Taiwan: http://www.hi-on.org.tw/
Beauty: http://tinyurl.com/dvp4x
Taiwan the Struggling!: http://tinyurl.com/a9wh5 >#1
"America the Virtuous": http://tinyurl.com/8rvfo
more: http://tinyurl.com/7ofsv > #4
American Neocon: http://tinyurl.com/exmra
Who,Your Daddy?: http://tinyurl.com/8lban
US,Your Country: http://tinyurl.com/7f4fx
Wall of Shame-1: http://tinyurl.com/ajfvu
US Poisons Iraq: http://tinyurl.com/86gbx
more: http://tinyurl.com/dtbtn
Fallujah Nov.04: http://tinyurl.com/aql79
Iraq War crimes: http://tinyurl.com/9cmjb
US VP > Torture: http://tinyurl.com/b464g
Cages For Beasts: http://tinyurl.com/dsp52 >#5
World Food DayNY: http://tinyurl.com/a92wk
Cloudy cold cool few sun: Up 6:15.
Answer Chen on "Basic Democracy Principle #1001:Taiwan to EAU" > #1.
Answer [C]R on ""Heroic" future of Multi-lingual Taiwan" > #3.
Answer Chen at late night, on "Taiwan is in real danger. Let's help ourselves now!", I finally express my worry about the political and military situation in Taiwan > #2. Now 12:57am, Jun has finally gone inside. Finish up now. Bed 1:45.
#1. "Basic Democracy Principle #1001:Taiwan to EAU": http://tinyurl.com/a9wh5
"" [Tsai 05.11.8=2 #1] I have just typed a detailed answer to you, but has benn wiped out by clicking "View". In a shorter form, 3 points:
1) Our Taiwan ROC is not Chiang's ROC or Chinese ROC in exile. She is our own creation, under our control. We could stop using ROC, and use Taiwan, without any public declaration.
2) Any left-over problems from ROC was wiped out by the Chinese Communist Party in China. But, our problems in Taiwan, even grown more serious by the Pan-Blue parties, could be faced first perhaps by the South African way of public acknowledgement, apology, and seeking of pardons, then by legal termination of judgement by laws domistically, and also internationally about the "crimes against humanity" and the position of Taiwan.
3) To face Chinese threats and manipulation, we should all join together in understanding our danger and possible bright future, by the Swiss way of maintaining freedom and peace for centuries, until finally a membership in the EU and in the UN. We could enthusiastically promote an East Asian Union, first by joining with Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, and Japan in economic, political and cultural cooperation. Like the EU, if not possible to terminate death penalty at once, at least democracy should be aimed at for all members, including China. ""
#2. Save Taiwan Now! ""Taiwan is in real danger. Let's help ourselves now!""
"" [Tsai 05.11.8=2 #3] Indeed, it's just incredible how shamelessly weak our President is. But, it is also true that the Taiwanese voted our Parliament so blue that it's very difficult and often impossible to act according what he actually want to do!
Now that many Taiwanese are impressed with the image of official corruption, and also the "clean" image of the KMT head, we are facing unexpected fatal danger. This is really a critical time for all of us, including the Blue peoples, who just refuse or are unwilling to face the reality that they are being played by our enemy's manipulation, and brain-washing which the Bluers had used for decades to fool the Taiwanese, but also had done to themselves to be fooled by themselves, into the enemy's trap. And letting this development continue unhindered for so long, is definitely our government's responsibility: it's fundamental responsibility is to protect our security.
Our Parliament is responsible for restricting at this time, our defense in the face of so many years' Chinese real military threats, is the most ourageous and treasonous act. How could this be left to continue? Yes, our President has repeatedly warned against this danger, real danger never happened before in our military balance against China. WE HAVE TO CHANGE our Parliment in our next election. At this very dangerous juncture, China has done its utmost to fool the whole world with the image of suddenly friendly and peaceful fault appearances. Well, it's up to ourselves not to be fooled, especially the Blue peoples with the extremely painful long years experience in China of being fooled and wiped out of China!
Cheng-Kuang Chen wrote:
To: 陳總統水扁先生
Work1@mail.oop.gov.tw, abian@dpp.org.tw
陳水扁執政五年,他的軟弱,無能,没胆量,而不敢法辦那些 叛国,無恥的國親中國党,而使台湾社会動乱不停,無法安定。譲支持者受尽了無奈,悲憤的怨気。
台灣人民誤會了,原來他的[一辺一国]的內涵是意味[一辺中華民国,一辺中華人民共和国] 意味[一国両制]的「統一論」。台灣人更不能接受[中華民国==台灣]的[賣台謬論」。
陳水扁比任何人更清楚[中華民国被中華人民共和国取代,早就亡國,在国際社会已不存在的歷史名稱,連蒋介石在1950年,自己也承認中華民国是滅亡了,為什麼阿扁還抱着中華民国的屍体不放?使用走不出去的ROC 名義来自欺欺人、誤導台湾人民,並貽害台灣的建國理想。
難道陳水扁己屈服了中国,要断送台湾前途?不然,做一個元首何必效忠已亡国的外來政權憲法? 並領導全民效忠幽靈憲法而不敢改国号?
没有中華民国的陰影,亡霊,台湾社会的乱象就会消失,就会安定,建国之路就会順利! 唯有使用[台湾国]名義才有可能走進国際社会! 1971年被趕出國際社會到2005年已有三十多年,中華民國的國號早就從國際社會消失。這個現實,大家有目共睹,不必口水戰。
環球漫話社 編輯 黃惠瑛 2005.11.07
如果您有共鳴,煩請照文抄送(Forward 可能會亂碼,看不懂,抄下再貼在Text發出), 並多轉送親朋好友如法泡製,多謝!
社長 陳辰光謹上 2005.11.07 ""
#3. ""#103 "Heroic" future of Multi-lingual Taiwan"":
"" [Tsai 05.11.8=2 #2] The Quebec stirring is, I would still maintain, far more civilized than lynching.
See if you could fighre out the language situation in Taiwan:
1) majority Hklos (Pan Green of the Democratic Progressive Party, or Taiwanese DPP),
3) minority Hakkas,
2) official Mandarin (Pan Blue of the Chinese Nationalist Party, or Chinese KMT).
1) The majority speak Hoklos, which is spoken by almost all campaign politicians, except in the Hakka areas, where Mandarin is spoken far more than Hakkas by the outside campaigners. Hoklos is considered national language. (Pan Green). me with difficulty.
2) Mandarin is the official language. Almost understood by all Taiwanese. {Pan Blue).
3) Hakkas occupy a few areas of Taiwan, north, south, and east. Campaigners try hard to learn to speak a little, not extremely different from Mandarin. (Pan Green has benn courting the Hakkas lately with some success.) me.
4) Japanese is understood by most older people, (Especially liked by Pan Green.)
5) Less than one dozen native Taiwanese is understood only by their native tribers, fianlly appear a bit on TV.
""#103 "Heroic" future of Multi-cultural Canada"":
[Tsai 05.11.8=2 #1] In this regard, idealism of empire is better than of national determinism. Perhaps, it's also "A Question of Cosmopolitanism", such as that of Ottoman Empire or the Napoleon Europe, beyond exclusive Hitlerism and inclusive nationalism. Multi-culturalims and localism should be our ideal, I think. They tend to be more democratic without being majority dictatorship, more of oceanic rather than continental civilization. Taiwan, like the USA is a nation of immigrants. I wonder to what extent is the UK, compared to France or Germany. It seems to me also that multi-cultural or multi-lingual nations like Switzerland are easier to cope with this kind of coming global problem. So, Canada is equipped with at least two elements of being a winner, expressed also in its great foreign relations.
R. wrote:
With the possible exception of Portugal, multi-lingual Belgium had the most shameful record of Imperialism of all the European nations. No, forget Portugal. Belgium's murderous exploitation of Congolese rubber marks the absolute nadir of colonization. The true horrors are only nowadays being remembered. One of the great campaigners against Belgium's slave-trade and forced labour camps was the British (Irish) MP Erskine Chilvers... who was subsequently found to be buying guns from Germany for the IRA. His popularity evaporated and the story he helped to expose was forgotten with him. There's not a great deal of love lost between the French-speaking "Walloons" and the (kind-of) Dutch-speaking "Flemings". When Belgium decided to add a third TV channel to their existing two (one French, one Flemish) they couldn't agree on programming. So instead, they settled on rebroadcasting BBC1 - in English - as the only acceptable compromise! Note too that the French and german speaking communities of Switzerland don't see eye-to-eye. The French minority feel that the German majority "gang up" on them. ""
#4. "America the Virtuous: The Crisis of Democracy and the Quest for Empire" (Hardcover), by Claes G. Ryn; Transaction Publishers (October, 2003): http://tinyurl.com/7ofsv
"" the best short book on the geneology of neoconservatism, February 15, 2005
Reviewer: gaius marius (Chicago, IL) - See all my reviews
it's hard to gain a sense of scope, in a short book, of the depth of the malicious current which now afflicts american politics in the fascist redux of neoconservatism. ryn does admirably, tracing the mindset of radical/revolutionary polarized idealism such as we see today in neoconservatism to the rousseauian jacobins. ""
#5. "These Cages Are Only For Beasts", by Stefan Molyneux: http://tinyurl.com/dsp52
"" The DRO debate continues…
After my first article "The Stateless Society" was published, I was asked to explain how a society without government would deal with violent crime. Lew was kind enough to publish my article on "Caging the Beasts" which provoked quite a flurry of positive and negative (though never unkind!) responses and requests for clarifications, which I will provide here.
To summarize, "Caging the Beasts" described the measures that private Dispute Resolution Organizations (DROs) could take against violent criminals – measures many readers found more soul-crushing and repressive than life under the current government!
I am always eager to improve arguments for freedom, and so heartily thank those who took the time to write in – and will do my best to clarify how life in a truly free society will not turn into a repressive web of petty regulations run by fascistic and heavily-armed insurance companies.
For those new to the debate, DROs are private insurance companies whose sole purpose is to mediate disputes between individuals. ""