel to sure at least Jun would be home to receive phones, Mei & Lung still work. Ying tel, with my cell phone no. finally driving mom to Target for long time, 3pm Chau-chou noodle store lunch, Long mom shopping again, to o.h., to home, Jun at computer, Jung tel 4th day cold high fever, so tel Hiro for tonight, later Hire ordered(?) by Chu having me to o.h. 7:47 now. Finishing this blog 8:44, Mei tel Chen accusing her wanting to stay on in Oregon. Going to o.h. 1) Russia=Turkey - China (1) Russia=Turkey "Turkey-Russia relations", Published: Monday 17 January 2005 - 09:24, © EurActiv 2000-2004: "" Given their dynamically growing economic co-operation, the leaders of Turkey and Russia are now working for closer political dialogue to match. "" (2) Russia - China "Russia is Doomed: Catastrophic Post-Cold War Demographic Situation", by Said Ibrahayev, davkaz Center , 6 January 2005, 17 January 2005: "" According to that sensational document, in 2002 the number of Chinese population in Russia reached almost 3.5 million, and thus the Chinese have now taken the fourth place in Russia's population, following Russians (104 million), Tatars (7.2 million), and Ukrainians (5.1 million). 15 years ago there were only 5 thousand Chinese living in Russia. According to the predictions made by the experts, by the year 2013 every fourth person in Russia will be a Chinese. "" 2) "World War IV": (1) "Commentary: The War Against World War IV: A Second-Term Retreat?", Norman Podhoretz, February 2005: "" Will George W. Bush spend the next few years backing down from the ambitious strategy he outlined in the Bush Doctrine for fighting and winning World War IV? To be sure, Bush himself still calls it the "war on terrorism," and has shied away from giving the name World War IV to the great conflict into which we were plunged by 9/11. (World War III, in this accounting, was the cold war.) Yet he has never hesitated to compare the fight against radical Islamism, and the forces nurturing and arming it, with those earlier struggles against Nazism and Communism. Nor has he flinched from suggesting that achieving victory as the Bush Doctrine defines it may take as long as it took to win World War III (which lasted more than four decades—from the promulgation of the Truman Doctrine in 1947 until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989). "" (2) By US Bush Adminitration: "THE COMING WARS: What the Pentagon can now do in secret", by SEYMOUR M. HERSH, Issue of 2005-01-24 and 31, Posted 2005-01-17, THE NEW YORKER: FACT: ANNALS OF NATIONAL SECURITY, Copyright © CondéNet 2005: "" George W. Bush’s reëlection was not his only victory last fall. The President and his national-security advisers have consolidated control over the military and intelligence communities’ strategic analyses and covert operations to a degree unmatched since the rise of the post-Second World War national-security state. "" (3) in Control: Media "The Bush Rule of Journalism", By Robert Parry, January 17, 2005, [a product of The Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc., a non-profit organization]: " Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. His new book, Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq, can be ordered at It's also available at, as is his 1999 book, Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth.' " "" “Don’t take on the Bushes” is becoming an unwritten rule in American journalism. Reporters can make mistakes in covering other politicians and suffer little or no consequence, but a false step when doing a critical piece on the Bushes is a career killer. "" (4) To Iran: "Report: U.S. Conducting Secret Missions Inside Iran", Sun, Jan 16, 2005 12:33 PM ET "" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran to help identify potential nuclear, chemical and missile targets, The New Yorker magazine reported Sunday. The article, by award-winning reporter Seymour Hersh, said the secret missions have been going on at least since last summer with the goal of identifying target information for three dozen or more suspected sites. Hersh quotes one government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon as saying, "The civilians in the Pentagon want to go into Iran and destroy as much of the military infrastructure as possible." One former high-level intelligence official told The New Yorker, "This is a war against terrorism, and Iraq is just one campaign. The Bush administration is looking at this as a huge war zone. Next, we're going to have the Iranian campaign." The White House said Iran is a concern and a threat that needs to be taken seriously. But it disputed the report by Hersh, who last year exposed the extent of prisoner abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. ""

Sunday, January 16, 2005

[05#16] 1.16=7=12.7=#37: Old Home to Home to O.H. again; ' ground.."prfessionalized" terroriests...'

Clear and even warm! Slept again to 7:55, reaching the school at10:40 when singing on, then all standing up for performance practice of the 2 songs, again sitting singing for my knee vein (feet up driving), rice noodle, Hakka dried-cabbage & pork soup, and pearl sweet white soup, Mei left soon for Jun at San Jose airport 12:45, coming back from Oregon, then I 12:40 going home: reading emails, Mei & Jun home, then I finally full bath plus nails, Mei walked to the house for rent and back very upset about my soil moving again tel a sister, then tel Chen in Oregon accusing and complaining from Jun info? 6:27pm, now 6:34pm. O.h. past 7pm, 10-11 NHK "Ooku", 11-12 "Princess Hiro"(2), 12:20 bed. "Iraq a new terror breeding ground: War created a haven, CIA advisers report", By Dana Priest, Updated: 10:41 p.m. ET Jan. 13, 2005, © 2004 "" Iraq has replaced Afghanistan as the training ground for the next generation of "professionalized" terrorists, according to a report released yesterday by the National Intelligence Council, the CIA director's think tank. ""

Saturday, January 15, 2005

[05#15] 1.15=6=12.6=#36: Old Home to Home to O.H.; 1.Cascadia Proj.,SusanBourlalnd 2.India>China. 3.China=Venequela Oil. 4.US Gulag

Cloudy cool, up 7:25, counting 2 months accounts of old house's rental left by Luis, 11:55 reaching sofa for diary, mails, etc., then driving mom to Marina(Yung-ho) supmkt after tofu-bean-carrots with onion-oil-cake, Mei and much later rent-looker cell tel near home: tel pay comcast Internet $100, managing emails keeping some urls for this blog, Jun tel from Oregon then again to Mei, Lung tel Mei asking about dinner Mei taking, to bath time to o.h. for NHK Korean "Winter Sonata" at 8:05 and finishing this blog? 7:15 now to below. 7:45, not time for bath. Reach o.h. at 8:05 for the 1st of "w.s.", not very special, but there are roots of coming songs and emotion almost hidden, bed 11:55. 1) Cascadia Project, ETC. (1) "The Cascadia Project", "" Based in Seattle, WA, The Cascadia Project is a resource and meeting place for people interested in the process of creating or devolving systems of governance. The framework in which we operate is the proposed nation of Cascadia. In order to more completely explore the relationship of people to the power inherent in their existence -not only their citizenship- we host an ongoing dialogue in our forum. "" (2) "Re: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] Time for real action ..." "" I am a freelance writer in exile in Texas. I maintain a blog about the northwestern cultural and political difference and write regularly on the topic of "environmental policy and cultural secession", or the idea that the Northwest, including California, is well on its way to a de facto secession through an environmental policy that runs counter to the feds and by virtue of its progressive culture, so different from the rest of the U.S. I support the idea of an organized site wherein ideas, articles, links, information, etc. are stored. Know that I would try to contribute to such a site and do all that I could to help such an endeavor. Susan Bourland "" 2) India > China " India, China will be global giants by 2020: US report", S Rajagopalan, Washington, January 14, 200514:48 IST,0005.htm 3) China=Venezuela oil - US "The U.S.-Venezuela Oil Split Approaches A Boiling Point: Will Washington Tolerate A Chinese-Venezuelan Petro Pact?", on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 06:03 PM ::: Posted by: Admin: 4) US Gulag (1) "A global gulag to hide the war on terror's dirty secrets: Bush is now thinking of building jails abroad to hold suspects for life", Jonathan Steele, Friday January 14, 2005, The Guardian,12271,1390317,00.html "" The promise of imminent release for four British detainees held at the notorious US prison at Guantánamo Bay is obviously welcome, but it is only a tiny exception in the surge of bad news from the Bush team on the human rights front. The first few days of the new year have produced two shocking exposures already. One is the revelation that the administration sees the US not just as a self-appointed global policeman, but also as the world's prison warder. It is thinking of building jails in foreign countries, mainly ones with grim human rights records, to which it can secretly transfer detainees (unconvicted by any court) for the rest of their lives - a kind of global gulag beyond the scrutiny of the International Committee of the Red Cross, or any other independent observers or lawyers. The other horror is the light shone on the views of Alberto Gonzales, the White House nominee to be the chief law officer, the attorney general. At his Senate confirmation hearings last week he was revealed to be a man who not only refuses to rule out torture under any circumstances but also, in his capacity as White House counsel over the past few years, chaired several meetings at which specific interrogation techniques were discussed. As Edward Kennedy pointed out, and Gonzales did not deny, they included the threat of burial alive and water-boarding, under which the detainee is strapped to a board, forcibly pushed under water, wrapped in a wet towel, and made to believe he could drown. "" (2) "US 'should not rule out torture'", Last Updated: Saturday, 15 January, 2005, 00:47 GMT: "" The outgoing head of the US Department of Homeland Security has said torture may be used in certain cases in order to prevent a major loss of life. ""

[05#15] 1.15=6=12.6=#36: Old Home to Home to O.H.; 1.Cascadia Proj.,SusanBourlalnd 2.Russia=China=India-US

Cloudy cool, up 7:25, counting 2 months accounts of old house's rental left by Luis, 11:55 reaching sofa for diary, mails, etc., then driving mom to Marina(Yung-ho) supmkt after tofu-bean-carrots with onion-oil-cake, Mei and much later rent-looker cell tel near home: tel pay comcast Internet $100, managing emails keeping some urls for this blog, Jun tel from Oregon then again to Mei, Lung tel Mei asking about dinner Mei taking, to bath time to o.h. for NHK Korean "Winter Love" at 8:05 and finishing this blog? 7:15 now to below. 1) Cascadia Project, ETC. (1) "The Cascadia Project", "" Based in Seattle, WA, The Cascadia Project is a resource and meeting place for people interested in the process of creating or devolving systems of governance. The framework in which we operate is the proposed nation of Cascadia. In order to more completely explore the relationship of people to the power inherent in their existence -not only their citizenship- we host an ongoing dialogue in our forum. "" (2) "Re: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] Time for real action ..." "" I am a freelance writer in exile in Texas. I maintain a blog about the northwestern cultural and political difference and write regularly on the topic of "environmental policy and cultural secession", or the idea that the Northwest, including California, is well on its way to a de facto secession through an environmental policy that runs counter to the feds and by virtue of its progressive culture, so different from the rest of the U.S. I support the idea of an organized site wherein ideas, articles, links, information, etc. are stored. Know that I would try to contribute to such a site and do all that I could to help such an endeavor. Susan Bourland ""

Friday, January 14, 2005

[05#14] 1.14=5=12.5=#35: Home to Old Home; 1.SWISH Rept. 2.Russia=China=India-US

Clear cool. Late 5:55 bath, late late 8:25 up, 10:05 out, Lung computer printing so quick food in kitchen when the nearby contractor tel for 2nd rent appl. form, 10:30 starting emails answering [G]'s Janet privately, after walking to smoothing backyard soil to house without contractor 11:15-11:45. 12:50 Mei home rec. tel. again driving and I walking pass washing car wheels in front, to rent.h. talking a while with form given. Mei gone after egg rice, 4:45 starting this blog until 6:00. Then, Jun left for Portland, Oregon. Finishing this blog around 7, to o.h. to bed 11pm. 1) al-Qaida - US: SWISH 2nd report: "The SWISH Report (2)", Paul Rogers, 13 - 1 - 2005: "" An independent consultancy assesses al-Qaida’s progress and prospects for 2005 and beyond. A second report from the South Waziristan Institute of Strategic Hermeneutics to the al-Qaida Strategic Planning Cell (SPC) on the progress of the campaign "" 2) Russia=China=India-US (1) China, India in 2020 "U.S. intelligence report forecasts India, China will be major powers in 2020", By Jonathan S. LandayKnight Ridder Newspapers, Posted on Thu, Jan. 13, 2005: "" LANGLEY, Va. - The world of 2020 is likely to be one in which Asia is the main engine of the global economy, India and China are major powers and al-Qaida-inspired Islamist movements have spread to Muslim communities outside the Middle East, a new U.S. intelligence report said Thursday. The United States will remain "the single most important country across all dimensions of power," but wield less authority than it does now because of the greater influence of India, China and possibly other nations such as Brazil and Indonesia. "Although the challenges ahead will be daunting, the United States will retain enormous advantages, playing a pivotal role across the broad range of issues - economic, technological, political and military - that no other state will match by 2020," said the report, "Mapping the Global Future." It was the third in a series of unclassified forecasts of global trends published by the National Intelligence Council, a group of senior intelligence analysts who report to CIA Director Porter Goss but aren't technically part of the spy agency. The earlier reports were for 2010 and 2015. Their forecasts for 2020 were based on consultations with more than 1,000 nongovernment experts at 30 conferences on five continents over the past year. "" "" - Russia's international role could grow with its oil and gas exports, but it faces a severe demographic crisis due to low birth rates, poor medical care and "a potentially explosive AIDS situation." "" (2) Missile to Syria "Israel asks Putin to scrap missile sale to Damascus", AFP: 1/13/2005 15:25 GMT - AFP, © 2004 Agence France Presse: (3) Venezuela Oil to China? "US investigates risk of losing oil supplies from Venezuela", By Andy Webb-Vidal in Caracas and Doug Cameron in Houston, Published: January 13 2005 21:11 Last updated: 23:15:

Thursday, January 13, 2005

[05#13] 1.13=4=12.4=#34: Daily Home Schedule. 1) Personal Prayer. 2) Russia-Syria-US

Cloudy cool. Before 6:30am Mei out to work at McDonalds, after 7:30 Jun BART to Oakland to work at an insurance company, 8 up, 8:30 Mei back then right out to work at Sonic Mfg Technology, Inc., 10 breakfast, starting managing without reply emails all day long as usual as long as I'm at home. 12:15 going through personal documents, still rarely day after day unfortunately (at least managing to prepare for 2004 income tax return, then able to go for living trust, for example), Lung getting up very late then out to teach, back around noon, then out to teach late afternoon until not too late night so home the latest, unless sometimes Mei out night Ohlone College class (winter break ending). After 4:30pm, to Bk of Am but signaturing document not faxed here, but walking to nearby US Bk depositing $300 meantime, then to foodMaxx for cheap tomatoes and 2 avocadoes 69cents each for $2.74, then darking home alone, Mei driving Jun from BART station, home around 6:30 for dinner. Exceptionally watching public tv 8-9pm, otherwise Mei insisting ETTV, now 9-10 "Da Chang-jin" Korean history drama, 10-11 "Ching shu (Lome Letter)" Korean soap drama, both dubbed in Mandarin Chinese (Later midnight starting "Charlie Rose" from bed) interviewing Egyptian Pres. in Cairo till end, 12:55. 1) Finally answering [Globechatters] email under "My Personal 21st Century Prayer #1000: [My newspaper--Being took]": "" [Tsai 05.1.13=4 #1] Lately, I have enjoyed a gang of a few with humors, poems, and lives here in this group of very nice peoples. How sad and painful that from my deepest soul, my sincerest prayer at this point of time of human history, is that the USA would leave the world alone, to the extent that I'm willing to risk my own country, Taiwan, including my extended family's property in Taiwan. Please, please, Uncle Sam, leave the world alone. Because the world is becoming quite different now, it's actually our 21st century of the world, of the whole humanity. There are common sense, decency, laws, and the sense of being fair in our world. Please forgive me, if you feel I'm quite wrong and biased. ================================== Jack Canfield wrote: Sooner or later we have to face it, pal. There is no worse feeling than being taken advantage of. You got an emergency, here we come with our food, clothing and medicine. A disaster? Clear the runways as we are flying relief in and hoping some of it gets to the needy before it is grabbed up and put on the black market so they can screw their own people. Under attack? Here we come with our massive firepower and willing young men ready to sacrifice themselves so you can enjoy the freedom they did before they laid it on the line .Know what? A lot of us are getting tired of laying out our time, dollars and lives so you assholes can have a shot at the good life. We got ours. We earned it. Now, go get your #$#$ own and get off our tit. Yankee go home? Hey, I am all for it, you ungrateful shits. We have poured out enough cash and blood trying to be the good guys. Maybe when you are back under the yoke and learn how to spell gratitude we might drop around and lend a hand. Until then may I direct your attention to the sprig of mistletoe dangling from my shirt tail. Ask a civilized person what you do under the mistletoe. Up Yours Jack In, John wrote: > On the front page of today's NY Daily News is the headline, Indonesia wants > the USA to leave as quickly as possble. Do what we can to help, but then get > out. Don't stay a minute longer. Some gratitude! A friend told me all the > countries affected my the Tsunami were American haters, I disagrreed. Stupid me. > Next story is about a Sri Lankhan grandfather trying to sell his > grandchildren for money. What a world! "" Now 11:46pm. 2) Russia-Syria-US "Russia decides to sell Iskander missile to Syria, Israel furious", By: Novosti on: 12.01.2005 [11:27 ] (1482 reads) "US warns Russia on selling missiles to Syria", Thursday January 13, 7:53 AM, Copyright © 2005AFP

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

[05#12] 1.12=3=12.3=#33: 1.Taiwan's Defense. 2. US Constitution in Danger?

Clear weather. 8:10 up, full bath, 10:20 quick breakfast/partial cancellation of emails, without dentistry, upper suit`to Bk of Am handing over refin. documents first swiftly, then to the old house, finding a police car following and 3-4 p.c., police with a dog to backkyard looking up, neighbors telling a man has been over roof house to house, he sitting down in front of o.h., a policeman checking my driver's license and so on, answering about mom also. A few minustes and driving mom to Chiu's place, Hiro's car arriving right away. Soon Chiu couple in my car following Hiro's to Yuri Japanese restraurant, Hsiang couple also arriving directly, 3 couples and me and mom for $112, I getting Hamachi Cani(?). Chiu couple going back to Taiwan next midnight, driving them back then to o.h., soon to Bk of Am, signature being faxed and another sig. tomorrow. To the house-for-rent, continue moving backyard soils 4:10-4:50, one man checked the house, then to home managing emails and this and dinner. Mei then to 8:00 first singing practice at a church, now playing piano, 11:24. 1) Taiwan's Defense. "Taiwan successfully test-fires supersonic claimed better that Sunburn anti-ship missile", By: SINA English on: 11.01.2005 [14:57 ] (841 reads): "" Taipei, Taiwan (AFP) Jan 07, 2005 Taiwan has successfully test-fired its Hsiung Feng III supersonic anti-ship missile in a major military technology breakthrough expected to beef up the island's defense capabilities against rival China, it was reported here last Friday. The Taipei-based China Times cited defense sources as saying the military-run Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology had conducted "more than one" test-firing for the new missile after a decade-long development. It said the first test was held in November in southern Taiwan, following several failures in the past two years due to engine problems. Hsiung Feng III is believed to outperform China's Russia-made SS-N-22 Sunburn supersonic anti-ship missile, the report said. It said the missile, with a range of 300 kilometers (186 miles), was likely to be deployed along Taiwan's eastern coast or offshore islands. The defense ministry declined to comment on the report. According to a report in Jane's Defense Weekly last year, Hsiung Feng III's propulsion system compromises a ramjet engine with a solid-fuel rocket booster. The supersonic vehicle can be fitted with a variety of guidance systems and function as an anti-ship, land-attack or anti-radar missile. Taiwan is striving to boost its missile defense capabilities to counter the military threat from China, which officials said is targeting the island with some 600 ballistic missiles. In June, the cabinet approved a special budget of 610.8 billion Taiwan dollars (18.2 billion US) to purchase weaponry from Washington over a 15-year period starting in 2005. The arms package, pending final approval by parliament, includes eight conventional submarines, a modified version of the Patriot anti-missile system and a fleet of anti-submarine aircraft. "" 2) US Constitution in Danger? (1) "Congress Passes 'Doomsday' Plan", By Noelle Straub, The Boston Herald, Sunday 09 January 2005: "" Washington - With no fanfare, the U.S. House has passed a controversial doomsday provision that would allow a handful of lawmakers to run Congress if a terrorist attack or major disaster killed or incapacitated large numbers of congressmen. "" (2) "Doomsday Provision and the Death of the U.S. Constitution, by Kurt Nimmo.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

[05#11] 1.11=2=12.2=#32: J Diamond: "Collapse"

Rain then cloudy cool, then fine sun! 8:05 up, 10:05 breakfast and only a few emails, answering [Conflict]'s David defending US all the time, with Chinese "wang dao" and Sun-tze's psychological and even better avoiding wars. Mei back about 12:30? for a quick lunch (so me too) then back to work, Lung out and in as usual. Late afternoon, tel all 3 families, reaching only Jung's, wishing to borrow garage door control or keys to o.h. and none except remote control programmed to her car. The manufacturer of the remote control, Sears had informed me that it's too old and no more as dangerous door. 1`hour later mom answering being to Dale hardware store with Hiro's car. So quick to the o.h. getting sleep garment and bread forgotten there, informed we are going to visit Mr. Chiu's place around 11am tomorrow, Going back by way of house-for-rent with 10 minutes removal of soil for a little accumulated water down away from the house. Back home continue detailed checking of documents only a while, also preparing to shift to a larger JMAM Universal Diary from "Pocket Pal". Surprised to find receiving documents from the Bk of Am for signature refinancing from 6.35% to 5.35% due tomorrow! Bank then o.h. by 10:30 tomotrrow? Editing last few days' lunar month from 12 to 11, etc. and now 11:40. Later to bed 12:35. Jared Diamond, "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed" after "Guns, Germs, and Steel":

[05#10] 1.10=1=12.1=31: Lunar days. Huxley's Dystopia. Move On California. Death Squads in Iraq?

It was lunar 11.29 yesterday. My new "=31" is #31=1x7=chia wu of perhaps 60x6?=360? days of the ending lunar year. The coming lunar new year's eve perhaps will be #60 (10x12=kuei hai) of 6th 60 days. Next lunar year starting exactly from #1 (1x1=chia tze) of the first 60 days, and ending on #354 or #54 (4x6=ting ssu) of the 6th 60 days (60x5 + 54), from 05.2.9=3 to 06.1.28=6. Rather cloudy and cool. Late, late 9:55 up. 11:45 diary & checking 2 calendar books, then noting the next lunar year's first days of 6 60 days. Mom giving up going to Target, 1:30 driving without lunch to a Real Estate Wealth Network seminar 1-4?, in 2:00. All real estate ownership in land trust, foreclosures - note brokering - factoring. tie-up procedure? Also putting down years: 1684- 1744- 1804- 1864- 4x60 years, and Meiji 1-44=1868-1911. Then simple lunch in car to Toyota for 2 wheel caps, Water District and PGE paying house for rent fees of $50 & $30, then Farmers Ins paying another h.f.r. premium $703. Home alone 7pm? starting microovern rich dinner, next door Korean lady tel twice, Mei back first getting next door's beef and later starting lecturing sons to study enraging Lung, all to bed earlier. Finishing emails then this blog, now 1:06am. 1) Huxley's Dystopia: "BRAVE NEW WORLD ?A Defence Of Paradise-Engineering" 2) Move On California, Jeff Morrissette "California Secession - Moveon California169 views since posting on Sunday, December 19" 3) " Is the U.S. Organizing Salvador-Style Death Squads in Iraq?" "The Death Squad Option", By Christy Harvey and Judd Legum and Jonathan Baskin, Center for American Progress. Posted January 10, 2005

Sunday, January 09, 2005

[05#9] 1.9=7=11.29: Email: "American...Empire Standard"

Cloudy cool, 7:55 up, quick breakfast, joined on-going group dancing a short while, then "Merry Farmers" & "Moon Light" songs again, getting a new pianist. Jung's lunch of shrimp-egg fry rice & Chinese cabbage soup. Somewhat less cloudy, so house-for-rent continued soil moving to side then a few to the back of the house1:30-3:20, thoroughly wet inside but felt good. To home and finished cancelling and examining emails and answered two. The second quoted the first and listed after this diary. Then making up 1.7=5 night, 1.8=6 blog diaries, and today's until "the first". It's 1.12=3 after 11pm now. ---------------------------------------------------------- "American Terrorism vs Charity #1003: Empire Standard: [Actions Speak Louder than Words or Promises]" "" [05.1.9=7 #1] Indeed, it seems the US has replaced the UK monarchy with its presidency. And, the current president has almost fully exposed its serious danger, unfortunatlely not only to the US itself but also to the whole world! The UN is powerless to face it squarely and fully, actually for so many years by now. The EU? Russia-China-India? It is truly historical failure and tragedy, as I have just expressed at the other forum, under "freely joining altogether Beyond all Borders ever more Communities #1001:[secession or annexation]": "" [Tsai 05.1.9=7 #1] Yes, I would prefer alliance or joining together with secession, rather than anexation or rebellion alone. And, my major foundation or aims is more direct and participatory democracy and peace against state violence or terrorism, legal, sacred, soverignty or not. Alliance with B.C., at least from San Francisco Bay Area up north, is our first step for me, I sincerely desire. As the institution of state is apparently out of date, after incredibly stupid and extemely bloody wars, in addidtion to utterly irrational destruction of our environment, as well as de humanizing enslavement of human minds for extreme poverty and waste in recent history, it's really about time or very late opportunities for us right now. It's finally coming to express fully in the almost all powerful the USA. Yes, perhaps the UN is powerless to be up to the modern demand, and the EU is still far, far away to be in the position to replace the UN as I wish, as it is constructed now on the basis of multi-states. Alas, the EU is NOT a natural expansion of Switzerland. "" ========================= Ron: David you replies boil down to just a few frighteningly simple points: "The president is above the law" "The short-term ends justify the means, regardless of long-term consequnces" "The constitution is essentially meaningless, because it can be applied selectively and ignored at whim" "A 'good' attorney can generate a smokescreen that will find a justification for any act." None of these points come as much of a surprise, but it's rare to hear them aired quite so openly. The whole point of a constitution is that it applies equally, to all, and all the time. On the other hand, the USA's constitution is based on the idea of monarchy - monarchy as understood in the 18th century. Not getting rid of it, but finding a way to replace the monarch periodically. Europe, and especially the UK, went a different route, and simply placed restrictions on the powers of the monarch, making it difficult-bordering-on-impossible for a "bad" monarch to become a tyrant. A tyrant in this case would be someone who is in a position to "apply the law selectively". To decide when the law applies... and when it doesn't. If you can guarantee a supply of "good", wise, well-informed and well-advised monarchs in perpetuity, such power isn't a problem. But if you can't - and nobody can - then handing such power to whoever holds the office is rampant idiocy, especially in a political system as corrupt as that of the USA. The slide towards "banana republicanism" simply gets faster and faster. Remember that "then" was immediate post 911 America and we were seriously considering the possibility of the "ticking bomb" senario with a captured terrorist who just planted a nuke in New York. That is the type of situation where I would fully support torture to find that bomb. But of course the question then devolves to into asking how many lives saved justifies torture? And this is where Gonzales and I seem to waffle :) Is torture ever justified? We say yes. Slippery slope David. You give someone the power to apply torture to save NYC, then you've started to slide. What happens if it's not ALL of NYC, but just - say - Queens, or Brooklyn? Does that "permission" still apply? How about just one block? Still applies? Just one house... Who decides? Is it done openly, and the perpetrator is then tried by a jury of his peers? Apparently not. He'd be "above the law", and (since you can't have the office of President falling into disrepute) there'd be a thorough coverup. A system of government in which the electorate can't be trusted to know what their masters are doing... When governments stop being the servants of the people, and become their masters.... it's over.Time to run up a white flag over the Whitehouse. Unaccountably, the USA seems to have lost the cold war: fought to ensure that the USA didn't wind up with a system of government like that of Russia. Ron ""

[05#8] 1.8=6=11.28: Hakka meeting at Parliamentarian Chen..

Yesterday's diary! Rather cloudy & cold, rain later then stopped. Up 7:45. 12:20 finished breakfast & toilet-paper, sofa diary, then examined Japanese calendar book more thouroughly to see many special terms used. Lunch-dentistry quick, to home washing hair again-bath changed to upper suit after long time. Hiro drove with Chu, I, Mei to Mr. Chen's place: most practicing Hakka songs, very, very delicious potluck. Association meeting, then distrubuting jobs for the Spring Meeting, 8:05-11:15, including official business downstair separately, up joining us again at 9:30. Hsu Min-chung distributed. A-Kam couple there after "long time no see". Hao couple arrived late, and stayed more time with Japanese-speaking group of 3-5. Chen spoke about forthcoming parliament work, answering some heated questioning and expression about the KMT's strong hold in public still. 11:30 raining home, Hiro let front window accumulate water as usual and drove up lamp to 680, finally complained that I have never driven my car this way! We 2 off home first. Picked up sleep garment and blanket-baby blanket to o.h. dentistry, 1:25 bed.

Friday, January 07, 2005

[05#7] 1.7=5=11.27: Chiu couple visited mom.

Cloudy bit rain turn sun sometime. 7:10 up, not much emails. 12:10-2:10 move & clean around table and window to backyard. Chu tel Mei tel 2 days ago for lift for tommorow's Hakka meeting at our new oversea Taiwanese parliament member from hometown, Mr. Chen, at 4pm. Mum tel several times going to send toneighberhood Japanese lady some kaki (persimmon, plenty this year), then bath then, starting this diary and Mei/Jun home. No email answers, 6:40 now going to o.h. soon. Reach o.h. around 8. Ying tel. for a quarter. Mom has waited for Chiu couple's visit and back their dinner favor back in Taiwan. Came 2 to 3:30. Mrs. Chiu's knee is so bad that only surgery could help, and she doesn't want it. 11:15 to bed.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

[05#6] 1.6=4=11.26: Scssn 7:EU Cascadia; Russia-US 5:BRIChina-Israel

Thinly cloudy turn fair cool. Up 7:50, waiting all day for fixing rent-house roof lead as ordere by A-Mei last night, & emails to installing "Microsoft® Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)" from [G]'s Janet, failed to remove 1 MiniBug (busy, not responding), & move most of Inbox left-over to created folders. Just past 6pm. After breakfast, moved printer closer to this main computer, & cleaned near backyard door. tv closer to the door. A-Mei & Jun are back, and out as yesterday again for today's World Journal, $0.50. Then to the house for rent and moved some more soil from near fence to around the house in dark for just over 10 (felt like 20) minutes quick and nice exercise. Home receiving on "[Cascadian_Bioregionalism] Re: secession or annexation", so going to "1) Secession #7: Cascadia of the EU!" 7:50 starting dinner now. Finishing this blog just past midnight! 1) Secession #7: Cascadia of the EU! "" "freely joining altogether Beyond all Borders ever more Communities #1000:[secession or annexation]" [Tsai 05.1.6=4 #1] Dare I venture to state this is really a great idea? Suddenly it's so real and beautiful. So far I have been saluting and cheering the EU from across ocean far away, until now. Now, it's incredibly right here! Just free and joining altogether step by step (even any moutain climbing or global driving and sailing start from a step. BBC indeed.. ================================= a_cascadian wrote: I do not think its crazy. Actually I have been suggesting it for awhile or as a step in the process of total independance. Byannexation to Canada we are protected by military treaty as a NATOmember from the narco-petro fascists. A merger between northernCascadia and southern Cascadia would intergate our economic andinfrastructural systems. And we, a united Cascadian people, wouldshift the power base of Canada from an east coast orientation to awest coast orientation.--- In, wrote">wrote:> A crazy, yet welcome thought that I'm sure many people might have isa proposal to British Columbia-- or Canada on the whole-- that theyannex us into their territory. When you think about the change ofhands the northwest has gone through; Russia during the 18th century,followed by France, and then the vast expanse called the OregonTerritory-- I think it's only fitting after 150 years or so, that wechange once again. "" 2) Russia-US #5: BRIChina-Israel 1. Russia-Israel "" "'Silent crisis' in Russia-Israel ties", By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank, Thursday 06 January 2005, 16:35 Makka Time, 13:35 GMT "", NEWS GLOBAL, © 2003 - 2004 Aljazeera.Net "" It is no secret that the Mossad has been making efforts to disrupt Russia's supplies of nuclear materials to Iran," the EU diplomat, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said. "" 2. Russia:BRIC - US:"New Pentagon Vision" (1) Russia:BRIC "Putin leads BRIC alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and plays oil trump card ?some Russian Yukos oil assets for China and India" "Investors all over the world stampede to get in BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) emerging superpowers but there are spots of problems" "Will Fannie Mae (FNM) prick the BRIC fantasy? Yukos saga a lesson on emerging markets" (2) US:"New Pentagon Vision" "" "New Pentagon Vision Transforms War Agenda", by Bruce K. Gagnon Global Network Space Newsletter 16 Winter 2005 6 January 2005 "", Space Alert!, Centre for Research on Globalisation:Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation "" Pentagon transformation is well underway. The U.S. military is increasingly being converted into a global oil protection service. Thomas Barnett is a professor at the Navy War College in Rhode Island. He is author of the controversial book The Pentagon零 New Map that identifies a "non-integrating gap" in the world that is resisting corporate globalization. Barnett defines the gap as parts of Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Central Asia all of which are key oil-producing regions of the world. In what Barnett calls a "Grand March of History" he claims that the U.S. military must be transformed in order to preemptively take control of the gap, so the U.S. can "manage" the global distribution of resources, people, energy, and money. (It has long predicted that the gap between rich and poor around the world will continue to widen and that the Pentagon will be used to keep the boot on the necks of the people of the third world to the benefit of corporate globalization.) Barnett maintains that as jobs move out of the U.S. the primary export product of the nation will be "security." Global energy demand will necessitate U.S. control of the oil producing regions. "We will be fighting in Central Africa in 20 years," Barnett predicts. In order to implement this new military vision," Barnett maintains that the U.S. military must move away from its often-competing mix of Air Force-Navy-Army-Marines toward two basic military services. One he names Leviathan, which he defines as the kick ass, wage war, special ops, and not under the purview of the international criminal court. Give us your angry, video game-playing 18-19 year olds, for the Leviathan force, Barnett says. Once a country is conquered by Leviathan, Barnett says the U.S. will have to have a second military force that he calls Systems Administration. This force he describes as the "proconsul" of the empire, boots on the ground, the police force to control the local populations. This group, Barnett says, "will never come home." According to Michael Klare, professor of Peace Studies at Hampshire College, "American troops are now risking their lives on a daily basis to protect the flow of petroleum. In Colombia, Saudi Arabia, and the Republic of Georgia, U.S. personnel are spending their days and nights protecting pipelines and refineries, or supervising the local forces assigned to this mission." Klare continues, "The DoD has stepped up its arms deliveries to military forces in Angola and Nigeria, and is helping to train their officers and enlisted personnel; meanwhile, Pentagon officials have begun to look for permanent bases in the area, focusing on Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Uganda and Kenya." The Wall Street Journal has reported that "a key mission for U.S. forces (in Africa) would be to ensure that Nigeria's oil fields, which in the future could account for as much as 25% of all U.S. oil imports, are secure." National Guard units across the U.S. are now being assigned the task of developing on-going basing relationships with each nation on the African continent. Role of Space Technology The Bush administration is also exploring the possibility of expanding the emerging missile defense system into Eastern Europe as an element in the strategic containment of Russia, China and the Middle East. The Pentagon has been negotiating with Hungary, Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic about one or more of them hosting new missile defense bases. Oil-rich Iran is to be encircled by missile defense posts in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In order to pull all of this together the Pentagon claims it will need "a God's-eye view" of the world. A new "internet in the sky" is now being built for the wars of the future. Costing well over $200 billion, the new web would give war machines and military forces a common language, instantly emitting an encyclopedia of lethal information about all enemies. According to Art Cebrowski, director of the Pentagon'sOffice of Force Transformation, "What we are really talking about is a new theory of war." The military wants to know "everything of interest to us, all the time," says one Pentagon insider. Military intelligence including secret satellite surveillance covering most of the Earth will be posted on the war net and shared with troops. "The essence of net-centric warfare is our ability to deploy a war-fighting force anywhere, anytime. Information technology is the key to that." Thus U.S. military and economic control of the gap will be dependent on a system of networked computers. Fusing weapons, secret intelligence and soldiers in a global network what the military calls net-centric warfare will, they say, change the military in a way the Internet changed business and culture. "" (3) China-US "China's Geostrategy: Playing a Waiting Game", Report Drafted By:Dr. Michael A. Weinstein, PINR, 07 January 2005

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

[05#5] 1.5=3=12.25: US Defense 1; Future 1; Russia-US 4:BRIC

Cloudy, tiny sun&rain? cool: up 8:30 for KTSF26 China news, fat Hawaiian contractor tel for house, so quick breakfast then walked there giving him appln form, 11:30-12:15 swept halls around then smooth out back side rain exit route. tv-emails as usual, then finally checked side ssmall table top documents. 6:20 start this diary adding lunar date of "12.25" & dropping "0) Diary" from this text, few minutes and A-Mei & Jun home now. A-Mei checked tel recording and found 3 persons called for house, one unable to find highway exit. Finishing this blog to 11:40pm. 1) US Defense #1: NMD (Nat. Missile Defense) "Rude awakening to missile-defense dream", By Scott Ritter. "" Commentary > Opinion from the January 04, 2005 edition "" of the Christian Science Monitor: "" DELMAR, N.Y. – On Christmas Eve 2004, the Russian Strategic Missile Force test fired an advanced SS-27 Topol-M road-mobile intercontinental ballistic Missile (ICBM). This test probably invalidated the entire premise and technology used in the National Missile Defense (NMD) system currently being developed and deployed "" "" From 1988 to 1990, I served as one of the American weapons inspectors at the Votkinsk Machine Building Plant in Russia, where the SS-27 and its predecessor, the SS-25, were assembled. "" "" Through the work of the inspectors at Votkinsk, as well as several related inspections where US experts were able to view the SS-25 missile system in its operating bases in Siberia, a great deal of data was collected "" "" not a single Iraqi mobile missile launcher was destroyed by hostile fire, a fact I can certify not only as a participant in the counter-SCUD effort, but also as a chief inspector in Iraq, where I led the United Nations investigations into the Iraqi missile program. "" "" program ran to some $10.8 billion from 1993 to 2000. When President Bush came to power in 2001, there was a dramatic change in posture regarding ballistic missile defense. "" "" the administration laid out a comprehensive plan that envisioned a layered missile-defense system. After studying the SS-25 missile for years, the US military believed it finally had a solution in the form of a multitiered antiballistic missile system that focused on boost-phase intercept (firing antimissile missiles that would home in on an ICBM shortly after launch), space-based laser systems designed to knock out a missile in flight, and terminal missile intercept systems, which would destroy a missile as it reentered the earth's atmosphere. The NMD system being fielded to counter the SS-25, and any similar or less sophisticated threats that may emerge from China, Iran, North Korea, and elsewhere, will probably have cumulative costs between $800 billion and $1.2 trillion by the time it reaches completion in 2015. However, the Bush administration's dream of a viable NMD has been rendered fantasy by the Russian test of the SS-27 Topol-M. According to the Russians, the Topol-M has high-speed solid-fuel boosters that rapidly lift the missile into the atmosphere, making boost-phase interception impossible unless one is located practically next door to the launcher. The SS-27 has been hardened against laser weapons and has a highly maneuverable post-boost vehicle that can defeat any intercept capability as it dispenses up to three warheads and four sophisticated decoys. To counter the SS-27 threat, the US will need to start from scratch. "" "" The Bush administration would do well to reconsider its commitment to a national missile-defense system, and instead reengage in the kind of treaty-based diplomacy that in the past produced arms control results that were both real and lasting. This would not only save billions, it would make America, and the world, a safer place. • Scott Ritter is a former intelligence officer and weapons inspector in the Soviet Union (1988-1990) and Iraq (1991-1998). He is author of 'Frontier Justice: Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Bushwhacking of America.' "" 2) Future Perspective #1: Oswald Spengler, 1918-1923 1. "The Decline of the West", 1918-1923 2. "Prophet of Decline: Spengler on World History and Politics", John Farrenkopf, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001 3. "Hour of Decision", by Oswald Spengler, 4. "The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilizationby", Patrick J. Buchanan "As a growing population has long been a mark of healthy nations and rising civilizations, falling populations have been a sign of nations and civilizations..." (more) "" a strikingly faithful recapitulation of Spengler's warnings in The Hour of Decision. "", 2. 2) Russia-US #4: BRIC (Brazil-Russia-India-China) 1. "" "Putin leads BRIC alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and plays oil trump card ?some Russian Yukos oil assets for China and India", Sudhir Chadda, Special CorrespondentJanuary 04, 2005 "" 2. "Russia walks thin line between Japan and China", By Sergei Blagov, Jan. 5, Central Asia.