[#37>US#183]:1.9=#3 P#37:Taiwan & China Challenge. "Devil's Game". Hoax, Fury. To o.h.
P#36: Taiwan for Peace.
"..Am.’s China Challenge": http://tinyurl.com/a4efs
:by Steven Clemans: http://tinyurl.com/9cgnb
"Devil"s Game": http://tinyurl.com/7ukwe >#0
Neocons, Straussian: http://tinyurl.com/bfj8z
Iraq War "Hoax": http://tinyurl.com/aqjb5
Islamic "Fury": http://tinyurl.com/eyybc
Cloudy fair cool: Up 8:30, Mei back thrice, tel to go, to BkofAm A. tel again for mortgage statements etc. to 3 papers, then to o.h.: an estimator reporting small-prints, then an insurance man esplaining probably no coverage for long-term slow leaking damage under floor. Then Jin tel more for more estimators, lunch, mails, sleep. To Walgreens, 2 boxes of 300 safety coated tablets 81 mg, delayed release aspirin, $9.99 + .87 tax. To home, soon supper & emails/blog. Mei cannot find her friend's finger ring! Jun to bed early, then I quit, bed 1:40.
#0: "Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam", by Robert Dreyfuss; Metropolitan Books (November 3, 2005): http://tinyurl.com/7ukwe
"" From Publishers Weekly: Starred Review. ""
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