
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

2005.7.29=5[#210]:4703.6.24[++#51]:T#73 Chiu w NT$3,0000, unable to stop Dju continues on money, to weep loudly, walks out, Mrs.Lin cooks for NT$500.

Fair warm hot warm: Up 6:50, hair bath, mom leads us to start to eat out of tons of sweet breads & fruits given by Mrs. Michi yesterday. Mom gives up attending 3rd Girl's Hi meeting. Miao-ling tel mom then Dju. 11:15 Chiu arrives w wet back, later telling us that Ying tel her and talked a lot leading to both of them laughing (at our funny? serious problems?), bringing NT$3,0000 as requested. Lunch, mom & Dju start augueing again, involving Hiro later, getting serious, Chiu interrupts again and again to stop (perhaps she senses Dju is rather deeply hurt?). Ying tel 1:30?-2:15 over to mom, talking about seeking other peoples' help on mom's living (and himself). Dju insists on talking about money, incl upsair rent leading finally to mom's response. Finally they to their room, mom to bed, Chiu stands next and talks about money also, about ancestral property in hometown should be inherited by 2 sons, even to move ancestral temple to Liugku, when I'm precisely thinking about it myself. Chiu off after 4:15. The upstair man shows up again, and hands in rent 7.27-8.26, then tells me to go upstair to talk about continue to rent w girl. I explain the whole our situation, and they continue to beg for rent reduction, although the man has shown off money and talks about going to Ching-dao and then to Korea about alminium business, but she says he is all broken? They want to change locks so we can open the main iron entrance door. Back downstair, Dju's again belly uncomfortable, mom persists in demanding to buy staff to wash down bowelling, though Dju repeatedly object that it's not the problem, forcing me finally to ask mom out of their room as requested by Dju. Dju weeps loudly today, confessing sadness. Mrs. Lin of Lyung-tam, introduced by Ying finally show up at 5:55 (supposed to be 5:30 to 7:00, later Ying states for 2 hours actually) cooking, but later Dju after weeping and so on? goes out, followed by Hiro, then mom. Fortunately, mom back first by time to tell Mrs. Lin how to cook chicken liver, then off after 7pm. Dju lies in mom's bed, Hiro next standing? for long time, so mom has her dinner late. 11:00 Ying tel for a short time. Dju's room is lighted, when I bed 11:45.

2005.7.28=4[#209]:4703.6.23[++#50]:T#72 Tel Chen acct on trust (off), calculate stock acct, Mrs Michi comes Dju, upstir rent finally pays 1/2months.

Cloudy fair warm hot: Up 6:45, hair bath shaving, 8:05 mom up mentioning to wash clothes, so I wash. Tel Chen Acct Office and his daughter-in-law answers again, I mention Taiwan's trust could be useful as the American living trust, she says it costs money and to tel next day as they are out. Dju mentions stocks, so I check stock history half-way and see actually how much, mom return NT$5000. Mom suggests our regular Turkey Meet's next door Jia for lunch, then she isn't happy about the western style again, and goes be herself to dou hua tang then her hair. We talk for some time, incl way for tax problems w/o dividing up mom's property. To home and mom sits at stair waiting. Mrs. Michi arrives 4:20 w tons of sweet breads & fruits, and comforts Dju, when upstair person pays me rent for 6-7 month. After dinner, manage for trash and Hiro goes, I wash dishes, all bed 11:20.

2005.7.27=3[#208]:4703.6.22[++#49]:T#71 Hiro to Taichung early w Michi, Dju ache mildly saved by Chiu's med, Nanking E Rd & upstair, 2nd tel home.

Cloudy fair warm to hot to cloudy warm: 4:45am Hiro up already quietly, toilet then lie down again while Hiro off to Taichung w Michi, up 5:30, hair bath, 6:30 mom, :40 Dju also up! complains that belly ache mildly since 2am. Mom tel Chiu early, so she comes w her special Chinese medicine at 8am, which saves Dju miraculously and quickly, Chiu looks for pig feet all through refri, then mom discovers in the trash can rotten. Chiu says Nanking E Rd bldg needs NT$30,0000 each, but the next door does not want to repair, as the damage is not severe enough to cause water leaking as ours does. She also complains about the upstair lady threatening to sue her (whose husband? has complained bitterly about water leaking not fixed for long time, perhaps until Hsiang & Jung had come and found the 3-year contract lying around the small telephone table and shown it to Chiu). Then 3 ladies talk about friends' and relatives' cancer horror stories, then Chiu talks pationately about the importance of being healthy and not to have sleep time dinner. At that point I tel for the second time here home, all 3 home around 7:30pm last night then 11:30am here, for a short talk then Chiu then me, about 10 minutes? Walk to soup rice store for a simple but varied lunch together, {after I checked my bank acct. showing no rent deposit from the upstair) I back home by myself first w papers and soy milk. They home soon, after Chiu discovered mom's false teeth from tea place after trash search twice. Mom for "Chang" Korean hist drama again and sleep, 4:20 Chiu off, 5:40 I here, for 2 hours, now 7:10. Home: 3rd Girl Hi's Ms. Li tel that they have another similar meeting at the same time & place the coming Friday. Ying tel. Bed 11:50, then it sounds Hiro back.

2005.7.26=2[#207]:4703.6.21[++#48]:T#70 Mom gets pig feet for Dju early morning, Hiro to dentist alone, telephoning incl Michi to Taichung.

Fair warm hot then warm only: Up 7:20, mom already up, then off early to get pig feet for Dju, back rings bell repeatedly for heavy staff upstair, Hiro down helps, after I hair bath shave, Hiro states toothache and off to Yuchen dentist w/o appointment. 3 of us off for lunch, I to Dagoda first then to the nearby restraurant across from the old one, w many small dishes but bad. Hiro comes back for key w/o eating. Home to discover he eating lots of peanuts! Chiu tel Dju for a long talk, not coming but Dju feels better? Ying tel over to mom. Evening Hiro tel Michi who is going back to Taichung next day, so Hiro also early morning. Ying tel Hiro a while then mom. Bed 11:30.

2005.7.25=1[#206]:4703.6.20[++#47]:T#69 Mom still mentions buying house, 2 back to hospital w/o definete result, Dju still angry and argues.

Cloudy fair and only warm: Up 7am, hair bath, later Chiu tel, so I ask about Nanking E Rd, then over to mom: talks about On-ming rather than Feng-ngi about "tangha" needing money. Ying tel then over to mom who asks whether to buy house or not, and thinks it's really expensive to buy and maintain apt here, but perhaps to rent out a room. Mom still talks about no money, so Dju quarrels. 11:30 Dju & Hiro back to hospital for test results (getting no definite result, check back next Monday), Hiro back for forgotten materials. Ying tel mom 11:40-:55, then out to the old bantiao store for lunch, again w vegetable & kidney, NT$25+ 25+ 30+ 40 =120 for 2 of us. Further off to park side for fruits, back home 3:45, they are already home, soon Ying tel Dju who loudly complains against mom, continues by mom. Dju argues for Hiro and me to wash dishes in turn as suggested by Ying, loudly and proudly, first by Hiro. Early bed 10:55, but bright outside and so on.

2005.7.24=7[#205]:4703.6.19[++#46]:T#68 Dju belly ache night, to hospital half day for test.

4am Dju screams and vomitts, 5:30am again so up, 6:10 Dju & Hiro off to hospital, wash clothes, later help mom a few days' diary, 2pm 2 of us to hospital, Dju had X-ray and blood test, read newspaper there, then walk around to a small cafeteria for lunch, as her test result due afternoon. But, mom wants to go home: then out later for mom to shop, but first to Ji-shang bldg, ask Ms. Du about the last apt B3, floor 3, getting back NT$5000 deposit, shopping, 3pm home: Dju/Hiro just back and Dju is forcing Hiro tel and arguing. To bed first 11:50.

2005.7.23=6[#204]:4703.6.18[++#45]:T#67 Fandien suddenly comes for some talks, Dju&mom explode about money, again after lunch out & mom quiet down.

Cloudy fair warm hot, evening even bit cool!: Up 7:45, face, 8:20 Fan-dien suddenly comes, talks about his health, tangha till 10:30 off, all breakfast, then Dju and mom explode about money, Dju will not concede at all. Fortunately off w mom for the regular bantiao store, then wok for Dju's rice soup, lovely cat statue, then chicken & fish for dinner. Getting home, mom changes to a good mood and tells Dju about wok, w/o any response from Dju! 2 of them off then back, mom still asks calmly about Dju's lunch, Dju answers then BACK TO QUARREL by her. After reminding her that she is starting the fight after mom's reconciliatory approach, I finally explode w accusation of not responsible for themselves, then quickly come here when they are quiet (for how long after I leave?). From 4:40 for 2 hours Internet, now 6:13pm. Lots of emails, so 3 hrs. for the first time, still over 100 left. Home: Dju out from sleep? still quarelsome, Hiro out then back, 10:50-11:40 Ying tel Dju a while then mom out from dish-washing, mom still about Chiyuan good. Mom out from bath and Dju groans a while, I first 12:50.

2005.7.30=6[#211]:4703.6.25[++#52]:T#74 Ms. Hwang's hus long tel talk, to City Art Mus to Story House to Mus, Ying early, long tel on dad exh, clinic

Cloudy fair hot, then rain warm: Sleep again then up 7:25, hair bath, Dju & Hiro late 9:40. Mom tel Mrs. Li-Hwang on yesterday's absense, she off to Japan, her hus talks a lot. 11:40 all 4 taxi to City Art Mus. as desired by me, later 2 ladies sneak off to Taipei Story House when little rain starts in the hot air, cool restr there is full, so they sit outside hot, men to the House on famous British illustrators, until rain subdues and walks back to Mus. Walking all through it missing only Rm D & E? Down main floor for a show for children. 3:45 taxi back to the Market for fruits and bread, then dou-hua-tang. Home dinner, Hiro wash dishes. 10:15?-11:15? Ying tel, I tell the Mus., so he tells about his talk w the Mus. Dir. on having 100th birthday exhibition for dad, wanting me and mom to meet him after he tel him, I mention sketch book publishing, for long, then he wants faxing Dju's clinic hist, over to Hiro for a long one again, Dju off sofa in for sleep then bitterly complains about nightly interference for a quiet night after 11pm. I of course agree. Ying tel much earlier today as I requested, but too long talk. Bed past 11:30.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

2005.7.22=5[#203]:4703.6.17[++#44]:T#66 Tangha repair NT$280,0000, to Dist.Off. w mom for doc&ticket, then to Chiyuan apt, tv money night.

Cloudy fair warm & getting hot now: One sleep and up 5:10 ok, hair bath, Hiro tel eye doc & tenant, Dju tel Yueh-lin advising to have..., Jantong tel mom that tangha repair estimated at NT$280,0000 for 8 months, by taking off then putting back w steel beens for walls and roof, for 3 rooms, Fengni accounting. 10:30-:35 Ying tel. Dju watches tv for long hours today, perhaps angry about mom's talking about each pays for oneself (now 23=6 evening, I think)? Mom ok going to apply for family doc then postpone it after lunch by Dju's request. Early 11:30 lunch by mom, then Dju tv & mom getting into sleep sitting. Later to District Office quickly w mom for her, getting family doc, power of attorney appln form, & even free bus ticket. Taxi off at the mouth of Two-city St. at Mingchuan E Rd, listen to Ms. Guan's introduction on Chiyuan to be finish building 2 and half years later, very much liked by mom but need NT$2400,0000, w over $5000 monthly maintenance fee. Channel 4 lady comes suddenly for tv money $690 for 7.1 to 8.8, bed 11:40.

2005.7.21=4[#202]:4703.6.16[++#43]:T#65 Finally to Jubei appln, to Hsinju w her daughter, not Hsinbu, by way of Banchiao.

Cloudy, short thunder rain Jubei, cloudy mildd: 5:45 up immediately, but mom tells me not to go from a little pain, then changes her mind 6:30, Ren-jan is ok for that. Yimin alone comes and drives us 9am passing to stop at Nat. Hist. Museum not yet open for mom's lost fan, back to Banchiao for Renjan. Finish within one hour about NT$32,0000 application at 11:50, car back w Renjan's fully pregnant daughter's place, for her to direct car to a special restraurant by Hsinju Science Garden, for a fancy but mostly fruits lunch, then by mom's request to Hsinju Chenghuang Temple for a simple bowing, then to nearby Hsinfukuchin's famous moon cakes (1 box for the daughter, and 1 for Yiming), I sneak to Julin Bookstore for some drama song books. Back to the daughter's place for just a while, down to discover thunder rain, still back by the mountainous 2nd Highway to Banchiao, off Renjan first, then to home, without any time to Hsinbu "tangha" estimation and so on. Yimin off immediately. Hiro says Ying tel for a long talk about himself etc. Dinner, clean air-condition's screen again, then a full trash is taken by Hiro. Jung tel turning to mom about Hsiang's sis and Dju's health, 10:15-:45, then 11:10 Ying tel, bed 11:45.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

2005.7.20=3[#201]:4703.6.15[++#42]:T#64 "Tangha" repair estimation, Dju's 2 friends come, Ying tel Hsiang's sis could live w mom, $32wan materials.

Mildy cloudy: Up late 8:40, mom already eaten, hair bath shaving nails, mom off for hair then back, Dju's Hsinbu friend tel coming, Chiu tel Dju for a while, Jantong tel that our "tangha" will be estimated for repair 2pm tomorrow, 12:45 Hsinbu & Hsinju friends arrive & talk altogether, but I mostly continue to search all materials related to next day's application for government's compensation payment of NT$32,0000, and to to going back to hometown for tangha estimation and so on. 1:25-:50 Ying tel while they are still talking, about Hsiang's sister's possibility of coming to stay w mom, after one month notification of tenancy termination, concerning where to sleep and sharing w mom of next big room, and asking me to inform mom about this. 2:25-:40 Ying tel back to mom who agrees w the idea. Dju's 2 friends leave, late lunch. Bed 12:55.

2005.7.19=2[#200]:4703.6.14[++#41]:T#63 Dju/Hiro home w me!! blog w extra titles.

Cloudy mild then some rains: Up 6:20, quick face and food, NT$80 to McKay Hosp, the first public bus to Tamsui M.H., Hiro still getting stuff, then wait for closing acc. 11:30 bus back to Taipei M.H., then taxi to home. Chiu has finished cleaning(?) their room and cooks talking about her relatives' cancer surgeries, the girl later tv is confiscated by me, as for the second time she has flatten my sitting air back bag. Good lunch, Ying tel a short one as we are eating, 2:00 all sit around and talk about buying house history also, wait for them 3 out for mom's hair washing and rice and so on, then I also out to 2 banks for payment, then here from 3:50, now 5:05pm. Shall make a number of blog titles. 3 answers to [C]. Home: mom back w/o hair washing. Dju/Hiro bed 11:15, then me 11:25.

2005.7.16=6[#197]:4703.6.11[++#38]:T#60 Waiting for typhoon, blogs & emails.

A little cloudy warm turning milder, waiting for typhoon: Up 5:25, after breakfast mom arranges refri inside then sleeps, back to our favorite store for bantiao goose lunch, home for fruits then mom sleeps and I'm here from 5:20, now 6:40pm, answer [G] email about one's pasting away w greeting after long silence, w Taiwan's hospices & typhoon coming. Home, dinner, Ying tel: checking his lung, bed 11:40.

2005.7.18=1[#199]:4703.6.13[++#40]:T#62 Unable to reach upstair tenant, Ren-jan couple bring dinner in again, Dju home tomorrow, all on "typhoon"air.

Rain, wind, ...not real big typhoon in Taipei: Up 7:20, mom completely up then stores water for typhoon, I bind gas can then clothing stick tightly, then find contract & tel tenant's cell phone which only repeatedly for recording, up knocking her door w/o any response, get Taiwan newspaper at 4th store, later get gas. Just like mom, Ren-jan tel then comes w her husband in this weather, leaving us some food for dinner, and also promise to drive us to Ju-bei Wednesday. After that dinner, Dju finally tel w coming home good news, and also gettinng mom to hand in NT$2,0000 tomorrow morning. Bed 11:55.

2005.7.17=7[#198]:4703.6.12[++#39]:T#61 Chiu comes w NT$3,0000 & lunch, Liu/Maio-ling come to get us to Chopin recital defying "typhoon"!

Cloudy fair warm, some rain rushes, but a night of rain thunders: Up 7:30, mom already up, hair bath shave, then wash clothes & pant again, Chiu arrives at 9:40 w mom's request of NT$3,0000, saying that it's huge rain & wind in Shih-lin (should have full attention from me, concerning top floor here and about Nanking E Rd building, if anything could be done about it), 2 ladies off for some food shopping to cope w the typhoon then back rather soon, lunch and rain gets rather serious, by then clothes are already dry ok. Chiu left under some rain, but soon rain stops, and off stopping Dagoda, getting the last loaf of bread. Soon home in time for 2 of us to leave w 2 of them, Ms. Liu & Miao-ling already in & mom also already dressing in the supposed coming big typnoon (which turned around & around upon reaching Taiwan disappearing south of Hsin-ju to west, seems nothing in Taipei tomorrow}! Reaching Shui-Ni bldg for a good time of 2 persons' Chopin recital expecting to join in Warsaw's competition: first gentleman w nice techniques but waiting for second lady to get into rhythems and waves, the latter of which Liu/Miao misses. Home then some serious big rain {w/o a real typhoon approaching, it seems}. Bed mom first at 11:35. During the night, rain & wind thunders keeps me awake, regretting that I have not gone upstair to make sure it has been safely closed and locked all windows and doors, or even just have visited Nanking E Rd bldg.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

2005.7.15=5[#196]:4703.6.10[++#37]:T#59 Chiu waits estimate, NatHistMus dir tel, Hiro home

Cloudy fair warm hot, half moon: Up 6:10, mom toilet already, so free to hair bath, wash clothes, tel the former Nat Hist Mus dir leaving message for mom, tel Chiu who finds no property doc for the new land no., who waits at her home for Nanking E Rd's neighbour's repair estimate, over to mom who wants NT$3,0000. Hiro arrives at 10:05 from Tamsui for the first time, and changes 4 airplane tickets from 7.16=6 to 8.8=1:7.4[#1 or Jia-tze], a good day for travelling AND moving! Leaving 10:50pm & arriving 7:30pm the same day. And, extra US$1000 per person to upgrade returning ticket, too much. Then Hiro tel tenant in the US. Later Hiro asks mom for some money and is told to get his own money from his bank. Mom is very angry about it and complains that he has lots of money. To 2 banks to deposit $19 from Dagoda, and discover that I have terminated automatic bank payment for 3rd floor tenant's electricity, which I still should continue to pay for her, meanwhile mom receives finally from Mr. Hwang, the director, asking for me, and says he will visit mom in the US. Tel Dagoda and tel co about bill etc. Mom goes out for a little shopping by herself for the first time, while Hsin-yi Chang tel again. Later, Ms. Liu tel. Ying tel mom who complains about Hiro. Bed 11:45 after mom.

2005.7.14=4[#195]:4703.6.9[++#36]:T#58 Jung tel also, tel Chiu w new land no., mom's alumni w new dir getting dad's art book.

Cloudy fair mildly warm: Up 6:20, shave, Ying tel 9:20-55, Jung tel mom: my house termite? gift for Ting, and so on, tel Chiu about seemingly related different land no. for NT$32,0000. The very kind mom's 3rd Hi alumni comes w new al. directory as promised waiting downstair, mom down w. old dir & Nat. Hirtory Museum's dad's art book. To Erh-sou again for dinner w pig lung somewhat not at ease, bed 11:55.

2005.7.13=3[#194]:4703.6.8[++#35]:T#57 Up & bed earlier as life in waiting mode, Ren-jan's sch. summer vacation, Dju on phone for the first time.

Cloudy fair warm hot to warm: Up 5:45, mom sleeps after breakfast, later discover Ren-jan's kindergarten school will be off from next week, so convenient to drive to Ju-bei. To Erh-sou (second aunt) almost as cheap as our favourate ban-tiao store, w many varied small dishes, and nearby. Hiro tel and turning over to Dju for the first time, Ying tel for a while. Bed 12:10 first.

2005.7.12=2[#193]:4703.6.7[++#34]:T#56 Almost for Ji-shang 5 fl. 3B, Kokuzui ready or not? blog. 0) Russia-China > USA.

Occasionally fair warm: 4:30 toilet, lying, 5:50 mom up, up, face only, Chiu is coming so mom makes me wash clothes ready for her to hang up, Chiu & girl come, Chiu tel Ms. Du of Ji-shang nearby not ready apt, then 10:55 2 ladies off for price war over 5th floor B3 apt, mom ready to pay NT$30,0000 reservation, then $1??,0000 contract. Then tel Ying, Jung, ..., 4 of us to that 2 shabu shabus, home, finally Chiu tel Du postponing from today's 2pm reservation appointment and so on, and also tells us that her father-in-law, Jan-tong told her last Saturday(actually before he tel mom) that Tzun-fui or Tzun-ket tel Kokuzui repeatedly then caught him about "tang-ha" about reparing, answered about another NT$30,0000 for tax, then was silent when asked for tax details? 3:50 Chiu & girl leave. For 2 hours Internet, from 4:30+, now 5:35. Then quick emails, answer [C] Ron2, Yu, Renne. Home: mom big cooking then big dish-pan washing after dinner, I throw 8 bags of plastic bottles and a small bag of trash & paper matters, hair bath after mom, to bed first at 11:10! 0) "Russia to help China oust the USA from Eurasia", Pravda, 07/02/2005 21:11 Russia de facto loses the status of the world's center of force, which jeopardizes the global stability ""The rapidly developing economy of China pushes the country to search for sources of raw materials and sales markets abroad. ... ...""

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

2005.7.11=1[#192]:4703.6.6[++#33]:T#55 Chih-shan-yen apt finally gone, Koku-zui ready for "tang-ha" repairing?

Cloudy fair hot then warm: Up 7:45, mom up already, hair bath shaving, wash bed sheet, Liu tel mom then me for Tamsui hospital nos., then Ying tel for nos. of house hunting, Hsin-yi Chang tels repeatedly about Chih-shan-yen apt for NT$1760, for tomorrow appointment negotiating price, then sold already! (That's afternoon happening) then another house nearby, giving up to see it by myself tomorrow morning. Jan-tong tel mom evening about Koku-zui seems to be ready to take responsibility in repairing "tang-ha", bed 11:30.

2005.7.10=7[#191]:4703.6.5[++#32]:T#54 Chiu/Dien come to drugstore downtown together then Lin-yuan St. mart.

One sleep 4:55 up, hair bath, mom sits outside, newspaper, mom back to sleep, out for breakfast, 9:35 Chiu followed by Dien arrive (already back from hometown). All 4 of us to Shanghai Drug store downtown for a big shopping, then to Umemura Japanese lunch, not too good, nearby. To Yuan-ling St. stores, sleeping cloth & a cheap mirror for me, fruits, back to Fu-ri for bread and milk, walk to home, Dien goes. Chiu quick cooking, 5pm off. After early dinner, mom washes pan extra hard because of Chiu's way of cooking. Ying tel before 11pm, bed 11:50.

2005.7.9=6[#190]:4703.6.4[++#31]:T#53 Home waiting.

Cloudy fair warm hot, thunder rain warm: one sleep up 6am toilet then lying a while, hair bath, mom up already, eat inside & NHK, "Yoshitsune", noon tel Tamsui. 1pm to Shih-min-da-dao 1 shabu shabu for NT$300. Home, thunder rain, 3:15-:35 Ying tel, clean both air-cond's cover & screen, soup rice dinner w left-over fish, 10:50 Ying tel then to mom, bed 11:25.

2005.7.8=5[#189]:4703.6.3[++#39]:T#52 Dju ok, "3rd Girl's Hi" union & lunch, blog only, Ying "bao fan" & fair on money.

Cloudy fair hot, rain: Up 5:40, Hsueh tel unable to reach Jung or her daughter near London, as "terror" has struck. Tel Tamsui Mckay Hospital, Hiro tel back right away, it's ok w Dju, but the true nature still unknown. To "3rd Girl's Hi" union w mom, I check years, names, numbers, artists also. Then to a restrurant across from Hai-ba, our 1 of 3 or 4 tables left in a big rain for a while, then walk w mom home, then here, 2 hours blog, 3:23, now 5:38. Home, late dinner of left-overs, Ying tel about "bao fan" & being fair about mom's money, bed 12:35.

Friday, July 08, 2005

2005.7.7=4[#188]:4703.6.2[++#29]:T#51 Hsing-tien-gung prayer for Dju's surgery, mom hair done, Chiu's gift of our early dinner & bed.

Cloudy fair warm, rain, cloudy a bit milder: Up 6:20, mosq again, mom already up. To Hsing-tien-gung, prayer for Dju, then sit more than one hour, not too hot there. Walk to breakfast soy milk, then to nearby District Office, no ticket for mom w/o id. Home, Chiu & girl in soon after, Chiu again mention I need NT$1,0000 for my bank acc. for various fees, so I get it. Occupy tv for a while from the girl. Tzung & bao, etc. for lunch in tv room, 3 ladies out for mom's hair (tomorrow 3rd Hi union) Ying tel, Hsin-yi Chang tel the "best" apt down to NT$2000,0000 from 2050,0000. Tong tel mom, tonight. Watch "For Whom the Bell Tolls" in detail for the first time? till 5:30, 3 back by then, Chiu quickly cooks 3 fished and ssu-gua soup then goes w girl, 5:45 dinner!! Liu tel from Miao-li, but mouthful of dental stuff, so mom. Tong tel mom, memtining a-Ho couple, etc. Ying tel 10:35-:45, early bed 10:58? finishing "Spring Day (7)"

2005.7.6=3[#187]:4703.6.1[++#28]:T#50 Mom feels bad, yet Chiu/girl come to have her buy jewlry, Hiro home then hospital, ready for Dju's surgery.

Cloudy fair hot, few moonlight: Lost sleep, up 6:45, Hiro already up, I face only, Hiro off. Mom had bad dream after dreaming dad not well the night before, feels bad and wants to go back soon, 9:15 Ying tel me soon to mom, 10:05 Chiu & girl arrive, soon all 4 of us out looking for mom's drugs, then ban-tiao store I having mi-fuun for change. To Heng-yi jewrly store, paper & sleep, while Chiu gets mom to buy one for NT$10,0000 w appreciation to Chiu!!? Chiu w girl holding it while mom & me go home for money back. Home, finish checking old newspapers and so on to be got rid of, in case mom's NT$1,2000 or my first card or Parker pen there. No luck. Chiu & girl off to hospital. Later tel Chiu home, Dien answer, then Chiu immediately tel Hiro coming home for stuff ready for tomorrow's Dju surgery. Hiro home bath shaving? then snack, back to hospital. Hair & bath, to bed 12:00.

2005.7.5=2[#186]:4703.5.29[++#27]:T#49 Postpone Thursday's drive, receive Ying's delegation doc, Chiu cleans out refri, rent unreceived, Ying unOK.

Cloudy fair warm hot: Up 6:20 from one sleep, Hiro up for toilet already, hair/bath/shaving, tel Ren-jan to postpone Thursday drive on Dju's unsolved health problem, mom tel Chiu to come, Hiro signs for me and picks up Ying's delegation doc. downstair, to mom to apply for NT$32,0000. 10am Chiu & little girl arrive, Hiro to hospital. The girl watches children's tv program, while Chiu washes clothes, fixes lunch, then cleans out refri. quickly, then leave. Mom sleeps, to 2 banks quickly and discover 3rd fl. rent past due, home mom already up, tel the tenant who answers to reply in 2-3 days w music sound background (Is she a pub girl? Comes home early morning?) Write a letter to Taiwan Electric Co. requesting to change dad's name to hers, for the 3rd floor apt, double register at p.o. Home, mom awake, have the last and finally sticky bowelling a bit, after today's several watery boweling. Hiro in 7pm, immediately responding to mom's request to buy cooked potato leaves, dinner. Make an order out of more than few mom's drug slips & bottles, finding only Folic Acid & calcium chocolate wanting, mom then feels much better, after day-long weariness. 11pm Ying tel Hiro for a while on Dju, turning to me, he responds w his hands & feet all sour, to my challenge to him to come back and shows mom he were quite ok. Bed 11:55.

2005.7.4=1[#185]:4703.5.28[++#26]:T#48 Get 2 cos. stock records, notified of Ying's mail at last, mom wants to hospital for Dju's big chang bad news.

Cloudy fair warm to hot, then thunder rain drops: Up 7:15, mosquitoes last night again, get 1 m. in the net blood, mom already in the kitchen then eats first then sleeps, newspaper & sit-sleeping. 12:30pm out w mom, first to p.o. pick up Tai-ni stocks record, to jewlry stores reading paper, myself going across Sun Yat-sen N Rd to Da-tung Co picking up stocks record, then vegetables/fruits, ask Da-go-ta, home, then back to p.o. right away to discover it's only notice of Ying's mail delivery problem, rain drops home having beans/fruits. Mom suddenly wants, so 6pm we taxi to the Mckay Hospital: Dju w the last bowelling part w some knots? Yet she talks about the choice between 8/11th fl. apt which are no longer available! 8:10 3 of us go home together this time, dinner together, then Hiro volunteers to throw away trash from my hand, I to bed first 12:10.

2005.7.3=7[#184]:4703.5.27[++#25]:T#47 Clear for Nanking E Rd ins etc. Ren-jan tel then come w dinner, blog/emails, dinner: to go to Ju-bei on Thurs.

Cloudy fair warm hot, then cloudy warm: 4:40 toilet, lying down, up 5:40, hair-bath-nails. Later, mom and Hiro now talk friendly. Manage materials ready for tomorrow Monday's possible Nanking E Rd work etc., clear desk top and insidex. Afternoon Hiro washes several shirts then goes, I wah my long trouser finally, wearing short one bought at Shih-lin store. Mom sleeps, Ren-chan tel coming again w dinner, I sneaks out 4:30, now 5:54 for emails, till 6:40: quick delete so left 20 or so, answer Ron w our desire to buy house here in Chih-shan-yen. Going back home and meet Yi-min going from parking his car to his wife, Ren-jan, home: we start having right away the dinner they brghout here from their home, w materials from their vegetable garden in San-hsia hill, soon joined by Hiro: stating this time she wants 8th floor apt (giving up the "pretense" of undeciding which one of two, 8 or 11th fl.} We have decided that we will go to their garden and also Ju-bei to apply for NT$32,0000 notified by Hsin-ju Co. for land used for roads or ditches, on the coming Thursday. Yi-min/Ren then go home in Ban-chiao. Liu Yu-lan tel asking about Dju just a while, mom bath, Ying tel. I first bed 11:10.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

2005.7.2=6[#183]:4703.5.26[++#24]:T#46 Mom suspects, Dien sick appears first time, followed by Chiu responding?

Cloudy fair warm hot turning to cloudy milder then rain: Up 8am, mom already sits inside, hair-bath-shaving, Ying tel mom: suspects her money and socks stolen, THEN Fan-dien then Chiu appears talking about (This kind of coincidental happenings have been too often!) then later searches and finds socks, but only NT$1,0000, not 1,2000 or 1,6000, which mom claims just put there. Dien has been suffering from some kinds of sickness lately, that's why not visiting us. Chiu washes clothes quickly, Dien leaves first, Chiu teaches how to wash, then searches fervently and thoroughly with some results. Hiro back. Also, they say tiles of Nanking E Rd building have been fallen down even from 3rd and 4th floor, I ask Dien about liabitlity insurance for Monday action. Chiu tel its neighbor informing him for possible common remedy. Chiu eager to go to weekend country visit to their old father, but follow mom to ban-tiao lunch, then leaves us there. Home, Hiro still there then off to hospital. Miao-ling tel asking about Dju. Mom cooks pork just bought, but Hiro is very late coming back, then have a very, very late water melon after reading newspapers and I'm ready to go to bed, at midnight.

2005.7.1=5[#182]:4703.5.25[++#23]:T#45 Mom failed to have prayer for children's health, Dju slight stom/bowel "kuei-yang", Ren tel us still here.

Cloudy fair warmer: Mosquitoes inside net for a while, up 6:40, hair bath, inside breakfast & tv. Mom out for temple prayer for children's health troubles, but it will open in the afternoon. Meanwhile, Ying tel given realtors' info, and gives advise to take another look at our almost first choice at the upper class neighborhood with my impatient answer that it has been vetoed by mom on bad luck. Hiro out, mom in, me to the nearby "Victory up living" dept store to have new light balb for mosquito machine, but end up buying several wanting and extra stuff, leaving the machine for an insider to fix it with the balb. Home, mom sleeps, Hiro back that Dju's stomack & the top bowel part with slight "kuei-yang", but it has not been the source of blood boweling. Hiro tel tenant back in US. Ms. Liu Yu-lang tel Hiro about dad's paintings so turns to me about her friend engaging in painting trade, who has contract on Yang San-lang's, given info about dad's sketches selected by himself, right here but better to be kept until after they are published as dad wanted. She says the friend is going to consult with his son. Get last year's newspapers all to be discarded, wait for mom to get to the post office for her registered mail very near 6pm (close 5:30) too late, go to breakfast restraurant again also asking about cell phone in vain. Then to fruits etc., to ban-tiao dinner, to glass store, to mosquito store asking the insider to replace light bulb, discovering the fuse is not quite good, lighting up slowly. Finally home with the big mosquito machine back in place for enough night light also. Ren-chang tel and discovers we are still here, to call back again. Realtor Chang tel as Ying has tel him, then Ying tel. Now mom put up mosquito net first then bath to avoid perspirating after bath. Hiro late water melon. Bed first at 11:50, then mom, then Hiro.