P#214: Taiwan for Freedom & Peace.
'State' Organization: http://tinyurl.com/oxqha
Western Civilization ends: http://tinyurl.com/jrltd
"Toward Nuclear Abolition": http://tinyurl.com/rfaoy
Air War barbarism: http://tinyurl.com/jxa6a
"Reassessing the Presidency: The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom": http://tinyurl.com/cjd9u
:amazon.com: http://tinyurl.com/mso8r
[ "Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya": http://tinyurl.com/nrdth ]
US THE one? http://tinyurl.com/k264d
WMD Here Plowshares: http://www.jonahhouse.org/
'The Hiroshima Myth': http://tinyurl.com/j7gob
"Decision..the Atomic Bomb": http://tinyurl.com/hpyke
"Hiroshima Diary": http://tinyurl.com/elxes
Mideast tragedy:-----
US 'Illogical, illegal and ill-fated': http://tinyurl.com/gu7ss
Pre-aboriginal Australians? http://tinyurl.com/r94kh
#0. 'Adlai Stevenson Had a Peace Proposal ... Shouldn't Democrats Today? ', by Lawrence S. Wittner http://tinyurl.com/r73ua
"" Fifty years ago, Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential candidate, injected a peace proposal into his hard-fought political campaign. Speaking before the American Society of Newspaper Editors on April 21, 1956, Stevenson suggested halting H-bomb tests and challenging other nations to do the same. According to the Illinois Democrat, such actions would “reflect our determination never to plunge the world into nuclear holocaust” and “would reaffirm our purpose to act with humility and a decent concern for world opinion.”
Although sharp criticism in the press and from President Dwight Eisenhower led Stevenson to shelve the issue temporarily, he revived it on September 5. Addressing the American Legion, he warned that “there is not peace – real peace – while more than half of our federal budget goes into an armaments race . . . and the earth’s atmosphere is contaminated from week to week by exploding hydrogen bombs.” Thereafter, his proposal to halt the nuclear arms race by ending nuclear testing became a key component of his campaign. On October 15, in a nationwide TV broadcast focused entirely on the nuclear testing issue, he pledged that, as president of the United States, he would make a nuclear test ban his “first order of business.” ""
Thin cloud disappears, cool mild warm mild: Up 4:30, 6:20 Mei knocks door, 8:00, full bath, not breakfast first to new Palo Alto Med Found eye doctor, finally get eye drops against left 24 light 17 pressure, by trying TRAVATAN (Travoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.004% evry night, and use Systane if eye irritation neccesitates. Banks, home late breakfast, Mei back, blog now 3:21pm, soon for 4-7 UC Library #6, actually 4-7:20, up to half: 2 of 4 sides of A-F. To old home, turn on sprinklers and hoses, back and front, still quite yellow, back also, and water only 2-30 minutes home to lunch-supper together, then worry about starting eye drops causing red eyes and perpetual medication without reralistic hope of stop it, postpone eye-drop use, rush emails still not done, now 1:30am alone, to quit. Bed 2:05.