[#60>US#206]:2.2=#26 P#60: Taiwan (228+1) Taiwan228 massacre. & China. CIA. Buffalo hunting. Jun NYC, Eye exam, Anc. house, Supmkt,.1031 Exchange
P#26: Taiwan (228+1) Taiwan 228 massacre: http://tinyurl.com/heom3 Taiwan & China: http://tinyurl.com/m6r8h CIA interrogation 50 yrs: http://tinyurl.com/fb7a5 Buffalo skulls mountain: http://tinyurl.com/pbhwr Fair cold then mild, night rain: Up 4:30, 7:00. Mei back 8:30 then rearrange kitchen then off. Rush to eye exam: mild cataract & glaucoma suspect, left higher but a bit lower pressure, repond not to start eyedrops. To old home to go right away, but decide to have lunch first so aBi leaves first to her class, Jin tel Anc shelf doors almost ready, so soon there w mom, pay $700, then to Yung-ho for long, back to old home: Dju tel on aBi's hospital:PAMD then my 1031 Exchange dinner, so there for possibility of mom's idea of selling houses? Jun left for New York today. Now 12:40 soon to quit. Bed 1:35am.
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