2005.9.4=7[#247]:8.1=#(60x3+28)[US#28] Busy email commn., clean kitchen & liv rm counter, tv up. #1"Formosa Betrayed" #2.China>Taiwan.#3.Katrina.
VOICE OF TAIWAN: http://votw.aafc-ca.org/ FOR KATRINA: http://www.tzuchi.org/global/ http://tinyurl.com/axvju KATRINA: http://mgno.com/ http://blogs.chron.com/domeblog/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ourrealnewsplace/ Fair cool to mild: Up 6:45, Mei cooks vege harvested yesterday, finish Internet early, answering old [C]R and new [G] twice, but still busy! Now 11:56am Mei cooking, 12:07pm lunch. Answer [C]R 3 times, under "It's a different times now. #100000000003: Swiss-Japanese Prayer", then "It's a different times now. #100000000003-1: Swiss-Japanese-German Prayer", then "...a different times... #100000000003-1: Swiss-Japanese-German Prayer+sf+hunger", no more response. To [G] 2 times, still w/o being put on public? Under "Extremism! #1000 [NO Disaster summary]: "" [Tsai 05.9.4=7 #1] I think we are observing all kinds of extremism, natural and human-made. Before I share my blog on Katrina, would someone enlightens me on "IOW Police"? It seems to me to be a very good instrument for all of us? "" And, under "Freedom Dreams #1000 [The Myth of the Welfare State]": "" [Tsai 05.9.4=7 #2] This is the best and consice argument for the survival of the institution of the state, so far I have seen. So is the backgrund of the author of Harry Potter! The native Americans have their own sovegnity, territories, and treaties with the US governement also, and are rising agian by casinoes. They have very good political framework to built on, if they desired, they could aim for direct, and even ancient Greek-style leaders-by-chance just like casinoes, democracy. I'm dreaming for being a Cascadian citizen, fully armed like a Swiss, in a loose and global federations of non-state, or tribes? I pray for a delivery out of war hysteria. "" This is my response to one from Canada: "" Although the article had many interesting points, I find the myth of the welfare state a strange thing. Canada provides a comprehensive social safety net which is, in all its tattered glory, a welfare state. Canada's social safety net does not result in the same depth of despair that I see in the US. When people in the US speak disparagingly of "the welfare state" what I see is more a state of disenfranchisement. The native population in Canada is approximately proportional to the African American population in the US (both are approximately 16 percent of the population willing to identify themselves in a census). At least in Canada, the native population has had treaties to fall back on as they develop a political sense and savvy. The African American population has no such set of treaties, agreements, and land history, to grasp and grapple with. Where the African Americans, freed 150 years ago from slavery have no lands to reclaim, treaties to grant them compensation, or known history/culture to fall back on for healing; the natives in Canada are working, slowly, from destitution and despair to hope and strength. I don't think you can say that what has happened is the result of a welfare state; a welfare state provides care for the weakest amongst us when they struggle. As a product of the welfare state of Canada, ably assisted by various programmes that allowed me to conquer many personal demons and social shortcomings, I cannot stand mute to have the state of disenfranchisement called out, incorrectly, as the brother of the social safety net that saved my life, and produced a valued member of Canada's society. Oh, and a tax paying citizen who contributes to the continuation of the _Welfare State_ in both Canada and the US (as I am currently a US resident, paying US taxes). "" One response to Cheng-kuang Chen's post, under "Re: Yes, there is a book regarding 228 Taiwan Massacre available": "" [Tsai 05.9.4=7 #1] Thank you very much for mentioning this. But, why have you skipped the first review in amazon.com's page? From my blog: "", then, "#1" below's first review. Clean bookstore counter case w piles above kitchen counter, left over from fumigation, feel much better. DishNetwork young man comes and puts back 2 dishes, tv is back! But, just now when Mei almost throws a little pile of World Journal from me, very angry. Fortunately, pick up "Are You A Pack Rat?", by Dianne Hales, from today's Parade mag of the SJ Mercury News, for Lung to notice, who has not come home yet. Now 11:53pm finishing. Jun out to my computer. Bed 1:05. "Formosa Betrayed": Complete text: http://www.romanization.com/books/formosabetrayed/index.html or http://tinyurl.com/bbw4w #1. "Formosa Betrayed (China in Twentieth Century)" (Hardcover), by George Kerr, 5 stars (8 customer reviews): http://tinyurl.com/ceh69 "" Taiwan Status: Secrets of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, August 25, 2002 Reviewer: Jeffrey Geer (Henderson, NV United States) - See all my reviews This book is not just a masterpiece on the tragic incident of 2-28-1947, it is the US military blueprint of the undefined status of Taiwan under a peace treaty in 1951. Few readers may realize that Lt. George Kerr was a US Naval Civil Affairs Officer during the World War and how he has singlehandedly established the credible evidence of the Nationalist Chinese illegal seizure of Taiwan territory before the Japanese had even surrendered the island in 1951. George Kerr was a US Naval specialist on the Laws of Occupation while the Formosans were still legally under Japanese rule. In addition to this piece of authoritative legal history, he edited over 1300 pages of a US Navy Civil Affairs report for the proposed Taiwan invasion which General MacArthur stopped in favor of retaking the Philippines. In the end, these unused US military volumes of area studies and economic knowledge was used by the Nationalists to effectively dismantle the vast Japanese industrial base in just a few years prior to 1949. It seems that the Japanese had actually developed the Taiwan island economy far beyond anything comparable on the China mainland in 1945. This puts into dispute regarding the Chinese claims to have been the success secret of the Taiwanese economy. They destroyed it, shipped it to China, and then had to start over from stratch in 1949. It seems that Kerr's Formosa Betrayed offers more insights for those island natives seeking to reclaim their stolen property as "Japanese nationals" prior to 1952. However, they must dig deeply into the US Army Field Manuals for Civil Affairs (eg. FM 27-10, FM 41-10, etc), and Formosa Betrayed will clearly explain the historical context of the belligerent occupational authority period of 1945-52 for this very purpose. Under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Allied Powers were the legal occupiers and the thieving Nationalists were still officially subject to the supreme authority of General MacArthut. It was the US Military Government whom was legally occupying Japan and her territorial dependencies like Formosa. Taiwan will never be the same once interested readers grasp the historical significance of their unalienable legal rights under the Laws of Occupation (SFPT). And Formosa Betrayed is unquestionably the foremost legal and historical authority for supporting these claims made under necessary civil affairs expertise embedded deeply into the book. Unlock the secrets of the Taiwan Relations Act with Formosa Betrayed, if you dare. "" "" Reviewer: nec7@erols.com (New York City) - See all my reviews Along with oral history from family and friends involved in the incident, this book is one of the two best sources which clarified to me that Taiwan is Taiwan, and China is China. An excellent account of the 228 Incident, one of many "forgotten Holocausts", with extensive research and clear writing that shows the source of today's confusion over Taiwan's international status. Also a very good source for showing how much damage a foreign government that does not care for its people can do; a classic story of corruption and cover-up. "" "" The best book I have read, March 3, 1999 Reviewer: A reader I think Kerr does an excellent job in revealing the untold truth about Taiwan. It is important for Americans to realize what reality is, and not just was is printed in books. His description of 2-28 tells the Taiwanese tale of opression and of a massacre that ripped away the Taiwanese culture. Many Americans do not realize the difference between Taiwanese and Chinese and Kerr's book is an excellent protrayal of what really happened. "" #2. "(9/3)中国主席、抗日戦で国民党の功績評価・台湾独立派けん制", NIKKEI NET, Nihon Keizai Shimbun: "" 【北京=桃井裕理】胡錦濤国家主席は3日の演説で、中国国民党軍が抗日戦争の「主体」であったことを認めた。共産党を抗日戦争の主力とする過去の歴史観を改めた形だ。“第3次国共合作”を内外に印象付け、台湾独立派をけん制したい思惑が見え隠れする。 "" http://www.nikkei.co.jp/china/news/20050903c2m0301r03.html or http://tinyurl.com/8ddh7 #3. Katrina: http://tinyurl.com/9bewo 0.1. "Astonishing Exclusive From Mississippi [hundreds if not thousands dead]: Paramedic Rescue Operation", | 8-31-05 | by My Favorite Headache, Posted on 08/30/2005 10:10:45 PM PDT by My Favorite Headache: http://tinyurl.com/ctyoo 0.2. "Comment: Katrina comes home to roost", Sidney Blumenthal, Friday September 2, 2005, The Guardian: "" President Bush is to blame for the scale of the disaster as a result of his administration's policies and actions "": http://tinyurl.com/ay87w 1. BBCNews report: "At-a-glance: Centres of devastation", Last Updated: Sunday, 4 September 2005, 16:30 GMT 17:30 UK: "" Days after Hurricane Katrina struck the southern US coast, many towns and cities remain in ruins. "": http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4197346.stm 2. New California Media: " 'This is criminal': Malik Rahim reports from New Orleans ", San Francisco Bayview, News Report, Malik Rahim, Sep 03, 2005: NCM Online is sponsored by Pacific News Service in collaboration with the Chinese American Voter Education Committee. copyright © Pacific News Service: http://tinyurl.com/dt79x 3. "Bush sends marines as flood fury grows", Julian Borger and Jamie Doward in Baton Rouge; Sunday September 4, 2005; The Observer: · 20,000 still trapped in burning city · We let citizens down, admits President: http://tinyurl.com/crbau 4. "A Katrina Solution", by Michael C. Marino, myTown.ca, 3 September 2005: http://www.mytown.ca/marino/ 5. "US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change Climate Change and its Consequences on the Gulf Coast Region of the US", Gulf Coast Regional Workshop Report: http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp/nacc/gulfcoastworkshop.htm "" Introduction This document summarizes the results of the first phase of a major assessment project conducted by the Gulf Coast Regional Climate Change Assessment Steering Committee, led by Southern University and A&M College, and sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This project was conducted in collaboration with the United States Global Change Research Program, the National Wetland Research Center, The Science and Engineering Alliance, USDA Forest Service, Louisiana State University, Tulane University and Florida State University. The findings are the result of the Gulf Coast Regional Climate Change Workshop held February 25-27, 1998, which was attended by more than 140 scientists, policy makers, and industrial and non-industrial stakeholders. "" 6. Iranian help? http://qwstnevrythg.blog-city.com/-
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