
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

[334>US115]:10.29=[60x4+55] Taiwan Election, Scttish Plans, Catalonia, Xinjiang, Hobbes, Fedralists, Africa Drying, Poets. Mom difficult breathing.

Taiwan Election: Taiwan OneChina? HanWudi RdChina: ScotlandIndPlan: Catalonia Atnmy: Xinjiang Autnmy: Politics Hobbes: World Coalition Government: FederalistPaper: IroquoisCnstttn: A US Politician: >#0 IraqMediaMngmnt: IraqToBldyBmbng: Iraq DeathSquad: AtomicHypocricy: SymantecUKScrty: !Africa drying!: Currents IceAge? Poets' Voice On: Cloudy & sunlight sometimes, cold cool: Up 7:10, Mei back then off, mom tel breathing difficult again. Soon to doctor then to o.h. Now 11:26am. Near 1pm lunch then mom starts using inhaler, blood test tomorrow morning. Home: Anser [I]D.'s answer to my morning post, on "Full Localims Future", #101 & #102, from ancient Greek Achaean, American to Swiss-EU confederation. Then from tons of [N] >#0. Late night, delete tons of [N] quickly, Jun computer, Now 12:49am to go. Jun bed, bed 1:35. #0: An American "Candidate from Louisiana": "" All across the nation candidates have decided to network and band together to support each other in family-like unit. This is unusual because we typically think that is the job of the Party Leadership to support and help get candidates elected. Unfortunately, the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), has a different idea on how to get elected to office. We all know it as the “Stay the course” strategy that has resulted in Democratic losses for 20 years. "" "" Personally, I see the Religious Right as one of the greatest threats our Republic has ever faced...the creeping coup of theocracy. ""

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

[333>US114]:10.28=[60x4+54] #0: Warriors. Natl Identity? US to Iraq. Sons home afternoon, apply Yahoo! also, Tons of [N] emails.

Taiwan Maps in Japan: Australiian identity? "Babylonian"Warriors: "The Warriors": >#0. USA BigBrotherDDavis? USA Media Management: US Democracy Mission: Revolutions Morality: Iraq War & Nuremberg: Iraq War: Cloudy then rain, cool: Up 5:45 then 8:10, full bath of 4, Lung off but Jun stays not very well? Mei back cleans bath then tv. 2 here computer & tv, Lung home 12:15. Emails: [G]M to "The Warriors" >#0, answer [G] on "What do you see in Taiwan? #1001: National Identity problem [The big debate Down Under]" from Australian? Jun drive Mei to class, 3pm lunch! Lung bed, Jun to dentist then to Mei, get Yahoo?Domains, 7:20 Mei back with Jun, supper, 10pm starts massive [N] over 200!! 11:30pm disconnected with Internet? Jun computer, me in 12:40pm, bed 1:05. #0: Warriors: 1. "The Warriors", by Sol Yurick; Grove Press; Reprint edition (April, 2003): "" "Can U dig it,... ?!!!", April 23, 2003; "Can U dig it,... ?!!!", April 23, 2003 Reviewer: John Tommasino (Coney Island) - See all my reviews Although much of the attention surrounding this novel comes from its film adaption, Walter Hill's stylized, surreal street gang epic, this isn't a story of heroes and villains like the movie was. Based on Xenophon's Anabasis, this story follows a Coney Island street gang in its miles-long trek across the urban wasteland, just to make it home. A great novel, great movie...can u dig it?.... "" 2. "The Warriors" fights on: Twenty-six years after being shunned by the mainstream, the cult classic rises again (and again, and again). By Allen Barra It all started with the battle of Cunaxa near Babylon in 401 B.C. If Prince Cyrus hadn't challenged his brother, Artaxerxes II, for the Persian throne and hired 10,000 Greek mercenaries, the most intriguing new special edition DVD and the most hyped video game of 2005 and one of the most eagerly anticipated remakes of 2006 would never have happened. "The Warriors," Walter Hill's 1979 fantasy about street gangs, Grove Press is now shipping its reissue of Sol Yurick's 1965 novel, "The Warriors," Cyrus got himself killed, and his Greek mercenaries -- the "Ten Thousand" of much classical lore -- fought through 1,000 miles of Persian soldiers and barbarian tribes, each with its own mode of dress and special weapons, to the sea and safety. One of their generals, Xenophon, went back to Athens and wrote a book about it, "The Anabasis," :- In the 26 years since its release, the film has evolved into a cult phenomenon, the subject of international Web sites, including the U.K.-based Warriors Movie Site < > (which, according to its Webmaster, Gareth Jones, gets nearly 50,000 hits a month) and an Italian site dedicated to "I Guerrieri della Notte." < > DeVorzon's soundtrack has been reissued, and, in addition to the video game, there is a set of action figures. You can even purchase a replica < > of the Warriors' vest. One of the film's gangs, the Baseball Furies, itself inspired partly by the band Kiss, has spawned a punk band of the same name. In the Diplomats' recent video "Crunk Musik," the group members appear in Furies' face paint. ""

Monday, November 28, 2005

[332>US113]:10.27=[60x4+53] #0: "The Constitution of the Five Nations". Athenian Cnsttn, UStatesGun, Iraq, HPotter. Thanksgiving lunch.

Iraq flip-flop? AthnianCnstttn: IroquoiCnstttn: > #0 USA States gun: "Harry Potter": Bits of sunshine disappearing cool, then clearing mild: Up 8:20, sons stay, Lung still a little cold, Mei back then 9:40 off, Jun computer also. Tried to have a new blog from [G] new member K., getting instead my "space on MSN Spaces": Off to delayed extended family Thanksgiving lunch next to Yungho, sons bed, Mei works. Now 12:24pm. 9 = 2 + Dju couple + Jung couple + Ting couple,London + Chyun, then Yungho, Long's inhaler not yet, o.h., home: supper all, computer. [N]D. "The Constitution of the Five Nations" >#0. Now 11:34pm, Jun computer, I in. Bed 1:05... #0: "The Constitution of the Five Nations" "" At little explanation is necessary for clarity. The following is translated from the language of the Mohawk to French and then English. It DOES NOT comprise the entire constitution. Each representative in council could speak, and many present were dubious about allowing the French missionary access to the talks. The dubious ones did not initally prevail, but eventual did, so the words of Dekanawiclah of the Mohawks to the Onondagas is all that survives to this day. It is this version that Benjamin Franklin praised. Also, certain terms are problematic in translating so Europeans tended to use the best word possible and leave it to the reader for correct interpretation of the nuances. Particularly problematic in this document is the term "lord". The essence of this document was passed down by oral tradition, but this is the only surviving "first hand" account. It is reasonable to assume that it correctly reflects the understanding of all five peoples. Article One - roughly analogous to our preamble. THE GREAT BINDING LAW, GAYANASHAGOWA I am Dekanawiclah and with the Five Nations' Confederate Lords I plant the tree of the Great Peace. I plant it in your territory, Adodarhoh, and the Onondaga Nation, in the territory of you who are Firekeepers. I name the tree the Tree of the Great Long Leaves. Under the shade of this Tree of the Great Peace we spread the soft white feathery down of the globe thistle as seats for you, Adodarcoh, and your cousin Lords, by the Confederate Lords of the Five Nations. Article Two Roots have spread out from the Tree of the Great Peace, one to the North, one to the East, one to the West, and one to the South. The name of these roots is the Great White Roots and their nature is Peace and Strength. If any man or any nation outside the Five Nations shall obey the laws of the Great Peace and make known their dispositon to the Lords of the Confederacy, they may trace the Roots to the Tree and if their minds are clean and if they are obedient and promise to obey the wishes of the Confederate Council, they shall be welcomed to take shade beneath the Tree of the Great Long Leaves. We place at the top of the Tree of the Great Long Leaves an Eagle who is able to see afar. If he sees in the distance any evil approaching or any danger threatening he will at once warn the people of the Confederacy. Article Three To you Adodarhoh, the Onondaga cousin Lords, I and the other Confederate Lords have entrusted the watching and caretaking of the Five Nation's Council Fires. {The Priestess Note One: This is the first actual power delegated. While any may be heard when the council was assembled, the power to assemble the council at odd times is vested soley in the Onondaga. A great honor and responsibility. A petitioner not passing their test for urgency had to wait.} When there is any business to be transacted and the Confederate Council is not in session, a messenger shall be dispatched either to Adodarhoh, Hononwirehtink or Skanawtih, Fire Keepers, or to their War Chiefs with a full statement of the case desired to be considered. Then shall Adodarhoh call his cousin Lords together and consider whether or not the case is of sufficient importance to demand the attention of the Confederate Council. If so, Adodarhoh shall dispatch messengers to summon all the Confederate Lords to assemble beneath the Tree of the Great Long Leaves. When the Council Lords are assembled the Council Fire shall be kindled, but not with the wood of the Chestnut, and Adodarhoh shall formerly open the Council. {The Priestess Note Two: Establishes the Onondaga as the "Speakers of the House". Chestnut wood fire is very hot and smokeless and was the traditional wood used for war council fires} Then shall Adodarhoh and his cousin Lords announce the subject for discussion. The smoke of the Confederate Council Fire shall ever ascend and pierce the sky so that other Nations who may be allies may see the Council Fire of the Great Peace. Adodarhoh and his cousin Lords are entrusted with the Keeping of the Council Fire. Article Four You, Adodarhoh, and your thirteen cousin Lords, shall faithfully keep the space about the Council Fire clean and you shall allow neither dust nor dirt to accumulate. I lay a long wing before you as a broom. As a weapon against a crawling creature I lay a staff with you so that you may thrust it away from the Council Fire. If you fail to caste it away then call the rest of the United Lords to your aid. {The Priestess note three. This is flowery language carrying far more imporance that may be gleaned from a literal reading. To carry a weapon to any council, even a war council, was an act of disrespect and war. By this passage the Onondaga are established as the "Sergeants at Arms" for the council and permission granted to be armed. It is ludicrous to imagine that a warrior would need aid in dealing with a literal crawling creature.} Article Five The Council of the Mohawk shall be divided into three parts as follows: Teharihoken, Ayonhwathah and Shadekariwade are the First Party; Sharenhowanch, Deyoenhegwanh and Oghrenghrehgowah are the Second Party; and Dedennakrineh, Aghstawenserenthah and Shoshoharowaneh are the Third Party. The Third Party is to listen only to the discussion of the First and Second Party and if an error is made or the proceeding is irregular they are to call attention to it, and when the case is right and properly decided they shall confirm the decision of the two parties and refer the case to the Seneca Lords for their decision. When the Seneca Lords have decided in accord with the Mohawk Lords, the case shall be referred to the Cayuga and Oneida Lords on the opposite side of the house. {The Priestess note four. At first glance this might be seen as establishment of a bi-camel legislature and lend credence to the notion that it influenced the U.S. Constitution in some way, but it should be noted that this influence was well established in the English Parliament well before this document. It is more reasonable to assume that the culture having more in common with the American one (the English) would be the source of the Senate/House of Representatives concept (analogous to the House of Commons and House of Lords). The division of the Mohawk contingent is indeed similar to the "committee" rules of the house, but these rules are internal ones peculiar to that institution and not specified in the Constitution} Much much more to follow. I will continue if anyone is interested. So far, I believe it supports my contention that this is in essence a peace treaty and not the founding of a ruling body. Individual and tribal priviledges are established farther on however, but I need some indication that I am not wasting my time to continue. ""

Sunday, November 27, 2005

[331>US112]:10.26=[60x4+52] #0: What now Taiwan? TAA, Iraq, Sygate. Hakka School again, O.h. med record.

Taiwan :Seattle P-I: >#0 Taiwan in US: Iraq no power: Iraq why? Pentagon Surveillance? Symantec over Sygate: Thin cloud disappear then cloudy! cool mild: Up 7:20 two, hair bath, soon emails here. Mei has left for the resumed Hakka School, answer to a new [G] member under: "What do you see in Taiwan? #1000: [New Globechatters member]" >#0. Finish soon hopefully, now 10:55am, prepare to go. At HS, only 9 persons mostly old except dance teacher couple, 3 steps cha-cha, then full lunch from Dju: sala-bread-clam chowder-noodle on dog as pet, no Jung. To o.h. arrange and read difficult med record. Home, Jun brushes dog, Mei cooks, finish eamils, now 6:09pm supper. Further Bk of Am accounts & other documents. Jun now to computer. Finish here now 11:06pm. Bed 12:25. #0: "What do you see in Taiwan? #1000": "" [Tsai 05.11.27=7 #1] Welcome here. But, there in my country, Taiwan, just passed midnight Sunday [ here 9am + 15 hours ], the last one before nationwide election of "governors", with very big demonstration island wide, under the air of Taiwan sinking into very critical danger from a sudden Chinese attack [ Nov. 22th Hudson Institute report also states that the Chinese military has 7-day Taiwan conquest plan, near thousand missiles aiming at Taiwan, quite some submarines threatening American airplane carriers dare to intervene, swiftly upgraded military finally equal or surpass Taiwan military in ALL aspects, the latter prohibited from buying critical American weapons by the oppositon parties, who control mass media in conjunction with the Chinese. ] What do you think about the whole situation there? Fortunately, there are some understanding media in the USA, even with the Chinese global manipulation of mass media. For example the Seattle P-I: by " P-I foreign desk editor Larry Johnson spent two months in Taiwan on a Fulbright research grant. He can be reached at 206-448-8035 or ", who observed hopeful youths there. You see, the Taiwanese are the happiest group in Asia, according to one survey, even though we are very sad people almost all through our recent history of 4 centuries of conquest and oppresion by the Chinese and the Japanese. ======================== J. wrote: Just a note to say we have a new member who appears to have a wealth of knowledge of places around the world. ""

Saturday, November 26, 2005

[330>US111]:10.25=[60x4+51] Taiwan Demonstrations All Over. #0: Reality Theories. Light-speed. UNPO Taiwan, EU, VietResisters. All home evening.

Taiwan,7days:HdsnI: Taiwan-China :UNPO: Light-speed Change: SDI >"ET" Hearings: EU & Members: Commonwealth: Vietnam War Resisters, Canada: Cherokee Scotsman, the Greatest: Cherokee chief, John Ross: Fair cold cool mild: Up 6:10 then 8:00, Mei back, sons up. Out and in. Now 4:50pm. Lung cold rest. Mei very uptiiht unable to find Cosco receipt, then all supper, then Mei sweeps then pipe organ then TV: Live from Taipei Presidential Square preparing for 2 sides election's demonstration. As usual, Mei watch TV sleeps down, now10.39pm = Taiwan 11.27=7 3:39am, demonstrations all over Taiwan. Mei & Lung sleep, Jun still out, now 10:50, quitting here. Bed 12:10! After Jun back to computer. #0: The Theories of Everything: 0. "Science, Consciousness and Ultimate Reality", ed. by David Lorimer; Imprint Academic (June, 2004): "" David Lorimer has brought together an impressive list of contributors representing the diverse fields of physics, neuroscience, psychology, theology and moral philosophy: Denis Alexander, Bernard Carr, Chris Clarke, Guy Claxton, Peter Fenwick, David Fontana, John Habgood, Mary Midgley, Ravi Ravindra, Alan Torrance and Keith Ward "" 1. "Science and Ultimate Reality: Quantum Theory, Cosmology and Complexity", ed. by John D.Barrow, Paul C.W.Davies, Charles L.Harper; Cambridge University Press (April 22, 2004): "" Book Description This preview of the future of physics comprises contributions from recognized authorities inspired by the pioneering work of John Wheeler. Quantum theory represents a unifying theme within the book, as it relates to the topics of the nature of physical reality, cosmic inflation, the arrow of time, models of the universe, superstrings, quantum gravity and cosmology. Attempts to formulate a final unification theory of physics are also considered, along with the existence of hidden dimensions of space, hidden cosmic matter, and the strange world of quantum technology. John Archibald Wheeler is one of the most influential scientists of the twentieth century. His extraordinary career has spanned momentous advances in physics, from the birth of the nuclear age to the conception of the quantum computer. Famous for coining the term "black hole," Professor Wheeler helped lay the foundations for the rebirth of gravitation as a mainstream branch of science, triggering the explosive growth in astrophysics and cosmology that followed. His early contributions to physics include the S matrix, the theory of nuclear rotation (with Edward Teller), the theory of nuclear fission (with Niels Bohr), action-at-a-distance electrodynamics (with Richard Feynman), positrons as backward-in-time electrons, the universal Fermi interaction (with Jayme Tiomno), muonic atoms, and the collective model of the nucleus. His inimitable style of thinking, quirky wit, and love of the bizarre have inspired generations of physicists. "" 2. "The Fabric of Reality : The Science of Parallel Universes and Its Implications", by David Deutsch; Penguin (Non-Classics) (August 1, 1998): "" "Our best theories are not only truer than common sense, they make more sense than common sense," writes physicist David Deutsch. In The Fabric of Reality, Deutsch traces what he considers the four main strands of scientific explanation: quantum theory, evolution, computation, and the theory of knowledge. "The four of them taken together form a coherent explanatory structure that is so far-reaching, and has come to encompass so much of our understanding of the world, that in my view it may already properly be called the first Theory of Everything." Deutsch covers some difficult material with unusual clarity. "" "" From Library Journal Common sense and reality diverge and then come together again in this mind-blowing book. Maintaining that the best explanation for certain quantum phenomena is that there are parallel universes, i.e., multiverses, Oxford physicist Deutsch posits and then attempts to unify four basic strands?quantum physics, epistemology, evolution, and the theory of computation. Just one astonishing consequence is that quantum computers can collaborate between universes. "" "" The New York Times Book Review, George Johnson The Fabric of Reality is full of refreshingly oblique, provocative insights. But I came away from it with only the mushiest sense of how the strands in Deutsch's tapestry hang together. "" "" From Booklist In the library of physics for laypeople, Deutsch's book is unique. Correction: it is multiversal, existing in innumerable universes that Deutsch argues exist alongside the "real" universe that people perceive. Explaining that, and persuading the reader of its scientific truth, makes this work unique. Another of Deutsch's mindbenders is that each person could be resurrected near the Big Crunch (if there is one) by a universal computer with infinite memory, a conclusion discussed (and unfairly dismissed by most scientists, according to Deutsch) in Frank Tipler's The Physics of Immortality (1994). Deutsch, a quantum physicist at Oxford University, builds toward the computerized second coming on the basis of the well-known, reproducible experiment that conclusively establishes the quantum nature of light and of reality. "" "" From Kirkus Reviews One major school of quantum theory posits a multiplicity of universes; but what does that imply about the reality we live in? A simple experiment, familiar to every student of physics, involves light passing through slits in a barrier; its results, according to Oxford physicist Deutsch, lead inevitably to the idea that there are countless universes parallel to our own, through which some of the light must pass. This ``many worlds'' interpretation of quantum theory has gained advocates in recent years, """" He argues that quantum computation, a discipline in which he is a pioneering thinker, has the potential for building computers that draw on their counterparts in parallel universes; this could make artificial intelligence a reality, despite Roger Penrose's objections (which Deutsch deals with in some detail). Likewise, time travel into both the future and the past should be possible, though not in quite the form envisioned by science fiction writers; the trips would almost certainly be one-way, and they would likely take the travelers into different universes from the one they began in. Deutsch takes particular pains to refute Thomas Kuhn's ``paradigm'' model of science, which essentially denies progress. A final chapter looks at the long-range implications of his views, including the place of esthetic and moral values (areas more scientists now seem willing to confront). "" 3. "Theory and Reality : An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science" (Science and Its Conceptual Foundations series), by Peter Godfrey-Smith; University Of Chicago Press (August 1, 2003): "" covers logical positivism; the problems of induction and confirmation; Karl Popper's theory of science; Thomas Kuhn and "scientific revolutions"; the views of Imre Lakatos, Larry Laudan, and Paul Feyerabend; "" "" captures the historical drama of changes in how science has been conceived over the last one hundred years. ""

Friday, November 25, 2005

[329>US110]:10.24=[60x4+50] Taiwan & Canada economy, 911, Chinese Strategy, ETs War, Iroquois, Commonwealth Etc., All home lunch, to old home.

Taiwan be back? Taiwan Economy: Canada Aerospace 20 yrs: ChinaWar 1999: 911 Con? :M15: 911 ?Secrecy?: 911,Drugs,War: W H ?Anthrax?: N.Am GalacticWar: Iroquois to US: to Albany Plan: Commonwealth: > Fair Trade: La Francophonie: Latin Union: CPLP: (Portuguese}: Small rain cool then partial fair around noon: Up 5:30? then 8:05, only Mei off 6:20, back 9:45, start eat tons of egg from McDonald, sons up, Jun computer, near noon Mei off & Jun in tv. Mei back for noodle lunch then leave 3pm. Jun tv, Lung in, to o.h. 3:55, by Yungho papers. Old home's heater control is difficult, so retreat to just adjusting temperature, aBi gets it, then mails and home, finish emails by now 6:49pm, supper, Jun home late then computer, now 11:59pm. Bed 1:25.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

[328>US109]:10.23=[60x4+49] Taiwan's Chinese holocaust coming again? US troulbes. Mei out, sons ball playing, so to o.h. Thanksgiving gathering.

Taiwan Chinese-KMT Holocaust: & next Holocaust? US in Hot Water: Bush aides 'double-crossed' Blair: 911 Rumor? Clinton Presidency: Rare sunlight diminishing cloudy cool, thin rain starts late night. All up around 7:30, Mei awakes sons to McDonald Thanksgiving party, then back to bed sons, Mei out. TV: "Civil Rights in the 1960's": JFK, MLK, RFK, 1960-63, 63-68 of the time of my US beginning NYC to Utah. So exciting and hopeful, then decent into darkness and obvilion. Email from [G]J on " Bush aides 'double-crossed' Blair ": Sons up, finish emails, 2:25pm. Lunch, sons off ball playing. Tel o.h., Dju replies with going for Chaochou noodle, since mom isn't going to Jung's family Thanksgiving party because of her long-time cough. So to o.h., now 5:11pm alone. Old home, turn on heater quickly, then check mom's hospital record obrained for going back to Taiwan earler this year (It's full record, incl. original!! I should apply for father's also.) Dju tel Hiro for noodle supper at o.h. instead. Hiro couple go home first, finish reading "Langtaosha" Chap. 5, and NHKtv on Japan-US-Taiwan in the East China Sea. Mei tel according to my message left with sons who came home then off again, so go home by way of Yungho all closed, has just joined [N] crowded, answer old A. then 3 more, to be included tomorrow, then [G]S. from [N] on my frustration about Taiwan. Jun & Ch. in late to our bedroom tv, so Mei sleeps temporarily at outside sofa, Jun in 1:20, now 1:38am!! Bed 2:10.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

[327>US108]:10.22=[60x4+48] Thanksgiving US& China,UK,AFTA,HChavez,World,Ruins. IntrntTools, Medieval, AngkorWat astrnm. Mom to doctor. late night

China-US: Internet Tools: Bush-Blair War Row: U.S.-Andean Free Trade Agreement: CIA, FBI To Assassinate H.Chávez: Democracy to US Congress: World Ending?: American Empire Ruins: Medieval Frank Life: Angkor Wat Astronomy: Fair cool mild: Up 5:50 then 7:50, tel Dr. Chu office afternoon, mom then Ying tel to fax remaining med records. Mei piano. Finish emails 11:25am. Mei off, to o.h. noon. Drive mom to Dr. Chu, 3-4pm, anti-biotic & a cough drug, 4 appointments for X-ray, CT scan, etc. Around 1am, Mei still on Korean drama, Jun home, Lung also soon all to bed, bed 1:40.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

[326>US107]:10.21=[60x4+47] #0. US' China Policy. O.h. med records, Dr.Cheng, Dr.Chu tmrw. Taiwan HiTtech, US warmngrng, IRA, Green syndicalism.

Taiwan's Laptop Trail: Taiwan IBM Lenovo Grp: China Internet forums: China Army Sphstction: Webs: Blog: Warmongering nature of State: US Media+ Torturing all around: US thermobaric weapons, Falluja: Bombing Al-Jazeera's studios, Qatar: James Yee converted to trouble: IRA Women: US Chemical Farms: Green syndicalism: Fair cool mild: Up 5:55 then 7:55, 8:45 Mei back cleans front & back yard, Lung back and finish emails earlier, now 11:19am. Mei then Lung off, 12:30pm Dju tel mom going to Dr. cheng, so 1pm going to o.h. to check records, lunch, document, Hiro drives Dju in, Hiro off, hurry to doctor's office, he cannot diagnose mom's sour throat and cough! To Dr. Chu tomorrow, and yes Dr. Chang of gynecology also. To Yung-ho: vegetables and fruits, newspaper, then to nearby Hsiao-tu-tow, Dju tel Hiro to join us. Home, now 12:31am. Jun computer, bed 1:30am. #0: US' China Policy: "Rummy Lectures the Chinese", by Eric Margolis: "" NANJING – This ancient Chinese imperial capital, former headquarters of Generalissimo Chiang-kai shek, and site of the infamous 1930’s massacre of 300,000 Chinese by Japanese troops, is haunted by its magnificent but often sinister history. "" "" China was until recent centuries the world’s richest nation. The proud, prickly Chinese do not enjoy being lectured like schoolboys by a nation living in a huge glass house that offers a pretty poor example of fiscal rectitude or peaceful behavior. As to China’s alleged militarism, Rummy’s hosts were too polite to lecture him about the fool’s war in Iraq that has raised global oil prices and fueled terrorism. But Rummy is right when he says China’s current military buildup threatens Taiwan. China’s behavior towards Taiwan is often brazenly aggressive. China now can wreck Taiwan’s economy by bombarding its ports with over 800 missiles and throwing a submarine blockade around the island. China’s new, long-ranged strike aircraft and more modern naval units may even be able to keep US carriers far from Taiwan. The Pentagon has real concerns about defending Taiwan and is upgrading Guam as a new forward Pacific base. Still, while US warships patrol the Taiwan Strait, no Chinese warships cruise between Cuba and Miami. Apropos, the UN just reaffirmed the five-decade-old US blockade of Cuban violates its resolutions. Besides Taiwan, China poses no current military threat to any other Asian nation – except regional superpower India, which can well look after itself. China has generally preferred to use its power and prestige to intimidate and overawe neighbors rather than invading them – with some notable exceptions. Or hurl invective against nations that displease it, notably Japan. The Bush Administration and know-nothing Bible Belt Republicans are most unwise to seek a new Soviet-style enemy in China by whipping up false fears about Chinese expansionism. The real threat we face is how to divide up dwindling world energy supplies. Besides, the over-stretched US military is in no shape to fight China. China and the US already face growing competition for natural resources. Today, Americans, only 4% of world population, consume 25% of world oil. China, India and the EU want their share. Managing this demand and China’s rapid emergence as a Pacific and world power will be America’s most important strategic problem in the next 30 years. This is a task for diplomats, not the Pentagon. America will have to learn to share energy and accept China as a co-equal in the Pacific. November 23, 2005 Eric Margolis [send him mail], contributing foreign editor for Sun National Media Canada, is the author of War at the Top of the World. See his website. Copyright © 2005 Eric Margolis ""

Monday, November 21, 2005

[325>US106]:10.20=[60x4+46] #0. Local UN Chapters, Taiwan DPP,-China,-US. US-LatAm,-Iraq,-Veterans. UNA-US,Internet. GM Problems.

Taiwan DPP: Taiwan-China Bus: Taiwan-USA Ties:: US-Latin America: US:IraqClusterBb: UK:IraqClusterBb: USA in MdEt Iraq: 67 Cities: Leave: J. Murtha: Leave: !Vietnam Veteran: USA Thanksgiving: UNA-USA E-Action: >#0 Internet!StateNO: GM organisms: Thin cloud cool then fair mild: Up 6:10, then 8:35, tel pay credit card, Mei back, off, back lunch 2:20pm. 4:35pm to bank and back, then Mei & Jun, then Lung, after supper Ch.& dog for a while. From [s]F >#0. Now 12:10am. Jun bed 1;20, bed 1:40. #0: [savpac]: Pacifican Secession and Unification: "Support your local UN Chapter": "" This item from has been forwarded to you by ...F... Like it or not, secession from the United States will only happen with support from the UN. Luckily for us, the UN and U.S. are not on speaking terms. Everyone should get to know their local UN chapters. Check out this website to find your local chapter: ""

Sunday, November 20, 2005

[324>US105]:10.19=[60x4+45] Taiwan Ident,KMT,ChinaMltry, R.LeFevre:Freedom, Cornish&UK. Mom's cold&med records. #1 Princeton Science. #2 Cambridge.

Taiwan Identity: TaiwanKMT:China: TaiwanJapanRule: TaiwanChinaOccp: Taiwan Evaltion: China:hitechMil: R LeFevre:FREE: Saving Cornish: UK Integration? ReligiousLbrty: NOT efficiency: UK-US WarCrime: J Murtha:Leave: RFiskUSMothers: Police State??: SF Earthquake++: "Harry Potter"4: Hopi Prophecies: Fair cool mild warm: Up 6:30 then 8:50, Mei Costco food then cooks, I breakfast dental stright to lunch, while BookTV heavenly science from Princeton to UK Cambridge > #1 & 2 soon. Also interesting talk far beyond San Francisco earthquake: "A Crack in the Edge of the World : America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906", by Simon Winchester > up:"SF Earthquake++:" Jun cut one branch of kaki. To Yungho, to o.h., mom another new cough cold, read about Bill-mailed ling-chih, mails, collect mom's medical records. To rental house getting grandma's signature, to home: all in, emails deleted from 11.18=5, start receving "Google Alert for: Chinese threats against Taiwan" evening. Jun is in tonight, with his computer then 1am to bed. Bed 1:35. #1.Princeton Science Trigangle's last angle: > Philosophy: "Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Godel" (Great Discoveries) (Hardcover), by Rebecca Goldstein; W. W. Norton & Company (February, 2005): "" Kurt Gödel is often held up as an intellectual revolutionary whose incompleteness theorem helped tear down the notion that there was anything certain about the universe. Philosophy professor, novelist, and MacArthur Fellow Rebecca Goldstein reinterprets the evidence and restores to Gödel's famous idea the meaning he claimed he intended: that there is a mathematical truth--an objective certainty--underlying everything and existing independently of human thought. As an introduction to one of the three most profound scientific insights of the 20th century (the other two being Einstein's relativity and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle), Incompleteness is accessible, yet intellectually rigorous. Goldstein succeeds admirably in retiring inaccurate interpretations of Gödel's ideas. --Therese Littleton "" #2. UK Cambridge Scientist almost hidden, comparable to #1: "The Essential Turing", B.J. Copeland (Editor); Oxford University Press (September 30, 2002): "" Synopsis Alan Turing, pioneer of computing and WWII codebreaker, is one of the most important and influential thinkers of the twentieth century. In this volume for the first time his key writings are made available to a broad, non-specialist readership. They make fascinating reading both in their own right and for their historic significance: contemporary computational theory, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and artificial life all spring from this ground-breaking work, which is also rich in philosophical and logical insight. An introduction by leading Turing expert Jack Copeland provides the background and guides the reader through the selection. About Alan Turing Alan Turing FRS OBE, (1912-1954) studied mathematics at King's College, Cambridge. He was elected a Fellow of King's in March 1935, at the age of only 22. In the same year he invented the abstract computing machines - now known simply as Turing machines - on which all subsequent stored-program digital computers are modelled. During 1936-1938 Turing continued his studies, now at Princeton University. He completed a PhD in mathematical logic, analysing the notion of 'intuition' in mathematics and introducing the idea of oracular computation, now fundamental in mathematical recursion theory. An 'oracle' is an abstract device able to solve mathematical problems too difficult for the universal Turing machine. In the summer of 1938 Turing returned to his Fellowship at King's. ""

Saturday, November 19, 2005

[323>US104]:10.18=[60x4+44] Attend dinner party with Mei, sending off Taiwan Cultural Affairs vice-head back Taiwan. Jun stays at Ch's home again.

Fair cool mild: Up 8am. Jun didn't come home last night, shows up then stays Ch's home tonight again. Near evening bath shaving, Mei angry pounds door then screams while I drive to southeast San Jose restraurant, about 120 persons sending South Bay Taiwan Cultural Affirs Office vice head miss going back Taiwan. We sit at elders table, only Hao couple and Hakka assn persons present also, some sing Hakka songs. Home: only Lung in. Emails accumulate, now 2:13am already!! Some tv! Bed 3:15!!

Friday, November 18, 2005

[322>US103]:10.17=[60x4+43] #1. Direct Democracy. #2. US "Sharia". To o.h., Bill tel: mom drugs, Dju tel 70'sClub. Home Hsiang's sis, w Jun.

EU REACH>Chemicals: Early cloud gone cool mild: Up 5:35, then 8:00, hurry answering [I]D >#1: 1., then [C]R >#2. Now 12:06pm to papers then o.h. Process documents and bank balances. Bill tel 4:15-5:25pm, discover mom now takes only one out of 2 or 3 or 4 heart drugs, not knowing when others were dropped! So coming again tomorrow. Dju tel Hao just left, as they got together for 70 years old club. Home, Hsiang's sis at my computer, later Ch (& dog) also supper. Answer #1's answer point by point >#1: 2. Jun still off, 2 sleep. Now 12:53am. 1:15am Jun tel not coming home (because Ch's parents not home). Bed 1:55. #1. "Direct Democracy" 1. "#1001: End the Nation or Federal State!": "" [Tsai 05.11.18=5 #1] Yes, D., this is the defense of the nation state which has brought the whole mankind incredible violence and "evils", and which is finally being curved initially. Their points are: 1) Peoples cannot rule themselves! because not wise enough. 2) The system we have is the only way which superior persons rule, especially when sciences are far more complicated and the system follows likewise.. Wrong, wrong! Well, please just compare the USA and Switzerland. Should we all continue to debate peoples' right to wear them or rather required to have them? The deadly problem lies precisely at "representative" and "federal". Peoples are sripped off weapons, money, and dignity, and from control of themselves. The EU and the UN are not "federal", and I hope never will be. Wales and the Welch(?) are freer under the EU in fact, psychologically and physically. "" 2. "#1002: Substance of Freedom": "" Tsai 05.11.18=5 #2] Let's have one by one: 1) "Republican Democracies": & Professionalization: D.: "In Republican Democracies people DO rule themselves through their elected representatives." That's the theory, but, in practice, too much shortcomings to the extent that overwhelming majority people feel powerless and helpless, and are "brain-washed" and manipulated. So the m. don't vote. D.: "It is a vitally important profession (meaning that it should be run by professionals)." Or ruled by p.? Not so for the ancient Greeks, it was chosen by lottery. The Swiss militia is not p. either. That's the essence of a free people? That political and military persons are not p. 2) Overlording tiny minority: D.: "Hopefully we select the best people available for the jobs, but that does not make them "superior people" under our system of government." In practice, not just s., but almost overlords who control, manipulate, and help their own kind of the tiny minority. D.: "At least Republican Democracies DO consider the people to be wise enough to decide who is wise enough to make the critical decisions for the rest of us." In practice, "the people to be" manipulated "enough", and put in our system to have our kind elected all the time, to work for us. 3) Size: D.: " But Switzerland also subscribes to republican form of government with elected officials making the decisions." The problem is not entirely that of form, but rather that of substance. At least partially it's because of the size. (Not far away Washington, DC.) Consequently, "elected officials" are better known by the voters. The President could ride bycycle to office, and not shield by security personnel. That's also the essence of democracy. 4) "Federal" protection against "State": D.: "The Feds brought civil rights to minorities who were denied them by the "democracy" practiced in individual states." However, that same feds becomes far worse oppressor, with far more powerful power, far away. The EU and the UN are not feds, and the Welsh and Scots are protected against them by the UK, or by far smaller mini-states, which are naturally far easier to be democratic because of their size. So, that's it, point by point. Hopefully I could bid you good night soon. "" #2. ""Heroic" Future of the Theocracy from the US?": "" [Tsai 05.11.18=5 #1] Yes, it was about "Sharia": "The law system inspired by the Koran, the Sunna, older Arabic law systems, parallel traditions, and work of Muslim scholars over the two first centuries of Islam." That's why he even considered the USA a more "sharia"-type nation than the Saudi. I think there are two aspects about the relationship between the religion and the state. For the relition's disctinction between sacred and not sacred, or even all is sacred, the believers are ABSOLUTELY sure where the truth is So if Americans believe firmly that the American Consitution and the Founding Fathers are almost sacred and absolute, and the global spread of "Democracy" is a sacred mission, then it is at least the sharia-TYPE Americanism. ====================== R. wrote: Are you still so sure that islam is compatible with Western democracy? I have serious doubts that ANY religion is "compatible with Western Democracy." EITHER God has laid down rules for humans to follow OR you vote on what the rules should be. People who claim to believe the former - but go-along with the latter - are simply hypocritical, and don't take their religion seriously. The main objection (and it's a strong enough objection to get laws changed) to same-sex "marriage" in the USA is religion (And that in a country where "marriage" is largely a civil ceremony anyway.) Compare that with the way Sharia is implemented in Nigeria - where half the country is Muslim, and half Christian. Sharia is voluntary. "I'm not, and never have been a Muslim, so these laws don't apply to me" is an acceptable defence, at least where things like drinking and adultery are concerned. Pissing on a Mosque and making the same claim isn't likely to be as succesful. One of the problems implicit in some views (notably America's) of "Democracy" is that it's a choice between a strictly limited selection of choices. It's not enough to tell women that they're free NOT to wear the burka, or some lesser "Islamic" dress. Shrill voiced "democracy"-pushers then inform them that ignoring their new-found pseudo-choice by continuing to wear Islamic dress is UNDEMOCRATIC. What happens when a majority (and straw-polls suggest that Islamic dress is actually popular) decide not to exercise their pseudo-choice? Here in the west we have restrictions on what it's legal/illegal to wear. Walk around your local shopping mall naked... you'll get arrested. (And if you're female, probably molested as well) I don't see demonstrations in favour of "a woman's right to nakedness". It's just not seen as an issue of any importance. Pretty much the same as headscarves in Islamic countries. Yet the "Any excuse to bash Muslims" brigade insist that it's VITALLY IMPORTANT. Whatever happened to a male Sikh's "right" not to wear a turban? A few weeks back, my wife got a letter from an angry parent - who objected to her children getting sex-education at school which didn't actively condemn homosexuality. She quoted biblical chapter and verse in support of her views. It wasn't just her view, she explained, it was WHAT GOD WANTED. The same biblical chapter proposes the death sentence for children who turn up at school wearing leather shoes, or polester/cotton shirts and blouses. I suggested to my wife that she asked the angry mother for her views on wearing mixed-fibres. If God wants us to condemn homosexuals and feels it strongly enough to dictate his concerns into the bible... then clearly he feels equally strongly about mixed fibres, (if he didctates his thoughts on the matter in the same book to the same prophet.) One can't cherry-pick between divine pronouncements.... at least, not without looking like a hypocritical idiot. R. ""

Thursday, November 17, 2005

[321>US102]:10.16=[60x4+42] #0:Theocracy < US? Jpns Taiwan, Saudi, IraqWar, AfghanC., RFisk, CSheehan, FoxTV, A News, Crmnls, ICC. Physical check.

Taiwan picture, Japanese: Saudi Arabia: Vietnam=IraqWar:NYT: IncendiaryIraq:UKId: Robert Fisk speaks: >US journalists: CSmom to GBmom: OutIraq? A News: JamesBamford>Wars: HarryBrowne>FoxTV: AfghanComplex: MostWntdCrmnls: Intl Crim Court: Fair mild to warm! Up 6:05 then 8:15, Mei back cleans 2 toilets, quick food and computer. Then rush to annual check up at Palo Alto Medl Foundn, to have blood, urine, and bowel? test another day, still resisting colon-scopy. Bank, Dr. Ch's office for mom's blood test rept (Aug. 23-24), Compcast for tel & Internet, then o.h.: tel then fax rept. to Bill in order to Meiyin, has finished drugs for still going-on cough? Home here to answer [C]R on religion & state: US vs. Saudi-Arabia! under ""Heroic" Future of the Theocracy from the US?" > #0. Already 1:11am! Jun in, bed 2:05! #0: Theocracy from USA: "" [Tsai 05.11.17=4 #1] Believe it or not, for myself also, someone has said on BookTV, that Saudi Arabia is a less theocratic (or the term he used "sheria"?) compared to the USA! Freer and more tolerant? He, "Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl is one of the most important and influential Islamic thinkers in the modern age. An accomplished Islamic jurist and scholar, he is a professor at the UCLA School of Law, where he teaches Islamic law, immigration law, human rights law, and international and national security law. As the most critical and powerful voice against puritanical and Wahhabi Islam today"! ""

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

[320>US101]:10.15=[60x4+41] Bush,Japan:freeTaiwan>China, Wars:Wash,LBJ,Wilson, Mom:Draft. #0: Big Business over USA. Jung back early, not well.

Taiwan >China::Bush: Taiwan<>China:Japan: IraqWarIntelligence: New WarWanted :Bush: ForeignEntanglements LBJ GlobalIllusions: WWilsonSecretPolice: :American Civil War: :Attack unDraft Mom: Fair a bit windy cool mild: Up 6:15, then 8am, full bath, Mei back then off. Tel Dr. Cheng for mom's blood test report, tel all 3 families all busy. Just tel Jung, back from Taiwan perhaps Sunday 13th night, Monday started heart exams all over! Now 12:37am. Jun also in, bed 1:45. #0: Big Business over USA < G. William Domhoff, Philip H. Burch, Jr., to failed Kim McQuaid: From "The Business-Government Alliance", an article, by Murray N. Rothbard. 1. "The higher circles;: The governing class in America", by G. William Domhoff; Random House; [1st ed.] edition (1970): "" Chapter Six in that work still provides an unrivaled study of the big-business support behind the Social Security Act and the pro-union Wagner Act of the 1930s. "" 2. "Elites in American History: The Federalist Years to the Civil War" (Hardcover), by Philip H., Jr. Burch; Holmes & Meier Publishers (June, 1981): "sparkling, encyclopedic work" 3. 1)"Big business and presidential power: From FDR to Reagan" (Hardcover), by Kim McQuaid; Morrow; 1st ed edition (1982): 2)"Uneasy Partners : Big Business in American Politics, 1945-1990" (The American Moment) (Hardcover), by Kim McQuaid; The Johns Hopkins University Press (January 1, 1994):

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

[319>US100]:10.14=[60x4+40] #0: "mini-nations" World. Bush:Human Rights, Paine Independence, Iraq, Carlyle Grp, RusTurk. Rented & Jung couple back.

Bush: Taiwan Free>China: Unvrsl Dclrtn:Hmn Rghts: TP Rev Dclrtn: Indpndnc: -:Thomas Paine: IraqIllegalMedDetainees: Iraq:US'Massive Arrests: !Melting Skin: !burning qstn: CarlyleGroup Subversion: Rus-Turk Pipeline Italy: French Probl: Windy cloudy fair cool mild: Up 6:15 then 8:15, Section 8 coming tenant tel to offer $1000 deposit first then $500 soon, agree. Finish emails at 1:25pm late! [C]R rplies my answer under: " "Heroic" Future of the World-2: "mini-nations" " > #0. H. comes and pays $1590 of $1500 deposit and $592 of the 1st monfh rent, $2 short, and the remaining $500 depost to be paid by Friday. Done! Mei goes with her for her keys to open the house. Mei tel Chen pressing to move back again then tv, now 11:56pm. Check garage & water as usual which the dog drinks long and hard! and food for the first time for Snowball. Jun still computer. Bed 12:40am. #0: "Heroic" Future of the World-2: "mini-nations": [French Intifada ] "" [Tsai 05.11.15=2 #1] Colin Powell is a son of Jamaican immigrant to the US, and the current Condoleezza Rice is? Perhaps you have mentioned before that the Carribean immigrants are rather special? If they are marrying out, then it's different from the Mexicans in the US, in that a viable separate identity of their own in their self-ruling community is rather marginal. It is also not so for the Chinese immigrants to Taiwan, since the Japanese had taken over Taiwan, and then the Chinese Nationalists. Would "mini-nations" ever replace the nation states, without state or "separatist" terrors?. ====================== R. wrote: Oh yes, they are. Where are the Caribian churches and preachers that call for holy war, death to the Jewish pigs, disgust for the unbelievers (that includes *you*, in case you missed that), and a refusal to obey the laws of the crusaders (that includes British law, in case you missed that too). More to the point... where exactly are these fanatical French Muslims? Do the rioters stop rioting five times a day for prayers? Do they conspire with others in the local Mosque? You'd apparently like to think so. Reports suggest that your view and reality are separated by a widening gulf. These kids GRANDPARENTS might have been Islamic, but the kids themselves are unlikely even to speak Arabic. Their connection with their ethnic roots has withered away... and hasn't been replaced. The vast majority don't study the Koran, they don't attend the mosque, and they don't pray to Allah. They're as irreligious as the average Englishman. But I guess it's a handy (if ill-informed) stereotype if you've got a weak argument that needs shoring up. D.: It IS possible to integrate Caribians into a pluralistic, democratic society. How you want to integrate Islam, you should show us. How many of the 47 islamic countries around the world have anything resembling a free, tolerant society? R.: The UK is the main destination for Carribean immigrants. The first wave arrived here on the SS "Windrush"... We're now dealing with their chldren and grandchildren. Interestingly, a majority of women or Jamaican origin wouldn't consider taking a husband of Jamaican origin. They're ambitious, and they regard Jamaican men as "lazy underachievers." My home town of Bristol is a strange place... for complicated historical reasons, it doesn't follow the usual rules of urban expansion - deprived inner city, prosperous outer suburbs - instead, it's kind of like a "marble cake" - where you make two batches of spongecake mixture, pour one into the cake tine, then the other, and stir gently with a spoon so that they mix up. Result, I spent most of my childhood living in a wealthy area... yet also no more than a few hundred yards away from St Pauls - one of England's oldest communities of West Indians. The "problem" we have with West Indians generally speaking isn't with immigrants or their children. It's with their Jamaican passport-holding relatives, who come to "visit" - using family connections as a prextext for getting a Visa. Shootings in Bristol are rare... and almost entirely down to "visiting cousins". Back home in Jamaica, the country divides into relatively crime-free "tourist" areas, and Kingston, which is as dangerous as Baghdad. Cops carry M16's and patrol in pairs. Drug dealing is the major source of income. Criminal gangs ("Yardies" and "Rude Boys") are the main authority. Yes, it's possible - to an extent - to assimilate Jamaicans. The girls work hard at school, get white-collar jobs, and marry white, white-collar men. The boys goof-off at school (it's not "cool" to be smart) get blue-collar jobs, and frequently marry white girls from blue-collar backgrounds. Sounds stereotypical... but it's the way things are. By the fourth or fifth generation, their kinds won't just be "assimilated"... it'll be almost impossible to tell that they had dark-skinned great grandparents. My son has Jamaican friends - notably one named Jason. His parents arrived in the UK shortly before he was born, 14 years back. Both parents come from the relatively small "educated middle class" of the West Indies. I note that the USA comprises over 50 "mini-nations", each semi-autonomous. Have you been following the recent spate of referendums across these sub-nations? On issues like "Intelligent Design"? How "free" and "religiously tolerant" is a state that can raise a majority that demands the teaching of Fundamentalist Christianity in all its schools? R "" ==================== "" West Indian immigrants to the USA are an interesting group - highly selected, non-typical. Immigrants to the UK were encouraged to move here to fill a "skills shortage" towards the lower end of the skills market, and at a time when the "Welfare State" was in full swing. "Free" education for your children - up to and including University - free healthcare, subsidised housing for the poor, a state pension that you could actually live on... Quite an incentive to move here and take the low paid-jobs that nobody else wanted to do. America was somewhat more selective. Average incomes for West Indian immigrants to the USA is HIGHER even than for "whites", and a lot higher than for "African Americans" generally. That makes it kind of hard to compare the two groups. The "mini-states" thing is an interesting side-effect of the EU. Scottish separatists, for example, are often keen "Euro-federalists". They see the EU as means to "divorce" the rest of the UK (i.e. England) while remaining part of something "protectively bigger". The various Spanish regions share a similar outlook: each region paranoid that the others are "ganging up on it" to deprive them of their "fair share". They're in favour of a transfer of power away from national government down to regions and up to a trans-national government in Brussels. The people of the largest components in Europe's three biggest countries (Germany, France and Spain) are relatively "secure in their national identities" (And German "Lander" - roughly equivalent to "states" inside a federal Republic have more autonomy than in usual in Europe already. Within the UK, Wales and Scotland have their own "assemblies", with limited powers of self-government) The problem then is that the EU has to decide what it's going to be.... and there's dispute about what that is. We could go for stronger "regional" governments - "mini states" and weaker national governments... or we could keep things as they are. But we can't do both. Not unless (and it makes some sense) we make "European-ness" kind of "modular", where each member state picks which options they want to sign up for, and which they don't want. There have been nations in the past (The Swiss and Austrians) who were "associate" members of the EU. On some issues they were treated as members, on others they weren't. Similar deal with the Euro: Poland and the UK are both EU members.... neither use the Euro. As a matter of trivial interest, Colin Powell's first name is pronounced by his parents (who chose the name) in the English style - "Koll'n" And yet he's known to most Americans as "Koh-linn". R ""

Monday, November 14, 2005

[318]:10.13=(60x4+39)[US99] Taiwan Economy. #1.Stateless-4. #2:Islam Extremists. Jun interview, O.h.:Jung back18=5, "Ltsha"ch.4&5,Dju,New TVdramas.

Taiwan Competitiveness: France to UK :Iran: Black Hole: Asbestos: MDMA(Ecstasy): news: 'Malignant Design': Cloudy then fair cool mild: Up 6:15 then 8:40, simple bath, Mei back tel for air fares, Lung off 11am for an interview, so drive Mei to work then to o.h.: lunch, Jung postponed to be back Friday, continue reading "Langtalsha" Chapters 4 & 5, Dju drops in. Evening starts new Taiwanese 9pm, Korean 10pm TV dramas. Already 12:58am. Jun throws away garbage, then in. Bed soon 1:45. #1. "The Stateless Society Fights Back: Life without a state? Really? Answers to common questions", by Stefan Molyneux: "" Earlier articles: The Stateless Society Caging the Devils: The Stateless Society and Violent Crime These Cages Are Only For Beasts My recent articles on the stateless society have generated some fascinating feedback. Questions, issues and criticisms rained heavy on my inbox – here are some of the more challenging queries I received, and my responses. "" #2. "The Great Theft : Wrestling Islam from the Extremists" (Hardcover), by Khaled M. Abou El Fadl; HarperSanFrancisco (October 1, 2005): "" From Publishers Weekly El Fadl, professor of Islamic law at UCLA and Bush appointee to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, is the academic voice of the world's majority-moderate Muslims. His strong credentials and thoughtful approach set him apart from his peers. Here, he successfully argues that the extremist sects of Islam, mainly Wahhabism, blatantly defy the true values of Islam. He clarifies that Wahhabism was once an unpopular, fringe, cultlike movement, which only grew through a chance partnership with the Saudi Arabian ruling family. "" "" About the Author Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl is one of the most important and influential Islamic thinkers in the modern age. An accomplished Islamic jurist and scholar, he is a professor at the UCLA School of Law, where he teaches Islamic law, immigration law, human rights law, and international and national security law. As the most critical and powerful voice against puritanical and Wahhabi Islam today, he regularly appears on national and international television and radio, including CNN, NBC, PBS, NPR, and Voice of America (broadcast throughout the Middle East). ""

Sunday, November 13, 2005

[317]:10.12=(60x4+38)[US98] Taiwan JpUS, Anarchism, Vietnam; CA Cnstttn, ImpchUKPM, Mao, Snglrty=RdclEvolution, Alphabet, WarmingPacific. BookTV...

Taiwan < US - Japan: Democratic Fascism?: ??Taoist Anarchism?: ?Anarcho-capitalism: And Vietnamese Also: BlvrnRpblc Cascadia: Calif. Constitution: US anti-Fonda cult: To Impeach UK PrMi?: JZiegler >Iraq food: Mao theUnknownStory: Singularity Is Near: "Radical Evolution": 10thCentBC Alphabet: Warming>FishPlummet: Thin cloud sun cool to mild: Up 6:30, first walk to rental house, meeting Mei and young India? family, show sq ft and Mei angry. Book TV to Mao, SJ Mercury News to S & R books above. Now again late 12:47am. Jun in. Bed 1:55.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

[316]:10.11=(60x4+37)[US97] Start reading "Langtaosha", Chiu couple birthday dinner, Taipei Co. governor candidate debate live, answer [C]R past 1am

California & France: Cloudy sunshine cool to mild: Up 7:40, bath tonight to Mr. Ch's birthday dinner, soon to flu shot and banks. Quick flu shot, then Bk of Am's A. again helps me to get away from a little penalty because of her competitor misled me. To o.h. (our old house), a. vacation, lunch, start to read "Langtaosha" whose movie got prize last night at Taipei, drive to Costco for mom's drug, but u-turn because she thinks the new Costco were at other direction, so to the restraunt next to the new 99, 5:30, continue to read "Langtaosha" till 6:30, starts from the Japanese soldiers came outside Tamsui, the landed north, and some people came from Amoy to Tamsui for adventure and future, Chapter 3: "Taiwan Democratic State". 6:30pm to the restraunt to Chiu couple birthday dinner, in 1 of 3 tables, top generation of 3 ones, meeting old acquaintance: Mr. Chiu's sis couple, father's last broker, Lin couple, Hiro's past co-worker, and Chiu's son family. Homel, watch Taipei Co. governor's election debate live till 5 minutes ago, mid-night here. DPP's Lo is very good! Not just because of his party or his being a Hakka. Now back to emails. Finally answer [C]R with "Napoleon vs. Hitler #106+R..: "Heroic" Future of South America?+..." Jun finally in. Now 1:22am. Bed 2am.

Friday, November 11, 2005

[315]:10.10=(60x4+36)[US96] Taiwan position,mediaTVBS, VT Secedes, No State,GunControl, Afghanistan, US, next? no banks.

Taiwan LegalPosition: China-controled TVBS: Vermont secedes 11.4: Disproving the State: No GunControl Brazil: Afghanistan Compact:: US ChurchNationalism: US V Pres Dark Heart: US V Pres should go?: Iran or Syria next??: and so on: Prof.booksAgainstWar: Bush shame/honor (2): Cloudy rare bit sun cool later somewhat fair: Up 8am, 10:30? Mei back cleans & food, off near noon. Lunch back. Check doc again, late to banks c losed. H. still no tel for rental arrangement. Ch & dog come for evening till now 11:38pm. Computer slows down again. Bed 1:20am.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

[314]:10.9=(60x4+35)[US95] #1."Is Taiwan Chinese?" & "Becoming Japanese". #2.Taiwan! Afr-Can, Jrdn, Knghts, Van, Bks, Nuwa. Rental delay again.

"Is Taiwan Chinese?": >#1.1 More: "Becoming Japanese": >#1.2 Taiwan, Yes! >#2 African-Canadians: Jordan attacks: UK Knights' 10: Veggie Van Gogh: Used Books: Nuwa Goddess: Cloudy fair cool Up 6:10, Mei off with Jun, later Lung off, emails unfinished past 2pm now! Search Dong Fanbai's "Langtaosha" into, no luck. But, getting into #1. Then computer slows down to near immobile, so re-start, while reading "Langtaosha". Computer on again after 11:30pm. Jun computer, Mei tv sound, 12:23am to go. Bed 1:05am. #1. 1-2. "Is Taiwan Chinese"; 3. "Becoming Japanese": 1. "Is Taiwan Chinese? : The Impact of Culture, Power, and Migration on Changing Identities" (Interdisciplinary Studies of China) (Paperback), by Melissa J. Brown [[ "Assistant Professor of Anthropological Sciences at Stanford University. She is the editor of Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan ]]>2. (1996). ; University of California Press (February 4, 2004): "" Book Description The "one China" policy officially supported by the People's Republic of China, the United States, and other countries asserts that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of it. The debate over whether the people of Taiwan are Chinese or independently Taiwanese is, Melissa J. Brown argues, a matter of identity: Han ethnic identity, Chinese national identity, and the relationship of both of these to the new Taiwanese identity forged in the 1990s. In a unique comparison of ethnographic and historical case studies drawn from both Taiwan and China, Brown's book shows how identity is shaped by social experience--not culture and ancestry, as is commonly claimed in political rhetoric. "" 2. "Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan" (China Research Monograph) (Paperback), by Institute of East Asian Studies, Melissa J. Brown (Editor); Routledge/Curzon (April, 1996): 3. "Becoming Japanese: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation" (Hardcover), by Leo T. S. Chingb [[ "Assistant Professor of Japanese in the Department of Asian and African Languages and Literature at Duke University" ]]; University of California Press (June 18, 2001): "" Editorial Reviews: the Vancouver Sun "Draws on literary sources as well as historical documents to show what the Taiwanese coping strategies were." Book Description In 1895 Japan acquired Taiwan as its first formal colony after a resounding victory in the Sino-Japanese war. For the next fifty years, Japanese rule devastated and transformed the entire socioeconomic and political fabric of Taiwanese society. In Becoming Japanese, Leo Ching examines the formation of Taiwanese political and cultural identities under the dominant Japanese colonial discourse of assimilation (dôka) and imperialization (kôminka) from the early 1920s to the end of the Japanese Empire in 1945. Becoming Japanese analyzes the ways in which the Taiwanese struggled, negotiated, and collaborated with Japanese colonialism during the cultural practices of assimilation and imperialization. It chronicles a historiography of colonial identity formations that delineates the shift from a collective and heterogeneous political horizon into a personal and inner struggle of "becoming Japanese." Representing Japanese colonialism in Taiwan as a topography of multiple associations and identifications made possible through the triangulation of imperialist Japan, nationalist China, and colonial Taiwan, Ching demonstrates the irreducible tension and contradiction inherent in the formations and transformations of colonial identities. Throughout the colonial period, Taiwanese elites imagined and constructed China as a discursive space where various forms of cultural identification and national affiliation were projected. Successfully bridging history and literary studies, this bold and imaginative book rethinks the history of Japanese rule in Taiwan by radically expanding its approach to colonial discourses. "" #2. Taiwan, Yes! "Taiwan not a `laughing stock' in the world's eyes", by Su Ching-lun 蘇經綸; Thursday, Nov 10, 2005,Page 8: "" As a second-generation Mainlander, I was taught by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) to be patriotic and proud of the fact I was Chinese. However, as a result of the democratization of Taiwan and my experience of studying overseas, I now have a totally different view of China. "" "" I was once shocked when a Chinese friend told me that "the Chinese are too slavish to adapt to a democratic system." What stunned me was not his view on the Chinese people, but the fact that he no longer believed that I -- being from Taiwan -- was "Chinese." His sentiments underline the absurdity of China's ongoing attempts to marginalize Taiwan. ""

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

[313]:10.8=(60x4+34)[US94] Taiwan Danger, US:HK for China, Iraq War problems & Jordan. US Secessionism. Venus Express. Rental Section 8 & delay.

Taiwan in Danger!!: China < HongK < US: US Jordan Iraq8/19: Torture: Red-istan US: Redneckistan: SecessionUSA: IRC:GlblGoodNghbor: > Vermont secession?: more: more: more: Sir Francis Drake: VenusExpressStart: Thin cloud increasing cool mild: Up 7am, bath, Mei back and off, emails, pass Section 8, tenant pays tomorrow to move in, bank shortage. Mei protests loudly about coming tenant's delay. 12:38am Jun computer, Mei TV & Sleeping as usual, going. Jun computer. Bed 1:35.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

[312]:10.7=(60x4+33)[US93] #1. Taiwan Struggling. #2. Save Taiwan! #3. T. Languages & Politics. #4. America the Virtuous. #5. Cages For Beasts.

Taiwan: Beauty: Taiwan the Struggling!: >#1 "America the Virtuous": more: > #4 American Neocon: Who,Your Daddy?: US,Your Country: Wall of Shame-1: US Poisons Iraq: more: Fallujah Nov.04: Iraq War crimes: US VP > Torture: Cages For Beasts: >#5 World Food DayNY: Cloudy cold cool few sun: Up 6:15. Answer Chen on "Basic Democracy Principle #1001:Taiwan to EAU" > #1. Answer [C]R on ""Heroic" future of Multi-lingual Taiwan" > #3. Answer Chen at late night, on "Taiwan is in real danger. Let's help ourselves now!", I finally express my worry about the political and military situation in Taiwan > #2. Now 12:57am, Jun has finally gone inside. Finish up now. Bed 1:45. #1. "Basic Democracy Principle #1001:Taiwan to EAU": "" [Tsai 05.11.8=2 #1] I have just typed a detailed answer to you, but has benn wiped out by clicking "View". In a shorter form, 3 points: 1) Our Taiwan ROC is not Chiang's ROC or Chinese ROC in exile. She is our own creation, under our control. We could stop using ROC, and use Taiwan, without any public declaration. 2) Any left-over problems from ROC was wiped out by the Chinese Communist Party in China. But, our problems in Taiwan, even grown more serious by the Pan-Blue parties, could be faced first perhaps by the South African way of public acknowledgement, apology, and seeking of pardons, then by legal termination of judgement by laws domistically, and also internationally about the "crimes against humanity" and the position of Taiwan. 3) To face Chinese threats and manipulation, we should all join together in understanding our danger and possible bright future, by the Swiss way of maintaining freedom and peace for centuries, until finally a membership in the EU and in the UN. We could enthusiastically promote an East Asian Union, first by joining with Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, and Japan in economic, political and cultural cooperation. Like the EU, if not possible to terminate death penalty at once, at least democracy should be aimed at for all members, including China. "" #2. Save Taiwan Now! ""Taiwan is in real danger. Let's help ourselves now!"" "" [Tsai 05.11.8=2 #3] Indeed, it's just incredible how shamelessly weak our President is. But, it is also true that the Taiwanese voted our Parliament so blue that it's very difficult and often impossible to act according what he actually want to do! Now that many Taiwanese are impressed with the image of official corruption, and also the "clean" image of the KMT head, we are facing unexpected fatal danger. This is really a critical time for all of us, including the Blue peoples, who just refuse or are unwilling to face the reality that they are being played by our enemy's manipulation, and brain-washing which the Bluers had used for decades to fool the Taiwanese, but also had done to themselves to be fooled by themselves, into the enemy's trap. And letting this development continue unhindered for so long, is definitely our government's responsibility: it's fundamental responsibility is to protect our security. Our Parliament is responsible for restricting at this time, our defense in the face of so many years' Chinese real military threats, is the most ourageous and treasonous act. How could this be left to continue? Yes, our President has repeatedly warned against this danger, real danger never happened before in our military balance against China. WE HAVE TO CHANGE our Parliment in our next election. At this very dangerous juncture, China has done its utmost to fool the whole world with the image of suddenly friendly and peaceful fault appearances. Well, it's up to ourselves not to be fooled, especially the Blue peoples with the extremely painful long years experience in China of being fooled and wiped out of China! ============================== Cheng-Kuang Chen wrote: To: 陳總統水扁先生, [救台湾]的第一歩是[消滅中華民国] 陳水扁執政五年,他的軟弱,無能,没胆量,而不敢法辦那些 叛国,無恥的國親中國党,而使台湾社会動乱不停,無法安定。譲支持者受尽了無奈,悲憤的怨気。 在2004年,阿扁喊出[一辺一国],台湾人以為他有決心要建立一個有尊厳的[台湾共和国]而振奮,把票投給陳水扁又譲他連任。但連任後,従319發生暗殺未遂事件,陳水扁確實破了膽子,顯得更軟弱,更無能。被親中媒体搞得団団転,所有政策都停頓無法進行。 台灣人民誤會了,原來他的[一辺一国]的內涵是意味[一辺中華民国,一辺中華人民共和国] 意味[一国両制]的「統一論」。台灣人更不能接受[中華民国==台灣]的[賣台謬論」。 陳水扁比任何人更清楚[中華民国被中華人民共和国取代,早就亡國,在国際社会已不存在的歷史名稱,連蒋介石在1950年,自己也承認中華民国是滅亡了,為什麼阿扁還抱着中華民国的屍体不放?使用走不出去的ROC 名義来自欺欺人、誤導台湾人民,並貽害台灣的建國理想。 難道陳水扁己屈服了中国,要断送台湾前途?不然,做一個元首何必效忠已亡国的外來政權憲法? 並領導全民效忠幽靈憲法而不敢改国号? 我建議民進党的党旗圖案必需修改,不要把「台湾島」永遠放在十字路上,表示民進党迷路,站在十字路口,不知道要走向那一條路才是正路? [救台湾]的第一歩是[消滅中華民国]正名為「台湾国」。 没有中華民国的陰影,亡霊,台湾社会的乱象就会消失,就会安定,建国之路就会順利! 唯有使用[台湾国]名義才有可能走進国際社会! 1971年被趕出國際社會到2005年已有三十多年,中華民國的國號早就從國際社會消失。這個現實,大家有目共睹,不必口水戰。 盛行的名稱是[台灣],陳水扁為什麼不向國際社會努カ訴求? 陳総統不要再自欺欺人,搞垮台湾,做歴史罪人!快醒醒把! 環球漫話社 編輯 黃惠瑛 2005.11.07 ……………………………………………………………………敬愛的鄉親: 如果您有共鳴,煩請照文抄送(Forward 可能會亂碼,看不懂,抄下再貼在Text發出), 並多轉送親朋好友如法泡製,多謝! 社長 陳辰光謹上 2005.11.07 "" #3. ""#103 "Heroic" future of Multi-lingual Taiwan"": "" [Tsai 05.11.8=2 #2] The Quebec stirring is, I would still maintain, far more civilized than lynching. See if you could fighre out the language situation in Taiwan: 1) majority Hklos (Pan Green of the Democratic Progressive Party, or Taiwanese DPP), 3) minority Hakkas, 2) official Mandarin (Pan Blue of the Chinese Nationalist Party, or Chinese KMT). 1) The majority speak Hoklos, which is spoken by almost all campaign politicians, except in the Hakka areas, where Mandarin is spoken far more than Hakkas by the outside campaigners. Hoklos is considered national language. (Pan Green). me with difficulty. 2) Mandarin is the official language. Almost understood by all Taiwanese. {Pan Blue). 3) Hakkas occupy a few areas of Taiwan, north, south, and east. Campaigners try hard to learn to speak a little, not extremely different from Mandarin. (Pan Green has benn courting the Hakkas lately with some success.) me. 4) Japanese is understood by most older people, (Especially liked by Pan Green.) 5) Less than one dozen native Taiwanese is understood only by their native tribers, fianlly appear a bit on TV. ====================== ""#103 "Heroic" future of Multi-cultural Canada"": [Tsai 05.11.8=2 #1] In this regard, idealism of empire is better than of national determinism. Perhaps, it's also "A Question of Cosmopolitanism", such as that of Ottoman Empire or the Napoleon Europe, beyond exclusive Hitlerism and inclusive nationalism. Multi-culturalims and localism should be our ideal, I think. They tend to be more democratic without being majority dictatorship, more of oceanic rather than continental civilization. Taiwan, like the USA is a nation of immigrants. I wonder to what extent is the UK, compared to France or Germany. It seems to me also that multi-cultural or multi-lingual nations like Switzerland are easier to cope with this kind of coming global problem. So, Canada is equipped with at least two elements of being a winner, expressed also in its great foreign relations. ====================== R. wrote: With the possible exception of Portugal, multi-lingual Belgium had the most shameful record of Imperialism of all the European nations. No, forget Portugal. Belgium's murderous exploitation of Congolese rubber marks the absolute nadir of colonization. The true horrors are only nowadays being remembered. One of the great campaigners against Belgium's slave-trade and forced labour camps was the British (Irish) MP Erskine Chilvers... who was subsequently found to be buying guns from Germany for the IRA. His popularity evaporated and the story he helped to expose was forgotten with him. There's not a great deal of love lost between the French-speaking "Walloons" and the (kind-of) Dutch-speaking "Flemings". When Belgium decided to add a third TV channel to their existing two (one French, one Flemish) they couldn't agree on programming. So instead, they settled on rebroadcasting BBC1 - in English - as the only acceptable compromise! Note too that the French and german speaking communities of Switzerland don't see eye-to-eye. The French minority feel that the German majority "gang up" on them. "" #4. "America the Virtuous: The Crisis of Democracy and the Quest for Empire" (Hardcover), by Claes G. Ryn; Transaction Publishers (October, 2003): "" the best short book on the geneology of neoconservatism, February 15, 2005 Reviewer: gaius marius (Chicago, IL) - See all my reviews it's hard to gain a sense of scope, in a short book, of the depth of the malicious current which now afflicts american politics in the fascist redux of neoconservatism. ryn does admirably, tracing the mindset of radical/revolutionary polarized idealism such as we see today in neoconservatism to the rousseauian jacobins. "" #5. "These Cages Are Only For Beasts", by Stefan Molyneux: "" The DRO debate continues… After my first article "The Stateless Society" was published, I was asked to explain how a society without government would deal with violent crime. Lew was kind enough to publish my article on "Caging the Beasts" which provoked quite a flurry of positive and negative (though never unkind!) responses and requests for clarifications, which I will provide here. To summarize, "Caging the Beasts" described the measures that private Dispute Resolution Organizations (DROs) could take against violent criminals – measures many readers found more soul-crushing and repressive than life under the current government! I am always eager to improve arguments for freedom, and so heartily thank those who took the time to write in – and will do my best to clarify how life in a truly free society will not turn into a repressive web of petty regulations run by fascistic and heavily-armed insurance companies. For those new to the debate, DROs are private insurance companies whose sole purpose is to mediate disputes between individuals. ""

Monday, November 07, 2005

[311]:10.6=(60x4+32)[US92] Taiwan successor theories, US' war, new fuel, ... Section 8 inspection, eager to moves in, P. fixes it..

TaiwanSuccessor: More: Taiwan isn'tROC: War Claims Data: Scrcy & Torture: New Fuel Source: ::Bibliography:: InfraredGallery: Cloudy dark cool slowly bit rains at times: 8am up, later Mei back then rental house, in and out. To rental house for Section 8 inspection at 2pm, new "tenant" requests to move in first! I go for refinancing mail and Brewer's Yeast plus Fiber, but powder, at GNC. Mei has P. fix rental house and to HomeDepot, so I fetch Jun. 9pm pay P. $180, late supper, Mei tel P. for fixing bath tub wall, $1000? 11:30pm. Jun computer, bed 12:30.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

[310]:10.5=(60x4+31)[US91] #0: "Heroic" France. Chinese dominance of Taiwanese media, US

Chinese Media conquror Taiwan?! US lost control of OAS: US Patriot Act danger!: Cloudy cool few sunlight later: Up 6:20, no Hakka School today, later all 4 breakfast, few emails finished soon, and d2 day's mails. Reply World Savings Real Estate Loan Group's District Loan Manager, on 2 loans of mortgage 5.790%, and of equity line of credit, 6.038% (loan fee $200), both for 360 months. To rental house meeting a Chinese (she asked me, answered no, from Taiwan!) couple around noon. Throw away almost all accumulated newspapers. Respond to [C]D's "Any opinion about the intifada" with "Napoleon vs. Hitler #102 "Heroic" future: Muslims in France" > #0. Almost 11:30 now. Jun computer, bed 12:40. #0: "Heroic" France: ""Napoleon vs. Hitler #102 "Heroic" Future: Muslims in France: [Any opinion about the intifada ]"": "" [Tsai 05.11.6=7 #1] D., just 2 points: 1) Napoleon >> Hitler: Perhaps it was David Brooks of "On Paradise Drive": [url shortened by tinyurl] who said yesterday BookTV that (1) Napoleon is very great even without any victories and conquest, simply because of his enormous accomplishment all over Europe, e.g., today's French education, (2) Both Americans and Frenchmen, unlike the British, are very proud of their countries passionately, and hence are very confident about their civilization, especially the latter in my opinion. So eventually minority matter could be faced squarely and taken advantage of it, I would rather believe. 2) The Muslim would like to be left alone, to rule themselves? As you might know, I have always advocated for more local and direct democracies, even military ones and of course especially economic ones. D., would you tell me, what's wrong with local peoples rule themselves, if overall laws, order, and harmony is maintained smoothly? Acturally, I think that's almost the only possible future for all of us. As an American, according to David Brooks, living "in the Future Tense", perhaps easier to see it? ""

Saturday, November 05, 2005

[309]:10.4=(60x4+30)[US90] Poetry, 911 Movies, Hitler, Wars. Refri moved into Rental house. #0: KGB in Cold War.

Poetry: 911 movies: US Hitler?: Wars' Lies: War& Bsnss: Fair cool to mild: Back to bed up 9am. 10am lung off, back then off, 2:10 Mei back. BookTV still, on Reagan after "The World Was Going Our Way" > #0. Mei to Costco. Late lunch. Evening tel to move tenant's refrigerator. Home, change print cartridge to reprint visa appln to Egypt, emails, now 11:34pm, Jun w computer, I'm finally ready to be in. Jun did not "dog" [lock garage door, off light, lock kitchen door] Bed 12:40. #0: "The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World" (Hardcover), by Christopher Andrew, Vasili Mitrokhin; Basic Books (September 20, 2005): "" From Publishers Weekly This second volume of the post-war history of the KGB-based on the "Mitrokhin Archive" of secret documents purloined by the late co-author, a KGB dissident-surveys the Soviet spy agency's skullduggery in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Historian Andrew portrays Russian policy toward the Third World as largely the creation of the KGB "" "" Book Description The second volume of stunning revelations from the archives of the KGB-covering the Soviets' vast operations around the world, from the Middle East to Latin America, Africa and India In 1992 the British Secret Intelligence Service exfiltrated from Russia a defector whose presence in the West remained a secret until the publication of The Sword and the Shield in 1999. That man was Vasili Mitrokhin, the KGB's most senior archivist. Unknown to his superiors, Mitrokhin had spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of highly classified files which, at enormous personal risk, he smuggled out of the KGB archives. The FBI described the archive as "the greatest single cache of intelligence every received by the West." In The Sword and the Shield, Christopher Andrew revealed the secrets of the KGB's operations in the United States and Europe; now in The World Was Going Our Way, he has written the first comprehensive account of the KGB and its operations throughout the Third World. "" "" About the Author Christopher Andrew is professor of modern and contemporary history at Cambridge University, a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, former Visiting Professor of National Security at Harvard University, and guest lecturer at numerous American universities and the CIA. His writings, including Her Majesty's Secret Service, KGB, and For the President's Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency have established him as one of the world's leading authorities on intelligence history. ""

Friday, November 04, 2005

[308]:10.3=(60x4+29)[US89] Taiwan StockMkt, Libby, Arab TV. Show Mrs Liu for rent, Hsiang sis visit o.h., join [OMA], pay AmExpress.

Taiwan competitiveness:: Cheney-Libby Conspiracy? US-backed ArabTV Ntwork: Wet cloudy cool w rare blue sky: Up 6:25, sons off later also, finish emails w computer slowing down. 11:15 Mei back. Noon to rental house for Mrs. Liu with another lady looking for good school district, then to o.h., aBi is in for long weekend off from her English class, lunch, Jung will be back from Taiwan on 14th? Her sister-in-law who lives nearby, comes then gives up going together because a nearby old Japanese woman is going with us, the latter gives up packages to post office, then gives up herself near bank, after told by me that both mom and aBi have cold for several weeks and acutally cugh hard. Vegetables and fruits at Marina till 5:30pm already dark. Home, Mei cooks big, sons and Ch in also for supper. Mei insists so tel and pay Ame Express for the first time. For Internet, join [OMA] and ask for initial activity. (It's actually [OI], and only there R's answer to me from [OMA] found. -from 05.11.5=6) Now 11:57pm. Jun finally bed, Lung still w light, bed 12:55.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

[307]:10.2=(60x4+28)[US88] Giocangga, US prisons,fraud, Islamic democracy, Joint replcmnt, Statelessness, Meteors. Mikio back to Taiwan, Visas forms

Giocangga=Qing-2: US SecrPrsn>eEur: US Torture: US VPresident:* And Beyond: By Austria: FPIF:India>IAEA: Islamic>Dmcracy: Joint Replacemt: More: Stateless Society: More: Live/Die Freely: Meteor Shower: Thin cloud decreasing, later cloudy cool: Up 5:55, 7:45 Mei back and vacuums a bit. Lung back lunch then off. Mikio tel 11:45-55pm telling he is going back to Taiwan to see mother minor broken bones tomorrow nigh. All day emails into Spyware and so on, Mei requests to print Greece and Turkey visas, then mid-night 2 responses D who finally back to [C]. Jung w computer then in also. Bed 1:20am.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

[306]:10.1=(60x4+27)[US87] #0: Mexico defies US on the Int'l Crimnl Court. US Secret Prisons, Guantanamo Secrecy, VT & Cascadia. Glasses food.

US SecretPrisons: Mexico joins ICC: > #0 Guantanamo NotUN: VT for Secession? RepublicCascadia: Cloudy cool later sun: Up 6:15, full bath, Mei work, computer class then back and off. Lung & Mei in then off just now, 3:37pm. Microovened a bowl of meat-vegetable, then Mei back and had told me she discovered a piece of glass spoon there, very angry that she saves money rather than ourselves as always, however I have just taken that!! until I felt very small sand of glass and tossed it. Ready to go to rental house to meet Si then to post office. Si w her small daughter who attend German-Chinese school in Mountainview, she from Germany, he Austria, all speak German at home. Mail 2 letters: one payment, one notify for the 2nd time my BBC Services is no longer in business (only in services!) certificated w return $4.20. Home: Mei in, 2 sons later in. It's only 11:20pm now, but Mei vacuums a bit. Jun computer. Bed 12:30am still too late. #0: International Criminal Court: "Mexico Defies Washington on the International Criminal Court", by Katherine Stapp; Published on Wednesday, November 2, 2005 by Inter Press Service: "" NEW YORK - If Washington follows through on threats to slash aid to Mexico as punishment for its accession to the International Criminal Court (ICC), it risks further alienating key U.S. allies and drawing attention to its own increasingly shaky human rights record, say activists. "There will be a price to be paid by the U.S. government in terms of its credibility," Richard Dicker, director of Human Rights Watch's International Justice Program, told IPS. Mexico signed the Rome Statute of the ICC in September 2000, but did not ratify the treaty and formally deposit it with the United Nations until last week, on Oct. 28, making it the 100th nation to join the ICC. Washington had warned Mexico that if it ratified the ICC and refused to sign an accord exempting U.S. nationals from the court's jurisdiction, it would cut 11.5 million dollars in funding from aid programs for fighting drug trafficking, according to human rights groups. The amount is equal to almost 40 percent of the economic aid Mexico receives from the United States. However, Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said last week that Mexico would not sign such an accord, and was willing to lose the aid rather than give the United States special status. Almost every country in the European Union, 27 African countries, and all but four Latin American countries (Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua) have now joined the new court based in The Hague, which is empowered to prosecute individuals for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed after Jul. 1, 2002. "" Copyright © 2005 IPS-Inter Press Service

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

[305]:9.30=(60x4+26)[US86] #0: Beyond biology. One example of Chinese propagandist in Taiwan to destroy Taiwanese democracy. Land selling seminar.

Taiwan Global Forum: PRC Chinese in Taiwan: New World Order: AntiAmericanism: Mice Love Songs: UK Prince in US: UK Pumpkins,Yes: IlluminatiAgnda? Beyond Biology?! >#0 Fair cool, cloud increasing: Up 7:35, Mei back and finish checking the 1st Ame Express statement, then off to work, Lung back, I off to IRA seminar at 12:25 for 12:30: selling Antelope Valley north of LA land, to o.h. late lunch then mails, to Mariner newspaper, home. 12:30 Charlie Rose program to #0. Jun in, now 12:53am to go. 1am Kang aunt tel from Taipei about next year's tour, bed 1:30. #0: Beyond Biology: 1. Ray Kurzweil: ""a prizewinning author and scientist. Recipient of the MIT-Lemelson Prize (the world’s largest for innovation), and inducted into the Inventors’ Hall of Fame, he received the 1999 National Medal of Technology."" 2. "The Singularity Is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology" (Hardcover), by Ray Kurzweil;Viking Adult (September 22, 2005): "" From Booklist Continuing the themes of The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999), Kurzweil further expounds his conviction that the human being will be succeeded by a superintelligent entity that is partly biological, partly computerized. ""