12.26=2: IC#32; T54 K39: 5/M:29. 李登輝:台灣要台灣獨立; :陳水扁: 台灣國際地位未定 Chiang/Pinochet // MiT; Status. #ChKMT Crimes.
#360=US#506=06.12.26=2; 11.7 #26 of 6th's Rally#109 Crisis#54:----- Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #39: http://tinyurl.com/sbsmf FIC#32 http://fic.ic.org/ ---------------------------------------------------- "Made in Taiwan" Pride: http://tinyurl.com/yzdt52 "Innovation, design freshen 'Made in Taiwan' tech label" Taiwan Status: http://tinyurl.com/yagcm7 Lin et al v. USA: Complaint for Declaratory Relief #: Chiang KMT Crimes: """ Hi: I would like to sahre my response to Mr Tsai's email (see below) with you. 德國人早已徹底承認並且遣責希特勒對人類造成了巨大的苦難, 日本人也已深切的反省了二次大戰軍閥的錯誤, 全世界似乎只有臺灣還存在著崇拜獨裁者的行為及廟宇. 一座白色的中正廟佔去臺北市的正中央, 裏面供奉著一個死去多年的屠夫. 陳水扁執政之後並沒有在這方面做出任何改善. 反而是在從優遷葬, 從優憮卹方面做的有聲有色. 另外228大屠殺事件的解密, 各種臺灣人被白色恐怖殺害的調查, 軍購弊案的調查, 本土教育的落實, 臺灣正名等等, 陳水扁有沒有在推動其中任何的一項, 你們說? 他似乎對打響中華民國的國號, 對扁宋會, 對連戰到中國出賣臺灣樂觀其成, 或對"臺獨是自欺欺人"等等方面的遊戲感到比較大的興趣. 這已經不是用陳水扁無法統御情報局外交部, 或是立法院反扁幾個字就可以交代的. 在San Francisco Bay Area 我們看到的是陳水扁縱容統派, 以及假本土的僑務委員在鄉會裏作威作福, 用苦難的農民所繳的稅金去補助中國人運動會(CAAT)並且辨的有聲有色. 現在連北加州臺鄉聯合會也在大力的支持這個運動會, 大刺刺的在開幕大會中去追隨車輪旗繞場一週, 去全體立正聆聽中國人的訓話, 你說奇怪不? 前些日子裏我對此事做了些批判, 有幾個"綠色"的僑務委員公開寫信辱罵我, 連當時的北加州聯合會會長也臉紅脖子粗的指著我的鼻子大吼大叫. 陳水扁很成功的運用了灣人"鞏固領導中心, 服從領袖", "體察上意, 看臉色行事" 之Stockholm Syndrome (奴才習性)來鞏固他的選票, 並且延續中華民國這個工具. 中華民國又怎樣? 臺灣人, 你不選我選誰? 臺灣完全沒有轉型正義, 道理就在我們縱容這些"體察上意, 看臉色行事"的公務員以及中華民國的買辨太久了. 現在似乎太遲了, 2008 年大選只剩下一年. 專家分析, 中國一定會適時採取行動了結臺灣. 你說臺灣人要不要支持吳再成的文章, 現在立刻反省? 我們這些臺美人, 要負起更大的責任率先自我反省防止根部腐爛, 還是要指責反省者破壞臺灣人的團結? Taiwanese, having been forced to serve as slaves for hundreds of years, do not know how to act as a master. A. K. -----Original Message----- From: bbcweb [mailto:bbcwebb@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 9:45 PM To: A. K. Subject: Re: [BATA] 鄜跴邮錱唂?焵劐𤪖𧜏! [Tsai 06.12.22=5 #2] Allen, I have just responded to Eufen also just a short time ago. About "鞏固領導中心, 服從領袖", could it be possible at all that it has been the major reason why ROC President Chen has kept the Chiang KMT ROC mythology and ceremonies? I have thought it was perhaps necessary for the former President Lee's main reasons, as he was rather isolated in the KMT power structure with its military and intelligence agencies. After so many years, could it be still so? My last response was: [BATA] RE: [fapa-ncal] 臺灣人永遠不需要自我反省 as President Chen worship Murderous Mafia Head #100000 "" [Tsai.. 06.12.22=5 #1] Hi all friends, I have always wonndered and saddened by our Taiwan reality. I think, after the fall of most communist and extreme right-wing governments, persons involved in those wicked political gangs or parties, have managed not only change their ways or even their party names, as well as the new persons and leaders, at least got rid of all the old enslaving and demeaning symbols and especially temples and even "gods" immediately almost, as the first step. I just cannot understand and swallow that OUR ROC President Chen (Lee I can see why) worship the chieftain of against-humanity crimiminal gangs every year, and let the gigantic evil temple continues to occupy and shaming all of us, right at the center of our Capital. Where is any sense of justice and self-respect? "" ============ ========= ========= = """
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