Nicely fair. TV showing US Presidential inauguration from bed, up 9am. The house-seeking contractor tel, so a short breakfast then walking to the house for 11am, his talking to a driver starting me to smooth-out backyard a bit soil left by Mei, he showing his thick book of documents (including his Tongan passport and music organ before) of works done, receipts, etc., his worker cutting trees nearby and wife passing, and expressing strong desire to fix house to live in, up to us to deduct rent as our payment. Driving further to gas and newspaper when a Korean(?) lady calling my cell phone to see the house with her little daughter then getting an appln. form, when the Tongan there and Mei coming from work, then he convincing her to let him fixing roof first.
Home, Mei starting to cook right away half-way receiving next door Korean, driving her back to work. Finishing cooking then lunch and tv inauguration and emails all day waiting for Tongan to call to fix roof first without receiving, instead Mei tel again and again asking whether he tel. She discovered the front yard was done, after Mei and Jun home and dinner, also cold Lung home, two of us walking quickly there founding the front yard has been worked again with long lines of soil piles and also front driveway with new cement, back home within 25 minutes, 11:00 to 11:25. Continue from the middle of last paragraph, now 12:12am. Topics below done earlier again and starting to use "Save as Draft" than "Publish Post" as before. Now the latter. Lung cold, Jun out with my major computer, Mei sleeping, 1:25 bed.
1) American "1984" to Australian "Brave New World":
(1) "WHERE'S OSAMA? Bush's Strategy of Distraction", By Ted Rall, Tue Sep 3, 7:02 PM ET,
Op/Ed Comments, Last changed: June 20, 2004:
""(Ted Rall's new book, a graphic travelogue about his recent coverage of the Afghan war titled "To Afghanistan and Back," is now in its second edition. Ordering and review-copy information are available at "":
"" NEW YORK--Bush's "war on terrorism" (one uses quotes for things which exist in name only) has already manifested most of the characteristics of the dystopian society described in George Orwell's "1984." Like Big Brother, Bush is an unelected figurehead for a secretive clan of wealthy hypocrites who live above the law. Like Orwell's fictional Oceania, the United States is engaged in a perpetual war in which victory isn't expected within our lifetime. Oceania bombs its own people, using the fear of faux terrorism to maintain control over the population. The United States trains and finances radical Islamist terrorists who predictably turn against Americans, then uses the specter of terrorism to justify everything from fast-track signing authority on free trade (opposition to NAFTA and the WTO, Bush's U.S. Trade Representative argues, is "an attack on freedom") to tax cuts for the Administration's wealthy chums to smearing Tom Daschle as a communist terrorist enemy-of-the-state.
Bush's Operation TIPS ("Terrorism Information and Prevention System") asks mail deliverers, meter readers, truckers (!) and other citizens to spy on their neighbors and customers (or, in FEMA jargon, "to report suspicious, publicly observable activity that could be related to terrorism"). Thanks to your federal government, 128 channels may not be the only electronic marvel your cable guy is installing in your home. And what could be more characteristic of Stalinist totalitarianism than "disappearing" hundreds of detainees into a covert prison system--no lawyer, no trial, no charges--never to be seen again? ""
(2) "1984 or Brave New World?", by Joe Blow, June 25, 2003:
"" Joe Blow is the pen name of a freelance writer currently living on the left coast."":
"" George Orwell, born Eric Blair on June 25, 1903 , would turn 100 this week had he not died in 1950 at the age of 47. On the anniversary of his birth, it seems fitting to briefly compare his 1948 dystopian warning of the future, 1984, to that of his one-time teacher, Aldous Huxley, who had written his own prophecy, Brave New World, in 1931.
Both novels remain popular among readers, but if you ask them which came closer to the future as it exists today, you get mixed results. Both novels envisioned States with similar traits: socialist and totalitarian. Orwell’s dictatorship was based on punishment, but Huxley’s oligarchy was based on pleasure. Which would you choose as the more accurate prophecy? My answer may surprise you: both. I contend that it depends heavily on your location, which greatly influences your viewpoint and the answer.
I offer two nations as an example of each prophecy: Australia and the United States. Since 9/11, the Bush regime has pushed the 1984 Big Brother approach to the limit. Australia, on the other hand, currently exhibits many, if not most, of the earmarks of Brave New World. This is no accident; it is mostly a question of timing. Both nations are bastions of socialism, but Australia is years ahead of the U.S., as I said in “Taxpayer Breeder Program.”
I contend that the U.S. will follow in Australia’s footsteps, eventually abandoning the 1984 approach and replacing it with the Brave New World approach. It is only a matter of time. Once the inevitable finally occurs (crash of the U.S. dollar, more inflation by the Fed, major income tax increases, and depletion of the U.S. Treasury to afford the costs of Medicare, Social Security for Boomers, and Perpetual War for Peace) the relatively few remaining American taxpayers will gladly welcome their daily ration of soma, the ultimate happiness drug in Brave New World. Designer drugs like Ecstasy point the way. One need only read the recent headlines from Australia to peer into the future. ""
"" Orwell’s 1984 was a good model for the 20th Century, with its prevalence of totalitarian dictators, but the page has turned. In the 21st Century, the vast majority of nations exhibit some form of democracy. This fact alone suggests that Huxley’s prophecy will prevail. Voters (and taxpayers) will demand happiness, and their socialist States will deliver. Even John the Savage in Brave New World, one of the few remaining educated individuals from the outside world, finally succumbed to the call of happiness in a tablet.
Soma is much less expensive than Big Brother, and in a Wal-Mart world, Macy’s is doomed. ""
2) Margaret Hassan Counterinsurgency Victim?
(1) "Hersh Adds Credibility to Speculation Margaret Hassan was the Victim of a Counterinsurgency Operation", ANOTHER DAY IN THE EMPIRE, January 18, 2005:
"" Although I have no direct evidence of this, there are several factors currently in play that make the US/Israeli counterinsurgency operation plausible:
More than 200 college professors since April 30, 2003, according to the Iraqi Union of University Lecturers, have been the targets of assassination. In addition, many intellectuals have disappeared. (See Andrew Rubin’s Bloodbath.)
In December, 2003, Julian Borger of the Guardian reported, “Israeli advisers are helping train US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations in Iraq, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders. … US forces in Iraq’s Sunni triangle have already begun to use tactics that echo Israeli operations in the occupied territories.”
“A new Special Forces group, designated Task Force 121, has been assembled from Army Delta Force members, Navy seals, and C.I.A. paramilitary operatives, with many additional personnel,” according to Seymour Hersh.
Israel funded Hamas, as the UPI’s Richard Sale reported in 2002.
The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories, in December, 2002. A PA official said the collaborators sought to “discredit the Palestinian people, justify every Israeli crime and provide reasons to carry out a new (military) aggression in the Gaza Strip.”
Israel currently runs covert ops in the Kurdish area of Iraq (see Seymour Hersh’s Plan B)
A CIA instruction manual entitled Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare, written in the 1980s, states the following: “Bring about uprisings or shootings, which will cause the death of one or more persons … in order to create greater conflicts.”
US military (and CIA operative) officer Major Edward Geary Lansdale’s “psy-war tactics” used in the Philippines against the Huk. Lansdale’s methods “centered on measures of deception similar to those employed in the British and French colonial campaigns in Kenya and Indochina,” including the creation of bogus guerilla units used to discredit the enemy. (See Michael McClintock’s Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism, 1940-1990.) ""
(2) "Margaret Hassan execution: Anatomy of a CIA-DIA-Mossad Counterinsurgency operation?", November 17, 2004, ANOTHER DAY IN THE EMPIRE:
"" Seymour Hersh’s latest installment on the Strausscons (The Coming Wars: What the Pentagon can now do in secret) published by the New Yorker and posted on their website. ""
"" Considering the long and violent history of the CIA—and the fact the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed creating fake terrorist groups to discredit Cuba (Operation Northwoods) as a pretext to invade Cuba and depose Castro—I find it entirely plausible that Hassan, who was against Bush’s invasion and occupation (and influential as the director of a high-profile NGO), was kidnapped and possibly murdered, although her body has yet to be found. It makes infinitely more sense for a “pseudo gang” of Iraqi terrorists—possibly criminals, paramilitaries from the Allawi government, or freelance mercenaries under the direction of U.S., Israeli, or British intelligence—to engage in such vile behavior, ""
3) US Targetting Iran? truthout:
4) "Engineering Evolution: The Alchemy of Eugenics", by Phillip D. Collins, ©, Jan. 10th, 2005
"" He co-authored the book, The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, From the 19th to the 21st Century, is available online here. ""
"" According to the Darwinian doctrine of the Transhumanist movement, mankind is the next species slated for extinction. How does the GenRich class intend to regulate the rest of the "dysgenics" until their ultimate extinction? Transhumanist ideologue and Deputy Director of the National Science Foundation's Division of Information and Intelligent Systems William Sims Bainbridge provides the answer:
“Techniques such as genetic engineering, psychoactive drugs and electronic control of the brain make possible a transformation of the species into docile, fully-obedient, 'safe' organisms.” (Bainbridge, 1982)
In other words, the pharmacological totalitarianism of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Chemically numbed and anesthetized, the "dysgenics" will resign themselves to extinction in the posthuman era. Meanwhile, the eugenical alchemists of the elite continue to write the final chapter of the evolutionary script and they have left no room for humanity in the last pages. ""