
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Thursday, March 15, 2007

#67 陳總統#12::四要一沒有; 李登輝:國家形態必須正常化 // Ro:India // Lawsuit to:US // Mar '47~; 反省. 蕭惟仁 // 1st Civilization. BACK TO USA, 07.6.9=6- 08.5.31=6 10pm.

Hi to Everyone! 總統陳水扁#12:「四要一沒有,台灣要獨立,台灣要正名,台灣要新憲, 台灣要發展,台灣沒有所謂左右的問題,只有統獨的問題!」: : 台灣陳水扁總統再闡釋, 路透台北電 3.6: : '拚開放還談什麼「台灣要發展」': Prehistory & 1st Civilization: 行動才會推動台灣建國CK Chen's Global Forum: : '再論美國國務院的嚴重錯誤': Summary of Feb. 16, 2007, Rebuttal by Plaintiffs and Opposition to US government's Motion to Dismiss ; 2007年2月16日摘要 ; -- 原告的反駁與答覆美國政府的答辯: > ###: '摘要漢譯:【台灣控訴美國政府】' 'Military Jurisdiction and the Taiwan status question' CK Chen: 'Our inquiry to the US government -- What are you doing?' by Dr. Roger C. S. Lin & Richard W. Hartzell: ------------------------- 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立: '台灣的國家形態必須正常化': Mar.6 日本李登輝學校講演 一沒有: Chiang"ROC", Save Taiwan: 蕭惟仁綜合法理論述:如何掌握台灣的未來?: '感謝共產黨支持台獨', 沈建德: : "除了孫文主張台獨(戴季陶承認孫文在一九二五年說過:「我們必須鼓吹台灣獨立,和高麗的獨立運動互相聯合」),一九三八年四月蔣介石演講「抗日戰爭與本黨前途」時引用:「總理以為我們必須使高麗、台灣恢復獨立自由,才能鞏固中華民國國防」" : "一九三六年七月一日,毛澤東答覆美國媒體記者史諾時說:「如果朝鮮人民希望掙脫日本帝國主義者的枷鎖,我們熱烈支持他們爭取獨立的戰鬥,這點同樣適用於台灣」。一九四一年一月五日,周恩來談「民族至上與國家至上」,強調:「我們同情民族國家的獨立解放運動,我們不只協助朝鮮與台灣,也同情印度與南亞諸國的民族解放運動」。" ---------------------------------- #74=US#585: 07.3.15=4: 1.26=#45/60 GO BACK TO TAIWAN TODAY. Crisis::Taiwan#133; ChiangKMT#118: Crisis:: Chiang KMT Ma#31: Chiang KMT Nazi Party: Chiang KMT Nazi Party: 'Why shorter men were walking tall 4m years ago', Lewis Smith, Environment Reporter: Direct democracy 'Vermont: The Land of Hope': '中正紀念堂 威權痕跡深鑿'改名為「台灣民主公園」: ..銅像最多..到「神格化」..建議把它們外銷到北韓,跟金日成的..去膜拜, Rick 忍受政府派憲兵保護蔣中正與故總統蔣經國陵寢, 薛凌: '228的歷史意義', Feb 23, 貞台松: "南方快報"二二八慘案專題: 永不消逝的二二八: : '二二八慘案專輯': FIC#111: /// 5WC/MPR#108 國歌'台灣翠青' National Anthem: 《1947序曲》蕭泰然: ================ National Flag: 廖文毅 used blue symbol for Taiwanese flag. : shows sea, moon and sun, which means 國運日月同長. 日月潭 is a good symbol 世界台灣人大會會旗 similar to DPP flag? Taiwan Independence, Answers: Taiwan Independence, Wikipedia: '控訴美國', 林志昇,台灣建國志工團隊, Jan 27: :歷史上第一次控告:我們一定要 釐清台灣主權 終結ROC 正名/制憲和設計新旗幟, 陳辰光 林志昇.何瑞元,「台灣平民行動黨」政治研究組, 2007/03/09清晨 > #2. 台灣人拜台灣神: : Video: Pagans back: Olympian Zeus Sanctuary: 台灣人拜台灣神,不作無根之民 : 下一步二二八平反運動該怎麼走: ================ 記錄片"台灣的歷史:在光復初期二二八事件": 公視 "228 二二八 屠殺 大屠殺": =============== 'GMO Corn Causes Liver, Kidney Problems in Rats': =============== ===============

Thousands of members of one of India’s lowest castes besieged the capital yesterday, blocking roads and railways to press their unorthodox demand — to be downgraded to an even lower social status.

The Gujjars, who are traditionally herders of cattle, goats and sheep, threatened to shut down Delhi as they broadened a protest movement that has left 39 people dead across northern India since it began last Friday.

Wielding sticks and shouting slogans, they burnt tyres and squatted in the main roads leading to the capital, blocking access to the satellite towns of Noida and Gurgaon, which are home to call centres and multinational firms. They also blocked railway lines to several towns outside Delhi, including popular tourist destinations.

It was the second time in less than a year that the Gujjars have brought much of northern India to a standstill in an attempt to gain greater access to government jobs and university places under the world’s largest affirmative action programme.

The violence has thrown a spotlight on police brutality in India and the politics of the Hindu caste system, which enforces a strict social hierarchy with Brahmins at the top and Untouchables, or Dalits, at the bottom.

India outlawed caste discrimination after gaining independence in 1947, but to correct the injustices of the past it allocated quotas of government jobs and university places to those who suffered the most. It divided those who should benefit from the quotas into official categories called scheduled castes (SC), scheduled tribes (ST) and other backward classes (OBC).

SC includes Untouchables and others at the bottom of the caste system, ST consists of ethnic minorities and OBC comprises others who traditionally suffered discrimination.

The Gujjars, who mainly live in the northern state of Rajasthan, are classified as OBC, entitling them to access to 27 per cent of government jobs and university places. But they want to be downgraded to ST, on a par with another local tribe called the Meena, which they believe would increase their access by another 15 per cent.

They say that the Hindu nationalist Bharata Janata Party promised to downgrade them as part of its winning campaign in Rajasthan’s state election four years ago, but that it never fulfilled its commitment.

The latest protests began after a government panel recommended an aid package of £35 million for the Gujjars, but ruled out caste reclassification.

The demonstrations turned violent last week after Gujjar protesters lynched a policeman and police responded by opening fire on the demonstrators, killing 38 of them.

The government of Rajasthan has told the Gujjars to take the appeal to the federal Government in Delhi but the federal coalition Government, led by the Congress Party, says that the matter should be handled by the authorities in Rajasthan.

Opinion is divided among experts, with some saying that the Gujjars deserve to be compensated and others predicting a “race to the bottom” if their demands are met.

Cultural divide

The Hindu social and cultural system in India is divided into castes that are inherited or married into and has been dated to 1,000BC

There are thousands of castes and subcastes in India. Hinduism ascribes degrees of purity to different jobs

Brahmins are traditionally the priestly caste, while Dalits are a “scheduled caste”. Dalits and tribal communities represent half of India’s poor population

Caste discrimination was outlawed in 1950, and 22.5 per cent of university places and government jobs were reserved for Dalits and tribal people

Sources: www.britannica. com ; www.indianchild. com ; Times archives
---------------------- ---------------------- Re: [Conflict] EU civil service system? #1000 <>le Quota system and Indian Caste system (for Tsai)
As I understand it, history's a touchier subject in India than it is in most other places। It tends to get rewritten periodically, depending on who's in charge; while India was a client state of the USSR, history (as taught at the time in India) took on a heavily Marxist flavour. I'm not sure for example that the Brits ever DID "conquer India" as such. The HEIC was the precursor to today's "government outsourcing" corporations, like Halliburton. They'd hawk their services from Indian princedom to Indian princedom (there was at the time no such country as "India", much like there was no such country as "Germany" before 1871. They'd offer to re-organize civil services, retrain and re-arm armies, make tax collection more efficient... and also set up mutual defence agreements with other statelets. The example that springs to mind is that Burma had a long tradition of invading and looting their Indian (Bengali) neighbours. Under the new HEIC management, that neighbour reacted to invasion not by running away... but by fighting back - and roundly defeating the Burmese. You can't just defeat a county - by routing its army - and walk away. The fact that you HAVE defeated them creates internal instability. You wind up running THEIR country as well. Burma's just one example. Most of the Indian princedoms "signed on the dotted line" to buy the "modernize your government" package. Some of them regarded their neighbours doing so as an act of aggression and cassus belli (reason for going to war) The money spent by the newly re-organized princedoms proved to have been well-spent. Generally, they defeated the people who had attached them in short order, using mainly native troops and a minority "cadre" of Europeans. The Battle of Assaye for example: a "John Company" army fought the (much larger) army of a neighbouring state, and despite being heavily outnumbered (the other side also had very much more artillery, officered by French mercenaries) and soundly defeated it. With its army fled... the state imploded.... and wound up becoming another client of "John Company". Who ELSE was going to run it?
India and the EU are very different cases. If what evolved into British rule over India had been so terrible, then India was free to reject "the legacy of Imperialism" when they got home rule. Instead, they kept much of it, because it WORKED. The Indian Civil service uses huge books called "Manuals". When there's a flood, or a famine or some similar disaster they take down the appropriate manual which gives fairly detailed instructions on how to solve the problem. Those "manuals" date back not just to British rule, but to the 19th century! They're still in use, because "good government has no skin colour" It doesn't matter who gives a good answer to a problem - the quality lies in the solution not the person administering it. And back then, the Brits really did have things sewn up. We'd industrialised. .. others were only just starting to do so. Our (agent's) offer to" reorganize your economy and government" for you was the stuff of science fiction: a leap from ox carts to steam locomotives practically overnight - AND the upgrading of the infrastructure of government to cope with the HUGE changes. It enabled India to transform itself from a bunch of SMALL states into a huge one with a massive industrial potential. The circle in the centre of India's flag symbolizes Ghandi's romantic but misguided attempt to reverse the process: it's supposed to represent a spinning wheel, symbolizing a return to small-scale fabric production as the basis of the economy। (A policy that set India back DECADES on its road to its current prosperity।) "" ... =============== =============== 'Remembering is key to the future': : By 李天福: Mar.8,'47, 10,000 troops to Keelung, 3000 Kaohsiung, : "then began a systematic massacre, shooting people on sight.": "" According to Allan Shackleton, a UN Relief and Rehabilitation officer witnessing the events: "Truckloads of troops armed with machine guns and automatic rifles quickly sped from Keelung to Taipei. Not content to firing at people on the street, they fired indiscriminately into shops and houses. In one village between Taipei and Keelung, 20 youths were castrated, their ears were cut off and their noses slit before they were bayoneted." In Keelung, some prisoners were stripped naked, forced to kneel on the street and beaten to death with iron chains. Many were shot in the back of the head, had their ankles or palms pierced with wires and were thrown into the sea in groups of three or five. A policeman estimated that 2,000 people were disposed of in this way. In Taipei, a massive slaughter of residents took place, including some 200 high-school students who had been cornered near the zoo. Kaohsiung was unique in that a massacre of some 2,700 residents started on March 6, before the arrival of reinforcements from China. On that day, the mayor and four city councilors went to the Kaohsiung garrison headquarters to urge that troops disarm voluntarily. The garrison commander, Peng Meng-chi (彭孟緝), shot three delegation members on the spot before leading more than 300 soldiers into the city to start an indiscriminate slaughter of residents. The gunfire persisted past March 8. Peng was later commended by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) for his valor and promoted to major general in 1952. In 1957, he was made commander of the army, and later head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Academics generally agree that 28,000 Taiwanese were killed. [Editor's note: This is contestable.] What is noteworthy, however, is not only the number of deaths but also the brutality and wantonness with which the Chinese soldiers massacred people, molested women and robbed Taiwanese. On March 13, massive arrests began. The members of the Settlement Committee were the first to be arrested, many executed on the spot, followed by the systematic slaughter of Taiwan's elite in all major cities and towns, including doctors, lawyers, teachers, journalists, businessmen and members of the Provincial Council.?A whole generation of Taiwanese leaders was thus eliminated through ruthless ethnic cleansing. "" "" Taiwan is also increasingly vulnerable to internal subversion due to China's united front tactics. Ever since the pilgrimage of former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Lien Chan (連戰) and People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜) to Beijing, the pan-blue opposition has done its utmost to belittle the Democratic Progressive Party government and scuttle Taiwan's democratic institutions in an effort to regain power and facilitate the annexation of Taiwan by China. Much of Taiwan's media is known for its pro-unification bias due to its KMT roots, a tendency exacerbated by the infiltration of such media by Hong Kong and presumably Chinese capital. Pan-blue politicians and media bared their fangs when they combined forces last fall to encourage the red shirt rebellion -- an attempt to destroy the democratically elected government through extralegal means. "" ----- '[BATA] Fw: Remembering is key to the future', by Sue Lin "" The author Lee Thian-Hok is the pen name of Jay Loo. He published "China Impasse, A Formosan View" in the prestigious periodical Foreign Affairs in 1958, advocating Taiwan Independence. Two years earlier he and his friends formed the Formosans' for Free Formosa, the earliest Taiwan Independence movement in the US. He studied medicine at the Medical College of NTU. Three months later he came to the US intended to pursue the career in medicine, but after reading "Formosa Under Chinese Nationalist Rule" by Fred Riggs and the article concerning 228 by George Kerr he became more dedicated to the independence movement and decided to study Political Science in stead of Medicine against the wishes of his father. His lifetime story is a deeply moving story of an intellectual working unselfishly for the love of Taiwan. "" Sam ===== ---------------------------- '美國228家屬籲設特別法庭 審判蔣介石': : 中央社 今日晚報 2007.02.27: : "" 美國二二八受難者家屬返鄉團上午到總統府拜會總統陳水扁,提出五點訴求:第一、要求法務部成立「二二八事件特別調查小組」,對事件深入調查,促成「二二八事件特別法庭」的立法,對蔣介石、陳儀、柯遠芬、彭孟緝等及幫凶進行公開審判,即使這些人已經逝世,也應該缺席審判,伸張公平、正義。 其次,教育部應將二二八事件的事實真相列入新編的高中歷史教科書,讓台灣人的未來世代,能從歷史學習教訓。 第三、要求行政院將「中正紀念堂」更改為「台灣忠烈祠」紀念二二八事件及白色恐怖的犧牲者,並將全台的所有「中正路」更名。 第四、要求國防部撤走在桃園大溪看管蔣介石屍棺的警衛兵,將屍棺交還蔣家私人處理。 第五、要求行政院撤銷四月五日蔣介石死亡之日為清明節法定假日,改回傳統農曆清明節。 返鄉團團長王文宏強調,二二八受難者家屬不是要血債血償,也不是要鞭屍,要的是事實真相與公平、正義的台灣社會。 "" ---------------------------- USA:======================= 台灣國人民忍到何時?/台灣要的是歷史公審 Taiwan History in Blood/Tears: 228 Video: '228 2.0-追求正義、迎向未來,由你我發起': : "" 228滿六十週年了,繼去年成功的二二八全球共筆書寫活動後,今年二二八秀台灣網站再接再勵,要發起一個透過網路收集素材、製作228紀念影片的活動,活動的名稱為228 2.0。 "" 228 video: or then --------- --------- 'Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan', by 郭勝華blog ; Monday, February 19, 2007: Formosa Calling….for 60 long years since Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan (by: 郭勝華): Appendix I: 紀念二二八事件暨三月大屠殺六十週年 並反對中華人民共和國共產政權之所謂反分裂法之聲明 Appendix II: 朱正宗宜蘭市長(1947),連震東,陳誠,蔣介石,蔣經國與國民黨 -------- '郭勝華 籲台公開228檔案 以受難者家屬身分演講': 【本報記者黃美惠史丹福報導】來自芝加哥的僑務委員郭勝華醫師(Victoria Kuo)25日在史丹福大學參加灣區「二二八」紀念演講會。「二二八」今年60周年,郭勝華也即將60歲,父親郭章垣醫師是二二八事件的死難者,她是遺腹女,父親死時,母親懷胎三個月。郭勝華一出娘胎就沒有父親,60年後的現在,她仍認為這個歷史「政治謀殺事件」並未了結。 -------- -------- Taiwan is changing to Taiwan: :'What's in a Name? Ask Taiwan', Gary J. Schmitt, John Tkacik ================================================= #0: 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" The state steals and kills as part of its operating procedure : by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: --------------------------------------------------- =================================================== ###: '[BATA] 摘要漢譯:【台灣控訴美國政府】2007/02/16進展', 海翁 (Whale) "" "" Summary of Feb. 16, 2007, Rebuttal by Plaintiffs and Opposition to US government's Motion to Dismiss 台灣控訴美國政府 2007年2月16日摘要 -- 原告的反駁與答覆美國政府的答辯 http://www.taiwanke taiwan/suitreply .htm Summary of Feb. 16, 2007, Rebuttal by Plaintiffs and Opposition to US government's Motion to Dismiss 2007年2月16日摘要 -- 原告的反駁與答覆美國政府的答辯 United States District Court, Washington D.C. 美國首都華府,聯邦法院 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本法院有此件訴訟事件的管轄權。此案並非為司法不予審理的政治問題,而是需要採用一般解釋的方式來說明條約、成文法與美國憲法。 This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action. The case does not present a nonjusticiable political question, but rather requires interpretation of treaties, statutes, and the United States Constitution using regular means of interpretation. 原告提出本件訴訟的論據,在於被告具體行為造成原告的事實損害,於是要求本法院宣告以補救原告權利。成文法具體賦予本法院事件管轄權。被告於此件訴訟中,依法已經放棄國家賦予的主權豁免權。 Plaintiffs have standing to bring this action as they have suffered an injury-in-fact caused by Defendant's conduct and redressable by this Court's declaration of Plaintiffs' rights. This Court's subject matter jurisdiction is specifically authorized by statutes. Defendant waived sovereign immunity from this action by statute. 政治問題原則是具有狹隘性質,限制法院對「政治問題」的判定,而非「政治案件」。請參照Baker v. Carr一案[369 U.S. 186, 217, 7 L. Ed. 2d 663, 82 S. Ct. 691 (1962)],請一併參照Tel-Oren v. Libyan Arab Republic一案[233 U.S. App. D.C. 384, 726 F.2d 774, 796-799 (1984)] (「基於『政治問題』而來的不予審理之動作,充其量只不過是限制原則……顯然……可見,政治問題僅是司法不予審理之有限的依據。」) The political question doctrine is a narrow doctrine that restrains the courts from deciding "political questions," not "political cases." Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 217, 7 L. Ed. 2d 663, 82 S. Ct. 691 (1962); see also Tel-Oren v. Libyan Arab Republic, 233 U.S. App. D.C. 384, 726 F.2d 774, 796-799 (1984) ("Nonjusticiability based upon "political question" is at best a limited doctrine. . . . . It is . . . clear that the political question is a very limited basis for nonjusticiability. ") 並非涉及對外交關係的所有案件都會出現「政治問題」。關於涉及對外交關係的事件,最高法院在Baker一案提出警語:「假設觸及對外交關係的每件事件,都會超出司法認定的範圍,實為錯誤之認知。」與其偏向純以案件涉及對外關係而不給予行使審判權,法院應該從事「所提特定問題的徹底分析」。 Not all cases involving foreign relations present "political questions." With respect to the cases involving foreign relations, the Supreme Court cautioned in Baker that "it is error to suppose that every case or controversy which touches foreign relations lies beyond judicial cognizance." Rather then declining to exercise jurisdiction purely because a case involves foreign relations, the courts must engage in a "discriminating analysis of the particular question posed." 就被告爭議的範圍而言,其主張政治問題原則,阻礙了本法院解釋確認原告權利的舊金山和約1(SFPT)、台灣關係法2(TRA)、移民暨歸化法3(INA)及美國憲法,被告的立場截然不同於許多司法判例。司法判例顯示本法院具有憲法賦予之權與職責,得以解釋舊金山和約、台灣關係法、移民暨歸化法和美國憲法,進而決定其條款是否能保障原告的被執行權利。 To the extent Defendant argues that the political question doctrine bars this Court from interpreting the San Francisco Peace Treaty 1 ("SFPT"), the Taiwan Relations Act 2 ("TRA"), the Immigration and Nationality Act 3 ("INA"), and the Constitution to ascertain Plaintiff's rights, Defendant's position is contrary to judicial precedents. Judicial precedents show that this Court has the constitutional power and duty to interpret the SFPT, the TRA, the INA, and the Constitution to determine whether their provisions guarantee enforceable rights to Plaintiffs. 本法院有權考慮日本於1952年移轉台灣主權的歷史、執行此項移轉的舊金山和約、台灣關係法所體現的與台灣相關立法與行政政策宣言、行政命令第13014號、相關公報、備忘錄與其他文件。 [T]his Court has the power to consider the history of the transfer of sovereignty over Taiwan from Japan in 1952, the SFPT implementing the transfer, and the legislative and executive policy statements regarding Taiwan embodied in the TRA, Executive Order No. 13014, communiques, memoranda, and other documents. 根據Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers一案[177 F. Supp. 281 (D.D.C. 1959)],即使領土地位處於懸空狀態,法院仍可檢視領土地位,並決定是否適用成文法。在Cheng Fu Sheng一案中,法院基於驅逐出境法之用,而決定台灣是否為「國家」,以及台灣是否為中國之一部分。Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers (177 F. Supp. 282處)。為了在不干擾對外交關係行為之下裁定此案,法院認為其「必須……確認並依循國務院在[台灣]是否視為中國之一部分的問題上採取的態度。」為此,法院檢視的文件中,包括了國務院公報,該公報由美國政府對台灣外交政策的發言匯集而成。國務院公報討論了讓中國割讓台灣給日本的馬關條約、開羅宣言、波茨坦宣言、1945年投降書、麥克阿瑟將軍一般命令第1號及「日本放棄對台灣一切權利、所有權與請求權」的舊金山和平條約。來源同上,283-284處引述自美國國務院公報第XXXIX冊第1017號,1958年12月22日公布,第1005-1009處。國務院公報進一步指出:「[舊金山和約]及往後的其他協議,都沒有主張將[台灣]主權移轉給中國。」法院認為:「[台灣]主權沒有移轉給中國;[台灣]不屬於中國國土的一部分;至少就目前為止仍非如此,除非往後另外簽署適當之條約方能改變此一事實。」據此,法院認為根據驅逐出境法,應驅逐出境並遣返至中國的原告,不得遣返至台灣,因為台灣不屬於中國的一部分,而且台灣並非一個「國家」。 According to Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers, 177 F. Supp. 281 (D.D.C. 1959), the courts may examine the status of a territory and decide whether a statute applies to it even if the status of the territory is still in limbo. In Cheng Fu Sheng, the court decided the issue whether Taiwan is a "country" for the purpose of the deportation statute, and whether Taiwan is a part of China. Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers, 177 F. Supp. at 282. To decide the case without interfering with the conduct of foreign relations, the court felt it was "necessary . . . to ascertain and be guided by the attitude of the Department of State on the question whether [Taiwan] is to be regarded as a part of China." To that end, the court examined, inter alia, a Department of State Bulletin, which constituted an official expression of foreign policy regarding Taiwan. The Bulletin discussed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, whereby China ceded Taiwan to Japan; the Cairo Declaration; the Potsdam Declaration; the 1945 Instrument of Surrender; General MacArthur's General Order No. 1; and the SFPT, whereby Japan renounced all "right, title and claim" to Taiwan. Id. at 283-284, citing Dep't State Bulletin, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1017, Dec. 22, 1958, at 1005-1009. The Department of State Bulletin further stated that "neither [the SFPT] nor any other agreement thereafter has purported to transfer the sovereignty of [Taiwan] to China." The court held that "the sovereignty of [Taiwan] has not been transferred to China; and that [Taiwan] is not a part of China as a country, at least not as yet, and not until and unless appropriate treaties are hereafter entered into." Accordingly, the court held that under the deportation statute, the plaintiffs deportable to China could not be deported to Taiwan because Taiwan was not a part of China and Taiwan was not a "country." 對該案,華盛頓特區巡迴法院則改變了判決,其不涉及在驅逐出境法之下,法院檢視台灣地位之權,此部分該法院不提出異議。華盛頓特區巡迴法院改變的依據是,用於驅逐出境法的「國家」一字,是指超過「國家主權」的廣泛定義,這是考量到該法宗旨為「透過增加裁定外籍人士驅逐出境的最終命令能遣返之地點,進而減少『無法遣返者』的人數。」Rogers v. Cheng Fu Sheng[108 U.S. App. D.C. 115, 280 F.2d 663 (D.C. Cir. 1960)]。有趣的是,華盛頓特區巡迴法院含蓄地承認,「[台灣]本身既非國家,亦非任何國家之一部分,其身份仍處於懸空狀態(limbo),」不過,此情形無礙法院裁決該案。所以,審慎考量的舉動,無礙本法院裁決原告所提問題。 The D.C. Circuit reversed on the ground which had nothing to do with the court's power to examine the status of Taiwan for the purpose of the deportation statute, leaving this part of the holding intact. The D.C. Circuit reversed on the ground that the word "country" as used in the deportation statute had a broader meaning than "national sovereignties, " considering that the purpose of the statute was "to reduce the number of ‘undeportables' by increasing the number of places to which an alien under a final order of deportation may be sent." Rogers v. Cheng Fu Sheng, 108 U.S. App. D.C. 115, 280 F.2d 663 (D.C. Cir. 1960). Interestingly, the D.C. Circuit implicitly acknowledged that "[Taiwan] is neither a country itself nor part of any country, its status being in limbo," but it did not restrain the court from adjudicating the case. Thus, prudential considerations do not restrain this Court from adjudicating the question presented by Plaintiffs. 原告已遭受事實損害。原告提出此件訴訟的論據,為台灣地位在舊金山和約以後的法律懸空狀態,導致其遭受事實損害,其認定之公民權與國籍遭到剝奪。美國在台協會(AIT)否定原告身為美國國民4(相對於公民)5之權利與特權,更是讓原告遭受具體傷害。2006年3月29日,原告(個別原告曾經到過美國本土一次以上)秉於善意,試圖向美國在台協會提交依法準備妥當的護照申請書6。然而,美國在台協會卻拒收護照申請書,亦未針對拒收原因提出說明。美國在台協會拒收原告之護照申請書的舉動,依法代表其否認原告為美國國民的身份,以及原告身為美國國民的權利及特權。7 Plaintiffs suffered an injury-in-fact. Individual Plaintiffs have standing to bring this action because they suffered an injury-in-fact as a result of being in a legal limbo following the SFPT and being deprived of a recognized citizenship and nationality. In particular, they suffered a concrete injury as a result of the American Institute of Taiwan ("AIT")'s denial of their rights and privileges as United States nationals4 (as opposed to citizens).5 On March 29, 2006, Plaintiffs (all of whom at some time have been physically present in the continental United States) in good faith attempted to submit duly prepared passport applications to the AIT.6 The AIT, however, refused to accept the passport applications and failed to provide an explanation setting forth the reasons for the refusal. The AIT's refusal to accept Plaintiffs' passport applications constituted a denial of their status as United States nationals, and of their rights and privileges as United States nationals.7 否定公認國籍,如同否定公認公民權,於是構成興訟論據的法定事實損害。 The denial of a recognized nationality, just as the denial of a recognized citizenship, constitutes a legally cognizable injury-in-fact for the purpose of standing. 本法院宣告原告權利之舉,不一定能從各方面補救原告所受損害,亦不阻礙原告日後訴諸救濟之權。請參照美國法典28 U.S.C. § 2201(法院「可基於利害關係人的意願下,宣告其所具權利及其他法律關係,無論日後是否能訴諸救濟亦然。」) This Court's declaration of Plaintiffs' rights does not need to redress every aspect of Plaintiff's injury and does not preclude further relief. See 28 U.S.C. § 2201 (the court "may declare the rights and other legal relations of any interested party seeking such declaration, whether or not further relief is or could be sought"). 台灣建國黨以一組織身分,代表其黨員提出此件訴訟,在於其黨員遭受事實損害,因此賦予其代表自身興訟之權;該事實損害與台灣建國黨之宗旨密切相關;該黨主張或其要求的救濟方法,均未要求全體個別黨員參與。請參照Friends of the Earth v. Laidlaw Envtl. Servs.一案,528 U.S. 167, 120 S. Ct. 693, 145 L. Ed. 2d 610 (2000)。 The Taiwan Nation Party, an organization, has standing to bring this action on behalf of its members because the members suffered an injury-in-fact, which gives them the right to sue on their own behalf; the injury is germane to the organization' s purpose; and neither the claim asserted nor the relief requested requires individual member participation. See generally Friends of the Earth v. Laidlaw Envtl. Servs., 528 U.S. 167, 120 S. Ct. 693, 145 L. Ed. 2d 610 (2000). 台灣建國黨旨在提倡台灣人民權益,尤其致力於(a)建立台灣人民的國家認同;以及(b)推動國際調查與程序,以求國際認同台灣人民確實的國籍。此件訴訟所主張的損害 -- 不承認原告於美國憲法及法律下所具權利與特權 -- 與該黨宗旨密切相關。 The purpose of the Taiwan Nation Party is to advocate the rights and privileges of the Taiwanese people, in particular (a) to establish a national identity for the Taiwanese people; and (b) to facilitate international investigations and procedures to obtain an internationally recognized nationality determination for Taiwanese people. The injury asserted in this action -- denial of Plaintiffs' rights and privileges under the United States Constitution and laws -- is germane to the organization' s purpose. 台灣建國黨身為其黨員的適任代表,主張隸屬美國政府機關的美國在台協會不當拒收護照申請書。該黨要求的救濟方法 -- 宣告美國在台協會不當拒收護照申請書 -- 得以補救台灣建國黨全體黨員的不平。 The Taiwan Nation Party is an adequate representative of its members in asserting the claim that the AIT, an agency of the United States, wrongfully refused to accept the passport applications. The relief requested -- a declaration that the AIT wrongfully refused to accept the passport applications -- would redress the grievances of all members of the Taiwan Nation Party. 本法院根據美國法典28 U.S.C. § 1331,對於「美國憲法、法律或條約所引發的一切民事訴訟」,具有聯邦問題管轄權。 This Court has federal question jurisdiction of "all civil actions arising under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States" pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331. 移民暨歸化法§ 360與美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1503,具體授予私人法院上的權利(可稱為「訴因」)來處理「宣告美國國籍」事宜。根據移民暨歸化法§ 360(a)-(b)與美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1503(a)-(b):「遭到任何政府部門、獨立機關或其中任職的官員,以並非美國國民的理由」,「否認」其「身為美國國民之權利或特權」的「任何人」,具有宣告國籍之私人訴因。8 The INA § 360, 8 U.S.C. § 1503 specifically authorizes a private cause of action for "declaration of United States nationality. " According to the INA § 360 (a)-(b), 8 U.S.C. § 1503(a)-(b), "any person" who is "denied" a "right or privilege" "as a national of the United States" "by any department or independent agency, or official thereof, upon the ground that he is not a national of the United States," has a private cause of action for declaration of nationality.8 舊金山和約第2條(b)9與第23條(a)10為自動執行性質,無須進行立法就能建立私人在法院上的權利(訴因)。此外,美國其他法院已將舊金山和約中有關領土的規範條款,視為自動執行性質,進而確保個人權利11。 Because Article 2(b)9 and Article 23(a)10 of the SFPT are self-executing, they create a private cause of action without any need for implementing legislation. Furthermore, other U.S. Courts have treated territorial provisions of the SFPT as self-executing and guaranteeing individual rights.11 美國條約認定為自動執行性質,美國法院「有義務讓此類條約生效」。請參照第三次對外關係重述法§ 113(3),並一併參照Richard B. Lillich所著《在國內法院訴諸國際人權法》一文,54 U. Chi. L. Rev. 367, 384 (1985)。美國法院賦予條約完整效力之舉,符合美國憲法的最高原則。根據美國憲法的最高原則:「美國政府簽署或理應簽署的所有條約,應為美國的最高法律。」美國憲法VI條 § 2。 United States treaties are presumed self-executing, and the United States courts are "bound to give effect" to them. RESTATEMENT (THIRD) OF FOREIGN RELATIONS § 111(3), see also Richard B. Lillich, Invoking International Human Rights Law in Domestic Courts, 54 U. Cin. L. Rev. 367, 384 (1985). Giving full effect to treaties in the United States courts is consistent with the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. Under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, "all Treaties made, or shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the land." U.S. CONST. art. VI, § 2. 法院在決定一份條約是否自動執行時,會檢視該份文件的語言所彰顯的當事人意圖。Diggs v. Richardson, 555 F.2d 848, 851, 180 U.S. App. D.C. 376 (1976年華盛頓特區巡迴法院)。舊金山和約第2條(b)與第23條(a),說明了在法院對抗美國之私人訴因的依據。舊金山和約在第23條(a)之中,將美國指為主要佔領權,並在第4條(b)進一步確認美國軍事政府的對台管轄權,就能讓美國負有義務,確保依照舊金山和約看似佔領之領土居民的基本權利。對於美國承擔義務的推論結果,即是這些人在美國法院提出行使其基本權利的私人訴因。 In determining whether a treaty is self-executing, courts look at the intent of the parties as manifested by the language of the instrument. Diggs v. Richardson, 555 F.2d 848, 851, 180 U.S. App. D.C. 376 (D.C. Cir. 1976). Article 2(b) and Article 23(a) of the SFPT demonstrate intent to create a private cause of action against the United States. By designating the United States as a principal occupying Power in Article 23(a), and by further confirming the jurisdiction of the United States Military Government over Taiwan in Article 4(b), the SFPT created the United States' obligation to guarantee fundamental rights to the persons living in the territory deemed occupied by the United States under the SFPT. The corollary to the United States' obligation is these persons' private right of action to enforce their fundamental rights in the United States courts. 現有司法判例顯示,自動執行條約為個人法權得以在法院執行的來源之一。請參照Guerrero v. United States一案,502 F.2d 90, 99(1974年第九巡迴法院)。 Judicial precedents show that self-executing treaties are a source of individual legal rights enforceable in courts. See, e,g, Guerrero v. United States, 502 F.2d 90, 99 (9th Cir. 1974) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Footnotes 註解: 1. 1951年9月8日與日本簽署的和約,同盟國-日本,美國法典3 U.S.C. 3169。 Treaty of Peace with Japan, Sept. 8, 1951, Allied Powers-Japan, 3 U.S.C. 3169. 2. 台灣關係法,Taiwan Relations Act,美國法典22 U.S.C. § 3301-3316。 3. 移民暨歸化法,Immigration and Nationality Act,美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1101-1178。 4. 移民暨歸化法將「國民」定義為「對國家永久效忠者」、身為「美國公民或……雖非美國公民,卻對美國永久效忠」的「美國國民」。美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(21)- (22)。根據移民暨歸化法的宗旨,「永久」一詞意指「具延續或持久性質的關係,不同於暫時性質,而是即使美國或個人最後要求依法解除,仍可永久持續的關係。」美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(31)。 The INA defines a "national" as a "a person owing permanent allegiance to a state," and a "national of the United States" as a "a citizen of the United States, or . . . a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States." 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(21)- (22). For the purpose of the INA, "permanent" means "a relationship of continuing or lasting nature, as distinguished from temporary, but a relationship may be permanent even though it is one that may be dissolved eventually at the instance either of the United States or of the individual, in accordance with law." 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(31). 就協助本法院釐清的範圍而言,美國國務院外交手冊(FAM)將「國民」定義為:「已賦予美國國籍且對美國永久效忠,卻非美國公民的人」。全體美國公民均是美國國民,但美國國民並非一定是美國公民……」美國國務院外交手冊7 FAM 1113(i)。 To the extent it is helpful to the Court, the Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual ("FAM") defines a "national," as a "person on whom U.S. nationality has been conferred and who owes permanent allegiance to the United States but who is not a citizen." All U.S. citizens are nationals, but U.S. nationals are not necessarily U.S. citizens. . . ." Dept. State 7 FAM 1113(i). 5. 就協助法院釐清的範圍而言,美國國務院外交手冊定義的「公民」,意指「基於出生或依法歸化而取得美國公民權的人。全體美國公民均為美國國民。」美國國務院外交手冊7 FAM 1113(c)。 The FAM, to the extent it is helpful to the court, defines a "citizen," as a "person who acquired U.S. citizenship at birth or upon naturalization as provided by law. All U.S. citizens are nationals of the United States." Dept. State 7 FAM 1113(c). 6. 美國國民還有申請護照之權。請參照美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(22) (2007) (「美國國民」為「美國公民或……雖非美國公民,卻對美國永久效忠的人」);美國法典22 U.S.C. § 212 (2007)(「人民有權申請護照。唯有效忠美國者,才授予、核發或驗證護照,無論其是否為公民亦然。」) U.S. nationals also have the right to apply for passports. See 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(22) (2007) (a "national of the United States" is a "a citizen of the United States, or . . . a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States"); 22 U.S.C. § 212 (2007) ("Persons entitled to passport. No passport shall be granted or issued to or verified for any other persons that those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not, to the United States."). 7. 拒收公民權或國籍權益申請書的舉動,實質上等同拒絕此類申請。請參照Agcaoili v. Gustafson一案,844 F.2d 620, 626 (1988年第九巡迴法院)(原告控告移民歸化局(INS)的理由,在於該局基於原告住在國外而拒收歸化申請書;法院命令移民歸化局受理申請,並附註道:「移民歸化局藉由拒絕受理菲律賓退伍軍人的申請書,就能有效防止申請案引起法院注意」,該案基於其他理由而遭到駁回,870 F.2d 462 (1988年第九巡迴法院)。 Refusal to accept an application for a citizenship or nationality benefit amounts to the denial of such application. See Agcaoili v. Gustafson, 844 F.2d 620, 626 (9th Cir. 1988) (the plaintiffs brought a claim against the Immigration and Naturalization Service ("INS") for refusal to accept their applications for naturalization because they resided abroad; the court ordered the INS to process the applications and noted, "[b]y refusing to process the applications of the Filipino veterans, the INS effectively is preventing the applications from receiving the attention of the court"), case dismissed on other grounds, 870 F.2d 462 (9th Cir. 1988). 8. 第(b)款一般適用於「不住在美國」的人: Subsection (b) generally applies if a person is "not within the United States": 如果不住在美國者,要求獲得美國國民權利或特權,然而美國政府部門或獨立機關、亦或是其中的任職官員,基於此人並非美國國民之故而否決其權利或特權時,此人可向居住國家的美國駐外外交官員或領事館人員申請身份證明,以利前往美國入境口岸申請入境。外交官員或領事館人員若有證據,證實該申請乃是基於善意而提出,並且有實質依據之時,應予以核發身份證明。申請人申請此類證明若遭拒,有權向國務卿申訴,國務卿若同意不受理,應採書面方式陳述其決定的理由……美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1503(b) If a person who is not within the United States claims a right or privilege as a national of the United States and is denied such right and privilege by any department or independent agency, or official thereof, upon the grounds that he is not a national of the United States, such person may make application to a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States in the foreign country in which he is residing for a certificate of identity for the purpose of traveling to a port of entry in the United States and applying for admission. Upon proof to the satisfaction of such diplomatic or consular officer than such application is made in good faith and has a substantial basis, he shall issue a certificate of identity. From any denial of an application for such certificate the applicant shall be entitled to an appeal to the Secretary of State, who, if he approves the denial, shall state in writing his reasons for his decision. . . . 8 U.S.C. § 1503(b) 9. 舊金山和約第2條(b)之中,日本從1952年4月28日起,放棄對台一切主權。中華民國(ROC)未獲指派擔任此塊割讓領土的收受國。 In SFPT Article 2(b), Japan renounced all claims of sovereignty over Taiwan effective April 28, 1952. The Republic of China (ROC) was not designated as the receiving country for this territorial cession. 10. 舊金山和約第23條(a)之中,為了舊金山和約之地域範圍所涵蓋的領土,指定美國擔任「主要佔領權」。根據割讓波多黎各、關島、菲律賓和古巴的西班牙-美國戰爭而建立的判例,顯然可見「主要佔領權的軍事政府,持續到實施具法律效力之替代方案為止」。從1952年至今,台灣尚未成立經主要佔領權「美國」所承認的「平民政府」,以取代美國軍事政府(USMG)對台灣及澎湖的管轄權。因此,美國軍事政府對台灣的管轄權至今仍然健在。 In SFPT Article 23(a), the United States is designated as "the principal occupying Power" for the purpose of the territories covered within the geographic scope of the SFPT. According to the precedent established in the Spanish-American War cessions of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and Cuba, it is clear that the "Military government of the principal occupying power continues until legally supplanted." In the period of 1952 to the present, no "civil government" recognized by the principal occupying power (the United States) has been established in Taiwan to supplant USMG jurisdiction over Formosa and the Pescadores. Hence, in the present day, USMG jurisdiction over Taiwan is still active. 11. 如原告於2006年10月24日提出的訴狀所概述,對於二次世界大戰後的台灣地位,舊金山和約乃是層級最高的國際法律文件。重要的是,舊金山和約缺乏認定台灣人民「效忠於中華民國」或台灣人民能正確歸類為「中華民國公民」的依據。 As summarized in the Plaintiff's Complaint of Oct. 24, 2006, the SFPT is the highest ranking document of international law regarding the status of Taiwan in the post WWII era. Importantly, there is no basis under the SFPT to hold that the Taiwanese people "owe allegiance to the ROC," or that the Taiwanese people are correctly classified as "ROC citizens." ============ ========= ========= === 【附註】: (1). 本信件(覆函除外)資訊以"密件副本"同步傳送200份到海內外(台美澳),部份"收件人" 會各再轉寄200~400份。這不是 「一傳十、十傳百」,而是「一傳數百,數百傳數萬、數十、百萬」。 (2). 主流媒體版面、篇幅有限,「新時代台灣人」須善用 E-mail 網狀聯繫,傳播基層民意、彩繪人間樂土藍圖。 (3). 如果 不願再收到信件,請回函告知。 我們會立即從「郵寄名單」刪除"郵址"。 ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___ 您的生活即時通 - 溝通、娛樂、生活、工作一次搞定! http://messenger. tw/ "" ""

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

3.14=3: 228 Massacre:Chiang Kai-shek 大屠殺:蔣介石; 總統#11::四要一沒有; 李登輝:國家形態必須正常化 / Lawsuit to:US / 孫文.蔣介石.毛澤東.周恩來 主張台獨; Nazis // ###【台灣控訴美國政府】USMG // GMO.

總統陳水扁#11:「四要一沒有,台灣要獨立,台灣要正名,台灣要新憲, 台灣要發展,台灣沒有所謂左右的問題,只有統獨的問題!」: : 台灣陳水扁總統再闡釋, 路透台北電 3.6: : '拚開放還談什麼「台灣要發展」': 行動才會推動台灣建國CK Chen's Global Forum: : '再論美國國務院的嚴重錯誤': Summary of Feb. 16, 2007, Rebuttal by Plaintiffs and Opposition to US government's Motion to Dismiss ; 2007年2月16日摘要 ; -- 原告的反駁與答覆美國政府的答辯: > ###: '摘要漢譯:【台灣控訴美國政府】' 'Military Jurisdiction and the Taiwan status question' CK Chen: 'Our inquiry to the US government -- What are you doing?' by Dr. Roger C. S. Lin & Richard W. Hartzell: ------------------------- 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立: '台灣的國家形態必須正常化': Mar.6 日本李登輝學校講演 一沒有: Chiang"ROC", Save Taiwan: 蕭惟仁綜合法理論述:如何掌握台灣的未來?: '感謝共產黨支持台獨', 沈建德: : "除了孫文主張台獨(戴季陶承認孫文在一九二五年說過:「我們必須鼓吹台灣獨立,和高麗的獨立運動互相聯合」),一九三八年四月蔣介石演講「抗日戰爭與本黨前途」時引用:「總理以為我們必須使高麗、台灣恢復獨立自由,才能鞏固中華民國國防」" : "一九三六年七月一日,毛澤東答覆美國媒體記者史諾時說:「如果朝鮮人民希望掙脫日本帝國主義者的枷鎖,我們熱烈支持他們爭取獨立的戰鬥,這點同樣適用於台灣」。一九四一年一月五日,周恩來談「民族至上與國家至上」,強調:「我們同情民族國家的獨立解放運動,我們不只協助朝鮮與台灣,也同情印度與南亞諸國的民族解放運動」。" ---------------------------------- #73=US#584: 07.3.14=3: 1.25=#44/60 Crisis::Taiwan#132; ChiangKMT#117: Crisis:: Chiang KMT Ma#30: Chiang KMT Nazi Party: Chiang KMT Nazi Party: 'Why shorter men were walking tall 4m years ago', Lewis Smith, Environment Reporter: Direct democracy 'Vermont: The Land of Hope': '中正紀念堂 威權痕跡深鑿'改名為「台灣民主公園」: ..銅像最多..到「神格化」..建議把它們外銷到北韓,跟金日成的..去膜拜, Rick 忍受政府派憲兵保護蔣中正與故總統蔣經國陵寢, 薛凌: '228的歷史意義', Feb 23, 貞台松: "南方快報"二二八慘案專題: 永不消逝的二二八: : '二二八慘案專輯': FIC#110: /// 5WC/MPR#107 國歌'台灣翠青' National Anthem: 《1947序曲》蕭泰然: ================ National Flag: 廖文毅 used blue symbol for Taiwanese flag. : shows sea, moon and sun, which means 國運日月同長. 日月潭 is a good symbol 世界台灣人大會會旗 similar to DPP flag? Taiwan Independence, Answers: Taiwan Independence, Wikipedia: '控訴美國', 林志昇,台灣建國志工團隊, Jan 27: :歷史上第一次控告:我們一定要 釐清台灣主權 終結ROC 正名/制憲和設計新旗幟, 陳辰光 林志昇.何瑞元,「台灣平民行動黨」政治研究組, 2007/03/09清晨 > #2. 台灣人拜台灣神: : Video: Pagans back: Olympian Zeus Sanctuary: 台灣人拜台灣神,不作無根之民 : 下一步二二八平反運動該怎麼走: ================ 記錄片"台灣的歷史:在光復初期二二八事件": 公視 "228 二二八 屠殺 大屠殺": =============== 'GMO Corn Causes Liver, Kidney Problems in Rats': ===== 'Remembering is key to the future': : By 李天福: Mar.8,'47, 10,000 troops to Keelung, 3000 Kaohsiung, : "then began a systematic massacre, shooting people on sight.": "" According to Allan Shackleton, a UN Relief and Rehabilitation officer witnessing the events: "Truckloads of troops armed with machine guns and automatic rifles quickly sped from Keelung to Taipei. Not content to firing at people on the street, they fired indiscriminately into shops and houses. In one village between Taipei and Keelung, 20 youths were castrated, their ears were cut off and their noses slit before they were bayoneted." In Keelung, some prisoners were stripped naked, forced to kneel on the street and beaten to death with iron chains. Many were shot in the back of the head, had their ankles or palms pierced with wires and were thrown into the sea in groups of three or five. A policeman estimated that 2,000 people were disposed of in this way. In Taipei, a massive slaughter of residents took place, including some 200 high-school students who had been cornered near the zoo. Kaohsiung was unique in that a massacre of some 2,700 residents started on March 6, before the arrival of reinforcements from China. On that day, the mayor and four city councilors went to the Kaohsiung garrison headquarters to urge that troops disarm voluntarily. The garrison commander, Peng Meng-chi (彭孟緝), shot three delegation members on the spot before leading more than 300 soldiers into the city to start an indiscriminate slaughter of residents. The gunfire persisted past March 8. Peng was later commended by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) for his valor and promoted to major general in 1952. In 1957, he was made commander of the army, and later head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Academics generally agree that 28,000 Taiwanese were killed. [Editor's note: This is contestable.] What is noteworthy, however, is not only the number of deaths but also the brutality and wantonness with which the Chinese soldiers massacred people, molested women and robbed Taiwanese. On March 13, massive arrests began. The members of the Settlement Committee were the first to be arrested, many executed on the spot, followed by the systematic slaughter of Taiwan's elite in all major cities and towns, including doctors, lawyers, teachers, journalists, businessmen and members of the Provincial Council.?A whole generation of Taiwanese leaders was thus eliminated through ruthless ethnic cleansing. "" "" Taiwan is also increasingly vulnerable to internal subversion due to China's united front tactics. Ever since the pilgrimage of former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Lien Chan (連戰) and People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜) to Beijing, the pan-blue opposition has done its utmost to belittle the Democratic Progressive Party government and scuttle Taiwan's democratic institutions in an effort to regain power and facilitate the annexation of Taiwan by China. Much of Taiwan's media is known for its pro-unification bias due to its KMT roots, a tendency exacerbated by the infiltration of such media by Hong Kong and presumably Chinese capital. Pan-blue politicians and media bared their fangs when they combined forces last fall to encourage the red shirt rebellion -- an attempt to destroy the democratically elected government through extralegal means. "" ----- '[BATA] Fw: Remembering is key to the future', by Sue Lin "" The author Lee Thian-Hok is the pen name of Jay Loo. He published "China Impasse, A Formosan View" in the prestigious periodical Foreign Affairs in 1958, advocating Taiwan Independence. Two years earlier he and his friends formed the Formosans' for Free Formosa, the earliest Taiwan Independence movement in the US. He studied medicine at the Medical College of NTU. Three months later he came to the US intended to pursue the career in medicine, but after reading "Formosa Under Chinese Nationalist Rule" by Fred Riggs and the article concerning 228 by George Kerr he became more dedicated to the independence movement and decided to study Political Science in stead of Medicine against the wishes of his father. His lifetime story is a deeply moving story of an intellectual working unselfishly for the love of Taiwan. "" Sam ===== ---------------------------- '美國228家屬籲設特別法庭 審判蔣介石': : 中央社 今日晚報 2007.02.27: : "" 美國二二八受難者家屬返鄉團上午到總統府拜會總統陳水扁,提出五點訴求:第一、要求法務部成立「二二八事件特別調查小組」,對事件深入調查,促成「二二八事件特別法庭」的立法,對蔣介石、陳儀、柯遠芬、彭孟緝等及幫凶進行公開審判,即使這些人已經逝世,也應該缺席審判,伸張公平、正義。 其次,教育部應將二二八事件的事實真相列入新編的高中歷史教科書,讓台灣人的未來世代,能從歷史學習教訓。 第三、要求行政院將「中正紀念堂」更改為「台灣忠烈祠」紀念二二八事件及白色恐怖的犧牲者,並將全台的所有「中正路」更名。 第四、要求國防部撤走在桃園大溪看管蔣介石屍棺的警衛兵,將屍棺交還蔣家私人處理。 第五、要求行政院撤銷四月五日蔣介石死亡之日為清明節法定假日,改回傳統農曆清明節。 返鄉團團長王文宏強調,二二八受難者家屬不是要血債血償,也不是要鞭屍,要的是事實真相與公平、正義的台灣社會。 "" ---------------------------- USA:======================= 台灣國人民忍到何時?/台灣要的是歷史公審 Taiwan History in Blood/Tears: 228 Video: '228 2.0-追求正義、迎向未來,由你我發起': : "" 228滿六十週年了,繼去年成功的二二八全球共筆書寫活動後,今年二二八秀台灣網站再接再勵,要發起一個透過網路收集素材、製作228紀念影片的活動,活動的名稱為228 2.0。 "" 228 video: or then --------- --------- 'Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan', by 郭勝華blog ; Monday, February 19, 2007: Formosa Calling….for 60 long years since Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan (by: 郭勝華): Appendix I: 紀念二二八事件暨三月大屠殺六十週年 並反對中華人民共和國共產政權之所謂反分裂法之聲明 Appendix II: 朱正宗宜蘭市長(1947),連震東,陳誠,蔣介石,蔣經國與國民黨 -------- '郭勝華 籲台公開228檔案 以受難者家屬身分演講': 【本報記者黃美惠史丹福報導】來自芝加哥的僑務委員郭勝華醫師(Victoria Kuo)25日在史丹福大學參加灣區「二二八」紀念演講會。「二二八」今年60周年,郭勝華也即將60歲,父親郭章垣醫師是二二八事件的死難者,她是遺腹女,父親死時,母親懷胎三個月。郭勝華一出娘胎就沒有父親,60年後的現在,她仍認為這個歷史「政治謀殺事件」並未了結。 -------- -------- Taiwan is changing to Taiwan: :'What's in a Name? Ask Taiwan', Gary J. Schmitt, John Tkacik ================================================= #0: 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" The state steals and kills as part of its operating procedure : by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: --------------------------------------------------- =================================================== ###: '[BATA] 摘要漢譯:【台灣控訴美國政府】2007/02/16進展', 海翁 (Whale) "" "" Summary of Feb. 16, 2007, Rebuttal by Plaintiffs and Opposition to US government's Motion to Dismiss 台灣控訴美國政府 2007年2月16日摘要 -- 原告的反駁與答覆美國政府的答辯 http://www.taiwanke taiwan/suitreply .htm Summary of Feb. 16, 2007, Rebuttal by Plaintiffs and Opposition to US government's Motion to Dismiss 2007年2月16日摘要 -- 原告的反駁與答覆美國政府的答辯 United States District Court, Washington D.C. 美國首都華府,聯邦法院 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本法院有此件訴訟事件的管轄權。此案並非為司法不予審理的政治問題,而是需要採用一般解釋的方式來說明條約、成文法與美國憲法。 This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action. The case does not present a nonjusticiable political question, but rather requires interpretation of treaties, statutes, and the United States Constitution using regular means of interpretation. 原告提出本件訴訟的論據,在於被告具體行為造成原告的事實損害,於是要求本法院宣告以補救原告權利。成文法具體賦予本法院事件管轄權。被告於此件訴訟中,依法已經放棄國家賦予的主權豁免權。 Plaintiffs have standing to bring this action as they have suffered an injury-in-fact caused by Defendant's conduct and redressable by this Court's declaration of Plaintiffs' rights. This Court's subject matter jurisdiction is specifically authorized by statutes. Defendant waived sovereign immunity from this action by statute. 政治問題原則是具有狹隘性質,限制法院對「政治問題」的判定,而非「政治案件」。請參照Baker v. Carr一案[369 U.S. 186, 217, 7 L. Ed. 2d 663, 82 S. Ct. 691 (1962)],請一併參照Tel-Oren v. Libyan Arab Republic一案[233 U.S. App. D.C. 384, 726 F.2d 774, 796-799 (1984)] (「基於『政治問題』而來的不予審理之動作,充其量只不過是限制原則……顯然……可見,政治問題僅是司法不予審理之有限的依據。」) The political question doctrine is a narrow doctrine that restrains the courts from deciding "political questions," not "political cases." Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 217, 7 L. Ed. 2d 663, 82 S. Ct. 691 (1962); see also Tel-Oren v. Libyan Arab Republic, 233 U.S. App. D.C. 384, 726 F.2d 774, 796-799 (1984) ("Nonjusticiability based upon "political question" is at best a limited doctrine. . . . . It is . . . clear that the political question is a very limited basis for nonjusticiability. ") 並非涉及對外交關係的所有案件都會出現「政治問題」。關於涉及對外交關係的事件,最高法院在Baker一案提出警語:「假設觸及對外交關係的每件事件,都會超出司法認定的範圍,實為錯誤之認知。」與其偏向純以案件涉及對外關係而不給予行使審判權,法院應該從事「所提特定問題的徹底分析」。 Not all cases involving foreign relations present "political questions." With respect to the cases involving foreign relations, the Supreme Court cautioned in Baker that "it is error to suppose that every case or controversy which touches foreign relations lies beyond judicial cognizance." Rather then declining to exercise jurisdiction purely because a case involves foreign relations, the courts must engage in a "discriminating analysis of the particular question posed." 就被告爭議的範圍而言,其主張政治問題原則,阻礙了本法院解釋確認原告權利的舊金山和約1(SFPT)、台灣關係法2(TRA)、移民暨歸化法3(INA)及美國憲法,被告的立場截然不同於許多司法判例。司法判例顯示本法院具有憲法賦予之權與職責,得以解釋舊金山和約、台灣關係法、移民暨歸化法和美國憲法,進而決定其條款是否能保障原告的被執行權利。 To the extent Defendant argues that the political question doctrine bars this Court from interpreting the San Francisco Peace Treaty 1 ("SFPT"), the Taiwan Relations Act 2 ("TRA"), the Immigration and Nationality Act 3 ("INA"), and the Constitution to ascertain Plaintiff's rights, Defendant's position is contrary to judicial precedents. Judicial precedents show that this Court has the constitutional power and duty to interpret the SFPT, the TRA, the INA, and the Constitution to determine whether their provisions guarantee enforceable rights to Plaintiffs. 本法院有權考慮日本於1952年移轉台灣主權的歷史、執行此項移轉的舊金山和約、台灣關係法所體現的與台灣相關立法與行政政策宣言、行政命令第13014號、相關公報、備忘錄與其他文件。 [T]his Court has the power to consider the history of the transfer of sovereignty over Taiwan from Japan in 1952, the SFPT implementing the transfer, and the legislative and executive policy statements regarding Taiwan embodied in the TRA, Executive Order No. 13014, communiques, memoranda, and other documents. 根據Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers一案[177 F. Supp. 281 (D.D.C. 1959)],即使領土地位處於懸空狀態,法院仍可檢視領土地位,並決定是否適用成文法。在Cheng Fu Sheng一案中,法院基於驅逐出境法之用,而決定台灣是否為「國家」,以及台灣是否為中國之一部分。Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers (177 F. Supp. 282處)。為了在不干擾對外交關係行為之下裁定此案,法院認為其「必須……確認並依循國務院在[台灣]是否視為中國之一部分的問題上採取的態度。」為此,法院檢視的文件中,包括了國務院公報,該公報由美國政府對台灣外交政策的發言匯集而成。國務院公報討論了讓中國割讓台灣給日本的馬關條約、開羅宣言、波茨坦宣言、1945年投降書、麥克阿瑟將軍一般命令第1號及「日本放棄對台灣一切權利、所有權與請求權」的舊金山和平條約。來源同上,283-284處引述自美國國務院公報第XXXIX冊第1017號,1958年12月22日公布,第1005-1009處。國務院公報進一步指出:「[舊金山和約]及往後的其他協議,都沒有主張將[台灣]主權移轉給中國。」法院認為:「[台灣]主權沒有移轉給中國;[台灣]不屬於中國國土的一部分;至少就目前為止仍非如此,除非往後另外簽署適當之條約方能改變此一事實。」據此,法院認為根據驅逐出境法,應驅逐出境並遣返至中國的原告,不得遣返至台灣,因為台灣不屬於中國的一部分,而且台灣並非一個「國家」。 According to Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers, 177 F. Supp. 281 (D.D.C. 1959), the courts may examine the status of a territory and decide whether a statute applies to it even if the status of the territory is still in limbo. In Cheng Fu Sheng, the court decided the issue whether Taiwan is a "country" for the purpose of the deportation statute, and whether Taiwan is a part of China. Cheng Fu Sheng v. Rogers, 177 F. Supp. at 282. To decide the case without interfering with the conduct of foreign relations, the court felt it was "necessary . . . to ascertain and be guided by the attitude of the Department of State on the question whether [Taiwan] is to be regarded as a part of China." To that end, the court examined, inter alia, a Department of State Bulletin, which constituted an official expression of foreign policy regarding Taiwan. The Bulletin discussed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, whereby China ceded Taiwan to Japan; the Cairo Declaration; the Potsdam Declaration; the 1945 Instrument of Surrender; General MacArthur's General Order No. 1; and the SFPT, whereby Japan renounced all "right, title and claim" to Taiwan. Id. at 283-284, citing Dep't State Bulletin, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1017, Dec. 22, 1958, at 1005-1009. The Department of State Bulletin further stated that "neither [the SFPT] nor any other agreement thereafter has purported to transfer the sovereignty of [Taiwan] to China." The court held that "the sovereignty of [Taiwan] has not been transferred to China; and that [Taiwan] is not a part of China as a country, at least not as yet, and not until and unless appropriate treaties are hereafter entered into." Accordingly, the court held that under the deportation statute, the plaintiffs deportable to China could not be deported to Taiwan because Taiwan was not a part of China and Taiwan was not a "country." 對該案,華盛頓特區巡迴法院則改變了判決,其不涉及在驅逐出境法之下,法院檢視台灣地位之權,此部分該法院不提出異議。華盛頓特區巡迴法院改變的依據是,用於驅逐出境法的「國家」一字,是指超過「國家主權」的廣泛定義,這是考量到該法宗旨為「透過增加裁定外籍人士驅逐出境的最終命令能遣返之地點,進而減少『無法遣返者』的人數。」Rogers v. Cheng Fu Sheng[108 U.S. App. D.C. 115, 280 F.2d 663 (D.C. Cir. 1960)]。有趣的是,華盛頓特區巡迴法院含蓄地承認,「[台灣]本身既非國家,亦非任何國家之一部分,其身份仍處於懸空狀態(limbo),」不過,此情形無礙法院裁決該案。所以,審慎考量的舉動,無礙本法院裁決原告所提問題。 The D.C. Circuit reversed on the ground which had nothing to do with the court's power to examine the status of Taiwan for the purpose of the deportation statute, leaving this part of the holding intact. The D.C. Circuit reversed on the ground that the word "country" as used in the deportation statute had a broader meaning than "national sovereignties, " considering that the purpose of the statute was "to reduce the number of ‘undeportables' by increasing the number of places to which an alien under a final order of deportation may be sent." Rogers v. Cheng Fu Sheng, 108 U.S. App. D.C. 115, 280 F.2d 663 (D.C. Cir. 1960). Interestingly, the D.C. Circuit implicitly acknowledged that "[Taiwan] is neither a country itself nor part of any country, its status being in limbo," but it did not restrain the court from adjudicating the case. Thus, prudential considerations do not restrain this Court from adjudicating the question presented by Plaintiffs. 原告已遭受事實損害。原告提出此件訴訟的論據,為台灣地位在舊金山和約以後的法律懸空狀態,導致其遭受事實損害,其認定之公民權與國籍遭到剝奪。美國在台協會(AIT)否定原告身為美國國民4(相對於公民)5之權利與特權,更是讓原告遭受具體傷害。2006年3月29日,原告(個別原告曾經到過美國本土一次以上)秉於善意,試圖向美國在台協會提交依法準備妥當的護照申請書6。然而,美國在台協會卻拒收護照申請書,亦未針對拒收原因提出說明。美國在台協會拒收原告之護照申請書的舉動,依法代表其否認原告為美國國民的身份,以及原告身為美國國民的權利及特權。7 Plaintiffs suffered an injury-in-fact. Individual Plaintiffs have standing to bring this action because they suffered an injury-in-fact as a result of being in a legal limbo following the SFPT and being deprived of a recognized citizenship and nationality. In particular, they suffered a concrete injury as a result of the American Institute of Taiwan ("AIT")'s denial of their rights and privileges as United States nationals4 (as opposed to citizens).5 On March 29, 2006, Plaintiffs (all of whom at some time have been physically present in the continental United States) in good faith attempted to submit duly prepared passport applications to the AIT.6 The AIT, however, refused to accept the passport applications and failed to provide an explanation setting forth the reasons for the refusal. The AIT's refusal to accept Plaintiffs' passport applications constituted a denial of their status as United States nationals, and of their rights and privileges as United States nationals.7 否定公認國籍,如同否定公認公民權,於是構成興訟論據的法定事實損害。 The denial of a recognized nationality, just as the denial of a recognized citizenship, constitutes a legally cognizable injury-in-fact for the purpose of standing. 本法院宣告原告權利之舉,不一定能從各方面補救原告所受損害,亦不阻礙原告日後訴諸救濟之權。請參照美國法典28 U.S.C. § 2201(法院「可基於利害關係人的意願下,宣告其所具權利及其他法律關係,無論日後是否能訴諸救濟亦然。」) This Court's declaration of Plaintiffs' rights does not need to redress every aspect of Plaintiff's injury and does not preclude further relief. See 28 U.S.C. § 2201 (the court "may declare the rights and other legal relations of any interested party seeking such declaration, whether or not further relief is or could be sought"). 台灣建國黨以一組織身分,代表其黨員提出此件訴訟,在於其黨員遭受事實損害,因此賦予其代表自身興訟之權;該事實損害與台灣建國黨之宗旨密切相關;該黨主張或其要求的救濟方法,均未要求全體個別黨員參與。請參照Friends of the Earth v. Laidlaw Envtl. Servs.一案,528 U.S. 167, 120 S. Ct. 693, 145 L. Ed. 2d 610 (2000)。 The Taiwan Nation Party, an organization, has standing to bring this action on behalf of its members because the members suffered an injury-in-fact, which gives them the right to sue on their own behalf; the injury is germane to the organization' s purpose; and neither the claim asserted nor the relief requested requires individual member participation. See generally Friends of the Earth v. Laidlaw Envtl. Servs., 528 U.S. 167, 120 S. Ct. 693, 145 L. Ed. 2d 610 (2000). 台灣建國黨旨在提倡台灣人民權益,尤其致力於(a)建立台灣人民的國家認同;以及(b)推動國際調查與程序,以求國際認同台灣人民確實的國籍。此件訴訟所主張的損害 -- 不承認原告於美國憲法及法律下所具權利與特權 -- 與該黨宗旨密切相關。 The purpose of the Taiwan Nation Party is to advocate the rights and privileges of the Taiwanese people, in particular (a) to establish a national identity for the Taiwanese people; and (b) to facilitate international investigations and procedures to obtain an internationally recognized nationality determination for Taiwanese people. The injury asserted in this action -- denial of Plaintiffs' rights and privileges under the United States Constitution and laws -- is germane to the organization' s purpose. 台灣建國黨身為其黨員的適任代表,主張隸屬美國政府機關的美國在台協會不當拒收護照申請書。該黨要求的救濟方法 -- 宣告美國在台協會不當拒收護照申請書 -- 得以補救台灣建國黨全體黨員的不平。 The Taiwan Nation Party is an adequate representative of its members in asserting the claim that the AIT, an agency of the United States, wrongfully refused to accept the passport applications. The relief requested -- a declaration that the AIT wrongfully refused to accept the passport applications -- would redress the grievances of all members of the Taiwan Nation Party. 本法院根據美國法典28 U.S.C. § 1331,對於「美國憲法、法律或條約所引發的一切民事訴訟」,具有聯邦問題管轄權。 This Court has federal question jurisdiction of "all civil actions arising under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States" pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331. 移民暨歸化法§ 360與美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1503,具體授予私人法院上的權利(可稱為「訴因」)來處理「宣告美國國籍」事宜。根據移民暨歸化法§ 360(a)-(b)與美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1503(a)-(b):「遭到任何政府部門、獨立機關或其中任職的官員,以並非美國國民的理由」,「否認」其「身為美國國民之權利或特權」的「任何人」,具有宣告國籍之私人訴因。8 The INA § 360, 8 U.S.C. § 1503 specifically authorizes a private cause of action for "declaration of United States nationality. " According to the INA § 360 (a)-(b), 8 U.S.C. § 1503(a)-(b), "any person" who is "denied" a "right or privilege" "as a national of the United States" "by any department or independent agency, or official thereof, upon the ground that he is not a national of the United States," has a private cause of action for declaration of nationality.8 舊金山和約第2條(b)9與第23條(a)10為自動執行性質,無須進行立法就能建立私人在法院上的權利(訴因)。此外,美國其他法院已將舊金山和約中有關領土的規範條款,視為自動執行性質,進而確保個人權利11。 Because Article 2(b)9 and Article 23(a)10 of the SFPT are self-executing, they create a private cause of action without any need for implementing legislation. Furthermore, other U.S. Courts have treated territorial provisions of the SFPT as self-executing and guaranteeing individual rights.11 美國條約認定為自動執行性質,美國法院「有義務讓此類條約生效」。請參照第三次對外關係重述法§ 113(3),並一併參照Richard B. Lillich所著《在國內法院訴諸國際人權法》一文,54 U. Chi. L. Rev. 367, 384 (1985)。美國法院賦予條約完整效力之舉,符合美國憲法的最高原則。根據美國憲法的最高原則:「美國政府簽署或理應簽署的所有條約,應為美國的最高法律。」美國憲法VI條 § 2。 United States treaties are presumed self-executing, and the United States courts are "bound to give effect" to them. RESTATEMENT (THIRD) OF FOREIGN RELATIONS § 111(3), see also Richard B. Lillich, Invoking International Human Rights Law in Domestic Courts, 54 U. Cin. L. Rev. 367, 384 (1985). Giving full effect to treaties in the United States courts is consistent with the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. Under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, "all Treaties made, or shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the land." U.S. CONST. art. VI, § 2. 法院在決定一份條約是否自動執行時,會檢視該份文件的語言所彰顯的當事人意圖。Diggs v. Richardson, 555 F.2d 848, 851, 180 U.S. App. D.C. 376 (1976年華盛頓特區巡迴法院)。舊金山和約第2條(b)與第23條(a),說明了在法院對抗美國之私人訴因的依據。舊金山和約在第23條(a)之中,將美國指為主要佔領權,並在第4條(b)進一步確認美國軍事政府的對台管轄權,就能讓美國負有義務,確保依照舊金山和約看似佔領之領土居民的基本權利。對於美國承擔義務的推論結果,即是這些人在美國法院提出行使其基本權利的私人訴因。 In determining whether a treaty is self-executing, courts look at the intent of the parties as manifested by the language of the instrument. Diggs v. Richardson, 555 F.2d 848, 851, 180 U.S. App. D.C. 376 (D.C. Cir. 1976). Article 2(b) and Article 23(a) of the SFPT demonstrate intent to create a private cause of action against the United States. By designating the United States as a principal occupying Power in Article 23(a), and by further confirming the jurisdiction of the United States Military Government over Taiwan in Article 4(b), the SFPT created the United States' obligation to guarantee fundamental rights to the persons living in the territory deemed occupied by the United States under the SFPT. The corollary to the United States' obligation is these persons' private right of action to enforce their fundamental rights in the United States courts. 現有司法判例顯示,自動執行條約為個人法權得以在法院執行的來源之一。請參照Guerrero v. United States一案,502 F.2d 90, 99(1974年第九巡迴法院)。 Judicial precedents show that self-executing treaties are a source of individual legal rights enforceable in courts. See, e,g, Guerrero v. United States, 502 F.2d 90, 99 (9th Cir. 1974) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Footnotes 註解: 1. 1951年9月8日與日本簽署的和約,同盟國-日本,美國法典3 U.S.C. 3169。 Treaty of Peace with Japan, Sept. 8, 1951, Allied Powers-Japan, 3 U.S.C. 3169. 2. 台灣關係法,Taiwan Relations Act,美國法典22 U.S.C. § 3301-3316。 3. 移民暨歸化法,Immigration and Nationality Act,美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1101-1178。 4. 移民暨歸化法將「國民」定義為「對國家永久效忠者」、身為「美國公民或……雖非美國公民,卻對美國永久效忠」的「美國國民」。美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(21)- (22)。根據移民暨歸化法的宗旨,「永久」一詞意指「具延續或持久性質的關係,不同於暫時性質,而是即使美國或個人最後要求依法解除,仍可永久持續的關係。」美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(31)。 The INA defines a "national" as a "a person owing permanent allegiance to a state," and a "national of the United States" as a "a citizen of the United States, or . . . a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States." 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(21)- (22). For the purpose of the INA, "permanent" means "a relationship of continuing or lasting nature, as distinguished from temporary, but a relationship may be permanent even though it is one that may be dissolved eventually at the instance either of the United States or of the individual, in accordance with law." 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(31). 就協助本法院釐清的範圍而言,美國國務院外交手冊(FAM)將「國民」定義為:「已賦予美國國籍且對美國永久效忠,卻非美國公民的人」。全體美國公民均是美國國民,但美國國民並非一定是美國公民……」美國國務院外交手冊7 FAM 1113(i)。 To the extent it is helpful to the Court, the Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual ("FAM") defines a "national," as a "person on whom U.S. nationality has been conferred and who owes permanent allegiance to the United States but who is not a citizen." All U.S. citizens are nationals, but U.S. nationals are not necessarily U.S. citizens. . . ." Dept. State 7 FAM 1113(i). 5. 就協助法院釐清的範圍而言,美國國務院外交手冊定義的「公民」,意指「基於出生或依法歸化而取得美國公民權的人。全體美國公民均為美國國民。」美國國務院外交手冊7 FAM 1113(c)。 The FAM, to the extent it is helpful to the court, defines a "citizen," as a "person who acquired U.S. citizenship at birth or upon naturalization as provided by law. All U.S. citizens are nationals of the United States." Dept. State 7 FAM 1113(c). 6. 美國國民還有申請護照之權。請參照美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(22) (2007) (「美國國民」為「美國公民或……雖非美國公民,卻對美國永久效忠的人」);美國法典22 U.S.C. § 212 (2007)(「人民有權申請護照。唯有效忠美國者,才授予、核發或驗證護照,無論其是否為公民亦然。」) U.S. nationals also have the right to apply for passports. See 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(22) (2007) (a "national of the United States" is a "a citizen of the United States, or . . . a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States"); 22 U.S.C. § 212 (2007) ("Persons entitled to passport. No passport shall be granted or issued to or verified for any other persons that those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not, to the United States."). 7. 拒收公民權或國籍權益申請書的舉動,實質上等同拒絕此類申請。請參照Agcaoili v. Gustafson一案,844 F.2d 620, 626 (1988年第九巡迴法院)(原告控告移民歸化局(INS)的理由,在於該局基於原告住在國外而拒收歸化申請書;法院命令移民歸化局受理申請,並附註道:「移民歸化局藉由拒絕受理菲律賓退伍軍人的申請書,就能有效防止申請案引起法院注意」,該案基於其他理由而遭到駁回,870 F.2d 462 (1988年第九巡迴法院)。 Refusal to accept an application for a citizenship or nationality benefit amounts to the denial of such application. See Agcaoili v. Gustafson, 844 F.2d 620, 626 (9th Cir. 1988) (the plaintiffs brought a claim against the Immigration and Naturalization Service ("INS") for refusal to accept their applications for naturalization because they resided abroad; the court ordered the INS to process the applications and noted, "[b]y refusing to process the applications of the Filipino veterans, the INS effectively is preventing the applications from receiving the attention of the court"), case dismissed on other grounds, 870 F.2d 462 (9th Cir. 1988). 8. 第(b)款一般適用於「不住在美國」的人: Subsection (b) generally applies if a person is "not within the United States": 如果不住在美國者,要求獲得美國國民權利或特權,然而美國政府部門或獨立機關、亦或是其中的任職官員,基於此人並非美國國民之故而否決其權利或特權時,此人可向居住國家的美國駐外外交官員或領事館人員申請身份證明,以利前往美國入境口岸申請入境。外交官員或領事館人員若有證據,證實該申請乃是基於善意而提出,並且有實質依據之時,應予以核發身份證明。申請人申請此類證明若遭拒,有權向國務卿申訴,國務卿若同意不受理,應採書面方式陳述其決定的理由……美國法典8 U.S.C. § 1503(b) If a person who is not within the United States claims a right or privilege as a national of the United States and is denied such right and privilege by any department or independent agency, or official thereof, upon the grounds that he is not a national of the United States, such person may make application to a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States in the foreign country in which he is residing for a certificate of identity for the purpose of traveling to a port of entry in the United States and applying for admission. Upon proof to the satisfaction of such diplomatic or consular officer than such application is made in good faith and has a substantial basis, he shall issue a certificate of identity. From any denial of an application for such certificate the applicant shall be entitled to an appeal to the Secretary of State, who, if he approves the denial, shall state in writing his reasons for his decision. . . . 8 U.S.C. § 1503(b) 9. 舊金山和約第2條(b)之中,日本從1952年4月28日起,放棄對台一切主權。中華民國(ROC)未獲指派擔任此塊割讓領土的收受國。 In SFPT Article 2(b), Japan renounced all claims of sovereignty over Taiwan effective April 28, 1952. The Republic of China (ROC) was not designated as the receiving country for this territorial cession. 10. 舊金山和約第23條(a)之中,為了舊金山和約之地域範圍所涵蓋的領土,指定美國擔任「主要佔領權」。根據割讓波多黎各、關島、菲律賓和古巴的西班牙-美國戰爭而建立的判例,顯然可見「主要佔領權的軍事政府,持續到實施具法律效力之替代方案為止」。從1952年至今,台灣尚未成立經主要佔領權「美國」所承認的「平民政府」,以取代美國軍事政府(USMG)對台灣及澎湖的管轄權。因此,美國軍事政府對台灣的管轄權至今仍然健在。 In SFPT Article 23(a), the United States is designated as "the principal occupying Power" for the purpose of the territories covered within the geographic scope of the SFPT. According to the precedent established in the Spanish-American War cessions of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and Cuba, it is clear that the "Military government of the principal occupying power continues until legally supplanted." In the period of 1952 to the present, no "civil government" recognized by the principal occupying power (the United States) has been established in Taiwan to supplant USMG jurisdiction over Formosa and the Pescadores. Hence, in the present day, USMG jurisdiction over Taiwan is still active. 11. 如原告於2006年10月24日提出的訴狀所概述,對於二次世界大戰後的台灣地位,舊金山和約乃是層級最高的國際法律文件。重要的是,舊金山和約缺乏認定台灣人民「效忠於中華民國」或台灣人民能正確歸類為「中華民國公民」的依據。 As summarized in the Plaintiff's Complaint of Oct. 24, 2006, the SFPT is the highest ranking document of international law regarding the status of Taiwan in the post WWII era. Importantly, there is no basis under the SFPT to hold that the Taiwanese people "owe allegiance to the ROC," or that the Taiwanese people are correctly classified as "ROC citizens." ============ ========= ========= === 【附註】: (1). 本信件(覆函除外)資訊以"密件副本"同步傳送200份到海內外(台美澳),部份"收件人" 會各再轉寄200~400份。這不是 「一傳十、十傳百」,而是「一傳數百,數百傳數萬、數十、百萬」。 (2). 主流媒體版面、篇幅有限,「新時代台灣人」須善用 E-mail 網狀聯繫,傳播基層民意、彩繪人間樂土藍圖。 (3). 如果 不願再收到信件,請回函告知。 我們會立即從「郵寄名單」刪除"郵址"。 ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___ 您的生活即時通 - 溝通、娛樂、生活、工作一次搞定! http://messenger. tw/ "" ""

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

3.13=2: 228 Massacre:Chiang Kai-shek 大屠殺:蔣介石; 總統 #10:四要一沒有; 李登輝:國家形態必須正常化./ Mar '47~; 反省. 蕭惟仁// Nation-building, by J Dobbins; B Lewis:Arabs, Mideast.

總統陳水扁#10:「四要一沒有,台灣要獨立,台灣要正名,台灣要新憲, 台灣要發展,台灣沒有所謂左右的問題,只有統獨的問題!」: : 台灣陳水扁總統再闡釋, 路透台北電 3.6: Summary of Feb. 16, 2007, Rebuttal by Plaintiffs and Opposition to US government's Motion to Dismiss ; 2007年2月16日摘要 ; -- 原告的反駁與答覆美國政府的答辯: ------------------------- "Beginner's Guide to Nation-Building": : Info by Rand Corporation: "From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East", by Bernard Lewis: "The Arabs in History", by Lewis: ----- 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立: '台灣的國家形態必須正常化': Mar.6 日本李登輝學校講演 一沒有: "ROC", Save Taiwan: 蕭惟仁綜合法理論述:如何掌握台灣的未來?: <曹長青專欄>: '反分裂法的四不一沒有': US-China very serious relations: > ###. ---------------------------------- #72=US#583: 07.3.13=2: 1.24=#43/60 Crisis::Taiwan#131; ChiangKMT#116: Crisis:: Chiang KMT Ma#29: Direct democracy 'Vermont: The Land of Hope': '中正紀念堂 威權痕跡深鑿'改名為「台灣民主公園」: '世界文化遺產不如中正廟圍牆', 胡耿維: ..銅像最多..到「神格化」..建議把它們外銷到北韓,跟金日成的..去膜拜, Rick 忍受政府派憲兵保護蔣中正與故總統蔣經國陵寢, 薛凌: 蔣介石才是民族敗類,當然不必向此民族罪人致敬! 郭勝華 '228的歷史意義', Feb 23, 貞台松: '[BATA] 【論?】「二二八事件」反省' > ###2. "南方快報"二二八慘案專題: 永不消逝的二二八: : '二二八慘案專輯': FIC#109: /// 5WC/MPR#106 國歌'台灣翠青' National Anthem: 《1947序曲》蕭泰然: 台灣焦點(九)綠島人權音樂祭: ================ National Flag: 廖文毅 used blue symbol for Taiwanese flag. : shows sea, moon and sun, which means 國運日月同長. 日月潭 is a good symbol 世界台灣人大會會旗 similar to DPP flag? Taiwan Independence, Answers: Taiwan Independence, Wikipedia: '控訴美國', 林志昇,台灣建國志工團隊, Jan 27: :歷史上第一次控告:我們一定要 釐清台灣主權 終結ROC 正名/制憲和設計新旗幟, 陳辰光 :supporting..our legal team, Cheng Kuang Chen: :學習以色列人追追追德國納粹黨的仇恨,怨仇,天誅殺人者的中國人 打倒中國國民党有困難嗎?? 林志昇.何瑞元,「台灣平民行動黨」政治研究組, 2007/03/09清晨 > #2. '從美國國務院網頁看台獨' 奇河: 'Background Note: Taiwan', US State Dept: 台灣人拜台灣神: : Video: Pagans back: Olympian Zeus Sanctuary: 台灣人拜台灣神,不作無根之民 : 下一步二二八平反運動該怎麼走: ================ 228 & Jews massacre song: TVvideo:三立新聞:二二八走過ㄧ甲子..: SET Studio 228 & Murder Mystery of former DPP Chairman's family: :The last one, 1980.2.28, Mr. Lin Yi=hsiung's family. 記錄片"台灣的歷史:在光復初期二二八事件": 公視 "228 二二八 屠殺 大屠殺": ===== #1. 'Remembering is key to the future': : By 李天福: Mar.8,'47, 10,000 troops to Keelung, 3000 Kaohsiung, : "then began a systematic massacre, shooting people on sight.": "" According to Allan Shackleton, a UN Relief and Rehabilitation officer witnessing the events: "Truckloads of troops armed with machine guns and automatic rifles quickly sped from Keelung to Taipei. Not content to firing at people on the street, they fired indiscriminately into shops and houses. In one village between Taipei and Keelung, 20 youths were castrated, their ears were cut off and their noses slit before they were bayoneted." In Keelung, some prisoners were stripped naked, forced to kneel on the street and beaten to death with iron chains. Many were shot in the back of the head, had their ankles or palms pierced with wires and were thrown into the sea in groups of three or five. A policeman estimated that 2,000 people were disposed of in this way. In Taipei, a massive slaughter of residents took place, including some 200 high-school students who had been cornered near the zoo. Kaohsiung was unique in that a massacre of some 2,700 residents started on March 6, before the arrival of reinforcements from China. On that day, the mayor and four city councilors went to the Kaohsiung garrison headquarters to urge that troops disarm voluntarily. The garrison commander, Peng Meng-chi (彭孟緝), shot three delegation members on the spot before leading more than 300 soldiers into the city to start an indiscriminate slaughter of residents. The gunfire persisted past March 8. Peng was later commended by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) for his valor and promoted to major general in 1952. In 1957, he was made commander of the army, and later head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Academics generally agree that 28,000 Taiwanese were killed. [Editor's note: This is contestable.] What is noteworthy, however, is not only the number of deaths but also the brutality and wantonness with which the Chinese soldiers massacred people, molested women and robbed Taiwanese. On March 13, massive arrests began. The members of the Settlement Committee were the first to be arrested, many executed on the spot, followed by the systematic slaughter of Taiwan's elite in all major cities and towns, including doctors, lawyers, teachers, journalists, businessmen and members of the Provincial Council.?A whole generation of Taiwanese leaders was thus eliminated through ruthless ethnic cleansing. "" "" Taiwan is also increasingly vulnerable to internal subversion due to China's united front tactics. Ever since the pilgrimage of former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Lien Chan (連戰) and People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜) to Beijing, the pan-blue opposition has done its utmost to belittle the Democratic Progressive Party government and scuttle Taiwan's democratic institutions in an effort to regain power and facilitate the annexation of Taiwan by China. Much of Taiwan's media is known for its pro-unification bias due to its KMT roots, a tendency exacerbated by the infiltration of such media by Hong Kong and presumably Chinese capital. Pan-blue politicians and media bared their fangs when they combined forces last fall to encourage the red shirt rebellion -- an attempt to destroy the democratically elected government through extralegal means. "" ----- '[BATA] Fw: Remembering is key to the future', by Sue Lin "" The author Lee Thian-Hok is the pen name of Jay Loo. He published "China Impasse, A Formosan View" in the prestigious periodical Foreign Affairs in 1958, advocating Taiwan Independence. Two years earlier he and his friends formed the Formosans' for Free Formosa, the earliest Taiwan Independence movement in the US. He studied medicine at the Medical College of NTU. Three months later he came to the US intended to pursue the career in medicine, but after reading "Formosa Under Chinese Nationalist Rule" by Fred Riggs and the article concerning 228 by George Kerr he became more dedicated to the independence movement and decided to study Political Science in stead of Medicine against the wishes of his father. His lifetime story is a deeply moving story of an intellectual working unselfishly for the love of Taiwan. "" Sam ===== #2. '【論説】「二二八事件」反省しない中国人', アンディ チャン "" "" 昨日(2月28日)は二二八事件の60周年記念日で、いろいろな行事も発言もあっ た。新聞の報道をみると外省人、中国人には謝罪も反省の心が少し もないのがわかる。 三日前に私が書いた「最もよい二二八事件の賠償請求方法」の漢文 の記事がすぐ新聞に掲載され、読者の賛同が相次いでいる。 私の提案とは(1)国民党と蒋介石など、二二八事件の加害者を民 事法廷に告訴して損害賠償を要求する、(2)同時に被告の「財産仮 差押」を請求する。(3)全人民が告訴に参加して原告の数を増やし、 続いて「台湾軍」抗議運動を開始する。これで国民党の財産は凍結 され、資産の違法売却や選挙賄賂に使うことが出来なくなる。これ で国民党は完全に解体される。 ●原罪説と日本の戦争責任 今回の二二八事件記念に際し、最も憤慨したのは中国人の言いがか り、詭弁、問題のすり替えなどである。つまり中国人は二二八事件 について謝罪はもちろん、悔恨の情などは微塵も見られないことが 明白で、台湾社会でいくら事件を討議しても事件の解明、責任追及、 賠償などに殆ど進展が見られないことである。 特に憤慨したのは、馬英九の発言だった。彼は「現在の外省人は事 件に直接関与したわけではない。[二二八の原罪]を背負う必要はな い」と言ったのである。 それならなぜ中国人は日本人に対して戦争責任の[原罪]追求をや めないのか?馬英九の発言は中国人の気持ちを代表するもの、傲慢 で卑怯である。こんな卑劣な言い逃れに対し、台湾人は馬英九の住 所で抗議デモ、撤回ニ謝罪を要求すべきである。 ●靖国と蒋介石の墓 次に憤慨したのは、「二二八事件の責任追及は人工的に悲憤を製造し て、民族融和を破壊している」と言う発言である。台湾人60年来の 怒りが収まっていないのに、人工的に悲憤を製造したと言い、事件 の責任を「煽動した人間」に転嫁する手口は許せない。台湾人は事 件が解明できない、外省人が謝罪しないことに憤慨している、それ なのに中国人は謝罪せず却って台湾人を糾弾する、こんな傲慢な態 度を台湾人が許容できると思っているのか。 陳水扁が「二二八の元凶は蒋介石」と言明したので外省人はすぐに 反対した。蒋介石がシャンハイから援軍を送り、陳儀に命じて大虐 殺、粛清を行った証拠は挙がっている。蒋介石の責任を追及される とすぐ強硬に抗議する外省人は、「台湾人と中国人は違う民族」と心 から思っている、だから虐殺も反省もしない。 中国人は日本人が靖国神社に参拝することにも干渉する。ことに首 相が靖国参拝をすると外交問題、両国の友誼などを取り上げて反対 する。中国人が靖国神社の存在に反対するなら、同じように台湾人 は蒋介石の墓「慈湖」の存在にも反対すべきで、慈湖は早急に取り 壊すべきである。二二八事件で数多の青年が手の平を針金で数珠繋 ぎにされて淡水河に投げ込まれた。蒋介石の死体はまだ保存されて いるから、責任を追及するなら死体を淡水河に捨てるか、総統府前 の広場で罪状追求と鞭屍をやればよい。 ●二二八被害者と南京事件 李敖という男はいつも大逸れた発言をすることで知られているが、 今回の発言は特にひどかった。「二二八事件の被害者は数万ではなく、 一千人にも満たなかった」と言ったのである。89年に李登輝総統が 被害者に補償を行ったが、補償を申請した人のうち死亡した者は 681人、失踪者が177人で、総計858人だから、民間の統計にある 数万人、または数十万人ではない」と言ったのだ。 事件から40年経って、政府がようやく補償を言い出した際に858 人しか補償申請をしなかった、だから被害者はこれだけしかいない、 というのは暴論である。 彼の理論でいけば、南京事件で日本に賠償を申請した被害者はゼロ、 つまり南京事件の被害者はゼロ、事件はなかったのである。中国政 府が補償したのではないし調査したわけでもない、アイリスチャン の本とか、新聞のウソ報道をつかって数万人から30万人と言うが、 正確な数字はない。中国人が加害者である場合は被害者が少なく、 日本人が加害者であれば被害者は何十倍になる。 私が言いたいのは二二八事件が60年経っても外省人には罪悪感も ない、謝罪するつもりもまったくないと言うことである。中国人は 決して自己の過ちを認めない、しかも勝手な言いがかりをつけて罪 を転嫁する民族である。我々はこのことをシッカリ認識しなければ ならない。中国人の卑怯な民族性を認識するだけでなく世界に暴露 して教導すべきである。 朱浤源という男は、二二八事件の元凶は日本人だと言う暴論まで発 表したのである。言語道断だ。 ●台湾人無視と外省人「統治者思想」 また、外省人は「責任を追及すれば族群融和が破壊される」という。 加害者の責任を追及すれば民族融和が崩れると脅迫しているのだ。 これはつまり、外省人は台湾人と違った民族である、外省人とは中 国人で、台湾のアイデンティティを認めないと宣言したようなもの である。台湾に60年も住み、台湾に生まれ育った人間が、「外国人 宣言」をして、台湾人が外国人と融和を図る必要がどこにあるのか。 むしろ「外国人は出て行け」と言いたい。 台湾人にも責任がある。なぜ85%の人口を持つ台湾人が15%の外国人 に統治されて大人しく彼らと融和する必要があるのか。外省人は統 治者思想を捨てない限り台湾は安定した国を作ることが出来ない。 為政者が融和、和解を政治目標とするのは間違いである。彼らは外 国人であり、台湾に同化する気持ちはない。それなら彼らは被統治 者となるべきで、少数の外省人が被統治者になってこそ台湾人が彼 らを受け入れ和解が生じるのである。 ●中国人は反省しない民族 中国人に対して最も注意すべき点は彼らの中華思想、自大思想であ る。中国人は自分(漢民族)が一番偉いと思っている。世界で最も 優秀な民族でいつかは必ず世界を制覇すると思い込んでいる。台湾 に逃亡した民族が台湾で幅を利かせているのは中華思想の現れであ り、台湾に生まれても台湾人を名乗らず中国人を名乗るのは中華傲 慢思想、台湾人は劣等民族と思っているからだ。 中国人は台湾人に謝ることはしない。謝れば統治階級でなくなると 恐れているのだ。過ちを認めればこれまで悪いことをしてきた奴ら は台湾から追い出されると懸念している。 台湾には外省人と和解し、中国と共生しなければ「メイワンメイリ ャウ(没完没了)」、安定は得られないと主張する謝長廷のよう政治 家がいる。だが中国人は和解など考えない。和解とは台湾人と対等 になることで、対等になれば少数派の彼らに勝ち目はない。中国は 台湾を併呑したい、はじめから対等思想など持っていない。共生な どありえない。謝長廷の主張は台湾人の「負け思想」の最たるもの、 我々は支持できない。 施明徳も同様である。この男は変節漢で知られている。二十数年も 国民党の監獄にいれられ、反骨のある男と自称して政界に乗り出し た。ところが人気が落ちると忽ち変節して許信良と一緒に「国民党 と和解珈琲」を提言して人民が失望した。民進党を追い出された逆 恨みで陳水扁の「汚職追放」を叫んで紅衛兵運動を始めた。紅衛兵 運動に国民党と中国の後押しがあったことは間違いない。その証拠 に馬英九の汚職が明白になっても汚職追放を叫ばないでアメリカに 逃げ出したのである。紅衛兵運動は中国人の策謀であり、手先とな った施明徳は台湾を�堣�った男である。 ●国民党を退治する方法は「金」である 中国人は優勢を誇るときは残忍性をあらわにする民族だが、劣勢に なれば卑屈な態度を取ることで知られている。国民党が台湾で強勢 なのは、終戦後の台湾接収で日本人の財産を横領したからだ。金が あるから拝金思想が強い台湾人は国民党を支持する、金があるから 国民党は優勢を誇れるのだ。万事が金である。 国民党を潰すには国民党の金を封鎖することだ。陳政権は国民党財 産を人民に返せと主張してきたが、毎度の政府提案は国会で多数を 占めるブルー陣営に否決され続けてきた。これではダメである。 私の提案は、政府がやるのでなく、民間が二二八事件の責任追及を 告訴して賠償を要求し、「判決が出るまで国民党資産を差押える」こ とである。差押えとは判決が出る以前に国民党が資産を隠匿してし まうのを防ぐことだ。蒋介石の財産も告訴によって差し押さえ、外 国に移すことを防ぐ。差押えてしまえば法院が判決しない限り金は 動かせない。金がなくなれば国民党は賄賂選挙は出来ない、金がな くなれば台湾の里町村を買収していた国民党は潰れる。政府より民 間、二二八被害者組織が率先してやるのが最良の方法である。 ●「 紅衛兵」と「台湾軍」 二二八事件とそのあとの白色恐怖政治によって台湾人民は恐怖心を 植えつけられ、組織力がなくなった。この欠点を補う方法は「施明 徳の紅衛兵運動」を真似ればよい。二二八事件の被害者組織は既に 存在するから、被害者団体が告訴の原告となって、更に一般民衆に も参加を呼びかけることができる。施明徳がやった手法を使って、 台湾の公民が国民党と蒋介石の責任を告訴する運動に署名して参加 すれば十万人ぐらいは簡単に組織できる。これを「台湾軍」と名付 けて国民党の本部、蒋介石の墓、中正記念広場、法廷を包囲し、抗 議を続けることができる。施明徳がやったことをそのまま踏襲する のだから誰も反対できない。大義名分があり、証拠充分だから、二 二八事件の責任追及を民衆に呼びかけるのは簡単だ。告訴で国民党 を潰すこと、資産凍結すること、台湾軍を組織することが台湾を救 う最良の道である。 "" "" ===== ---------------------------- '美國228家屬籲設特別法庭 審判蔣介石': : 中央社 今日晚報 2007.02.27: : "" 美國二二八受難者家屬返鄉團上午到總統府拜會總統陳水扁,提出五點訴求:第一、要求法務部成立「二二八事件特別調查小組」,對事件深入調查,促成「二二八事件特別法庭」的立法,對蔣介石、陳儀、柯遠芬、彭孟緝等及幫凶進行公開審判,即使這些人已經逝世,也應該缺席審判,伸張公平、正義。 其次,教育部應將二二八事件的事實真相列入新編的高中歷史教科書,讓台灣人的未來世代,能從歷史學習教訓。 第三、要求行政院將「中正紀念堂」更改為「台灣忠烈祠」紀念二二八事件及白色恐怖的犧牲者,並將全台的所有「中正路」更名。 第四、要求國防部撤走在桃園大溪看管蔣介石屍棺的警衛兵,將屍棺交還蔣家私人處理。 第五、要求行政院撤銷四月五日蔣介石死亡之日為清明節法定假日,改回傳統農曆清明節。 返鄉團團長王文宏強調,二二八受難者家屬不是要血債血償,也不是要鞭屍,要的是事實真相與公平、正義的台灣社會。 "" ---------------------------- USA:======================= '旅美台僑紀念228 美議員出席', 曹郁芬/華府二十八日報導: 台灣國人民忍到何時?/台灣要的是歷史公審 Taiwan History in Blood/Tears: 228 Video: '228 2.0-追求正義、迎向未來,由你我發起': : "" 228滿六十週年了,繼去年成功的二二八全球共筆書寫活動後,今年二二八秀台灣網站再接再勵,要發起一個透過網路收集素材、製作228紀念影片的活動,活動的名稱為228 2.0。 "" 228 video: or then --------- 責任部落格(以筆劃排序) BlahBlah(八拉八拉的BLOG) Enghui(台灣青年) - Freeman(方齋夜話) - TAI(TAI的胡言亂語) - 妙子(妙子的故鄉翦影) - 阿茵(尋找夢想的天空) - 酥餅 (酥餅的BLOG)- 慕容理深(Passion:慕容理深のblog) --------- --------- 'Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan', by 郭勝華blog ; Monday, February 19, 2007: Formosa Calling….for 60 long years since Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan (by: 郭勝華): Appendix I: 紀念二二八事件暨三月大屠殺六十週年 並反對中華人民共和國共產政權之所謂反分裂法之聲明 Appendix II: 朱正宗宜蘭市長(1947),連震東,陳誠,蔣介石,蔣經國與國民黨 -------- '郭勝華 籲台公開228檔案 以受難者家屬身分演講': 【本報記者黃美惠史丹福報導】來自芝加哥的僑務委員郭勝華醫師(Victoria Kuo)25日在史丹福大學參加灣區「二二八」紀念演講會。「二二八」今年60周年,郭勝華也即將60歲,父親郭章垣醫師是二二八事件的死難者,她是遺腹女,父親死時,母親懷胎三個月。郭勝華一出娘胎就沒有父親,60年後的現在,她仍認為這個歷史「政治謀殺事件」並未了結。 -------- 郭勝華: I have a dream………. I have a dream that one day, if I could convert the “Chiang Kai-shek’s Memorial Hall” (中正紀念堂, I call it “Chiang Kai-shek Temple 蔣廟) into a park and put a “February 28 Incident 1947 Memorial Monument ” there; and if I could write the words on it, the following is what I had written in 1992. 試為二二八碑文擬稿: 一八九五年,清廷甲午戰爭失敗, 將台灣割讓給日本. 一九四五年,日本戰敗, 無條件投降, 台灣依 “開羅宣言” 歸還中國. 蔣介石派遣陳儀為行政長官, 其手下葛敬恩,陸桂祥等貪污腐敗, 致社會經濟崩潰, 民心不滿. 陳氏等之政學系更與C.C. 派及省黨部蔣渭川, 王添燈等因派系糾紛及利害衝突而水火不容, 締下 “二二八”事件遠因. 一九四七年二月二十七日,台北大稻埕發生緝煙傷人事件, 引發二月二十八日以後之全島民憤. 其間, 因語言, 文化隔閡, 省籍衝突, 同胞相殘之事迭起. 或有少數共產黨員介入, 殊非主導. 陳儀出爾反爾, 表面答應以省黨部, 民意代表, 地方仕紳為主幹之台籍菁英成立各地處理委員會, 因應人民自治改革之要求, 然暗中馳電蔣介石, 偽稱台民暴動, 要求派兵鎮壓. 軍統派之柯遠芬及手下, 則以爪牙滲入處委會, 在其三十二條要求之外, 添加陳儀解除武裝等之十條強烈要求, 將原以”打倒陳儀貪污政府, 擁護蔣主席” 為訴求之處委會成員及省民菁英, 冠以暴徒, 奸逆之稱, 與彭孟緝, 史宏熹, 張慕陶, 配合來援之二十一師劉雨卿等, 展開全島性之浴血屠殺. 繼之以清鄉為由, 將台籍菁英 “格殺勿論” 殆盡, 其無審, 無判, 綁架, 謀殺, 滅屍之殘忍手段, 人神共憤. 蔣氏任用陳儀, 錯棋在先, 事件既起, 失察失判, 繼之縱容柯彭等血腥屠殺, 其咎難辭. 嗚呼, 昔我先民賢, 多胸懷故國鄉土, 更不乏抗日志士, 綜觀其改革要求, 無非以和平手段, 渴求自由, 民主, 自治, 人權. 彼等壯志未酬, 橫遭不測, 甚則世紀蒙冤,浩天長嘆, 仍難以一舒其怨. 吾人今建碑於此, 盼歷史昭昭, 記之史冊; 仇恨綿綿, 還諸天地; 公義彰彰, 永植吾心; 更願吾島吾民, 引為殷鑑, 勿蹈覆轍; 則戾氣當可化為祥和; 同胞手足, 唯愛唯諒,永世協力和平. -------- -------- Taiwan is changing to Taiwan: :'What's in a Name? Ask Taiwan', Gary J. Schmitt, John Tkacik ================================================= #0: 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" The state steals and kills as part of its operating procedure : by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: --------------------------------------------------- ===================================================

Monday, March 12, 2007

3.12=1: 228 Massacre:Chiang Kai-shek 大屠殺:蔣介石; 總統 #9:四要一沒有:Tancredo; 李登輝:國家形態必須正常化.// 曹長青:反分裂法; IRC:US-China // Mar '47~; 反省. 蕭惟仁

總統陳水扁#9:「四要一沒有,台灣要獨立,台灣要正名,台灣要新憲, 台灣要發展,台灣沒有所謂左右的問題,只有統獨的問題!」: : 台灣陳水扁總統再闡釋, 路透台北電 3.6: '台灣要正名': 'Tom Tancredo's letter to the State Department':----- : [FifthWorld] Tancredo's humorous letter: ----- 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立: '台灣的國家形態必須正常化': Mar.6 日本李登輝學校講演 一沒有: "ROC", Save Taiwan: 蕭惟仁綜合法理論述:如何掌握台灣的未來?: <曹長青專欄>: '反分裂法的四不一沒有': 文匯報, 2007-03-12, 頭條:-------------------------- 冀三通構建和平 盼尋根慎終追遠王金平:心切訪大陸 期在四五月 : 本報獨家專訪 【本報特派記者王善勇台北專電】 US-China very serious relations: > ###. ---------------------------------- #71=US#582: 07.3.12=1: 1.23=#42/60 Crisis::Taiwan#130; ChiangKMT#115: Crisis:: Chiang KMT Ma#28: Direct democracy 'Vermont: The Land of Hope': '中正紀念堂 威權痕跡深鑿'改名為「台灣民主公園」: '世界文化遺產不如中正廟圍牆', 胡耿維: ..銅像最多..到「神格化」..建議把它們外銷到北韓,跟金日成的..去膜拜, Rick 忍受政府派憲兵保護蔣中正與故總統蔣經國陵寢, 薛凌: 蔣介石才是民族敗類,當然不必向此民族罪人致敬! 郭勝華 '228的歷史意義', Feb 23, 貞台松: '[BATA] 【論?】「二二八事件」反省' > ###2. "南方快報"二二八慘案專題: 永不消逝的二二八: : '二二八慘案專輯': FIC#108: /// 5WC/MPR#105 國歌'台灣翠青' National Anthem: 《1947序曲》蕭泰然: 台灣焦點(九)綠島人權音樂祭: ================ National Flag: 廖文毅 used blue symbol for Taiwanese flag. : shows sea, moon and sun, which means 國運日月同長. 日月潭 is a good symbol 世界台灣人大會會旗 similar to DPP flag? Taiwan Independence, Answers: Taiwan Independence, Wikipedia: '控訴美國', 林志昇,台灣建國志工團隊, Jan 27: :歷史上第一次控告:我們一定要 釐清台灣主權 終結ROC 正名/制憲和設計新旗幟, 陳辰光 :supporting..our legal team, Cheng Kuang Chen: :學習以色列人追追追德國納粹黨的仇恨,怨仇,天誅殺人者的中國人 打倒中國國民党有困難嗎?? 林志昇.何瑞元,「台灣平民行動黨」政治研究組, 2007/03/09清晨 > #2. '從美國國務院網頁看台獨' 奇河: 'Background Note: Taiwan', US State Dept: 台灣人拜台灣神: : Video: Pagans back: Olympian Zeus Sanctuary: 台灣人拜台灣神,不作無根之民 : 下一步二二八平反運動該怎麼走: ================ 228 & Jews massacre song: TVvideo:三立新聞:二二八走過ㄧ甲子..: SET Studio 228 & Murder Mystery of former DPP Chairman's family: :The last one, 1980.2.28, Mr. Lin Yi=hsiung's family. 記錄片"台灣的歷史:在光復初期二二八事件": 公視 "228 二二八 屠殺 大屠殺": ===== #1. 'Remembering is key to the future': : By 李天福: Mar.8,'47, 10,000 troops to Keelung, 3000 Kaohsiung, : "then began a systematic massacre, shooting people on sight.": "" According to Allan Shackleton, a UN Relief and Rehabilitation officer witnessing the events: "Truckloads of troops armed with machine guns and automatic rifles quickly sped from Keelung to Taipei. Not content to firing at people on the street, they fired indiscriminately into shops and houses. In one village between Taipei and Keelung, 20 youths were castrated, their ears were cut off and their noses slit before they were bayoneted." In Keelung, some prisoners were stripped naked, forced to kneel on the street and beaten to death with iron chains. Many were shot in the back of the head, had their ankles or palms pierced with wires and were thrown into the sea in groups of three or five. A policeman estimated that 2,000 people were disposed of in this way. In Taipei, a massive slaughter of residents took place, including some 200 high-school students who had been cornered near the zoo. Kaohsiung was unique in that a massacre of some 2,700 residents started on March 6, before the arrival of reinforcements from China. On that day, the mayor and four city councilors went to the Kaohsiung garrison headquarters to urge that troops disarm voluntarily. The garrison commander, Peng Meng-chi (彭孟緝), shot three delegation members on the spot before leading more than 300 soldiers into the city to start an indiscriminate slaughter of residents. The gunfire persisted past March 8. Peng was later commended by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) for his valor and promoted to major general in 1952. In 1957, he was made commander of the army, and later head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Academics generally agree that 28,000 Taiwanese were killed. [Editor's note: This is contestable.] What is noteworthy, however, is not only the number of deaths but also the brutality and wantonness with which the Chinese soldiers massacred people, molested women and robbed Taiwanese. On March 13, massive arrests began. The members of the Settlement Committee were the first to be arrested, many executed on the spot, followed by the systematic slaughter of Taiwan's elite in all major cities and towns, including doctors, lawyers, teachers, journalists, businessmen and members of the Provincial Council.?A whole generation of Taiwanese leaders was thus eliminated through ruthless ethnic cleansing. "" "" Taiwan is also increasingly vulnerable to internal subversion due to China's united front tactics. Ever since the pilgrimage of former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Lien Chan (連戰) and People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜) to Beijing, the pan-blue opposition has done its utmost to belittle the Democratic Progressive Party government and scuttle Taiwan's democratic institutions in an effort to regain power and facilitate the annexation of Taiwan by China. Much of Taiwan's media is known for its pro-unification bias due to its KMT roots, a tendency exacerbated by the infiltration of such media by Hong Kong and presumably Chinese capital. Pan-blue politicians and media bared their fangs when they combined forces last fall to encourage the red shirt rebellion -- an attempt to destroy the democratically elected government through extralegal means. "" ----- '[BATA] Fw: Remembering is key to the future', by Sue Lin "" The author Lee Thian-Hok is the pen name of Jay Loo. He published "China Impasse, A Formosan View" in the prestigious periodical Foreign Affairs in 1958, advocating Taiwan Independence. Two years earlier he and his friends formed the Formosans' for Free Formosa, the earliest Taiwan Independence movement in the US. He studied medicine at the Medical College of NTU. Three months later he came to the US intended to pursue the career in medicine, but after reading "Formosa Under Chinese Nationalist Rule" by Fred Riggs and the article concerning 228 by George Kerr he became more dedicated to the independence movement and decided to study Political Science in stead of Medicine against the wishes of his father. His lifetime story is a deeply moving story of an intellectual working unselfishly for the love of Taiwan. "" Sam ===== #2. '【論説】「二二八事件」反省しない中国人', アンディ チャン "" "" 昨日(2月28日)は二二八事件の60周年記念日で、いろいろな行事も発言もあっ た。新聞の報道をみると外省人、中国人には謝罪も反省の心が少し もないのがわかる。 三日前に私が書いた「最もよい二二八事件の賠償請求方法」の漢文 の記事がすぐ新聞に掲載され、読者の賛同が相次いでいる。 私の提案とは(1)国民党と蒋介石など、二二八事件の加害者を民 事法廷に告訴して損害賠償を要求する、(2)同時に被告の「財産仮 差押」を請求する。(3)全人民が告訴に参加して原告の数を増やし、 続いて「台湾軍」抗議運動を開始する。これで国民党の財産は凍結 され、資産の違法売却や選挙賄賂に使うことが出来なくなる。これ で国民党は完全に解体される。 ●原罪説と日本の戦争責任 今回の二二八事件記念に際し、最も憤慨したのは中国人の言いがか り、詭弁、問題のすり替えなどである。つまり中国人は二二八事件 について謝罪はもちろん、悔恨の情などは微塵も見られないことが 明白で、台湾社会でいくら事件を討議しても事件の解明、責任追及、 賠償などに殆ど進展が見られないことである。 特に憤慨したのは、馬英九の発言だった。彼は「現在の外省人は事 件に直接関与したわけではない。[二二八の原罪]を背負う必要はな い」と言ったのである。 それならなぜ中国人は日本人に対して戦争責任の[原罪]追求をや めないのか?馬英九の発言は中国人の気持ちを代表するもの、傲慢 で卑怯である。こんな卑劣な言い逃れに対し、台湾人は馬英九の住 所で抗議デモ、撤回ニ謝罪を要求すべきである。 ●靖国と蒋介石の墓 次に憤慨したのは、「二二八事件の責任追及は人工的に悲憤を製造し て、民族融和を破壊している」と言う発言である。台湾人60年来の 怒りが収まっていないのに、人工的に悲憤を製造したと言い、事件 の責任を「煽動した人間」に転嫁する手口は許せない。台湾人は事 件が解明できない、外省人が謝罪しないことに憤慨している、それ なのに中国人は謝罪せず却って台湾人を糾弾する、こんな傲慢な態 度を台湾人が許容できると思っているのか。 陳水扁が「二二八の元凶は蒋介石」と言明したので外省人はすぐに 反対した。蒋介石がシャンハイから援軍を送り、陳儀に命じて大虐 殺、粛清を行った証拠は挙がっている。蒋介石の責任を追及される とすぐ強硬に抗議する外省人は、「台湾人と中国人は違う民族」と心 から思っている、だから虐殺も反省もしない。 中国人は日本人が靖国神社に参拝することにも干渉する。ことに首 相が靖国参拝をすると外交問題、両国の友誼などを取り上げて反対 する。中国人が靖国神社の存在に反対するなら、同じように台湾人 は蒋介石の墓「慈湖」の存在にも反対すべきで、慈湖は早急に取り 壊すべきである。二二八事件で数多の青年が手の平を針金で数珠繋 ぎにされて淡水河に投げ込まれた。蒋介石の死体はまだ保存されて いるから、責任を追及するなら死体を淡水河に捨てるか、総統府前 の広場で罪状追求と鞭屍をやればよい。 ●二二八被害者と南京事件 李敖という男はいつも大逸れた発言をすることで知られているが、 今回の発言は特にひどかった。「二二八事件の被害者は数万ではなく、 一千人にも満たなかった」と言ったのである。89年に李登輝総統が 被害者に補償を行ったが、補償を申請した人のうち死亡した者は 681人、失踪者が177人で、総計858人だから、民間の統計にある 数万人、または数十万人ではない」と言ったのだ。 事件から40年経って、政府がようやく補償を言い出した際に858 人しか補償申請をしなかった、だから被害者はこれだけしかいない、 というのは暴論である。 彼の理論でいけば、南京事件で日本に賠償を申請した被害者はゼロ、 つまり南京事件の被害者はゼロ、事件はなかったのである。中国政 府が補償したのではないし調査したわけでもない、アイリスチャン の本とか、新聞のウソ報道をつかって数万人から30万人と言うが、 正確な数字はない。中国人が加害者である場合は被害者が少なく、 日本人が加害者であれば被害者は何十倍になる。 私が言いたいのは二二八事件が60年経っても外省人には罪悪感も ない、謝罪するつもりもまったくないと言うことである。中国人は 決して自己の過ちを認めない、しかも勝手な言いがかりをつけて罪 を転嫁する民族である。我々はこのことをシッカリ認識しなければ ならない。中国人の卑怯な民族性を認識するだけでなく世界に暴露 して教導すべきである。 朱浤源という男は、二二八事件の元凶は日本人だと言う暴論まで発 表したのである。言語道断だ。 ●台湾人無視と外省人「統治者思想」 また、外省人は「責任を追及すれば族群融和が破壊される」という。 加害者の責任を追及すれば民族融和が崩れると脅迫しているのだ。 これはつまり、外省人は台湾人と違った民族である、外省人とは中 国人で、台湾のアイデンティティを認めないと宣言したようなもの である。台湾に60年も住み、台湾に生まれ育った人間が、「外国人 宣言」をして、台湾人が外国人と融和を図る必要がどこにあるのか。 むしろ「外国人は出て行け」と言いたい。 台湾人にも責任がある。なぜ85%の人口を持つ台湾人が15%の外国人 に統治されて大人しく彼らと融和する必要があるのか。外省人は統 治者思想を捨てない限り台湾は安定した国を作ることが出来ない。 為政者が融和、和解を政治目標とするのは間違いである。彼らは外 国人であり、台湾に同化する気持ちはない。それなら彼らは被統治 者となるべきで、少数の外省人が被統治者になってこそ台湾人が彼 らを受け入れ和解が生じるのである。 ●中国人は反省しない民族 中国人に対して最も注意すべき点は彼らの中華思想、自大思想であ る。中国人は自分(漢民族)が一番偉いと思っている。世界で最も 優秀な民族でいつかは必ず世界を制覇すると思い込んでいる。台湾 に逃亡した民族が台湾で幅を利かせているのは中華思想の現れであ り、台湾に生まれても台湾人を名乗らず中国人を名乗るのは中華傲 慢思想、台湾人は劣等民族と思っているからだ。 中国人は台湾人に謝ることはしない。謝れば統治階級でなくなると 恐れているのだ。過ちを認めればこれまで悪いことをしてきた奴ら は台湾から追い出されると懸念している。 台湾には外省人と和解し、中国と共生しなければ「メイワンメイリ ャウ(没完没了)」、安定は得られないと主張する謝長廷のよう政治 家がいる。だが中国人は和解など考えない。和解とは台湾人と対等 になることで、対等になれば少数派の彼らに勝ち目はない。中国は 台湾を併呑したい、はじめから対等思想など持っていない。共生な どありえない。謝長廷の主張は台湾人の「負け思想」の最たるもの、 我々は支持できない。 施明徳も同様である。この男は変節漢で知られている。二十数年も 国民党の監獄にいれられ、反骨のある男と自称して政界に乗り出し た。ところが人気が落ちると忽ち変節して許信良と一緒に「国民党 と和解珈琲」を提言して人民が失望した。民進党を追い出された逆 恨みで陳水扁の「汚職追放」を叫んで紅衛兵運動を始めた。紅衛兵 運動に国民党と中国の後押しがあったことは間違いない。その証拠 に馬英九の汚職が明白になっても汚職追放を叫ばないでアメリカに 逃げ出したのである。紅衛兵運動は中国人の策謀であり、手先とな った施明徳は台湾を�堣�った男である。 ●国民党を退治する方法は「金」である 中国人は優勢を誇るときは残忍性をあらわにする民族だが、劣勢に なれば卑屈な態度を取ることで知られている。国民党が台湾で強勢 なのは、終戦後の台湾接収で日本人の財産を横領したからだ。金が あるから拝金思想が強い台湾人は国民党を支持する、金があるから 国民党は優勢を誇れるのだ。万事が金である。 国民党を潰すには国民党の金を封鎖することだ。陳政権は国民党財 産を人民に返せと主張してきたが、毎度の政府提案は国会で多数を 占めるブルー陣営に否決され続けてきた。これではダメである。 私の提案は、政府がやるのでなく、民間が二二八事件の責任追及を 告訴して賠償を要求し、「判決が出るまで国民党資産を差押える」こ とである。差押えとは判決が出る以前に国民党が資産を隠匿してし まうのを防ぐことだ。蒋介石の財産も告訴によって差し押さえ、外 国に移すことを防ぐ。差押えてしまえば法院が判決しない限り金は 動かせない。金がなくなれば国民党は賄賂選挙は出来ない、金がな くなれば台湾の里町村を買収していた国民党は潰れる。政府より民 間、二二八被害者組織が率先してやるのが最良の方法である。 ●「 紅衛兵」と「台湾軍」 二二八事件とそのあとの白色恐怖政治によって台湾人民は恐怖心を 植えつけられ、組織力がなくなった。この欠点を補う方法は「施明 徳の紅衛兵運動」を真似ればよい。二二八事件の被害者組織は既に 存在するから、被害者団体が告訴の原告となって、更に一般民衆に も参加を呼びかけることができる。施明徳がやった手法を使って、 台湾の公民が国民党と蒋介石の責任を告訴する運動に署名して参加 すれば十万人ぐらいは簡単に組織できる。これを「台湾軍」と名付 けて国民党の本部、蒋介石の墓、中正記念広場、法廷を包囲し、抗 議を続けることができる。施明徳がやったことをそのまま踏襲する のだから誰も反対できない。大義名分があり、証拠充分だから、二 二八事件の責任追及を民衆に呼びかけるのは簡単だ。告訴で国民党 を潰すこと、資産凍結すること、台湾軍を組織することが台湾を救 う最良の道である。 "" "" ===== ---------------------------- '美國228家屬籲設特別法庭 審判蔣介石': : 中央社 今日晚報 2007.02.27: : "" 美國二二八受難者家屬返鄉團上午到總統府拜會總統陳水扁,提出五點訴求:第一、要求法務部成立「二二八事件特別調查小組」,對事件深入調查,促成「二二八事件特別法庭」的立法,對蔣介石、陳儀、柯遠芬、彭孟緝等及幫凶進行公開審判,即使這些人已經逝世,也應該缺席審判,伸張公平、正義。 其次,教育部應將二二八事件的事實真相列入新編的高中歷史教科書,讓台灣人的未來世代,能從歷史學習教訓。 第三、要求行政院將「中正紀念堂」更改為「台灣忠烈祠」紀念二二八事件及白色恐怖的犧牲者,並將全台的所有「中正路」更名。 第四、要求國防部撤走在桃園大溪看管蔣介石屍棺的警衛兵,將屍棺交還蔣家私人處理。 第五、要求行政院撤銷四月五日蔣介石死亡之日為清明節法定假日,改回傳統農曆清明節。 返鄉團團長王文宏強調,二二八受難者家屬不是要血債血償,也不是要鞭屍,要的是事實真相與公平、正義的台灣社會。 "" ---------------------------- USA:======================= '旅美台僑紀念228 美議員出席', 曹郁芬/華府二十八日報導: 台灣國人民忍到何時?/台灣要的是歷史公審 Taiwan History in Blood/Tears: 228 Video: '228 2.0-追求正義、迎向未來,由你我發起': : "" 228滿六十週年了,繼去年成功的二二八全球共筆書寫活動後,今年二二八秀台灣網站再接再勵,要發起一個透過網路收集素材、製作228紀念影片的活動,活動的名稱為228 2.0。 "" 228 video: or then --------- 責任部落格(以筆劃排序) BlahBlah(八拉八拉的BLOG) Enghui(台灣青年) - Freeman(方齋夜話) - TAI(TAI的胡言亂語) - 妙子(妙子的故鄉翦影) - 阿茵(尋找夢想的天空) - 酥餅 (酥餅的BLOG)- 慕容理深(Passion:慕容理深のblog) --------- --------- 'Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan', by 郭勝華blog ; Monday, February 19, 2007: Formosa Calling….for 60 long years since Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan (by: 郭勝華): Appendix I: 紀念二二八事件暨三月大屠殺六十週年 並反對中華人民共和國共產政權之所謂反分裂法之聲明 Appendix II: 朱正宗宜蘭市長(1947),連震東,陳誠,蔣介石,蔣經國與國民黨 -------- '郭勝華 籲台公開228檔案 以受難者家屬身分演講': 【本報記者黃美惠史丹福報導】來自芝加哥的僑務委員郭勝華醫師(Victoria Kuo)25日在史丹福大學參加灣區「二二八」紀念演講會。「二二八」今年60周年,郭勝華也即將60歲,父親郭章垣醫師是二二八事件的死難者,她是遺腹女,父親死時,母親懷胎三個月。郭勝華一出娘胎就沒有父親,60年後的現在,她仍認為這個歷史「政治謀殺事件」並未了結。 -------- 郭勝華: I have a dream………. I have a dream that one day, if I could convert the “Chiang Kai-shek’s Memorial Hall” (中正紀念堂, I call it “Chiang Kai-shek Temple 蔣廟) into a park and put a “February 28 Incident 1947 Memorial Monument ” there; and if I could write the words on it, the following is what I had written in 1992. 試為二二八碑文擬稿: 一八九五年,清廷甲午戰爭失敗, 將台灣割讓給日本. 一九四五年,日本戰敗, 無條件投降, 台灣依 “開羅宣言” 歸還中國. 蔣介石派遣陳儀為行政長官, 其手下葛敬恩,陸桂祥等貪污腐敗, 致社會經濟崩潰, 民心不滿. 陳氏等之政學系更與C.C. 派及省黨部蔣渭川, 王添燈等因派系糾紛及利害衝突而水火不容, 締下 “二二八”事件遠因. 一九四七年二月二十七日,台北大稻埕發生緝煙傷人事件, 引發二月二十八日以後之全島民憤. 其間, 因語言, 文化隔閡, 省籍衝突, 同胞相殘之事迭起. 或有少數共產黨員介入, 殊非主導. 陳儀出爾反爾, 表面答應以省黨部, 民意代表, 地方仕紳為主幹之台籍菁英成立各地處理委員會, 因應人民自治改革之要求, 然暗中馳電蔣介石, 偽稱台民暴動, 要求派兵鎮壓. 軍統派之柯遠芬及手下, 則以爪牙滲入處委會, 在其三十二條要求之外, 添加陳儀解除武裝等之十條強烈要求, 將原以”打倒陳儀貪污政府, 擁護蔣主席” 為訴求之處委會成員及省民菁英, 冠以暴徒, 奸逆之稱, 與彭孟緝, 史宏熹, 張慕陶, 配合來援之二十一師劉雨卿等, 展開全島性之浴血屠殺. 繼之以清鄉為由, 將台籍菁英 “格殺勿論” 殆盡, 其無審, 無判, 綁架, 謀殺, 滅屍之殘忍手段, 人神共憤. 蔣氏任用陳儀, 錯棋在先, 事件既起, 失察失判, 繼之縱容柯彭等血腥屠殺, 其咎難辭. 嗚呼, 昔我先民賢, 多胸懷故國鄉土, 更不乏抗日志士, 綜觀其改革要求, 無非以和平手段, 渴求自由, 民主, 自治, 人權. 彼等壯志未酬, 橫遭不測, 甚則世紀蒙冤,浩天長嘆, 仍難以一舒其怨. 吾人今建碑於此, 盼歷史昭昭, 記之史冊; 仇恨綿綿, 還諸天地; 公義彰彰, 永植吾心; 更願吾島吾民, 引為殷鑑, 勿蹈覆轍; 則戾氣當可化為祥和; 同胞手足, 唯愛唯諒,永世協力和平. -------- -------- Taiwan is changing to Taiwan: :'What's in a Name? Ask Taiwan', Gary J. Schmitt, John Tkacik ================================================= #0: 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" The state steals and kills as part of its operating procedure : by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: --------------------------------------------------- =================================================== ###: US-China: 'The Frankenstein Alliance', Emanuel Pastreich | March 9, 2007 ; Editor: John Feffer, IRC [Int'l Relations Center]: "" "" If you read U.S. newspapers through a security lens, you might get the impression that Washington is well on its way to containing China economically, politically and militarily. China is portrayed in the media as America’s enemy of choice: the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Report states explicitly that “of the major and emerging powers, China has the greatest potential to compete militarily with the United States and field disruptive military technologies that could over time offset traditional U.S. military advantages absent U.S. counter-strategies.” In response the United States is working closely with Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Indonesia to develop closer bilateral military relationships. It has concluded a nuclear deal with India, remains close to Pakistan, and has cultivated strategic alliances in Central Asia with China’s neighbors. When former Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld held a meeting in June 2006 with Mongolian Defense Minister Mishigiyn Sonompil one might have thought the United States had just about surrounded China. More recently, in October, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency touted a successful integrated ground test as the first step in a system that will counter the supposed military modernization of China that so threatens American security. And China tested an anti-satellite missile in response that caused great concern all around. In the political section of the newspaper, however, the United States is practically begging China to intercede and defuse the conflict with North Korea. Washington policymakers repeat ad nauseum that the Chinese must use its influence over Pyongyang to solve the nuclear standoff. More recently, American policy makers have slipped so deeply into the Middle East imbroglio that they can barely come up for air, let alone articulate a long-term Asia policy. Consequently, despite the invocation of a looming Chinese threat, the United States finds itself hoping for Chinese support, or at the least Chinese neutrality, in just about every important diplomatic issue from the Middle East to Africa. Finally, the culture and style sections of U.S. publications aimed at the upper middle class are filled with appealing images of a sleek China pulsing with vitality. Americans are gently drawn to Shanghai’s post-modern landscape; a stable China where healthy green tea is consumed and ancient culture endures. As far as the next generation of Americans is concerned, China is benign and close-at-hand. Chinese ideograms are sprinkled throughout the Saturday morning cartoons, and the study of Chinese is taking off, even in American elementary schools. Clearly the United States is having trouble deciding what to think about its rival. China is simultaneously an adversary and an ally, an attraction and a threat. The prevalent explanation for this schizophrenic U.S. view of China is that, although the two nations have common interests around the globe, strategic concerns and cultural differences lead to divergent approaches. A more compelling explanation is that China and the United States have fashioned an economic alliance that both pulls the two countries together and, because of the logic of competition, pushes them apart. The resulting beast, a Frankenstein monster of composite parts, lurches forward without regard to the destruction it leaves in its wake. The Frankenstein Alliance Parallel Developments Taming the Monster? Emanuel Pastreich is the dean of academic affairs and associate professor of international relations at SolBridge International College, Woosong University in Daejeon, Korea. He is a contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus ( "" ""