
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Thursday, January 11, 2007

1.11=4: IC#48 T70 K55 5/M45. NatAnthem 台灣國歌:'台灣翠青' Chiang/Pino //總統Am's 1.8-11 #4; Raymond Burghardt. 公布呆帳大戶.

#11=US#522=07.1.11=4; 11.23 #42 of 6th's [60x5+42] Rally#131? Crisis#70 Taiwan President to Am's #4:----- 南方快報=Web news for Taiwan: 起壇抓鬼,抓出惡質媒體 [原著]: Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #55: FIC#48 --------------------------------------------------- Raymond Burghardt, AIT Head 1999-2001: #: Raymond Burghardt, East-West Seminars Director: "" Email: Phone: 808-944-7615 Fax: 808-944-7600 EWC Office/Program: East-West Seminars Raymond Burghardt, recently retired U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam, joined the East-West Center in January 2005 as the Director of East-West Seminars. He is the highest-ranking diplomat to join the Center since the 1960s. In February 2006, the Board of Trustees of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) named Ambassador Burghardt Chairman of the AIT board. Burghardt holds the AIT position concurrently with his position at the East-West Center. AIT is a private corporation established in 1979 to manage U.S. relations with Taiwan in the absence of formal diplomatic ties. Ambassador Burghardt served as the Ambassador to Vietnam from 2001- September 2004. He was formerly the Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) from 1999-2001. He previously served as American Consul General in Shanghai (1997-1999), as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassies in Manila (1993-96) and Seoul (1990-93), and as Political Counselor in Beijing (1987-89). During the first six months of the Clinton Administration in 1993, Ambassador Burghardt served as Charge d’ Affaires at the U. S. Embassy in Seoul. Ambassador Burghardt's previous positions also have included an assignment on the National Security Council staff as Special Assistant to President Reagan and Senior Director of Latin American Affairs. He also served at the U.S. Embassies in Honduras and Guatemala. He was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Colombia before joining the Foreign Service. Ambassador Burghardt received a B.A. from Columbia College in 1967 and did graduate study at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs. He speaks Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. "" ##: RE: we need to watch very closely on this bill, A.K. From S.C. "" It won't pass at all. Both DPP and KMT, no politicians are really go for this bill. However, in my opinion, following up 陳由豪 event, this 王又曾 event has a greater impact to DPP then any other events in the past. DPP is in a great danger after this, there has no execuse. "" "" 公布呆帳大戶 立院12日處理銀行法、存保條例等修正案 2007/01/11 20:13 記者郭羿婕/台北報導 力霸風波持續延燒,行政院長蘇貞昌11日傍晚特別拜會立法院長王金平,力促推動銀行法等修正案,以利盡快公布銀行呆帳大戶;王金平回應蘇揆時則說,12日立法院院會已變更議程,將優先處理銀行法第48條、存保條例等修正草案。 蘇貞昌今天傍晚前往立法院拜會王金平,關切銀行法、存保條例等修正草案,他指出,中華銀擠兌事件已招致天怒人怨,應修法公布惡性呆帳大戶,讓人民檢視究竟是誰在掏空銀行。 ""


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