
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Saturday, December 31, 2005

[#365>US#146]:12.1=#[60x5+26] #0: No More Taiwan Suicide! Hiroshima "Negai", Osam Altaee: "Refugees Farm".. Lin's son's marriage dinner party.

Taiwan Suicide?? > #0. Hiroshima Peace: Ancient New Years: New Sydney-China: Osam Altaee: :Iraq Emergency: :REFUGEES FARM: :UNHCR: US Lynching: Cloudy then 6:15, 9:30 up, sons still sleep. Bath, sons up, rush to BoA by 1 but open to 2 today, the last day of the year, take over $120 for dinner gift, fair already, so change mind to old house: mails, NHKtv: Hiroshima spreading-to-world peace song, "Negai [Hope]": Mom says our ancestral Tangha will be repared within one month, so tel Dju also about going back to Taiwan. Discover Mr Lin's son's marriage dinner is 5pm, so rush home drive Mei right away to Uncle Chong's, 6-7 tables, our corner table are all us Hakka members of Cheng, Umeko, 8pm start to leave, then Solectron's Nancy w familiar face only comes to me. Home 8:30, answer [k] to blog to think diary left behind, but in our car. [k] post below. Now 10:47pm. Then around 1am Lung home. Internet slows down, to quit now 1:33am! Make wakes and has TV on bed, bed around 2pm, Jun in. #0: "Happy NEW Year! No More Absurd Suicidal "Miracles"!: 【賀正】新年恭禧": "" [Tsai 05.12.30=6 #1] Happy New Year to you all! Soon it would be another New Year again. But, it could and must be a brand NEW year. To start with, two very strange and mysterious questions could be asked: 1) Does China "require" the Taiwanese to worship Taiwan's and China's past Chiang dynasty's members with tombs, Taiwan capital center's gigantic memorial park "shrine", and name of the Taiwan's first international airport? 2) If Taiwan is a democracy ruled by laws and justice, why the inheritors of the murders and criminals, particularly those against humanity, not only of Taiwan's but also China's recent past, left alone with their "Chinese nationalist Party", not only in Taiwan but also in China, actively engaged in political movement, especially as Taiwan's foremost opposition party and leaders, promoting and assisting China in its manipulative, persistant and gigantic efforts to incorporate Taiwan? So, why we, the Taiwanese as a whole, have voted and elected supposed-to-be our own President and Parliament members, thus enabling all these incredible "miracles" to be going-on in our free Taiwan? ========================= koe_editors wrote: 日本之聲 歡迎轉寄 介紹在日台灣人的活動,並提供日台交流的情報及資訊 投稿請寄本報編輯組: 訂閱請寄空白信到: 之後Yahoo將會寄一封確認信,題名為:Please confirm your request to join nihonnokoe,收到此信後原封寄回即完成訂閱 手續。 My Groups | nihonnokoe Main Page 【賀正】新年恭禧 讀者各位,新年恭禧! 去年一年之中,不但有扁宋十點共識,還有所謂「反裂法」的制定,對 立志建國的我們來說,絕非一個好年。 然而月有陰晴圓缺,建國運動也不例外。我們不奢望安易,也不躲避困 難,即使遍路荊棘我們仍要朝建國的目標邁進。 建國絕不能忘記打倒中華民國的初衷。附庸在中華民國政權之下,是否 真能打倒中華民國體制,是我們必須要認真思考的。 過去疏於選舉路線以外的社會運動,也是我們該反省的。 任何有價值的事物都必須經過苦難的試煉。 建國之苦,我們甘之如飴。 共同努力 一起奮鬥 「台灣之聲」「日本之聲」編集長 林建良 拜 2006年元旦 ""

Friday, December 30, 2005

[#364>US#145]:11.30=#[60x5+25] #0: 06.1.14=6:"Cancer Full Moon". Libertarian "Localism", GNSS=Galileo+GPS. To Chandler garage door store.

Libertarian "Localism": GNSS: = Galileo: + GPS: GalileoUK: IRAQI WAR:-- "The ultimate quagmire"? Is it really all over? UK Torture Memos: US/Israeli War on Iran: --:3 books to wake up: Cloudy darkening almost rain cool, late night rain: Up 6:20, 9am, Mei back, quick breakfast & computer, rush drive to Dr. house no one, Lung & Mei come and go, so to An. check inside, complains only one bath wet floor, old stove and dirty carpet, ants, by Dr. to manager's office not there, to o.h., mom left with Jung for Chinese medicine. Mei tel, drive to M. 1pm home, lunch, 3:30pm to Chandler garage door co. Lung home, supper. Jun still out, 12:24am to quit. Bed 1:10. #0: "New Millenium Being: A FREE Ezine from Yoga Technology", edited by Gururattan K. Khalsa, Ph.D. "" #114 INNER CAPRICORN: RECLAIMING OUR FREE WILL in 2006, December 30, 2005 "", by Guru Rattana, Ph.D. "" CANCER FULL MOON – JANUARY 14TH The Full Moon in Cancer January 14th gives us a change to evaluate our progress in reclaiming our emotional body. The Moon at 24 degrees Cancer opposes the Sun at 24 degrees Capricorn. Cancer is the embodiment of our emotions. We need the Earth energy of Capricorn to hold this sensitive aspect of our souls. When Capricorn and Cancer are supporting each other, we are able to enjoy our nourishing core and be our own authority in our lives. The nurturing core is our emotional body, which if allowed to express freely will furnish us with compassionate and wise counsel. Cancer and Capricorn are the polarity that makes authentic accountability possible. With Venus conjunct the Sun in Capricorn at this Full Moon, inner authority issues will get our attention. To what extent are we defining our own values and directing our own lives? The grand cross in the fixed signs (discussed in NMB #113) will peak at this Full Moon. Mars in Taurus opposes Jupiter in Scorpio. Both square opposing Neptune in Aquarius and Saturn in Leo. It is a strong hand that can’t be silenced. The intensity of energy sends us wake up calls. Something IS going to change. We can participate consciously or unconsciously. Spiritual forces are expanding our consciousness. There are so many ways we can cash in, if we are willing and able to make ourselves available. COPYRIGHT: The New Millennium Being is copyright 1999 - 2005 Guru Rattana, Ph.D. ""

Thursday, December 29, 2005

[#363>US#144]:11.29=#[60x5+24] "One China", Mgrtn, "Syriana", Spying, Police, Terror prize; Flag, Iraqi Civil War? Mltpl Vctr. D&oh garage doors.

Taiwan-China: US: Taiwan news: Taiwan: a voice: Domination: Wars: Imagine 2006: Shining Beacon: Torturing Shadow: Media Lapdog: US' Tomorrow? US NSA Cookies? Global Migration problem: 911 CIA B Baer "Syriana": "See No Evil": Oil currency war: "Petrodollar Warfare": US Spying FISA/Cnstitutn: US Chickenhawks:CSheehan: US Secret Police: USA Police-State Powers? US-UK Big Brother? UK NewYear police-state? and governmental humour: Comedy of Terror prize: TB,DC,DR: US Flag Etiquette Code: Iraqi Army Kurds militia: Iraqi Army>soonCivil War? multipole vector dcmpstn: Bit light then cloudy cool. Up 6:15, 9:00. Public house manager L. tel Mei to me on D. garage door plus stove, floor done? Mei tel some try to lower garage price. Mom tel throat problem, later Jung tel nose air to clean throat? Mei back lunch, Winnie outside car. 3:30pm we 2 to banks, then look for bath window glass broken by Lung days ago, but Tri-city co. closed after 27 years, the cheapest store. For garage doors for o.h. and D., HomeDepot & Lowe's personnel explains very nicely, of Martin and Clopay, & of Martin and Wayne Dalton. And, Costco only brochure of Amarr, and a little food etc. Home, then sons&Ch. in, supper. Jun computer late also then off 1am, have just answered [G]J's push for USE in horror.1:25am soon to quit. Next door Koreans' light still on, bed 1:55.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

[#362>US#143]:11.28=#[60x5+23] Lindbergh, Tylenol. To SF, 6 Japanese books.

Lindbergh Myth: Tylenol..dangerous: Cloudy then rain then fair cool: Up 5:30, 8:00, Jun off, Mei back, then Mei & Lung to Costco, then Lung back alone, then off, Mei 1pm tel, drive to her. Then to San Francisco finally as she wants, to home, then to Oakland both apply for RTC (Reghional Transit Connection) discount card, with $3 and picture-taking. To SF Taiwan "Consulate General", Mei told to go to our destination nations' office, so to Turkey then to Egypt office all closed. To Japan Town, Mei buys cookies etc. at Uoki $51.91, and I buy 6 Japanese books (2 calender bks & 4 bks below) $82.65: "The Paradoxical Japanese History", by Motohiko Izawa, about Ryukyu Kingdom, Wokou, etc. Related: "The Showa History of Transforming Princess", by and on Aixinjjueluo Hao "The Reality of Nihonshoki" on Japanese chronology. "The Historical Reality Buried by China", by Wen-hsiung Huang, on Chinese burying how Japan has helped China's modernization. Then supper at Kushi Tsuru $16.00. Home, very late again, Jun in, answer [G]S. to several members mentioned or posted, Jun to bed, 1:28am to quit, bed 2:1o.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

[#361>US#142]:11.27=#[60x5+22] Taiwan statehood? US-Muslim War, EU-Turkey, Gretel, Pantomime, A Mystery, Sponge. 3+Dhu to Mitsui Japanese books.

Taiwan Position History: Taiwan Position: one US? Formosan Statehood Movement? US-Muslim War dilemma: Userpers of American freedoms? US: Spying, Wars: EU: Turkey < Cyprus: EU: Turkey secularism: Gretel and Hansel humor: Pantomime: , British: Scottish cuisine, Haggis: WP Mystery: 64-centuries Egyptians: Superbug killing sponge: Cloudy cool: Up 8:20, Mei back, sons up, Jun also computer. To reply [G] on EU etc. now 11:17, soon to o.h. to Mitsui Japanese supermarket, San Jose, get 2 Japanese calendar books, and a book on Japanese in Taiwan around surrender. All home. Jun in early. Now 2:08am to quit soon, bed 2:45am!

Monday, December 26, 2005

[#360>US#141]:11.26=#[60x5+21] #0: 2006 "Dog" Year. Taiwan, Christmas. US, Libertarian LRC. Shoppings, late, late night.

Taiwan owned by US? -:Dr. Jack Wheeler: Taiwan EUwithChina? Taiwan where? Taiwan:Peace China? Reindeer biology: Christmas dinner: US' Big Brother? NSA Big Brother? Spying Patriot? Best Defense: Libertarian LRC suffocating in Wash,DC: Torturous Bush Adm? Neo-Fascism? Almighty Market: Cloudy fair cool mild: Up 6:20 then 9:20. Mei back a while, Jun computer, Mei check Ohlone online on dance class then off, Ch. in for a while, then 2 off, Jun back for Snowball for a walk then back off shopping. Mei back so all off shopping: 2 us to Formosa restraurant lunch (Mei meets Winnie) causing my heartbeat after so long, then to Macy's for nothing. Home, Mei off to work. Lung back from Reno, Jun home late for short computer till 12:30am now. Now 1:43am!! to quit. Bed 2:15! #0: 2006: "Year of the Dog": "" Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco: Zodiac: 1 Rat-1912, 1924, 1936, 1958, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 2 Ox--1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 3 Tgr-1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 4 Rbt-1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 5 Drgn1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 6 Snk-1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 7 Hrs-1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 8 Ram-1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 9 Mnky1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 10 Rst1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 11 Dog1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 12 Pig1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 "Year of the Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006" People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, and inspire other people¡¦s confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth, yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dog people make good leaders. They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit. Web Page designed by students in the Chinese Culture Center's Children Web Class ""

Sunday, December 25, 2005

[#359>US#140]:11.25=#[60x5+20] Why Jing tried to stop Gni to dad at his last days? 911 prof. truth search. 3 to Christmas extended family dinner

9/11 Truth Movement: -: Prof. J H Fetzer: Cloudy then rain cool: Mei tv bed, up 8:50, Mei cleans son's bath, bath, 3 stay home rainy Christmas day. Now 6:20pm, soon off to a Newark Blvd restraurant, Hao-hua: ma+aBi + Gni2+1 + Dju2+4 + Jung2+2 = 15, ma+aBi + Gni2 + Dju2 + Jung2 = 8 table1 (1 & 2 generaions & aBi) & Gni+1 + Dju+4(married 9-10yrs) + Jung+2(married 1-2yrs) = 7 table2(3rd generation). I ask again why brother, Jing (or Ying) trying to have me not to get to our father at his last few days at Wash. Hospital. Dju finally remembers that Mei-yin at hospital so to avoid me meeting her? Vaguely remember someone there, but Mei-yinN? Jun drives 3 back homw 10:30, then Jun off. Now 12:11am to quit. Jun back, bed 1:55.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

[#358>US#139]:11.24=#[60x5+19] Frontiers: Dimensions, Branes, verse, Sprsymmtry, String. Christmas, Warfare. Taiwan, Rome, Memoir. #0: John Pilger.

"Warped Passages": D-Branes: Multiverse: Multi Dimensions: Supersymmetry Theory: & String Theory: Christmas, Original: Warfare State & Christmas: Warfare State & Christians: Vietnam War agent orange: Taiwan United Network: Taiwan Lafayette Scandal: -(1): -(2): Roman "no barbarians": A Family Memoir: Cloudy turns fair cool mild: Up 7:45, soon Mei back then off, 3 answers to [G] 2 Switzerland, 1 full inn: . BookTV: "My Fathers' Houses : Memoir of a Family", by Steven Roberts: [ ]. Jun off to drive Mei home lunch. Mei off to get Winny off, Lung off to Reno with his school again. Jun computer, try to get an url for Ch.'s post on Taiwan Lafayette scandal. Now 2:45pm BookTV Philip Jones Griffiths: "Vietnam At Peace" just over: [ ]. Now starting with a really big Lisa Randall's first book, "Warped Passsages": :from String Theory to World, by model building for Extra Dimensions (Spatial, ), with Branes, to Multiverse. From fiction "Flatland" [ ] to 60 years later mathematical fantasy, "Sphereland" [ ] on Einstein's theories. Near evening, Jun makes a big package to Ch., Mei back. Already 6:30 Korean Dramas [ ]: "Save the Last Dance for Me"(1) [ ], [ ]. So stay and supper, finish mails, now 11.46pm, to quit. Jun not yet home, bed 12:45am. #0: "The New Rulers of the World", by John Pilger; Verso (April, 2003): "" Book Description tackles the injustices and double standards inherent in the politics of globalization. It sets out to explain something of the "new" order—the unholy alliance of business interests, media magnates and imperial repression—and the importance of breaking the silence that protects great power and its manipulations. he revealed how General Suharto's bloody seizure of power in Indonesia in the 1960s was part of a Western design that was the beginning of globalization in Asia. a million Indonesians die as the price for its mantle as the World Bank's 'model pupil.' He also describes the price paid by the people of Iraq for the West's decade-long embargo of that country. Following the terrorist attacks on America and the bombing of Afghanistan, he looks at the new thrust of American power and its goal of world order, and the propaganda that helps drive it. ""

Friday, December 23, 2005

[#357>US#138]:11.23=#[60x5+18] 1) 911 Screwups. 2) Neo-Darwinism metaphysics. Holiday shopping of the year!

1) US 911 Screwups: 2) Neo-Darwinism metaphysics: Wet fog then cloudy cool: Up 6:20, 8:15, later Lung then Mei off, after noon Jun off shopping, after 1pm Mei back lunch. 3:10 Mei wannts so to Nordstrom Rack, San Leandro, Store 431, not her, I buy finally a fancy watch and muffler, also 3 socks. Jun off early shopping. Now 12:10am to quit. Jun not home, Bed 1:25sm.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

[#356>US#137]:11.22=#[60x5+17] Taiwan

Taiwan co-optation? US Media "Bias" Study: US Media ACLJ Religeous Right: zud Media Week Standard Barnes: Fox:Lowry: Clinton Spying: Rush Limbaugh & American Cause: FISA: War Prayer, by Mark Twain: NORAD Santa: Austro-libertarian Spock: Hope's Way: Cloudy gradually darker cool: Up 7:45, Jun off, Lung stays. Emails, 12-1pm China's TVdrama "Sunrise" (4-5pm repeat) shows extremely painful injustice of rich/poor. Mei & Winny just in, 1-2pm China's drama "Sun Chung-shan" (Dr. Sun Yat-sen): Take a look at China's drama "Chef from Great Palace" revealing Chinese famous food! Mei/Winny just off. 3-4 China TV "Mingjen shengji" shows south China's some exquisite landscape and homes, gardens, to Chuanjou's Hung-1 Fa-shih [ Quanzhou: ] [ Hung-i fa-shih: ] Hsiang tel 6:30 dinner nearby at New Yong Kang, Mom & Jung back from their hair-making, drive mom to o.h., then home, emails, Jun home late to computer, now 1am to quit. Both bed 1:40.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

[#355>US#136]:11.21=#[60x5+16] Yule, US-UK, Iraq; VT & Utopias. Mei passport & new our then old HA's leases toHousing again twice, check Bk of Am.

Winter Solstice (Yule): US One-Party System? US Congress most corrupt? US-UK "War of Terror": Saddam Hussein tortured? Vermont Republic: Ecological Utopias: Cloudy cool, late afternoon dark then rain: Up 5:30, 7:45, sons off one by one, Mei back tel to fill passport renewal, and a new extra lease, then to the tenant to Housing Authority, then back with their lease to sign, finish emails by 11:37am. Mei off to H.A. again with Wi. Check Bk of Am old statements again up to new ones through several acct#, Mei back after 5pm, To Bk of Am. Answer [C]Y to D: "Where is the US #101" on the rich's control. Now 11:2pm to quit. Jun computer then quit, Bed 1:00am.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

[#354>US#135]:11.20=#[60x5+15] China-CAsia, WTO, Neolbral, Military Keysnsm, Iraq War; Lincoln, Bush, Spying, Scndl, UK Tour. Dju rental & Lgirls?

China - Int'l Dvlpmt: China - C Asia > USA: Russia- New Scrty Sys: WTO > the Rich Again: :-For Poor Farmers? Neoliberal Conflicts? Neo-Fascism Creeping? Militarism Punch: Military Keynesianism: -:Wikipedia great? Iraq: Sunni Peace: :-US Terrorism: :-Devil's Game: Iraq: Election Fraud? Abraham Lincoln: Democrats Not? Bush to impeach? Torture: National-Security State: Spying-Torture,EGermany: Spying since 2001< Bush: "...Come and Get Me": Spying OK? Spying OK Rice? Spying OK Not? Spying Desperation: Spying Techniques 101: Spying FBI: Scandal Abramoff: US Tap Water bad: UK B & B: Light cloud cool: Up late bath, not BookTV but "Charlie Rove" rebroadcasting of last mid-night: D K Goodwin, "Team of Rivals : The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln": at noon. Lung then Mei back & L's girl friend problem explodes L off. 8-9 new Korean TV drama "Stanley Glass". Jun in first, Lung not bed, 11:15pm to quit. Jun bath then out computer. Bed 12:25 early!

Monday, December 19, 2005

[#353>US#134]:11.19=#[60x5+14] Taiwan OrgaFood, 911, Wiretapping, Neocoms, Bush, WTO, Vermont, Santa Claus. Mom Chinese doctor, w Jung then Hsiang.

Taiwan Organic Food: US911 Conspiracy? US Wiretapping: US CIA Torture: US Neocons down: Bush Money FL TX: WTO Betrays Poor? WTO Failed: Vermont Independence: Vermont, 2d Republic: Santa Claus: SC Animation: Wet cloudy cool: Up 6:20, 8:40, mom tel to see a Chinese doctor, with Jung. Mei back breakfast, off again. Jung tel for 2:15, Lung back 1:05pm, answer [G]D on "Free Vermont". Mei then Winnie in lunch, W off, go to Jung to o.h. 2:47pm, then to Milpitas doctor, buy a new Taiwan calendar book examining while Lion Supermarket shopping and Little Liu restraurant supper with Hsiang tel by Jung, drive mom to o.h. to home. Mei back from $10 dance class. Jun off computer earlier, in near 1am. Bed 1:45 smooth right away.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

[#352>US#133]:11.18=#[60x5+13] #0:'Hmn Democracy vs. Evil Empires'. US: Terrorism, McCarthyism; EU; Localism; US UK Literature. Book TV Sunday.

US War on Terror: US McCarthysim: EU Enlargement: Localism=DirDmcrcy: American Literature: "Bleak House" UK TV: Cloudy rain cool: Up 6:20, bed Sunday tv then Mei tv then vacuums bathrooms. BookTV: 05.11.3 R Florida on "The Flight of Creative Class: The New Global Competition for Talent", talked about 'localism: then 05.11.16 Sam Harris, "The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason", talked about how moderate belevers enabling extremist terror: now: H Johnson, "The Age of Anxiety: McCarthyism to Terrorism" on McCarthyism: on McCarthyism Bank statements, Mei home late for her supper. 12:33am ready to go, bed 1:40. #1. "Human Democracy vs. Evil Empire #1004: Empire Factors & Evilness Compared: "" [Tsai 05.12.18=7 #1] Your definition of an empire as "a political unit where you have ethnic and political diversity that is held together by force of arms by the central government" is one for the traditional or D.'s "real" empire, I suppose. The factor of holding "together by force of arms" is certainly true, even for almost all traditional modern "state", I think. [[ M.:- Not always. The Swiss confederation for example, is multiethnic, but not held together by force of arms, but rather by a consensus. That makes them a country, but not an empire. The US on the other hand, has significiant secessionist elements that are unable to get what they want at this point, because the state is powerful enough to prevent it. The Mexican Revanchists are a good example of this. They are also to the US, what the Huns and the Vandals were to Rome and in the end, just as destructive to the existing state of affairs. And in the end, they may be more so, since their xenophobic mentality is expressed as a desire to ethnically cleanse the territories that they propose to remove from the US one way or another. ]] Another factor of "ethnic and political diversity" is a necessary but not a deciding one by itself. One outstading example is of course Switzerland. The size factor I mentioned repeatedly in not only a necessary but also almost enough one. [[ M:- As I noted earlier, unity by force of arms is a deciding factor. The Swiss are Swiss by consensus, not because somebody's putting a gun to their heads. And they make it work by a combination of direct democracy and the fact that the most powerful political subdivision in Switzerland isn't their central government, but rather the Cantonial governments. And don't forget that universal military service in their militia system is a strongly unifying factor. Full citizenship comes from being trained, armed and willing to defend their country. And their army is what creates their consensus, along with tradition going back to the Renaissance. ]] The enduring Chinese Empire has been based on: 1) overwhelming cultural "brainwashing" beyond the ancient Greek's and many other empires' definition of others as barbarians, uniting almost all "civilized" peoples as one, inducing other peoples to assimilate, in the mode of inferiority complex, with genealogy in China. [[M.- The successors to the Ch'in Dynasty's use of a pseudo Confuscian shell as the basis for social order, was pretty smart. Mao used Marxism-Leninism for the same thing. In both cases the real political doctrine was Legalism. ]] 2) nationality as family based on filial virtue, where not only all family members obey leaders willingly, but also to take care of old leaders staying in the family, producing inward civilisation of, for, and by itself. Leaving one's nation is a betrayal. Nation is self-sufficient, and expands only as nationality expands violently or peacefully for long times. [[M.- The irony there is that this structure was as a result of the Ch'in Emperor's police state. Mo Shu's system of mutual espionage as it was termed, along with what was left of Confuscianism after Mo Shu had killed most of the people practicing it, created the conditions for it to exist to the extent that it does. Survival depended on it. ]] The result is the continuity, but also unavoidable imperialism. because of SIZE, at least partially. Let's say, it's less evil than the new modern global empires, because of its inward nature, and its culturally rather than racially defined nationality. Would Americans protest violently, because someone else is less evil? Well, I think both A. and D. et al have always stated face it and live with it? [[M:- Not less evil, just less expansionist. Chinese emperors and their retinues have often been very twisted, brutal people. Systems with no individual accountability always produce such persons. ]] "" ------------------------------- "" M. wrote: Actually it's an oligarchy with vestigal republican institutions, and we become progressively more unstable in direct relation to how far things go in marginalizing those institutions. And we are on our way to becoming an empire and will be one even if we have no troops outside the bounds of the Continental US. A Nation is a political unit which has a common identity. An empire is a political unit where you have ethnic and political diversity that is held together by force of arms by the central government. All of this ethnic diversity instead of assimilation will put us in the position of being an empire, whether we have anybody overseas or not. And empires, are unstable. If they become militarily weak, or are attacked by somebody stronger, they fly apart. The current legal and political climate that encourages ethnic non-assimilation and multiple nangages, is quite likely to destroy what we've got. ""

Saturday, December 17, 2005

[#351>US#132]:11.17=#[60x5+12] Taiwan arms & media control, US Wiretaps&Tortures. Mei cooks supper, then 2 to Hakka residential meeting

Taiwan unprepared militarily: Taiwanese < China: Sen.Feingold:Wiretap Illegal: American Tortures: Cloudy cold, then dark, rain & cool: Up 7:45, full bath, Lung off, then all back, Jun up late, Mei cook lunch after 2pm. Then Mei cooks sons' supper, I check map for Saratoga. Near 5pm 2 drive to N. California Hakka meeting at Dr. Lin's residence in Saratoga, reach by time, Hao couple already there, few minutes and full for full dinner, meeting end with discussion of joining worldwide Hakka Taiwanese organization, then after the meeting, talk about Taiwan politics, we leave earlier than some, with Mrs. Lo living nearby, home near 11pm, answer [W]M on "#1004: Empire Factors & Evilness Compoared" > 12.17 #1. Jun in 1:05am. I to quit 1:15am, bed 2am.

Friday, December 16, 2005

[#350>US#131]:11.16=#[60x5+11] Taiwan:-US, KMT La Fayette, Map; US:-Liberties, 911, CSheehan; S Am; Wikipedia. Start checking bank statement history.

Taiwan Relation Act: Taiwan KMT La Fayette: Taipei Map: American Liberties: US Bill of Rights: US > Martial Law: To Jail? 9/11CommissionTales: Iraq War Lies: Iraq War US Descent: Iraq War "cut-run": Cindy Sheehan's War: "Not One More Mother's Child": S.America Che Guevarad Democracy: Wikipedia: Fair cold cool: 9am Mei back, off, back for lunch. Stay home and check bank statement history. Jun home late, but in before me: answer [W]M: "Human Democracy vs. Evil Empire" #1003, on possible Sino-US war. Finish emails, now 1:26sm ready to go. Jun back very late but in sooner, bed 2:05am!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

[#349>US#130]:11.15=#[60x5+10] Taiwanese dic, Sino-Mex, Trust Survey, Libertarian, IraqAirWar, EU-Turkey. Mom Dr.Chu&diaries, Mei lease to Housing.

Taiwanese dictionary: China-Mexico-US: Bush spying Amrcns? Global Trust Survey: Libertarian=LeftRight: Libertarian' Morality: Localized immigration: Iraq' shadowy Air War: EU & Orhan Pamuk: Turkey"Istanbul": Fair cool mild: Up 5:55, Mei then sons off to work one by one. Mei back early, takes the new lease to Jung for comments. Soon to o.h. to drive to Dr. Chu: just for inhaler exam, regular Chao-jou lunch, aBi walks to school, 2 of us walk around getting our diaries, to Remax for rental forms, to 99, then o.h: Ying tel right then for just a few minutes. Home: Mei has brought new lease to the Housing! 10-11pm new Korean drama. Jun home late and back to computer, I just finish eamils and answer only [C]R>D: "How is Iraq War going on...", in 12:32am, bed 1:20.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

[#348>US#129]:11.14=#[60x5+9] Taiwan Top Politics, E.Asia for Russia? US Pentagon & Jailing journalists. Hsiang sis, Finish new lease to be signed.

Taiwan DPP Chairman: TaiwanROC President: E Asia group

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

[#347>US#128]:11.13=#[60x5+8] China >Asia & Korea; US-USSR, US:Iraq, PeoplEnvoy Japan, 911; Dollar or Euro!! Late newsTaiwan ROC Vice President.

China down USA? China < US Awake? China < SE Asia < US: China > E Asia Comunity? S. Korea to BRIC: US Baghdad Battle: US WhiteHouse EIR: US-USSR Natl Socialism: US DEA Torture? US People's Japan envoy: 911 & Planes: Dollar or Euro < Oil: Dollar or Euro

Monday, December 12, 2005

[#346>US#127]: 11.12=#[60x5+7] #1."Spkng...Liberty". #2."Tyranny...Gd Intntns", #3."Sandstorm". TaiwanChina Empire Fndmntlsts Bush Peace War UKfire.

Taiwan Election & China: Conservative Empire: Christian warmonger: Bush Down Cnstttion? Bush Down 2ndAmndmt? Bush Down Iraq also? Iraq Peace Warriors: Why War and Tyrants? UK OilDepot Explosn: Cloudy cool mild: Up 6:10, 8:40, Mei in & off twice, Lung back lunch then off. Mei & Hsiang sis lunch then off. Ch & dog in then off night. Jun to in now 12:31am? Leave w/o completely finish emails, Mei deep sleep aswake sleep, Jun in, bed 1:35. #1. "Speaking of Liberty", by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.; Ludwig von Mises Institute (December, 2003): "" united by a set of fixed principles: the corruption of politics, the universality and immutability of the ideas of freedom, the centrality of sound money and free enterprise, the moral imperative of peace and trade, the importance of hope and tenacity in the struggle for liberty, and the need for everyone to join the intellectual fight. "" "" Reviewer: Steve Jackson "stevejackson100atyahoocom" (New England): "" Rockwell shows that both the left and the neocon "right" embrace the imperial presidency with almost equal enthusiasm. "" #2. "The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice", by Paul Craig Roberts, Lawrence M. Stratton; Prima Lifestyles (May 18, 2000): "" The authors of The New Color Line return with another libertarian polemic, this time taking aim at a justice system warn of a "police state that is creeping up on us from many directions." There's the war on drugs, which makes it possible for federal agents to investigate people simply for carrying large amounts of cash. There's the crusade against white-collar crime, which has turned the plea bargain into an enemy of the truth. And there's outright misconduct, abetted by prosecutors more interested in compiling long lists of indictments than ensuring the fair treatment of all suspects. "We the People have vanished. Our place has been taken by wise men and anointed elites." --John J. Miller #3. "Sandstorm : Policy Failure in the Middle East", by Leon Hadar; Palgrave Macmillan (July 15, 2005): "" From Publishers Weekly In his 1992 work, Quagmire: America in the Middle East, Cato Institute researcher and journalist Hadar predicted that there would be a radical Arab and Islamic fundamentalist backlash against U.S. policies. Supporting Israel and stationing military forces in Saudi Arabia helped "set the stage for the events of 9/11," empire-building "fantasy" as the progeny of a bizarre Queen Victoria-meets-Woodrow Wilson union whose costs exceed its benefits. The way forward for Hadar is "constructive disengagement," exiting the Middle East and, instead, relying on Latin American oil imports, and establishing a European Union-led regional balance of power system. ""

Sunday, December 11, 2005

[#345>US#126]: 11.11=#[60x5+6] #0: "Sands of Empire", China Torture, Overclass, EJ McCarthy, US Arms Prpgnd,Fndmntlst. 2nd Sect. 8 rental contracts.

Chinawide Torture: "Sands of Empire": Overclass orlgin?: Eugene J McCarthy: US Arms Info War: US Fundmntalists: TSA Murder?: Israel > Iran: Is Readies to: Fair cool mild: Up 6:20, Mei off, to Hakka School closed, to o.h. noon to 1:45pm NHK TV on "The Roman Empire" of Augustus & lunch, check new 2nd Section 8 doc, Ying tel from daughter's house with grand-daughter, to rental house to have doc signed, but perhaps new lease needed. Mei and 2 sons out for delayed Lung birthday dinner. Check most emails finally, now 12:32am to go, Jun computer. Bed 1:15. #0: "Sands of Empire : Missionary Zeal, American Foreign Policy, and the Hazards of Global Ambition", by Robert W. Merry; Simon & Schuster (May 31, 2005): "" From Publishers Weekly: leads readers through two major tunnels of U.S. foreign policy, which he calls "the Idea of Progress" (aka "the End of History") and the "Cyclical View of History." "Progress" purports that Western liberal democracy is the best and final form of government. "Cyclic," on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of each individual civilization's culture combined with the innate irrationality of human nature, and says, à la Spengler, Toynbee and (more recently) Samuel P. Huntington, that any drive to impose one civilization's values upon another is likely to end in disaster. ""

Saturday, December 10, 2005 [344>US125]:11.10=[60x5+5] Mail property taxes, Mei works and dances with Hsiang's sis.

Fair cool mild: Up 5:55 then 8am, skip blog diary, to post office mailing 4 property taxes, then to hospital handing in 3 days sample, to o.h., clean car inside while they clean kitchen after lunch, then I lunch, further calculate bank accounts, 3:45-4:40 Jung-Hsiang suddenly come about her healthy test result, and also about Mei has helped Hsiang's sis to work together, and to have a boy friend, they go to a dance party together tonight. 3 of us to 99, 6pm drive home, we manage to have supper, Ch also in, then off with Jun, Mei home. Late answer [I]D on "Human Democracy vs. Evil Empire #1001". Now 12:43am, to go inside, Mei not sleeping yet. Bed 1;35.

Friday, December 09, 2005

[343>US124]:11.9=[60x5+4] #3. ": American War Crimes...", #2. "Foyle's War", #1. HumanDmcrcy. SpaceWar, EuropeAir, Globalization. Property taxes.

China's Space War, 1: China's Space War, 2: US Prison in Poland: Climate Change Problem: European air pollution: Globalization not good: Fair cool mild: Up 6:15 then 8:40. Near noon soon to o.h. for property taxes. Watch part of "Foyle's War" >#2. Ch. comes late night. Now 12:39am, after answered [C]R several and [I]D once early morning: >#1. Ch. gone, Jun computer. I bed 1:35. #1. "Human Democracy vs. Evil Empire from Rome to America #1000" "" [Tsai 05.12.10=6 #1] Here you have your say about your idea about democracy, in an IDEAL practices. Unfortunately, the reality of the American democracy IS NOT SO. It's almost unavoidable the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire. The Greek democracies, as you stated before, did not all sank into the Greek Empire. They were conquored by the Macedonian Empire. So, it seems we should prefer direct rather than representative democracies, local confederation rather than continental federation all through human history. It seems inevitable for the latter to sink into inhumanity and darkness of immorality, lies, and hypocracy... D.: I think that Rousseau's idea of "General Will" is indeed the basis for the "Social Contract" in any legitimate form of democracy. However, I see no requirement that such "general will" be expressed strictly through direct democracy as opposed to representative forms. Nor are regularly scheduled elections any less legitimate a part of the Social Contract than ad hoc elections or recalls. The concept of General Will is supposed to be expressed first and foremost in the form and structure of government, secondly in those chosen to lead it, and only in the final analysis through the actual policies pursued by the leaders of that government. "Public Opinon" differs from "General Will" in that public opinion is fickle and changes day by day, while the General Will is described as the principles of democracy within a society. The General Will is not supposed to change in response to daily headlines. It is the guiding spirt of ideology that evolves over time, but does not shift with the "mood" of the populous on specific issues. In reality, General Will can be just as often at odds as in agreement with "public opinion" on a daily basis. "" #2. "Foyle's War": "" Spring and summer 1940: World War II has just begun and England looks all but doomed in the face of an inevitable German invasion. combating the heightening anarchy along England's south coast, where the German army is expected any day. to fight crime when values and morality are shaken up and all of Europe is engaged in killing. "" Under THAT circumstance, yes, it happend: "It's war, there is no morality". #3. "In the Name of Democracy : American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond" (American Empire Project), by Jeremy Brecher, Jill Cutler, Brendan Smith; Metropolitan Books (November 1, 2005): "" From Booklist: America's war crimes are normative rather than exceptional infractions by a few low-ranking individuals, interviews, FBI documents, legal briefs, and statements by soldiers turned resisters, all offering a chilling look at how the war was begun and is currently operating. Finally, this work examines the failure of our established institutional structure to restrain the administration's war crimes. Vernon Ford Copyright © American Library Association. Book Description —photographs from Abu Ghraib; accounts of U.S. attacks on Iraqi hospitals, mosques, and residential neighborhoods; secret government reports defending unilateral aggression— eyewitness accounts, victim testimonials, statements by soldiers turned resisters and whistle-blowers, interviews with intelligence insiders, and contributions by Mark Danner and Seymour Hersh. for the first time squarely confronts the matter of American impunity. ""

Thursday, December 08, 2005

[342>US123]:11.8=[60x5+3] HK democracy, D.Ellseberg on Iraq War. Section 8 rental regulation, to o.h. property tax,

Hong Kong >Democracy: D Ellsberg-71VietIraq: Geomythology earth: Africa online tour: Arguments harming: Ancient cat lovers: Fair wind cool: Up 8:40, collect bowel w great difficulty, Jun computer, etc., Mei back 1:10 cooks lunch, so breakfast-lunch together. Section 8 tel tenant may not pay extra beyond official rental amount decision! Now 3:11pm, to o.h. to prepare to pay property taxes tomorrow. Find materials, Ying tel on 2 supplementals for mom, when finally clear boweling. Back home all in, soon supper, Ch in then off. Most emails left, Jun sleeps, now 12:16am in. Jun up computer, bed 1:35.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

[341>US122]:11.7=[60x5+2] John Lennon 25th,.Global Elite, US-India, Russia, gas to Russia, Fin-Viet, "M Collins", Movies. Med tests, Rental mailed.

John Lennon 25yr.12.8: Global Elite: Pentagon's CIFA: US Organized Crime: US to India: Russia down US: Transdnestr, Moldova gas to Russia: Finland w Vietnam: "Michael Collins": Arlo Guthrie "City of New Orleans": Movies century: A bit sunshine cloudy cold cool, late a bit rain: Up 7:20, then Mei back then off. Internet and to find rec. for blood test then eye 3-month re-check at 10:30. Now 9:55 leaving many emails of 2 days. Eyes still no medication, blood & urnie & bigone later, bank, old home lunch & xerox, with mom to Long's Section 8 mail, home: move tv nearer very nice, answer [C]R on "Michael Collins" for "The Best and the Brightest" US leaders? Then MC to [G]K. on a Milwaukee theater: Movies a century. Emails to blog then wiped out. Print [C]R 3 posts on how to be online between Taiwan & US yearly. Now 12:37am. Jun comoputer; bed 1:35.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

[340>US121]:11.6=[60x5+1] Lung 1976 birth celebration, December rent. War Propaganda, Amazon Shorts, Christmas Lighting.

US War Propaganda: "War Made Easy": Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power? Shorts: Electric Christmas US Lighting: Fair cold then cloudy cool, 1st day of 6th 60-day-cycle of lunar days since 05.2.9=3: Up 8am, later Jun out for computer, Lung (birth day, 1976- ) then Mei back cooking, 1pm lunch, then out with Jun for Lung's day food. Tenant comes to pay Dec. rent past 5th w/o penalty as required, they have decorated house front for season. How 5:34pm out to FoodMaxx. Lots of news from Taiwan, V.P. Lu to be in charge of DPP. Emails left many. Now 1:06am. Jun still computer, bed 2:05.

Monday, December 05, 2005

[339>US120]:11.5=[60x4+60] #1.Taiwan & UK Elections(2) #2."The Only True Democracy, Armed Liberty" Military Bus., Hussein, Kosovo, Urban Legend.

China < US Space Arms: US Global Military Industry: US Martial Law? DeLay Money Laundering? CIA rendition flights: Iraq Air War: IraqForces BigSetback: Saddam Hussein Trial: Independent Kosovo? Darfur Genocide: Urban Legends: Tombstone Online: Uploading files: Fair wind cold cool: Up 5:55, drive Jun to BART, then to rental house not getting S.8 lease. Mei back, off, back 11:30am simple lunch then off. Answered [C]R on US UK election, with US Taiwan >#1. Lung back 12:10pm. 2pm no lunch yet, C-SPAN2: Jeffrey Cole on Internet: tombstone! Answer [N] with "The Only True Democracy, Armed Liberty #1000" >#2-1, then lunch. Later #1001: "Down With Liars (States)!" >#2-2. Mei gets signed Section 8 lease from tenant, she vacuums, 11:18pm, earlier to retire, arrange room after vac, Jun computer. Bed 12:55. #1: Taiwan & UK Election Systems(2): "Where is the Democracy's Problems? #1001+2: US, UK, Taiwan: Brainwashing & Reasonable Standings": "" [Tsai 05.12.5=1 #1] Massachusette Democrat Rep. Barney Frank, has just talked about "Prepared Rules Changes for the U.S. House" [ , at C-SPAN. Someone has said to correct profoundly corrupting practices. Redist ] ricing reform could not rule money out, but only to limit "special interest" control. Term limits in the other hand, which only benefits special interests and bureaucrats. No gerrymandering in Taiwan, since there is no separate electorate district from national, provincial, county, or whatever boundaries. Why not, and was it invented? There is also limit to the amount of money used for campaign, I think. House is looked as a full-time job, against Founders. Ethics Committee? There is a Clean Governance Agency(?) in Hong Kong. Neighborhood district, Li, and districts within Taipei City are not served by election, I think also.. Under decades of KMT terror rule and manipulation, most Taiwanese for public works were forced to join KMT, except a few "excessively principled nuts". So the DDP Taiwanesse national goverment is swimming in the sea of KMT which is finally rising up to drown it, and which is coming back to the "Chinese" rule, after 5 years, with the help of the former Pres. Lee Teng-hui, and the former Chairman of KMT, who was expelled from his party, who is rather angry about current DDP President's timidness and so on, under the condition of media, Taiwanese, Chinese of Taiwan and of China, attack and insult of both Taiwanese Presidents. It's incredible. 1. "A tradition of professionalism within the Civil Service" is in the KMT sea. 2. "A politically-independent judiciary" is same still also? DPP influence? 3, "A free, politically independent and inquisitive press and media"?! Owned overwhelmingly by the KMT interests, and partially by China through Hong Kong. But, heavily influenced by Chinese threats and Chinese global media management. 4. "Limitations on electoral spending (so that you can't "buy" electoral success", I think there is limit, but the KMT tradition of managing votes all across and top to bottom. 5. "Politicians who are actually committed to the concept and values of democracy", Older DPP members yes: they have sacrificed themselves fighting the KMT rule into death (even whole family), prisons, etc. The resurrected and finely disguised KMT rulers (new Chairman Ma was a KMT spy reporting on Taiwanese, as a UC Berkeley student). And old KMTers dreaming of priviledged past and the great Chinse future rather than democracy. Heaven helps us! ===================== R. wrote: We get "three in one" elections periodically - they're thought to inherently slightly favour Labour. Levels of voter-turnout generally differ from election-type to election type - Highest for a national election, and progressively lower as the size of the constuency gets smaller. So, in a national election the turnout (generally about 2/3) is higest, for a county council election it's smaller, for a town council smaller still, and for a parish council hardly anyone at all votes (or cares about who wins) You'd think if you're voting for National, County and Town representatives at the same time, each party would achieve roughly the same level of success in each election type. That is, If I'm voting here in Weston-super-Mare for the "Hillside" candidate to Weston Town Council, "Weston North" Candidate to North Somerset Country Council and "Weston" candidate to Parliament, the probability is that I'd vote for the same party's candidates for all three elections - and so would most other voters. The nature of the "First past the post" electoral system (where you carve a country up into geographical areas, each of whom elects its own representative, and the party with most representatives is declared the winner) means that it's possible to be the party that got the majority of votes nationally... and to LOSE the election. Tony Blair's Labour party got FEWER votes in England than the Conservatives at the last election - but won more seats and overall victory (with the lowest number of votes cast for them in UK electoral history) The key to electoral success is "win small lose big". Let's say there are ten seats in a parliament, each of which represents 100 voters. So the total electorate is 1000 votes. You'd think that the party who gets more than 500 votes would automatically win. But that's not how it works. "Party A" gets 60 votes in six districts, and only 25 in the other four. 6x60 + 4x25 = 460 votes in total - and six out of ten seats, they win, they are the new government "Party B" Got 80 MORE votes than "Party A", and still lost. It's possible to rig elections by redrawing electoral boundaries with the aim of achieving the kind of result that "Party A" did in the above example. Assume that "poor" people are going to vote "left" and rich are going to vote "right", and you know where each lives. move a line, and you can transfer some of your votes from one electoral district to another. It's a technique invented by (or at least named after) an American politician named Eldridge Gerry. Someone looked at the newly-designed map of electoral boundaries in Massacheusetts, and declared that one district now looked "like a salamander" - His friend replied, "Not a Salamander - it's a Gerrymander". And the name stuck. Legal questions are being raised about previous "Gerrymandering" in Texas (you may recall that the Democrats ran away to prevent a quorum being formed that would allow districts to be redrawn) It seems that a sizeable chunk of Texas Democrats have dark skins, and thanks to 1960's attempts to circumvent the law insisting on the right of ALL races to participate in elections, a law was passed back them making it an offence to even TRY to interfere with "the black vote". Reducing the number of electoral districts and absorbing traditional Democrat-voting districts into several neighbouring districts - if done skillfully - can ensure that their votes are almost certainly not going to return the candidate of their choice. You can turn areas that previously always returned a candidate from one party into districts that always return candidates from the other party... and the courts seem open to the idea that this is a criminal act, if it's demonstrable that the voting rights of the "coloured" community has been damaged. Democracy is in part a willingness to accept your defeat if the other side win. "Cheating" is about as undemocratic as it gets. "Three in one" elections - because they offer a snapshot of voter-distribution when it's broken down into different electoral sub-districts - make Gerrymandering obvious. In England, the towns usually vote "left" (large towns are subdivided when it comes to National Elections - so that each MP reperesents roughly the same number of constituents. Bristol, for example, is split into five districts, four of which are held by Labour, and Bristol West by the Liberal Democrats - but for most of its history was held by the Conservatives) and the countryside votes either Conservative or Lib Dem. Deciding where the line should be drawn between "town" and "country" is thus kind of important. A prosperous "leafy suburb" that straddles - and efectively ignores - the town limits presents a problem. Should it be split, or should the electoral district's line be drawn around it? Which side? That's not a decision it's safe to leave to politicians. Too much of a temptation for the party currently in power to abuse their power by redrawing lines to water-down the opposition's vote. (A grand old political tradition in Texas - by both parties. A Texan, and former governor of Texas lecturing the world on "Democratic Values" is thus kind of ironic.) In the UK, electoral districts are under continuous review by an organisation known as "The Electoral Commission". It's run by civil servants, who make all the decisions. Civil servants are expected to display "professionalism". That is, it should be impossible to tell by their words or their actions which political party they support. Personal political allegiances should - and indeed must - be left at the door when they enter their workplace. So, I think we've identified another piece of the jigsaw - which, when completed, shows a picture entitled "what you need to run an honest democracy". Namely a tradition of professionalism within the Civil Service. From memory, the other peices were a politically-independent judiciary; a free, politically independent and inquisitive press and media; limitations on electoral spending (so that you can't "buy" electoral success); and politicians who are actually committed to the concept and values of democracy. "Holding elections" falls a LONG way short of what you need to be a democracy. I may have missed some.... "" #2-1. "The Only True Democracy, Armed Liberty #1000": "" [Tsai 05.12.5=1 #1] Isn't it really great, David, and especially Al? That's the essence of military democracy, the foundation of pure and direct, or true democracy! ==================== D. wrote: --- In [N], K.wrote: > > I think you're overestimating how pervasive the guns > are to Swiss culture. They are there but the average > joe (or Johann) would not be thinking about getting > one if they heard a funny noise downstairs. First of > all the thing is locked up tight down in the basement. > Second of all you could kill someone with one of > those things. > D.: I think you are underestimating how pervasive they are. They have big shooting ranges in every little village! People ride their bikes around with rifles strapped to their backs. Marksmanship is taught in elementary school for Christ sake! The Swiss do have much lower crime rate than we do, but don't think that guns are never used to commit them there. In 1997 there were 189 murders and attempted murders in Switzerland. Almost half of them (91) involved firearms (compared to 70% of murders in the US involving guns). The total crime figures are far lower, but the use of guns in the percentage of crimes is not that different. And, as I mentioned in another post, close to half of violent crimes in Switzerland are committed by the 20% of the population that are NOT Swiss citizens. If you are interested in the understanding how "pervasive the guns are to Swiss culture," I highly recommend the following source: Which includes: "What, asks the tourist brochure Zürich News, are the annual events that one must see in Switzerland's largest city? Under "Festivals and local customs" is the entry: "Knabenschiessen (boy's shooting contest), the oldest Zürich tradition, takes place on the second weekend in September. It consists of a shooting contest at the Albisgüetli [range] for 12 to 16 year-old boys/girls and a colorful three-day fun-fair." After that, the next big event is St. Nicholas Day in December. The Neue Zürcher Zeitung devoted an entire page to the 1996 Knabenschiessen, noting that 3,667 teens had participated and announcing the shooting "king" and "queen." Large pictures of girls and boys with assault rifles and driving bumper cars (not at the same time!) laced the page. The event has been held since 1657. I once attended a shooting match near Lucerne where the prizes--from rifles and silver cups to computers and bicycles--were on display at the local elementary school. You could see the children's art show while you were there.... In American society, firearms take on a sinister reputation from the nightly news and excessively-violent movies. In Switzerland, firearms symbolize a wholesome, community activity. The typical weekend shooting festival brings out the entire family. By the range will be a huge tent where scores or even hundreds of people are eating, drinking, and socializing.... Some 72,000 competitors participated in the Federal Schuetzenfest in Thun in 1995, making it the largest rifle shooting match in the world. (The American National Matches that year attracted only 4,000 shooters out of 260 million citizens.)... Since the founding of the Swiss Confederation in 1291, Switzerland has depended on an armed populace for its defense. William Tell used a crossbow, the armor-piercing ammo of the age, not only to shoot the apple from his son's head, but also to kill the tyrant Gessler. For centuries, the cantonal republic defeated the powerful armies of the European monarchs and kept its independence. Machiavelli wrote in 1532: "The Swiss are well armed and enjoy great freedom." "" #2-2. "The Only True Democracy, Armed Liberty #1001: Down With Liars (States)!" "" [Tsai 05.12.5=1 #2] What a good life. And, it also points to the direction of my contention that the national, federal, and all other imperial STATES have been in the midst of paranoid fear of secession, autonomy, and anarchy, for the past few centuries. Persons are far more rational than the states, constantly under the their own intrinsic organizational nature of violence and absurd stupidity of deceitful treachery and machinery waterloos. They have been outdated for quite some times now. Leave us alone babies, your times are up, and you are ridiculous!. =================== D. wrote: --- In ., ".p" <.p> wrote: > > I think the reality in Swiss culture is being explained poorly. They have guns in every home true, but they also have the most repressive > anti-gun laws in the world. The guns they are required to keep are > government property under lock and key, and a Swiss would no more > think of unlocking them for his own use, under any circumstances, > than he would think of flapping his arms and flying to the moon. > They are locked up and forgotten until authority orders them unlocked. > D.: Not quite accurate. The Swiss take their military issue rifles to the shooting ranges regularly (although they are supposed to buy and use their 7.62mm ammo at the range, keeping their military issued ammo at home for use in time of war), but their kids and family also use those assault rifles for shooting competitions. They also own their own guns and there are no ownership regulations on shotgins or rifles (including "assault rifles"). On the other hand, 15 of the 16 cantons do have regulations on handguns, requiring permits to buy them and special new "show cause" permits to carry them in public. However, as I mentioned in a previous post, it is quite common to see Swiss walking or riding bikes with a rifle (even an "assault rifle") slung over their back (mostly among those going to or from the firing ranges -- which are very popular family hang outs). >.P: There is something that American's perhaps should face. We are a violent people, and this is the root of the problem, not the > availability of our guns. D.: There is some truth in that. But it is wrong to think that places like Switzerland don't have violent crime or mass murderers either. On September 27, 2001, a lone gunman shot and killed 14 people in the cantonal parliament in Zug, near Zurich. Our media sort of missed that, since we were focused on 9/11 at the time. Of course this took place two years AFTER Switzerland introduced some tough new gun laws in 1999 that restricted the people's ability to carry concealed weapons. Prior to those new laws it would have been much more likely that at least one of those 14 victims would have able to defend themselves when the Zug parliament came under fire from a madman. "The irony is that to stop crime Switzerland is seeking to emulate the strict gun-control regulations of its neighbors, when the reverse should be the case. Neighboring Austria, France, Germany, and Italy, all with stricter gun-control laws, had murder rates during 2000 that were 21 to 112 percent higher than Switzerland's. With the exception of Austria, they all also have far higher robbery rates. Only Italy had fewer reported rapes. In England and Wales, where handguns are totally banned and few people are allowed to own rifles or shotguns, the murder rate was 68 percent higher, the rape rate 188 percent higher, and the robbery rate a staggering 493 percent higher." .P: This is anecdotal evidence so you may > judge its worth, but I have gotten roaring drunk in European bars on more occassions than modesty would allow me to admit, and I have > never, not even once, seen a bar room fight break out. D.: My anecdotal evidence is quite to the contrary. I lived in Chamonix, France (and spent a lot of time over the mountain in Switzerland and Itlay too). ""

Sunday, December 04, 2005

[338>US119]:11.4=[60x4+59] #0:Taiwan & UK Election Systems. US, Iraq, Mankind. Hakka School Taiwan Election discussion, Mei lunch. Section 8 Lease

Dr.Harold Mandel evaluation of US: Iraq to World: Mankind a Genocidal Mistake? Fair cool cloudy late: 6:15 up first, full bath, quick breakfst and few emails, while Mei rushes for elaborate Hakka School lunch, 10:45 reach: 10 around tables talk about Taiwan election with Hsu principal's cakes from Taiwan, 11:45 Mei's full lunch with wine chicken. Straight to oh mom sleeping in sofa and aBi inside: mails, arrange and find rental lease and modify Section 8 Housing lease, 5pm to the rental and give her family to sign. Home computer, supper all, emails answer [C]R's answer on UK election system with Taiwan election this time >#0, but cannot use Now 12:36pm to finish. Jun computer. Bed 1:25. #0: Taiwan & UK Election Systems: "Where is the Democracy's Problems? #1001+2: Brainwashing & Reasonable Standings": "" [Tsai 05.12.4=7 #2] We have just had a very discouraging 3-in-1 local election in Taiwan, which was filled with accusation of vote buying. Singapore and Hong Kong are famous for being not corrupt. I wonder the UK's system you mention or their system, could be applied somehow in Taiwan. One key factor in KMT's dramatic victory is also being nurtured by their control of mass media, their leaders' visit to China and the Chinese giant media support of them. There also is the factor of the new "3-in-1" system, which combines all 3 local election in 1 vote. KMT's total control of Taiwan under white terrorism of over 3 decades, has resulted in the organizational grip of town politics: they had 195 town heads (DPP 28) last time, and have won 173 (DPP 35) this time. Still very steady control, in contrast to their sudden jump to 17 from 9?"governors" and mayors (DPP 6 down from 14?}, in coordinaton with their town control. Beyond Taipei Times' [ ] story of: "" Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Ma Ying-jeou (”n‰p‹ã) was criticized yesterday by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for accompanying KMT candidates to vote "" Associated Press Stephan Grawels: [ ] "" December 4, 2005 TAIPEI -- Taiwan's opposition Nationalist Party won an overwhelming victory in island-wide municipal elections yesterday, putting it in position to push its agenda of reunification with China during the 2008 presidential campaign "" "" The Nationalists' policy is eventual reunification with rival China, from which Taiwan split in 1949. Beijing still claims sovereignty over the island and has refused to talk with Chen because it sees him as a strong supporter of Taiwanese independence, unalterably opposed to the Nationalist platform of reunification. With Chen and Ma at the forefront, the campaign has been marked by widespread allegations of vote buying and fraud. "" "" Ma strongly supported former Nationalist chairman Lien Chan's groundbreaking visit to the mainland earlier this year and expressed hope that he would be the leader to break the long-standing enmity between Taipei and Beijing in an interview with the Associated Press after his election as Nationalist chairman. "" ===================== R. wrote: [Tsai 05.12.4=7 #1] I think true democracy is possible only if one person one vote is based on equal voices in a reasonable and rational social and financial standings. The UK imposes strict limits on the amount that a candidate and his (or her) party can spend on "electioneering". If you go over the limit, the election result can be overturned, and you will be disqualified from the re-run. It happened to two (Labour) candidates about six years back. Labour had to find two replacement candidates. On the other hand, to discourage "frivolous" candidacies, you're required to be sponsored by a number of local residents (I think it's a dozen) and you have to put up a bond - called a "deposit". If you fail to get 10% of the votes cast, your deposit is not refunded. The amount isn't huge - about $1,000. And in exchange you get free postage - one election address (printed at your own expense) is delivered to each constituent for free. For each candidate your party puts up at the election, you get free "airtime" on TV - a five minute slot, shown on all channels. The more candidates, the more "slots" you get. I think you have to put up one candidate in 50% of the available seats to get any slots, and you can't have more than three. TV and radio stations are forbidden to accept any paid political adverts (or to donate any) by law. Result, if you can find 12 residents of any town or area, and can raise $1,000... you can stand for election - and if enough like-minded people do the same and you form a political party, then the amount of publicity you'll get won't depend on the amount of money you raised. It's potentially open to abuse - About 15 years back, Sir James Goldsmith funded an entire political party out of his own pocket, which stood in one election (and lost its deposit in every seat they fought). But that's the only example I can recall in my lifetime. ""

Saturday, December 03, 2005

[337>US118]:11.3=[60x4+58] Taiwan Vote Big Pro-China Victory. To o.h. med test, "Langtaosh"Ch.8:Hakka army. #0 "Postwar" Europe. US 911&Iraq, Vnzl

US 911 Plans: US Iraq DeathSquads? Venezuelan Defiance: Venezuela Next War?: VnzlOilfield by Iran: Andean Ancient Canal: Cascadian Hope: Fair cool mild: Up 6:20, Taiwan Election waterloo, quick breakfast to o.h. Drive mom to hopital to hand-in 2 test smples, back o.h., aBi vacuums, get to mails, lunch and NHKtv's excellent Hokkaido folk song concert. Then "Langtaosha", Chap.8: Wu-yah-jin Battle: after the Japanese army easily occupied or welcomed in Taipei in May 1895, they moved south welcomed by Banchio population and encountered and attacked by the Hakka volunteer army, who had had good fight against the French army in 1884, from Vietnam, in Keelung. They had evolved from defence against the head-hunting aboriges. Was it related to the Jien-juk-vo Battle mentioned by Jan-tong go? To Radio Shack & Office Max for fax film & tel batteries, home supper, Jun absent? Emails short answer [C]R on democracy problem of official brainwashing (as in Taiwan). 2 already bed, 12:40 Jun home with Ch, when here. Now 12:51am. Jun room bright. Bed 1:35. Tony Judt, author of "Postwar" [#0] says at BookTV that almost only Europe could be the model of ideal society, polity for the rest of the world, yet the Europeans talks among themselves, at the time of very necessary juncture, and it is very unfortunate, and European nations, except the UK, are for the first time responsible for their societies, not just about defense. #0: "Postwar : A History of Europe Since 1945", by Tony Judt; Penguin Press HC, The (October 6, 2005): 1. Author: "" T.R. Reid, author of The United States of Europe: Prof. Judt knows more about contemporary Europe than almost any American (or any European, for that matter). "" "" Tony Judt was born in London in 1948. He was educated at King's College, Cambridge, and the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, and has taught at Cambridge, Oxford, Berkeley, and New York University, where he is currently the Erich Maria Remarque Professor of European Studies and Director of the Remarque Institute, which is dedicated to the study of Europe and that he founded in 1995. ""

Friday, December 02, 2005

[336>US117]:11.2=[60x4+57] #0: Terrorism's US Origin:R Dreyfuss. Democracy, & Business:M Rothbard, Lies, Aspartame:Rummy. TaiwanElection Waterloo.

Democracy: Illiberal democracy: MRothbard, libertarianism's foremost theorist: TorturingDeath True: Vietnam War Deceits: Al Franken:TheTruth: Lies& theLyingLiars: Latin American Arms: UK WestminsterAbbey: Aspartame Legalized: Climate Change Plan: Fair cool mild: Up 6:10, 8:45, 11:15 Mei back for egg then off, [C]R's personal experience with Aspartame above. From " Daily Dispatch" >#1. Mei back late then for lunch, answer [I]D. about "Illiberal democracy" etc., answer [C]R. about "Aspartame" legalization from "Rummy". Midnight TV starts Taiwan Election counting. Now 1:02am, Taiwan local election results coming out since mid-night, or Taiwan's 12.3=6 4pm. 1:11am in, Jun party out and back 2am, Taiwan Election shows Waterloo coming! Bed 2:15. #0: The US Origin of Terrorism: 0. Robert Dreyfuss: ""Based in Washington, D.C., Robert Dreyfuss has written extensively on Iraq, the war on terrorism, and national security for The Nation, The American Prospect, and Rolling Stone, and is a frequent commentator on NPR, MSNBC, and CNBC."" 1. "The Insurgencies Are Winning": 2. "Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam" (American Empire Project); Metropolitan Books (November 3, 2005): "" From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. One of the CIA's first great moments of institutional reflection occurred in 1953, after American covert operatives helped overthrow Iran's left-leaning government and restored the Shah to power. The agency, then only six years old, had funded ayatollahs, mobilized the religious right and engineered a sophisticated propaganda campaign to successfully further its aims, Dreyfuss details a history of American support—sometimes conducted with startling blindness, sometimes, tacitly through proxies—for Islamic radicals in Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Syria. At times, the assistance occurred openly through the American private sector, as Dreyfuss describes in a fascinating digression on Islamic banking. "" "" Book Description The first complete account of America’s most dangerous foreign policy miscalculation: sixty years of support for Islamic fundamentalism: He follows the trail of American collusion from support for the Muslim Brotherhood in 1950s Egypt to links with Khomeini and Afghani jihadists to cooperation with Hamas and Saudi Wahhabism. Dreyfuss also uncovers long-standing ties between radical Islamists and the leading banks of the West. ""

Thursday, December 01, 2005

[335>US116]:11.1=[60x4+56] Free, Left Behind. #0:New Crusader. VT, tinySun, Africa. Ma 3 tests, 2 recds. "Langtaosha"7: Execute Chang Gachi 1895?

Freedom w/o State: E.Kazan,Anarchist: A Cascadian Flag: Vermont Independence: EU anti-trrr plns: Austria Immgrtion: "Neoliberalism": Bush vs. Murtha: Signs of Empire: & Lee Kwan Yew?: & Left Behind??: forRight-Winger: Tiny Solar System: Africa References: Antivirus Hoax: Soon rain, off only evening, mildly cool: Up 7:30, Jun soon computer also off again from being not well, Mei back later walks to rental house as I was tel toilet out of order, fast breakfast, then straight to o.h., then immediately to Wash. Hospital for mom blood & spum & X-ray test, apply dad's and my medical record (mom's is excellent.). To Wash. Vascular payment, then to Chaojow lunch. Old home: "Langtaosha" Chap.7: Japanese army occupied Taipei quickly in 1895, Ching soldiers from China run away to south with incredible destruction (rather than what I thought that they were attacked and killed by Taiwanese w/o any apparent reasons, as in our hometown.) Then they occupied Hsinchu w/o welcoming as in Taipei, attacked from 18-Jien Mt. A landlord helped tenants to attack, and was about to be executed but saved by Dr. McKay, the Canadian doctor from Tamsui to the Japanese head in Taipei. The landlord is probably Chang Gachi, our dad and grand-dad's best friend and neighbor in Hsinju. His family is one of three families of the novel, another one is that of Jong Dunglan. Food O'Maxx to home here. Staight to [N] posts one by one again until 1am! Jun also with computer. 1am all in. Bed 1:45. #0: "Bush's Newest Crusader", William Fisher; December 01, 2005: "" the appointment of Paul Bonicelli to be deputy director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which is in charge of all programs to promote democracy and good governance overseas. "" Bonicelli is dean of academic affairs at tiny Patrick Henry College in rural Virginia. The fundamentalist institution's motto is "For Christ and Liberty." It requires that all of its 300 students sign a 10-part "statement of faith" declaring, among other things, that they believe "Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, is God come in the flesh;" that "Jesus Christ literally rose bodily from the dead"; and that hell is a place where "all who die outside of Christ shall be confined in conscious torment for eternity." "" "" he and his institution enjoy close ties to the Bush administration and to fundamentalist religious groups that form such a critical part of the president's base. Many Patrick Henry students have been chosen to serve as interns working for White House political adviser Karl Rove, for the White House Office of Public Liaison, and for Republican members of the House and Senate. "Most students' values don't link up with [those of] the Democrats," Bonicelli says. "" "" What's wrong with this picture is that the USAID programs Bonicelli will run are important weapons in the arsenal of Bush's new public diplomacy czarina, White House confidante Karen Hughes. These programs are intended to play a central role in boosting Bush's efforts to foster democracy and freedom in Iraq and throughout the broader Middle East. One can only wonder how Muslims, the target audience for these USAID programs, will react to the view that "all who die outside of Christ shall be confined in conscious torment for eternity." ""