3.2=5: 228~ Massacre:Chiang Kai-shek 大屠殺: 籲特別法庭審蔣介石; 李天福; TW Independence; TV; 郭:Mar.Massacre// Taiwan; US: 跑/228 2.0 // Noblest // Brain's circuitry.
#61=US#572: 07.3.2=5: 1.13=#32/60 Crisis::Taiwan#120; ChiangKMT#105: http://tinyurl.com/sbsmf Crisis:: Chiang KMT Ma#18: http://tinyurl.com/3afoc8 ==Why 28 days? Romans! http://tinyurl.com/22lr2z : "Romans honored the dead and performed rites of purification in February. : (The word februare means "to purify" in .. the ancient Sabine tribe.)" FIC#98: http://fic.ic.org/ /// 5WC/MPR#95 國歌'台灣翠青' National Anthem: http://tinyurl.com/2tb4t5 《1947序曲》蕭泰然: http://tinyurl.com/ytjt4m 自然民謠 日據時期創作歌謠 新台灣歌曲: http://tinyurl.com/yucdlr 228 & Jews massacre song: http://tinyurl.com/32jk3p TVvideo:三立新聞:二二八走過ㄧ甲子..: http://tinyurl.com/yocrrd 記錄片"台灣的歷史:在光復初期二二八事件": http://tinyurl.com/2dmcov 公視 "228 二二八 屠殺 大屠殺": http://tinyurl.com/2d7qae 打掉中正紀念堂圍牆?蘇揆: 像海德公園..: http://tinyurl.com/379cbu 二月二,龍抬頭 陳總統下田插秧: http://tinyurl.com/2eavb4 在明清..農曆2月2日..特別..雍正不但犁田,還帶領文武百官下跪,向農民請教耕地的技巧 ===== 'Remembering is key to the future': http://tinyurl.com/2c3sm5 : By 李天福: Mar.8,'47, 10,000 troops to Keelung, 3000 Kaohsiung, : "then began a systematic massacre, shooting people on sight.": "" According to Allan Shackleton, a UN Relief and Rehabilitation officer witnessing the events: "Truckloads of troops armed with machine guns and automatic rifles quickly sped from Keelung to Taipei. Not content to firing at people on the street, they fired indiscriminately into shops and houses. In one village between Taipei and Keelung, 20 youths were castrated, their ears were cut off and their noses slit before they were bayoneted." In Keelung, some prisoners were stripped naked, forced to kneel on the street and beaten to death with iron chains. Many were shot in the back of the head, had their ankles or palms pierced with wires and were thrown into the sea in groups of three or five. A policeman estimated that 2,000 people were disposed of in this way. In Taipei, a massive slaughter of residents took place, including some 200 high-school students who had been cornered near the zoo. Kaohsiung was unique in that a massacre of some 2,700 residents started on March 6, before the arrival of reinforcements from China. On that day, the mayor and four city councilors went to the Kaohsiung garrison headquarters to urge that troops disarm voluntarily. The garrison commander, Peng Meng-chi (彭孟緝), shot three delegation members on the spot before leading more than 300 soldiers into the city to start an indiscriminate slaughter of residents. The gunfire persisted past March 8. Peng was later commended by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) for his valor and promoted to major general in 1952. In 1957, he was made commander of the army, and later head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Academics generally agree that 28,000 Taiwanese were killed. [Editor's note: This is contestable.] What is noteworthy, however, is not only the number of deaths but also the brutality and wantonness with which the Chinese soldiers massacred people, molested women and robbed Taiwanese. On March 13, massive arrests began. The members of the Settlement Committee were the first to be arrested, many executed on the spot, followed by the systematic slaughter of Taiwan's elite in all major cities and towns, including doctors, lawyers, teachers, journalists, businessmen and members of the Provincial Council.?A whole generation of Taiwanese leaders was thus eliminated through ruthless ethnic cleansing. "" "" Taiwan is also increasingly vulnerable to internal subversion due to China's united front tactics. Ever since the pilgrimage of former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Lien Chan (連戰) and People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜) to Beijing, the pan-blue opposition has done its utmost to belittle the Democratic Progressive Party government and scuttle Taiwan's democratic institutions in an effort to regain power and facilitate the annexation of Taiwan by China. Much of Taiwan's media is known for its pro-unification bias due to its KMT roots, a tendency exacerbated by the infiltration of such media by Hong Kong and presumably Chinese capital. Pan-blue politicians and media bared their fangs when they combined forces last fall to encourage the red shirt rebellion -- an attempt to destroy the democratically elected government through extralegal means. "" ----- '[BATA] Fw: Remembering is key to the future', by Sue Lin "" The author Lee Thian-Hok is the pen name of Jay Loo. He published "China Impasse, A Formosan View" in the prestigious periodical Foreign Affairs in 1958, advocating Taiwan Independence. Two years earlier he and his friends formed the Formosans' for Free Formosa, the earliest Taiwan Independence movement in the US. He studied medicine at the Medical College of NTU. Three months later he came to the US intended to pursue the career in medicine, but after reading "Formosa Under Chinese Nationalist Rule" by Fred Riggs and the article concerning 228 by George Kerr he became more dedicated to the independence movement and decided to study Political Science in stead of Medicine against the wishes of his father. His lifetime story is a deeply moving story of an intellectual working unselfishly for the love of Taiwan. "" Sam ===== ---------------------------- '美國228家屬籲設特別法庭 審判蔣介石': http://tinyurl.com/2mwymp : 中央社 今日晚報 2007.02.27: : "" 美國二二八受難者家屬返鄉團上午到總統府拜會總統陳水扁,提出五點訴求:第一、要求法務部成立「二二八事件特別調查小組」,對事件深入調查,促成「二二八事件特別法庭」的立法,對蔣介石、陳儀、柯遠芬、彭孟緝等及幫凶進行公開審判,即使這些人已經逝世,也應該缺席審判,伸張公平、正義。 其次,教育部應將二二八事件的事實真相列入新編的高中歷史教科書,讓台灣人的未來世代,能從歷史學習教訓。 第三、要求行政院將「中正紀念堂」更改為「台灣忠烈祠」紀念二二八事件及白色恐怖的犧牲者,並將全台的所有「中正路」更名。 第四、要求國防部撤走在桃園大溪看管蔣介石屍棺的警衛兵,將屍棺交還蔣家私人處理。 第五、要求行政院撤銷四月五日蔣介石死亡之日為清明節法定假日,改回傳統農曆清明節。 返鄉團團長王文宏強調,二二八受難者家屬不是要血債血償,也不是要鞭屍,要的是事實真相與公平、正義的台灣社會。 "" ---------------------------- National Flag: 廖文毅 used blue symbol for Taiwanese flag. : shows sea, moon and sun, which means 國運日月同長. 日月潭 is a good symbol 世界台灣人大會會旗 similar to DPP flag? http://tinyurl.com/3yw32v 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立: http://tinyurl.com/yl7yh9 Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: http://tinyurl.com/ylzdbo Taiwan Independence, Answers: http://tinyurl.com/ypffsk Taiwan Independence, Wikipedia: http://tinyurl.com/e38xo 台灣人拜台灣神: http://tinyurl.com/y7oa3b : Video: http://tinyurl.com/34yuao Pagans back: Olympian Zeus Sanctuary: http://tinyurl.com/3386nt 台灣人拜台灣神,不作無根之民 : http://www.228.net.tw/ 下一步二二八平反運動該怎麼走: http://tinyurl.com/2okoyy USA:======================= 紀念228[為台灣而跑]24日啟動: http://tinyurl.com/32477h 全美41個以上社團參與 24日由費城出發 28日抵達華府白宮 國會山莊 台灣國人民忍到何時?/台灣要的是歷史公審 Taiwan History in Blood/Tears: http://tinyurl.com/2dmcg7 228 Video: http://tinyurl.com/2sfbb5 '228 2.0-追求正義、迎向未來,由你我發起': http://tinyurl.com/2fna3j : http://tinyurl.com/3yw32v "" 228滿六十週年了,繼去年成功的二二八全球共筆書寫活動後,今年二二八秀台灣網站再接再勵,要發起一個透過網路收集素材、製作228紀念影片的活動,活動的名稱為228 2.0。 "" 228 video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORuVuGK7QEk or http://tinyurl.com/yfgoln then http://tinyurl.com/33u7sy --------- 責任部落格(以筆劃排序) BlahBlah(八拉八拉的BLOG)http://blog.roodo.com/schonrosemary/ Enghui(台灣青年) - http://TOCL.hopto.org/ Freeman(方齋夜話) - http://blog.roodo.com/freemanspot/ TAI(TAI的胡言亂語) - http://www.wretch.cc/blog/taijan/ 妙子(妙子的故鄉翦影) - http://blog.roodo.com/lifeshot/ 阿茵(尋找夢想的天空) - http://blog.roodo.com/fairy220/ 酥餅 (酥餅的BLOG)- http://blog.roodo.com/subing/ 慕容理深(Passion:慕容理深のblog)http://blog.roodo.com/elysii/ --------- 'Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan', by 郭勝華blog ; Monday, February 19, 2007: http://tinyurl.com/2w9cju Formosa Calling….for 60 long years since Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan (by: 郭勝華): Appendix I: 紀念二二八事件暨三月大屠殺六十週年 並反對中華人民共和國共產政權之所謂反分裂法之聲明 Appendix II: 朱正宗宜蘭市長(1947),連震東,陳誠,蔣介石,蔣經國與國民黨 -------- Taiwan is changing to Taiwan: http://tinyurl.com/yv6r6y :'What's in a Name? Ask Taiwan', Gary J. Schmitt, John Tkacik ================================================= #0: LewRockwell.com:----------------------------- 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: http://tinyurl.com/2vv2as Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We hereby put everyone on notice: We are libertarians of the will as well as the intellect, of activity as well as theory, of real-world struggle as well as idealistic vision. We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" The state steals and kills as part of its operating procedure : by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: http://tinyurl.com/2tp7c5 --------------------------------------------------- =================================================== #: 'Reverse-engineering the brain's circuitry', KurzweilAI.net, Mar. 1, 2007: http://tinyurl.com/2r7prg "" To understand the brain, we need a wiring diagram -- a map of how billions of neurons are interconnected. Now, researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have jumped what many believe to be a major hurdle to creating that diagram: identifying all of the connections to a single neuron. "" "" The recombinant rabies virus could contain genes for any proteins of interest, Callaway says, and he adds that once scientists can identify a neural circuit, they can then deactivate it, and test for changes in brain function. "" ""
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