
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Monday, May 30, 2005

2005.5.29=7[#149]:4703.4.22[+#50]:T#12 Early again. To Ikebana show, then to a Lin, Japanese teishoku dinner, then Liu, home discover cellphone loss.

Cloudy & still mild, then night rain: Up 4:20 then quiet full bath & breakfast in front again, Hsueh next this time, then mom. 7:20am they go and I here after just have finished yesterday's blog, now 8:10am to emails deleted more, home. Stop mom from shipping some art books to the US home. Mom & Hsueh out for hair but not open. A little late all to a ikebana show: long talks, then very inspiring songs in Japanese, English and Chinese, in memory of a just gone master lady, who introduced a Japanese Ohara-riu(?) to Taiwan, Liu Yu-lan's daughter joining to sing. Mom not willing to join Ms. Liu's invitation for a lunch but gone home with Hsueh accompanying Jung to go, but advises me to join Hiro as a sole male, but they invited their passed friend's husband, Mr. Lin. Bus to his place. Watch a very spetacular tv then listen to cd songs, walk to nearby Towada Japanese restraunt by a Hakka Taiwanese, for very good Japanese dinner for NT$300 each of 7: me, Lin, Dju/Hiro, Liu, Hsu and another of their friend girl. Then 6 of us go to Liu's place under rain to talk, I sleep also, tea, fruits. Liu's daughter and boy friend come home. Lend us 2 big umbrella home, then discover loss of cell phone, call to stop it as it has been busy then turned to voice mail, aspirin and dentistry, by then all bed. I'm late till 1:00am to bed.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

2005.5.28=6[#148]:4703.4.21[+#49]:T#11 Early to yesterday's long blog. Dentist & Jin-hua cheng #2, Harue family's 2nd day/3, trash.

Cloudy & a little rain & warm: Up 4:30am! Rather quiet bath & breakfast in front room, Hsueh the last to get up at 7:20. Almost 8am do a long blog for yesterday, 8:50am and delete most useless emails, home Jung sweeping floor, 10 minutes past appointed 10:30 for our dentist, Hiro much later by bus, NT$100 quickly cleans teeth, big work for mom NT$5800 unfinished. To Core Pacific City living mall (Jin-hua cheng) again, turning around 2nd time have an ok lunch for NT$120, mom & Hsueh join very late. Get to the top of core central section, down to 8th floor where Hsueh asks about a electronic dictionary (called translator) of color, sound for Chinese, Japanese, English and more, for a long time, and gives up as it's too late, back to mom resting at a exercise chair outlet, back to home at 5:40, soon Harue couple bring in Lisa and go. Early dinner with just zung-ze and so on. Dju's good friend Ms. Liu Yu-lan tel inviting me also to tommorow's flower show when her daughter plays piano. Harue couple come back for Lisa sleeping, as I'm busy ready for trash removal, so they go. I to bed first, 11:05.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

2005.5.27=5[#147]:4703.4.20[+#48]:T#10:Hs#2 Clean&Arrange my stuff, blog up to date, Harue/Daisaku/Lisa visit&dinner, C#1 Check Sketch chronology '05.

Cloudy fair and still mild: Up 5:20 nicely after Ju-hsueh's first night here, quick bath, Hsiang off for senior(?) medical exam and back. Later full breakfast, again soy milk etc. bought by Jung and also Hsueh. Hsian back, mom wants him also after me to call transporter to move some art books to home in California. Almost fully clean and starting to arrange the whole drawers and bookcase. Jung stays with full aircondition, fan, and tv alone, when out of bathroom soon, so blog here now, going to emails! Finish "Bulk" folder then delete some from index. Back home, Hsiang emerges, continue to arrange maps and so on, Ying unable to sleep tel from LA to Hs. then J. 1pm, mom and Hsueh back from market, soon lunch, I still at "living room" short sofa. 1:30 Harue family arrive as promised, sit down around me finishing my lunch. Get Lisa's birth date as Heisei 15, or 2003.6.13, and Harue Showa 40, 40 years ago! From this checking of years, start examine and note on father's primary draft of his own chronology for his intended first collection of his sketches and light water-colors, with the help of just discovered Chronology of Taiwan history and of related years of Japan and China as well as 60-year cycle, adding his age. Off light for all to sleep just a while, I arranging stuff again. Soon Lisa back with Hs/J buying her early birthday cake, makes noise from hunger. Soon all to Hsin-yeh restraurant, joined by Hiro/Dju from all day long NT$310 thorough medical exams at the McKay Hospital. Dinner is the famous Taiwan specialties, but felt quite plain and ordinary, as home-cooked? for almost NT$4000 for 9 or 10? After being helped by a girl there for 2 candles, cutting, and extra repeating public birth song for Lisa who was very wild in the plane coming managed with difficulty by Hsueh, who is very active physically loving to dance and fights Hs sometimes, off we go, Harue family going to hotel then, H/D stay a while talking about Betty etc. 11:35 bed.

Friday, May 27, 2005

2005.5.26=4[#146]:4703.4.19[+#47]:T#9 Wanted to attend Hakka Research Mtg & Song Dance. Hsueh arriives 11:20pm.

Nicely cloud then a little sun: Up 5am, full bath/nail-toe, tel Central University, Jung-li, really wanted but give up going by myself: Hakka College meeting: and especially "Man-shan tso (Full Mountain Sitting(?)" by Liu Shao-lu, from Dung-shi Hakka mountain song from san-bang style song of the title, in 6 sections. Help mom make up her missed diary, 11:30-12:25 blog to almost finishing yesterday's, Chiu comes cooking lunch, then off 2 women, Hs/J back from Ju-dung for 40 minutes with Mrs. Yeh, then off to Hakka Committe of Executive Yuan meeting. 2 back, Chiu cooks our dinner then insists and goes, early dinner, Hs/J back, mom wanted to go to Hua-Tai Prince Hotel to pick up Hsueh, but Jung fails to confirm their registration, so we wait, then 11:20 Hsueh comes first from airport by a taxi for about NT$800, then the taxi to hotel, I got wrong surname of her son-in-law. After Hsiang, I to bed 11:40 first leaving 3 girls talking.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

2005.5.25=3[#145]:4703.4.18[+#46]:T#8 Hs/J left for Ju-dung, stay home and blogs.

Cloudy nice: Up 5am after surgery dream from air-conditioner out of control to 27 degree, mom tel Dju slight cold, 8am Hs/J off. Mom tired lying, I arrange stuff all day. Another 1 hour blog: to 5.22=7. Out for simple lunch and lots of shopping through market, home fruits etc. H/Dj come for dinner, 10:55 bed.

2005.5.24=2[#144]:4703.4.17[+#45]:T#7 To Nei-hu with mom after rain torrent N#2, department store across examining Taiwan tax return & summer cover.

Huge rain torrent early from last night, after stopping again: Up 5:20, simpler bath, my breakfast out in front much brighter master bedroom for mom and me and my big office table, more after Hs/J back, continue to arrange documents and many maps. Hs/J to Nei-hu, tel home after rain stops, so with mom by taxi NT$210, but wait at Chin-lung Road Intersection bus station for them for long, walk to the place we didn't see inside because of construction danger day before, wait quite a while again for the same broker to get permission in: mom's conclusion from distance and city life nearby (the spost is surrounded by hills), it's much preferrable to stay where we are, and even to make hometown house livable. Across street to the big department store, Hs has his feet imprinted for some info from mail, I bought a richly illustrated tax return book starting to read from the start intensely in a exercise chair while they talk and Hs buys an instrument for NT$2588, down basement for very cheap and rich dinner, while mom skips for indigestioon and grocery shopping, then get a much cooler sleep "cotton bag" for NT$999. Home, I an umbrela of $75 to community office for trash schedule still 9:40pm excet Wed & Sun, then with Hs getting rid of a real annoying tiny flies etc. Back home calling back Hsueh for coming tonight 5.26=4, bed 11:45.

2005.5.23=1[#143]:4703.4.16[+#44]:T#6 District Off.D#2 found Emails E#1, Meet J/Hs accidentally so to Nei-hu N#1.

Mild weather: Up 6:30, bath, Hs/J(blood exam), I to District Office again for mom's 2004 income & notified in detail how involved to change mom's home registration, finally find email address and answer [G] J about B. & being in Taipeii, then to Land Office for my home/land official prices etc., then meet at lunch by accident for going to Nei-hu to exam a few apartment for sale, introduced by Hsin-yi broker, coming home by bus 278 again and have to walk from Yuan-shan Rapid Tr. station. H/Dj home till 10:15, bed 11:10.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

2005.5.21=6[#141]:4703.4.14[+#42]:T#4 Internet Cafe #1, Dentist#1 then Jing-hua Cheng.

Cloudy fair still mild: Up 5:10, bath, my breakfast 6:30 with yesterday's milk & bread etc. Hs/J out brkfst then back. Mom complains about last year's Hiro's outbirst here, Jung supports. Hs/J take a walk, I come here near Internet Cafe, NT$30/hour (IC#1) start 5.19=4 blog, to hotel tel Dju for my drawer key, home, Jung prepares early lunch, Hs/J off, H/D late, 4 of us taxi to dentist (D#1) Way home, Dju wants and all off at Core Pacific (Jing-hua Cheng), walk and wait long hours, but good arrangement and nice music, very good. 1:40am bed!

2005.5.20=5[#140]:4703.4.13=4[+#41/60]:T#3 J/H buy soymilk breakfast, 2 brokers, to Distrct Off. meel Mikio's sis, Land Off., Chiu lunch, mkt & dinner

3:15am 2nd toilet then only lying, 5am up, bath, all up by 6:10, 7:30 Hs/J back for breakfast, then Hs/J off, tel last broker for Nei-hu houses but get Shih-pai 1st and basement one for early next week, walk to Hsin-yi broker, then to District Office for bus ticket (mom has to come), health ins. cards, tax forms & official 2004 income statements, and 30 minutes free Internet for 5.16=1 blog, in Disctrict Library there, meet volunteering Mikio's sister getting tel nos., then to Land Office for home/land change of ownership to me and official prices. Home noon, soon Chiu comes with some lunch, 2:10pm mom to bed, 3 of us tv, talk, etc. Near 4:10 Hs home, mom up, soon Hs off, 3 of us walk to very close Ching-guang Market, then $70 each Japanese style dinner, home tv Korean dramas (everyday after this for quite a number of K.d. all over tv channels!) 11:15 bed.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

2005.5.22=7[#142]:4703.4.15[+#43]:T#5 Fan-dien/Chiu-hsiang come, arrange old documents and maps.

Cloudy fair still ok: Up 4:20, bath. 9:50 F/Ch arrive, Hs/J off, H/D in.

Monday, May 23, 2005

2005.5.19=4[#139]:4703.4.12[+#40/60]:T#2 Jan-tong&Chiu after D/H 1st visit, TVup, Sleep on&off.

Cloudy fair turning mild! Up 5:45, bath, Jung/Hsiang off to McKay, Dju/Hiro 8:50 1st visit making dental appointment, 9:45 Jan-tong comes with Chiu-hsiang on Tsai member and ancestral temple repair (single floor for NT$2million) money, 10:40 ET tv man turns on tv until June end for $2275, J goes and H/J back, sit sleeping until 4:30, 3 girls and Hiro still talking, 4:45 Chiu leaves, sleep, 7:50 dinner of Ayu & pork soup, about 11pm D/H go, all bed 12:10.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

2005.5.18=3[#138]:4703.4.11[+#39] Taiwan #1 day:Fandien to home, Hiro/Dju to hotel. H/J bed, busy day.

Cloudy fair wet hot! rain also: 5am China Airline airplane stops, soon F. arrives, up van, reach home before 7am, move bedroom big table to face window to let me sleep, soon Hiro couples leave with F. to hotel. Chiu, F's wife tel, Hsiang/Jung back then Chiu appears, H/J ask Ch about buying a bed, H tel about senior medical exam then 9:20 H/J left for district office then for bed, Ch hands in 2 bank books and stamps. Clean 2 tables then diary/calenders, 9:45 to 2 banks then soy milk etc. home for 2nd breakfast. 11:20 H/J bed in for NT$5800, bath, nap, Jung home, 2:05 lunch bought by Ch. 3:45-:55 J tel Hsueh, then Ch goes in rain. 5:30 tel tv. H/J out for cooking shopping, leave mom and out for Internet stores all gone, small pulling bag for NT$149, 6:25 home mom up. Jung cooks, bed 10:35.

2005.5.17=2[#137]:4703.4.10[+#38] China Airline back to Taiwan.

5.17=2 1am California = 4pm Taiwan China Airline: independent center seats from left to right: mom, Dju, Hiro, me: movies "Hotel Rwanda", "In good company", "Beyond the sea"(Bobby Darlen music).

Friday, May 20, 2005

2005.5.19=4[#139]:4703.4.12[+#40]:Taiwan#2: H/D back, J/Ch visit.

Cloudy fair turning a little cooler: Up early, bath, H/J buy soy milk etc. then go to McKay Hospital, Hiro/Dju show up, 9:45 Jan-tong/Chiu come and discuss ancestral temple then insist and go.

2005.5.16=1[#136]:4703.4.9[+#37] [Iraq?] Last day in full preparation, to banks, to o.h., van to airport. 0)China's Geostrategy.

[Out of Iraq?] Fair & mild: 5:05 already ok and up, clean out genkan closet, gather clothes for travel, full bath, breakfast & collect medicines and dental materieals etc., emails then make up last 2 days' blog, Mei was back then just out at 11:50 back to work, after tidy and help me a bit and piano. Lost again from "Draft" of 11:44am. So Mei worked one hour and back from McDonald. Bye, bye at 4:45 drive to 2 banks, then to Yung-ho losing cell phones at restroom, to get papers nearby. Drive to o.h., in a hurry to write checks and phone to pay, quick dinner. Around 10:10pm Hiro shows up, so swiftly move stuff into a small van to airport 11:30 mailing. 5.17(2) 1am = 4pm Taiwan China Airline center 4 seats: mom left end, I right end. 0) China's Geostrategy: ''China's Geostrategy: Playing a Waiting Game'', PINR, Report Drafted By: Dr. Michael A. Weinstein; 07 January 2005: "" It is common knowledge that China is the most important ascending world power, and one that has only begun to realize its economic and military potential. Before the World Trade Center bombings on September 11, 2001, neoconservative strategists in Washington identified China as the most significant future threat to U.S. interests and defined the Sino-American relation as one of "strategic competition" rather than "strategic partnership." Although the "war on terrorism" has taken precedence over the longer term conflict with China in Washington's geostrategy, the neoconservatives' pre-9/11 judgment was well founded and remains so. "" "" Conclusion Beijing's white paper on national defense and its application of the geostrategy presented there to holding war games with Moscow indicate realism, rationality and political maturity and sophistication. China's "ruling party" is aware of and forthright about the country's present limitations and has formulated a plausible strategy of "active defense" to overcome them over the next two decades. Active defense means that Beijing will play a waiting game and punch below its weight until the regime feels that it is ready to act more assertively. As it gains strength, Beijing will expand its reach, as it has done in planning joint exercises with Russia. Barring unforeseeable crises that would disturb its progress toward becoming the undisputed regional power center of East and Southeast Asia, Beijing's major problems come from Washington and Tokyo, and from its perceived need to incorporate Taiwan in order to make its East Asian aspirations credible. It is far from certain that Beijing will be able to finesse Washington and Tokyo, and, in the near term, to absorb Taiwan, but time seems to be on its side. ""

Monday, May 16, 2005

2005.5.15=7[#135]:4703.4.8[+#36/60]:2549.1.1 Lung drives home from LA.

Fine & warm to mild: A big fortune day of Buddha's acending to heaven, the new year's day of Buddhist year 2549: Lung drives all the way home from LA, 8:55-3:20, try hard to have Dju/Hiro to o.h., get mom's little folded table from Jung, who flies with Hsiang late night. Bed 1;15.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

2005.5.14=6[#134]:4703.4.7[+#35/60]: In LA out shopping waiting, 3pm Betty ceremony in then outside, then 2 full tables rich dinner.

Fair warm to hot: Mei bath, then 6:00 up bath, 7:10 diary & calenders, down to free and simple breakfast of French bread and cakes, Hsiang & Jung join expressing Hsiang is ok now so they are driving back by themselves, after checking out from hotel to his elder sister's place tonight. Lung drive us to mall stores just around the hotel getting a electric outlet connetor for $2.14. Back to hotel room, finally succeeded in tel. Ying determine to meet at hotel at 1:30 and leave at 2:00. We go back to Ching-jen Guan (V.I.P.) for a pretty good and cheap lunch for us three, at 18331 E. Colima Rd./Fullerton Bl., Rowland Heights. Back to hotel, they are late, but Ying tells Lung afternoon's locations with a noted hotel's tiny LA map. Lung drives to SkyRose Chapel, Rose Hills Mem. Park, Whittier. Meet Ying's good, old friend, Liu Mao-jung, his wife & son. From 3:05, Fev. Alan Chan officiates "In Loving Memory of Mrs. Betty K.[ing] Tsai (October 28, 1940-May 6, 2005)", against very bad straight sunlight blare: Call to Worship: Psalm 90:1-2, by Rev. Alan Chan Hymn: Amazing Grace, by Congregation Eulogy: Nancy Hou, tr. by Ellen Lim Words of Remembrace: Kathy Tsai, tr. by Ellen Lim; Edmond Cheung; Ellen Lim; Ariel Fon-Fon Young Words of Comfort: Rev. Alan Chan Words of Appreciation: Bill Tsai Benediction: Rev. Alan Chan Last Respects: Mom's kind words, and almost sure Bill kissed her, and he and Kathy caress gently at the last moments. Lung, Mao-jung's son and others move Betty to outside in the park for the Committal Sercice in the rightmost of 4 plot Bill has bought. It's a beautiful park with far and broad views. We leave flowers on top of box, which then was lowered into hole and soil is moved by car-machine. Lung drives us to Shu-hsian-yuan 6:30, 2 full tables of very rich dinner. Later hours, Ying moves to our table of next generation and Jung & her hus, sis-hus, stating what happened then. The other table of mom, Dju-hus, Edmond's parents, Emma, and Betty's old couple friends. Back to hotel, Lung & Jen (Chen-chen) tel. talk for a while. Bed 10:45!!

2005.5.13=5[#133]:4703.4.6[+#34/60]: Go to LA separately for tomorrow's Betty ceremony.

Cloudy then thin cloud, mild then warm: Up early, drive mom to Jung's, then home for full bath and ceremony clothing. Jung drives Hsiang and mom wait under sun, 20-30 minutes? swift preparation and we leave at 11:30-1:50, Route 198 exit for Denny's lunch of turkey sandwich. Hsiang drives 3:05-4:30 to the feet of the LA outer mountains, I drive 4:30-7:30 getting over some very slow rush hour drive to the hotel of Heritage Inn, 333 Imperial Highway next to Fullerton-Harbor Bl. Hsiang again drives back north Fullerton Bl. to Ching-jen Guan full dinner for only $40. back to hotel at 10:10, then Hiro and co. is back, a cup of apple juice and a few oranges, 12:20 bed. Awaken 1:05 by tel then knock by Mei & Lung, not Jyun, 1:40 bed.

2005.5.14=6[#134]:4703.4.7[+#35/60]: In LA out shopping waiting, 3pm Betty ceremony in then outside, then 2 tables dinner.1)China<>India. 2)BRIC.

Fair warm turning into warm: Mei then I up early, bath, down for simple breakfast joined by Hsiang/Jung stating Hsiang is ok now and able to drive back from his only elder sis' place early tomorrow morning then fly back Taiwan late night. (Later Dju tells me we the next late night.) As only mom & Hiro/Dju are welcome at Ying's, Lung drive us to mall stores nearby, tel. Ying to meet at hotel around 2pm. So to Ching-jen-guan again for a good lunch and back. They are late, but Ying tells Lung ways of afternoon. We drive to a memorial park for a memorial service for Betty against direct glaring sunlight, then to outside for a committal service, to Shu-Hsiang-Yuan for 2 table-full rich dinner. Ying later moves to our talbe of the next generation and we and Jung's and Jung's sis' and tells us about what happened. The other table: mom, Dju/Hiro, Ying, daughter/hus, grand daughter, friend couple, and hus' parents. Hotel Lung talks with Jen on phone a while, 10:45 bed!! [[ All retyped after "Save as Draft failed yesterday. ]] 1) China <> India: "CHINA-INDIA STRATEGIC ALLIANCE- Should not be Unthinkable: An Analysis", by Dr. Subhash Kapila; South Asia Analysis Group; 12. 05. 2005: ""If the role of a think tank is to think the unthinkable, here is one piece which needs careful thought. The views expressed are author's own.- I would invite the views of readers on this subject. Director"": "" Introductory Observations: China and India are rising powers in the global strategic firmament. China and India are also civilisational powers with a glowing heritage and history of civilised institutions dating back to centuries. Before the advent of Muslim rule in India, both countries had a record of friendly exchanges and interaction with no adversarial past. "" 2) Japanese Banks <> BRIC: "Japanese Banks bullish on Brazil, Russia, India, China ?the BRIC alliance of emerging nations", India Daily: Media Release: May 13, 2005: "" Japanese financial institutions are increasing lending to the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China, with the balance up 40 pct year-on-year at 20.2 bln usd as of December 31, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported, citing figures from the Bank of Japan. ""

Thursday, May 12, 2005

2005.5.12=4[#132]:4703.4.5[#60+33/60]: [N.Irish, Iraq] LA, Jung tel Hsiang no drive. 1)China<>Taiwan [W]M emails. 2)US God Party. 3)Sustainable Living

[N.Irish Bloody Sunday] [Bush in Iraq] Cloudy turns fine mild to warm: Up 6:10, drive Jyun quickly to station and back, sort newspapers then out for breakfast and emails, first to "(1)", then back to "{2)", under "1) China<>Taiwan". Then at 5:55pm after sorting some nearby documents then lunch, finish emails again, after mom tel to replace Jung tonight at o.h., then much later Jung tel that Hsiang has been hurt again seriously unable to drive, turn to Lung then back to me hoping I will driver them to LA, with Jung as the 2nd driver. Topics are to "3)" now. Drive to station as requested by Mei then Jyun, back home Ch. sleeping in outside car, her dog and Lung in. Fisnish now 7:51pm to go to o.h., 12:40 bed. 1) China <> Taiwan: (1) "Taiwan in a Chinese overture", by Andrew Mueller, lpenDemocracy, 9 - 5 - 2005: ""China’s mixture of diplomacy and threat across the Taiwan Strait creates tension in Taiwan, reports Andrew Mueller from Taipei"": "" The logical solution appears to be that China should just let bygones be bygones, sign a treaty with Taiwan and allow the people there to do as they like. This could certainly benefit Beijing: even in the present awkward circumstances Taiwan has $70 billion invested in China. But unless there is a revolution inside the People’s Republic, that simply won’t happen, for reasons both powerful and numerous. China sees settling the Taiwan issue on its own terms as the key to reducing American and Japanese influence in the region. It has its eye on the Chunxiao oilfields beneath the Diaoyutai islands (“Senkaku” for Japan), which are claimed by Taiwan, China and Japan. The Chinese armed forces need the Taiwan issue to justify their bulging budgets, and the Beijing government needs the Taiwan issue so that if it faces domestic strife it can always create a galvanising nationalist distraction. In Taiwan right now the two things that people fear most, in no particular order, are: 1) a strong, confident China, and 2) a weak, disintegrating China. "" (2) "" now 12:39pm, M., D.'s replies to my "China Has Made It!? #10004:Taiwan WMD, Farce & Family Migration": "" Message: 1 Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 09:09:36 -0700 From: M... Subject: Re: China Has Made It!? #10004:Taiwan WMD, Farce & Family Migration[Tsai 05.5.10=2 #1] Thank you and I'm putting this in my blog for any one interested. I guess we couldn't have any evaluation of this kind of info? Do we have to be careful about IAEA or like, since it's very outdated? Not to worry about any t-word? Most people concerned think any possible Taiwan nuclear weapon programs and weapons were totally stopped by the US many years ago? This is about your: > > The only real evaluation you might want is classified and unavailable to both of us. The only reason that any of this came out at all, was because somebody saw a good reason to put some political pressure on for disclosure and leaked. What their agenda was, is problematical. Perhaps they wanted to try and put economic pressure on South Africa to disarm. No way of telling unless the CIA declassifies, and given the infighting and spin doctoring that goes into producing any unified intelligence estimate, my guess is that they'll keep it buttoned up simply because the infighting over the analysis would be profoundly embarassing. > >"" And since Taiwan has the bomb, it probably also has the ability to >manufacture more. If you don't test, the only way to have a reliable >deterrent is to set a short shelflife and scrap out of date bombs and >make new ones. With a low volume isotope separation capability, there's >probably a slow but steady growth in Taiwan's nuclear stockpile. So, >assuming that you have a credible delivery system, and preferably two or three so >that you have overlapping performance envelopes and thus complicate the mainlanders >defense problems, and given that the optimum time to invade will be in >06, given that Beijing wants no real embarassments when the Olympics comes to >Beijing in 08, this would be a very good time to do an overt nuclear test. "" > >About Taiwan "statesmen" statement, once our former president has been out of office, he just stopped playing the role of the farce of the ROC, and has started to state the reality as it is, and has started to complain that the current president is too timid, which is the price we are still paying for not violently overthrowing the "evil" KMT's ROC government, which was subverted by himself, the former pres. Lee Teng-hui. > Interesting. Chinese politics is based more on nuance than overt declarations, so things must have really deteriorated for it to have gotten that far. >. >My father had taken his whole extended families (except one sister married to a Taiwanese in Osaka, Japan and lives there) still in Taiwan and moved them to California in 1977. In response to my repeated question, he answered that he wants to sleep here, so he is in Skylawn Park near here. The second one to go is my only sister-in-law in LA. All of our 2nd generation here except one in Osaka (Her husband was gone before.) and our mother are going to attend her ceremony on the coming Saturday. > Good. Being on the island when all Hell breaks loose, as it will, is going to be ugly. "" "" Message: 2 Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 23:14:38 -0700 (PDT) From: D... Subject: China has made it #1004 1/2 ? I would think the Chinese would be wise to hold off on starting any short victorious wars until after their 2008 Olympics, not before. Otherwise, they'll be running the risk of hosting this showcase of an event in an Olympic Village full of bomb craters. And that would be kinda embarrassing. "" 2) "God's Own Party", by Jim Wallis; May 12, 2005. Originally published in Sojourners magazine: Jim Wallis is convener of Call to Renewal, a network of churches and faith-based organizations working to overcome poverty, and editor of Sojourners magazine. His is also the author of the best-selling book God's Politics. Several weeks ago, Episcopal priest and former Republican Senator John Danforth began an op-ed in the New York Times by writing: "By a series of recent initiatives, Republicans have transformed our party into the political arm of conservative Christians." And, I would add, some religious right leaders are trying to transform the church into the religious arm of conservative Republicans. Either way, these partisan attempts to hijack faith and politics are wrong. Yet each week brings a new outrage. This week's news was of a Baptist church in North Carolina, where nine members, including three deacons, say they had their membership revoked because they were Democrats who supported John Kerry. According to the Charlotte News-Observer, the nine walked out of a church meeting when Pastor Chan Chandler asked them to sign documents agreeing with his political views. When they left, members remaining voted to terminate their membership. "" 3) "The energy gap: the cost of living sustainably", by Dan Damon, openDemocracy, 11 - 5 - 2005: ""Between two families in northern India and western England, the BBC radio reporter Dan Damon conducts a unique social experiment in low-energy living.""

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

2005.5.11=3[#131]:4703.4.4[#60+32/60]: [Nationalism. Iraq] Rest for the day. 0)China <> USA.

[Psychotic Nationalism] [Iraq]------------------------------- [Japan out?] [Cancer] [DU] [Bush] [Violence] Little cloudy turning warmer: Up 8:10, tidy up bed and papers [Bush got bomb then airplane] Dju tel from hotel, almost all settled. Tired, 1:34pm. Sort Bk of Am slips. Mei class 8-10, not 7-9 as usual. Try to bed earlier. Now 10:21pm to finish. First to our bedroom, Mei and Jyun out. 12;00-12;12 Hu welcomes Sung group, 12:12-12;21 Sung replies, 12:30 bed. 0) China <> USA: "How We Would Fight China", by Robert D. Kaplan [[ "an Atlantic correspondent and the author of Imperial Grunts: The American Military on the Ground, forthcoming in September from Random House—the first of several books he is writing about the armed forces." ]], the Atlantic Monthly | June 2005: ""The Middle East is just a blip. The American military contest with China in the Pacific will define the twenty-first century. And China will be a more formidable adversary than Russia ever was"": "" For some time now no navy or air force has posed a threat to the United States. Our only competition has been armies, whether conventional forces or guerrilla insurgencies. This will soon change. The Chinese navy is poised to push out into the Pacific—and when it does, it will very quickly encounter a U.S. Navy and Air Force unwilling to budge from the coastal shelf of the Asian mainland. It's not hard to imagine the result: a replay of the decades-long Cold War, with a center of gravity not in the heart of Europe but, rather, among Pacific atolls that were last in the news when the Marines stormed them in World War II. In the coming decades China will play an asymmetric back-and-forth game with us in the Pacific, taking advantage not only of its vast coastline but also of its rear base—stretching far back into Central Asia—from which it may eventually be able to lob missiles accurately at moving ships in the Pacific. In any naval encounter China will have distinct advantages over the United States, even if it lags in technological military prowess. It has the benefit, for one thing, of sheer proximity. Its military is an avid student of the competition, and a fast learner. It has growing increments of "soft" power that demonstrate a particular gift for adaptation. While stateless terrorists fill security vacuums, the Chinese fill economic ones. All over the globe, in such disparate places as the troubled Pacific Island states of Oceania, the Panama Canal zone, and out-of-the-way African nations, the Chinese are becoming masters of indirect influence—by establishing business communities and diplomatic outposts, by negotiating construction and trade agreements. Pulsing with consumer and martial energy, and boasting a peasantry that, unlike others in history, is overwhelmingly literate, China constitutes the principal conventional threat to America's liberal imperium. ""

2005.5.10=2[#130]:4703.4.3[#60+31/60]: [Health ToolChina Has Made It!? #10004s] Send Hiro/Dju to Airport, Get Passport. [[China...#10004:WMD, Farce

[Interactive Health Tools] Fair & mild: Early 5:30 up, mom feels faint, but at the last moment joins me, drive to Dju&Hiro, to Oakland airport quickly for 11am to LA. Then 2 of us to SF ROC TECO get mom's new passport with "TAIWAN" in front. 101 to 99, Walgreen then o.h., Jung tel. about their air schedule to LA & Taiwan. Evening home, mails, emails, dinner, blog here already 2:00am, Jyun bed, 2:10 bed. A short response to [W&P]'s M. on "China Has Made It!? #10004: Taiwan WMD, Farce & Family Migration[Tsai 05.5.9=1 #1] That is the real thing here, I'm afraid. Let me check after I had checked some latest news I could get online following my answer here to your statement at the end: > >"" You guys have the Israeli/South African nuclear bomb design that the Israelis tested in an airburst over the South Atlantic which set off the old Vela Hotel sensors. The design works. It might be time to publically test a delivery system and then do an open test of one of the warheads. The nukes won't give you an outright win, but it might give you a standoff that would be to your advantage. "" No, I can't find it. What would be the best online sources? > > There I don't know, because that detonation predates general access to the internet. I do recall of all things that Ellen Goodman did an editorial about it in the Boston Globe. Here's a generalized overview of the Vela program and the double flash on 22, September 1979. The only error in the article is that it left Taiwan out, but then again, that's based on a report by Seymore Hersh and some back channel stuff from the State Department that I ran across some years back, in connection with a bit of Israeli industrial espionage and technical piracy over a very nice Pratt & Whitney jet engine that they'd planned on stealing and then producing in Taiwan so that they could dodge interference from the State Department's Munitions Export Control Office when it came to export of Lavi fighters. (One of the reasons that they cancelled the program was export restrictions after their engine deal fell through. Pratt & Whitney's security people wouldn't even let em on the property, which led to a small civil war inside the State Department. ) Here's a link to an overview of the Vela Hotel program: Here's the story. Way back in September 79, there were 12 old Satellites launched by an OV-1 modified Atlas F missiles and Titan III Cs called Vela Hotel. (Vela is Spanish for watchman, which I guess is a pretty good name.)The Velas were intended to detect radioflash, (EMP) from the Compton Effect from an atmospheric nuclear detonation.They also had internal neutron flux sensors, external xray sensors and visible light sensors. Think of em as a big multispectral inferometer and you get the idea. The satellites were launched and spent several years quietly orbiting and from time to time sending a signal from one French atmospheric test or another until one day, they detected a detonation over the South Atlantic down near the Antarctic. Needless to say, there was some major debate, not least of which because nobody had publically claimed an atmospheric nuclear test. The Chinese did all of their testing at Lop Nor. The Indians had detonated one bomb back in 69 or so, and we and the Russians and the British, (using our test range in the latter case) did our nuclear testing underground at the National Atomic Proving Grounds or in such lovely places as Semipalitinsk. The location of the detonation was wrong for it to be a French test, since they do theirs in the Pacific. But there was the data from both Vela Hotels. So, some folks claimed that it was a natural event, sort of like a high altitude version of the Tunguska event, and others stating that it was a design transcient in both satellites and from there, the list of excuses and explanations went from speculation to aberration. Either way, the satellites detected two flashes which would correspond to two nuclear detonations. Given that the neutron sensors detected neutron flux, I think that mechanical energy from an incoming comet or asteroidal debris can be safely discounted. It takes nuclear reactions to get neutron flux on one of those detectors. So, speculation sort of rose and died. Then a few years later, it came out that a complex of nuclear aspirant powers, Israel, South Africa and Taiwan had been swapping technologies and materials to achieve a bomb. (Mr. Hersh's research for his book, The Sampson Option about the Israeli nuclear program turned up much critical information on this, much to the embarassment of several governments including the West Germans who'd sold the gas centrifuge technology to begin with.) South Africa had gotten the gas centrifuge technology from a complex of German companies that used to be IG Farben and functionally still were. (It's amazing what you can get with interlocking directorates and shared stock portfolios,...........) Israel provided the basic bomb design, the Laser Isotope Separation Process, practical experience with plutonium chemistry, access to some materials and a bomb design that was pretty much pirated from the US Mk-28 modular nuclear bomb design. Taiwan provided some other non-specified expertise and money and covert production facilities to make various support systems, some of which I think might have been electronic and a deniable conduit for materials purchases and technology acquisition which might have run alarm bells had it have been Israel or South Africa inquiring. Anyway, the high altitude detonation was a field test of the bomb and a delivery system which was probably based on the upper stages of the MD-660 Jericho I, which had started out as a joint project with Avions de Marcel Desault. And one of the reasons that Taiwan ostentatiously stepped away from it's own overt missile programs is that it had the Israeli missile technology. (When the French dropped out after 1967, it would appear that a lot of the solid fuel technology came from the United States, to include cold gas TVC, (Thrust Vector Control) which is a Polaris missile program technology. (Mossad is always busy and it never sleeps. ) So, Taiwan does have a bomb design that works. We tested a bunch of them and the Israelis tested their modified copy without a fizzle yield, which could be expected given that it was our bomb and we'd worked the bugs out of it before somebody gave them the details of the design. Israel still has their bombs, and Taiwan has it's small arsenal. The only one of the three that disarmed was South Africa, and that was overseen by Defense Nuclear Agency guys who'd been seconded to the State Department just for that purpose. In all of history, there have only been two actual viable nuclear powers with their own organic production capability that have ever disarmed, and that's South Africa and the Ukraine. Canada would be a third, but their bombs were actually our bombs with a dual key Permissive Action Link in them with a US Officer required to participate in the decision to install the strike enable plugs and insert the codes to close the security interlocks on them. And since Taiwan has the bomb, it probably also has the ability to manufacture more. If you don't test, the only way to have a reliable deterrent is to set a short shelflife and scrap out of date bombs and make new ones. With a low volume isotope separation capability, there's probably a slow but steady growth in Taiwan's nuclear stockpile. So, assuming that you have a credible delivery system, and preferably two or three so that you have overlapping performance envelopes and thus complicate the mainlanders defense problems, and given that the optimum time to invade will be in 06, given that Beijing wants no real embarassments when the Olympics comes to Beijing in 08, this would be a very good time to do an overt nuclear test. Keep in mind that the bomb that the Israelis stole and probably copied, is a modern levitated pit, tritium boosted thermonuclear warhead with variable yield coming from interchangable pits. Furthermore the Mk-28 has thermonic neutron generators so you don't get stuck with a 60inch diameter limitation from a betatron or the 60 day replacement cycle from a Polonium/Beryllium urchin type initiator. So you've got a bomb that can have a yield of anywhere between 20 kilotonnes and 1.2 Megatonnes, depending on configuration and the bomb's age. That's plenty of firepower and while I don't know that it could be practically used except in a Gotterdammerung sort of scenario, nevertheless it adds enough uncertainty to the game to make Beijing's amphibious and airborne forces and their missile forces aimed at the island, something less than an overwhelming threat. My guess is that Europe's reluctance to sell you any submarines is probably out of a fear that you'll install cruise missiles on them which in turn would mean that Beijing, which is somebody that they're courting because of their desire to dismantle Russia and break it up into spheres of influence controlled by EEC and Beijing through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, might not get everything that it wants. And Europe, being mostly run by central banks and governments with welfare states to support, want and demand stability over everything and anything else. Dismantling Russia and turning China into a major imperial power does that. In some respects, the world is starting to resemble Orwell's old nightmare. >My worry politically now is that President Chen attacked former Pres. Lee as he, himself is pursuing Pres. Lee' line now, Pres. Lee has changed as he is no longer the president. I think many of us consider the former Pres. Lee as our Washington, that's why Pres. Chen is stll running his show. But, it's not very good tor the current president to attack one's Washington. > > Looks to me like your politicians are looking for an exit strategy, which is a bad sign. What it means is that they're trying to find an angle that won't put them in front of a firing squad from the Peoples Armed Police, and that's a big indication that somebody has decided not to fight if the mainlanders send troops. Bad, bad situation since unlike Hong Kong which was essentially a situation where the Chinese got back territory and the locals didn't really have any say in the matter, Taiwan could well suffer some retribution, because it's long been a thorn in Beijing's side. And the old Go players in Beijing aren't anywhere near as conciliatory as General Grant was when he dictated terms to General Lee. My advice is that if Taiwan's government doesn't do an open nuclear test or something else to indicate that they actually are willing to fight for their existance, then it's time to convince your family to get the hell out of dodge and promise your grandparents bone money so that their remains can be shipped back when they die. There's no way in Hell that I'd stay there when the politicians are looking like the French politicians did after Rommel did his breakout from Sedan. Dig out a copy of Military Misfortunes by Elliot Cohen and John Gooch and look at what happened when the Third Republic fell. Then read about what it was like in France after the Nazis took over. Then get your relatives out of there by any means necessary. ""

Monday, May 09, 2005

2005.5.9=1[#129]:4703.4.2[#60+30/60]: Ceremony decided, so our schedules also.[[China Has Made It!? #10003]] 1)Taiwan Oppositions in China. 2)Latin Am

Wet cloudy to partly sun: Up 6:20, sort 2 bags of documents, mostly about Bk of Am, drive ma to Bk of Am, then leave to US Bk, to home, rich lunch & emails, Lung back, now 5:15pm emails, mails & blog here for Latin American topic. Then finally THE topic of "1)", from [W&P] M's email, then my answer, under "China Has Made It!? #10003] Digest Number 4855": beginning part: """ [Tsai 05.5.9=1 #1] That is the real thing here, I'm afraid. Let me check after I had checked some latest news I could get online following my answer here to your statement at the end: "" You guys have the Israeli/South African nuclear bomb design that the Israelis tested in an airburst over the South Atlantic which set off the old Vela Hotel sensors. The design works. It might be time to publically test a delivery system and then do an open test of one of the warheads. The nukes won't give you an outright win, but it might give you a standoff that would be to your advantage. "" No, I can't find it. What would be the best online sources? My worry politically now is that President Chen attacked former Pres. Lee as he, himself is pursuing Pres. Lee' line now, Pres. Lee has changed as he is no longer the president. I think many of us consider the former Pres. Lee as our Washington, that's why Pres. Chen is stll running his show. But, it's not very good tor the current president to attack one's Washington. """ Now we know about the ceremony, our schedules. I'm going back to o.h., now 8:05pm, and 8-9pm "Stairway to Heaven" is so good as almost massive Korean dramas we watch day after day for 1-2 years. O.h., mom also (usually earlier than me) bed 11:50. 1) Taiwan Oppositions in China: (1) "Taiwan opposition leader in China", BBC News, Tuesday, 26 April, 2005, 10:56 GMT 11:56 UK: (2) "EU welcomes talks between China, Taiwanese opposition": (3) Taiwan reacts, 1: Premier, IrelandOn-Line, 09/05/2005 - 12:37:32: "Taiwan Premier: Worst of Tension Over", Sci-Tech Today, Posted May 9, 2005 10:57AM: (4) Taiwan Reacts, 2: President Chen: "China trying to interfere in NA election: Chen", 2005/5/9, The China Post staff: "" President Chen Shui-bian said yesterday that he felt that the ongoing "China fever" signals that Beijing has already started interfering with Taiwan's upcoming National Assembly (NA) elections. In an exclusive long interview with Sanlih TV channel from 9 to 11 p.m., Chen alleged that the successive visits of two opposition leaders to China are timed to win more ballots for their candidates in the NA elections on Saturday. The visits to Beijing by Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Lien Chan and People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong as well as the bloody violence at the Chiang Kai-shek International Airport have dominated the Taiwan media in recent weeks. Recently public opinion polls gave a big lift of the support for the KMT at the expense of Chen's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Chen's personal popularity also tumbled, and some of his own party want him to quit the party if he wants to be "the president of all people." The TV interview came on heels of a damage control meeting held by Chen with DPP leaders, including elected local government chiefs. Chen was seeking to use the in-depth interview to stage a turnaround. He will continue the interview tonight. Chen agreed with the interviewer's statement that the defeat of DPP candidates in the elections would be a victory of China. Taiwan's relations with China have always been among the major issues in Taiwan elections. He criticized Lien for his statement that the KMT will team up with the Chinese Communist Party to contain the Taiwan independence movement on the island. Chen said the statement was the biggest failure made by Lien during his trip to China. Chen also emphasized his intention to continue the policy of reconciliation within Taiwan and with China. He severely blasted Taiwan politicians who attempted to use ethnic differences for their personal political gains. Chen chose to use the dialect used by the majority of Taiwan residents whose ancestors emigrated to the island from southern Fujian province in China. The president stressed that his ruling party will also maintain the policies of cutting the number of seats in the parliament by half and abolishing the NA once and for all by allowing people to direct assert their rights via referendums. The public are expected to stay glued to their TV sets for the second part of the interview with Chen, who is expected to use the opportunity to clear recent misunderstandings about his own policies and rally support for DPP candidates. "" (5) US Reacts: 1. "Taiwan welcomes Bush statements on China-Taiwan contacts?" (updated PM 2:06), 05/5/6, TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP): "" Taiwan on Friday welcomed a call by U.S. President George W. Bush for China to reach out to the island's elected leaders, only hours after a second Taiwanese opposition chief began a groundbreaking visit to the mainland. In a phone conversation Thursday, Bush urged Chinese President Hu Jintao "to continue working on ways to reach out to President Chen (Shui-bian) as the duly elected leader of Taiwan," the White House said. "" 2. "Zoellick urges China to deal with elected gov't", 2005/5/6, By Teresa Cerojano MANILA, Philippines, AP: "" America's No. 2 diplomat urged China Thursday to deal directly with the elected government of Taiwan, which the communist country considers a renegade province and has threatened with war if it tries to establish permanent independence. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick said the recent and ongoing visits by Taiwanese opposition leaders to China were a positive development in easing tensions between the two sides. But he cautioned that Beijing may be trying to "foster division in Taiwan" by welcoming opposition leaders who take a softer line on reunification with China than Taiwan's pro-independence President Chen Shui-bian. "That's why it's important, obviously, for Beijing to deal with the elected government as well," Zoellick told The Associated Press. "" (6) Elan Journo reacts: "Betraying the Real Freedom Fighters", by Elan Journo; May 9, 2005: "" It is a gross injustice that America endorses a sovereign Palestinian state--but shuns Taiwan’s claim to independence. "" 2) Latin American Trouble: (1) "Washington Loses Control of the O.A.S.", Report Drafted By Dr. Michael A. Weinstein [[ "Professor of Political Science at Purdue University. He has been the recipient of Guggenheim and Rockefeller Foundation Fellowships and is the author of 21 books and numerous scholarly and analytical articles in the fields of general political science and political theory. His analyses have been printed in many publications, and he has been interviewed on programs such as Chicago's National Public Radio.;; ]]; PINR, 09 May 2005: "" With the election on May 2 of Chile's former interior minister Jose Miguel Insulza to the post of secretary general of the Organization of American States (O.A.S.), that alliance will, for the first time since its founding in 1948, have a chief executive who is not the preferred choice of the United States. "" (2) ''Cycle of Instability in the Andes: Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru'', Report Drafted By Dr. Michael A. Weinstein, PINR, 31 January 2005: "" The core Andean states -- Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru -- form the most politically unstable region in South America today. Political instability is no stranger to the Andes -- the three states in the heart of the mountains have long histories of veering from military rule to authoritarian and quasi-democratic civilian governments, and have political cultures that encourage direct extra-legal action as a social counterbalance to formal institutional and constitutional processes. At present, each of the Andean states is in the throes of a political crisis. The immediate causes of the crises are local and the forms they take are different, yet they express the same basic and persistent social tensions, making their simultaneous occurrence an indication of region-wide problems rather than simply a coincidence. "" (3) ''Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Makes His Bid for a Bolivarian Revolution'', Report Drafted By Dr. Michael A. Weinstein, PINR, 04 April 2005: "" Throughout the first three months of 2005, the chronic verbal jousting between Washington and Venezuela's "populist" regime led by President Hugo Chavez ratcheted up in intensity, with Chavez threatening to cut off oil exports to the United States if Washington moved to destabilize his rule, and Washington declaring that it was pursuing a policy to "contain" him. ""

Sunday, May 08, 2005

2005.5.8=7[#128]:4703.4.1[#60+29/60]: [Bush>Iraq, etc., Glenn Miller of WWII] Mei's complain then they to Skylawn Park.

[Bush to Iraq] [Iraq etc.] [Glenn Miller of WWII] Long small rain then cloudy fair & mild: Up 6:30, 7:15-8:15 NHK "Winter Sonata" #17/20: 'Sho-ogai' (Hindrance) of same father. 9:04-:11 Jan-tong tel on B. 10:05-11:40 sort through one bag documents then home a while for emails & Sunday papers: Mei back and complains about last night (then again about not letting her Taiwan register handed in by her mother to join our Tsai family's?), cooks, cleans 2 baths, talks about going to SF, but then goes to Skylawn Park with sons. Alone many naps emailing, finally 6:06 now here for [Bush to Iraq]: "" IMPEACHMENT TIME: "FACTS WERE FIXED", Special to BuzzFlash, Thursday, May 5, 2005; by Greg Palast [[of BBC TV Reports]]: "Here it is. The smoking gun. The memo that has "IMPEACH HIM" written all over it." "" Now 6:30pm finish to go. O.h. bed 12:10.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

2005.5.7=6[#127]:4703.3.29[#60+28/60]: [US Warrior, Geopolitics, Iraq, Nuclear Weapons, Taiwan, World] Plan for LA Funeral & Back to Taiwan.

[An American Warrior] [Geopolitics] [Iraq] [Nuclear Weapons] [Taiwan] [World] A little cloudy, fair & mild: Up 6am, Ying & Dju tel, then tel Jung delayed back Taiwan. 10:40 drive to 2 banks for balances and open Maximizer from saving $2000. Home: Ying tel, tel 2 sis: [[ all typed above and below lost ]] all perhaps: 1) Dju/Hiro air to LA 5.9=1 night or 5.10=2, with ma, hotel near Ying alone. 2) Dju will stay until after ceremony on / then go back to Taiwan on (not Ying) 5.14=6(4. 7=4/6:Butsumetsu =13/28:Aries=Ohitsuji-za 5.19=4(4.12=3/6:Senpu =17/28:Gemini=Futago-za 5.20=5(4.13=4/6:Butsumetsu =18/28:Cancer=Kani-za 3) We (Gni/Mei & Lung,Jyun) will go LA 5.13=5, back 5.15=7 Now 3:07, Mei tel Dju twice while cooking, now almost ready for lunch. Mom tel to gather together at the Korean tofu restraunt as before near Yung-ho, bath with shampoo hair this time again. Now 7:31pm to finish to go. So 6 for mother's day & B. matter discussion dinner, $55, then to Yung-ho. Bed 12:25.

Friday, May 06, 2005

2005.5.6=5[#126]:4703.3.28[#60+27/60]: [War, Picture] Clean Side Small Table.

[War] [Picture] Little fair mild: Now 2:16pm, "War" url here. Clear side small square table top. Almost 8pm mom tel: a little faint? Go soon. O.h. dinner without microoven. 12:00 bed.

2005.5.5=4[#125]:4703.3.27[#60+26/60]: [Mail Picture] Clean & Arrange More Documents. 0)Torture from the USA.

[Mail Picture] Mildly cloudy: Up 5:45, a bit loss of sleep. 10-1pm continue cleaning to moving my original table around to face backyard window, Jyun's table and documents. Emails to some topics from AlterNet left until now after rather quick lunch at 2:37pm. No news from mom. Too complicated so give up topics for the time being. Jyun back, to Kinko's and correct twice then fax, home 5:50-10pm clean lower counter under computer table. Only a few emails & topics here. Mom tel B. is almost gone, then our children should go too. Very sleepy, Jyun outside, bed 2:20! 0) Torture from the USA: (1) "Land of the Detained", by Dan Frosch, AlterNet. Posted May 5, 2005: ""Wolff Marsan sold a $20 bag of coke to an undercover cop. He was deported, jailed and tortured in Haiti, escaped, and now faces deportation a second time. His story illustrates the arbitrary cruelty of the immigrant deportation process."" "" Another Thursday night at the Hudson County Correctional Center in northern New Jersey and everyone knows the routine. It starts with the line of people--overwhelmingly black and Hispanic--snaking out of the jail's front doors all waiting for an hour to clear the one metal detector. Then there's the half hour stuffed into a drab waiting room, before visitors are brought in shifts to an adjacent series of booths where inmates and loved ones laugh and cry over a phone for 30 minutes--separated by a thick glass partition clouded with years' worth of dust and parting kisses. "" (2) "Inside Guantanamo", by Amy Goodman [[ " Amy Goodman is the host of the nationally syndicated radio news program "Democracy Now!" ]], AlterNet. Posted May 5, 2005: ""Former army sergeant Erik Saar served as a translator at Guantanamo Bay. What he witnessed included sexual abuse, mock interrogations, the use of dogs, and worse."" "" We begin today by continuing our extensive look into the abuse and outright torture of prisoners held by the U.S. government since the onset of the so-called war on terror. Three years ago, most people in this country or around the world had never heard of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba or the Abu Ghraib prison, two places that have now become global symbols of the U.S. war on terror. Last week marked the one-year anniversary of the breaking of the Abu Ghraib torture scandal. To date, no senior military officials have been held accountable for the systematic abuse of prisoners held by the U.S. military. Lawyers for the rank-and-file soldiers who have been prosecuted say that their clients are cogs in a much bigger wheel that goes higher up the chain of command. This weekend, The New York Times reported on a high-level military investigation into accusations of detainee abuse at the Guantanamo Prison camp. While its findings fall far short in describing the extent of the abuse that human rights groups and released prisoners allege are taking place there, it did reveal some significant details. It concluded that several prisoners were mistreated or humiliated, perhaps illegally, as a result of efforts to devise innovative methods to gain information. The report on the investigation is still a few weeks from being completed and released. The Times says it will deal with accounts by FBI agents who complained after witnessing detainees subjected to several forms of harsh treatment. The FBI agents wrote in memorandums that were never meant to be disclosed publicly that they had seen female interrogators forcibly squeeze male prisoners' genitals, and that they had witnessed other detainees stripped and shackled low to the floor for many hours. This comes as a former U.S army linguist who worked as an Arabic translator at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo is speaking out. Erik Saar was stationed at the camp from December 2002 to June 2003. He has just written a new book called Inside the Wire: A Military Intelligence Soldier's Eyewitness Account of Life at Guantanamo, in which he describes a wide range of practices and techniques used by U.S. military officers at Guantanamo and condoned by senior officers. Erik Saar joins us today in our Boston studio. ""

Thursday, May 05, 2005

2005.5.4=3[#124]:4703.3.26[#60+25/60]: [May 4th Mvmnt, Intelligence, BamburghUK] Clean Big Counter. 0)US Terrorism.

[May Fourth Movement] "" (1919), first mass movement in modern Chinese history. On May 4, about 5,000 university students in Beijing protested the Versailles Conference (Apr. 28, 1919) awarding Japan the former German leasehold of Jiaozhou, "" [[ Similar to recent anti-Japan violence ]] [Fixed US Intelligence] [Bamburgh,UK] [SF Spywarer] Mildy cloud late rain: Up 6:15, now 9:52am almost all emails done, to Hiroshima topic. 11:15-1:00, 4:45-7:15, 10:00-11:30 Clean out the big low bookstore counter. Tel mom no news from Ying, then out to Kinko's 3:00 correct again, then to Maxx fruits&juice. Almost midnight. All bed, bed 1:35. 0) US Terrorism: "America's mortal secret", by James Carroll; The Boston Globe; May 3, 2005: "" THE HOLIEST acreage in America was consecrated in an act of revenge. "" "" When Harry S. Truman announced the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima in an Aug. 9 radio address, he offered three justifications: the first thing he said was that the atom bomb was used ''against those who have starved and beaten American prisoners of war, against those who have abandoned all pretense of obeying international laws of warfare." "" [[ [C] R.'s comment: "Hey, if they abuse prisoners, then it's OK to use WMD's on them. The president of the USA himself said so!" ]] "" Hiroshima the 900,000 killed by American bombing of nearly all Japanese cities, from the Tokyo raid in March to the Nagasaki bombing in August, were almost all civilians. "" "" beginning with the bombing of cities in Germany and Japan and continuing through the extremities of the US air war in Southeast Asia. "" "" amounted to terrorism campaigns. "" And also "attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq" "the brutalities of American methods were made plain, from torture to hair-trigger checkpoints to ruined cities."

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

2005.5.3=2[#123]:4703.3.25[#60+24/60] 1)US Progressives. 2)US' E.&S.E.Asian Empire.

Thin cloud mild: Check SJMercury early, then bed and up, wait sons bath then gone, full bath & nails for tomorrow's trip. Then! starting from Dju's tel, it seems Betty had serious stroke 2pm yesterday (after Ying tel mom 12:35-:55 about trip, then received his mail with for all). Xiang&Jung has to go next Monday late night, I'm going next week, mom says postponing to fall, Dju follows her. Last call from Dju, Ying wants mom, Hiro/Dju to go by air in response to Dju, and right away. Hiro has not tel his friend, travel agent yet, I remind her to call right away. Now already 11:36am. Called back lady who called yesterday on "Dog Bite" case, fortunately right before I called back and got info from me, for her to call Jyun. Now US Progressive story topic. Out late, pass Savings Cleaners, meet Jung that Ying is very calm raincoat, to Maxx' again for lunch box, to Kinko's requesting to redo again, to o.h.: Dju tel no seat for me so cancelled also for $200 penalty, Ying tel mom repeats to take care of himself as Betty hopeless? Lunch, Dju shows up for talking, mom feels lonely, mails then left also for faxing back? as told by Mei. Mei back after 9pm cooking, now already past 10, dinner soon. Jyun still out. Now 12:39am to finish. 1:35 bed. 1) US Progressives: (1) "START MAKING SENSE: A CONVERSATION ABOUT THE FUTURE OF THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT", Wednesday May 4: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM PST: "" Join AlterNet and Moving Ideas for a conversation with bold progressive thinkers, writers, and activists about creative and practical solutions for building the progressive grassroots strength we need to turn our country around. Start Making Sense, a new book from AlterNet, is an opening salvo on how citizens can begin to deliver U.S. politics from fear and fundamentalism. Featured Panelists: "" (2) "Excerpt: Rethinking Iraq: An excerpt from the Start Making Sense section The Iraq War." & "Start Making Sense Blog: An informative guide to the Start Making Sense world." (3) "Start Making Sense: Turning the Lessons of Election 2004 into Winning Progressive Politics", by Don Hazen (Editor), Lakshmi Chaudhry (Editor); Chelsea Green Publishing Company (April 20, 2005): "" Editorial Reviews Book Description The first look at the lessons learned from the 2004 election, and an opening salvo from leading American thinkers, writers, and activists on how citizens can begin to deliver U.S. politics from fear and fundamentalism. Millions of Americans were shocked by George W. Bush’s victory in the 2004 election. How could a majority of voters support a president with such a dismal and dangerous track record? The answer is clear for Democrats and progressives: It is time for new thinking and an end to our politics as usual. Start Making Sense brings together the best progressive thinkers, critics, and organizers to explain what went wrong and how we can build a new Democratic Party that best represents and communicates our values and vision for America. It offers new ways to think about organizing, communicating, and investing in the structures and resources required for a truly democratic grassroots movement. This book outlines innovative solutions for reaching out to all voters who value hope and tolerance over fear. About the Author Don Hazen is the executive director of the Independent Media Institute and the executive editor of AlterNet. The former publisher of Mother Jones magazine, he has edited several books, most recently After 9/11: Solutions for a Saner World. Lakshmi Chaudhry is a senior editor at AlterNet. Previously a staff writer at Wired News, she has written for various publications including Mother Jones, The Village Voice, Bitch, and Ms.Magazine. She is coauthor of AlterNet’s book, The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq. Other contributors to the book include: Arianna Huffington • Amy Goodman • Thomas Frank • Naomi Klein • Barbara Ehrenreich • Farai Chideya • George Lakoff • Ken Salazar • Tom Hayden • and other leading progressive activists, thinkers, and writers. "" Full 5 starts for "" Average Customer Review: Write an online review and share your thoughts with other customers. Getting Down to the Business of Winning, May 3, 2005 Reviewer: Mick McAllister - See all my reviews Anthologies usually are a mixed bag. If half the essays are interesting, you are doing pretty well. And there's always at least one that is a total waste of time. This is the exception we hope for. There is not a page of the book that doesn't either illuminate an exciting idea, provide a useful fact, or suggest a promising course of action. Every sort of thing is here from the course-defining DNC speech of Barack Obama to a list of topics you could hook Letters to the Editor on for various holidays. (Mother's Day? Social Security, Medicare, Parenting.) The book is divided into three sections and ten topics. The first section analyzes what has happened. It asks some hard questions, like what it might cost us to adopt Conservative means to our Liberal ends ("Fighting Dirty"). There is a handful of tough essays in here, like Michael Lerner's on Liberal contempt for the electorate (which is significantly different from, though no bigger than, Conservative contempt for the electorate). But the overall message is one of hope and optimism. The last section emphasizes organizing and suggests ways to do it. This book and George Lakoff's Don't Think of an Elephant (also from Chelsea Green) will pay for themselves in a few hours. We got angry; now it's time to get active. Start Making Sense will provide some direction. "" 2) US East & Southeast Asian Empire: "Blowback : The Costs and Consequences of American Empire" (Second Edition), by Chalmers Johnson; Owl Books; Reissue edition (January 4, 2004): "" From Publishers Weekly This no-holds-barred indictment of what Johnson calls the post-Cold War American "global empire" is not for the faint of heart. Among the opening images is a plastic bag containing three pairs of bloodied men's underwear gathered as evidence from the brutal 1995 gang rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan girl by two American marines and an American sailor, a crime that was officially passed off as an aberration but may qualify more accurately as another move in the endgame of, in Johnson's astringent phrase, "stealth imperialism." In his highly critical appraisal of the global U.S. military presence, Johnson, president of the Japan Policy Research Institute and prolific commentator on Japan and Asia, focuses on the effects of "blowback," a term coined by the CIA to denote the unintended consequences of policies that were in many cases kept secret from the American public. From anti-Chinese pogroms carried out by U.S.-trained soldiers in Indonesia to the viciously suppressed 1980 pro-democracy demonstration in Kwangju, South Korea, Johnson examines the fallout from what he sees as American "economic colonialism." Detailed assessments of American engagement in Japan, Korea and China are coupled with closer-to-home observations on the liquidation of American jobs in places such as Birmingham, Ala., and Pittsburgh, the latter yet another consequence of the massive U.S. trade deficit with the countries of East Asia. Brazenly spending ever-swollen defense budgets, Johnson argues, the Pentagon is fueling an "antiglobalization time bomb" that could blow up at any moment. His chilling conclusion--backed by copious and livid detail--is that a nation reaps precisely what it sows. (Apr.) Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. ""

Monday, May 02, 2005

2005.5.2=1[#122]:4703.3.24[#60+23/60] [Earliest Britons] 0)Nations' Size: UK.

[earliest Britons] [Kents Cavern] Fair then cloudy mild: Up 6:13, mom tel 2 sis repeatedly, finally hoping for Hiro to get passport. Prepare documents for the trip, then clean out most items from art room big table to fax and front&small bed rooms. To Kinko's not ready, deposit rental check, buy lunch from Maxx' side store, home lunch, finish emails 3:50pm, nap, now 5:06 check mails. Then to Kinko's again, wait and finish World Journal newspaer clipping: He will work until 11pm and promised to call me when ready for my proof reading. Home, all home, Insurance company person called wanting us to call back, so give Sze-jun all documents about "Dog Bite" case. Jyun(Sze-jun) just out to computer & has not call back? Almost 11pm to finish, after 0) below. In, then 12-1 "Blue Fog(?)" he moves out & in bed, 1am. 0) Nations' Size: UK Email to Globechatters: " Democracy Scotland ...(& To Taiwan) #101:UK Not? [Devolved Parliament UK] Subject: Jawbone hints at earliest Britons Last Updated: Wednesday, 27 April, 2005, 00:37 GMT 01:37 UK Jawbone hints at earliest Britons By Paul Rincon - BBC News science reporter A piece of jawbone that has lain in Torquay Museum, Devon, for nearly 80 years could be the oldest example of a modern human yet found in Europe. The Kent's Cavern specimen was thought to be about 31,000 years old, but re-dating shows it is actually between 37,000 and 40,000 years old. However, the early dates lead the team behind the research to wonder if the jawbone is actually from a Neanderthal. A new examination of the fragment along with DNA analysis could sort this out. The fragment of maxilla (upper jaw) containing three teeth was unearthed in Kent's Cavern, Torquay, in 1927 during an excavation by the Torquay Natural History Society. Kents Cavern is one of the most important Palaeolithic caves in Northern Europe and the oldest recognisable human dwelling in Britain. Sir Arthur Keith, who was then Britain's leading anatomist, identified the specimen - known as Kent's Cavern 4 - as that of a modern human (Homo sapiens). It has by and large been accepted as such ever since. The real significance of Kent's Cavern 4 was not recognised until the 1980s, when radiocarbon dating revealed its age to be 31,000 years old. J. ""

Sunday, May 01, 2005

2005.5.1=6[#121]:4703.3.23[#60+22/60]: 2sis2husRefuseToChooseGetMomPassport at Hakka School. Early to Old House.

Fair mild: One sleep to up 5:40, later finally feel very tired from yesterday's explosion & worry about mom's passport. Hakka School just starts performance waltz, dance with a little stiff Mei throughly still, publicly request 2 sis then 2 bro-in-laws for tomorrow's passport and Mei to sign check, she does, but no one for passport. Tables together have full lunch all together. Home, juices, dentistry & emails finished 4:00, then blog here, still no trace of Costco bill (at o.h.?) Now 4:30pm, to SJ Mercury. 5:20pm to finish here. O.h., find Costco bill, to Long's then to main P.O. Lots of newspaper out to fax room. 11:45 bed.