
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Saturday, December 16, 2006

12.16=6 IC#22; T44 K29: 5WC/ MPR:19. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立. Off "ROC": Chiang/Kissinger(911?) Pino//Saddan // ROC Treasons; Iraq lies.

Kissinger on 911? Iraq lies UK document exposed: #0. '陳總統已經叛國不倒扁待何時', by Henry Shaw: "" [Tsai 06.12.16=6 #1] I agree. But, when ROC President commits treason because of and according to, actual legal status of ROC and of Taiwan, against ROC, isn't ROC Central Legal Branch required legally and constitutionally to impeach him, and also to investigate and pass judgement on 228 massacre and ROC Central Eecutive Branch's and KMT's decades of white terrorism, as crimes against humanity? If they don't fulfill their basic duties, in violation of ROC Laws and Constitution, yes, they should be overthrown by the people ruled by ROC. The Red-cloth groups against corruption, could do that, I suppose. =================== ----- Original Message ---- '陳總統已經叛國不倒扁待何時', by Henry Shaw: 中華民國總統陳水扁,在風聲鶴唳的倒扁聲中 11月3日向國際媒體的[財務時報 Financial Times]作下列聲明: 台灣國際地位未定。 台灣主權不屬中國。 台灣不是中華民國領土。(台灣人依法是無國籍-辰光加註) 中華民國流亡政府說開羅宣言與波次坦宣言以及中日和約是他擁有台灣主權的根據。既然如此,陳水扁身為中華民國政府的總統,一國之尊竟敢發表這等言論,嚴重損害國家尊嚴,顯然已經構成叛國罪,中國黨勢力向來極力捍衛中華民國法統,而且六年來對陳水扁當總統非常的不爽,罷免兩次無法 104;功,倒扁活動一直不斷,正當陳水扁犯下如此重大的罪行,正是倒扁的最好理由,為何黨國勢力還不採取行動?真令人納悶! 難道過去國民黨說的全是假的,全是騙人的,六十年來國民黨以這樣的講法教育全國國民,國民黨黨主席馬英九照理應該領導黨內幹部針對這個事情向台灣人民叩頭謝罪,祈求台灣人民的原諒。 否則無論是國民黨、親民黨、新黨等所有中國黨應該團結起來,共同向法院以叛國罪控告陳水扁,這是唯一可以治他的罪的大好機會,因為叛國罪不在國家元首刑事豁免權的範圍內。 六年來千方百計要治陳總統的罪,想趕他下台,偏偏貪腐舞弊等罪總統都有豁免權,唯獨叛國例外,是倒扁的絕佳理由,中國黨卻要錯放這個大好時機,不知是這些人頭殼壞掉,還是這些人根本就是騙子,欺騙臺灣人民六十年,西洋鏡被陳水扁拆穿,所以針對陳水扁提出的歷史真相無言以對? …………………………………………………………………………………… 市坊上早有不少人大嗆聲,籃營噤若寒蟬,是默認阿扁唱出真相,群盜準備伏法? 善哉! 陳辰光 嚴正轉送, 並懇請大家猛力轉送到土匪群盜的藍大本營及僂僂偽立委群.陳辰光負文責,請放心轉送為荷! 2006/12/16 ""


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