
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Monday, February 28, 2005

2005[#59].2.28=1:4703.1.20[#20/60]: 1,2, 3)Oil, Lat.Am."Alternative", Water <> USA. 4)"Superpower Myth".

Nice weather: up 5:20am! so rushed to the hospital hair being re-checked (no hair could be pulled, very nice this time) and also had my skin below knees and toe nails examined with no problem. Went to Moore's Jeniffer about annuity not closed (has to be done by April 15), no info could be found there, and about Living Trust, I have to filled out many forms I hav joined already! To house and discovered the sprinkler is leaking, removed boards from next to house for sun shining, then to home adjusted window screens for sunshine, emails answering [DDN] about activities & blog, and blog now at 11:19am. 12:38pm leaving soon as mom wants to buy chairs. Then remembered I had appointment with eye doctor. Told 2:40 for 20 minutes, but it lasted until 4:30pm? Then to US Bk & Bk of Am, to house, pushed garbage and recycle carts out. But, Mei passed by to pick up Jun, told me they had to go to home, apparently she closed account there. Now 7:11pm, going o.h. soon, dinner, bed 12:05. 1) Oil <> USA: "Petrodollars -- Why Iran Is Next Target of PNAC", by WILLIAM CLARK, Feb. 28, 2005: "" The Iranians are about to commit an "offense" far greater than Saddam Hussein's conversion to the euro of Iraq's oil exports in the fall of 2000. "" "" William Clark is the author of?an award-winning essay published online in early 2003 entitled: 'The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War with Iraq: A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth.?br>? [21] , also published by Global Research at [22] This essay received a 2003 roject Censored?award, and was published in the book, Censored 2004) [18] This pre-war essay hypothesized that Saddam sealed his fate when he announced in September 2000 that Iraq was no longer going to accept dollars for oil being sold under the UN oil-for-food program, and switch to the euro as Iraq oil export transaction currency. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Below is a description of this author upcoming book: (Available spring 2005.) Petrodollar WarfareOil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar "" 2) An Alternative in Latin America <> USA: (1)"We have to invent Socialism of the 21st Century", President Hugo Chavez Frias, published Feb. 27, 2005; Bylined to: Patrick J. O'Donoghue: "" Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias has called on attendees at the 4th Social Debt Summit in Caracas to help invent 21st century Socialism and reject scraps thrown from the tables of Capitalist countries aid programs. "That kind of aid is conditioned ... they took it away from Venezuela and what a favor they have done us ... the USA has said no, Venezuela does not deserve aid ... we don't n-e-e-d it and are not asking for any." Simon Bolivar, Chavez Frias says, would have ended up a socialist. Referring to the development of his own thought, Chavez Frias admits that he dabbled with the third way solution as an alternative model but is now thinking long different paths because of experience, the road traveled and encouragement. "" (2) "Latin America’s contagious desire to be master of our own destiny!", Elio Cequea, published Feb. 27, 2005; Bylined to: Elio Cequea: "" commentarist Elio Cequea writes: Indeed there is an epidemic throughout Latin America these days. It is the contagious desire to be something we have never been: the master of our own destiny. For 500 years we have been pulled, pushed and forced to move in the same direction the wind was blowing. "" 3) Water & Immigrants(?) <> USA: "WATER: AMERICA’S LOOMING CRISIS", By Frosty Wooldridge, February 26, 2005; "" At a whopping 36 million on its way to 56 million people in the next 30 years, California leads the nation as the site of the next water crisis. In Arizona, it’s so hot and dry, a man can’t spit on a 110 degree summer day. Like lemmings jumping over a cliff, Colorado follows as it doubles its population by four million people at mid century. In a recent documentary, "THIRST," by Deborah Kaufman and Alan Snitow, the filmmakers explain how scarce supplies will cause water costs to rival oil prices as global corporations take over public resources. "" "" Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents in the past 26 years. He has written hundreds of articles (regularly) for 17 national and 2 international magazines. He has had hundreds of editorials published in top national newspapers including the Rocky Mountain News, Denver Post, Albany Herald and Christian Science Monitor. His first book, "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" by Falcon Press is available nationwide. His second book "STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE" by the Brookfield Reader published in January 2002. His bicycle books include "BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD." His latest book. ‘IMMIGRATION’S UNARMED INVASION—DEADLY CONSEQUENCES.’ Frosty Wooldridge has guest lectured at Cornell University, teaching creative writing workshops, magazine writing at Michigan State University, and has presented environmental science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver and Regis University. He also lectures on "Religion and Ethics" at Front Range College in Colorado. Website: "" 4) "The Superpower Myth": "The Superpower Myth: The Use and Misuse of American Might", by Nancy Soderberg: "" Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly A former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. and Clinton foreign policy adviser, Soderberg offers this cogent study of the unilateralism that she believes has taken over American foreign policy and military intervention. The argument that ignoring U.S. allies (and even neutrals) interferes with the administration's own stated goals of peace and increased democracy is familiar, but Soderberg's deep knowledge of the mechanics of diplomacy, as well as of the players and issues, allows her to assess recent moves in depth ""

Sunday, February 27, 2005

2005[#58].2.27=7:4703.1.19[#19/60]: P. moved car across. 1,2,3)Russia, Oil, "New Threats"<>USA. 2)USA<>Media.

Nicely cloudy, rain coming evening: Drove mom to Art Sale at Crown Plaza for frame, because of Ju/Jung sisters' competition according to mom, then to Korean Tofu again to Yung-ho supt. Late afternoon back to o.h., drove to house when rain was sneaking in, so dragged soil around house for over one hour? P. came and responded to my request and moved his car from front across the street. Back home wet from sweat to bath. Lung's girl friend came for 2nd time? Emails & topics. Now 8:28pm, leaving for o.h. in big rain, rather big dinner, to bed 12:55! 1) Russia <> USA: "New Cold War and US-Russian Bratislava Summit", By K Gajendra Singh, Al-Jazeerah, February 24, 2005: "" US bid to subjugate the whole world to its will by force has run aground in the Iraqi quagmire by the resistance and US does not know how to come out of this . Strategically, Russia with growing support from most former Turkic republics in Central Asia , China and others is moving to stop the march of western capitalism and US power , which has given the world Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and Fallujah . The talk by US leaders of liberty , elections and democracy sounds like a sick joke. US occupation forces have created a Green Zone around Saddam’s Palaces in Baghdad (how the US media used to denigrate their construction). In Beirut , a massive US embassy structure has been built . In Amman , before the author left Jordan , he was struck by the new massive US embassy , which could house a military division or more . With military bases in Iraq, is US trying to run the region from military bases in Iraq and embassy safe heavens .The Pakistani army had tried it in Bangladesh in 1971 and faced with local opposition and insurgency, failed miserably . My favourite philosopher Diogenes , the cynic would have said .What an achievement by Ben laden. He brought down communism to its knees with help from western capitalism , conservative US client states in the Gulf and elsewhere , China and Pakistan with ISI , a state within a state. And after organising September 11 attacks on US symbols of economic and military might , he is now succeeding in bringing Russia in the fight against US led western domination by force. That Muslim masses almost everywhere hate USA is some achievement. "" 2) Oil <> USA: "The Real Threat Coming from Iran", Posted by caseykhan at February 23, 2005 12:47 PM: "" Iran is proposing to develop something far more threatening to Bush interests than nuclear capability, WMD's, or even terrorists. According to this interesting article by William Clark, Iran has been planning to set up an international oil exchange denominated in the Euro currency. What needs to be understood is that if the world begins to primarily price crude in Euro, America will suffer as a net importer of the product, which incidentally will harm American corporate profits. The Iranian example as argued by Clark will be just like many US wars in the past. As Smedley Butler argued war is essentially the ultimate form of corporate welfare. The world is starting to ask the important question of why should we hedge oil with dollars instead of the more valuable euro? Iraq talked about it. Iran now is talking about it. Russia's hinting at it. Why does this development have the US government and its special interests all in a tizzy? Well to put it simply the entire warfare welfare state is at stake. If the dollar collapses, inevitibly so does the American empire and the free ride it has been enjoying on the rest of the world. Iraq and Iran may have never declared war on the people of the US, but by deciding to switch to Euro's they have effectively declared war on the US socialist state. According to Clark: "" 3) "New Threats" <> USA: "FBI Forecasts New Threats to the United States", February 24, 2005, by Jim Kouri, CPP: "" The FBI forecasts that sub-national and non-governmental entities will play an increasing role in world affairs for years to come, presenting new “asymmetric” threats to the United States. In a report to the National Association of Chiefs of Police, FBI officials claim that although the United States will continue to occupy a position of economic and political leadership — and although other governments will also continue to be important actors on the world stage — terrorist groups, criminal enterprises, and other non-state actors will assume an increasing role in international affairs. Nation states and their governments will exercise decreasing control over the flow of information, resources, technology, services, and people. "" 4) USA <> Media: "Dead Messengers: How the U.S. Military Threatens Journalists", By Steve Weissman. "t r u t h o u t Investigation, Part I: Hearing What Eason Jordan Said", Thursday 24 February 2005: "" Do American soldiers purposely kill journalists, as CNN's Eason Jordan supposedly said? Or, could the problem be even worse? ""

Saturday, February 26, 2005

2005[#57].2.26=6:4703.1.18[#18/60]: Mei&Lung Problem. 1)Linux & Redux. 2)James Baldwin 80.

Cloudy comfort: Got to sofa near noon as usual at o.h. for diary/2 calender books/mails, but started to note important events on monthly page at the start of diary (as dad did on calendars, very helpful). Came home, lunch. Emails > topics / tv, Mei asked me about what I was doing with computer (discovered my blog on her yesterday?), Mei fixed Lung's room?, after long, long time of no similar incidence, Lung got very excited with scream about out-of-place documents for important education test(?) and trashing back just for a short time. P. tel evening still wanting to rent and definitely refused by Mei, now 7:06pm already. Going o.h. soon, 7:17pm. O.h. for "Winter sonata", to bed 12:10. 1) "LinuxWorld and the Nonprofit World (Redux)", by Deborah at 02:50PM (EST) on February 25, 2005: 2) James Baldwin, 80 years old: (1) "The fire last time: A Reconsideration of the Career of James Baldwin", Henry Louis Gates: Excerpts from "New Republic", June 1, 1992, Vol. 206, Issue 22, p. 37, 6 pages: "" Visiting James Baldwin in Europe In 1973 I was 22 years old, an eager young black American journalist doing a story for Time, visiting Baldwin at his home just outside the tiny, ancient walled village of St. Paul de Vence, nestled in the alpine foothills that rise from the Mediterranean Sea. The air carried the smells of wild thyme and pine and centuries-old olive trees. The light of the region, prized by painters and vacationers, at once intensifies and subdues the colors, so that the terra-cotta tile roofs of the buildings are by turns rosy pink, rust brown, or deep red. Baldwin's house was situated among shoulder-high rosemary hedges, grape arbors, acres of peach and almond orchards, and fields of wild asparagus and strawberries; "" (2) "On Saturday, February 26 at 5:45 pm: "Native Sons: A Friendship that Created One of the Greatest Works of the 20th Century: Notes of a Native Son", Sol Stein Watch "" Description: Sol Stein is an author playwright, and editor. His discusses his book "Native Sons:" "" (3) "Native Sons : A Friendship that Created One of the Greatest Works of the 20th Century: Notesof a Native Son", by JAMES BALDWIN, SOL STEIN, "" Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly Legendary writer/editor/publisher Stein (The Magician; How to Grow a Novel) gives readers a backstage pass to the production of Baldwin’s landmark essay collection Notes of A Native Son in this compilation of letters and memories. ""

Friday, February 25, 2005

2005[#55].2.24=4:4703.1.16[#16/60]: P. finished dirty. [Copyright] 1)China > USA.

[Copyright] "Fair Use Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers): An EFF FAQ", Last updated: 6:00pm PST, 2002-03-21: "Copyright & Fair Use: B. Measuring Fair Use: The Four Factors", Stanford University Libraries: A bit dark cloudy cool: Up very early. P. tel for clipper, so walked over and back, then he came, only 2 guys backyard. Requsted extra $300, $250, $200? Refused. Then home for emails, etc. Tel so went there again, gangs ready to leave with dirt & some holes, paid remaining $300 cash and left. 4?-6pm swept, filled some soil in front right next to water outlet, then covered them up with extra roof remains? then with long boards front and back near house, since it was darkly cloudy, forcast was rain would start on Sunday. Mei coughed rather violently again (early morning) after advised by her teacher to come home. 12:48am. Bed 1:50. 1) China > USA: "Setting the Stage for a New Cold War: China's Quest for Energy Security", Report Drafted By:Chietigj Bajpaee, PINR, Feb. 25, 2005:

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

2005[#53].2.22=2:4703.1.14[#14/60]: P. came night giving up house.

Cloudy then fair late: up late, Mei tel she isn't well with nose blood & cold(?) and a person is working at house. Still finished breakfast/dentistry fast, 11am to house: nobody but driveway car gone and white small water pipe(?) lying in ditches around front yard. So went home for diary, 2 calendar books, then lunch, while Lung home for a while, emails not too much any more. Mei came home evening then to BART station picking Jun home, Lung home right after. Penny came, then Mei and I walked to house: Penny told us up front he would move to other house giving up ours, front yard center ditch with water gone, backyard added new ditch along house for water pipe to be bought by us tomorrow. Penny's father first time and one another man also there, Penny wanted $500, then $500 after work finished tomorrow, I insisted and wrote a check for $300 first, he wished for cash $700 after work finished. Home for dinner/tv/emails then this blog, now 11:28pm, for bed.

Monday, February 21, 2005

2005[#52].2.21=1:4703.1.13[#13/60]: Everyone back. To get rid off P. 1)Eurabia. 2)Gobal Warming twice bad. 3)Star-Quake.

Sun then dark cloud then rain, fair: lost sleep but up earlier, tel & fax payment & adding to house mortgage's principal payment, Mei tel for P.'s tel#. Drove under expanding black cloud, house under rain, Mei appear. Home Mei suddenly wants P. off, lunch, emails a bit then back to yesterday's blog and this blog as topic appearing, now 5:10pm. Forcibly rush through emails. 8:10pm for o.h. Mom was tired and tel Ju to take her to Chinese doctor tomorrow, bed 1am. 1) Eurabia: (0) EU: "EU Constitution: Where member states stand": (1) " The emerging 'Eurabia' ", By Diana West, Washington Times, News World Communications, Published February 18, 2005: ''" It was just a coincidence that "Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis" appeared in the mail the same day a New York Times article on the subject of Eurabia landed on the doorstep. "Eurabia," the long-awaited book by Bat Ye'or, is a comprehensive, even overwhelming and absolutely shocking explication of how and why it is that Europe is transforming itself into what the Egyptian-born historian calls "a new geopolitical entity " Eurabia." The New York Times article, on the other hand, a muddled analysis by Craig S. Smith about the "fear of Islamists" and the "far right" in Belgium, is one more illustration of how desperately Bat Ye'or's trail-blazing work is needed. Few of us have the long-view vision to make sense of the sweep of history as it smokes past our eyes; Bat Ye'or, as a historian of Islam, and, in particular, the dhimmi (the non-Muslim peoples who live as second-class citizens under Islamic rule), has precisely the laser-lens required. She also has the fortitude of the historian/gumshoe to wade through the stacks of articles, memoranda and conference declarations generated by something called the Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD). Created 30-odd years ago at the instigation of France and the Arab League, the practically unknown EAD has provided structural and theoretical underpinnings to a Euro-Arab axis " Eurabia. These have fostered the political, economic and cultural bonds between Europe and the Arab world that Bat Ye'or maintains were designed to create "a global alternative to American power." How? Very basically " and this is detailed in the book " by shepherding a meeting of Euro-Arab minds, first and foremost, on the Arab League war on Israel. This would come about in exchange for freely flowing Arab oil into Europe, which would come about in exchange for freely flowing Muslim immigration into Europe, which would come about in exchange for research and development and labor and education and tourism and cultural ties between the Europe and the Arab world... which would all come about with an increasing independence of, and, indeed, hostility toward America. "" (2) "The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude : Seventh-Twentieth Century", by Bat Ye'or "" LAND OF ISLAM, A 'VALLEY FULL OF DITCHES' 2 KINGS 3:16, January 5, 2005, Reviewer: W. Lumm - See all my reviews Elisha prophesied to the King of Judah, Jehoshaphat, that he would not see wind nor rain, yet G-d would miraculously fill that dry, famished, war-ridden land with water giving sustenance and victory to Judah over the invading Moabites/Edomites. G-d deceived the Moabites because when they looked into the ditches, they did not see water but blood, and thought their victory was ensured, or so they thought. The reality within Dar al-Islam, however, for peoples of other faiths, most resembles ditches full of their bodies and shed blood which can be found in two photographs in this book of Armenians killed in 1915. Of course, massacres didn't happen all of the time, yet look today at the Sudan or Israel where conflicts of some sort, these days, happen fairly frequently. Bashir Gemayel was the president-elect of Lebanon who was assasinated on September 14, 1982. By faith, a Maronite Christian, he was the originator of the concept and word dhimmitude to describe the complexities of the dhimmis' (the peoples, non-muslim) world within Islamic lands. His aim, once in office, was to rid Lebanon of PLO guerrillas, especially at the border of Israel. He's only briefly mentioned in Bat Ye'Or's Introduction and notes whose work for 30 years has been on this subject; so, I supply you with that bit of trivia. This book has had my name on it for some time, yet I set it aside because I knew it would require time and concentration to faithfully digest the contents. I purchased my copy from Bat Ye'Or herself when she was in Boston speaking at a small gathering of people where I was the only christian. Of the books for sale, this book was recommended to me. This book is ancient history like I never learned it, yet the contents are applicable to today's situation also. I have to admit I had biases of my own before I read this book which were only confirmed and elaborated on in this book. This book, I would think, should be read by seminary students because it sheds light on the state of christianity before and during the advent of Islam. It seems that the christian world prior to 600 A.D. was riddled with factions, disputes, corruption, possibly, (I think), after the Roman emperor Constantine declared christianity the official religion of Rome in 332 A.D.. At the time of Muhammad in 622 A.D., there seemed to be two predominate factions within christianity, Nestorian (Persia) and Monophysite (elsewhere). Muhammad took advantage of dissatisfied and oppressed christianized arab marauders and nomads in the first Islamic wave of conquests and enlisted them in his ranks to overturn an oppressive yoke of christian administrators/tax collectors. So, it seems to me, that Islam was a reactionary movement against injustices suffered under Christian rule, yet, not all christians were as corrupt as their own overseers, and yet, christians and everyone else became victims of a new, unjust, and oppressive regime. Proverbially, out of the frying pan, into the fire. Yet, it is not wise to generalize, and Bat Ye'Or, to her credit, never does. That's an amazing feat given the amount of information from so many centuries, so many cultures, so many different situations. This book is not a speed read, but it is very thorough, very comprehensive. It is thought provoking, and I think muslims would not be offended by her fair-minded analyses. When I first tried to read this book, I only made it to the third chapter. Second time around, I read the last half, first, which contains documents and letters from non-muslim and muslim persons describing life of the dhimmis in the dar al-Islam, land of Islam. Reading it this way made the bulk of the book, in the first half, easier to comprehend. This book was highly recommended to me, and I highly recommend it to others. I also suggest reading from the biblical book of Daniel, Chapter 2(Nebuchadnezzar's dream, his statue), and Chapter 8 (Daniel's vision). The split of the Roman empire is depicted in the legs of the statue, (I think). Daniel's vision is interpreted as a conflict between Persia and Greece (Asia vs. Europe) which had been ongoing centuries before Daniel was born and continued for many centuries after Christ's birth. More homework I give you! "" 2) Global Warming twice bad: " Global Warming Is 'Twice As Bad As Previously Thought' ", By Steve Connor, The Independent U.K., Thursday 27 January 2005: "" Global warming might be twice as catastrophic as previously thought, flooding settlements on the British coast and turning the interior into an unrecognisable tropical landscape, the world's biggest study of climate change shows. Researchers from some of Britain's leading universities used computer modelling to predict that under the "worst-case" scenario, London would be under water and winters banished to history as average temperatures in the UK soar up to 20C higher than at present. "" 3) "Huge 'star-quake' rocks Milky Way": "" The position of SGR1806-20 in a radio image of the sky - 50,000 light-years awayAstronomers say they have been stunned by the amount of energy released in a star explosion on the far side of our galaxy, 50,000 light-years away. ""

2005[#51].2.20=7:4703.1.12[#12/60]: Drove for mom's shopping, family back from LA & Skiing.

Cloudy cool then moderate: mom complained about dizziness again so drove for Chinese doctor near Lion supr thinking about one near May Flower mall missing him. First lunch at Far Fragrance, then searched for dishes and bowls necessay for long, long time, reading newspapers in car. Then to Little Taipei mall's regular Sea's Middle Heaven supper of steamed live yellow fish, and sweet mochi next door, reading again there while mom bought food next door. Drove o.h., Lung tel on way. At o.h., old "Graduate" movie again in addition to NHKtv programs, Mei tel angrily about home's garage side door not locked. Really late 1:15 and lost sleep.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

2005[#49].2.18=5:4703.1.10[#10/60]: DISAPPEARED:Jun2&Mei to L.A. [Vlog] [HDpartition] 1).US Intelligence Chief. 2)Asian Currency?

This blog was a full-scale minute diary and multiple topics, including a rich topic on the US Intelligence Chief. It was done for the first time without any "Save as Draft" until the last minute for "Publish Post". Then it disappeared responding to log in! Cloudy then fine day for Mei to rush back and jump to join Jun and Christine in the latter's car to Los Angeles, still early morning. Then, dog-bitten Fujita came soon after tel. leading me to drive before his car to the Social Security office for Medicare which he has contrary to his statement this morning. So he left again to request his Washinton Hospital emergency bill of last Saturday over $700? to the Medicare agency. On the way to home, digged deeper the ditch from behind right side house for water to flow further away, using Penny's heavy iron stick. Lung would be home late night. Late again to old house(o.h.). 8:45am? - 12:10am.

2005[#50].2.19=6:4703.1.11[#11/60]: Home alone for #49&50. [Blog] [Vlog] [RSS]

[Blog]: ""February 19, 2005: Dropping Knowledge: [Global/Knowledge Sharing]A wonderful website and endeavor with a unique message and perspectives on our worldview. In their words, ``Dropping Knowledge is a global audio visual resource with the aim of preserving, expanding and sharing our planet`s knowledge.`` Intriguing experiment on ``Exploring Minds``. Why not share your perspective too?"" [Vlog]: ""Welcome to the vBlog Central Service! vBlog Central is a service that makes it easy to post video (and audio and pictures) to your existing blog. We host your video content and display it in whatever format your users want. It's transparent and easy. "" [RSS]: ""Tapestry is a series of RSS feeds for online comics. They help you keep up to date from within your favourite news aggregator, especially if you happen to miss a few days."": Cloudy then rain, rain: [[just finished #49, yesterday's blog diary, past 6pm.]] Back to 1pm? From o.h. drove first to pick up mom's laundry at heavy rain, to home alone as Lung has gone for Lake Tahoe skiing with a bus-full. Full bath, lunch, emails keeping some urls for this blog's technical record. Rush back to o.h. thinking "Winter Sonata" started at 6pm. Ying tel. mom already, late for o.h.: bed 12:25am.

Friday, February 18, 2005

2005[#48].2.17=4:4703.1.9[#9/60]:Cf.Router 1)DDN:Development/Empires. 2)Global Warming. 3)China, India-Iran+> US. 4)Iraq War for Israel?To End? 5)911?

Router: "Netgear DG834 V2 ADSL Router" Cloudy cool then moderate: up around 7:30am? Emails is back right away, and starting topics below. 5pm to house in rain, young Asian couple took a look and left immediately after my answer on rental, as has almost always happens so far on tel also, alas! Mei will not reduce it. Just past 1am. Another day, waiting for tomorrow's long-waited trip to the Indian casino at Brooks by mom. 1) DDN Groups & Global Development/(6)Empires: (0) Digital Divide Network blog community: (1) "Village Phone Program: Innovating with technology...inititating with program partners", : "" The Grameen Technology Center is replicating the success of the Grameen Village Phone Program in Bangladesh, one of the greatest success stories in international development. In rural villages where no telecommunications services have previously existed, cellular phones are provided via a sustainable financing mechanism to very poor women who use the phone to operate a business. The Grameen Technology Center has initiated the replication, establishing a joint venture with MTN Uganda to create MTN villagePhone. Over 1,100 village phone businesses are now up and running in remote villages of Uganda with more being added every day. "" (2) "About Grameen", Grameen Communications, last Modified on 29-January-2005: "" When we started giving out tiny loans under a system which later became known as the Grameen Bank, we never imagined that one day we would be reaching hundreds of thousands, let alone four million, borrowers. Grameen BankProvides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh without any collateral. At Grameen Bank, credit is a cost effective weapon to fight poverty and it serves as a catalyst in the overall development of socio-economic.. Grameen FamilyThere are now more than two dozen organizations within the Grameen family of enterprises. These include the replication and research activities of Grameen Trust, handloom enterprises of Grameen Uddog and fisheries pond management by Grameen Motsho or the Fisheries Foundation. More about Grameen Family.. "" (3) "Local Languages Demand More Space on the Internet", African Woman and Child Feature Service (Nairobi), February 17, 2005, Posted to the web February 16, 2005, by Arthur Okwemba, Nairobi: "" A bid to have African languages join the likes of English and French in the Internet is being blocked by information experts from the West as lacking in commercial value. A group of African linguistics and technology experts at a recent African Regional Preparatory Conference for the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) in Accra, Ghana, say they have already developed special characters that can now help these languages be used on the World Wide Web. "" (4) 1. "The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid:, By and : "" Low-income markets present a prodigious opportunity for the world�s wealthiest companies � to seek their fortunes and bring prosperity to the aspiring poor. With the end of the Cold War, the former Soviet Union and its allies, as well as China, India, and Latin America, opened their closed markets to foreign investment in a cascading fashion. Although this significant economic and social transformation has offered vast new growth opportunities for multinational corporations (MNCs), its promise has yet to be realized. First, the prospect of millions of �middle-class� consumers in developing countries, clamoring for products from MNCs, was wildly oversold. To make matters worse, the Asian and Latin American financial crises have greatly diminished the attractiveness of emerging markets. As a consequence, many MNCs worldwide slowed investments and began to rethink risk�reward structures for these markets. This retreat could become even more pronounced in the wake of the terrorist attacks in the United States last September. The lackluster nature of most MNCs� emerging-market strategies over the past decade does not change the magnitude of the opportunity, which is in reality much larger than previously thought. The real source of market promise is not the wealthy few in the developing world, or even the emerging middle-income consumers: It is the billions of aspiring poor who are joining the market economy for the first time. "" 2. "" Editorial Reviews From the Back Cover The world's most exciting, fastest-growing new market? It's where you least expect it: at the bottom of the pyramid. Collectively, the world's billions of poor people have immense entrepreneurial capabilities and buying power. You can learn how to serve them and help millions of the world's poorest people escape poverty. It is being done—profitably. Whether you're a business leader or an anti-poverty activist, business guru Prahalad shows why you can't afford to ignore "Bottom of the Pyramid" (BOP) markets. "" (4) World Economic Forum: "the foremost community of world leaders: We bring together leaders from all walks of life and every part of the globe": "" Our members represent the world’s 1,000 leading companies, along with 200 smaller businesses, many from the developing world, that play a potent role in their industry or region. However, our members are more than just influential, talented and powerful people. Many are also innovative and inspiring individuals who challenge conventional thinking and are committed to making the world a better place. Reflecting our belief that no single group can tackle major global challenges unilaterally, we are not just partners to business. We also work closely with communities of leaders from academia, government, religion, the media, non-governmental organizations and the arts. "" (5) "Report from Davos: Bridging the Digital Divide":,15935,1024216,00.html "" Corporate leaders, government officials, and researchers at the conference shared ideas on how technology can improve the lives of the world's poor.FORTUNEThursday, February 3, 2005 By David Kirkpatrick Longtime readers know that bringing technology to the developing world is one of my personal passions, which is why I was heartened to hear at this year World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, last week that others share my passion. In fact, I moderated two sessions that addressed how to make technology available to the world's poor as a way to improve their standard of living. One was on how to provide the poor with broadband connections, so that they can truly participate in the global economy. The other examined ways companies—and research centers—are creating affordable technology to bridge the digital divide. "" (6) "Confession of an Economic Hit Man", by John Perkins: Cf. " Tuesday, February 08, 2005: [05#39] 2.8=2=12.30=#60: Lunar New Year's Eve, lady for renting. 1)US Economic Wars/911. 2)Russia -Turkey&Iran. ": 1) (1) 2) Global Warming: " Global warming 'close to tipping point' ", by J.R.Pegg, Posted: 26 Jan 2005: "" Scientists said this week that the world has only about 10 years to prevent global warming rising more than 2 degrees celsius, with massive impacts on human societies and terrestial eco-systems. Their findings coincide with the beginning of an effort by British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to highlight the issue at the G8 meetings and within the European Union, over both of which Britain presides this year. This report by J.R.Pegg is from the Environment News Service. "" "10 Years To Tipping Point? (MLP)", By gumbo, Tue Jan 25th, 2005 at 02:47:39 PM EST: "" The International Climate Change Taskforce has produced a report that argues governments must take decisive action if irreversible climate change is to be avoided. The International Climate Change Taskforce is an investigative body that was jointly established by the Center for American Progress, the Australia Institute, and the Institute for Public Policy Research. Comprising academics, businessmen, and senior politicians, it was created for the purposes of investigating all aspects of climate change and formulating policy to combat it. The taskforce was chaired by the British Labour MP Stephen Byers and the US Republican Senator Olympia Snowe. Scientific oversight was provided by Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the IPCC. The group's conclusions were made available today in an IPPR press release and have been reported by the Independent and the BBC. "" 3) China-Russia, India-Iran+ > USA: (1) "CIA issues warning on China’s military efforts", By Edward Alden in Washington, Financial Times, Published: February 16 2005 19:32, Last updated: February 16 2005 19:32, "" The director of the US Central Intelligence Agency has warned that China's military modernisation is tilting the balance of power in the Taiwan Strait and increasing the threat to US forces in the region. "" (2) Russia-China > USA: "Russia and China become part of strategic alliance? Putin now looks at BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)", Sudhir Chadda, India Daily, Feb. 16, 2005: "" Russia's Security Council and the Military Commission of the Chinese Communist Party's Politburo will form a forum and will work closely to make sure both countries can create and maintain the necessary military and political infrastructure as well as coordination. According to some international think tanks, sources close to Russia's Security Council say recommending countermeasures to check the U.S. geopolitical "offensive" in Eurasia will be perhaps the forum's most important job. "" "" The third emerging alliance is BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The newly formed Russia-China alliance provides Putin the necessary critical mass to move ahead and formally create the BRICS alliance. "" "" The covert war will be in the area of trade, commerce and finance. That is where India and China stand out. Russian oil is a great factor. Russia-Venesuela-Iran forms CRICS mail oil and Gas resource. "" (3) India-Iran-China > "West": "India wants gas pipeline extended to China", By Jawed Naqvi, 15 February 2005, Tuesday, DAWN ("Pakistan's most widely circulated English language newspaper") : "" NEW DELHI, Feb 14: India said on Monday that it wants the proposed gas pipeline from Iran via Pakistan to be extended to China, a move that could lend political security and urgency to the $4.5 billion project. "We should look beyond a national gas grid. Asian natural gas industry players should come together to form an Asian gas grid," Indian Petroleum Minister Mani Shankar Aiyar said while inaugurating the third Asian gas buyers' summit here this morning. He said demand in Asian region was rising as India and China were turning major buyers of gas. "It is possible that Iranian gas would be made available to China by extending the proposed Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline to South China," he said. Mr Aiyar said the Asian gas grid would enable the countries in the region to maximize the gains, end the "wretched western dominance" and ensure energy security and economic growth in Asia. "" (4) "Iran Calls for Alliance to Combat U.S. and Israel", (" Scottish news direct from Scotland"), The Scotsman ("Scotland's National Newspapers Online"), Thu 17 Feb 2005 4:12pm (UK): "" Iran urged regional countries to create a powerful alliance today and remain vigilant in the face of “US and Israeli plots.” The call came a day after Syria and Iran declared they would form a united front in the face of any threats. "" (5) "Iran to aid Syria against threats", BBC News, Last Updated: Wednesday, 16 February, 2005, 20:42 GMT: "" Syria and Iran said they were facing "numerous challenges"Iran has vowed to back Syria against "challenges and threats" as both countries face strong US pressure. "We are ready to help Syria on all grounds to confront threats," Iranian Vice-President Mohammad Reza Aref said after meeting Syrian PM Naji al-Otari. "" 4) Iraq War for Israel? To End? (1) "Iraq was invaded 'to protect Israel' - US official", By: Emad Mekay: Asian Times on: 15.02.2005 [12:39 ]: "" WASHINGTON - Iraq under Saddam Hussein did not pose a threat to the United States, but it did to Israel, which is one reason why Washington invaded the Arab country, according to a speech made by a member of a top-level White House intelligence group. Inter Press Service uncovered the remarks by Philip Zelikow, who is now the executive director of the body set up to investigate the terrorist attacks on the US in September 2001 - the 9/11 commission - in which he suggests a prime motive for the invasion just over one year ago was to eliminate a threat to Israel, a staunch US ally in the Middle East. "" (2) Iraq War To End? "WMD - Weapons of Mass Deception: The Film that the Major Media Companies Do NOT Want You to See!", FILMMAKER: Danny Schechter - Dissector/Writer/Director/Producer: "" There were two wars going on in Iraq - one was fought with armies of soldiers, bombs and a fearsome military force. The other was fought alongside it with cameras, satellites, armies of journalists and propaganda techniques. One war was rationalized as an effort to find and disarm WMDs - Weapons of Mass Destruction; the other was carried out by even more powerful WMDs, Weapons of Mass Deception. "" 5) 911, Fake Media, Dumb Suburbias: (1) 911 "conspiracy-against-the-conspiracy": "Our Spook Speaks", by David Corn, February 17, 2005: ""David Corn has been called a CIA operative and a member of a conspiracy to cover up the truth about 9/11. The reason? He's questioned the arguments (and sanity) of those 9/11 "alternative explanation" adherents—the ones claiming the U.S. government carried out the attack. But Corn's not alone in his conspiracy-against-the-conspiracy leanings, an investigative piece in Popular Mechanics found. Here, the cartoonish and convoluted story. David Corn writes The Loyal Opposition twice a month for Corn is also the Washington editor of The Nation and is the author of The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception (Crown Publishers)."" (2) Fake Media: " The White House Stages Its 'Daily Show' ", by Frank Rich, New York Times: February 20, 2005: "" THE prayers of those hoping that real television news might take its cues from Jon Stewart were finally answered on Feb. 9, 2005. A real newsman borrowed a technique from fake news to deliver real news about fake news in prime time. "" (3) Doomed Suburbs: "The Post-Oil Megacity: A Newly Electric Green – Sustainable Energy, Resources and Design ", Posted by Alex Steffen at February 10, 2005 05:39 PM , WorldChanging, February 10, 2005: "" The kind of city we're building is a pivot point upon which prospects of a bright green future turn. As we come to the end of cheap oil and run up against evidence that carbon is changing our planet more suddenly than most would have thought, we're realizing that the pattern of suburban sprawl which for the last forty years has dominated North American cities (and influenced cities around the world) was a really dumb idea. Whatsmore, those suburbs themselves face real challenges, and may in their current incarnations be doomed. ""

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

2005[#47].2.16=3:4703.1.8[#8/60]: Getting Temporary Green Cards.

Wet cloudy cool turning comfortable partly fair: up right after 8am, soon Animal Shelter tel. passing to Jun who later had Snow Ball examined ok, breakfast and partial emails in hurry. Near 10am reaching o.h. when mom pushing trash cart out and right in car, told me that Ju couple to San Francisco this day. I suggested to have photos in San Jose but mom UPS, Hub where we had 2 photos $12.99 each person, $28.25. Reached office at 122 Charcot Ave., San Jose 95131 near Freeway 101, east side, filled simple application forms again, finger printing and photo again free. Offline applicants have to pay also $185 but to bring photos. Found Japan Town for lunch at Gombei, near $20, then mom to 3 stores getting 1 bowl, then some sushi. Back to home town here, mailed Mei's long term care premium under $700 with certified with return mail, since there is only File# without street or POBox#, which P.O. person don't know either, $4.42. To o.h., checked mails then to house, still no leaking visible, to home, soon Jun drove to fetch mom back 6:30pm as usual. Unable to manage emails getting "expired, re-longin" repeatedly, so have started this blog, now 7:20pm, Mei still cooking. Impossible to manage emails to the end today. Now 11:15pm, bed 12:55pm late again, even without emails!

2005[#46].2.15=2:4703.1.7[#7/60]: Appointment for Green Cards.

Rainy day: up 7am, around noon tel making appt. for tomorrow, lunch 1pm, washing dishes saw for the first time ever, a group of tiny sparrows over front pine tree. NHKtv showed half of Mt. Fuji's frozen soils gone and rich forest nearby also threatened. Mom looked for her photos and found only one for appln. I found long term care document but too late to post office. To house still no leaking, but backyard more water nearby, so used bloom for water to leave a bit easier, then to home but locked out, read newspaper in car, Mei & Jun home soon, full bath, emails, dinner, now 1am, all slept, turn off lights and tv for Mei as usual. Now for green card application online forms to fill out again and print them, as instructed by tel lady. But, "Application Status" states "DO NOT file the same application again." So gave up 1:11am, and bed 1:40am.

Monday, February 14, 2005

2005[#45].2.14=1:4703.1.6[#6/60]: 1)911 Warnings. 2)Iran's Defense. 3)India-Israel.

Cloudy then dark/rain cool: 9:40am P. knocked door lightly a while, then tel, so up, quick breakfast, blog modified date format then here with topics below. Now 2 sons back 5:30pm, going to o.h. at 5:45pm. Then first to house no water leaking, to o.h. 6:30 immediately fixing dinner from lots of left-overs, and mom followed, bed 12:05. 1) 911 Warnings: (1) ""2001 papers: Al-Qaeda cells in U.S."", © (, Posted on Sun, Feb. 13, 2005. 2001 papers: "Al-Qaeda cells in U.S.: Recent disclosures fuel debate about warnings' being heeded", By Scott Shane, New York Times News Service: "" WASHINGTON - A strategy document outlining proposals for eliminating the threat from al-Qaeda, given to Condoleezza Rice as she assumed the post of national security adviser in January 2001, warned that the terror network had cells in the United States and 40 other countries and sought weapons of mass destruction, according to a declassified version of the document. The 13-page proposal presented to Rice by her top counterterrorism adviser, Richard A. Clarke, listed possible actions to combat al-Qaeda, focusing on Osama bin Laden's base in Afghanistan. "" (2) "A lie told often enough becomes truth: THE PROBLEM", TvNewsLIES: "" What a proud moment in our history, as Condoleezza Rice was sworn in as the nation’s new Secretary of State! How comforting it was to know that one liar had just succeeded another into a post that demands the respect and confidence of the entire international community. It’s time to say it as it is: Rice lied to us. Powell lied to us. They lied, period. And very few people seem terribly disturbed. Their lies involved our national security and our preparedness for and possible complicity in the events of 9/11. Their lies cajoled an unsuspecting public into accepting an illegal, immoral, and bloody war. Their lies were calculated and repeated time after time without challenge without retraction. But then again, why should anyone be surprised? After all, Rice and Powell were in good company among the other denizens of the Liars’ Den, where lying on a grand scale to the American people and the world is policy. "" 2) Iranian Self-Defense: "Iran starts production of stealth torpedoes", By The Associated Press, Haaretz ["Israel?s most prestigious newspaper"]: "" TEHRAN - Iran yesterday officially launched production of a line of stealth torpedoes, the latest effort to step up its defense capabilities against possible threats, state-run television reported. "" 3) India-Israel Strategic Corperation: "India and Israel Shape a New Strategic Relationship", 2/15/2005, By Frederick Stakelbeck, Jr., posted by DakBangla @ 9:35 AM: "" + The improved state of Israel-India relations is most apparent in defense cooperation between the two countries. Israel has quickly become India’s second largest defense supplier behind Russia with $2 billion in sales over the past decade. Indeed, the exchange of military hardware and sophisticated battlefield technologies, cooperative ventures in the design and manufacture of military defense systems and the sharing of highly classified intelligence information are at the core of the Israel-India relationship. + ""

2005[#44].2.13=7:4703.1.5[#5/60]: Small Familty to Skylawn Cemetry's Dad, 4 Families' 2nd Generation, Mom+Jun at Ju's Dinner.

Cloudy moderate, a few rain: Really(?) making up sleep, up 9:40, Mei cleaned main bathroom, then drove old woman to farmer's market, 11:25 breakfast when Mei back cooking lunch so a little lunch, emails, yesterday's blog without dentistry, since Mei wanted for Skylawn's, I tel B. to Ying telling our and asking their schedule not getting answer, Lung left for his student's birthday, so I drove around 1pm following Jun returning his girl friend's car then joining us, to Skylawn's small rain on way, but thin cloud high and nice with far less wind than usual at the high ground, seeing a couple then a number of deers in ease for the first time for me, worshipped and prayed with fruits and cookies, Jun back to car reading, walking around the cemetry park reading incriptions, back to car reading English SJ Mercury newspaper, soon Mei back & Jun droved at 3:20pm back, I English and Mei Chinese papers, a small Japanese now Indian? fruit place near 880 Freeway. I drove home past 5pm, emails some again, Mei cooked her usual brown & bean rice, Lung back staying, Mei & Jun left first near 6:30, I this blog, 6:35pm, reaching Ju's house after 7pm and surprised to find ma-Ying couple not in yet, until almost 8pm? soon after Jun, I started eating cali over rice +, taking pictures again and again before most joining, since Jun is the only next generation, being asked mostly about work at Healthnet in the same dept. as Ju's first daughter, Ling's husband who had passed all 10 acturary(?) exams, and talked about dog biting story and Jun's opinion on legal matter as he hed studied Legal Studies at UC Berkeley, then orange, to 9+1=91 years re-lightening candles over birth-day cake transformed from Valentine's (2.14=2), by mom and Ying with fire back again and again. Mom and I back to tv channel 26 on Japanese drama "Emergency Room 24 hours (#1)" 10-11pm, mom half sleep and moving to big room for photo album, they kept talking over dinner table until 11:15pm Mei & Jun gone, and I soon. Home back to emails, the 2 up rather late, exceptional for Mei, far after 1am starting this blog and now 2:17am. Bed 3:20!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

2005[#43].2.12=6:4703.1.4[#4/60]: All out lunch argueing, clash o.h., then dinner....

Cloudy fine cool: maing up sleep, 8:40 up, bath, dog-bitten (really?) finally came without hospital receipt as promised, Jun had gone to his place for dog, came out and insisted for receipt, after he asked for $100 for solution. Jun's girl friend came. About 1pm to o.h., with Ying's and Ju's couples and ma to Korean Tofu restr., ma suggested to have this as her birthday celebration, planned for tomorrow as pre-cele as Ying's was still here. Ju protested and lots of talk, finally I counted publicly it repeated 9 times, walked to Yungho supmkt, then some more cooked food to o.h. for ancestor worship on grandfather's day (1.4) by ma & 3 children only. NHKtv "Daika Kaishin(1)" history drama. A Taiwanese woman came to see room, Ying's B. demanded(?) her name, etc. and more or less refused. I said not polite, then gradually B. mentioned when her daughter came last time quite a while ago, she went home cried. I explained that I told her that we should not "make" our ma short of money when she is actually very rich as some here. I forgot to state that her mother, B. made Ying extremely difficult to interact with our parents as I told her (could be the main reason for crying?) Evolved into full-scale clash, Y. joining against me last moment, Hiro tried to calm me. Left after they left at 1:45am. Home emails a bit. Bed 1:45.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

2005[#42].2.11=5:4703.1.3[#3/60]: O.h. Ying couple, joined by Ju couple later.

Cloudy cool then small rain: starting full bath interrupted without water, so left Lung behind to o.h. meeting Ying busy cleaning kitchen as usual, Betty finished breakfast? while I started & mom slept rather deep in sofa, washed off shampoo free from doctor finally, waited M. to fix toilet stoppadge suddenly yesterday (looked ok then) till 1:45 to a Muslim restraurant near "99", whose name changed from One Dragon to Yang's Mansion, delicious fish soup & steamed fish, tofu, beef noodle, 3:20 to "99", where I waited reading newspaper till 4:00, then driven to Albertson suprmkt's Bk of Am & a few fruits, back o.h., soon Ju couple came, 2 couples about annuities, mutual funds, etc., no more about stocks! 6 around table for 2 10:30 left first for home. Without laptop, Jun this main computer, waited in bedroom a while then here unble to Internet connect for a while, then deleted Bulk & checked email index, then this diary only, 1:03am. 1:35am bed, immediately.

Friday, February 11, 2005

2005[#41].2.10=4:4703.1.2[#2/60]: 1)Tools. 2)Pakistan?&! 3)Oil & China, Iran(Unknown)!.4)Nuclear Hypocracy.5)Beyond Iraq. 6)911! 911!

Fair cool then nice: making up sleep up 8:40am, extra minutes arranging newspaper clippings then quick breakfast & deliting Bulk(spam) emails, finished dishes by 1:30pm, mails then upper bookcase of side small drawal-bookcases box till 3:20pm, exceptionally electric oven cooked ready noodle food for lunch. Mom tel a girl wanting to rent room hard to understand, asked about cable and cooking. Mom also informed Ying couple coming tonight reaching aroud 10:30 instead of tomorrow alone, solving problem caused by Ju again trying to get me substituing them couple tonight. By then already dark after 6:30pm when driving to newspaper machine, nothing new to house in dark, it seemed. Home, a tel in Chinese asking about house answering $1495 then $1450 by mistake! Desiring more cut, calling back after 9pm as Jun back near 7pm alone as Mei went to ROP(Regional Occupation Program) for computer class. Jun's girl friend came. Starting to list computer tools as topics below now, 7:30pm: 7:49 a man tel, again tomorrow or Saturday. Later Mei, then Lung. Dinner cooked and served to all, J's Korean girl firend is quite welcome from Mei, completely different from before. Rushing through emails, yet answered about "swastika" up to Chiang Kai-shek worshipping in Taiwan, for [W], and more topics below. Jun out here computer again and just left. It's 1:23am!! Bed 2:00am. 1) Tools: "DBXtract v4.50", PC World Communications, Inc. [ "a subsidiary of International Data Group, the world's leading technology media, research, and event company" ]: Free, old version: "" DBXtract extracts all mail and news messages from individual DBX files. After extracting the messages one can drag them from a Windows Explorer folder into an Outlook Express mail folder. "" 2) Pakistan Army Pays Al Quaeda? & "a logistics hub for NATO might be established in Pakistan's southern port of Karachi"! (1) "Pakistan Army Pays More Than Half Million Dollars to Al Qaeda in Bizarre Deal", Special SAT Report [ South Asia Tribune, "a Division of The South Asia Tribune Publications LLC. The Company is a diversified media company with principal operations in Web Publishing, E-news and electronic information services" ], WASHINGTON DC, Feb 10, 2005 ISSN: 1684-2057 : "" PESHAWAR, February 10: Pakistan Army has publicly admitted paying Al Qaeda over half a million dollars in the most bizarre deal it has ever made with militant Waziristan fighters, battling the Army and the US forces in the rugged terrain bordering Afghanistan for months . The announcement of the payment was made in Peshawar by none other than the Corps Commander of Peshawar Corps, the man incharge of military operations in Waziristan, Lt Gen Safdar Hussain, who said Rs32 million (US$540,000) had been paid to to help four former wanted tribal militants in South Waziristan "to settle debts with al-Qaeda." General Hussain said the the payments were part of a peace deal signed on Monday with tribesmen, but the public admission that money had been paid to be transferred to Al Qaeda stunned analysts and diplomatic observers in Islamabad. But the main militant rebel, an ex-Guantanamo Bay prisoner who was released some time back, refused to accept the deal. "" (2) ""a logistics hub for NATO might be established in Pakistan's southern port of Karachi""! "US digs in deeper in Afghanistan", By Syed Saleem Shahzad, Feb. 9, 2005, Asia Times Online [ "" and, is a quality Internet-only publication that reports and examines geopolitical, political, economic and business issues. We look at these issues from an Asian perspective... ... We are served by more than 50 correspondents and contributors in 17 Asian countries, the US, and Europe. Additional content is provided by news services and renowned think tank and investment analysts and academics. ... ... we are the successor of Asia Times, the Hong Kong/ Bangkok-based daily print newspaper founded in 1995 and associated with the Manager Media Group, which had to cease publication in the summer of 1997 as a result of the Asian financial crisis. "" ] "" KARACHI - After Afghanistan and Iraq, a new phase in the United States' "war on terror" is under preparation in which the military-minded decision-makers in Washington have short-listed various possible targets, including Iran and Syria. In this scenario, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will play a role, as will Pakistan. A legacy of the Cold War is widespread anti-US sentiment in the South and Central Asian regions, including Pakistan, which has strong links to militancy. The US has already drawn Islamabad into its fold, and wants to keep a close eye on it to ensure it remains fully on side, and Washington also wants to be in a position to monitor the region closely. Well-placed sources in Brussels have told Asia Times Online that as a result, a strong NATO base will be established in the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran, and a logistics hub for NATO might be established in Pakistan's southern port of Karachi. "" 3) Oil & China, Iran(Unintelligible to USA)!! (1) Central Asian Oil to China! "Caspian oil exports heading east", By Alexander Sukhanov, Asia Times Online, Feb. 9, 2005: "" ASTANA - Construction of the Kazakhstan-China pipeline is set to start in March, ushering in an ambitious project that not only will provide a new source of hydrocarbons to the growing Chinese economy, but also will change the oil balance in the region "" "" Thus the Atasu-Alashankou pipeline can change a strategic route of the Caspian oil export, redirecting it from the west to the east. That may seem improbable, but then nobody paid much attention to the Kazakhstan-China pipeline, nor to the strengthening of the Chinese presence in the Caspian Sea in general. "" (2) Iran to Control Oil! "Iran to take control of world's oil trade in 2005", The Insider mailing list article, 19 June 2004, SOURCE: The Guardian (UK), "Iran takes on west's control of oil trading", 16 June 2004.[,3604,1239644,00.html: "" *** In 2005 Iran will launch a new oil exchange that is expected to put an end to Western domination of the international oil trade. The US and UK, currently home to the world's largest oil markets, are unlikely to allow Iran to undermine their control of the oil trade without putting up a fight. *** "" (3) Iran Unintelligible by the USA: "Stupid Intelligence", Tom.Paine.common.sense, February 10, 2005: "" Richard Perle, the dark prince of neoconservativism, is quoted in Reuters saying that U.S. intelligence on Iran is horrible: “As I understand it, virtually our entire [intelligence] network in Iran was wiped out,” he says, adding that dozens of U.S. agents in Iran were arrested in the 1990s. “I think we’re in bad shape in Iran.” "" 4) US Nuclear Hypocracy: "America’s nuclear stealth war", Paul Rogers, OpenDemocracy, 10 - 2 - 2005: "" The United States denounces Tehran’s development of nuclear weapons while quietly modernising its own arsenal. "" "" programmes are already underway to design new nuclear warheads using completely different budget lines (see William J Broad, “U.S. Redesigning Atomic Weapons”, International Herald Tribune, 8 February 2005). Around 100 specialists at the three US nuclear weapons laboratories – Lawrence Livermore in California, Los Alamos in New Mexico and Sandia in Texas – are involved in an initial $9 million project, one that is planned to develop into a full-scale programme capable of producing designs for completely new weapons within the next five-to-ten years. "" "" This is the crux of the matter – that the Bush administration seems to have found a way of circumventing Congress’s decision to cut funding for what were clearly intended to be major new nuclear weapons programmes. "" 5) Threats beyond Iraq: (1) "The Coming Clash Over Kirkuk", By SANDRA MACKEY, New York Times Op-Ed Contributor, Published: February 9, 2005: "" Atlanta — AS the Iraqis turn their focus from holding elections to writing a constitution, the make-or-break issue for their nation may be the city of Kirkuk. Situated next to Iraq's northern oil fields, Kirkuk is a setting for all the ethnic-sectarian conflicts that are the historic reality of Iraq - Muslim against Christian, Sunni against Shiite, Kurd against Arab. It is also home to the Turkmens, who are the ethnic cousins of the Turks and look to a willing Turkey as their protector. In their fierce competition for the right to claim Kirkuk, the Turkmens and the Kurds threaten to turn Iraqi internal politics into a regional conflict. "" (2) ""Stifling the Flow: The Syrian-Iraqi Border", Report Drafted By:Jonathan Feiser, PINR, Feb.11,2005: 6) 911! 911! "UPDATED! 911 In Plane Site Director's Cut: The FIRST 911 Video to Present VIDEO EVIDENCE - NOT THEORIES",

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

2005[#40].2.9=3:4703.1.1[#1/60]: Lunar New Year. 1)US CIA "Terrorists" uncontrollable. 2)US SpaceWar Games. 3)''Brave New World". 4)Zionists Off USA??

Fair but cool now: LNY Day, kept last night's all new clothes, b6:30 awake, 7:30? up, quick breakfast and emails and topics below, Lung up, now 10:37am, should be house 9:30! Checked online mom's and my green card extension application received 11/11/2004: needs 270 days! Mei's GE Capital long term care insurance: tel & not paid since 6/13/2004. 11:34am goint to house, S.& R. left note for reduced rent by fixing yards, JM couple dropped in and measured front yard, down to $1800. To o.h. reaching 1:10pm, lunch, after 3pm drove mom to "99"(Ranch Market), new card for her, documents and nap in car, past 4:30 to o.h. then to o.h. 5:10-6:00, finished documents in car, to home, microoven dinner ready when received tel, Mei&Jun was back, walked with Mei to house, handed 3 applcn forms and 1 lease-applcn to 3 youths. Continued emails & topics up to some old. Jun moved to outside before me with his laptop from my Taiwan purchase. Now 11:41pm. 1) "The Central Intelligence Agency's 'rendition' of suspected terrorists has spiralled 'out of control' according to a former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent", Tuesday February 08 2005 11:45:10 AM BDT: "" AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, Washington :The Central Intelligence Agency's 'rendition' of suspected terrorists has spiralled 'out of control' according to a former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent cited in a report by The New Yorker magazine, which examined how Central Intelligence Agency detainees are spirited to states suspected of using torture. Michael Scheuer a former CIA counterterrorism agent told the magazine 'all we've done is create a nightmare,' with regard to the top secret practice of renditions. "" 2) USA Space War Games: LAS VEGAS, Nev., February 7: "U.S. and allied forces staging space warfare games in Nevada", The Associated Press: 3) Aldous Huxley, "Brave New World", from [05#10]: (1) "BRAVE NEW WORLD ?A Defence Of Paradise-Engineering", David Pearce, BLTC Research, 1998 (last updated 2004): "" Brave New World (1932) is one of the most bewitching and insidious works of literature ever written. An exaggeration? Tragically, no. Brave New World has come to serve as the false symbol for any regime of universal happiness. For sure, Huxley was writing a satirical piece of fiction, not scientific prophecy. Hence to treat his masterpiece as ill-conceived futurology rather than a work of great literature might seem to miss the point. Yet the knee-jerk response of "It's Brave New World!" to any blueprint for chemically-driven happiness has delayed research into paradise-engineering for all sentient life. So how does Huxley turn a future where we're all notionally happy into the archetypal dystopia? If it's technically feasible, what's wrong with using biotechnology to get rid of mental pain altogether? "" (2) (3) 4) "Zionist Elite Prepares to Desert America: Part Two"??? Feb. 8, 2005: ""With 'Fortress Americas' now in tatters because of Russia's coalition with Brazil and Venezuela, Wall Street's neocons and other Zionist traitors will desperately try to avoid War Crimes Tribunals and the waiting hangman's noose, by fleeing aboard special jets to a little-known Australian island."" Copyright Joe Vialls.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

[05#39] 2.8=2=12.30=#60: Lunar New Year's Eve, lady for renting. 1)US Economic Wars/911. 2)Russia -Turkey&Iran.

Cloudy not too cool: 7am Jan-tong tel mom door closed, he thought it were 8am here, so left with New Year saluting. So up, 7:30? mom up, diary & 2 calender books examination again. Bowed & knelt 3 times, I prayed to the Heaven and all gods and ancestors, and for world peace and got shen-gao, or ok from the above. 9:15 breakfast, picked pillow covers & sleep cloth for washing and to house of no change to home. Full bath, lunch, emails, answering 1 [G] city driving, 2 [W] on "(Not Brave sole terror) New World #1000" & "#1001: Militias". Both AW & DF answered. Mom tel 4:30 to go, all 3 family members here work as usual. Swift deleted emails one by one, finished yesterday's blog, then now here, 5:39pm! Going to worship before dark! Only Ju there help cooking, mom started eating at the worshipping table, too dark for w. ancestors, done in the morning also, so simple hand bowing. Then started for dinner myself, then Ju, then Hiro arrived. A Taiwanese lady with her girl friend came, shown by Ju all around, looked nice. Mei tel asking whether going home. Talked with Hiro on the last Manchu princess, Chinese politics. A man tel for our house. 10pm left, 12:20 abandoned this at around "before dark!" and tomorrow's blog and emails, bed1:05, all bed already. 1) US Economic Wars: "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", by John Perkins (1) "" Editorial Reviews John Perkins started and stopped writing Confessions of an Economic Hit Man four times over 20 years. He says he was threatened and bribed in an effort to kill the project, but after 9/11 he finally decided to go through with this expose of his former professional life. Perkins, a former chief economist at Boston strategic-consulting firm Chas. T. Main, says he was an "economic hit man" for 10 years, helping U.S. intelligence agencies and multinationals cajole and blackmail foreign leaders into serving U.S. foreign policy and awarding lucrative contracts to American business. "Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars," Perkins writes. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is an extraordinary and gripping tale of intrigue and dark machinations. Think John Le Carré, except it's a true story. Perkins writes that his economic projections cooked the books Enron-style to convince foreign governments to accept billions of dollars of loans from the World Bank and other institutions to build dams, airports, electric grids, and other infrastructure he knew they couldn't afford. The loans were given on condition that construction and engineering contracts went to U.S. companies. Often, the money would simply be transferred from one bank account in Washington, D.C., to another one in New York or San Francisco. The deals were smoothed over with bribes for foreign officials, but it was the taxpayers in the foreign countries who had to pay back the loans. When their governments couldn't do so, as was often the case, the U.S. or its henchmen at the World Bank or International Monetary Fund would step in and essentially place the country in trusteeship, dictating everything from its spending budget to security agreements and even its United Nations votes. It was, Perkins writes, a clever way for the U.S. to expand its "empire" at the expense of Third World citizens. While at times he seems a little overly focused on conspiracies, perhaps that's not surprising considering the life he's led. --Alex Roslin Product Description: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man reveals a game that, according to John Perkins, is "as old as Empire" but has taken on new and terrifying dimensions in an era of globalization. And Perkins should know. For many years he worked for an international consulting firm where his main job was to convince LDCs (less developed countries) around the world to accept multibillion-dollar loans for infrastructure projects and to see to it that most of this money ended up at Halliburton, Bechtel, Brown and Root, and other United States engineering and construction companies. This book, which many people warned Perkins not to write, is a blistering attack on a little-known phenomenon that has had dire consequences on both the victimized countries and the U.S. "" {2} "WILL THE REAL ECONOMIC HIT MEN PLEASE STAND UP? Meditations on 9/11 Truth", by Catherine Austin Fitts: "" [Many people have asked me what I thought about the recently popularized book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and I have held my tongue because I just didn't have time to do the brilliant deconstruction of the book's "limited hangout" approach performed here by Catherine Austin Fitts. In this article the former Assistant Secretary of Housing and past managing director of Dillon Read brings us face to face with the horrors for which we all share a measure of responsibility. Those who would have us work through and affirm the current system don't want these horrors to be seen, because any recognition of them leads on to other realities that are darker still. Fitts also makes clear the point that I was making in Seattle which has been so widely misrepresented. There are no real avenues left for 911 activism in the traditional sense of the word. The election is over. All three 9/11 suits (Hilton, Mariani and the Saudi case) have been dismissed or morphed as I said they would be. Congress has shown and will show no courage. The 9/11 Commission (totally compromised) has closed its doors. The Justice Department (part of the 9/11 plot) will do nothing. The courts are compromised and the mainstream media (also part of the crime) has moved on. NY Attorney General Elliot Spitzer has yet to do anything with the 9/11 material he has received, remaining quiet in order to protect his bid for the NY state house. "" 2) Russia & Turkey, and Russia-China & Iran: (1) Turkey's Russian Connection for the EU? "Turkish-Russian Relations: Implications for Eurasia's Geopolitics", Report Drafted By:Dr. Bulent Aras, PINR: Feb. 9, 2005" "" The U.S. military deployment in different parts of Eurasia, the pro-Western change in domestic landscapes of Georgia and Ukraine, the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are, among others, the developments that have paved the way for the emergence of a new geopolitics in Eurasia. The European and U.S. expansion into former Soviet territories influences Russian policymakers to seek new alliances in Asia. Russian rapprochement with Iran, China and India are examples of this new policy. In this sense, the new developments in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks are bringing together the policies of not only Russia and other major Asian powers, but also some critical European states like France and Germany. After receiving a negotiation date for E.U. membership, Turkey is emerging as a European actor in the region. However, Turkey's new orientation was tested during the subsequent domestic transformations of Georgia and Ukraine. Turkey adopted a low profile attitude toward the Russian policies vis-à-vis Ukraine and Georgia, and sensitively displayed a constructive outlook by pointing to the relevant international norms and agreements as the way to resolve the crises. Ankara tries to avoid taking sides in any "Russia versus the West" struggles, while developing its own relations with Moscow. "" (2) Iran's Way Out with Russia? Assisted by China? 1. FROM: Middle East Newsline, ""directed by Steve Rodan, a journalist with more than 20 years experience who has worked for U.S., European, Arab and Israeli newspapers, radio and television. Rodan is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew and has won awards for investigative and enterprise reporting. He was one of the first journalists to write on Iran's missile and nuclear weapons programs, Israeli-Russian joint defense marketing, and the first to document Egyptian-North Korean missile cooperation. He has provided exclusives to such publications as Jane's Defence Weekly in London, Defense News in Washington, Military Technology in Bonn, The Jerusalem Post in Israel, The Sunday Express in London and Le Nouvelles Actuelles in Paris. He has traveled extensively and is both an expert of the region as well as a specialist on military and strategic issues"": "IRAN REPORTS DEFENSE TIES WITH RUSSIA": "" NICOSIA [MENL] -- For the first time in years, Iran has reported defense and military relations with Russia. Iran's ambassador to Russia reported defense and military cooperation between the two countries. It was the first time a senior Iranian official asserted that the two countries were engaged in defense and military projects. "Russian-Iranian cooperation is also developing in the military and technical sphere," Iranian ambassador to Moscow Gholamreza Shafei said. "" Shafei was quoted by the Russian Itar-Tass news agency as saying that Iran sought to develop cooperation with Moscow. Shafei did not cite any defense and military projects between the two countries. 2. "CHINESE ARMS EXPORTS TO IRAN", By Bates Gill, MERIA Journal, v.2 #2, May 1998: "" Dr. Bates Gill is director of the East Asian Nonproliferation Project, Monterrey Institute of International Studies. This paper is a shortened version of "Silkworms and Summitry: China's Arms Exports to Iran and U.S.-China Relations." "" "" Chinese arms exports to Iran have caused considerable concern within the international community, particularly for the United States. In conjunction with the U.S.-China summit of October 1997, China apparently took a number of steps to curtail sensitive transfers to Iran as part of a broader, more positive trend in Chinese nonproliferation policy. But numerous concerns persist that China continues to provide Iran with systems and technologies that contribute to further development of its cruise and ballistic missile capability, as well as to its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs. ""

Monday, February 07, 2005

[05#38] 2.7=1=12.29=#59: Spring Festival shopping. 1)US in Iraq. 2)Next Iran? 3)Russia-CAsia.

Wet & cloudy: Up 8am, a bit cold cough again. Ying tel, coming right after lunar year day. FoodMaxx fruits then closed side door of the house, to home lunch, emails, before 3:30pm Lung back. To o.h. soon for SF shopping. 3:51pm. Lung out to teach. 4:34pm, leaving very soon. Reaching o.h. , mom tired then tel Ju not home yet from fixing fence for hourse for rent, so drove to "99", read newspapers in car under high light drinking & potato chip not salty at all for the first time, o.h. around 7pm, dinner & tv, while mom busy preparing with what bought for tomorrow. TV & sorting documents. Bed midnight, exceptionally mom also, then she up again forgotten something, she didn't sleep well. 1) USA in Iraq: "Capitalism gone wild - Iraq", Tikkun, Jan-Feb, 2004, by Antonia Juhasz: 2) Next Target: Iran? (1) "Democrats and Iran: Look Who Supports Bush's Next War", by Joshua Frank,, January 22, 2005: "" By now you have probably heard about the Bush Administration's secret plan to attack Iran and how US Special Forces units have been operating in the country for some time. Seymour Hersh, the maverick journalist for The New Yorker, broke the story earlier this week. "" (2) "Military rumblings on Iran", The New York Times, Friday, January 28, 2005, The International Herald Tribune "" President George W. Bush began his second term with speculation rising about future military moves against Iran. Last week, Vice President Dick Cheney placed Iran first on the list of world trouble spots and darkly hinted that unless tougher measures were taken to curtail Iran's nuclear program, Israel might launch its own pre-emptive air strikes. Earlier this month, Seymour Hersh reported in The New Yorker that secret reconnaissance operations were under way inside Iran, as the Pentagon prepares target lists of nuclear sites that could be attacked from the air or by ground-based commando units. "" 3) "Moscow's Political Tactics Alienating its Near Abroad", Report Drafted By:Molly Corso, Feb. 7, 2005: "" Russia has seen its influence in the Caucasus -- and the rest of the former Soviet Union -- wane significantly since the November 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia. ""

Sunday, February 06, 2005

[05#37] 2.6=7=12.28=#58: Early to home. BookTV on 1.Pub. ed., 2.Collapse & 3.Humanitarian problems.1)IraqElection

Nice again!! Up 7:45, breakfast tv: NHK:"New Sunday Gallery: Ozaki Koorin" (no url), then C-SPAN2:Booktv, meantime Mei tel P. had tel to come 10am, then tel angrily 3-4 times not to be late, reaching home 10:05 a while then P. tel Mei walked & I droved twice to house with short talks about roof repair (He wants $500, ours $400 with iron gurantee, so ours) and my request 1Appln first, 2$2000 (still talking about $1000 first then...), 3Any extra fancy works of P.'s almost all permissible but his own responsibilities, then lunch, then Mei claimed termites in garage and desiring to throw my precious Chinese books, told to throw away massive junks in kitchen of plastic bags etc., so she did some then to Lions supmkt for coming Friday company potluck, now 3:40, finished "1." only, 4:30 "2. &3." Mei termites in bedroom, 4:30 to house to check roof repair done last Sunday! Emails again. 4:50, back with him to check her termites, then garage door (remote not closing for long), done 5:15! Children are back with a girl. We are going out for dinner. 6:07pm. Discovered BookT'Vs Schedule url: 1. Charles Murray,"Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980", "In Depth" 3-hour program: Intriguing in explaining education-social change relationship where the American policy of helping the most disadvantaged has harmed the gifted and the majority in public schools, including his school's excellent English Composition teacher: "" Editorial Reviews From Publishers WeeklyMurray, coauthor of The Bell Curve, argued that the social programs of the '60s and the '70s worsened the plight of the poor and minorities. This 10th anniversary issue includes a new introduction by the author. Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. "" Either 5 or 1 star readers' reviews. 2. Jared Diamond, "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed": "At the San Diego Natural History Museum in California. He analyzes the demise of both ancient and modern societies citing environmental damage, climate change, and rapid population growth as some of the biggest factors": 3. Lt. General Romeo Dallaire, " Shake Hands With the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda": "Former Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda ... in 1994, ... and his limited number of troops witnessed the killing of more than 800,000 Rwandans in a period of a little over three months. The author talks about the under-equipped army he had with him and about how he had originally requested 5,000 troops in order to ensure order during the elections and oversee the safe return of Tutsi refugees. Upon returning to his native Canada, Lt. Gen. Dallaire served in various posts including assistant deputy minister in the Canadian Ministry of Defence. He also spent a great deal of time battling post-traumatic stress disorder and spoke openly about these battles" "... current position as Special Adviser to the Canadian Government on War Affected Children and the Prohibition of Small Arms Distribution." 1) Iraq Election: "U.S. 'in for a shock' In early election results, Shiite cleric's alliance trouncing Washington's favorite", by Borzou Daragahi, San Francisco Chronicle, February 4th, 2005. Chronicle news services contributed to this report. Source: Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq. Posted by Iraq Occupation Watch Center: ""An international coalition of peace and justice groups, together with Iraqi counterparts, has launched a Baghdad-based International Occupation Watch Center..."" "" Baghdad -- Partial results from Sunday's election suggest that U.S.-backed Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's coalition is being roundly defeated by a list with the backing of Iraq's senior Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al- Sistani, diminishing Allawi's chances of retaining his post in the next government. Sharif Ali bin Hussein, head of the Constitutional Monarchy Party, likened the vote outcome to a "Sistani tsunami" that would shake the nation. "Americans are in for a shock," he said, adding that one day they would realize, "We've got 150,000 troops here protecting a country that's extremely friendly to Iran, and training their troops." ""

[05#36] 2.5=6=12.27=#57: Locked out of home. TV night of rock salt miso ramen, then the Americn Century of JROppenheimer.

Nice again. Up 6:50, found house for rent documents for Ying, moved tons of documents from o.h. front bedroom, then to Bk of Am signed for equity loan refinancing decreasing variable interest rates to 5.25%, to home for late lunch. Receiveing P. tel, and walking to house with Mei, no P so walked myself to gas station to pick up forgotton cell phone, 45 minustes one way, home to hounse 5 minutes or less. Back to house alone, swept back and front, walked home and found the key Mei gave me could not open front door. Back to house, picking up a 6 steps and 2 steps and ladder to home, failed to get into backyard, back to house, swept soil again. Until Mei showed up, and home. quick emails answering 2 to [W]: "Horros AFTER "Happy Days" of 1950sUSA #1000" to DF & #1001 to AW. No topics but tv program about the "horrors" below. 8:10 now, soon to o.h. Paid cash $80 to P to do Ju's work next Monday. O.h.(old home), dinner and tv:- NHK: Mongol rock salt, the best salt, and the best miso since ??? Masamune, ramen (Wasted lots of time searching): Then C-SPAN2: David Cassidy, "J. Robert Oppenheimer : And the American Century" waken my eyes to the American "horrors" started before the Vietnam War more drastically: "" Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly ... Hofstra University professor Cassidy (Uncertainty: The Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg) ... While he focuses on Oppenheimer, Cassidy does a superb job of examining how theoretical physics came of age in America during the early part of the 20th century and how many of the country's greatest scientists permitted science to be subsumed by a military-industrial complex more interested in the direct benefits of applied research than in the possible future benefits of pure research. The issue, as Cassidy presents it, is not so much why Oppenheimer and his fellow scientists built the atomic bomb. It is, rather, how they lost control of the next generation of nuclear weapons while being marginalized from critical political discussions about international arms control and how they were turned into technicians by governmental insiders interested in stifling all voices diverging from the dominant political paradigm. Oppenheimer is shown to have been a brilliant, complex and troubled individual whose personal failings helped shape the way science and government have interacted ever since. As Cassidy points out, the similarities between some aspects of current events and the way Oppenheimer's reputation was destroyed in the 1950s are chilling. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Product Description: The unexplored secret of the American Century, the last 100 years of US history, is the rise of American science, specifically physics. At the heart of that story is J. Robert Oppenheimer, leader of the Manhattan Project that built the atomic bomb. ... ; a gentle liberal humanist responsible for the creation of the first real weapon of mass destruction; a genius who founded "scientific militarism" and then let it destroy him. His life story embodies the great conflicts of American society, its genius, its weaknesses, and even its essential morality. How did an aesthete man uninterested in the acquisition of power become the leader of American science, the most powerful research community in the world? ... While it is biography of a physicist, it is also a history of the 20th century offering insights into the "scientific militarism" behind events on the world stage today. DR. DAVID CASSIDY is a Professor in the Natural Science Program at Hofstra University, and has been Chair of the Section for History and Philosophy of Science of the New York Academy of Science. Dr. Cassidy has had an outstanding career as a writer and editor in the history of physics. He has been awarded the American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award and the Pfizer Award of the History of Science Society, the latter the highest award in the field. He is also the author of "Einstein and our World "and coauthor of "Scientists at War: The Farm Hall Transcripts."--This text refers to the Digital edition. "" So, it became to bed 12:50. Updated with the above tv programs, 1:46pm 2.6=7.