2005.6.7=2[#158]:4703.5.1[+#59]:T#21 Check nearby apt w 2 sis, then a very good Ming-shen area1st floor apt with Hsueh, Land Bank first-part record.
Fair mild even a bit cool: Up 4:55, very quietly face then bed, but mom up complains about lack of sleep then to bed, tel Hsin-yi realtor Mr. Chang, then take a look at a vacant apartment nearby followed by 2 sis, one from hotel across Lane 23, not good. Chiu comes 12:40 with the first part of Land Bank balances copy still lacking to later ones for some years, and First Bank ones just before them, complains again as always when she supplies any info or documents related to her work for us in Taiwan, and argue between her and Dju from hotel. Leading to mom tired and changes her mind not to go out to look for houses. Later, go with Hsueh to Ming-shen E Rd Hsin-yi, walk leisurely to a much quieter almost suburb-like street level apartment. After one hour 2 of us walk to a big computer store nearby, where she finally buys a electronic dictionary. Back to our market for some food for home dinner. Hiro/Dju just had dinner, have some more then go earlier to hotel for pub tv "228" one-hour program. Very sad. 2 women to bed first, bath, bed 11:50.
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