#194=US#340; 6.18=#40 TW:Academics> President Chen; Germany wk > EU . Palestine EXPLOSIONS; Iran > Iraq War cost; Shelley poem found, Jack the Ripper.
P#194: Taiwan for Freedom & Peace. Academics > Chen to quit: http://tinyurl.com/rsmok Weakened Germany > EU: http://tinyurl.com/p8w9f Palestine tragedy ESCALATES: http://tinyurl.com/zjtmy :Israel Army pushed for it? http://tinyurl.com/znb6v :& Jordan: http://tinyurl.com/zpkec Iran to Iraq? lbnn? http://tinyurl.com/j5bly Iraq War cost compared: http://tinyurl.com/z6fzx Shelley poem found: http://tinyurl.com/rctwl Jack the Ripper et al: http://tinyurl.com/nsqko Fair cool mild warm: Up 4:20-:45, 7:20, news: Palestine tragedy expands. Near noon, Mei back and off, drive to banks & FoodMaxx. Back home with fruits and vegetable, and discover Mei has bought many already, lunch. Disabled some add-ons. Finally answer [C] Ro on Palestine EXPLOSIONS, then his very good analysis answer. Now 12:01am to quit, Jun to bed late. Bed 12:50am.
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