
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Friday, March 31, 2006

[#90>US#236]:3.3=#56 P#90: Taiwan for Peace. Check then dangerous drive Mei to Buddha Gate Monastery library.

P#90: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Buddha Gate Monastery: Fair into cloudy cool, then big rain etc.: Up 6:10, 8:20, shave, Mei back check Buddha Gate Monastery, Lafayette, a part of Taiwan's Chung Tai Monastery, founded by Master Wei Chueh for the study of Buddhism and Chan meditation >#1. Mei out, check BGM, then emails. Mei back, simple noodle lunch. Drive Mei to 680: she touches and changes drive to neutral! to stop, rush hour, big rain. Fortunately safely to the Monastery after U-turn: the library there is rather small but heavy, with 3 ways of classification. Join their very simple but spicy supper! Then lost in plenty of mountain roads, finally to 880, 2 papers, home 9:30?, Lung bought his supper, then Jun home with Ch., later Jen-jen tel again. Fruits and emails not quite finished, but too late, 12:42am, soon to quit. Jun computer, bed 12:25.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

[#89>US#235]:3.2=#55 P#89: Taiwan:China Black hist, Japan. Iraq vets & women. Life (#1) Eyes. #1. Mind. 2. Structures. 3. Memo & Surv. Home emails.

P#89: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy: China's Black history-2: China's Black Japanese: China & Asia & Taiwan: Japanese colonialism: Iraq War veterans: Saddam Better for Women! Americas & Migration: Americas & Migration: "The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal", by Jared Diamond: > #1 Eyes problems w pictures: Cloudy changing cool mild some rain: Up 8:35. Late 2:45pm Mei back, when I have finally answered on Mind of all Life [C] Ro >#1; then 2nd answer with Structures Beyond >#2, then late night 3rd answer on Personality >#3. Mei drives Mrs. Yang to AAA, I for lunch 3pm. Finish emails, 11:46pm in. Bed 12:55am. #1. " ... & the matter of mind & soul of all lives #1000": "" [Tsai 06.3.30=4 #1] I just wondered about this forum, then here is "Tsai?" Glad that not only you have excellent memory, but also you are an IT guru. This Vista is a big news here now. 1) Memory: From yesterday's "Charlie Rose" tv program on [ ] "In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind", by Eric R. Kandel where he relates reduced inhibitors let short memory brain response sink into long term memory residing in particular brain cell's genes, and how psychological phenomena of mind are located at and expressed by specific brain structure. Meaning mind beyond brain almost impossible? Then, is there the soul after death, or does it exist beyond mind? He did research on big brain cells of particular snails also. 2) Lives, or mind beyond humans: From last weekends' BookTV program by or on[ ] Reason for Hope : A Spiritual Journey's author, Jane Goodall it seems almost certain that animals have sense of shame, pain, and similar mind phenomena capacities, so they are also qualified to be the subject of soul problems. So, what we have discussed before about incarnation, perhaps is restricted to animals? "" #2. " ... & the matter of mind ... of all Life #1001+ & structures beyond" "" [Tsai 06.3.30=4 #2] ... Apparently the memory of genes are both from hereditaly evolution and individual environment. But personalities or soul is limited to the beings of cell with genes? Then, what is the nature of the beings without genes? Those matters & anti-matters of physical and chemical entity, of strings, nutrinos and particles and their compositions with mass and certain structures? (As in memory of lower order, without personalities?) "" #3. "... & the matter of mind ... of all Life #1001: Memory & Survival [+& structures beyond": "" [Tsai 06.3.30=4 #3] "Souls" are related to religion, I suppose. So, by your term mof "personalities", could it be applied to all life based on DNA? In the sense of being able and generally try to survive and prosper depending on their memory? Two blocks of "personality": 1) memory on the dimension of time beyond three dimensions of the lower order, and 2) desire to survive and prosper, from avoinding pain for individuals, and shame for communities. ====================== Ro. wrote: [Tsai]:But personalities or soul is limited to the beings of cell with genes? "Personalities" or "souls" are generally considered limited not merely to living things, but to a limited section of them, although which have sould or sprits and which don't varies from religion to religion. I seem to recall that some primitive tribes who practice "Animism" claim that rocks may have spirits also, but I don't think their use of the world precisely equates to our use of the word "soul". And on earth at least, DNA is the basis of ALL life, from the simplest amoeba to humans, from lichens to oak trees. ""

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

[#88>US#234]:3.1=#54 P#88: Taiwan: Huang,Wen-hsiung. Sun eclipse. Still no rental tax info.

P#88: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. China's Black History: :by Huang, Wen-hsiung: Total sun eclipse: Cloudy rain cool mild evening sun: Up 6:55, bath, Mei back & out, tel rental office, Verne will talk to Jason. Mei back lunch then off, lunch. Evening to 2 papers & vege, to old home mail. Sleepy, so leave most emails, 12:12am now, Jun computer. Jun in, bed 2:00am.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

[#87>US#233]:2.29=#53 P#87 1.Iraq civil war. 2.Tw's & Cn's ecn: Online compttn. US nuclear. Greed war tyranny. Iraq Shia>US. Where Blair? Tel ltc.

P#87: Taiwan 7th: #2 China's economy analysis: US down Singapore online: :Top ten: :South Africa: Eu nations' IQ: > #3 U.S. Nuclear Primacy: Delta Force founder>greed war: Tyranny on money & laws: ::dangerously borrowed: ::gave Iraqi billions$: Shia Groups Unite Against US: Brazil > Rich nations: Imperial outreach > US: where the bloody hell are you? >#1 Blair elastic tyranny: Orange Agent victims: Cloudy cool mild, later rain for a long while: Up 7am, later Mei back manage several lovely little animals etc. from fellow worker, then off. Renee, who has started us into long term care ins in 2000?, tel for appointment on 4.19=3 11an, On line, US over Singapore in Internet & Computer use, > #2. Iraq civil war? > #1. 9-11pm, TV channel 60, KCSM, "Frontline: Death of a Princess": Journalist Anthony Thomas investigates the public execution. 12:21am, soon to quit. Jun bath returns to computer. I bed 1:40. #1. "Rumsfeld Singled Out as Crisis Deepens in Iraq", Published on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 by the Guardian / UK: "" Ayad Allawi, the former US-backed Iraqi prime minister, declared the country to be in the thick of a civil war that could soon "reach the point of no return". "" "" Mr Allawi now heads a list of secular parties that had hoped to broker a compromise between the Shia and Sunni parties. He warned that if Iraq reached the point of no return it would "not only fall apart, but sectarianism would spread through the region". He said even Europe and the US would "not be spared all the violence" linked to sectarian problems. "" #2. "the latest Networked Readiness Index from the World Economic Forum, winning back its top position" "The full top 10 list is as follows: US, Singapore, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Canada, Taiwan, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK." The whole list from 1 to 115 at: Networked Readiness Index 2005 Countries: Score 2005 / Rank 2005 / Rank 2004 / Evolution United States: 2.02 / 1 / 5 / Up 4 Singapore 1.89 2 Denmark 1.80 3 Iceland 1.78 4 Finland 1.72 5 Canada 1.54 6 Taiwan 1.51 7 Sweden 1.49 8 Switzerland 1.48 9 United Kingdom 1.44 10 #3. Eu nations' IQ: "" A new European league of IQ scores has ranked the British in eighth place, well above the French, who were 19th. According to Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster, Britons have an average IQ of 100. The French scored 94. But it is not all good news. Top of the table were the Germans, with an IQ of 107. The British were also beaten by the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. ""

Monday, March 27, 2006

[#86>US#232]:2.28=#52 P#86: Tw sovergnity. Scrty Prod. Map. Wars. Cnstttnl Rep. Tyranny. War path. 911? vCJD. Refinance & life ins. Rent tax.

P#86: Taiwan soverginty: 'The Production of Security': World map: Wars & Democracies: Constitutional Republics: :a theoretical draft of Evolving Complex Networks, by Jon Roland. "Freedom" tyranny: Straight path to war: 911? Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease: Cloud gradually increasing then rain cool mild: Up 7am. Mei back food then off twice. American Benefits' Joe tel, 800-836-6755 x237, wishes me to talk to Mei first. Bunkers tel on life ins, to tel again at April end. Finish e- & mails, now 1:25pm, soon to o.h. for 2 days' papers near Yungho. To o.h. lunch, tel rental office, told to tel tomorrow morning, leaving message. Leave earlier under some rain to FoodMaxx fruits etc., home: Mei cooks then off & back. Finish emails soon to quit 12:23am. Jun baths. Bed 1:25 me.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

[#85>US#231]:2.27=#51 P#85: Taiwan.Cong. 1.Iceland. 2.Burst-fire. Constitution-1. Islamic>$. Immigration. Mars picture. No Sch. & merge documents.

P#85: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. World Taiwanese Congress: Firearms classified: US Constitution (1): :"Presumption of Nonauthority and Unenumerated Rights", by Jon Roland Islamic responses >$: US immigration: Mars' 1st picture: Mars' 1st picture: Thin cloud cool mild: Up 6:20, soon Mei then Korean drama VCR, so out for CBS morning program. Mei cleans a bit then backyard off grass, off & back lunch then off. Lung corrects students all long then off. I collect and arrange almost all documents. Answer [NCC] with Icelandic Free State & Burst-fire Firearms >1 & 2 below. Almost mid-night Jun computer still. Bed 12:50am. 1. "Medieval Iceland model #1002: NO executive branch" "" [Tsai 06.3.26=7 #3] Why "replacing one national government with ten regional governments will be unattainable"? Isn't the rights of choice, basic to liberty? The Viking Age Icelandic Free State (930-1262) had that type of system for almost 3 centuries: "Iceland did not have an executive branch of government. Instead of a king they had local chieftains." "Medieval Iceland provides evidence that they [public order] can be privately provided, without violating anybody's rights, and the results were not chaos. There was not continuous fighting. The "Hobbesian Jungle" didn't create a state of nature that was a war of all against all" Further, in "Privatization, Viking Style: Model or Misfortune?" Roderick T. Long states: "" non-territorial jurisdiction has been a fairly common phenomenon throughout history; indeed, the prevalence of non-territorial jurisdiction in medieval Europe is often credited with explaining the "rise of the West." It is certainly true, however, that the Free State pressed the principle of non-territorial jurisdiction farther than most. "" --: "" 2. "Burst-fire Firearms #101 "" [Tsai 06.3.26=7 #4] Thanks, According to "A Firearms Definition List", by William R. Dietrick "The US Army recently had their newest M-16’s converted to “burst-fire,” wherein each pull of the trigger will rapidly fire three shots. The trigger then has to be pulled again before the next burst will fire. This prevents wild, sustained, unaimed firing which wastes ammunition and does little to stop an advancing enemy." ""

Saturday, March 25, 2006

[#84>US#230]:2.26=#50 P#84 Taiwan music,-Japan,KMT. Korea's Place! Iraq War children. War-making. War? Nano circuit. TV repair, miss gardenors..

P#84: Taiwan's music: :Jiang Wenye: Taiwan-Japan: Taiwan KMT Head in USA: Korea's Place in the Sun: Iraq War children: War-making 7 rules: The War & Jesus...: War on Terror laws? Reese 'Told You So': One molecular circuit: Changing weather cool: 6:30, Mei already then Lung off, bath, computer breakfast, tv technician 12:30-2:00, from Dish Network Service LLC., Hayward, 670-4736, Tech# 6213, adding missing parts "110" channels [getting only 119, 148, 121 sats] swapped out superdish line (no dual), & replacing 34 SW with 44 SW. Mei makes bento lunch quick to o.h. by 2:35, but grass already cut and left. Lunch & Japanese NHK or Chinese CCTV9, then arrange recent newspapers, mostly not read and put away in fax room, 6pm car FM Pacifica radio news to 2 papers, driving by Dry. then Anc., then home to emails. Taiwan public tv: Hsu Chang-hui introduces Taiwan's music history, notably Jiang Wen-yeh & Chen Ssu-chih: "" the first generation of western-influenced Taiwanese musicians, like Chen Szu-Chih (1912-1992), Guo Zhi-Yuan, and Jiang Wen-Yeh... "" 12:20am soon to quit, Jun computer. Mei continues Korean drama VCR off, bed 1;20.

Friday, March 24, 2006

[#83>US#229]:2.25=#49 P#83 Iceland. US on UK. Iraq crimes. Glaciers. Soft drinks. Context. Whales. Rental tax info. Mei med ins. O.h. rentals.

P#83: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Iceland Free State: Icelandic Commonwealth: US has UK in Iraq/Afghan: Iraq contracts for uncle: Iraq war crimes: Glaciers move: Dangerous soft drinks: Search for Context: Whales' grammar: Some sunlight then cloudy cool mild later rain into night: Up 5:45, 8:30, eat etc. inside w tv, tel & find the last rental manager out Monday for 2 or 3 weeks, so try to tel the current mgr. Mei back stirs up for med ins problem for her, checks, then tel long hours, off again then back for lunch. I have just get back to disconnected Internet after tel Comcast. Now 2:05pm, soon to lunch. Tel rental office a few times finally getting the name of Verne, an assistant to Ray, for possible income tax info of 2005. Late to old home by way of Dry & Anc from 2 papers. Almost leaving near 6pm, then Dju couple come for info on Sept east Medit trip faxing, so stay on merging Dry & Anc files till 7pm. Home to Internet, Jun, Ch & dog in then out. Bed 1:15 ... ...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

[#82>US#228]:2.24=#48 P#82 KMT-Blue paper. 60's. AFC. UK US down, China India up. Life created continents. Car major repair/4 tires. Mei med ins.

P#82: Taiwan < Taiwanese: KMT anti-Japan misudstdg: Blue paper lies: Sixties again? Assn/Free Countries: UK overtaken < FrHoIt: US FBI no emails: Israel over USA: China,India up IT: life created continents: Thin cloud cool mild then even warm! Up 7:55, tel again to Dish Network no help, waiting for a technician. 1:10 Mei in for all day? Soon to Fremont Toyota: quick lube mgr Carl gets into changing 4 Goodyear tires $445.20 (4 x $91.30 ), & $89 for alignment, $29.95 quick lube etc., transmission oil $130, brake oil? $130. Altogether $824.05 + tax. Paid $866.33. Did 30,000 in 2003? Now better than 45,000 miles. No microoven, so shuttle of 2 around Brookvale Shopping Center, he gives $2?, me only $1 found & thanks to him. Home bento lunch, Mei tel from their tel, I tel and he comes back just for me, driving back roads with open and nice landscape, have found another $1, now he thanks. Home, Mei makes simple noodle & chicken leg, discover rental mgr email for Housing Authority's request for Jin & Jung's SSN for Anc., so tel Jin, then reply mgr. Lung home to sports tv, so quiet computer and supper here. Now 8:09pm. Bed 12:30am.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

[#81>US#227]:2.23=#47 P#81 GI to Taiwan? China. War crime lover? Death squad. Eco Terror? Pre-emptive. .Italy Muslim jeans. Health Net, mom to LA?

P#81: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. China's Global Reach: GI:Korea to Taian? Iraq War Crime? 'The War Lovers" J Pilger: "Death Squad Democracy": "Eco Terrorism"? Pre-emptive Strike monopoly? Italy's Muslim jeans: Thin cloud then partially fair cool mild: Up 6:30, earlier for Health Net seminar 2-3:30pm, Denny's again: only 4-5, some applying, apply for mom also, $39 + $15 (vision, dental, acupuncture, bone?) Beyond Medicare, she doesn't have any other insurances. To old home, tel Jin: mom is staying on (Dju says she is very happy there.) stopping my application presently, perhaps apply to change mom's "permanent residency" county, then apply Health Net there. Home, call back Dju: starts to explain that she doesn't make me apply this! Hang up, only Mei picks up Dju's persistent call and extra and completely useless explanation. Finish emails. Bed 1:30.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

[#80>US#226]:2.22=#46 P#80 Taiwanese protest. Japanese death. Eurasian evolution. Noon refinance 1st meeting. Dry Anc to old home.

P#30: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Taiwanese Protest Chinese Threats:- Ruling DPP rally protest:- Japanese way of death:- :Rites: :Samurai: :Suicide: :Cherry blossom: Eurasian history: Cloudy fair and changing cool: Up 6:05, 8:25, refinancer tel. Rush a short 880 section then lost a while, 2 owners of B. Mortgage not very straight to me? Get good info on the house and sales of nearby houses. Within 12-1pm. Drive by Dr & An with a pink-painted car, to old home lunch, Dju tel. about stopping An grass cutting & Healthnet seminar, getting 2pm tomorrow, mails and tax files, 6pm to home. Jun to room, finish eamils to quit, now 1:07am. Bed 1:55 again!

Monday, March 20, 2006

[#79>US#225]:2.21=#45 P#79 China horror? Internet act. US freedom. UK-US racist dramas. Rural energy. Crusades. Medieval. Rent mngr James tight.

P#79 Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. China organ trade? Internet worlds for actions:------------- :Shame to tidy: :Local recycling: US freedom threatened? UK>US racist dramas? Rural energy < India: Vatican on Crusades: English Medieval: Fair darkens to rain sometimes heavy then off cool: Up 6:10, 8:00, hair bath. From [G] discover interesting groups for actions: "Internet worlds for actions" above. Finish emails, have ansered [G] 5 times. Also have bought "Registry Fix" for $69.95. (Evening request returning). 2:50pm to Anc house then to office, James is in, but he is against DW, the Bill's handyman who checked "termite" then called James, and he desires that we not to communicate with our new tenants, upsetting me. To old home late lunch, then 6pm KPFAfm radio news going home. Late night, answer [G], after Jun into room and quit soon myself 1:21am, including (Is that true?): "" Chinese officials, doctors and relatives of prisoners confirm “organ harvesting is widespread in China’s jails.” According to David Chu of the China Support Network, “prime” death-row prisoners who are young and healthy are subjected to health checks to match them with donors. Then they are shot in the back of the head, leaving the valuable vital organs intact. Like some barbaric rite, beating hearts are transferred into waiting patients—sometimes, it has been documented, while the gunshot victim is still alive. Kidneys cut from “Made In China” corpses fetch as much as $15,000 apiece. And the skin carved from an estimated 15,000 state murder victims every year is stored in saline for later use on burn victims, who may have very troubled dreams indeed. [AFP June 25/01] "" Bed 1:55am.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

[#78>US#224]:2.20=#44 P#78: Taiwan amb. China/KMT threats. State, 'V for..'. Surnames. Glen Monarch. Hakka School: 2 texts, Anc rented, o.h. files.

P#78: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Taiwan amb to Japan: China threats: China threats,Rodman: KMT threats: State power abuse: 'V for Vendetta': 'V for Vendetta': War State: 100 Chinese Names: "Monarch of the Glen": Fair cool then mild: Up 7:20, misled by Mei to back to sleep. Hear Mei tel then leaving to Hakka School! Quick all. Lung off, Jun computer. Late to school as usual, discussing "One Hundred Surnames" (actually 437 = 407 one-character + 30 two-character surnames) then "Three Words Book" (474 three-character 'sentences') of general info, incl. history. Dju is not happy with Hiro, yet refuses to be driven to her friend Hao couple, or to home with Hiro. So we go together to Anc house and discover that a family with quite a number of small kids and colorfully painted car has moved in. Evening, DW tel and gives up toring down walls of rottening wood. To old home, Dju walks to her renting out houses, Hiro appears with his car after her. Check through Dry. & Anc. files till evening. home, answer [G] on anti-Taiwan KMT demonstration as below. Jun is leaving computer, now 1:17am to quit. Bed 1:50am. "" Taiwan stages new anti-Chen rally]: by KMT for China? "" " [Tsai 06.3.20=1 #1] Passed midnight. This KMT in Taiwan is the "Chinese" Nationalist Party! Would anyone believe that Taiwan could threaten or afford to threaten China by buying non-nuclear weapons? Perhaps Taiwan's democracy itself could, by just practicing it in Taiwan. But, China's own Falun Gong screaming loudly and vehemently around the world about China's inhumanity, and resisting inside China against persecution indeed could, I hope. Have mercy on Falun Gong and the Chinese and Taiwanese peoples! ======================= Je <...> wrote: Last Updated: Sunday, 19 March 2006, 07:52 GMT Taiwan stages new anti-Chen rally Thousands of people are expected to join an opposition rally in Taiwan, protesting against President Chen Shui-bian pro-independence stance. In the second demonstration in a week, Mr Chen will be urged to stop stoking tensions with China, by scaling down a controversial weapons deal with the US. Opposition parties say the president should instead focus on the economy. Mr Chen addressed supporters at a rally on Saturday, highlighting the perceived military threat from China. "We oppose ultimate unification as the sole option for Taiwan's people as it runs against the principle of democracy," Mr Chen told the rally. "Our future will only be decided by the 23 million people of Taiwan." Last year China passed a law to allow the use of force if Taiwan formally declares independence. China has more than 700 missiles targeted at Taiwan. 'Weapons threat' "Taiwan can't possibly win a war with China. The weapons deal is impractical and too expensive, especially after six years of poor economic performance under Chen's bad governance," PFP lawmaker Daniel Huang said. "

Saturday, March 18, 2006

[#77>US#223]:2.19=#43 P#77: Taiwan past, China democracy amph ships. US politics. 911? Religion. Anc "termite" $3000, Taiwan mtg #3.

P#77: Taiwan history: Japan> China democracy: Amphibious Assault Ship (LHD):------ China> LHD Program: China> LHD PROGRAMME: Robert Fisk on war: R Fisk war discussion: C Sullivan fuming: The Nation to end war: VotersForPeace tew: London protests tew: 911? Religion: A little clouds cool then brightly mild: Up 6:10 (Mei off), 8:15, soon Lung later Jun up, To Anc house for 12:00 qppointment, leave message to old home for lunch bento, 1:00pm DW there apologizing, stick & peel around, giving $1500 each for replacing 2 window-including walls (not necessary termites, according to him), rush to Taiwan Assn Hall for #3 discussion, tel DW as promised and deciding to meet again at 3pm. But, again he fails for his car being towed away, he is going to tel tomorrow night 3 grass-cutters cut 15 minutes, taking $150 (o.h. $100 every week + Anc $50 every other week) for 2.15-3.15. 4:40pm to o.h. to pay 1st card, receiving tel from DW apologizing. Back for 2 papers then Dry & Anc then home. Mei wants to check Istanbul, Athens, etc. Computer down so quit, but Mei small computer drama loud and sharp sound. Bed 1:50am.

Friday, March 17, 2006

[#76>US#222]:2.18=#42 P#76: Taiwan. Foreign bases, 70'-00', Wars, '"Ticking bomb". Early Universe. Anc, office DJ, to o.h. DW termite remains.

P#76: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Foreign bases: 70' - 00'; 00'- Oil war: New order wars: New order wars: :Chapter 1: "First strike": "Ticking bomb": Early Universe: Cloudy then fair then cloudy cool mild: Up 8:15, Mei back early then stays for Medi tour till near noon. Soon to Anc let light in then to office: James says they are moving in tom or a day later, counting from tom 3.18=6, and needing deposit slips. To empty old home for lunch & mails & some sunlight and air. Dju drops in later & manages to have the handyman DW in tom to estimate replacing inner walls and window frames infested by termites. Leaving her alone with tv instruction, rush back home long after 4pm Mei wants to go to agent Easy Tour(?) for bargain, only Lung just in and soon near 5pm off. Blog working this time. Mei back tel a tour agent for long, then cooks, supper, Mei computer on tour, then me, now 11:33pm. Soon to quit, Jun in early w Ch. But, answer [C] Da & Ro by "Warfare State coming?", so now 1am. Jun out. Soon me bed 1:30am.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

[#75>US#221]:2.17=#41 P#75: Taiwan <> ROC, X asl. Hiroshima! 911 new? Iraq-Iran. Fractals, Set, Math & Phil foundation, Castaneda. Mom to LA Jin.

P#75: Taiwan not ROC: : NO to anti-secession law: : : Chinese arming: Chinese arms: Corporate state: WTO X poorest: Hirosima, Oh! Global Arms Trade: 911, Another? Iran fantasy: Iraq fantasy: Oprtn Irqi Frdm: 'Stop Bush's War': "Geopolitics": Nepal < India: Fractals: Infinity Set:..................... Set theory & Logic: Mathematics foundation: Philosophy foundation: Castaneda life: Cloudy cool mild: Up 7:50, check property taxes, Dju then Jin tel, tel Jason leaving messsage on Anc. Drive mom to San Jose airport, to LA from Jin to receive her. Home tonight. Late night as before, finish emails 12:34pm, Jun computer. Bed 1:20am.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

[#74>US#220]:2.16=#40 P#74: Taiwan! aBi leaves to Colo. sis. Dju late for us, so quick home computer, 4 supper, accompany mom alone again 1 night.

P#74: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Mixed weather cool: Nicely up 6:20, aBi even has small food. Very soon all 3 of us to train station at nearby Fremont Blvd. No "Stopping", so back to old home right away around 7am. Mom wants to go out early then to Chaojou noodle, but she sleeps at sofa, then Dju advises to postpone after lunch 2pm, but she goes to bank & Lucky (now Albertsan) then 4pm for us to have she and mom prepare for tomorrow's fly to LA! So I drive 5pm to home finally! Lung home goes, Mei in, Sept travel changing to land rather than cruising makes her jumping up and tel long, because she has gottong some more joining and worked hard. Tel Chung finally, Mei jumps in to complain again! Almost 7pm! Tel Dju and drive to Little Folk Bean restraurant for dinner of 4 (Hiro has driven them there.) Cheap, good, & crowded for $30. Back to old home: mom is alone again plus someone of us, just for one night then off to LA with Jin. Bed 11:55pm.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

[#73>US#219]:2.15=#39 P#73: Taiwan! WSIE, Japan arm. Sky spy, Smart card RFID, Data power, BBC, 911? Press. Iran war. Emails done. Anc passes, o.h

P#73: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Innovat./Entrepr.: Japanese arming: Sky spy: Smart card: :RFID: :RFID: Data power: BBC < The people: 911? Press freedom: :Ronald Dworkin: ::'The Right to Ridicule': Iran war coming: Mixed weather cool: Up 6:50, emails few and done. Noon, return video & pay extra preparing for going back to Taiwan. A little late to Anchor house, Housing the same lady waiting, very soon James in also, check in and out thoroughly, then they have chit chat for long, it has passed Section 8 with a few matter for James. 4pm to old home, aBi soon back. Late, mom expresses the idea of driving aBi 6am tomorrow morning, so stays on for night. Bed late me only 12:20.

Monday, March 13, 2006

[#72>US#218]:2.14=#38 P#72: Taiwan:Japan:US, 911? China:India/Iran,Oil & politics. Gaagle. Sce/Tech/Slang dict. Carpet replaced, James ok, End email

P#72: Taiwan: Tokyo Governor for Taiwan: Taiwan >China's threats: US:freeTaiwan/notChina: US Military: 911? China & India: China & Iran: Oil/Politics 100 yrs: Cuba without Oil: Coming Resource Wars: Iran - Venezuela: Cindy: Venezuela: Gaaagle:China online: Sci/Tech encyclopedia: Slang dictionaries: Cloudy with few sunlight cold cool: Up 6:20, much better, discover Jin's email on deposit refund etc. which James wants to give back to us. Reply swiftly to James then rush out receiving carpet boss' tel asking which 2 bedrooms! So enough time to go to old home first: mom gives up seeing Dr. Cheng, tel James leaving message, then to Anc. house late, but still wait long until 11:30, carpet man has changed the worker. But, he has done good work for $439.95 rather than stright $400. To rental office, James has talked with Ray and is willing to do the refunding of deposit. Old home for late lunch, mom gives up seeing docter now. Jin tel, late for post office or library to return mom's breathing video recommended by the doctor, etc. Home to Internet, Lung home washes dishes. 8:03pm supper. Massive deletion of emails & finish reading important few. Bed 1:30am.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

[#71>US#217]:2.13=#37 P#71: Taiwan [228] & law, & China (& ME, & Iran), & Japanese. New kind war? River Rock Casino by bus, supper back, then home.

P#71: Taiwan & law: Taiwan ROC & law: Taiwan 228 & law: Taiwan & China: Taiwan & Japan: Japanese in Taiwan(5): China & Middle East: China & Iran: Unconstitutional wars? A New Kind of Warfare? Occassionally fair cool: Up early 4:30 then little sleep then up, Dju tel mom decides to go to tour-bus casino, rush & have breakfast in bus' 2 hour drive to River Rock Casino in Alexander Vallei, of Bands & Pomo Indians, lost only $20 given to us, a good lunch. Way to home, movie "True Lies" played by our governor, very sleepy. I drive all 5 to Milpitas soup-rice store. Home sleepy computer work. Now 11:05pm off. Bed 11:55 till morning.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

[#70>US#216]:2.12=#36 P#70: Taiwan! Lawless USA. Mom me off aBi, move documents locked room, back home, Hiro drives Dju/me to Hakka meeting, home.

P#70: Taiwan for Peace. 'Justice O'Connor Decries Republican Attacks on Courts': 'A Lawless and Incompetent Leadership; Bush at the Tipping Point' by Ralph Nader: 'There Are Criminals, and Then There Are CRIMINALS', by Cindy Sheehan: ' Iraq War: Profits Turn to ‘Prophets’ ', by Yamin Zakaria: Cloudy fair cool gradually into rain: Up 7:20, mom wants me to go home to sleep, because now she doubts aBi to me after she doubts aBi to Jin. Request and move with mom all important documents from art room to stationary room locked. Drive back home with almost all my documents, full bath. Hiro drives Dju here then me also to Saratoga for dinner hakka meeting and our east Mediterenean tour, shifting from curising to land and air for $4000 instead of $5000. Talked with a French (who is more optimistic about Taiwan than China) of a Miaoli Hakka wife (who talks about the Chinese from Shanghai and Hong Kong, and from Taiwan!), then a Taiwanese of Shantung. Hiro driving, argue against Dju about aBi, Mei, and Chiu-hsiang going, about carpet replacement order coming. Blog yesterday & today from 11pm? to 12:21am now. To brush teeth & email managing just a little, with [C] answer with Hakka meeting: "" [Tsai 06.4.12=7 #0] Back to quiet season here? I have been to a Hakka meeting, at Saratoga almost mountain area, with officials regular meeting, report on our September tour of the eastern Mediterranean area, and of course rich potluck(?) dinner. I have met a Frenchman with a Hakka wife, who, unfortunately talks about her meeting "the Chinese from Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taiwan". He is quite interesting, expressing his optimism about Taiwan because of high tech, and reservation about China's future. He had a Japansese wife who passed away, so he says he knows many Japanese. Different from Je.'s reluctance to express his opinion, the Frenchman responds to my opinion that there wouldn't be problem with the Japanse, he says something like 100% no problem. It's 1:58am late night, so to bed. "" Jun off to bed already. Off now 2:06am. Bed 2:40, loss sleep then wake early for long.

Friday, March 10, 2006

[#69>US#215]:2.11=#35 P#69: Taiwan Peace. aBi shopping early. Anc house: Jing&me:James, Dju:Shao carpet. Mom to SAS then FoodMax(me home cpt) oh#3.

P#69: Taiwan for Peace. Cloudy rain cold cool, cloudy fair for a while: 7:50 Dju tel asking about going to casino, too late. aBi shopping out about 8:30. Dje tel deciding to tel Mr. Shao to replace 2 bedroom carpet, Anc house, $220 a room. After noon drive mom to SAS trying shoes for long, then Chaojou noodle lunch, to FoodMax, I home here, mom waiting too long & tel, now 4:52, soon back to FoodMax, to old home: Jin tel having faxed 4 receipts & email to James, so I fax Watt's receipt then leave massage to James telling him all 5 receipts etc. Dju tel our Shao coming next Monday 3.13=1 10:00am to replace Anc. bedrooms #1 & 3 carpet. Jensen special chicken soup for supper. Night Jin tel Jantong tel after NT$35,0000, NT$30,0000 this time, from Jantong to Onming to workers, our old house's dining room there rain-leaking to be repaired by them also. Also 3.5=7:lunar2.6 tomb "grass-cutting" ceremony NT$90000. Bed 11:00!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

[#68>US#214]:2.10=#34 P#68: Taiwan (4), T literature, China military, UN? India nuclear, Pltn, Bush/Blr. UK penalty. Turkey. James tight, home, oh#2.

P#68: Taiwan yes jpn: Taiwan no cn: China > Taiwan no: Economy>Taiwan no: China > Chinese: Taiwan 17c N:jpn: Taiwan literature: China's military spending: China, Uzbekistan tyranny: UN, US out? India nuclear: India nuclear: Palestine clnztn: Impeach Bush? :Press freedom: Blair & Guardian: UK dialects: UK death penalty: UK death p times: Turkey: Turkey picture: Turkey photos: Wet, thin couldy fair cool to mild: Up 6:25, still paying attention to where aBi is, changed breakfast, Jin tel then James finally ready (after several days I had dropped in his office w/o any from him, final one he didn't show up to made-by-him appointment with me) to tel me: 4 (3 must) bedroom carpet change: now 3.9=4, 10=5, 11=6, 12=7, 13=1, then 14=2 3pm Housing, 15=3 or 16=4 moving in, very tightly spoken, angry response complaining ultimum, after mom joining for work after Housing first. Jin wants me to do with Dju, explaining he has got to James with cheaper works done in his face. 2 ladies lunch, aBi left so safely I to 2 papers, to home, Lung home later told of my plan tonight and tomorrow out for betting. Now already 4:50pm, aBi should be o.h. 4:30pm! FINISH emails at 7:50pm!! Bed 12:10, oh#2.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

[#67>US#213]:2.9=#33 P#67: Taiwan for Peace. Mei & Winny to LA, we to SF eye doctor:mom "excellent"! then I stayed on at o.h.#1.

P#67: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Cloudy fair cool to mild: Up 6:40, bath. Win. comes late, drives with Mei to Los Angeles, to visit her parents, Mei to 2nd sis. Soon to old home to San Francisco, to see mom Dju couple's eye doctor, Dr. Stamper: mom's eye pressure both down to "excellent", then Dju starts scolding Hiro on and on, mom could not stop her either so tells to drive straight to Fremont, later Dju suggests Uncle Sam buffet, w/o lunch I start right away until full, to old home Dju 2 go their home immediately, I stay on tv & dental, until I stay on (#1 after Jin), with mom's sleep gown & thick covers folded as usual, early bed as usual here 11:45.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

[#66>US#212]:2.8=#32 P#66:tw: Stealth shark defense, Rmnztn, EU. Big State. US, ME crisis. Inventions. Poison plants. Rental office & o.h.: Anc #.

P#32: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Stealth shark defense: Romanization comparison: EU < Bulgaria & Turkey: Big "State" rationales: USA:Zbigniew Brezezinski: USA:Farming fascism: USA:a Bunch of Loonies!? Middle East crisis: Middle East crisis: My Lai Massacre 38yrs: Inventions early: Poisonous plants: Rain cloudy clearing cool then fair mild: Up 6:40. Off to bank then to rental office, wait assistant Dav trying to get to Jas failing, so give him my check for deposit refunding, and get a carpet estimation, rugh back to bank to recover rental material file, then to 99's 2 papers, by Dry & Anc to old homez; check Anc numbers for last year, etc., Jin tel and fax on o.h. & Anc. All home, ... bed 2:30!

Monday, March 06, 2006

[#65>US#211]:2.7=#31 P#65:Taiwan 17c., Taiwanese. Vietnam 228?. Turkey no Death Penalty. Russia. Airport security. O.h. repair & deposit payments.

P#65: Taiwan 17 century Japanese(3): Taiwanese Romanization: Vietnam 228? Turkey ends Death Penalty: Bush impeaching? New Russia: Org crimes: New Russia: Mafia: Airport Security: BAA: Some for BAA: Cloudy then partially fair cool mild: Up 7:50, Jun last to go off. Just past noon, to old home, tel to pay Four Stars repair work, drive mom to banks switching accounts getting cash, tel Jason & Jin on returning security deposit & repair payment. Home Mei has fust cooked then off, windoow fixed finally. [C] again. Bed 1:40.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

[#64>US#210]:2.6=#30 P#64:Taiwan. New German. MidEast comments. Terrorism. Hakka Sch: India=future. Discover strange BoA accounts transfer at o.h.

P#64: Taiwan for Peace. India as the world future. The New German: Middle East comment: Middle East comment: Middle East comment: Middle East comment: Gladstone for Bush: Terrorism sharp global rise: Terrorism facts & figures: Cloudy cold cool. Lung 4am for school trip to Lake Tahoe. Up 6:10 full bath, soon Mei up cleans 2 bathrooms & kitchen then bath then to Hakka School, soon to school by time, few students, suggest Hakka fiction, folktales, local histories & stories, folksongs continuing. Mr. Ch put termination of "Unification Council", so write demolition, ends in world's future depending on India, rather than China, certainly not the USA as the enemy of the world. Forgot EU but could get together with India. Hao 2 to Dju home, I to old home: lunch, continue checking bank statements & discover strange fund transfer from very high to very low interest rate account! 6pm to home. Computer right away here. All night read and 9 answers [C] past mid night. Lung & Mei to Oakland airport to pick up Jun back from New York. Now 1:20. Bed 2:10 soon after all 3 back.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

[#63>US#209]:2.5=#29 P#63:Taiwan: Nat. Unifctn Council, Epoch Times. US-India-Ch. LYang:Terror. Anc housei for carpet, O.h. bills. Print Turkey visa,

P#63: Taiwan for Peace & Democracy. Taiwan Natinal Unification Council: The Epoch Times: USA-India >China: Lian Yang >Hu & Blair: Fair cool then mild cloudy: Up 5:30, 7:30. To old house to drive to Anc. house with mom & Dju to meet carpenter person, who is a little late. Dju talks with him for price from each room's size to decide later site for replacement. I take water out of the corner under pipe, and find again it's almost impossible to let water out through underground pipe. About one hour. Back to old home, tel garage door company leaving message to pay. Dju has received call about Jung couple in England until April 1st, on tour to east Med area. After Dju left, Jin then his daughter Yin getting Mar & Cas tel nos. Mom is going to LA on 16th right after aBi's leaving. Go thrugh my and o.h.'s documents for payment, medical (1 check to start) and o.h. repair works. Late home near 7pm, make micro-oven supper right away while Mei only on Korean drama dvd, then pushes me to print Turkey visa matter 2/10p. 12:21am soon to quit, Lung home 1:10am, soon all bed.

Friday, March 03, 2006

[#62>US#208]:2.4=#28 P#62:Taiwan228, Taiwanese, Ereli, Tanaka Statement. The Alhambra. Satellite ice spy, Blonde origin. Anc house garage door.

P#28: Taiwan for Peace. Taiwan228 & China: Taiwanese writing: Watch your mouth, Ereli: "Formosa Betrayed"! :Not part of China! A Natural History of Peace: Tanaka statement fake? Tanaka,Makiko:Japan>Taiwan: Islamic traces, Europe: :The Alhambra: :The Alhambra: :Alhambra Palace: Ice spy, with satellite eyes: Blondes origins:Cavegirls: Changing weather even ice rain, cool mild: Up 6:00, 7:00 up, tel Anc house for rent Sect 8, & med ins: Health Net. Mei back breakfast, then receive Dju tel on med ins, making trouble for me. Rush to Anc at appointed time empty, to office handing in signed Agreement for manager, to old homrlunch. Discover gar. door man came late and got in by making a hole through gar. door. Drive early to Anc house check the new gar. door, to bank, to FoodMaxx, to home. Forget to tel to pay by credit card. Early supper, Mei pushes me to apply to Turkey etc., not yet done. Bed 1:30.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

[#61>US#207]:2.3=#27 P#61: Taiwan (228+2). Torture, Bush:Carlyle, Spyng myths. Tel drg ins. & casn. Cnsmr Lndng tels. To & o.h."Prfct Lov

P#27: Taiwan (228+2) Taiwan 228: US torture:M Danner: Bush:Carlyle Group: Global surveillance myths: Wet cloudy then partially fair cool mild: Up 5:30, 8:00. Dju tel so tel for 2pm drug insurance talk at Denny's. Mom tel neighbor (retired principal) repairing water leak also. Tel Humana for drug ins then tel Riverarck casino schedule, Consumer Lending tels me for refinancing from past. To Denny's meeting Dju couple who notified me, listening carefully Blue Cross for seniors with low & very low premiums covering dental needs, practical & helpful explanation, then a big banana spiit treat. To old home, postpone casino to next weekend, & aBi to evening only permanent hair making, so simple & long supper (no lunch today & only big sweet desert), then tv and half sleep, so told to go home a little earlier. Rush to home for the Korean tv drama "Perfect Love" which makes us think about our lives, by story of a terminally ill wife facing death soon. 11:30 sleepy, to quit. Bed 1:10!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

[#60>US#206]:2.2=#26 P#60: Taiwan (228+1) Taiwan228 massacre. & China. CIA. Buffalo hunting. Jun NYC, Eye exam, Anc. house, Supmkt,.1031 Exchange

P#26: Taiwan (228+1) Taiwan 228 massacre: Taiwan & China: CIA interrogation 50 yrs: Buffalo skulls mountain: Fair cold then mild, night rain: Up 4:30, 7:00. Mei back 8:30 then rearrange kitchen then off. Rush to eye exam: mild cataract & glaucoma suspect, left higher but a bit lower pressure, repond not to start eyedrops. To old home to go right away, but decide to have lunch first so aBi leaves first to her class, Jin tel Anc shelf doors almost ready, so soon there w mom, pay $700, then to Yung-ho for long, back to old home: Dju tel on aBi's hospital:PAMD then my 1031 Exchange dinner, so there for possibility of mom's idea of selling houses? Jun left for New York today. Now 12:40 soon to quit. Bed 1:35am.