#196=US#342; 6.20=#42 Taiwan: Culture, Opera gua-hi, TLCC < NCSALT; Asian nuke race; "Understanding Iraq", "Out of Iraq"; "Blood stripes". TW Conf.
P#196: Taiwan for Freedom & Peace: Taiwanese culture garden: http://www.dang.idv.tw/ Taiwanese opera gua-hi: http://tinyurl.com/gnocq TLCC: http://tinyurl.com/kwtmu Asian nuclear arms race: http://tinyurl.com/g87sa "Understanding Iraq": http://tinyurl.com/qwkwn "Out of Iraq": http://tinyurl.com/evlzh "Blood stripes": http://tinyurl.com/qf6h5 Fair cool mild warm hot: ,,Up 8:45, BookTV: William Polk of "Understanding Iraq" on horrible Iraq reality, and David Danelo on his "Blood stripes" late night. Quick for 4th Taiwan language conference. Now 10:45! Drive to Culture Center in Sunnyvale, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco (i.e., Taiwan Consulate), apply for my authorization certificate on Shuang-chent St. 2&3 floors for rent, sale, or cooperative re-building with others. Then attend "The Year 2006 NCSALT Taiwanese Languages and Culture Conference (TLCC), which is 4th, first Mandarin phonetics (Hu Yu-hua), then Hakka teaching & materials (Juang-Chen Yueh-hsiu)), then Hoklo phonetics (Li Su-huei) with Dang Feng-ching(?)'s 2 books [http://www.dang.idv.tw ] NCSALT = Northern California School Association for Languages of Taiwan. Then Taiwanese Gua-hi by Liu Ling-hsia. Now 11:44pm, most emails left untouched, to quit. Bed 12:45.
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