bbcweblog: [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]
For confederation of direct democracies,
from Independent Long Island, to N Hakka Autonomous Nation of Taiwan...
[ As Jeffersonian Ward Republics http://tinyurl.com/onx4j http://tinyurl.com/ymcrzx ] On Taiwan News: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/
/// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state... ""
'Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy" 1984 http://tinyurl.com/2xuttf
'Welcome to the U.S. of Amnesia' Spectator.CO.UK May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/5rq8vn
: "Gore Vidal tells Mary Wakefield that America has forgotten its constitutional roots, and explains why Bobby Kennedy was ‘the biggest son of a bitch in politics’"
'Churchill’s Colossal Blunders' May24,08 http://tinyurl.com/5w5k3n
: "Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
: "How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World" Patrick J. Buchanan May27,08 http://tinyurl.com/4edxwp
#68 US! Bananas //Neurotheology// 司法追殺謝長廷. 520「台灣民眾大會」籌備記者會: 08.5.13=2 6-10pm - 5.22=4 7pm.
'Why Bananas Are a Parable for Our Times' May22,08 http://tinyurl.com/4zk68w
: .."more heavily consumed even than rice or potatoes, has its own form of cancer. It is a fungus called Panama Disease, and it turns bananas brick-red and inedible."
.."There is no cure. They all die as it spreads, and it spreads quickly. Soon — in five, 10 or 30 years"
.."United Fruit took one particular type — the Gros Michael — out of the jungle and decided to mass produce it on vast plantations, shipping it on refrigerated boats across the globe."
.."United Fruit developed a cruel business model to deliver it. As the writer Dan Koeppel explains in his brilliant history Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World, it worked like this. Find a poor, weak country. Make sure the government will serve your interests. If it won’t, topple it and replace it with one that will."
'Switching a National Psyche from War to Peace — Japanese Style' Ann Wright http://tinyurl.com/4suxh9
"NEW PHYSICS AND THE MIND" Aug2,06 http://tinyurl.com/5lr573
: " Some physicists think that Big Science has kidnapped physics and left the mind and consciousness behind.
What is the mind? And how can physicists, of all people, be the ones to explain consciousness and the mind? "
Amazon.com: http://www.ama
" Some physicists think that Big Science has kidnapped physics and left the mind and consciousness behind. New Physics and the Mind tells these radical physicists' stories--why the mind belongs in physics, and how recent discoveries in particle physics and cosmology combine with mind physics to produce a new scientific agenda for the twenty-first century.
Brain surgery meets rocket science at New Physics and the Mind. "
'In the Works: MEMS Brain-Computer Interface' May28,08 http://tinyurl.com/3jj7g4
Neurotheology etc.:--------------------
"neural basis", "neural machinery":
' Brain's 'trust machinery' identified ' May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/6aa97e
: "May 22, 2008, issue of the journal Neuron"
"The brain centers triggered by a betrayal of trust have been identified by researchers, who found they could suppress such triggering and maintain trust by administering the brain chemical oxytocin. The researchers said their findings not only offer basic insights into the neural machinery underlying trust; the results may also help in understanding the neural basis of social disorders such as phobias and autism."
... ...
'Cat brain could provide bionic eye firmware' May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/5dta4r
"Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute researchers hope one day to develop implants that make it possible for people to see without an optic nerve, by stimulating a part of the brain called the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), which receives and processes visual information from the retina, via the optic nerve, before sending it on to the cerebral cortex."
... ...
[08.5.22=4 7:12pm] to news@kurzweilai.net:
Dear gentlemen,
How nice your work, thanks so much! I have actually very simple question: Could the human nature be studied by systematic research into "religion" and related areas of human brain? Have those areas stared from the very beginning of brains? Are they most developed compared to other areas, and compared to other species, in human brains? And then, could those understandings contribute significantly to the solution of our serious contemporary problems?
Your insights would be highly appreciated.
Tsai Sheh-gni
[Tsai 08.5.18 #1] Beyond history and philosophy, science I think should be fully utilized to get to the human nature, so that the current serious human problems could be dealt with fundamentally. So we need brain studies. Beyond individual survival, group survival is essential to the former. By controlling others? Highly problematic, I think.
Rational behavior, has to be grounded on natural human nature, to be effective, it seems. Blind obedience and single-mindedness and deadly seriousness in some religious endeavours, could be overcome by "the nerual Buddhism"?
[Tsai 08.5.17=6 #1] Reply to Daily Digest gets blank epost with only "To" given. We humans evolved from the emergence of life with memory for survival, but with the emergence of "superpower" over all other lives. What is the latter? The basic human nature perhaps was born from there. It was not just the most powerful, like lions. It has something to do with organizing groups, but beyond ants or bees groups. It is accumulative beyond individuals group memory for survival AND for control over all others. Is the "religion" its instrument?
Is the "religion" regions of the brain, connected with all other similar experience, for example the effects of certain drugs and of all other similarly effective functions and materials?
I think the answer to your question (assuming that I understood it!) is closely tied to 9/11 - both the event itself, the reasons for it, and the reaction to it. ... ...
'The Neural Buddhists' DAVID BROOKS May13,08 http://tinyurl.com/5qhn5s
'Brain Waves: Neurotheology Rising - The Neural Buddhists' Zack Lynch May14,08 http://tinyurl.com/5h2556
"David Brooks continues his quest to discuss everything in terms of neuroscience. This week in The Neural Buddhists he declares, "Just as 'The Origin of Species' reshaped social thinking, just as Einstein’s theory of relativity affected art, so the revolution in neuroscience is having an effect on how people see the world.
He goes on, "This new wave of research will not seep into the public realm in the form of militant atheism. Instead it will lead to what you might call neural Buddhism." The implications of which he suggest will be the following. "First, the self is not a fixed entity but a dynamic process of relationships. Second, underneath the patina of different religions, people around the world have common moral intuitions. Third, people are equipped to experience the sacred, to have moments of elevated experience when they transcend boundaries and overflow with love. Fourth, God can best be conceived as the nature one experiences at those moments, the unknowable total of all there is."
And he so aptly ends with, "We’re in the middle of a scientific revolution. It’s going to have big cultural effects." I think Brooks will be a fan of The Brain Wave when it is released next May."
'司法追殺謝長廷 清算抹黑不手軟' 李心怡 Apr17,08 New Taiwan:630 http://tinyurl.com/48audf
: "外界對於司法界的觀感,仍有「法院是國民黨開的」的感觸,民進黨執政時尚且如此,將來國民黨重新拾回政權,更難以撼動,對於未來司法方面的清算,謝長廷心裡有底"
Posted by: "台灣教授協會1" taup@seed.net.tw
Tue May 13, 2008 9:29 am (PDT)
(一) 日期:2008年5月13日(星期二)
(二) 時間:上午10:00
◎ 一群主張「台灣獨立建國」的本土社團代表於5月2日決議:選定5月20日下午2點,在台北市大安森林公園召開「台灣民眾大會」。
◎ 「台灣民眾大會」由台灣教授協會會長蔡丁貴教授(左)擔任總指揮,右為副會長劉聰德教授。
◎ 5月3日(星期六)台灣教授協會執委會中確認520召開「台灣民眾大會」,由左至右:
◎ 由左至右,前排:楊東傑醫師、辜寬敏先生、黃崑虎先生;
※ 後記:
520 就要到了,那個既無能力又無擔當,並且善變膚淺的馬英九就要成為台灣總統了,我們是有骨氣尊嚴並有民主素養的台灣人民,所以我們不會到總統府前去鬧馬英九的就職大典,但我們要在520這個特別的日子裏,在大安森林公園升自己的國旗、唱自己的國歌,亦即向國際社會宣示:我們「要做台灣主人,不做中國奴隸」!最後並遊行至台灣民主紀念館,希望大家能踴躍參加520的「台灣民眾大會」。
台灣教授協會(TAUP)副秘書長:李欣芬拍攝整理 2008/5/13
Posted by bbcweb at 6:04 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Sunday, March 30, 2008
#67: US! Taiwan! Commonwealth? CMoore. 近代台灣慘史檔案 盧主義與3F.. 廖述炘烈士. R Paul. 228 ROC Massacre > PLEBISCITE. Bogus Terror War? 08.3.30=7 - 5.22=4 7pm.
'World Renowned Philosopher Slavoj Zizek on the Iraq War, the Bush Presidency, the War on Terror & More' May12,08 http://tinyurl.com/5qy9q5
'Mr. Zbig: Brzezinski brings wisdom—and controversy—to Barack Obama’s campaign' The American Conservative May5,08 http://tinyurl.com/5zrcgq
'Can Barack Obama Become the Jackie Robinson...' May16,08 http://tinyurl.com/42yqw7
'Edwards Launches 10-Year Effort to Halve Poverty' May22,08 http://tinyurl.com/4ez8qz
: ".. it is a question of restoring the fundamental fairness that this country was founded upon.”
: The campaign, billed as “Half in Ten,” aims to reduce poverty by half nationwide over the next 10 years.
'The Enemy Is Always the State' May20,08 http://tinyurl.com/55p8uf
: "The Rise and Decline of the State" Aug28,1999 http://tinyurl.com/5rdqhw
: : 'the birth of the bureaucratic state, its rising place in the management of society, its catastrophic results in the 20th century, and its systematic decline in the 21st century.'
: : amazon.com: http://tinyurl.com/3vrp3v
History/Civilizing? 'Programming the 21st Century' May16,08 http://tinyurl.com/6hjgvf
But 'Billions of electronic-eating 'crazy rasberry ants' invade Texas' May16,08 http://tinyurl.com/4kyyew & UK Labour Empire May15,08 http://tinyurl.com/6dohue
And 'An Epidemic of Extinctions: Decimation of Life on Earth' May16,08 http://tinyurl.com/5t5uq9
'The Long Night' from America May10,08 http://tinyurl.com/54vj67
: The USA defeated the Nazi Germany to realize USA's whole world enslavement.
'War and the Morality of Americans' May1,08 http://tinyurl.com/5hjpfn
'Terrorism and American Foreign Policy' Robert Elias (Politics Prof. U of San Francisco) Sept25,01 http://tinyurl.com/5okcbx
': Children in US Custody..Without Due Process' May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/686o57
' For His Treatment of Children in the ‘War on Terror,’ Bush Is a War Criminal ' May22,08 http://tinyurl.com/4fy5gf
'Members of Congress Press for US Action; Treaty Includes Strong Victim Assistance Provisions' May29,08 http://tinyurl.com/52b936
After landmine, 'America AWOL on Cluster Bombs' May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/5mjq6a
: Also "China, Russia, Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, India" stockpile, "only Russia and Israel have used them". So, only America, Israel, & Russia savages?
US Pressures 'Britain Obstructs Global Ban On Use of Cluster Bombs' May19,08 http://tinyurl.com/4p8yjf
'Cluster Bombs Ban Treaty Text Agreed: Ireland' May29,08 http://tinyurl.com/5emvc4
" Britain would withdraw all its cluster bombs from service "
'The Prime Directive: U.S.war plans targeting Iran are all about "protecting" Israel' May12,08 http://tinyurl.com/5dhvpd
: "Why are our leaders ignoring the evaluation of our own National Intelligence Estimate on the question of Iran's nuclear program"
'The Nightmare Made Real: Torture, Murder and Endless Horror Institutionalized and Normalized -- by Democrats' May3,08 http://tinyurl.com/6dqgqp
'Domestic Spying Far Outpaces Terrorism Prosecutions' "has continued to decline, in some cases precipitously." May12,08 http://tinyurl.com/6syvoe
' New home for Greece's holy grail' Humanism Home May7,08 http://tinyurl.com/5fxvmv
'Bernanke's Nightmare Chart' May7,08 http://www.lewrockwell.com/north/north624.html
: --------------------------
: The Chart 'Factors Adding to Reserves and Off Balance Sheet Securities Lending Program' http://www.cumber.com/home/Factors.pdf or http://tinyurl.com/697td8
: The Chart 'Adjusted Monetary Base (May 1, 2008)' May5,08
:-- http://www.garynorth.com/public/3476.cfm or http://tinyurl.com/4z5fwu
: 'Monitor These Charts Weekly if You Want to Get an Early Warning of Problems Ahead'
:-- http://www.garynorth.com/public/department29.cfm or http://tinyurl.com/3sro9d
: 'Federal Reserve System and its effects on the economy' http://snipurl.com/fedvideo
'Thousands Killed by US’s Korean Ally' May19,08 http://tinyurl.com/5zaqhs
'The True Legal Status of Taiwan' Taiwan Nation May20,08 http://tinyurl.com/5lca26
'Start Receiving PR-inside.com News Headlines..' May20,08 http://tinyurl.com/6ojwep
"Formosa Betrayed" Nay10,08 copied http://tinyurl.com/bbw4w
228 Payment ONLY '政院:八年執政 核定228受難賠償金10億' May7,08 http://tinyurl.com/3ohx4o
'White Paper 2001 Regarding Taiwan and its Future' Feb24,04 http://tinyurl.com/3ty9ge
: or http://www.taiwandc.org/white-pa.htm
'洛杉磯藏匿經濟犯 二二八慘死的顯靈' May12,08 http://tinyurl.com/47p6s2
'馬上全民監督(1):總統就職演說全文 VS 矮化' [轉載自:RTI] May20,08 http://tinyurl.com/3tcb9o
'蔡英文:馬演說 未談台灣主權獨立' May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/3epjcf
'數位台灣家族@msn: 真理來自抗爭' May15,08 http://tinyurl.com/4k3eq5
: '《蕭泰然 作品精選集》音樂 CD' Apr29,08 http://tinyurl.com/4ohq7q
'Cumnatione: We midwife new nations' May10,08 http://cumnatione.com/
'United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA)'
'Micronation legally invades U.S. and annexes 11 islands/atolls'
: May6,08 http://tinyurl.com/62mxe4 >>>
'Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini' Jan. 2008: http://hmct.dk/
'Peter Thiel Makes Down Payment on Libertarian Ocean Colonies' May19,08 http://tinyurl.com/3g2ccr
'SECEDE & SURVIVE: Hostile Takeover of Largest Pro-Secession Group?' May22,08 http://tinyurl.com/4hysy5
Libertarian Party < "have worked to make the radical LIBERTARIAN Party a CONSERVATIVE Libertarian Party. Most of these people are not as hardcore libertarian as Republican Ron Paul!" =================================== =================================== "...TCP/IP, Second Edition", Jul 2003: http://tinyurl.com/6og2ww 'Live Webcast: Assuring Voice Quality on IP Telephony Rollouts' Wednesday, May 14, 2008 2:00 P.M. ET | 11:00 A.M. PT | 18:00 GMT http://tinyurl.com/6398uo '5 TIPS FOR THE PERFECT DOMAIN NAME' Copied May5,08 http://tinyurl.com/5h7kvx ==================================== 'CAROLMOORE.NET' http://carolmoore.net/ : "CONSCIOUSNESS AND COMMUNITY" Synopsis of Carol's book in progress, : "SECESSION.NET: ..break up violent nation states through nonviolent secession" : "LIBERTARIAN PARTY needs a secession strategy" : "Video of Baby Boomer Turning 60": May 5th is Cinco de Mayo in Mexico, Japanese Children's Day, Europe Day and the birth day of Karl Marx and a lot of minor and not very memorable figures - including me. .." http://tinyurl.com/66f4qn : "Carol Moore Videos" May5,08 http://youtube.com/carolmoore
Direct Democracies < mind-control technique May3,08 http://tinyurl.com/4mkvcn
: 'Orwell Today' Jun21,05 http://tinyurl.com/5w6zc7
'iHeroWhy: Iron Man is like Steve Jobs' May3, 08 http://tinyurl.com/5jpxbkn
'Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear' May6,08 http://tinyurl.com/49jvls
: "food chain with its genetically modified seeds. Now it has targeted milk production. Just as frightening as the corporation’s tactics—ruthless legal battles against small farmers—is its decades-long history of toxic contamination."
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Liberty and Populism: Building an Effective Resistance Movement for North America'
Bay Area National Anarchist Apr30,08 http://tinyurl.com/5ubqua
'Native Hawaiians blockade historic palace' May1,08 http://tinyurl.com/5pwrsr
Rich Euro-Bolivian 4+2?/9 Provinces Autonomy Vote > Indigenization
: May4,08 http://tinyurl.com/5q2c3x
"Celtic" Lombardy and Veneto for Independence May29,01 http://tinyurl.com/6j7jm7
: 'Will Scotland-by-the-Med march on Rome?' May3,08 http://tinyurl.com/6xvek9
: "Nationalism in Italian Politics: The Stories of the Northern League, 1980-2000"
Damian Tambini May3,08 http://tinyurl.com/4x53jh
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jesus, an authentic libertarian, Apr25,08 http://tinyurl.com/5dy3qw
'The Rev. Wright' May3,08 > Obama http://tinyurl.com/55fjr9
'The Crucifixion of Jeremiah Wright' May8,08 http://tinyurl.com/3khjlo
Obama Organizing Fellows: http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/fellowsapp
: or http://tinyurl.com/2mzctc Copied May5,08
'Ron Paul's Revolution' Jun4,08
: US Constitution " must be read in a way consistent with the underlying principle of the document, the promotion of freedom. "
"The Revolution: A Manifesto" Ron Paul Apr30,08 http://tinyurl.com/26zcgl
: 'What Ron Paul’s Book Accomplishes' Apr30,08 http://tinyurl.com/45jvvm
: 'Manifesto Destiny' May1,08 http://tinyurl.com/5wcnu2
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
'A New Look at How World War II Happened' May1Thomas J. DiLorenzo, May1,08
: http://tinyurl.com/5m28ya
: professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland and the author of
"The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War", (Three Rivers Press/Random House). His latest book is
"Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest Abe"
: Nicholson Baker’s new book "Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization"
'Warring as Lying Throughout American History' May8,08 http://tinyurl.com/5k7z4z
"The Complex: How the Military Invades Our Everyday Lives" Mar18,08
http://tinyurl.com/6rcyw2 http://tinyurl.com/6xptd7
'U.S. nuclear weapons policy: The Cart before the Horse:..'
: Union of Concerned Scientists May6,08 http://tinyurl.com/3srfep
'The Truth About Veteran Suicides' May6,08 http://tinyurl.com/5lv9we
: "in just those 45 states, there were at least 6,256 suicides among those who served in the armed forces. That's 120 each and every week, in just one year."
: "aged 20 through 24, those who have served during the war on terror. They had the highest suicide rate among all veterans, estimated between two and four times higher than civilians the same age."
Nick Turse 'Torturing Iron Man' Pentagon-Hollywood May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/3nh9gk
'Iron Man and the Merchants of Death' May7,08 http://tinyurl.com/4wf8dx
: "a bestseller book in 1934 with the title Merchants of Death. (Here is the PDF and here it is in hard copy.)"
: "the nature of the warfare state: namely, that they only way to restrain it was to keep centralized power of all sorts at bay."
'It's hell being a superhero' Nov5,08 http://tinyurl.com/5vpvby
'‘You Become Accustomed to the Smell of Blood During War’: John Hoyland’s artwork..' Apr.25,08 http://tinyurl.com/6s6v27
'The Tragedy of Ignorance' of Islamophobia Apr15,08 http://tinyurl.com/65rwcu
US 'Prison Nation' political criminaization industry Apr25,08
'Rethinking Churchill' < "The Costs of War" http://tinyurl.com/4vhxvt < "The Costs of War" http://tinyurl.com/6kkjwf ===================================== '79 Religious Org..New Nuclear Bomb Plant' Apr30,08 http://tinyurl.com/6pk4yo 'IAEA Slams US On Syria Bombing;..' Apr25,08 http://tinyurl.com/3n5ujw 'Massacre in March1947 Taiwan' 郭勝華 Margaret Lu, M.D,MPH Feb18,08 http://tinyurl.com/38g4oh 'Taiwan -- The Raising of the Flag' Mar16&26,08 http://tinyurl.com/6jsbc4 'Flags of Taiwan', Feb24,04: http://www.taiwandc.org/flags.htm USA National Archives & Records Administration Documents: Taiwan status http://tinyurl.com/3tzvq5 And 'Up the Yangtze: Documentary..of Three Gorges Dam..' Apr24,08 http://tinyurl.com/4gdcx3 And 'History Will Not Absolve Us' Apr25,08 http://tinyurl.com/6safxl : "According to an explosive ABC News report on April 9, dozens of top-secret meetings took place in the White House, beginning in 2002, in which the president’s top advisors approved the use of torture. Those involved were members of the National Security Council’s “Principals Committee” — Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, George Tenet, and John Ashcroft." ... ... 'All the President’s Liars: Fun new game! Which TV news ‘military expert’ is really a whore for the Bush administration? (Hint: all of them)' Apr25,08 http://tinyurl.com/4tmxvq 'Free Press Calls for..Into Pentagon Pundits' Apr21,08 http://tinyurl.com/59fkql 'The Pentagon’s Corrupt Sock Puppet..' Apr21,08 http://tinyurl.com/49wd33 "Standing Up to the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times", by Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, and David Goodman : ISBN: 1401322883 : http://tour.democracynow.org/ 'Party Like It’s 1932: The Obama Option' populist surge Apr21,08 http://tinyurl.com/43arh3 'Obama Is Riht' about Bitter People Apr14,08 http://tinyurl.com/3lfuz9 Diego Garcia? In 1973 Apr14,08 http://tinyurl.com/5toter 'Leading To War' Iraq Apr14,08 http://tinyurl.com/6c7gcb MjGn Benjamin F Butler/A Lincoln:-Black Emigration Wntr08 http://tinyurl.com/5ebaae Judge Andrew Napolitano’s "A Nation of Sheep" Apr9,08 http://tinyurl.com/3w4p2u ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- '陳水扁是台灣的罪人(上)---自由漫談' Apr22,08 http://tinyurl.com/4x3unk '司法追殺謝長廷 清算抹黑不手軟' Apr17,08 http://tinyurl.com/48audf '台灣演義 彭明敏戲劇性人生'video Apr27,08 http://tinyurl.com/3n3mhc '台灣的未來在哪裡?在那裡!' 謝志偉 Apr12,08 http://tinyurl.com/3mj6q4 :------- "近代台灣慘史檔案", 邱國禎 Jun1,07 ISBN:9789578015364 #1/2:----- http://tinyurl.com/2yyvzc : '以將近一年的時間蒐集資料,完成二百八十餘個代表性案例的記述,串起台灣從日治時期至蔣家王朝專制獨裁統治期間的慘痛史具象。' : '作者在1998年將這些個案逐日發表在民眾日報上,獲得非常廣泛的迴響,九年後在千催萬喚下才結集出版,實感於外來政權復辟勢力囂張,往昔是湮滅台灣悲痛歷史,近年則竭盡所能變本加厲地竄改史實,持續其洗腦台灣住民的黨國卑劣伎倆,台灣住民不容他們奸計得逞。' : '邱國禎: 資深媒體人(筆名:馬非白)。 從事新聞工作之前開設心影出版社,進入新聞界後,歷任民眾日報記者、專欄記者、新聞研究員、巡迴特派員、資訊組主任、採訪組主任、民眾電子報召集人、民眾日報社史館館長、編輯部總分稿、核稿、言論部主筆,以及短暫在民眾日報留職停薪去環球日報、中國晨晚報擔任副總編輯及主筆。民眾日報在1999年10月易手給「全球統一集團」,人事異動前即主動離去。 自2000年起專職經營南方快報(www.southnews.com.tw)。 編著:《高雄市黨外風雲》(1984)、《馬可仕的獨裁愛死症》(1986,敦理出版社)、《李應元的挑戰》(1990,與陳銘城合編,前衛出版社)、《搶救台灣》(1990,前衛出版社)。' #2/2:------------------- '國民黨暴政百科全書' 辛在台 Aug23,07 :--- http://tinyurl.com/2yu7be : '涵蓋若干日治晚期故事,主要皆為國民黨時期慘史,真可謂小型國民黨暴政百科全書。國民黨在台灣施行暴政,以百姓為芻狗,其來有自。「國民黨撤退台灣後的十餘年間,可以說是國府權力中心最不穩定,而且高層鬥爭最慘烈的年代」。宮廷內鬥之外,「蔣政權為了在台灣遂行獨裁,除政治上的專制恐怖手段,還壟斷經濟資源的支配權和宰制人民的文化生活」。 以往,控訴國民黨暴政者,大多出之以個案,或道德性批判。《近代台灣慘史檔案》則展示,一個接一個怵目驚心的血案,所構成的暴政全覽圖。書中所述受害者,既有宮廷高層,也有鄉野小民,既有本省同胞,也有外省人士;易言之,地不分東西南北,人不分男女老幼,皆在天羅地網之中,逃不過獨裁者及其鷹犬之噬血爪牙。' : '此力著亦凸顯,所謂轉型正義之追求,焦點集中於黨產,推倒獨裁者銅像,至於眾多幫兇,則為漏網之魚,安享餘年。反觀受害者,家破人亡,妻離子散,其家屬後代至今未能恢復正常生活者,大有人在。如果幫兇逍遙法外,受害者無人扶持,即便沒收不義黨產,推倒獨裁者銅像,又何能誇說是轉型正義之實現?' ------------------------------------- ' 盧先生的英文造詣很深, 他在 Taipei Time 的筆名是李天福', Allen Kuo introducing John J. Tkacik, Jr. (譚慎格) & 美國臺獨運動的創始人之一盧主義 (Jay Loo):-------> after Margaret Lu, M.D.'s letter to Dr. Rice, US Secretary of State, on Chiang KMT's ROC 228 Massacre of the Taiwanese >
'弔為台灣人言論自由犧牲的廖述炘烈士' 美台週刊43 Apr6,08 http://tinyurl.com/5oaqxv
'【警鐘】一張嘴救不了台灣、選舉不可能建國' 美台週刊42 Mar30,08 http://tinyurl.com/5o988a
: 日本之聲 編集長 林建良
'錯誤主權論述將害死台灣'? 美台週刊41 Mar23,08 http://tinyurl.com/6xsp7u
'ROC是虛假的國家 並論台灣人民國籍' & chorus Apt6,08 http://tinyurl.com/3zyykl
John J. Tkacik, Jr. on 'Taiwan's Elections' Mar24,08 http://tinyurl.com/3dgemb
'美國會研究處提新報告觀察馬英九' Apr17,08 http://tinyurl.com/58m8vm
《我是台灣人不是中國人》連署運動 Apr17,08input http://tinyurl.com/4tpo77
Korea: '【韓國留學心語】作為中國人的尷尬(1)' 淨源 Apr21,08
美台週刊49 May18,08 http://tinyurl.com/66wc3d :--
'台灣地位之謎(二) 如何詮釋renounce(放棄)的真義' 林志昇‧何瑞元, 台灣平民政府召集人 May2,08
'『中華民國』流亡政府代表人為何訪美困難重重? ' 蝶衣 May8,08
美台週刊48 May11,08 http://tinyurl.com/4ayjlh :--
'林志昇團隊上訴巡迴法院全文' 林志昇 建國黨、台灣平民民主黨:政治組 May10,08
'台灣地位之謎(一)如何詮釋The Principal occupying power?' 林志昇˙何瑞元 台灣平民政府召集人
' 《台灣國際地位隸屬美國軍事政府佔領》' By 蝶衣 May7,08
美台週刊47 May4,08 http://tinyurl.com/3h386b :--
'回應「流亡政府」心態' 林志昇 Apr24,08
'給彭明敏教授的一封信'Japanese 陳辰光
'台灣人權問題' 林志昇 台灣平民政府召集人
'美國政府與台灣平民政府的互動' 蝶衣 Apr29,08
'美軍在琉球群島(Okinawa)的軍事演練' 美國海軍網站 http://tinyurl.com/rpr6h
'台灣割讓區美國國民護照: Passport of Taiwan Cession U.S.A.'
'新書介紹: "台灣最終地位" 林志昇、何瑞元 合著'
'美國台灣割讓區台灣平民政府籌備中心秘書處 誠徵志工' 蝶衣 Feb3,08
'台灣永遠是台灣人的台灣' 林志昇 Feb25,08 美台週刊46 Apr27,08 http://tinyurl.com/5y2l4f
'中華民國佔領台灣澎湖的非法性' 林志昇,何瑞元 Apr13,08 美台週刊46 Apr27,08 As above.
美台週刊45 Apr20,08 http://tinyurl.com/4nya2o :------
'書名: "台灣最終地位" ( 林志昇、何瑞元 合著)'
'再探【林志昇控美案】法官思維: 要求美國法院認定核發台灣人旅行證件(護照)是國務院應承擔的權責' Apr14,08
'台灣共和國( Republic of Taiwan )'
"" 國名詮釋:亞洲之星, 綠意映然之國
亞洲最後的明日之星 - 台灣共和國就此誕生。 ""
'UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS: Court Documents' on Lin vs. USA, up to Apr7,08
'【林志昇控美案】的最新發展 ', 控訴美國政府的代表者:林志昇, 「建國黨」、「台灣平民民主黨」政治組
2008/04/10 : At the end of #67.
& '命運坎坷的台灣 身世之謎' 美台週刊44 Apr13,08 http://tinyurl.com/5rvdf5
'Taiwan Touches Your Heart' Tourism video Sept30,06 http://tinyurl.com/2zmslq
Taiwan Music: 二胡鋼琴演奏: http://www.taiwanus.net/bgmusic/2fp/
'維新館的一個令人感動的小故事' Taiwan song, Mar30,08: http://tinyurl.com/4q6ktb
The Making Of The Beatles’ ‘LOVE’ by Cirque du Soleil Jun24,08
'..Four Leaders of 1968 Student Uprising..' Apr25,08 http://tinyurl.com/6cd52a
'In Love and Hope for a Peaceful World' by Cindy Sheehan Apr21,08 < 5rq9ol ="=" 59l68f ="=" 4kkb27 ="=" 5="6" 0080 ="=" 10 ="=" 1="5" 5="6" 12pm ="=" 29htx6 ="=" 2298j7 ="=" 23="7" 2wta8a ="="> Cambodia: "Expendable Elite" D Marvin video rev. http://tinyurl.com/35v376
"The war conspiracy;: The secret road to the second Indochina war" PD Scott http://tinyurl.com/yp26z3
Irag Aggresion: 'Childhood Is Dying' Mar10,08 http://tinyurl.com/yqv7bb
Reality: 'http://tinyurl.com/2kxdsg' Mar17,08 http://tinyurl.com/2kxdsg
'Iraq War Protesters Arrested at IRS' Mar19,08 http://tinyurl.com/yrzfpp
'Resistance is Futile - Or Is It?' Mar19,08 http://tinyurl.com/26l9ct
'The Cult of the Suicide Bomber' Robert Fisk; Published on Fri,Mar14,08 by The Independent/UK: http://tinyurl.com/25p6pg
"" the “cult” of the suicide bomber has seeped across national frontiers. Within a year of the Iraqi invasion, Afghan Taliban bombers were blowing themselves up alongside Western troops or bases in Helmand province and in the capital Kabul. The practice leached into Pakistan, striking down thousands of troops and civilians, killing even the principal opposition leader, Benazir Bhutto. The London Tube and bus bombings ""
"" One of George Bush’s most insidious legacies in Iraq ..., the birth of an unprecedentedly huge army of Muslims inspired by the idea of death.
UK: 'A Gross Failure That Ignored History and Ended With a Humiliating Retreat', Mar17,08: http://tinyurl.com/2drlmq
'Winter Soldier: Hundreds of Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Gather to Testify in Echo of 1971 Vietnam Hearings' Mar14,08 DemocracyNow! http://tinyurl.com/2mytu3
Winter Soldier: 'US Veterans Urge Soldiers to Speak Out Against Iraq War' Published on Fri, Mar14,08 by Agence France Presse: http://tinyurl.com/29rouj
'..Winter Soldier..: Victory for Independent Media'Mar17,08 http://tinyurl.com/2p2paf
'Winter Soldier: US Vets, Active-Duty Soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan Testify About the Horrors of War' Mar17,08: http://tinyurl.com/3d87hv
'Half a Decade of War: ...Winter Soldier Hearings' Mar19,08 http://tinyurl.com/2afffm
'Winter Soldier Marches Again', Mar20,08: http://tinyurl.com/2vvwzt
'Winter Soldier 2008: A Marine Mom’s Eyewitness Account of the Testimony' Mar25,08 http://tinyurl.com/2jfftf
'To My Daughter, on the Fifth Anniversary of the US Invasion of Iraq' by Stephen Zunes; Published on Fri, Mar14,08 by CommonDreams.org http://tinyurl.com/2g42l2
"Stephen Zunes is a professor of Politics at the University of San Francisco, where he chairs the Middle East Studies program. A version of this article originally appeared in Foreign Policy in Focus."
'British Teachers Told to Rewrite History of I.W.' Mar14,08 http://tinyurl.com/3dn3w5
'..., Australia Takes a Stand Against the Dark Side' 3/10 http://tinyurl.com/yted6o
North American Union & VCHIP TRUTH 7/13/07 http://tinyurl.com/34tjzd
New World Order ENDGAME 10/25/07 http://tinyurl.com/2gmljp
'因果322', by 楊緒東
Posted by: "Cheng-Kuang Chen" chengkuangchen@yahoo.com ChengKuangChen
Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:01 am (PDT)
因果322 作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東 2008/03/24, Monday 我常講一句話:「硬到底,才能保台」。
1. 對中資TVBS電視台的寬容,促成紅杉軍大亂,是因果報應,亦是警訊。
2. 對江炳坤中國之行,促成國共會談,採取寬容之道,使得叛國無罪,附共有理,台灣的經濟與政治合法親中,造成統派士氣大振。
3. 對台灣國鄉親街頭運動的反制太過嚴厲,而對統派激烈行動顯然寬鬆,執政的首長不敢護佑台灣國基本派選民,還以為公正執法,終於使執法人員能放肆的對付台灣國人民。
4. 阿扁執政太多的權力交換,與虎謀皮的結果,過半的中國黨立法委員視阿扁如無物,阿扁任命的執政團隊,飽受侮辱,而基層事務官更不把執政黨放在眼裡,這些挺扁的選民,反而飽受中國黨的威迫,而某些民進黨官員好自為之,令人氣餒。
5. 謝長廷先生的和解共生放到高雄市尚可,但加在中國中央體制的國民黨立法委員身上,會被亂棒打死。
1. 馬英九團隊多行不義,急於爭功委過、忙於內鬥、不眠不休。
2. 立法院與總統府的鬥爭由隱而顯,真是笑話。
3. 媒體挺馬的時代,不復存在,中國與中華的矛盾加深,統派媒體動向怪異。
4. 泛藍選民期待太高終則潰散,有事變。
5. 民間的力量不論為綠或藍有合調的現象。
6. 中國勢力深入基層,社會動蕩不安,街頭暴力遽增。
7. 228台灣神的信仰,成為眾神護台的真正力量,成為唯一和祥正面的信仰中心。
Taiwan Status:----------------------
'We are still at the level of District Court, it is far far away from the Supreme Court!' Thurs Mar20,08 10:18:17 PM
"" 為何是幸災樂禍????挺中國人?愛中國??
第一回合受挫又怎樣? 離最高法院還很遠!
不要搞茶壺中暴風雨,對外無行動 陳辰光
美首度駁回「Lin et. al. v. USA」案的理由 "" ... ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Our lawsuit has the first slump, but, not closed already!' Thurs Mar20,08 6:14:48 PM
"" 美首度駁回「Lin et. al. v. USA」案的理由
筆者於二零零六年十月二十四日,以「Civil Action No. 06-1825(RMC)」案,向華盛頓聯邦法院控告美國政府:「美日太平洋戰爭時,戰敗台灣後,未依照美國憲法規定,給予臺灣人旅行證件(美國國民護照)」。本案經十三次雙方文書攻防,美國國務院兩次以「事渋管轄與政治問題為由」,要求法院不要受理,但經法院「兩次駁回請求」;二零零八年三月十八日,美國聯邦法院法官ROSEMARY M. COLLYER第一審判定:「原告訴人被了解並同情,戰後六十年,因為麥克阿瑟將軍於一九四五年(一般命令第一號)的緣故,台灣地位停留在懸空狀態(international limbo),被美國及國際忽視,由於毛澤東與中國共產黨,強勢且戲劇性的改變台灣海峽狀態,造成美國與中國長久以來的緊張關係,太平洋戰後,任何正常關係都因朝鮮戰爭,而致使美國與中國共產黨武力對抗而放置一邊。」
法官「駁回原告理由」,認為:筆者在本案最後要求時,牽渋「主權問題」,雖然台灣地位尚未決定,主權歸屬也未定,這一切都是「政治問題」,應由美國國會或美國總統全權處理。筆者堅持:法官結論並不正確,因為Military occupation is a question of fact軍事佔領是事實問題(參考美陸軍野戰手冊FM 27-10 第355段);和舊金山和平條約是美國參議院所通過的,應該被解釋為「可以約束所有美國政府機關的法律文件」,基於這兩點,足以證明筆者所談,絕非法官所認定的「政治問題」。原告將在三十天的法律期限內,向聯邦法院提出上訴要求。
作者:林 志 昇
二零零八年三月二十日 ""
'China Continues Crack Down on Tibet Protests' Mar20,08 http://tinyurl.com/2pd6ej
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【大紀元3月20日報導】(中央社記者葉素萍台北二十日電)... ...
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'總統:公投過關比選總統重要 否則被世界笑' 3/3/08 http://tinyurl.com/29afsn
'扁:不投謝也要挺台灣 突顯公投重要', 3/3/08, http://tinyurl.com/2rlxhk
'謝:我當總統 可讓吳伯雄當院長', 3/3/2008, http://tinyurl.com/2j9lbp
'陳總統:美英中開羅宣言沒簽字 中國錯誤解讀' 呂欣憓 Mar14,08
「開羅宣言」真相, Mar14,08 記者王宗銘台北報導 http://tinyurl.com/2wga8b
'Cosmos: An open-source .Net-based microkernel OS is born' ZDNet 2/6/08: http://tinyurl.com/2n4wom
US Empire: 'In Focus: Military' FPIF | Tuesday, March 4, 2008
"" The United States maintains more than 700 bases around the world and is pushing to set up even more. What are these bases doing, how is the Pentagon rethinking their functions, and how can we reduce this military footprint?
As Joanne Landy and Thomas Harrison explain in Pushing Missile Defense in Europe, the United States wants to establish bases in Poland and the Czech Republic-over the objections of the citizens of those countries.
With the new Africa Command, Daniel Volman and Beth Tuckey argue in Militarizing Africa (Again), the United States is increasing its military presence on an energy-rich continent. ""
... ...
"" Links
Pushing Missile Defense in Europe: http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/5005
Militarizing Africa (Again): http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/4997
The Million Year War: http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/4977
Dems: What about the Military Budget?: http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/5009 ""
'Iran Contra 2.0: How the Bush Admin Lied to Congress and Armed Fatah to Provoke Palestinian Civil War Aiming to Overthrow Hamas' "" after Hamas swept Palestinian elections two years ago "" 3/5/08 http://tinyurl.com/yonwx7
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InfraGard: http://tinyurl.com/2k55bx
'InfraGard: An Unhealthy Government Alliance'2/23/08 http://tinyurl.com/2q7xx4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'FBI Domestic Intelligence Activities: COINTELPRO Revisited - Spying & Disruption'
By Brian Glick (author of War at Home, South End Press) http://tinyurl.com/74ge9
Activists across the country report increasing government harassment and disruption of their work: ""
... ...
'"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic: Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t' 2/28/08, F. William Engdahl: http://tinyurl.com/ysd4gn
'ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for ...' Conspiracy?? 10/25/07 http://tinyurl.com/2gmljp
'...Time to Reject Nuclear Arms' 3/3/08: http://tinyurl.com/3d3xz2
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'Documents Debunk Myth of French Nuclear 'Success': Reality a Radioactive Mess: Reprocessing and Plutonium Fuel Have Cost Billions'2/27/08: http://tinyurl.com/25hydy
'Strengthening Freedom in Asia: A Twenty-First-Century Agenda for the U.S.-Taiwan Partnership' Dan Blumenthal, Randall Schriver 2/22/08: http://tinyurl.com/ys53ld
'鞏固自由亞洲: 二十一世紀的美台關係議題'
'美國重新發現台灣: 評「二十一世紀美台關係議題報告」'賴怡忠2/27/08: http://tinyurl.com/2pmpsy
"" 美國企業研究所與阿米塔吉國際顧問公司共同發表的「鞏固自由亞洲:二十一世紀美台關係議題」之政策建議書,由於其革命性的打破過去台海政策的思考框架,以新典範來處理今天的台海情勢與美台關係,十分值得參考。
這份報告有以下幾點特色:確認台灣本身的重要性,而不是一個美中和戰的棋子;並在這個基礎上,平行發展美台與美中雙邊關係,而不將台灣視為美中互動的下屬關係;嘗試找出美台關係惡化的結構性因素,而不單純歸罪於個人;並尋求正面的議程以發展美台關係的可能性。 ""
... ...
'美台關係不應置於美中架構之下' Liberty Times 2/27/08 http://tinyurl.com/2864ro
"" 由多位前美國官員與專家組成的「台灣政策工作小組」,最近分別在美國與台灣發表第一份台灣政策報告,這份報告並沒有挑戰美國現行的一個中國政策,但其中有提到三點意見十分值得注意,一是呼籲美國解除對美台高層互動的限制,二是建議美國主導在亞洲成立一個以價值為基礎的多邊組織,讓台灣成為成員,三是美台關係應該有自主的議程,不應置於美中架構之下。 ""
... ...
'Chaos and Controversy in Taiwan: Where is the Solution?' http://tinyurl.com/26hfap
'Massacre in March1947 Taiwan'
"" Monday, December 31, 2007
http://tinyurl.com/363tfj or
To Whom It May Concern:
Dept. of State
Washington, D.C. 20520 October 19, 2007
Please find the attached document entitled “Preparatory Committee for the Organization of Taiwan’s Civil Government.” After careful consideration and discussion here in Taiwan, this document has been drafted to explain the basic steps which we feel are necessary for proceeding with the implementation of the reality of Taiwan’s true international legal position.
If the thoughts outlined in this document are acceptable to the US Dept. of State and National Security Council, our next step would be to proceed with the selection of an initial thirty-one members here in Taiwan, and to organize their basic biographical and other introductory data for your examination and approval.
We look forward to receiving your evaluation, comments, and criticism at an early date.
Roger C. S. Lin
Taipei, Taiwan
CC: Raymond F. Burghardt, Chairman, AIT Washington
Stephen M. Young, Director, AIT Taipei
Preparatory Committee for the Organization of Taiwan’s Civil Government
Oct. 19, 2007, Taipei
Organizational Premises
Roger C. S. Lin (a native Taiwanese) and long-time Taiwan resident Richard W. Hartzell (a US citizen) along with his Taiwanese wife and over 200 other local Taiwanese supporters have been in contact with the US Dept. of State and Dept. of Justice over the last several years, urging that the Taiwanese people’s civil rights under the US Constitution should be fully recognized. On Oct. 24, 2006, a lawsuit was filed in United States District Court in Washington, D.C. regarding this agenda, and that lawsuit is continuing at the present time. A highly-placed Dept. of State official has advised us that the White House, Dept. of Defense, Dept. of State, and the National Security Council are in favor of accepting the content of this Hartzell-Lin agenda, which in essence holds that from late-October 1945 to the present Taiwan is an overseas territory under the jurisdiction of the United States Military Government, and the Taiwanese people should be enjoying “fundamental rights” under the US Constitution, including the rights of travel and holding a passport, which are included in the liberty of the Fifth Amendment.
Statement of Facts
美國不支持台灣申請進入聯合國,美國也表示台灣不能獨立。 ... ...
Legal Rationale
What, after all, is Taiwan? The Hartzell-Lin agenda shows that Taiwan is a territory under the jurisdiction of the United States Military Government, and the United States is the principal occupying power of Taiwan. The ROC in Taiwan is a subordinate occupying power beginning Oct. 25, 1945. Oct. 1, 1949, in Beijing saw the founding of the PRC, which simultaneously announced the end of the “Republic of China” era. As of mid-December 1949, with the transfer of its central government to occupied Taiwan, the ROC has become a government in exile.
According to information communicated from the Dept. of State, after WWII the United States established a “Taiwan fund” for all necessary rebuilding and reconstruction in Taiwan, which is similar in many respects to the fund established for rebuilding in Iraq. However, the “Taiwan fund” has remained untouched up to the present day, awaiting application for funding from whatever scholars and other experts can present the correct formulation for handling Taiwan’s future needs. At the present time, it is believed that the Dept. of State is willing for a “Taiwan Civil Government” to make application for funding from this “Taiwan fund.” In previous years in Taiwan, other highly-placed individuals (some of which were associated with the DPP and KMT political parties) have made applications for funding, but they have not received approval, their major fault being an inadequate understanding of Taiwan’s true international legal position. However, at the present time the Hartzell-Lin agenda is known to be precisely based on the US constitution and US legal principles, also with a firm grounding in international law, and so can pass the rigorous inspection of high-ranking US Executive Branch officials, in order that the Taiwanese people can obtain funding for meaningful projects from this “Taiwan fund.”
Preparation for Taiwan’s Civil Government
Roger C. S. Lin and Richard W. Hartzell are anxious to begin organizing a Preparatory Committee for the Organization of Taiwan’s Civil Government, and to make application to the US government for funding from the aforementioned “Taiwan fund.” They desire to present the correct legal reality to the Taiwanese public, and to break free from the current paralysis in thinking which only sees the two options of “Taiwan independence” and “Unification with the PRC” for Taiwan’s future development. Initial items for serious funding consideration will include the purchase of an existing TV station in Taipei, Taiwan, the printing of pamphlets, brochures, and leaflets, the holding of scholarly conferences, Taiwanese newspaper advertising, etc. This Preparatory Committee for the Organization of Taiwan’s Civil Government will also have to have office space and staff, and will consider weighty issues such as the future organization of a Governing Council for Taiwan, the calling of a constitutional convention under US administrative authority, the organization of a new bicameral Taiwanese legislative body, etc. This Preparatory Committee for the Organization of Taiwan’s Civil Government is envisioned as initially having thirty-one members, all of whom will be outstanding individuals selected from different fields and professions in Taiwan. It is to be expected that these individuals will have basic English reading ability, and be able to sign documents in English.
This Preparatory Committee for the Organization of Taiwan’s Civil Government will meet in Taipei according to a schedule to be determined. Initial tasks will include drafting a Projected Expense Statement and supporting explanations. The goal of all monies spent will be to let the Taiwanese people know the truth of Taiwan’s international legal position, so that in the future the Taiwanese people can obtain their dignity, and not be constantly worried about what the future may bring.
* END *
依法組織台灣平民政府的相關文件已於 October 19, 2007 送交美國國務院 ,時間至今已滿三個月,經美國律師告知時間已到自然生效之效力。
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Application for ID Card
Application for Passport
worldjournal.com: http://tinyurl.com/ywjetc
舊金山和約研究會宣布 台灣平民政府籌備處2日成立
Posted by bbcweb at 8:48 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
#65 Cascadia. SF.Bay.UCS > CNRS. VT, ILI, UMMOA: USA? Kosovo T-NHAN, Taiwan / North Hakka Autonomous Nation: tw/nhan. 08.1.22=2 8pm - 4.6=7 4pm,
'Cascadian History': http://tinyurl.com/2r8p54
Cascadian National Anthem: http://tinyurl.com/6qbb9y
''Rise up Cascadians! Klahowya, sikhs...'' http://tinyurl.com/37fpqr
'ResistLocalizeDemocratizeFreeCascadia_Ecotopian' 12/15/07 http://tinyurl.com/3e32yw
'High-fructose corn syrup, high fat diet ... liver damage' Natural News, Mar13,08: http://tinyurl.com/2yrpwo
Carol Moore blog, Mar18,08: http://tinyurl.com/2wtd9q
San Francisco Area: http://www.myprimebuyersguide.com/ = http://tinyurl.com/2auhmm
Caslon Analytics virtual state, Jan. 2007: http://tinyurl.com/2tl5ty
'Net body issues plea for liberty' asked the US government: http://tinyurl.com/2zcdjj
Tax: Principalities of Liechtenstein/Monaco, 2/26/08: http://tinyurl.com/33frmy
Germany Attacks Liechtenstein, 2/28/08: http://tinyurl.com/25ofru
'Judiciary Committee Should Move to Impeach Bush and Cheney http://tinyurl.com/2y5344
'Kucinich Postpones Bush Impeachment Effort' 1/29/2008: http://tinyurl.com/37qxdq
'U.S. and EU powers recognize grateful Kosovo' 2/18/08 http://tinyurl.com/yucgze
'Genuine Liberation or Front for US-NATO Expansion?'2/19 http://tinyurl.com/3yep3d
'Independent Kosovo? Why not Vermont?' 2/15/08: http://tinyurl.com/3y4stq
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Vermont Commons blog: http://www.vtcommons.org/
Vermont: 'Story About Petition-Drive to charge Bush, Cheney with War Crimes Generates Flame War' 1/30/2008: http://tinyurl.com/2m8p6c
Vermont: 'Brattleboro to Vote on Arresting Bush, Cheney': http://tinyurl.com/2kn23y "" BRATTLEBORO - Brattleboro residents will vote at town meeting on whether President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should be indicted and arrested for war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice if they ever step foot in Vermont.0127 04
The Brattleboro Select Board voted 3-2 Friday to put the controversial item on the Town Meeting Day warning. "" ... ...
"" Kurt Daims, 54, of Brattleboro, the organizer of the petition drive, "" ... ...
"" “If Hitler were still alive and walked through Brattleboro, I think the local police would arrest him for war crimes,” Daims said.
Contact Susan Smallheer at susan.smallheer@rutlandherald.com.
© 2008 The Rutland Herald ""
'Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini', Mar24,08: http://hmct.dk/
'Cyberterra.net - The Metrosite' Mar24,08 http://cyberterra.net/
'The Commonwealth Nations Research Society is born'2/21/08: http://tinyurl.com/2wta8a
"" born at the beginning of this month. ""
"" The CNRS was founded by the former United Commonwealth Society (UCS) President, Vice President, and a few other UCS members. The mission of the new society is to foster closer bonds between current Commonwealth states, especially the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand; to foster a wider Commonwealth by attracting non-Commonwealth states and nations; and to foster a stronger Commonwealth by educating about Commonwealth history and culture. ""
'CNRS: Five-Variable Formidable Union', c2008, Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini, CNRS Committee: http://cnrsociety.org/5v-f-union.html
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Independent Long Island [ILI], a national member of the United Commonwealth Society [UCS]: http://tinyurl.com/yue4n3
ILI represented by Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini: http://hmct.dk/
'Ummoa/Amomu Emails and URLs' 2/22/2008: http://ummoa.net/info.html
'General Ummoa News':
"" The Kingdom of Ogginia, an Italian-speaking new micronation, has applied today to become an Ummoa member, so Ummoa now has 8 member nations/micronations! ""
UMMOA: a country truly like no other: http://ummoa.net/proposal.html
Taiwan / North Hakka Autonomous Nation : tw / nhan : http://nhan.ummoa.net/
:--- Just supplied by UMMOA, with an Autonomous National Flag, Jan. 23, 2008.
"" UMMOA background
In January 2007, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) reportedly dropped the .UM country code top-level domain (ccTLD) from the master list of domain names in response to the domain being unused, and the desire of the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute (ISI) to divest itself of responsibility for the domain.
Since the US still legally assumes that Roman law extends to the Internet (false assumption, because it can be demonstrated that Cesidian law really governs the Internet); since the .UM ccTLD also legally represents the United States Minor Outlying Islands, a statistical designation defined by ISO 3166-1, and consisting of 11 insular United States possessions (map); officers of the Cesidian Root, an intercontinental Internet independent of the ICANN, were prepared to legally occupy the .UM ccTLD as soon as ICANN and the ISI abandoned it. Like any seaworthy ship abandoned in international waters, any pirate could have legally occupied the .UM ccTLD. ""
... ...
Coat of arms
Motto: "E Interrete Libertas" (Latin)
"From the Internet, Freedom"
Anthem: to be established
Location of UMMOA
Type of entity Multi-oceanic archipelago of 11 insular possessions
Location(s) Pacific Ocean; Caribbean Sea
Capital To be established
Official/Semiofficial Languages English, Italian, Interlingua
Leadership Hon. Most Rev. Dr. Cesidio Tallini et al
Date of Foundation Circa 2008
Area 34.3 km² (13.3 mi²)
Population No indigenous population
States with claims
# Independent Long Island
# Ttf-Bucksfan
GDP No figures available
Currency Ideal currency conceived, but still under development
Time zone BMT or UTC+1 (no DST);
local times are between UTC-12 and UTC+12
Internet TLDs .um, .ummoa, .amomu (alternate root)
Calling code +808 (Midway, Wake, etc.)
Purported organisational structure Governed by a Federation of Fourth, Fifth and Sixth World nations
# Organisational Memberships Micronational Professional Registry
Patron Saint Saint Liliana Tallini (proposed)
UMMOA background
In January 2007, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) reportedly dropped the .UM country code top-level domain (ccTLD) from the master list of domain names in response to the domain being unused, and the desire of the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute (ISI) to divest itself of responsibility for the domain.
Since the US still legally assumes that Roman law extends to the Internet (false assumption, because it can be demonstrated that Cesidian law really governs the Internet); since the .UM ccTLD also legally represents the United States Minor Outlying Islands, a statistical designation defined by ISO 3166-1, and consisting of 11 insular United States possessions (map); officers of the Cesidian Root, an intercontinental Internet independent of the ICANN, were prepared to legally occupy the .UM ccTLD as soon as ICANN and the ISI abandoned it. Like any seaworthy ship abandoned in international waters, any pirate could have legally occupied the .UM ccTLD.
Once the .UM ccTLD was legally occupied, the President of the Cesidian Root would have used the legally occupied .UM ccTLD to legally annex the United States Minor Outlying Islands (if the US can occupy the Internet based on territorial claims, then the reverse should also be kosher from a legal standpoint...), and would have renamed the islands the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA).
There were even Italian and Interlingua translations of the name of the new country. The Italian version of the new country's name was the Arcipelago Multi-Oceanico delle Micronazioni Unite (Amomu). In Interlingua the country was the Archipelago Multi-Oceanic del Micronationes Unite (Amomu). Tallini even had a national motto ready ("E Interrete Libertas", or "From the Internet, Freedom", a beautiful flag, a coat of arms, and two additional TLDs for the country's use, the .UMMOA and .AMOMU ccTLDs.
Unfortunately, these things were no secret to Cesidian Root operators, but were also no secret to US intelligence officers, who are spying on everyone's emails and possibly even undisclosed Internet files, especially the emails and the files of the folks of the Cesidian Root.
The .UM ccTLD was never abandoned. In November 2007, at the registry website of www.nic.um, a message stated that "Registration is CLOSED at this time. We are only accepting Registrar Accounts." In December 2007, registration was opened with an "Annual Account Maintenance" fee of $1,200 and a $30 annual domain registration.
None of these actions, of course, make sense under a purely economic point of view, and in fact there are no active .UM sites other than the registry itself. These actions would make sense, however, if the sole true purpose of the company is essentially to preserve the sovereignty of the United States over the islands of UMMOA, and to fend off any possible legitimate and brilliant attack by a rogue Internet like the Cesidian Root.
Moreover, the United States Minor Outlying Islands are not quite a "territory" by International legal standards anyway since:
1. The US Minor Outlying Islands are grouped together entirely as a statistical convenience (they are not a real territory in Montevideo Convention terms, even though the entity is associated with real natural islands);
2. The US Minor Outlying Islands are not administered collectively (they are not a real country or state);
3. The US Minor Outlying Islands do not share a single cultural or political history beyond being currently uninhabited islands under the sovereignty of the United States (they are not a real nation).
Given these characteristics, UMMOA is more legitimately the property of a federation of autonomous and scattered micronations, than the idiotic claim of an otherwise legitimate country the size of the United States.
The idea
On 19 January 2008 the www.ummoa and www.amomu domains came alive in the Cesidian Root. While the President of the Cesidian Root had more or less abandoned the UMMOA project, two Cesidian Root officers showed no indication they were willing to abandon UMMOA. The previously mentioned domains are visible to anyone even outside of the Cesidian Root through the http://ummoa.com and http://amomu.com domains — the Interlingua versions of the domains are the http://ia.amomu.com or http://ina.amomu.com.
The Hon. Most Rev. Dr. Cesidio Tallini, who is already Governor of Independent Long Island, Voting Member and Representative for Independent Long Island on the United Commonwealth Society Executive Council, President and Founder of the Cesidian Root, Bishop of the Cesidian Church, and Chancellor of the Saint René Descrates University, is now interested in starting a first Independent Long Island registered organisation called the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA), for the expressed purpose of eventually providing each macro- and micronational member of the organisation an UMMOA-based embassy, so any micronation can stand on legal ground in Montevideo Convention terms.
Tallini now understands that the project, despite the shenanigans of the .UM organisation, would still be on legal grounds if it went forward.
When Tallini abandoned the UMMOA project in disgust on 16 August 2007 to start the Independent Long Island project, he commenced that project more because he felt he was an Independent Long Islander than for any other rational reason. However, Tallini discovered in November 2007 that the Independent Long Island project also stood on legal ground, legal ground actually more solid than even what jus cerebri electronici can provide.
If jus cerebri electronici is entirely kosher, since it is actually based on international law, things are not that different with jus cerebri humani, which also stands on a foundation of international law. In fact, jus cerebri humani is even more fundamental than jus cerebri electronici, and would allow the existence of legal territorial nations and micronations that are intellectual creations, as much as new and distinct territorial claims! Tallini figured out that the UMMOA project could now stand on the same legal high ground as the Independent Long Island project, and since UMMOA has no indigenous population, it is an even more plausible project than Independent Long Island!
The proposal
With the help of like-minded nations and micronations, Tallini would like to start the UMMOA project, and gather support from as many nations and micronations as possible.
Nations or micronations will be accepted as supporters regardless of whether they have other territorial claims, or not, so long they do not claim any island of UMMOA, or any group of islands. The purpose here is to guarantee any ambitious micronation valid territorial claims, even if it didn't have any before, because it, as a member of the UMMOA federation, can claim at least a piece of land on UMMOA sufficient to build its own embassy. Claims beyond these in magnitude, however, claims that seek to deprive other nations of sufficient land to build an embassy building, shall not be accepted or considered legal claims by UMMOA.
The claim of the United States and of other states to one or more islands of UMMOA is in fact not considered legal. UMMOA exists to augment the sovereignty of many nations, not to monopolise the claims of a power-hungry few. UMMOA exists to bring power back to "We the People", while the United States no longer exists for these reasons, and in fact exists for reasons that contradict the assumption of popular sovereignty, the assumption upon which the words "We the People" are based.
Nations yield no sovereignty to UMMOA. New York State and other states may have lost most sovereignty to the US Federal government, and the same thing may already be happening in the European Union as well, but this in not the reason for the UMMOA federation. UMMOA exists to provide any nation with claims, or with additional claims. It exists to support independence, to support sovereignty, not to stamp it out as other federal unions have done in the past. UMMOA in fact exists to create a territorial imperium where none existed before. These claims, will be in turn supported by the intelligence of UMMOA project supporters, and hopefully with significant numbers of nations and micronations a significant neopower can be created.
The UMMOA project will try to add visibility to the micronational hobby/activity, by granting any good-willed nation or micronation a stronger foundation for its claims to sovereignty and statehood. It will maximise both micronational independence, as well as micronational collective potential by leveraging the good work of others on multiple levels. The UMMOA project will not concentrate more power into a particular leader, but gather more power in general to micronations and micronationalism. This project is not another impractical YAMO (Yet another micronational organisation), nor does it exist for any other reason than the empowerment of many micronations, and the empowerment of micronationalism itself. We seek to make micronationalism more attractive to a greater number of people. We seek to make micronationalism or alternative nationalism a genuinely wholesome religion of the many, not a fanatical cult of the few.
The UMMOA project aims to be expense-free, but it cannot guarantee it will remain expense-free forever. Nevertheless, the UMMOA project will make small demands on nations and their peoples' time. It cannot be expected that a single person shoulders any and all needed expenses or responsibility. For the growth of the UMMOA project, volunteer work will need to become a common currency if it is to succeed in the short and longer term. Tallini guarantees that if he receives support from you and your nation, he will spare no effort to bring UMMOA to its maximum potential, in order to ensure UMMOA draws the attention even of member states of the UN. Currently UMMOA is only a member of the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR); however, Tallini will seek membership and support in many more organisations. You support, your encouragement, your spreading of the word is crucial to the success of the UMMOA project, and to the success of your own nation or micronation as an UMMOA federation member.
If you believe in the general philosophy of the UMMOA project, Tallini urges you to join the UMMOA federation. There are no forms to sign, no particularly disabling obligations, but without your support, help, and enthusiasm, the UMMOA project cannot reach even a single of its stated goals. If nothing is ventured, nothing can be gained.
If you wish to register your nation or micronation for the UMMOA project, please fill-in the form below. Thank you for your time, and please spread the word in other forums, and to other nations.
UMMOA Project
First Name: * Sheh-gni
Last Name: * Tsai
Email Address: * bbcwebb@yahoo.com
Nation/Micronation: * Taiwan / North Hakka Autonomous Nation
Founded Month/Year: * January 2008
Unique 2-3-4 letter nat'l code: * tw / nhan
Member UCS/5WC/MPR (specify): 5WC / MPR
Other micronational organisations:
How do you plan to help UMMOA? *
1) My blog: http://bbcwebb.blog.com
2) Online forums
3) Other future projects ""
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Re: Unmoa's 8 members #100 < 22="5"> Group Size, & Lang. 08.1.4=5-3.30=7 7pm.
'Flipping particle ..> missing antimatter' Mar18,08 http://tinyurl.com/2neyhm
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Strategic Forecasting logo
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:' The internal 'orchestra' of the earth ', By Billy Baker, Globe Correspondent / January 21, 2008
'Scientists Scan Striking Nanoscale Images' E Cole 2.15.08 http://tinyurl.com/2thkj4
Linguistic Terrorism of English-Only Laws: http://tinyurl.com/2bhfly
Bio-Altruism: Edward O Wilson, sociobiology: http://tinyurl.com/26tbjw
'Evolutionists At War Over Altruism’s Origins', 1.10=4 CommonDreams: http://tinyurl.com/22rxgk/
"The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference", by Malcolm Gladwell ; Back Bay Books (January 7, 2002)
'The Ghost of the Racism', 1.7=1: http://tinyurl.com/2cytda
[Conflict] Paul or Obama? #101: For Rational Future! < 5="6">
To: Conflict@yahoogroup s.com
Sent: Saturday, January 5, 2008 4:19:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Conflict] Ron Paul or Barack Obama? #100+: Remarkable: Where Future? < 4="5" r2="0.764," t34="10.35," cr="4.1." 17="1" 16="7" yt4mgv ="=" 35egq7 ="=" 15="2" 27u848 ="=" republicanism ="=">'Ron Paul's Revolutionary Manifesto', by Floy Lilley, February 1, 2008: http://tinyurl.com/2tqdhk
' Let's Legalize Competing Currencies', by Ron Paul: http://tinyurl.com/2rmrpk
: Before the US House of Representatives, February 13, 2008
'The Political and Economic Agenda for a Real Gold Standard', by Ron Paul ; LewRockwell.org ; Jan. 19, 08 : http://tinyurl.com/yptvr2
" originally delivered at the Mises Institute's 1985 conference on the gold standard. It later appeared as the final chapter in The Gold Standard: Perspectives in the Austrian School. "
'The Deflation Time Bomb', by Mike Whitney ; LewRockwell, 1.19=6 : http://tinyurl.com/yuo5bc
'Frodo Baggins: Ron Paul' of "Lord of the Rings": http://tinyurl.com/274kwz
" Ron Paul is now in a similar situation as Washington was in early 1777 ": http://tinyurl.com/yss57e
Paulians online: http://tinyurl.com/32na4p
The Loneliest Supporter in Israel: http://tinyurl.com/25b8mj
The Person: http://tinyurl.com/2usbuu
Happiness: 'Ron Paul and the New Revolutionaries": http://tinyurl.com/25vsxy
A Bibliography for Paulists: http://tinyurl.com/387w89
Ron Paul, "Pillars of Prosperity": http://tinyurl.com/yuhjlb
'Recession or Depression?' LewRockwell 1.10: http://tinyurl.com/yr6fpp
"A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship" (June 15, 2007): http://tinyurl.com/yonln7
' Ron Paul has always believed that foreign and domestic policy should be conducted according to the same principles. ... ... He has told the truth, always. For this, every American, every citizen of the world, is deeply in his debt. We can't but be deeply grateful that Ron Paul's prophetic words have been collected in this book. May it be widely distributed. May its lessons be absorbed by this and future generations. '-- Foreword, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
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'The Big Business of Organized Crime in Mexico', Rodger Baker 2/13/2008: http://tinyurl.com/yrkwzp
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'Thousands of Protesters Greet US War Games in Philippines' 2/19/08: http://tinyurl.com/2lnfge
' Are Libertarians 'Anarchists'? ', by Murray N. Rothbard ; written in the mid-1950s for "Faith and Freedom" ; not published.
Right and Left: http://tinyurl.com/2qjv8d
"Our" Jefferson: http://tinyurl.com/3bdbzb
Unique Ron Paul: http://tinyurl.com/2e8rpn
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Houses and Money: http://tinyurl.com/27s7my
A Family Life of RP: http://tinyurl.com/2jzwdf
Charlie Wilson's War: http://tinyurl.com/3dnple ; http://tinyurl.com/2299hs
To Anarchists, Counterculturalists, Feminists, Gun Owners, Pagans, Pastors, Left Libertarians, Liberals, Pakistan.
Pakistan: http://tinyurl.com/yw2gmk [Leave peoples alone here and everywhere]
To Pastors: http://tinyurl.com/2kwx43
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USA 2007: http://tinyurl.com/yqdddr
NYT 'Look at America': http://tinyurl.com/2qrnfw
USA’s Deadliest Year in Iraq: http://tinyurl.com/2dmmfj
Grass Farming > Global Warming: http://tinyurl.com/36e3dm
RT Philosopher's blog: http://www.fullmoon.nu/book/
Ron Paul future predicted by Murray Rothbard:
'The Real Aggressor', by Murray N. Rothbard ; LewRockwell.com:
"" This article originally appeared in the April 1954 issue of Faith and Freedom.
A sign of our time is the split-personality of the conservatives. Many to the right of center are off on a schizophrenic pursuit of both liberty and collectivism.
In domestic affairs this regrettable condition is gradually being recognized for what it is. But the time is nigh for conservative foreign policy, as well, to be psychoanalyzed in hope of a cure! ""
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"" Yet while conservatives once preferred peace and "isolationism," in our day they appeal in vague terms for liberation of foreign nations and hint that "We've been at war with Communism for years, so let's get it over with." They bitterly denounce European "allies" for being neutralistic and therefore "unreliable," while they praise Chiang, Rhee, and Franco for being anti-Communist and therefore "reliable friends of the United States." They denounce our having entered the Korean War; yet denounce the Korean Truce and call for programs to carry war ever upward and onward.
The notion – very widespread – that we should not have entered the Korean War, but once in it should have launched a total war against China, flouts rules of logic. The best preventive of war is to refrain from warring – period. "" ... ...
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"" in general, the "emotional complex of fear and vaunting" noted by Garet Garrett, which Harry Elmer Barnes calls the "1984 pattern."
The tragic part of the whole situation is that it is the erstwhile isolationists, the ones who above all others should know better, who are leading the war parade.
Sinking ever deeper into a war psychosis, these conservatives have failed to perceive that our whole problem today, broadly speaking, is ideological rather than military! "" ... ...
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"" What we really have to combat is all statism, and not just the Communist brand. To take up arms against one set of socialists is not the way to stop socialism – indeed it is bound to increase socialism as all modern wars have done. ""
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"" The battle can only be waged in the realm of ideas and reason. "" ... ...
"" But some conservatives are failing to recognize that the enemy is statism, rather than simply Communism. "" ... ...
"" It is a fundamental libertarian proposition that the State only has the right to use force to defend the person and property of individuals against force. ""
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"" Yet, being duped by State officials is precisely what mankind has been putting up with for thousands of years. ""
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"" In a libertarian society though, it is the individual, not the State, which has the primary choice as to whether and how his defenses shall be maintained. "" ... ...
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"" The moral policy for libertarians is to see that the scope of war is kept as localized as possible. The State must be held to its responsibility to enter no foreign war – and to provoke no war via rash and irresponsible statements, official condemnations of other governments, or inordinate armament buildups.
Even if our nation is directly attacked by another, justice for those who look askance upon war efforts and levies still requires that the scope of State action be kept within responsible limits. The goal of all State action at such times must be a negotiated peace, "" ... ...
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... ... "" Old-fashioned international law facilitated the maintenance of neutrality and served the important purpose of greatly limiting the scope of any wars that arose.
Public opinion could then be educated to impose this type of international law to limit the scope of State action, just as Americans once used the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The United Nations, unfortunately, does not afford a good breeding ground for such constructive principles of international law and order. For it is the seedling of a world State, a master imperialistic power that would dominate the citizens of the entire subject world. Furthermore, the UN is basically committed to collective-security warfare against "aggression" and is therefore a warmongering organization in its very essence. ""
... ...
"" To begin, the United States should pull out of the United Nations, and also out of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance.
Secondly, our government should repudiate all other foreign commitments and agreements and foreign aid or "security" endeavors, while withdrawing the military from foreign bases. ""
... ...
"" Thirdly, the United States government should "recognize" Red China – on the basis of the old-fashioned international law principles of recognition. Prior to the interventionism of Woodrow Wilson, it was always understood that recognition – especially by a neutralist state – does not imply moral approval. The doctrine that it does has already been responsible for too many wars and bloodshed (vide the Stimson policy toward Japan). Recognition simply means recognizing the physical existence of a state – it is an act of sanity, not an act of praise. Whether we like it or not, Chiang is now ruler of Formosa alone – and no mere recognition or nonrecognition will alter that fact.
Unfetter World Trade
Fourthly, there should be reestablishment of free and unhampered trade with the Communist countries, by our own nation and by all other nations. Free world trade would not only help break down the iron curtain, but would benefit anti-Communist nations as well as Communist. "" ... ...
"" Above all, our foreign policy must not be self-defeating; it must be consistent; it must pursue peace instead of war; and it must advance individual American freedom.
Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) was the author of Man, Economy, and State, Conceived in Liberty, What Has Government Done to Our Money, For a New Liberty, The Case Against the Fed, and many other books and articles. He was also the editor – with Lew Rockwell – of The Rothbard-Rockwell Report. ""
'The Growth of Local Power Is a Bright Spot in Seven Bleak Years of Bush', Published on Friday, December 28, 2007 by The Guardian/UK ; CommonDreams.org :
American cities, counties and states have offered a crucial counterweight to the White House on the issues that really matter
by Rebecca Solnit
"" The centre cannot hold, and that’s the good news in the United States these days. Quietly, doggedly, cities, regions, counties and states have refused to march to the Bush administration’s drum when it comes to climate change, the environment and the war. Some of the recent changes are so sweeping that they will probably drag the nation along with them - notably efforts by Vermont, Massachusetts and California to set higher vehicle emissions standards and generally treat climate change as an environmental problem that can be addressed by regulation. "" ... ...
... ...
Activist and cultural historian Rebecca Solnit is the author of Hope in the Dark: The Untold History of People Power; comment@guardian.co.uk
"Ron Paul is likely to be the next president": http://tinyurl.com/32qca8
And Approaching LIBERTY without state: http://tinyurl.com/28xats
And Not Garet Garrett's essay, "Rise of Empire" cooking frogs: http://tinyurl.com/3bq66p
Anarchists: http://tinyurl.com/3xz4os http://tinyurl.com/378xyq
Counterculturalists: http://tinyurl.com/2fvu78
Pagans: http://tinyurl.com/2t6ydq
Foreign policy: http://tinyurl.com/yr4ecj
Left-Libertarians: http://tinyurl.com/2l82gc
the first Mr. Republican on the true principles of a Republican foreign policy:
http://www.lewrockwell.com/rockwell/rp-mr-republican.html or
http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig4/maccallum3.html or http://tinyurl.com/3xz4os
' A Note to Principled Anarchists ', by Spencer Heath MacCallum, December 20, 2007.
"" Robert Higgs makes no bones about it: "The state is the most destructive institution human beings have ever devised "" ... ...
... ...
... ... "" It is clear to me that the state is a social pathology. "" ... ... "" We suffer a deficiency disease – a deficiency of authentic social organization "" ... ...
"" True, the United States government under Ron Paul will continue all of the things governments do. That is its nature. I see no chance of "returning to the Constitution" under Ron Paul or anyone else; for that is not government’s nature. But Ron Paul promises to stop the altogether unnecessary deaths in Iraq, and based on his demonstrated character, I believe he can and will. ""
' An Open Letter to Anarchists on Behalf of Ron Paul ', by Anthony Gregory ; LewRockwell.com , December 17, 2007 :
... ...
"" If Ron Paul were to actually win, he would indeed fail to smash the state entirely. That is neither his intention nor his promise. However, he would clearly move American society far closer toward the anarchist ideal. He would put to rest the most tyrannical and hierarchical organization as it concerns international affairs – the US empire. He would close down the American bases on foreign soil, halt the murderous invasions and bombings, stop dictating terms to other nations, and end the horrifying US regime of torture and indefinite, unchecked detentions. He would end the war on terror, which the two parties intend to maintain for a lifetime. All this alone would make Paul a remarkably unique president. On the world scene, it would finally mean anarchy between nations: There would be no global policeman, the role currently executed by the US government.
We would also see an end to the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on currency – the very mainspring from which the entire US corporate state emerges. We would see the federal drug war finally ended. We would see the greatest retrenchment of American state power since the end of World War I, if not ever. ""
... ...
"" Since all social conditions, including political structures, are a reflection of public ideology, the Ron Paul Revolution has grand implications for the anarchist struggle, even should he not win the presidency. It has already woken many people up to the principles of liberty. It has exposed many of the contradictions of the state. It has encouraged the idea that the government is far too large and powerful – a conceptual first step for nearly anyone who comes around to adopt anarchism altogether. Most of us anarchists were not always such, and we owe much of our own understanding to intellectual movements over hundreds of years, especially the classical liberal tradition, which had a relationship of mutual influence with individualist anarchism in the nineteenth century. And today, Paul himself welcomes this long-established relationship, even pointing out at speaking engagements that the Ron Paul Revolution has its share of anarchists. What other politician would explicitly boast his anarchist support? Ron Paul's movement is one that puts liberty at the center, and can only be of great benefit to the anarchist cause in the future.
This brings me to a word for the left-anarchists. Many of you have, with some justification, pointed out that rightwing libertarians and conservatives sometimes misunderstand the true essence of state power and have political priorities that are not just flawed but counterproductive to the cause of liberty. Minarchists and conservatives who embrace the government’s police power, its law-and-order functions and military wing, and save most of their animosity for the welfare state, just don’t get it.
Although I consider the welfare state to be a truly stifling and reactionary organization – Noam Chomsky’s brand of anarchism notwithstanding – this left-anarchist critique of the right has some merit. Indeed, stealing money from taxpayers and giving it to welfare recipients is not as despicable or aggressive as stealing the same amount of money and using it to murder children abroad or lock up peaceful people at home.
Well, for what it’s worth, Ron Paul is not a typical conservative, or even like all too many libertarians, in this respect. He is running mostly to dismantle the empire and national-security state; his first priority is not to kick anyone onto the street, and he has stressed this many times. He further understands that just because the military is a Constitutional function of government does not mean it should get a pass whereas the food stamp programs should not. He really does want to dramatically slash the state’s most egregious instruments – those of mass murder, mass destruction and totalitarian control of foreign and domestic subjects. When the issue of social entitlements comes up, he makes clear that his top priority is eliminating the entitlements to the military industrial complex, which he considers the most immoral and unjustified subsidies of all. No liberal Democrat of any stature goes nearly as far as Ron Paul does in opposing the warfare state. While he also opposes the welfare state, he knows that he’ll have his hands full with ending the war and will be somewhat restrained by Congressional prerogative. He also knows the most pressing moral mandate is to stop the killing. When asked about what he considered the most urgent ethical crisis of our time, he says it is the American culture’s adoption of aggressive war as acceptable policy.
As for corporatism, taxation and economic issues, Ron Paul says what the phony limited-government Republicans never dare to utter: The most evil and destructive of taxes is the inflation tax, the printing of money that robs from the value of the poor man’s dollar and shovels profits into the coffers of Wall Street, the big energy and pharmaceutical firms, and especially the defense contractors.
Every time the subject of spending comes up, he focuses on cutting the military. Every time the subject of taxes comes up, he focuses on the most regressive one of all: inflation. All too many leftist radicals ignore this clandestine and cruel robbery of the working and middle classes, and those on fixed incomes, to fund lavish corporate welfare. Ron Paul, in contrast, has for decades considered it a fundamental issue. Taking the federal government’s legal tender monopoly away would truly be the most revolutionary economic reform in a century, and it is near the top of Paul’s agenda.
Anarchists should take notice that Paul is also nearly alone in opposing the state-corporate partnerships that emerge in American agricultural policy, phony international "free-trade" agreements, and the administration of health care subsidies to Big Pharma. When he champions free trade, he takes it seriously, condemning trade sanctions as tools of war and agitating to normalize relations with the Cuban people. He is opposed to the government having a monopoly on weapons, and so he rejects all federal gun control laws. He opposes censorship in all forms. ""
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"" Even on those particular issues where anarchists might most disagree with Paul, his position is far less tyrannical and nationalist than the likes of Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, and still offers a better approach than we can expect to get from US politics. And while we disagree, his movement is still a blessing for the public’s overall consciousness regarding liberty. Finally, to reiterate, he is running not so much on the few issues where he accepts a somewhat active role for the state, but mostly on his strongest issue – the most important issue of our time – the long-overdue dismantling of the American empire, after more than a century of international mayhem, financial fraudulence and relentless assaults on our liberty at home.
It is from his priorities that we can tell Paul has no interest in power for its own sake. He does not promise to feed the masses from cradle to grave and protect them from every cave-dwelling extremist in the Middle East because he knows the limits of power and the superiority of liberty over false security. He knows the full danger of centralized power in particular, which is why he would not use the central state even to impose his agenda on local polities. This decentralist emphasis we see in his campaign – which parallels nicely with the spontaneous, voluntary, decentralized and anarchic nature of his grassroots support – is an important component in any meaningful program to actually reduce state power. The federal government, being the largest and most internationally belligerent in all the world, must be shrunk first, and as much as possible, for any of us to have a lasting chance at freedom.
When it comes to understanding the true meaning of liberty and having the right priorities, Ron Paul is actually better than many mainstream libertarians and even self-described anarchists. He has awoken Americans to the key issues of foreign policy, civil liberties, and inflationary finance in a way no politician ever has. He might not excite those anarchists who, not engaged in the real world, do not care particularly much about what form or powers our government takes or how many people it kills and tortures and imprisons. On the other hand, for all anarchists who see US aggression abroad, the destruction of habeas corpus and privacy, the secret torture chambers, the economic fascism, the drug war gulags and the burgeoning domestic police state as crucial issues, constituting a colossal national emergency, Ron Paul’s movement is one to be cheered far and wide. ""
... ...
' An Open Letter to Pagans in Support of Ron Paul ', by Christopher Quick ;
[ Reverend Jack Robin Winterset: a software engineer in Lincoln, Nebraska, who has been a practicing pagan for more than two and half decades. He follows an urban-shamanic path; reads and teaches Tarot; and does metaphysical counseling. ]
LewRockwell.com ; December 15, 2007 :
"" They might call it the Golden Rule but we know it as the Wiccan Rede. An' It Harm None, Do What Thou Wilt. As long as you're not hurting anyone, it's no one else's business what you do. Live and let live. That's the One Rule by which we live. It doesn't matter which particular path you follow, just that you are allowed to live your life as you see fit and let others do the same. It's because of this one simple philosophy that I think it's very important you consider your role in the future of this country.
Some things have happened lately that some of you might not be aware of: the USA PATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007, several executive orders and signing statements... I'm not going to try to educate those who don't know about these things because I know you're all smart enough to learn for yourselves. It's what we do, right? And most of you have probably been keeping up on these things with a fear you've not known since you learned the monster under the bed was there to protect you.
The last time people were rounded up and put into pens it was the Japanese Americans. That was when nationality was top of the list of "Things To Be Afraid Of". Now it's religion. So we have to ask ourselves: how long before they start to bring up the old lies about us? How far a leap is it from "Suicide Bomber" to "Human Sacrificer"? We've been persecuted for quite a while.
Some of you are registered priests and priestesses. Have you ever thought how silly it is to have to "register" to be a priest or priestess? Okay, maybe "insulting" would be a better word than "silly", but you get my point. This is interference. But if you want to read Tarot in public, or do Chakra Readings or Aura Therapy or anything else that's part of our traditions, you either register or you keep the disclaimer we all know and loath: "For Entertainment Purposes Only".
And now the WHO isn't just a pretty good band but an international organization that's trying to tell us we can't sell aromatherapy bath salts or incense or herbal teas as health goods. What are we supposed to do? "For Air-Freshening Purposes Only"? NAFTA, CAFTA, AU...
And then came a man. A lot of us have learned to fear monotheists because the belief in "One above all others" when it comes to gods translates into a belief in "one above all others" when it comes to people, too. But there's a monotheist that actually understands the Wiccan Rede, even though he calls it the Golden Rule. ""
... ...
"" Nearly all of us believe that war is tantamount to mass murder on the grandest of scales. He does too. He'd bring all our troops home from Iraq immediately (as immediately as would be safe; he says they'd all be home in no more than a year). But he wouldn't stop there: he wants all our troops home from all over the world. No more crusades. No more Saint George and the Dragon. No more death to the infidel. Just an extremely strong defense. How long has it been since the word "defense" actually meant "defense" and not "offence"? He wants to return it to the correct definition.
"Oh sure, but what does he want in return?" He wants us to vote for him. Dr. Paul – he actually is a medical doctor, specifically an OB/GYN, who never accepted Medicare but instead took care of patients for free when they couldn't afford to pay – is a US Representative who wants to be President so he can return that office to its rightful place of service instead of rulership.
Do me a favor, please. Do yourself a favor. If you don't already support him (as I expect most of us do), then please go to www.RonPaul2008.com and check out his stands on the issues. Find the records of his speeches before congress and the laws he's voted on (both yea and nay) and sponsored. Research him. And research, really research, the rest of the candidates. Most of us are Democrats (or were) or independents. Most of us despise Republicans. He's the exception to the rule of what Republicans are, though, so don't let yourself turn off when you hear his party. When they hear we're pagan, they write us off. We're better than that.
Finally a man that the Three Fold Law holds up and bathes in light is running for President. Finally a person who will be President will actually carry a lantern instead of a rifle.
Yours in faith,
Reverend Jack Robin Winterset,
a.k.a. Christopher Quick ""
Posted by bbcweb at 10:42 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Sunday, December 9, 2007
#62: FAPA. UN? or US-Taiwan: :Sino-Centric? & Taiwan. Korea. Down Chiang. 驚爆馬英九=Ma Yingjiu EXPOSED! 被遺忘的名字-葉武台 07.12.9=7 11pm -.08.2.24=7 11am
Taiwanese in US: FAPA: http://tinyurl.com/2j4akg
Taiwan's UN Membership's Huge Benefits:
'別讓台灣知道入聯有多少好康' [2008-01-07 21:18:49]: http://tinyurl.com/34xzes
'Is Taiwan Part of Any Other Country?' video: http://tinyurl.com/3y3ol7
'Appendix 17 -- Report on Mutual Defense Treaty with the Republic of China, U.S. Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations (1955)', February 8, 1955: http://tinyurl.com/ynjt7s
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親中派 (Sino-Centric)? '與夏馨早餐', ■ 陳新輝 2/4/08: http://tinyurl.com/ypklx8
China's Threats: 'China General Downplays Military Buildup', By HENRY SANDERSON ; The Associated Press ; Monday, January 14, 2008; 11:40 AM : http://tinyurl.com/2vdj7b
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'「台湾の声」【明日の集会】この決議文を採択します。ぜひ参加を!' 2/2/08:
"" 明日都内で開催する「偽造地図を追放せよ!」緊急国民集会では、以下の決議文を採択し、日本政府に突きつけたいたいと思います。
台湾が中国領ではないという一大事実の前で、外務省も文部科学省も法務省も、現在は何の抗弁もできない状況です。しかし彼らは自分たちの過ちを認めたくないがため、そして中国を怒らせたくないがため、私たちの抗議が収まるのをじっと待つ構えです。そこでこの集会を通じ、良識ある人々の声は小さくない、短期的なものではないということを教え、さらに全国の人々に問題の所在とその深刻さを知らせたいと思います。そのためにもぜひ大勢の方に参加していただけるようお願いいたします(集会案内は最後にあります)。 "": http://tinyurl.com/2z3jr6
General Assembly: GA/10612: http://tinyurl.com/3582ml
Wikipedia: http://tinyurl.com/2ojl7k
'The UN Has Come to Be Seen As a Tool of the West', by Adrian Hamilton ; Published on Thursday, December 13, 2007 by The Independent/UK:
' Democracy for all – except Taiwan ': Joseph Farah:"Between the Lines", WorldNetDaily. Posted: December 15, 2007; 1:00 a.m. Eastern:
"" President Bush's administration has been characterized by its strong rhetoric about spreading democracy around the world as a virtual cure-all for regional and global problems.
The White House has demonstrated it will go to war for this goal. It will spill the blood of young Americans. It will allow itself to get bogged down in unpopular wars that last too long and accomplish too little – all in the name of spreading democracy.
But what happens when one of these fledgling democracies actually permits its people to shape the nation's destiny? And what happens when those expressions of popular will run counter to the all-knowing, all-seeing wisdom of the Bush administration?
You can learn the answers to those questions by reading the astonishingly arrogant, presumptuous, finger-pointing, condescending lectures by Bush administration officials to the people of Taiwan for their audacity to hold a referendum on membership in the United Nations. "{
... ...
Dismantling Chiang: http://tinyurl.com/2jo56l
'驚爆馬英九 < 中天電視台鎖定圍剿的 」非常光碟 」在這裡!> 馬英九痛批的 」非常光碟 」在這裡!':
"" 中國統媒中天電視台啊,又要開幹了嗎?勇敢的台灣人吃蒸飯等你們!來啊!你們中國統媒的最後希望馬英九的真面目,真理愈辯愈明,我們嚴正聲明:這不是貴國所污蔑的」非常光碟」,而是證據十足,有名有姓,當面嗆馬,以下的內容,全為公開檔案:」馬英九基因解碼--被遺忘的名字葉武台」,解剖馬英九的人格特徵,驗證他是否職業學生當抓耙子的過程!歹勢啦,我們台灣人比較不會講話,請您忍耐點啦,用看的啦....
馬英九冷血基因解碼:(完整版) ""
... ....
"" 台灣玉山長昌台呼籲網友,盡力轉貼個人部落格,全力突破封鎖!
影片 blip 轉貼碼 、 veoh 轉貼碼 、 Yahoo 影片轉貼碼 、 Youtube playlist 轉貼碼 ,
影片FLV檔 下載網址列表,影片MPG檔 下載網址列表, ED分享 感謝網友提供,觀迎轉貼。
資料來源:我是顏聖冠 被遺忘的名字-葉武台
製作人:許逢麟 貓羅溪網路媒體工作室
馬英九對光碟的回應 三立新聞 ""
Rick Chu's Perspectives on Korea and Media:
'一個李明博,各自表述?', 作者:朱立熙 ; 日期:2007-12-24
"" 李明博當選南韓總統,台灣的藍綠陣營紛紛表態自況,往自己臉上貼金,幼稚之舉,讓人看了實在好笑。幾十年來,韓國人從來沒有把台灣與台灣人放在眼裡,曾幾何時韓國卻成為台灣人競相「膜拜」的對象,台灣人如此不長進,只會讓韓國人更看不起了。 ""
... ...
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