
BBCWebBlog [[ Beyond Borders Communities of direct democracies ]]

Build direct democracies [ as Jeffersonian Ward Republics ], for peace with multi-layer confederations. TAIWAN Daily News: /// Quote: "" We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. ""

Friday, February 23, 2007

2.23=5: 228 Massacre郭. Chiang'負責者蔣介石'; [為台灣而跑]: 2.24-2.28 白宮// Noblest // Mind Control? Okla; #1 "Tragedy&Hope" #2 "Shock Doctrine" Iraq.// TX prison.

#54=US#565: 07.2.23=5: 1.6=#25/60 Crisis::Taiwan#113; ChiangKMT#98: Crisis:: Chiang KMT Ma#11: FIC#91: /// 5WC/MPR#88 國歌'台灣翠青' National Anthem: TAIWAN:===================== 228大屠殺六十週年萬人大合唱: :--- 手護台灣大聯盟將於2月28日下午3點半在凱達格蘭大道舉辦「萬人大合唱」 '呣通嫌台灣'; '台灣翠青' ; '福爾摩莎頌'; '台灣'; '海洋的國家'. National Flag: 廖文毅 used blue symbol for Taiwanese flag. : shows sea, moon and sun, which means 國運日月同長. 日月潭 is a good symbol 李登輝: 台灣要台灣獨立: Off "ROC", Save Taiwan: 台灣人拜台灣神: : Video: Pagans back: Olympian Zeus Sanctuary: 台灣人拜台灣神,不作無根之民 : 下一步二二八平反運動該怎麼走: JAPAN:===================== ************ ********* ********* ********* ******** 二二八大屠殺事件60周年 日台共鬥!防衛台灣!(2月25日•東京新宿示威遊行) ■日 時 2月25日(日) 14時 出陣式 14時半 示威遊行行進出發 ■集 合 大久保公園(新宿區歌舞伎町二丁目43番)       ※(職安)裡、都立大久保病院前       【交通】JR「新宿驛」東口徒步7分。歌舞伎町方面。           西武「新宿驛」徒步3分。           都營大江戶線「東新宿驛」徒步4分。 ■路線 大久保公園→職安通→明治通→甲州街道(新宿驛南口前)        →新宿中央公園(所要時間:約1小時) ■主 催 台灣防衛示威遊行東京實行委員會(以下為加盟順。2/16現在)      (日本)台灣研究論壇、維新政黨新風東京都本部、          主權回復之會、日台交流同友會、政經調查會、靖國會、          MASUKI情報部、正論之會、台灣出身戰歿者慰靈之          會、維新政黨新風崎玉縣本部、日本世論之會、日本的          領土防衛會      (台灣)台灣之聲、在日台灣同鄉會、台灣獨立建國聯盟日本本部 ■協 力 日本李登輝之友會 ■聯 絡 090-4138-6397(永山英樹)      090-8645-9489(林建良)       090-2756-8794(西村修平)           koe@formosa. (台灣之聲編集部) ************ ********* ********* ********* ********           【大阪示威遊行】 「向中國抗議!」大阪示威遊行 ■日時 2月25日(日)    抗議集會 14:00∼(受付開始 13:30)    示威遊行出發 14:40 ■集合場所(集會會場)    大阪市西區UTSUBO公園(東園)西側噴水前    四橋線��本町驛下車北東デ200m)    弁士:黃文雄氏(予定)。 ■示威遊行行程   UTSUBO公園→中國領事館→本町→御堂筋南下→難波【約4KM】       (千日前筋解散16:30) ■主催 「抗議!中國」大阪•東京示威遊行實行委員會 ■共催 新風之會、台灣研究論壇、實戰委員會、     反對北京奧運反地方議員與市民之會、     在日台灣同鄉會關西支部、台灣之聲、大阪日台交流協會、台灣問題     座談會 ■聯絡 MASUKI情報部 增木      TEL090-3710-4815       FAX06-6835-0974 『台灣之聲』http://www.emaga. com/info/ 3407.html 日文 『台灣之聲』過去文章 http://taj.taiwan. 『日本之聲』http://groups. group/nihonnokoe Big5 『日本之聲』過去文章 http://taj.taiwan. USA:======================= 紀念228[為台灣而跑]24日啟動: 全美41個以上社團參與 24日由費城出發 28日抵達華府白宮 國會山莊 台灣國人民忍到何時?/台灣要的是歷史公審 Taiwan History in Blood/Tears: 228 Video: '228 2.0-追求正義、迎向未來,由你我發起': "" 228滿六十週年了,繼去年成功的二二八全球共筆書寫活動後,今年二二八秀台灣網站再接再勵,要發起一個透過網路收集素材、製作228紀念影片的活動,活動的名稱為228 2.0。 "" 228 video: or then Taiwan is changing to Taiwan: :'What's in a Name? Ask Taiwan', Gary J. Schmitt, John Tkacik ================================================= ================================================= [BATA] Fwd: [Massacre in March1947 Taiwan] Formosa Calling….for 60 long years since.. To:TangJ... Just FYI I've also asked OCAC to help spread the article thru their e-mail network to other commissioners. If it's done, it's going to be an worldwide effort, especially the Anti-anti-cession issue. Victoria... 你的大作已登上汪笨湖網站 謝謝 Victoria... 說: Appendix added. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out free AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, millions of free high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and much more. 寄件者: "Massacre in March 1947, Taiwan" 收件者: victoria... 主題: [Massacre in March1947 Taiwan] Formosa Calling….for 60 long years since Massa... 日期: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:10:51 EST [] Taiwan was ceded (legally in perpetuity) to Japan in Chin Dynasty (清朝) in 1895 because China lost the “Sino-Japan” war (中日甲午戰爭). China had hired an American lawyer, John Forster (grandfather of John Forster Dulles 杜魯斯), a former Secretary of State. After the World War II, it’s been said by the Taiwanese that, the Japanese were luckier. Even though Japan had been thrown two atomic bombs, there was general election only six months after General McArthur (麥克阿瑟將軍) “occupied” the country. As for Taiwanese, the suffering was far much more, because they were given over to the Chiang Kai-shek’s totalitarian regime (蔣介石的專制威權統治) like chattel property without given them any chance for their voices or choices. It started with Chiang Kai-shek’s hand picked corrupt governor, Chen Yi (陳儀). “February 28, Incident (二二八事件) in 1947” erupted less than fifteen months later and tens of thousands of lives lost in the “Massacre in March (三月大屠殺) 1947”. More lives lost in the following ten years during the “White Terror Era (白色恐怖)”. One can easily be arrested, jailed, executed for voicing their opinion that was not comfortable to the dictator’s ear. The victims were generally thrown a “Red Hat (紅帽子)” by nailing them as members of the Communist Party. Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) fled China after he lost mainland China to the Communist Party (now, People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國, founded in October 1949); brought his refugee government (Republic of China 中華民國) to Taiwan in 1949; declared Martial Law (戒嚴法) that lasted for more than 38 years. During that period, there was no general election of the General Assembly (國民代表大會) because Chiang Kai-shek said that it would only happen again after he reclaimed the mainland China. Of course, Chiang Kai-shek’s dream had never happened. Taiwanese tolerated Chiang Kai-shek’s totalitarian ruling for forty long years until 1987 that people finally challenged the Martial Law by walking down the street on February 28 that year (40th anniversary of the “February 28 Incident 1947”) for a demonstration. The demonstrations were met with massive police brutality. Martial Law was lifted two years later by son of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣經國), then president of the one party Nationalist Republic of China. Taiwanese were able to have their first political party in September, 1986, the Democratic Progressive Party (民主進步黨). Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), the current president, is the first Taiwanese president from a native Taiwanese party since 1945. He was first elected by a popular general election in year 2000, and again in year 2004. The seat for China in the United Nation was replaced by People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國). The Republic of China in Taiwan (ROC in Taiwan, 中華民國) was expelled out of the United Nation (聯合國) in 1971. There was a law entitled “Taiwan Relation Act (台灣關係法)” passed by the United States Representatives (1979)concerning the Taiwan issue when the US established the diplomatic relationship with the People’s Republic of China.(PRC). The US “Acknowledged” the claims by the PRC (the Communist Party) and ROC (by Chiang’s KMT party) that Taiwan is part of China, the so called “One China Policy”. In the past twenty years, Taiwan has moved from a totalitarian system into a matured democratic political entity (not yet recognized as a country by her true name: Taiwan) that has survived many political brutalities of both ROC and PRC; having created economical miracles which has helped and stimulated PRC’s economical development up to this date. Taiwan, however, continued to suffer from both the old ROC system (中華民國的舊體制) and the current Communist PRC (中華人民共和國的共產體制) by obstruction the twenty-three million people from normalizing their beloved land, freedom and democracy from being recognized as a country. They are forbidden by calling their country by her true name, Taiwan. I strongly believed that the US had made a big mistake in 1945 by giving Taiwan to Chiang Kai-shek’s totalitarian regime, not giving then the six million people the right to decide their own future after the World War II. The Formosa is calling…, calling the US and the world to listen to the people’s voice! There shall be no second mistake! The twenty-three million people in Taiwan have a precious democratic society and enjoy the same valuable freedom like the people in the US do. They shall be allowed to call their country Taiwan, not any sort of “China”. They should be given a long overdue right to deciding their own future. They shall not be given to the Communist PRC like chattel property again! appendix: 紀念二二八事件暨三月大屠殺六十週年 並聯合反對中華人民共和國共產政權之所謂反分裂法 台灣依清朝中日甲午戰爭之馬關條約 (西元一八九五年), 永久割讓日本, 主權已不隸屬中國. 自一九四五年迄今遭蔣介石暨國民黨政權竊據. 其法定地位迄未定論. 台灣人民自蔣介石極權制度下之陳儀行政長官起, 歷經一九四七年之二二八事件, 三月大屠殺, 菁英盡失. 一九四九年起長逾三十八年之戒嚴,其間更有長達十年的白色恐怖統治,異議者恆遭冠以紅帽, 刑之,監之,殺之. 國會則有萬年老賊竊據,司法,行政, 經濟一由國民黨專攏, 甚者含蓋軍公教, 無一不包, 視人民為咀肉. 台灣人民自一九八七年之二二八事件四十週年日,衝破戒嚴禁忌,走上街頭示威,迫使蔣經國解除戒嚴法起,方有一九八六年本土組黨之民主進步黨積極參政.二十年來,台灣在經濟奇蹟上,創造了西方民主國家刮目以視的自由民主國度;擁有自己的人民,領土,軍隊;其主權非二千三百萬人民莫屬. 中華人民共和國共產政權乃成立於一九四九年國民黨與共產黨內戰之後,其政權未曾一日達於台灣,乃舉世具知之事實. 然, 中華人民共和國,舉全世界自由民主普世價值之荒謬, 竟然發佈所謂 ”反分裂法”, 意欲含蓋其統治權於台灣人民及其土地,主權; 並以武力威嚇. 當為舉世愛好自由民主人權者共伐之. 吾人值此紀念一九四七年二二八事件暨三月大屠殺六十周年之際,特此發怖共同聲明,強烈反對共產中華人民共和國之所謂”反分裂法”, 並強烈聲明台灣主權在民,其二千三百萬人民擁有自己決定前途與政治體制之權利,不受任何外國政權干涉. 並再度強調台灣乃一愛好自由民主和平的國家, 我們並忽籲全世界的民主自由國家共同重視中華人民共和國共產政權之此一野蠻行為, 並襄助台灣人民六十年來一貫無悔對自由民主和平之努力. By: 郭勝華 Posted By Massacre in March 1947, Taiwan to Massacre in March1947 Taiwan at 2/19/2007 10:16:00 AM ================================================= ================================================= #0: 'The Noblest Cause of All', by Murray N. Rothbard: Keynote Address to the Libertarian Party Convention, 1977: "" We hereby put everyone on notice: We are libertarians of the will as well as the intellect, of activity as well as theory, of real-world struggle as well as idealistic vision. We are a serious movement. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. "" The state steals and kills as part of its operating procedure : by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: --------------------------------------------------- =================================================== "Mind "Control" in USA? Electronic Harrasment? Oklahoma bombing conspirator? April 19, 1995 bombing FBI op? Deputy FBI dir. Larry Potts? New American 6yr investigation: #1: "Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time", by Carroll Quigley : "" xxxxx CLINTONS' MENTOR!, May 17, 2006 Reviewer: Kenneth Kapel "GINA FAN" (Chicago,Il, USA) The late Prof. Carroll Quigley,of Georgetown University taught former President Bill Clinton ALL he knows-or so said Clinton at the 1992 Democratic convention. I've had this book for 30 years and its contents NEVER fail to amaze me.If you want to know the truth about the Cecil RHOADS sociey, Clinton was a member, or the anglophile Council on Foreign Relations(CFR), Bill was a menber of it too, READ THIS BOOK. Prof Quigley, who died in 1978, was an insiders' insider, he also had an influence on the late Sen. Joe McCarthy. The author of this review is very much a leftists. "" #2: "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, by Naomi Klein ; September 18, 2007 : "" Editorial Reviews: Book Description: The bestselling author of No Logo exposes the rise of disaster capitalism and destroys the myth of the global “free market” In her groundbreaking reporting from Iraq, Naomi Klein exposed how the trauma of the invasion was being exploited to remake the country in the interest of foreign corporations. "" "" back to two formative experiments in the 1950s, both funded by the U.S. government. One was a covert university research project in Montreal that blanked the minds of psychiatric patients through sensory deprivation and electroshock—the basis of torture techniques from Pinochet’s Chile to Guantánamo Bay. The other was a program that turned the University of Chicago’s economics department into a factory for developing world politicians. Guided by Milton Friedman, students learned to remake their countries as laissez-faire utopias—but only after what was there had been wiped away. Tracing the imposition of these ideas in the decades since, Klein explodes the myth that the global “free market” triumphed peacefully and democratically. Instead, she argues, it has consistently relied on violence and shock, resulting in the rise of disaster capitalism. "" ==================================================== ---------------------------------------------------- US Immigration prison camps:


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