
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Sunday, February 11, 2007

2.11=7: 60週年228 <公視>綠的海平線 // 'Noblest Cause...l', a Libertarian // Romans in China? Stegosaurus/Allo Eur // ## Taiwanese Human/State Rights over ROC.

#42=US#553: 07.2.11=7: 12.24=#13/60 Crisis::Taiwan#101; Chiang KMT#86: FIC#79: /// 5WC/MPR#76:------ 國歌'台灣翠青' Nat.Anthem: 台灣人拜台灣神: Pagans back: Sanctuary of Olympian Zeus: --------------------------------------- '228 2.0-追求正義、迎向未來,由你我發起': "" 228滿六十週年了,繼去年成功的二二八全球共筆書寫活動後,今年二二八秀台灣網站再接再勵, 要發起一個透過網路收集素材、製作228紀念影片的活動,活動的名稱為228 2.0。 "" <公視紀錄片>綠的海平線/ 台灣少年被徵募到日本海軍工廠生產戰鬥飛機: ================================================= #0: 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We hereby put everyone on notice: We are libertarians of the will as well as the intellect, of activity as well as theory, of real-world struggle as well as idealistic vision. We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" ================================================= Romans in China? Huns, Partheons: 'China at sea' Jonathan Mirsky, TLS: : "Zheng He" Edward L. Dreyer: staggering, early Ming(1368-1644). Stegosaurus & Allosaurus Europe also: ================================================= ##: Taiwanese Human/State Rights over ROC #1000 [Tsai 07.2.11=7 #1] It's nice to meet you again today, escpecially when Taiwan's ROC regime is finally getting rid of the ghosts of Chiang and ROC! I would like to suggest a few points here: 1) Since the international legal recognition of the Universal Human Rights, in practice, the State's absolute and exclusive rights have irreversibley(?) abolished. 2) When the American peoples had revolted violently against the British Empire and have established the State of the USA, they have claimed and been accepted their claim of legal rights to establish their own State. Then, why couldn't we claim the SAME rights without bloodshed and by democratic and legal means? Or did we have to violently overthrow the ROC? 3) Since the USMG ordered the ROC regime to accept the Japanese surrender in Taiwan, and then tolerated the ROC's illegal incorporation of Taiwan as its territory, the USA has been a part of illegal ROC rule of Taiwan. I really think the Taiwanese peoples have far more inalienable rights of self-determination and of establishing our own State, especially by democratic and peaceful means, than the USA to take back Taiwan from the ROC and then grants us those rights at its pleasure? You see, it seems to me the ROC regime belongs to us, rather than the other way around, especially since we have elected and given political powers to the ROC regime. PS. I still prefer the name of our State as Taiwan Federation, because I'm firmly convinced that a true democracy is possible ONLY if it is based on strong local direct democracies. At least two units of TF would be Taiwan Federation North & South Hakka Autonomous States, or Taiwan Lienbang (in Mandarin) Pektoi & Namtoi Tzeji Kyungfogueg or Tzejibong (in Hakka). I support and strongly believe in what an American libertarian stated: 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We hereby put everyone on notice: We are libertarians of the will as well as the intellect, of activity as well as theory, of real-world struggle as well as idealistic vision. We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" ==================== [##: Between Taiwan and ROC makes big difference] ----- Original Message ---- From: Cheng-Kuang Chen To: Libertytimes ; Libertytimes Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2007 10:29:59 PM Subject: Between Taiwan and ROC makes big difference 沈潔先生曾寫一編[如何使用法律牌]的論作(我看的是英文版)頗令人敬佩! 下記論作,在台灣及中華民國之間,選用更近真相名詞時,獲得不同結論, 供請讀者分享。 藍色字是原作.紅字是筆者的選項。 不能改也不能用的國號 沈潔 原作 國安會秘書長邱義仁提醒國人,要面對台灣(中華民國)「國號」在國際間「不能改也不能用」的窘境。但更嚴肅的是如何突破困境,營造至少「不能改,但可以用」,或「不能用,但可以改」的新條件。 (台灣尚無國號) 要創造如此新條件,一方面需凝聚國家認同,另一方面要突出國際社會的不公與荒謬(台灣人和中國人分不清楚)。如果國家認同有更高共識,則國際社會的荒謬便更加鮮明,困境較易突破。(100%正確, 林志昇博士使用訴訟法律途徑,卻欠少支持者; 請看 過去台灣國家認同的爭論,焦點陷入國、共設計的「統獨」圈套,這個圈套隱藏一個錯誤前提:「台灣(中華民國)是中國的一部分」。在這個錯誤(ROC=PRC有錯嗎?)前提下,台灣才有從中國(或中華民國)獨立,或與中國「統一」的問題。 要凝聚台灣國家認同,應該以兩個問題取代這個錯誤爭論:第一、台灣是不是中國(中華民國)或「中華人民共和國」的一部分?終戰的舊金山和約只規定日本放棄台灣主權,並沒有規定台灣歸「中國(中華民國)」或「中華人民共和國」所有,就此而言,台灣人民應可有一個最低共識︰台灣在法理上與事實上,並非「中國(中華民國)」或「中華人民共和國」所有。 第二,台灣是不是一個國家?在台灣的政黨和政治人物,如果不認為台灣是一個國家,那他們還有什麼資格參選「總統、副總統」?(李登輝和陳水扁都是中華民國總統不是台灣國的什麼? 這項論點不成立。) 如能先建立台灣是主權國家,並非是中國(中華民國)一部分的共識,則國號便較具彈性。台灣有正名運動,一方面固然有感情因素,但更重要的是因中華人民共和國堅稱中華民國已經被它「繼承」,台灣的舊(現有)國號已經不能用,國際社會不承認。 中華人民共和國+(和中華民國)不論法理或事實,對台灣均無主權,但它(應指中華人民共和國及中華民國)全力封殺台灣國際地位,企圖移花接木,「繼承」台灣主權,美國主導舊金山和約,明知台灣法律地位不屬於中國(ROC & PRC),卻屈從北京勒索,排斥「中華民國(台灣)」,又不顧民主原則,威脅台灣「不能」正名,把台灣逼進Catch22的不可能之境。 台灣(和中華民國兩者)現狀就是(都不是)獨立主權國家,不承認如此事實,錯在國際社會(我們喊爽有何用? 人家一切照法律條約白紙黑字行事,我們的感情論有何用?)。台灣對外工作,應突出國際社會的錯誤、矛盾與荒謬立場,美國既認為維持現狀有利於穩定,就應承認台灣現狀國號(就是中華民國,不信去問立法院或總統府),否則台灣別無選擇,只能制憲正名,突破「雙不」封殺,以免被中國併吞。(100%正確,但是台灣國及台灣國憲法如何過立法院的關?) (作者為自由作家) .............................................................. 上述不過是釐清觀念的正確性,國人因論述之必要,常在台灣和中華民國之間跳搖擺舞。中國的依据是 [台灣是中華民國的領土,中國在1941年消滅ROC, 1971年在聯合國取代ROC,因此主張台澎是繼承的財產之一]。 中華民國不擁有台灣主權, 台灣不是中華民國的領土在歷史課本不敢明言,只說也有台灣國際地位未定論的存在,當然不可能有[釜底抽薪之功效],還是托托拉拉。相反地,承認台灣是中華民國的領土,正就是讓胡錦濤笑迷迷, 笑哈哈, 笑呵訶! 證明台灣不是中華民國的領土是易如反掌! 為什麼不做? 沈潔先生, 冒昧之處,請多包涵! 陳辰光 2007.02.01 ====================


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