1.2=2: IC#39 T61 K46 5/M36.國際地位未定 Chiang/Pino // RDDs Ike/Ford ## 中國法庭? 蔣政權遺孽 外省族群 #0 Exiled "ROC"? Nation State.
#2=US#513=07.1.2=2; 11.14 #33 of 6th's [60x5+33] 1st 60: 2.4=6: 1.7==1 [ Since 06.1.29=7: 1.1=1 +6 ] Lunar New Year Day: Jan. 29, Sunday, 2006. Rally#122? Crisis#61:----- <澄社評論>當傳播媒體背離大眾: http://tinyurl.com/ydtl4w 南方快報=Web news for Taiwan: http://www.southnews.com.tw/ Chiang KMT Ma Crisis #46: http://tinyurl.com/sbsmf FIC#39 http://fic.ic.org/ openDomocracy on 2007: http://tinyurl.com/y7nsqf ------------------------------------------------------ Radiological Dispersion Devices, or RDDs: a lot of concern during the past year :& since the May 2002 arrest of Jose Padilla, the so-called al Qaeda "dirty bomber" : Not very practical for terrorism. By Stephen Zunes:------------------------ Reasons to Like Ike &:--- Reasons Not to Like Ford: ##1. '中國法庭正在公審台灣總統?'/ 陳軍: http://tinyurl.com/u8gm8 : 「台灣省台北地區」主任檢察官張熙懷被高度懷疑到對岸「祖國」,名為參訪,實為「返國述職」 (因為他自稱『祖國大陸』)的事件曝光 吾人非常懷疑這種「藍、綠、紅」光譜極端不穩定的人,怎麼有資格擔任必須絕對超然中立的國家檢察官?甚至還被派為審理起訴本國總統及第一夫人,事關國家安全,極具機密性的「國務機要費」一案的公訴主任檢察官? ●附錄 林國慶質疑:張熙懷「國家認同」有問題 http://www.southnews.com.tw 2006.12.20:------------ ##2. '海珊已經被刪,蔣政權遺孽卻仍肆虐!/ 楚狂志竻, 南方快報: http://tinyurl.com/u8gm8 蔣政權的遺孽繼續掌控著台灣的命運,尤其是那個以蔣政權接班人自居,見到蔣介石棺木就三跪九叩的「英」屬「九」龍生的,更是台灣最主要的亂源;立法院的不斷杯葛傾軋,紅衫暴民的肆虐,傲慢無理的對待台灣人的代表,都是此廝的傑作。 「英」屬「九」龍生的,多年來更是處心積慮地攏絡一些意志不堅的228遺族親屬,企圖掌握對228大屠殺的詮釋權。少數奴性重的台灣人不但接受外來政權的攏絡,更甚者,還有出賣靈魂為蔣政權遺孽作嫁的奴才。 所剩不到兩年的日子,民進黨至少可以發動其所控制的教科書編輯機構,將台灣人在228大屠殺以及其後的白色恐怖被支那人蹂躪的狀況,一五一十的列在國中、高中的歷史課本。 民間,尤其是台灣社或澄社等人力資源比較豐富的社團,應該要發揮起頭作用,把台灣人自從1945年太平洋戰爭結束後的歷史軌跡好好地刻畫在全國人民心裏。 台灣應該要比照南非的作法:曾經迫害台灣人的支那人或支那人的台灣走狗可以被赦免,但是,前提要件是他們必須先承認過去的罪行。 2006.12.31 ##3. '外省族群的恐懼無所遁形?'/ 嚴家同, 南方快報: http://tinyurl.com/y7ssos 十二月二十一日,寒風夾帶細雨,就在距離一○一大樓不到一公里處的四四南村舊址的一家小吃店,民進黨借用這家有小凱悅之稱的眷村美食餐廳召開記者會,發表《認識台灣眷村》及《眷戀我的台灣村》兩本新書。 ------ 許多人知道蔣經國開放老兵返鄉探親,卻不知道第一個提出此一構想的人,就是當年擔任省議員的游錫?。民進黨在族群政策上,一直是遙遙領先其它主要政黨,即使此次新書的編撰出版,其時程也是早在兩年多之前,和當時的《台灣日報》合作報導。然而,坐擁數百億以上黨產的中國國民黨卻在此事繳了白卷。難怪當天與會的眷村第二代,聽到是民進黨而非中國國民黨出版相關文物時,會感到驚咋不已。 中國國民黨視眷村如禁臠,是最忠實可靠的鐵票區。但它又對眷村文化的保存做了那些事?四四南村是全台灣第一個眷村,當年阿扁若市長連任準備將其當做古蹟完整保存下來,一方面還可以發展觀光。但是,眷村支持的馬英九贏了選舉,他一上台,除了原有已被保存的之外,其餘一概拆除重建。 ----- 民進黨執政雖然已經將近七年之久,但是,它一直無法在國內獲得穩定多數的支持,卻是明顯的事實,也許族群的糾結是此中一個非常重要的因素,無論是外省、客家或原住民,都遭遇同樣的覆轍,或許這正是身為最大族群的福佬人為主的民進黨的原罪,除了埋頭苦幹之外,民進黨恐怕還要花更多心思去解開這個鎖。 http://www.southnews.com.tw 2007.01.03 #0-1. "ROC" as Gov't in Exile: http://tinyurl.com/y3zf2d 'The Status of the Republic of China on Taiwan as a Government in Exile', by Roger C. S. Lin, Ph. D.: "" prescription: (1) the process of acquiring title to property by reason of uninterrupted possession of specified duration, (2) acquisition of ownership or other real rights in movables or immovables by continuous, uninterrupted, peaceable, public, and unequivocal possession for a period of time. Comments: Certain countries with a long history have obtained title to their lands based on "prescription." However, Taiwan was a territorial cession in Article 2b of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), hence there must be a clear transfer of territorial title in order to be recognized as valid. The doctrine of "prescription" cannot be invoked under such conditions. This analysis is fully confirmed when we recognize that October 25, 1945, was the beginning of the military occupation of Taiwan, and international law specifies that "military occupation does not transfer sovereignty." "" ------------------------------------------------------ #0-2. Taiwan's Status as a Nation State: http://tinyurl.com/yylh57 : 'Letter: The value of the TRA', by Charles Chang, Taipei Times; Sunday, Dec 31, 2006, Page 8: "" Gerrit van der Wees' article "Taiwan's Status as a Nation State is Beyond Dispute" (Nov. 27, page 8) was enlightening. Since the end of World War II, Taiwan has witnessed the extremes of US presidential attitudes toward it. A case in point is US President George W. Bush's shifting from extreme praise and support of Taiwan as a successful democracy to the recent harsh line on Taiwan's pursuit of a referendum on its legal status among the community of nations. Taiwan cannot survive without the basic political tools of a normal nation state. By insisting on the illusion that is the "status quo" and the establishment of direct links with China, Bush is pushing Taiwan into China's arms. At the international level and within the halls of the UN, Bush has expressly maintained that Taiwan is part of China. The only possible source of help for Taiwan which will ensure its rightful status is the US judicial system, for there resides a valuable instrument called the US Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). All US presidents should act in concert with the guidance that the TRA provides. Charles Chang Gold River, California ""
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