P#91: Taiwan Democracy < VT Direct Democracy:
"Real Democracy": http://tinyurl.com/owc97
"The Vermont papers": http://tinyurl.com/epmz5
--:Frank M. Bryan: http://tinyurl.com/nzxxb
'MyAmerica vs.theEmpire': http://tinyurl.com/rd2qg
'Anti Family President': http://tinyurl.com/nz3pf
--:Bill Kauffman:http://tinyurl.com/ghysm
World War I >USA: http://tinyurl.com/psnqe
World War I >USA: http://tinyurl.com/fadex
Terror War >USA: http://tinyurl.com/gor3e
Iran War, coming? http://tinyurl.com/jfcw6
Why to end? http://tinyurl.com/l6vdd
Cloudy fair cool: Up 6:30, 9:30! Lung back near 1pm, Jun just up? Lung off. Mei back late and her lunch, fails to get Jun go to dad's cemetry together, later Jun off, Mei bed with Korean drama VCR. Finally answer [sp] co days ago on Vermont town dirct democracy. >#1. Late night answer [G] da of Australia with father's "A Record of My Family's Major Events" listing his 27 water-colors SF to NY, 1970 >#2. 12:48am, or new summer time 1:48am, soon to quit. Bed 2:40, Jun just back.
#1. "Constitutional Convention v. Secession: The Vermont Town Meeting #1000"
"" [Tsai 06.4.1=6 #1] Thank you so much to really help me to understand also to do something about democracy! From 2 books by Frank M. Bryan you introduced::
1) Direct democracy: "Real Democracy : The New England Town Meeting and How It Works", by Frank M. Bryan http://tinyurl.com/owc97 ""
""" Book Descrption of this amazon.com states it was: "one of the purest forms of American democracy". What are the others? Continues:
"238,603 acts of participation by 63,140 citizens in 210 different towns" Continues:
"" Bryan paints a vivid picture of how real democracy works. Among the many fascinating questions he explores: why attendance varies sharply with town size, how citizens resolve conflicts in open forums, and how men and women behave differently in town meetings. In the end, Bryan interprets this brand of local government to find evidence for its considerable staying power as the most authentic and meaningful form of direct democracy. ""
Yes, I have persistently argued that true democracy is possible only if:
1) a signigicant portion of "direct democracy" is maintained, and
2) the true political and economic power is held by small-size democracy.
Could there be any way any nations or peoples could enjoy real democracy avoiding those 2 conditions? No wonder some Vermont peoples are seeking for a way out now?
2) Small-size democracy: "The Vermont papers: Recreating democracy on a human scale" is the other book by him. http://tinyurl.com/epmz5
From Publisers Weekly: "" detailed blueprint would divide Vermont into 45 shires, each larger than a town yet smaller than a county. The shires would foster human-scale community and self-sufficiency, with broad powers over education, welfare and local problems; the state government's functions would shrink, though it would serve as a protector of the environment and civil rights. ""
From Independent Publisher : "" This book is an earnest, detailed blueprint to transform Vermont, shrinking the state government by three-quarters and returning power to the towns and a new entity, the shire (an area somewhat smaller than a county). Vermont would, in the Swiss manner, become a federation of autonomous cantons, here not working with Swiss precision but rather a "healthy chaos" of cantankerous Yankee republics. Back to the towns and shires go welfare, education, the lower courts, roads, and much taxation. In a reversal of the usual order, all unspecified powers are reserved by the town and shire, not the state. The state looks after civil rights and the environment (but no prissy ordinances against leaving a junk car or three in the dooryard); runs a supreme court; and administers all sundry financial matters. This shrunken state government is Ereed up to lobby the Federal government and play a world role (through die Office of Global Involvement). ""
Continues: "" The bulk of the book is taken up with the intricate details of this new goverturient, including everything from creating heraldry and pageants for the shire to a ten-point program for agriculture and a timetable for a Vermont constitutional convention to set their plan in motion. "" """
#2. "guess who] drove 4080 miles in 1970 SF-NY & 27 water-colors":
"" [Tsai 06.4.2=7 #1] Hello, dave. Nice drive for you. How many miles altogether?
I drove across the US continent when my parents' first visit in 1969-70. According to father's "A Record of My Family's Major Events": 69.12.21=7, I drove from Provo, Utah to LA brother's home, then 12.29 leaving brother couple and daughter who parents had just brought back from Taiwan, I drove my parents north by sea to Santa Cruz for 3 days to San Francisco 70.1.1, next day to Reno one night, back to Provo for 39 days 1.3 - 2.10, very happy father produced his water-color plates 1-13 of 1-27 "Sketches of My American Tour" printed 500 copies (his 71.2 Preface: "Each night in the motel I banished the fatigue of travel by retouching the pictures I had made that day ... absorbed in the pleasure of painting."):
1. Road to Utah Lake - 70.1.10
2. Deer Creek in the Snow - 70.1 all 2-9, 11-13.
3-4. Church in Provo (1-2) -
5. Winter Trees
6. Outskirts of Provo
7. Suburban Parking Lot
8. Snow Landscape
9. Canyon in Utah
10. Huntington Canyon - 70.2.4
11. Wasatch Mountains
12. Great Salt Lake in Winter
13. Corners with Trees
2.10-2,12 drive 2 nights 3 days back to SF, first to Palo Alto 2.12 - 2.18, then SF - 3,11, 28 days all over the city and around produced plates 14-18:
14-15. The Golden Gate Bridge (1-2) - 70.3 all 14-18:
16. M.H. De Young Memorial Museum
17. San Francisco in the late afternoon
18. San Francisco Seashore
3.11 with all my staff from Provo, drove my old Pontiac to Yosemite Nat. Park:
19. Yosemite Falls & the Lost Arrow - 70.3.12
3.14 11:30am reached Grand Canyon, next day to Petrified Fores Nat. Park, then 3 days 4 nights to Cooksville, Tenessee. 3.22 2pm last sister Jung's marriage. 3.23 drove to Fairfax, 10 miles west of Washington, DC 3.24 6pm, 3 days 2 nights, to Washington. I remember I made V victory sign from my driving seat causing a few demontrators jumping up in front of the White House.
3.27 11:15am drove to New York evening. From SF 4080 miles 17 days 13 states gas only $87.36! lodging $131.19, car repair $50.12 plus food money, according to father.
New York 3.27-8.1: Queens 3.27-3.31 4n5d at Mr Chen's house, Boradway hotel 15 days 3.31-4.15, 5th of 7 floors Riverside Park apartment 4.15-8.1, at Mrs. Yamawaki(?) & a big wolf dog, King. Jung couple came 6.10=3 2am - 8.1, 50 days at 3rd floor, producing plates 20-27:
20. New York Skyline - 70.5
21. The Hudson River in Twilight - 70.4
22. Riverside Park - 70.4
23. Uptown Manhattan & Riverside Drive - 70.5
24. George Washington Bridge from Fort Tyron Park - 70.5
25. The Cloisters - 70.5.31
26. Brooklyn Bridge - 70.5.30
27. The U.N. from Welfare Island - 70.5
8.1 rain string Kennedy Airport parents left from me and Hsiang/Jung, flew to SF then LA 5n6d, left 8.6=4. So I drove 4080 miles. Then father wrote "Old Car" 71.10.27 "ROC" was kicked out of the UN. Married 74.8.25=7 3pm at Jung's home in SF, the last one among my 5 bro & sis. 75.8.14 10:30am first child, a dau Jen-jen born. The Record ended in 1975. Perhaps later I drove Jung couple from east to California. ""