
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Friday, January 19, 2007

1.19=5: IC#56 T78 K63 5/M53. :'台灣翠青' 台灣人拜台灣神. Not ROC Chiang Pino // #0 Taiwan quakes. #1 台灣人拜台灣神 #2 Taiwan democracy. #3 Taiwan > Austronesian Famiy

#19=UW#530: 07.1.19=5: 12.1=#50/60 Crisis::Taiwan#78; Chiang KMT#63: FIC#57: /// 5WC/MPR#53:------ 國歌'台灣翠青' Nat.Anthem: 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: #1 台灣人拜台灣神; #2 Taiwan democracy; #3 To Austronesians. --------------------------------------------------------------- #0: Taiwan quakes to USA & PRC: "" 力霸主角逃美 臺商大陸避罪撼臺灣, 王又曾與中共密切 涉千億金融黑洞 美幫助緝拿歸案 【大紀元1月19日訊【大紀元1月19日訊】(記者王樺台北綜合報道)掏空台灣產業造成金融黑洞高達千億以上的力霸風暴,不僅衝擊台灣的政治社會,也牽動中(大陸)、台、美三方關係。 "" ========================================================= #1. Taiwanese worship own gods: #2. Taiwan democracy vs. China: #3. Taiwan >Autronesian family: #1. '台灣人拜台灣神 不作無根之民': : "" 本土信仰為根 公義修持為本 發揚台灣魂,落實台灣精神的追求,必須由台灣神的追思禮拜出發,過去中國黨矮化台灣本土信仰,污辱台灣歷史,由228到白色恐怖之間,增加許多害台、敗台、賣台的邪惡之徒,卻能配享入祀,成為中國忠烈祠的英靈,而受害、被殺、被屈辱的台灣先烈,則被貶為台灣好兄弟,只能於普渡時節與鬼類同在。中國神之為神皆是為鄉為國犧牲的勇者,如:關公、岳飛者,台灣神為鄉為建國犧牲,於中國黨的戲弄貶抑之下,只能成為鬼眾,是人為刻意操作的二次犧牲者,其等功德不但大於眾多中國神祇的犧牲與奉獻,更是護祐台灣子孫,得享民主制度的大菩薩。 效法228精神 立定台灣信仰根源 台灣人敬仰台灣人,228的犧牲在近代更有蹟可察,是台灣邁向民主福祉的動力來源,現在要恢復我台灣人格特質與信仰落實,非得確定台灣信仰的根本不可,台灣人的修行與拜拜活動,無法著落在本土神明的敬奉,就很難有為鄉為土犧牲奮鬥的決心,無知的追求空虛無著的靈魂界,台灣人只會是一群流蕩在世界上無根之民。(楊緒東/保護台灣大聯盟主席) "" ©2006 台灣大地 228 網站. #2. Taiwan democracy vs. Chinese authoritarianism: "Alternate Civilities: Democracy and Culture in China and Taiwan", by Robert P. Weller: New Ed edition (March 23, 2001):'s Customer Reviews: ' Oustanding comparative sociology of emerging "civil society" ', May 28, 2002: Reviewer: Stephen O. Murray (San Francisco, CA USA): By comparing civil society in contemporary China to that in Taiwan before and after the lifting of martial law in 1987, in Alternate Civilities, Boston University professor Robert P. Weller shows that democracy can grow out of Chinese cultural roots and authoritarian institutions. Both the Chinese communist party leadership and the similarly geriatric authoritarianism of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew have justified their rule by some essential Chinese need for paternalist domination and claimed that human rights are a form of neocolonial and ethnocentric meddling from the West, and should not be allowed to disrupt the splendid Confucian subordination of individuals to collectivity. This view of necessary passivity -- an extreme version of cultural determinism -- is belied by the recent history of Taiwan. After half a century as a colony of Japan and half a century under brutally repressive Kuomintang martial law, democracy and civil society have blossomed in the last fifteen years. These days Taiwan is more democratic than its former tutor, the United States: there are election campaigns going on seemingly all the time in Taiwan, there is more real freedom of the press, and the candidate with the most votes in the 2000 election there became president. Weller's comparison of civil society in Taiwan and in the PRC focused on business organizations, religious groups, environmental movements, and women's networks, synthesizing a wealth of detail about "horizontal associations" (i.e., associations between equals in contrast to vertical relationships to the state apparatus or the deference to and domination by elders within families). Weller justly claims that "by comparing China with the vibrant democracy that has developed over the last decade in Taiwan, I show how civil society can grow out of Chinese cultural roots and authoritarian institutions. "He is not so rash as to argue that a vibrant civil society and democracy will necessarily blossom in China, only that the often invoked essential need for authoritarian rule has been disconfirmed. It seems to me that, like most American social scientists who look through Taiwan to see China (whether a past or future one), Weller underestimates the extent of non-Chinese influences on Taiwan, including not only 20th-century Japanese and then American ones, but that Taiwan was incorporated into production for export in the early 17th century by European footholds (on an island never completed controlled by any imperial Chinese dynasty). South Korea provides another comparison of a society for which earlier authoritarian rulers claimed a Confucian duty to repress the "disorder" of public criticism. Like Taiwan, Korea was a Japanese colony (1910-45) and a flowering of civil society and democratization occurred during the 1990s. Weller discusses material on voluntary associations from Taiwan and China interestingly, and his book is an important contribution to the comparative study of post-authoritarian sociopolitical transformation. "" #3. Taiwan's gift to Austronesian language family: 'Taiwan’s gift to the world', by Jared M. Diamond: "" Study of the giant Austronesian language family tells us a great deal about the history of Pacific peoples and boatbuilding, as well as about Aboriginal Australia. Figure 1: The geographical span of Austronesian languages. This language family encompasses alllanguages spoken on all Pacific islands from Sumatra in the west to Easter Island in the east, except forthe Papuan languages of New Guinea and a few adjacent islands. They are also spoken in Madagascarand in mainland Malaysia. From the work2discussed here, it turns out that of the ten subgroups ofAustronesian languages, nine are confined to Taiwan (red circle), and that all Austronesian languagesoutside Taiwan belong to the tenth subgroup (green), which includes Polynesian languages (darkgreen; only a few of the hundreds of Polynesian islands are shown here). (Redrawn from ref. 1.) "" "" [koe]: 【NEWS】 東京福爾摩沙婦女協會舉辦首次台灣史讀書會東京福爾摩沙婦女協會舉辦首次台灣史讀書會 東京福爾摩沙婦女協會 各位親愛的會員 好: 本會於本週四(1月18日)起,首度以研讀台灣歷史為 主題開辦的讀書會,吸引了會員及有志者共二十人參加, 前會長,即現任亞協會長夫人毛清芬女士亦應邀蒞會指導, 共勉向學.而中央社,台灣新聞,台灣週報亦派出記者採訪, 對於我們以認識台灣鄉土為起點,來促進對日文化交流,皆 給予正面的肯定與支持.現僅將中央社新聞稿傳送如下給 大家分享,尚祈大家能踴躍出席讀書會,一同來體認台灣歷 史文化之美! 末祝 時祺 東京福爾摩沙婦女協會 敬 01/18/07 13:24:08; 東京福爾摩沙婦女會舉辦首次台灣史讀書會 (中央社記者楊明珠東京十八日專電)由台灣駐日本代 表處官員夫人們所組成的東京福爾摩沙婦女協會,今天 舉辦首次台灣史讀書會,該協會會長駐日代表許世楷夫 人盧千惠期許成員們藉由讀史書瞭解自己的國家,才能 有助於外交的推動。 東京福爾摩沙婦女協會今天上午在代表處官邸舉行 第一次的台灣史讀書會。盧千惠表示,不久前日本實踐 女子大學學生曾問她,台灣的教科書是否記載有關日治 時代的歷史,她查問的結果才知道去年九月高中課程中 首度有完整獨立的台灣史教科書;後來婦女協會成員主 動提議以這本教科書為討論的基礎,成立讀書會。 人在東京訪問的亞東關係協會會長羅福全的夫人毛 清芬也應邀與會,曾於一九五七到六一年期間就讀台灣 大學歷史系的她致詞時表示,她記得就讀大學時,像楊 雲萍教授們都未能正面講述台灣史,她就常感嘆不知究 竟何時才能真正碰觸台灣史,但現在許多台灣史的研究 史料及書籍陸續出爐,值得欣慰。 毛清芬說 ,美國人類學者戴蒙(Jared Diamond) 曾發表題目為「台灣給世界的禮物(Taiwan's gift to the world)」的論文中指出,南島語系(近三億人) 是從台灣擴散出去的,東起南太平洋東端的復活島,西 至非洲東南的馬達加斯加島。 另一位婦女會成員也表示,紐西蘭的博物館就有文 件記載毛利族是從台灣分出來的。 盧千惠說,行政院昨天宣布撒奇萊雅族為原住民第 十三族,這就是還原歷史真相,沒有人願意自己的身分 、歷史被隱瞞。她說,如果去淡水八里的十三行博物館 走一趟,才會知道自己對台灣史有多麼陌生、無知。 ""


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