
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Monday, January 15, 2007

1.15=1: IC#52 T74 K59 5/M49. 台灣翠青 Not ROC Chiang/Pino//kz si MLK, Assa. Sml; InSpy; >Iran; Bush; LBJ Assa JFK? #Blacks organizing. ##BriMindContNetwk.

#15=US#526: 07.1.15=1: 11.27=#46/60 Crisis: Taiwan#74, Chiang KMT#59 FIC#52; 5WC#49. Software Inspector: YES!Online go local: ========================================== MLK: "Let Us Develop a Kind of Dangerous Unselfishness": MLK Antiwar guides: : War, a symptom of a whole network of ills that were embedded in American life : and poisoning America’s soul. : "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government.” : “We are on the side of the wealthy and the secure, while we create a hell for the poor.” : "To draw men and skills and money like some demonic destructive suction tube.” : A symptom of the deeper intertwined evils of racism, classism, capitalism, imperialism, militarism, and an obsession with technology that made things more important than people. : the institutionalized exploitation built into U.S. society -- the same exploitation that led inexorably to wars abroad. : “We as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values” MLK Assassination: ----------------------------------------- EU Warns US Bombing Escalates Somalia Violence: Pentagon Domestic Surveillance Program Exposed, etc.: Gates: Iran Is Target Of Military Build Up: Bush trees, cronism, & wars: Former CIA Man Latest To Connect LBJ To JFK Assassination? : "American Spy": : by E. Howard Hunt: agency’s Latin American operations–and its masterly manipulation of politics and the media ------------------------------------------ #: Blacks Global Organizing: '[NicoNtumba_JusticeCampaign] Afrikan Union Meetings (NYC)', D.O.; Monday, January 15, 2007 10:05:09 AM: "" The New York Town Hall Gathering January 15, 2007 The PAOC Report Marcus Garvey, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and a host of other Black legends all acknowledged that in order for Blacks worldwide to change the paradigm of disrespect and exploitation we face daily, Africans in the Diaspora and the continent had to find effective ways to re-connect and work toward the unification of the continent into a giant country. That Union of African States would have the leverage in international relations to change for the better how Africans see themselves and how Africans are seen. The African Union, the current all-African body that is establishing itself to speak for, negotiate for and work for such African unification, has invited the Diaspora to join that process as voting members with 53 continental African countries in order to move as quickly as possible toward that future. We, in the Diaspora, must organize ourselves in an unprecedented way in order to accept that invitation. The process of Diasporan organization- -from the community-based and grass roots levels to the Black intellectual and well-heeled levels--is underway. In every state in the USA, the move is on to conduct widely publicized Town Hall gatherings to educate Black folk on what this invitation means, to elect a Community Council of Elders, and to begin to nominate experienced Black activists to be elected African Union Representatives. This is very serious business folks. On January 6th, at White Rock Baptist Church in Harlem, from 2 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., New York held its Town Hall meeting. A coalition of community-based (civil society) groups, led by the Ghana Nkwanta Project organization, publicized the gathering for two months via the Internet, phone calls, newspaper columns, radio broadcasts, flyers, word-of-mouth, etc. For over five hours representatives from the Pan Afrikan Organizing Committee and WHADN (Western Hemispheric African Diasporan Network) dialogued with regular community residents and members of various Black-oriented groups such as the African National Pioneer Movement, the UNIA-ACL., N'COBRA, the Black Panther Party, the Nation of Islam, from all five boroughs, and from both upstate and central New York (and Maryland). The Kuumba Reporter was there (bringing in Harambee Radio) as was the New York Beacon. After and during a consistently lively discussion, a set of Minimum Qualifications for the Community Council of Elders was agreed upon through African consensus, then a fifteen-member CCOE was immediately elected, a set of Minimum Qualifications for New York's African Representatives was agreed upon, and 25 people from all over New York were nominated. It was agreed that on January 27th, the CCOE would meet again and finish planning out the rest of the process. Anyone who wants to nominate himself/herself or someone else from New York should get in touch with Sister Adunni at (718-448-8490) , or Brother Ali at (917-748-7130) by or before January 27th. The meeting on January 27th will establish a firm date for the community Caucus at which 2 New York AU Representatives will be elected, plus up to 6 Observers (most probably February 24, 2007). A letter will be sent out by the CCOE to each nominee to submit resume material which demonstrates compliance with the Minimum Qualifications agreed upon at the Town Hall gathering, and the CCOE will prepare an Election Ballot for the Caucus based on that submitted information. The Black community coalition that coordinated and hosted this successful gathering needs to be congratulated for a job very well done. New York is in the house. So is California. So are the Central American States. Maryland is on the way. So is Washington state and Oregon. South Carolina and Texas are moving. Brazil is on the way. Canada is on the way. Are you moving ahead on this project in your state or area of the Diaspora? Do not miss this train !! Forward Ever, Backward Never. "" ##: 'BMCN: British Mind Control Network', nwt, MAANDAG 15 JANUARI 2007; Gesteld door: ton hoogeboom; d.d.: 06/01/2007: "" About the BMCN: The BMCNThe BMCN is a voluntary organisation which has two prime objectives 1. To educate the public and conspiracy theorists about modern mind control technologies 2. To support victims of mind control by providing a free, comprehensive information resource. What Is Mind Control? The BMCN follows the assertion that 'Mind Control' encompasses all theoretical and technological applications which are used to gain minimal or complete control over an individual's brain or psychological state of mind and behaviour. This includes both overt and covert strategies. Who Are The Perpetrators? Government agents are deployed by intelligence agencies to surreptitiously find unsuspecting human subjects to serve as guinea pigs for mind control research. Via trial and error experimentation intelligence agencies hope to develop ways to control human brains, minds and behaviour utilising thought reform, medical surgery, psycho analysis, torture and interrogation techniques. Human Experimentation Mind control experimentation based on English human rights law is a crime punishable through the criminal justice system if performed without consent on unwitting civilians and military captives. This is primarily due to the fact invasive forms of mind control are likened to methodical but complex systems of torture. Through education and networking we hope to raise awareness of mind control and its continued development. *The BMCN from time to time will distribute electronic circulars regarding mind control applications. ""


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