
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

2.20=2: 228 Massacre: ##Chiang Kai-shek's Role. Correct Names! Death penalty // #Letter to Rice // Noblest // #1 '新納粹對抗組織' // #2 INF Treaty / START1?

#51=US#562: 07.2.20=2: 1.3=#22/60 Crisis::Taiwan#110; ChiangKMT#95: Crisis:: Chiang KMT Ma#8: FIC#88: /// 5WC/MPR#84 國歌'台灣翠青' National Anthem: National Flag: 廖文毅 used blue symbol for Taiwanese flag. : shows sea, moon and sun, which means 國運日月同長. 日月潭 is a good symbol 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: 台灣人拜台灣神: : Video: Pagans back: Olympian Zeus Sanctuary: 台灣人拜台灣神,不作無根之民 : 下一步二二八平反運動該怎麼走 台灣國人民忍到何時?/台灣要的是歷史公審 Taiwan History in Blood/Tears: 228 Video: '228 2.0-追求正義、迎向未來,由你我發起': "" 228滿六十週年了,繼去年成功的二二八全球共筆書寫活動後,今年二二八秀台灣網站再接再勵,要發起一個透過網路收集素材、製作228紀念影片的活動,活動的名稱為228 2.0。 "" 228 video: or then Taiwan is changing to Taiwan: :'What's in a Name? Ask Taiwan', Gary J. Schmitt, John Tkacik Death penalty a "central international human rights" issue: ================================== #: A Letter to the US State Secretary: "" The Honorable Condoleezza Rice Secretary of State U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 February 15, 2007 Dear Madam Secretary, I make reference to the Dept. of State's "Background Note: Taiwan" located on the internet at It is quite surprising to me to see that this page fails to make any mention of the Senate-ratified San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), under which China, a non-party, was not entitled to any benefits under Article 2(b) dealing with the territory of Taiwan. Beginning with the Truman Statement of June 27, 1950, the US position on the Taiwan status question has been "undetermined." In military parlance such terminology is generally equivalent to "under military occupation." In the SFPT of April 28, 1952, Japan renounced all right, title, and claim to Taiwan, but no "receiving country" was specified. As clarified by the Truman Statement and the SFPT, the United States has never recognized the forcible incorporation of Taiwan into China. Such an interpretation must be recognized by all US government agencies under the terms of the SFPT. After all, under Article VI of the US Constitution, the Senate-ratified SFPT is part of the "supreme law of the land." Need I remind you of this?? It is my sincere hope that your staff can update this "Background Note: Taiwan" page at an early date. Thank you. Sincerely, "" ================================== ##: 'Massacre in March1947 Taiwan', Monday, February 19, 2007: 'The Massacre and The Unclassified Documents---Chiang Kai-shek's Role', by 郭勝華 ; Tuesday, February 6, 2007 : "" All documents pointed out that Chiang Kai-shek, then chairman of KMT (Chiang's political party), was kept closely informed about the situation in Taiwan from the very beginning. Chen Yi had declared Martial Law on 02/28/1947 in the city of Taipei where the chaos started. Chen Yi then accepted a Taiwanese lawyer, Chen Yi-song's (陳逸松)suggestion to allow the Taiwanese to form the "Citizen's Committee" (二二八處理委員會)to negotiate with Chen Yi to solve the social unrest. However, Chen Yi wired Chiang Kai-shek for military action. Ko Yuan-fung(柯遠芬), the military and secret police minister of Chen Yi's government even publicly announced that the government was sincerely making efforts to listen to the people's voice on 03/03/1947. The declassified documents actually showing a hand written instruction by Chiang Kai-shek to send out the 21st troop from Shang-Hai (上海) and a military police troop from Foo-chou (福州) on 03/05/1947. Meanwhile, starting 03/03/1947 in Taipei and 03/05/1947 island wide, the Taiwanese elite were asked to form island wide "Citizen's Committee" to work with the government. Those elite including mostly the well educated people, such as local and central representatives, doctors, lawyers, scholars, many democracy movement people during Japanese era, and the "Taiwanese Three Principles Young Man's Group (三民主義青年團)" under a Taiwanese leader General Lee You-Bang (李友邦)who was arrested, released and then executed in the "White Terror Era". The Massacre started in the city of Kaohsiung on 03/06/1947, on 03/09/1947 in Kee-lung and Taipei. The city of Chia-yi also suffered heavy casualty. Bloodshed massacre then went on for almost ten days, wiping out most of the elite on the list of "Citizen's Committee", many leaders of the "Taiwanese Three Principles Young man's Group" and killing numerous ordinary people and students. Some documents even pointed out that most of the "Chaos" were actually plotted and provocated by the Chen Yi government's secret undercover agents. Chinag kai-shek lost China in 1949, fled to Taiwan, declared General Martial Law that lasted more than 38 years. There were no general election of the General Assembly during that period. Taiwanese had very few representatives in the government. Many so called "Half Mountain" group Taiwanese, however,even though had been on the government's "Wanted" list during the "February 28 1947 Incident" were able to "Escape" the Chiang Kai-shek's killing spree, later, even became members of Chiang's inner circle. It was a totalitarian government for the Taiwanese during Chiang Kai-shek and his son's era. During the following 10 years after the "February 28 Incident 1947 in Taiwan", estimated more lives lost during the so called "White Terror Era in Taiwan" under Chiang kai-shek and his son's regimes. "" Posted by 'Massacre in March 1947, Taiwan' at 6:20 AM 0 comments ================================================= #0: 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We hereby put everyone on notice: We are libertarians of the will as well as the intellect, of activity as well as theory, of real-world struggle as well as idealistic vision. We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" The state steals and kills as part of its operating procedure : by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: ================================================= #1: '看破新納粹 前成員對抗組織', 編譯胡立宗/特譯 ; 自由電子報 The Liberty Times : "" 德國統一雖然已經有十七年之久,但前東德地區的經濟情況一直難以追上德西,高失業率成為極右派「新納粹」的最佳溫床。德國在二○○五年所做的統計,新納粹黨員已經達三萬九千人 "" "" 為了扼止極右派勢力繼續擴張,德國政府決定投入五百萬歐元,以各種計畫對抗極端份子。其中的一環就是贊助各種非政府組織(NGO),聘請前新納粹成員及工作人員,到各級學校對年輕學生演講,防止極端份子滲透校園。 "" ================================================== #2: 'The INF Treaty: Implications of a Russian Withdrawal', by Nathan Hughes and Peter Zeihan : Stratfor : GEOPOLITICAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT, 02.20.2007: "" Russia is poised to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) signed by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan in December 1987. The treaty prohibits development and deployment of all land-based short-, medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) with ranges of 300 to 3,400 miles, as well as all ground-launched cruise missiles. Inspections verifying the treaty were completed in 2001, although elimination was effectively concluded nearly a decade earlier. Moscow has been dropping hints that it might withdraw from the INF since at least late August. However, two looming developments make this appear to be more of a certainy than rhetoric. First, U.S. basing agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic for ballistic missile defense (BMD) installations now look quite likely to be approved. Second, the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START 1, is set to expire in 2009, and Washington has failed to respond to Moscow's numerous offers to launch negotiations on a replacement treaty. Having benefited from the decay in Russia's military strength since the end of the Cold War, the United States clearly has no interest in such a treaty. "" "" If Moscow has a means to legitimately threaten European states -- likely using intermediate-reach ballistic missiles, as during the Cold War -- it retains influence within the region and can leverage that against the United States, as Russia attempts to reassert itself as a great power. "" "" Strategic Rocket Forces and Decay "" "" Western European states are far more concerned with domestic matters -- many of them with the rising Arab Muslim demographic in the populace -- than with anything Russians might do. The United States and the Chinese are watching each other warily and taking steps to prepare for what both fear will be a new clash of titans down the road. Only the Central Europeans remain preoccupied with Moscow. Because it anticipates a strategic competition with China eventually, the United States sees limitations on its nuclear arsenal as impractical. Washington almost certainly will walk away from the START I treaty -- which places specific limits on the size and type of nuclear forces the United States and Russia are permitted to possess -- when it comes up for renegotiation in 2009. This would leave it free to force China into the same sort of crushing arms race that so damaged the Soviet Union. And that means Russia is doing the only thing it realistically can: rattling its nuclear saber. "" "" The IRBM Option Having withdrawn from the INF, Russia would be free to once again begin construction of intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) as a means of leveling the playing field. With Russia unable to challenge the United States directly, the establishment of a new Missile Army made up of IRBMs would threaten NATO in a way it has not known since the Cold War. Russia pioneered "cold launch" technology -- an advanced launch technique -- and has fielded several land-based solid-fuel IRBMs since the 1970s. Though these systems date back 20 years or more, it makes little difference to the populations of the cities within their range whether the nuclear warhead that hits them was designed in 1960 or in 2005. Most important, these IRBMs are much cheaper than the ICBMs of the Strategic Rocket Forces. Intercontinental strike capability is priced at a premium. Though a direct arms race with the United States remains out of the question, a lopsided race in which the Russians focus on IRBMs could change the game entirely. A barrage of several dozen IRBMs easily could overwhelm a small squadron of BMD interceptors based in Europe -- as well as any system that the United States conceivably might field in the next 20 years. ""


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