
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Sunday, May 25, 2008

#69黃虎印. 台籍老兵: 許昭榮 // Web. State. Ages // Religion. Universe. Life//Naked: Nukes&WW2// Future / Rome / Pol. ILSR // UDHR: TW. 08.5.25=6-6.13=5 9pm.

"黃虎印=Yellow Tiger Stamp=Taiwan Democratic Nation, 1895: National Flag. " '新編歷史歌仔戲—黃虎印' Jun12-15,08 雲集台灣頂尖一流劇場名星跨界演出 風華桂冠小生-唐美雲 歌仔戲界女帝-許秀年/領銜演出 " ===================================== ' 我最敬愛的外公,寧願燒盡、不願銹壞;許昭榮與台籍老兵' Jun11,08 : "" 1. 謝謝你讓大家知道哪些高雄議員的 腦殘,那吳大人唯一為台灣做對一 件事,捐出廢地一塊,可惜唯德不足 未出錢建設! 希望大家有志者來出力吧!用行動 來幫忙圓許老先生的夢! NCKU 2008-06-09 20:01:02 email 2. neo,昭榮伯的悲哀,我完全能夠理解,不管本省兵外省兵,他們都是時代的犧牲者。不容青史竟成灰,老人家唯一的心願,也只是留下歷史見證罷了。結果台灣民主聖地高雄,卻無容身之地,哀莫大於心死,陳菊市長這實在太令我們失望吧!往者已矣,勇者的身影在前,我們後輩不能退縮,請大家一人一信,為高雄發聲請命,為歷史請命,為昭榮伯爭尊嚴。 waterx92 2008-06-10 18:42:25 email 3. 阿榮大的孫..大哥給你講.希望你可以提供這部短片檔.不然你貼在youtube...這無名不好用..為何要這樣.因為貼片伺服器如果死了.這片也不會動.我們要在各地各點把聲音喊出去 慶離 2008-06-10 22:54:59 homepage 4. 老前輩安息! 文仔 2008-06-11 10:43:53 email 5. 我把他轉載到我的部落格,希望你不介意。 大地文教基金會的楊緒東董事長在5/9寫了一篇有關台籍老兵的書評--無國之奴今如是-台灣人真悲哀,這篇文章在5/16放上大地網站 com_content&task=view&id=138&Itemid=1 沒料到5/20就發生台籍老兵許榮昭先生自焚事件,除了佩服楊董事長的未卜先知以外,還是惋惜這篇文章來不及擋住許昭榮自焚的決心。 一切都是天意! Amy 2008-06-11 11:54:34 homepage 6. 1. 不應說是歷史的犧牲或是天意, 明明是國民黨所做的惡事,苦苦的纏住台灣人。 2.如果可以,影片真的應該放到YUTOBE, 無名也是被YAHOO買走的啊。她們對中國的態度... Khai 2008-06-11 19:54:37 email homepage 7. 這是典型從戰敗國的國民搖身一變,成為戰勝國的被殖民之悲哀。從日本國民,日本兵去打中國奴,變成中華民國兵去打共匪。台灣人,你還在顧你的股票嗎?哪日要變成共產黨兵,不要緊嗎? 昭榮兄,有氣魄!! 思念你的爽朗笑聲,你下酒菜的手藝,以及非常執著敬業的精神! 版主,謝謝剪接這個影片。我是你外公的清請好朋友,一起在多倫多曾有一段快樂無拘無束高談理想的好時光。 你外公走得光榮,有氣魄,夠膽識,是值得學習的好台灣軍人。 Ajin 2008-06-11 20:01:10 email homepage 8. so touching steve 2008-06-12 00:40:08 9. I honor this "OLD WARRIER" at my highest respection. Ronny225 2008-06-12 08:27:40 email 10. 許老先生為台灣的尊嚴值得全世界敬意與懷念 李龍騰 2008-06-12 09:47:48 email 11. 敬愛的許昭榮老前輩,過去多年與您常在民主運動中相遇,520晚上從網路新聞得知您自焚殉道,內心深受衝擊,自此深層的愴痛不曾止息.每天向主禱告,願主保佑您安息主懷. 6月7日早上我從台北搭高鐵到鳳山市長老教會參加追思會,向您致上最高敬意.懷著無比傷痛,再一次接受您的教誨,感念您為台灣人的尊嚴所做的奉獻.您雖然已往生,您的身影親切猶如仍然陪伴我們身邊.時間越是流逝,您的身影越是精神昂然;您是台灣烈士,您是台灣的英雄巨人!您留給後代最珍貴的台灣文化資產-- 您為台籍老兵守護用血淚構織的歷史,您用生命守護旗津台灣兵無名戰士英靈紀念碑.敬愛的老前輩英靈,安息吧!旗津台灣兵無名戰士英靈紀念碑永遠矗立在許昭榮老前輩自焚殉道之處,這裡是台灣人世世代代榮耀的聖地,我們在這裡敬仰為台灣犧牲的先人,在這裡鍛鍊,學習,直到台灣國建立之時--在這裡舉杯與先人英靈一同歡慶! 願主保佑許昭榮老前輩和台灣兵無名英靈,安息主懷! 願主保佑遺族. 平安! 曾心儀寫於台北永和20080612 曾心儀 2008-06-12 10:21:53 email 12. 台灣萬歲!台灣人萬歲 2008-06-12 10:41:15 13. 願主看顧台籍老兵,許先生安息。無限哀思.. VIPsingjen 2008-06-12 10:57:00 email homepage 14. [收藏] 願主看顧 VIPsingjen 2008-06-12 10:59:01 "" ===================================== ------------------------------------- Web:--------------------------------- 'Bank to Help Build 'Thinking' Machines' May28,08 'Militarizing Your Cyberspace' Jun6,08 ===================================== ------------------------------------- State: ------------------------------ Armed & Free People: 'Machiavelli Was Right' Jun6,08 'Global Military Spending Soars 45 Percent in 10 Years' Jun9,08 'America's Democratic Collapse' Chris Hedges, Jun3,08 : " keynote address on Wednesday, May 28, in Furman University's Younts " " I used to live in a country called America. " " Our state, our nation, has been hijacked by oligarchs, corporations and a narrow, selfish political elite, a small and privileged group which governs on behalf of moneyed interests. " " NAFTA...1994, had the curious effect of reversing every one of Clinton's rosy predictions. " " Clinton's welfare reform bill, which was signed on Aug. 22, 1996, obliterated the nation's social safety net. " " George Bush has also done more to dismantle our Constitution, ignore or revoke our statutes and reverse regulations that protected American citizens from corporate abuse than any other president in recent American history. " " There has been a Weimarization of the American working class. And the assault on the middle class is now under way...being outsourced " " We have watched over the past few decades the rise of a powerful web of interlocking corporate entities, a network of arrangements... " " The corporate state, begun under Ronald Reagan and pushed forward by every president since, " " as we saw in Italy and Germany... Antitrust laws...serve as bulwarks to protect democracy. And now that they are gone, " " I spent two years traveling the country to write a book on the Christian right called "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America." In depressed former manufacturing towns from Ohio to Kentucky it was the same. " ------------------------ 'Bringing Bush to Court' Elizabeth de la Vega and Tom Engelhardt: Nov28,06 "United States v. George W. Bush et al." Elizabeth de la Vega: Nov1,06 : " Product Description In United States v. George W. Bush et al., former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega brings her twenty years of experience and her passion for justice to the most important case of her career. The defendants are George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell. The crime is tricking the nation into war, or, in legal terms, conspiracy to defraud the United States. Ms. de la Vega has reviewed the evidence, researched the law, drafted an indictment, and in this lively, accessible book, presented it to a grand jury. If the indictment and grand jury are both hypothetical, the facts are tragically real: Over half of all Americans believe the president misled the country into a war that has left over 2,500 American soldiers and countless Iraqis dead. The cost is $350 billion-and counting. " ------------------------------------- 'Kucinich Calls For Bush Impeachment' Jun10,08 ------------------------------------- State:------------------------------- 'Obama Capitulates – to the Israel lobby' Jun6,08 'Will Obama Stand Up to the War Party? Don't bet the ranch on it' Jun4,08 'The Fed’s War on the Middle Class' Jun4,08 : " Multimillionaires like Hillary Clinton and Lou Dobbs butter their bread by defending middle-class Americans. " " All four problems stem from a common cause — the Federal Reserve. History tells us that we either root out this cause or face economic demise. " 'Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy' Murray N. Rothbard 1984 Cmmercial bankers, engaged as they are in unsound fractional reserve credit, are, in the free market, always teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Hence they are always reaching for government aid and bailout. Investment bankers do much of their business underwriting government bonds, in the United States and abroad. Therefore, they have a vested interest in promoting deficits and in forcing taxpayers to redeem government debt. Both sets of bankers, then, tend to be tied in with government policy, and try to influence and control government actions in domestic and foreign affairs. is a certain mentality that, no matter how convincing the evidence, would never even consider the argument put forward in Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy. " An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard" Justin Rainmondo ------------------------------------- 'Know the Enemy' May31,08 " Behind the State, and concealed by it, is the ultimate social force, the banking. The banks create money from nothing, and charge interest for it. Repayment is made possible by more lending. The State has been the biggest borrower, but as long as it pays interest, the principle need not be repaid: the state’s reward for legitimizing this abomination. There’s nothing new in this system, and we can learn from the past that it inevitably fails. " Now the chickens are coming home to roost. A system that cannot exist without continuous borrowing will fail when the cost of borrowing simply becomes too high. " ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ====================================== Ages: -------------------------------- 'Large methane release could cause abrupt climate change as happened 635 million years ago' May28,08 'Huge Flying Reptiles Ate Dinosaurs' May27,08 Age of Dinosaurs some 230 million to 65 million years ago " " pterosaurs " " fossils of a group of toothless pterosaurs called azhdarchids, which are much larger on average than other : " For example, one of the largest azhdarchids, Quetzalcoatlus, weighed about 550 pounds (250 kilograms) with a wingspan of more than 30 feet (10 meters) and a height comparable to a giraffe. " " Back before they went extinct 65 million years ago during the event that also killed off non-avian dinosaurs, these pterosaurs could lunch on animals ranging from small bird-like Velicoraptors to babies to amphibians. " ------------------------------------- 'Vatican unveils restored pagan tomb: 2nd-century burial grounds were covered up by Emperor Constantine' May27,08 : " VATICAN CITY - The Vatican unveiled the largest and most luxurious of the pagan tombs in the necropolis under St. Peter’s Basilica on Tuesday after nearly a year of restoration work. " "Emperor Constantine, a convert to Christianity, had the pagan burial grounds covered up in the 4th century so the basilica could be built over the site holding St. Peter’s tomb. The Valeri tomb, made up of several rooms, is several hundred feet from the burial place of the Apostle Peter, venerated by Catholics as the first pope. Peter was martyred in Rome in the area near the Vatican known as Nero’s Circus during the first century persecution of Christians by the Romans. " " The mausoleum is considered a particularly fine example of the stucco work popular from that era, as well as for the bas reliefs and statues that adorn the tombs. The tomb tells the history of the family, particularly in bas reliefs, of a girl and a boy from the Caius Valerius Herma family. The children died young, possibly from plague. Such stuccoed objects as a quill pen and a skein of yarn tell the tale of daily life in the Valeri family. Reliefs of major gods and other pagan figures attest to their strong religious belief. " ======================== ======================== =================================== Religion:-------------------------- 'Religions of the World' May30,08 'A Comparison between Cesidianism and major Christian denominations' May30,08 'Why Can’t All Cults Get a Fair Shake?'May28,08 'Religion is a product of evolution, software suggests' May27,08 : " James Dow, an evolutionary anthropologist...wrote the program – called Evogod " " "Sometime between 100,000 years ago to the point where writing was invented, maybe about 7000 BC, we begin to have records of people's supernatural beliefs," Dow says. " " The model looks at the reproductive success of the two sorts of people – those who pass on real information, and those who pass on unreal information. Under most scenarios, "believers in the unreal" went extinct. But when Dow included the assumption that non-believers would be attracted to religious people because of some clear, but arbitrary, signal, religion flourished. "Somehow the communicators of unreal information are attracting others to communicate real information to them," Dow says, speculating that perhaps the non-believers are touched by the faith of the religious. Ancient needs Richard Sosis, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, US, says the model adds a new dimension to the debate over how religion could have evolved, which has previously relied on verbal arguments and speculation. But "these are baby steps", he cautions. Sosis previously found that in some populations – kibbutzim in Israel, for instance – more religious people receive more assistance from others than the less faithful. But he notes that the forces that maintain religion in modern humans could be very different from those that promoted its emergence, thousands of years ago. Palaeolithic humans were probably far more reliant than modern humans on the community they were born into, Sosis says. " ----------------------------- "The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions" Apr1,08 " Product Description Militant atheism is on the rise. Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens have dominated bestseller lists with books denigrating religious belief as dangerous foolishness. And these authors are merely the leading edge of a far larger movement–one that now includes much of the scientific community. " ==================== ==================== ============================ Universe:------------------- 'Doughnut-shaped Universe: Astronomers say Universe is small and finite' May23,08 : " the probable size of the Universe: 56 billion light years across. " ============================= ----------------------------- Universe to Life:------------ 'Molecular brakes for nanotechnology machines' Jun4,08 (Nanowerk Spotlight) ..." So far, the development of a practical braking system for nanomotors remains a challenge. Researchers in Taiwan now have reported development of a light-driven molecular brake that could provide on-demand stopping power for futuristic nanotechnology machines. " ..." Dr. Jye-Shane Yang " ... " a National Taiwan University (NTU), collaborated with scientists at NTU and the Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica in Taipei. the May 3, 2008 online edition of Organic Letters, 10 (11), 2279–2282 ("A Pentiptycene-Derived Light-Driven Molecular Brake"). " 'Brown researchers work toward ending cartilage loss' Jun3,08 " the tubes, due to their unique surface properties, work well for stimulating cartilage-forming cells, known scientifically as chondrocytes. The nanotube’s surface is rough; viewed under a microscope, it looks like a bumpy landscape. Yet that uneven surface closely resembles the contours of natural tissue, so cartilage cells see it as a natural environment to colonize. " "Ufos Over Africa" Cynthia Hind: Jun,97 ============================= ----------------------------- Life:------------------------ 'Will We Recognize The Future?' Jun6,08 : " what happens when the rate of technological change becomes so fast that the fundamental nature of what it means to be human changes, too? In this segment, Ira talks with inventor, technologist and futurist Ray Kurzweil about the idea of 'the Singularity' -- what happens when technology advances so much that it's impossible to predict what happens next. Will artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and biotechnology be able to completely reshape what it means to be human? " "The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology" Ray Kurzweil Sep22,05 : " From Publishers Weekly ... Renowned inventor Kurzweil (The Age of Spiritual Machines) may be technology's most credibly hyperbolic optimist... here, his quarry is the future of consciousness and intelligence. Humankind, it runs, is at the threshold of an epoch ("the singularity," a reference to the theoretical limitlessness of exponential expansion) that will see the merging of our biology with the staggering achievements of "GNR" (genetics, nanotechnology and robotics) to create a species of unrecognizably high intelligence, durability, comprehension, memory and so on... argument is necessarily twofold: it's not enough to argue that there are virtually no constraints on our capacity; he must also convince readers that such developments are desirable. In essence, he conflates the wholesale transformation of the species with "immortality," for which read a repeal of human limit. In less capable hands, this phantasmagoria of speculative extrapolation, which incorporates a bewildering variety of charts, quotations, playful Socratic dialogues and sidebars, would be easier to dismiss. But Kurzweil is a true scientist—a large-minded one at that—and gives due space both to "the panoply of existential risks" as he sees them and the many presumed lines of attack others might bring to bear. What's arresting isn't the degree to which Kurzweil's heady and bracing vision fails to convince—given the scope of his projections, that's inevitable—but the degree to which it seems downright plausible. (Sept.) " 'Plastic Brain Outsmarts Experts' Jun5,08 : " Fluid intelligence, an aspect of a person's IQ, allows people to solve unfamiliar problems by understanding relationships between various concepts independent of previous knowledge or skills. Research shows that training short-term, or working memory, can improve fluid intelligence, which was once thought to be extremely difficult. " 'Genesis of a Virus: Scientists witness the birth of an HIV particle as it happens. ' May28,08 " By homing in on this outer membrane, and tagging one of the virus's major structural proteins, called Gag, with a fluorescent protein, the researchers were able to watch as the molecules aggregated to form a single virion. Visually, it showed up as little bright spots appearing and disappearing, "like little stars appearing in the sky," Simon says. "It was really beautiful." " 'Amyloids Have Have Potential as a Nanomaterials' May28,08 'That gut feeling: How friendly bugs protect us' May28,08 : " The "good bacteria" that inhabit our guts just got even better. As well as crowding out undesirable or dangerous organisms, they may also release molecules that reduce inflammation and protect against colitis.Bacteroides fragilis is a common bacterium found in the human gut that produces a molecule called PSA, " 'Gene therapy increases survival for end-stage head and neck cancer' May29,08 : " A gene therapy that restores tumor-suppressor gene : " developed by University of Texas, has become the first gene therapy to succeed in a U.S. phase III clinical trial. The therapy uses a modified adenovirus that expresses the tumor-suppressing gene p53 for end-stage head and neck The p53 gene is inactivated in many types of.. Its normal role is to halt the division of a defective and then force the to kill itself. " 'Scientists Announce Top 10 New Species In Last Year' May26,08 : " 16,969 new to were discovered and described in 2006. " ==================== ==================== =========================== Naked:--------------------- A Plea of Innocence and a Plea for Humanity' US Torture May29,08 Iraq War: 'A Whole School of Trout in the Milk' Jun6,08 'Revealed: Secret Plan to Keep Iraq Under US Control: Bush wants 50 military bases, control of Iraqi airspace and legal immunity for all American soldiers and contractors' Jun5,08 'Iraq Lawmakers Want US Forces Out As Part of Deal' Jun5,08 'US Issues Threat to Iraq’s $50bn Foreign Reserves in Military Deal' Jun6,08 'Treaty Tensions Mount as Iraq Tells the US It Wants All Troops Back in Barracks' Jun9,08 'US Seeking 58 Bases in Iraq, Shiite Lawmakers Say' Jun10,08 'War Immemorial Day – No Peace for Militarized U.S.' May26,08 'I Rise to Speak – On This Memorial Day – In Refusal of Murder' May28,08 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'John Bolton Escapes Citizen’s Arrest at Hay Festival' May28,08 'People Must Reclaim Power' Winter Soldier May28,08 'Stopping the War Machine: Military Recruiters Must Be Confronted' May28,08 '' : " Paralyzed from the chest down by Vietnam War wounds, and confined to a wheelchair for almost 40 years, Ron Kovic stands as a symbol of the brutality of war. He also exemplifies a man’s ability to transform such tragedy into a lifelong pursuit of peace—for himself and his country. " 'Half-Trillion Dollars for Nukes!' May29,08 : " The Lieberman-Warner scheme is cloaked in a climate change bill " " Safe energy advocates are outraged by their scheme. " " “Taxpayers should not be asked to continue bankrolling a nuclear power industry that has never been financially or environmentally viable,” says Sandra Schubert " " “It’s so deceitful,” says Kay Drey of Beyond Nuclear, who is also incensed that the media have virtually made no mention of “this would-be half-trillion dollar nuclear bail-out.” " " major support in the Senate –­ especially from John McCain " " Price-Anderson Act... limits liability to $10 billion for a catastrophic accident " " like trying to treat heroin addiction with crack. Lieberman and Warner would have us pay for hundreds of billions of dollars for atomic crack. " Naked 'Israel Has ‘150 or More’ Nuclear Weapons: Carter' May2708 : " said: “The US has more than 12,000 nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union (sic) has about the same; Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more. ” “We have a phalanx of enormous weaponry, not only of enormous weaponry, but of rockets to deliver those missiles on a pinpoint accuracy target,” Naked 'Inconvenient Facts About World War II' May27,08 Naked: 'Was World War Two just as pointless and self-defeating as Iraq, asks Peter Hitchens' Apr19,08 : "The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization" Nicholson Baker. : "Churchill, Hitler And The Unnecessary War" Patrick Buchanan May13,08. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World " Patrick J. Buchanan: May27,08 "" Product Description Were World Wars I and II—which can now be seen as a thirty-year paroxysm of slaughter and destruction—inevitable? Were they necessary wars? Were the bloodiest and most devastating conflicts ever suffered by mankind fated by forces beyond men’s control? Or were they products of calamitous failures of judgment? In this monumental and provocative history, Patrick Buchanan makes the case that, if not for the blunders of British statesmen—Winston Churchill first among them—the horrors of two world wars and the Holocaust might have been avoided and the British Empire might never have collapsed into ruins. Half a century of murderous oppression of scores of millions under the iron boot of Communist tyranny might never have happened, and Europe’s central role in world affairs might have been sustained for many generations. " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' The 'Good War' and the Terrible Peace ' Patrick J. Buchanan : "" In attacking my book Churchill, Hitler and 'The Unnecessary War': How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World, Victor Davis Hanson, the court historian of the neoconservatives, charges me with "rewriting ... facts" and showing "ingratitude" to American and British soldiers who fought World Wars I and II. " 'Man of the Century' Patrick J. Buchanan May29,08 'Rethinking Churchil' Ralph Raico May31,08 : " Churchill was from first to last a Man of the State, of the welfare state and of the warfare state. " " selling out the Empire and everything else for the sake of total victory over Germany. " " with his stark Darwinian outlook, his elevation of war to the central place in human history, " " Early in the war, Churchill, declared: "I have only one aim in life, the defeat of Hitler, and this makes things very simple for me." " " Roosevelt's nauseating flattery of Stalin is easily matched by Churchill's. Just like Roosevelt, Churchill heaped fulsome praise on the Communist murderer, and was anxious for Stalin's personal friendship. " " Churchill's benign view of Stalin and Russia contrasts sharply with his view of Germany. Behind Hitler, Churchill discerned the old specter of Prussianism, which had caused, allegedly, not only the two world wars, but the Franco Prussian War as well. What he was battling now was "Nazi tyranny and Prussian militarism," the "two main elements in German life which must be absolutely destroyed." " " With the attack on the French fleet, Churchill confirmed his position as the prime subverter through two world wars of the system of rules of warfare that had evolved in the West over centuries. " " Churchill claimed that only military and industrial installations were targeted. In fact, the aim was to kill as many civilians as possible thus, "area" bombing, or "carpet" bombing and in this way to break the morale of the Germans and terrorize them into surrendering. " " Solzhenitsyn wrote, of Winston Churchill: He turned over to the Soviet command the Cossack corps of 90,000 men. Along with them he also handed over many wagonloads of old people, women, and children. . . . " " The "purge" of alleged collaborators in France was a blood-bath that claimed more victims than the Reign of Terror in the Great Revolution and not just among those who in one way or other had aided the Germans: included were any right-wingers the Communist resistance groups wished to liquidate. The massacres carried out by Churchill's protégé, Tito, must be added to this list: tens of thousands of Croats, not simply the Ustasha, but any "class-enemies," in classical Communist style. There was also the murder of some 20,000 Slovene anti-Communist fighters by Tito and his killing squads. When Tito's Partisans rampaged in Trieste, which he was attempting to grab in 1945, additional thousands of Italian anti-Communists were massacred. " " Having destroyed Germany as the natural balance to Russia on the continent, he was now forced to try to embroil the United States in yet another war, this time a Cold War, that would last 45 years, and change America fundamentally, and perhaps irrevocably. " " Winston Churchill was a Man of Blood and a politico without principle, whose apotheosis serves to corrupt every standard of honesty and morality in politics and history. " =============================== =============================== 'Conservatives over Reflections on Attending the 2008 Libertarian Party Convention in Denver' May31,08 : " Dr. Ron Paul, a prominent member of the GOP is more libertarian than the two standard bearers of the LP. " 'The Revolution, Phase II' Johnny Kramer May29,08 : "Ron Paul: A Better Way" Johnny Kramer 08 'RON PAUL: THE LIBERTARIAN DARK HORSE STILL RIDES: An Exclusive Interview with Wajahat Ali' May27,08 ======================================== 'The Future – According to nVidia' computer tech. etc.' May25,08 'amsung unveils 'world's smallest' 256GB SSD drive' May26,08 : "id state drive that is less than 10mm thick and 2.4 times faster than traditional hard drives." --------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Roman "Globalisation" May26,08 'Flamboyant archeologist believes he has identified Cleopatra's tomb' May25,08 --------------------------------------------------------- 'Re-mapping Latin America's Future' May26,08 'Socialism and the Chinese Earthquake' May27,08 'Who Is Being Reckless, Obama or McCain?' May27,08 Hysteric Campaign? ttp:// 'Peter Thiel Makes Down Payment on Libertarian Ocean Colonies' May19,08 'Georgia rebels ready for war, hope for prosperity' Reuters May27,08 : " Fifteen years after Abkhazia won a war to throw off Georgian rule, tensions over the region are close to spilling over again into an armed conflict. " Institute for Local Self-Reliance: : 'The New Rules Project': ============================== 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' UDHR Dec10,08=60th 'Virtual Cantons: A New Path to Freedom?' Autumn 1993 issue of Formulations, published by the Libertarian Nation Foundation 'Declaration of Taiwan Status: 新細明體;台灣地位宣言' : 新細明體;揭開台灣真正國際地位與人民權益" 林志昇, 何瑞元 「保護臺灣大聯盟」政治研究組成員 ======================== 'Historical Development of the Legal Status of the Republic of China on Taiwan' 新細明體; 揭開台灣國際地位: 林志昇精選集' 取材自林志昇與何瑞元文集 '蕭惟仁綜合法理論述: 如何掌握台灣的未來?' (取材自何瑞元和林志昇文集 與自由時報的簡報資料) But, also 'Taiwan is an inseparable part of Japanese national territory'? ---------------------------------- 美台週刊 US TAIWAN CESSION WEEKLY No.50 May25,08 or :---- '台灣地位之謎(三)林志昇‧何瑞元, 台灣平民政府召集人 May5,08. 硫磺島生死決戰 2月19 日 晨 8:30 蝶衣 May24,08.


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